mafaldaknows · 2 years
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Twitter: Stopworkplacebullies
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newhologram · 2 years
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A post by Stopworkplacebullies that reads: Signs of a High Soul Vibration: 1. Animals feel safe in your presence. 2. People stare at you in public. 3. Random strangers love to come to you and tell you their stories. 4. You can feel energy shift when you enter a room. 5. You irritate toxic people just by being you. *sigh* Okay, sorry to be That Guy, but this is the kind of stuff I call out in the "High Vibe" community because it lends itself to toxic positivity, toxic spirituality, spiritual ableism, and creates blind spots. I generally do not agree with what people say is "High Vibe" and feel like it can cause issues in perception and further blinds us to seeing problems within our circles or ourselves. Let's break it down. (Disclaimer: I'm a spiritual person, whatever that even means anymore. My spiritual practice is a really important part of my daily routine and how I process trauma and life in general. It's a creative mode of knowing that helps me make sense of the overwhelming and traumatic world we live in and to cultivate hope. So I'm coming from a place of being in these communities for a long time and seeing these problems first hand.) 1. "Animals feel safe in your presence." This isn't a sign of being "High Vibe". My bullies and emotionally unhealthy family members are generally good with animals. Most of them know how to respect animals' boundaries and some even do animal rescue! They have BIG hearts for animals. But they still abused me and traumatized me. They'll take care of a sick animal but if I'm having a chronic illness flareup, I get emotionally abused, gaslit, and neglected. So we can't measure "vibration" or "being a good person" this way at all. 2. "People stare at you in public." People stare at me because I'm unusual. I move weird, dress weird, interact weird. This doesn't make me "High Vibe." Also sometimes people just stare, it's different across cultures. I don't know what it means nor do I care. "People stare at me bc I'm high vibe" also just sounds, Idk? Eew? 3. "Random strangers love to come to you and tell you their stories." Having worked retail for many years, I can tell you this has nothing to do with high vibe because again, even my abusers have this effect on people. I don't know why customers treated me ringing them up like therapy sessions. Maybe they were just lonely or hurting and I felt safe to them. I don't think this makes me "High Vibe." And yeah, I'm gonna keep putting that in quotations. 4. "You can feel energy shift when you enter a room." I am very sensitive to energy and can often "feel" someone else's anxiety like sandpaper against my skin. But I'm also a neurodivergent trauma survivor whose nervous system was wired to read people for signs of danger. The "energy shift" that I feel is usually my CPTSD responding to microexpressions/posture/etc. 5. "You irritate toxic people just by being you." I mean, yeah, I irritate my bullies just by being me because they're incredibly insecure and self-centered people. But I also irritate NONtoxic, cool people, probably just because I'm ND and don't always read social cues. I also get irritated by awesome people who I actually like because I have a lot of random triggers, but I work hard to keep it internal to work out on my own because it's my problem, not theirs. This doesn't necessarily make me toxic, nor does it always make everyone who gets irritated by me toxic. It's fine if "High Vibe" stuff resonates with you, but just be sure it doesn't cut you off from compassion or from doing self-investigation.
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rosejacksonwright · 7 months
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'Stop Work Place Bullying' - By RoseJW
#StopWorkPlaceBullying #Intimidation #Discrimination #Manifest #Create #Recovery #Healer #Power #Independent #Universe #Genuine #RealBeauty #NaturalBeauty #Soul #Color #Decorative #Pattern #Conceptual #Abstract #Pen #AbstractFigurative
#Art #Drawing #FineArt #Rose #RJW #RosannaJacksonWright
- For Tibby
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years
With Pure Heart - All is Possible
When you do what is right, with pure heart, with peace, it is not easy, nor is it comfortable - but it is necessary to break conformity of devaluing humanity and degrading life - at every level - the air, oceans, trees, earth, children, elders; all life is sacred, all voices are equal -
How to MAKE CHANGE - Pure heart and all will be smooth transitions
Never meet anger with anger; anger begets anger, hate begets hate - accept it all as a wounding not being healed and loving compassion and pure heart is the only way for true longevity and change;
From / twitter - Stopworkplacebullies
What type of employees are commonly targeted at work?
1) Outspoken 2) High Ethical Standards 3) Independent
4) Free-thinkers
5) Competent
6) Unable to manipulate
7) Whistle blowers
8) Gender
9) Empaths
10) Confidence with integrity.
Be of good will - it is your life, it is your reality - go within and love, heal, forgive, love, we offer tools for healing and understanding soul timelines, healing, transforming, transmuting,
Blessings and light,
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mental-space-x · 2 years
Had a meeting with my employers about the workplace bullying I experienced. It was traumatic having to go through all my abuse again but I didn't miss, told them everything. Lets see what happens!
#stopworkplacebullying #iwontbesilent #justice #staystrong #domesticabuse #trauma
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n1kk11-blog · 5 years
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#itsnotworking #stopworkplacebullying #nomoresigns #community #crisismanagement @runawaytrain25 @missingkids #stopsexualabuse https://www.instagram.com/p/B9aEsKmhvm4/?igshid=bpqg4l8xlo25
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harbingerhorizon · 5 years
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This year, I was selected by one of California’s top leading #insurance authorities to present at this years Public Works #Academy hosted at the Hyatt Regency in Westlake Village. . I will be joining Public Works officials from across #California to discuss #harassment and #bullying in Public Works. In this presentation, we will look at the impact of bullying in #organizations and #remedies to confront and stop such behavior in organizations. . What a perfect time to recognize that the #success or failure to address #acceptable #standards of how we treat one another in the #workplace is a shared responsibility. - #stopworkplacebullying #workplacewellness #publicworks https://www.instagram.com/p/ByuNB5tl5yE/?igshid=1iw48ortp9582
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hellokikki-blog · 6 years
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Workplace bullying is increasing and most companies do not have a policy in place to address. Does your company inform and train their teams about workplace bullying? Paramount Training and Development is known to provide training sessions that can help with this issue.
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mafaldaknows · 2 years
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Twitter: stopworkplacebu
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Holiday Shopping 🛍️ Safety Tips for Women
1. Leaving your house to go to shopping centers. Take only what you need, credit card and drivers license and phone...put in zipper pocket in jacket(something that you won't take off while in store) or pants 👖 it must be where it's hard for a criminal to get to and less for you to carry. (Keep your hands free as possible..)
2. Be mindful where you park, try to park by well lit up areas with cameras. If you are by yourself, park your passenger side of vehicle by the shopping cart corral. (If possible) If you are with others this helps your safety improve greatly. Now, look around you before getting out of your vehicle 🚑. If it looks clear get out and walk confidently towards the store. Keep your head up and be aware of what and who is around you. Be mindful of where your phone is and have it on 911 ready..
3. Get your shopping 🛒 cart if you must carry a purse fasten it to the safety child's seat. Put your keys to your vehicle in your clothes with zipper and zip shut. Keep in opposite pocket of your credit card and drivers license. If your shopping list is on your phone pull it out and start shopping. (Be aware of whose around you) Some criminals actually look like they are shopping too but they are not. Criminals are waiting for you to get distracted and lay either your phone down or billfold so they can take either of one or both. (This is why I suggested you carry only what you can keep control of.) Again, keep in mind that there are criminals in the stores just waiting for a opportunity to steal your things and they look like honest customers, but they are not. When you are done shopping go to checkout. Be aware of who is around you and behind you. Are they individuals or a group of people who seem to be not shopping or buying very little. Did this group seem to follow you in the store? Make the assessments you need to and proceed to leave the store. If you are not comfortable leaving the store with this group, then simply move to the side and let them pass by you. You can act like you are on your phone till they leave. Reset your phone to 911 ready (GPS ON)and head outside. Take a quick scan of the parking lot. Are there any individuals around your vehicle? If so, ask a clerk to escort you out to your vehicle. If no one is available, then wait for others to come out of store and then go outside. If you still feel unsure call police non emergency and stay on the line with them until you are safely inside your vehicle. Lock all doors immediately after getting in your vehicle.
4. As you are driving to your next location if you see someone asking for money at the stoplight, don't roll your window down as long as traffic is heavy on your route you are safer. While you may go through several stop lights it's a good idea to be on your phone(or pretend to be) while stopped. Remember, to put phone down while driving unless you are using your phone as a video recorder while driving (always a good idea.. buy a phone holder and snap into place on your front windshield.)
5. On your way home, keep watching for someone following you. If you believe someone is following you, because you have made multiple street turns and they are still behind you,(call police) drive to a well lit up public place with lots of people or you can drive to your local police department. You may also request that a police officer escort you to your house or maybe a trusted family member. Arriving home the police will stay there until you are safely inside.(it's always a good idea to carry some form of personal protection) These are just suggestions that may keep you safer... Please always be AWARE of your surroundings, your not being paranoid. This article is not meant to scare you so live your life, just be AWARE.
Hope this helps! Stay Safe!
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rosejacksonwright · 7 years
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#stopworkplacebullying #stopbullying #stopverbalviolence #stopphysicalassault #stopvictimblaming
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hunterword · 9 years
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