#storm damage Vancouver
servprovancouver · 4 months
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Work with SERVPRO of North Vancouver to receive timely and competent water damage restoration assistance. Rapid reaction times and efficient restoration services for both commercial and residential premises are our team's areas of expertise in North Vancouver. Rely on our skilled specialists to minimize damage, remove water, and return your property to its original state, regardless of the aftermath caused by a burst pipe, floods, or any other water-related calamity. Peace of mind in the face of water damage issues is provided by SERVPRO's dedication to excellence, which guarantees a smooth and effective restoration process.
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featherandferns · 3 months
daylight - five
jj maybank x fem!reader | part 5 of the daylight series | read part 4 here
content warnings: sexual content (f receiving); alcohol
word count: 3k.
blurb: after avoiding JJ for a week, the two of you end up trapped together in the Chateau during a storm.
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Whilst Mimsy’s advice was golden, you promptly ignored it. Avoided JJ like the plague. Bailed on nearly every Pogue meeting: met with the group one-on-one instead. He’d texted you a few times, checking if you were okay, asking if you were sick, offering to come around, apologising for the other night. You rarely replied, and if you did they were simple answers that left no room for further questions. I’m fine. Not sick, don’t worry. Just been busy. It's all good, I forgot all about it! 
But you hadn’t. 
That one fleeting touch of JJ’s hand on your chest had replayed in your mind like you were some budding virgin who had never been touched by another human before in your life. It was truly pathetic. The porn that got your body burning was the thing that a nun would gloss over without pause. You loathe yourself. 
It’s stupid, really. You’d decided that maybe Mimsy was right. Maybe it was time to stop punishing yourself for Tyler, for the damage he inflicted. Maybe it was time to remember that all people are different people, and the acts of one careless man doesn’t equal the acts of another. But then you thought about it, really thought about it, and the thought of being so open like that with another person terrified you. Made you sick. Love was bad but heartbreak was worse, and you had a habit of falling hard and fast. If JJ wanted casual, you couldn’t do that. You felt too much for him already. Sleeping with him would only make it worse. But if JJ wanted serious, you couldn’t do that either. And so, you were at a stalemate. 
“Can’t I just give you it tomorrow?” you ask Kiara over the phone. 
“No! Cause you’ll quote-unquote ‘forget’ and go another week with it!” 
“It’s a good camera!”
“Yes, that’s why I want it back,” Kiara laughs. 
Sighing, you smile. “Fine. I’ll drop it at the Chateau, though. That hurricane’s getting close and I don’t wanna get caught out near Figure Eight.”
“Alright, that works for me,” Kie agrees. “You talk to JJ yet?”
“Sure,” you lie. 
She sighs. “What is going on with you two? I know he can be a dumbass; did he yell at you or something?”
After knowing JJ for close to two months, you had seen his temper. It was short and explosive, and at times, scary. But he came down regretful for the things he did and said, and you’d learnt just like the others to understand it. 
“No, he didn’t yell. It’s nothing. We’re fine, really,” you tell her. 
Kie hums and you know she isn’t convinced. Grabbing your shoes, you say, “look, I’ll head to the Chateau now before the storm hits and leave your camera for you.”
“Icon. Thank you!”
“Talk soon,” you say before hanging up.
With Kie’s camera in your trademark backpack, you head downstairs. Leaving a note on the kitchen for your parents and pulling a thin raincoat over your sweats and crop-tee, you penny board to the Chateau. The journey is familiar now, the same way heading to and from the local store in Vancouver was less than a year ago. As you walk up, you find the Twinkie missing. 
“John B? You home?” you call as you pass through the door. Nobody answers.
You head to the table and place Kiara’s camera down, then send a photo to her as proof. Before you make the journey back home, errand now complete, you use the bathroom and raid the cupboard for a snack. As you pull back the wrapper on a month-out-of-date clif bar, the sky grumbles menacingly. You stare up at the ceiling when it does as if it might be to blame. Suddenly, everything is dark. Grey clouds loom overhead and cast the world in gloom. More thunder follows, and the distant flash that you catch through the window hints of lightning. You hadn’t managed to skip the storm.
Through the tantrum of nature, the high-pitched humming of a motor passes through. You venture to the front door of the Chateau, wondering whether John B has come back. When JJ rounds the corner, your stomach drops like a black bear has wandered into sight. The rain has started now, pelting hard and heavy pellets, and JJ cusses as he rushes up the steps. He nearly jumps out of his skin when he finally looks up, now in the Chateau.  
“Jesus Christ!”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he repeats, perhaps a little dramatic. 
You roll your eyes and tug your raincoat off over your head. It’s not like you’re going anywhere anytime soon: mother nature had decided so. “Don’t be so dramatic.”
“Where the fuck have you been?” JJ asks, frowning at you. 
You shrug. “At home.”
“Oh. Yeah, duh, how dumb of me,” JJ sarcastically mumbles. You head into the kitchen for a soda and JJ is hot on your trail. “I’ve been hitting you up for like a week and you’ve been ignoring me.”
“I replied to you.”
“Yeah with like two word responses. I’ve heard dogs talk more,” JJ fires back.
Once your hand is safely removed from the fridge, JJ slams it shut. It catches your attention; forces you to look up at his face. “It’s about what happened in the van, isn’t it?”
“JJ, grow up,” you say. 
“That’s not a no.”
“Because it’s a stupid question,” you reply. “I’m not twelve years old, JJ.”
“Don’t need to tell me that,” he mumbles. You pass him by, heading for the sofa whilst JJ stands in the kitchen and stares at you. “So that’s that?”
“I guess,” you say with a shrug, sipping your soda. 
He stares some more and then scoffs. You know he’s annoyed. His jaw clenches and he glances off to the hallway of the cabin. You take his distraction to remind yourself of his body. Of how fucking gorgeous he is. 
“What? What’s wrong?” you can’t help but ask. 
JJ shakes his head. He purses his lips, calms himself, and looks to you. “You hurt my feelings.”
On the surface, it sounds like an immature statement. The sort of thing a child would say to another on the playing field, after shunning them out of an imaginary game. But not now, not here. You knew more than most how much hurt feelings can wound. 
“I’m sorry,” you apologise, and you hope it sounds as genuine as it is. 
JJ contemplates before nodding. He heads over to you and sits beside you on the sofa. Kicks his feet up on a dining chair as he reclines into the sofa. 
“Do you forgive me?”
“I will if you give me a sip of your drink,” he mumbles. You hand him the can and watch him begin to drink. Your face contorts with horror as JJ backwashes into the can, a shit-eating grin on his face. 
“JJ! Ew!” 
He splutters a laugh as you snatch your drink back. It’s spoiled now. You glare at him and ditch it on the floor. Smack his shoulder jovially.
The storm reigns on and for a while the two of you sit side by side listening to its petrifying symphony. Lightning flashes through the windows and illuminates the cabin for a fraction of a second, time and time again. It feels nice being in JJ’s company again. He calms you somehow, even in silence. Maybe it’s his smell, but if you admit that, you may sound a little insane or creepy. But the calm is only momentary. Soon you’re losing yourself to your thoughts, given too much freedom with the quiet. Thoughts of him. Thoughts which turn to glances, which turn to longing and yearning and…
“Wanna play a board game?” you blurt out. 
JJ quirks a brow at you, hitting his vape. “Sure. What game?”
You get up and head to the rickety wooden shelves, inspecting the games John B has. Most look thrifted. Jenga, Twister, Monopoly…
“Trivial Pursuit?”
JJ sniggers. “I don’t think either of us are smart enough for Trivial Pursuit.”
A hand slowly rises to your chest in mock offence. “Ouch.”
You slide the game out as JJ gets up and transforms the sofa into a pullout. The power is holding up good enough so far, in the summer storm turned hurricane. Taking a blanket, you cosy up on the couch and set up the game. JJ takes the time to retrieve a beer. You each take a game piece and fall into the game. It only takes about five rounds for JJ to be proven right: trivia was neither of your strong suits. 
You grab a card from the pile, reading out the trivia question. “What distance is the earth to the sun?”
JJ’s face contorts in bewilderment. “What kind of dumbass question is that?”
“A trivia one,” you say, watching him with a smile.
“I don’t fucking know. A hundred?”
“A hundred what?”
You blink at him. “A hundred miles? From our planet to a huge ball of gas?”
“Who’s actually measured it, that’s what I want to know,” JJ says.
“But like how?”
“I don’t know,” you laugh, leaning back on the sofa. “With science, I guess. Answer the question.”
“‘With science’. ‘With science’?”
“Shut up.”
“Didn’t know I was in the presence of a genius,” JJ announces.
You roll your eyes and prod him with your toe through your blanket, careful not to knock over the pile of trivia cards. “Answer!”
“This game is dumb. Why couldn’t we just play strip poker?”
“Jesus Christ – answer the question!”
“I did! One-hundred miles!”
“That’s such a dumb guess!” you laugh, placing the card at the bottom of the pile.
“Was it right?”
By now you’re in hysterics, shaking your head. JJ’s watching you, sniggering away. He takes another swig of his beer and offers the bottle to you. You have a sip. JJ’s still watching you. Swallowing, you quirk a brow. 
“No, what is it? Is there something on my face?”
“No, no,” JJ says, stopping your wiping of your cheeks. “You’re just really fucking pretty.”
Your body chills like a winter breeze hit. Smiling bashfully, you glance down. “Oh. Thank you.”
“Course,” JJ replies. He takes the bottle back gently and has another sip. Clearing his throat, he grabs another trivia card. “Alright, uh, what we got here? Who wrote the novel ‘Pride and Prejudice’?”
“Jane Austen,” you reply. 
“Yep,” he says, returning the card to the pile.
And just like that, the moment has passed, and you’re only slightly surprised to realise how much you wished it hadn’t. 
You wordlessly take another ‘cheese piece’ for your counter. JJ takes the dice and rolls and as you wait for them to land, everything suddenly goes pitch black. You let out a screech as it does. 
“Oh shit,” you hear JJ say. 
“What happened?” you ask, though the answer is obvious. 
“Power went out,” JJ says. “Shit.”
You feel the pull out move and you flail a hand out, grabbing his t-shirt with your fist. “Don’t go.”
“I’m just gonna try and find some candles or a flashlight or something.”
“Wait, can you just…Can you stay until my eyes adjust, at least?” 
“Yeah. Yeah, course.”
JJ settles back into his spot. There’s the clink of his beer bottle carefully finding place on the floor. His hand gently pats around before landing on your leg. 
“You’re shaking.”
“I don’t like the dark,” you tell him. You’re waiting for him to laugh but he doesn’t. Instead, he coaxes you closer to him. 
“Come here.”
You comply. Shuffle until you can feel JJ’s body pressed against yours. You slowly, nervously lower your head onto his upper chest. The sensation of his chest rising and falling evenly calms your panic. You’d never grown out of your fear of the dark. It was stupid, something Tyler used to tease you for, but you couldn’t help it. Even still, you slept with some form of nightlight. JJ’s fingers begin to stroke the back of your hand. And just as his accidentally grope of your tit had, his barely-there touch turns you on. 
But this time you don’t flinch away. Don’t panic and startle and spiral. 
Maybe it’s the black out serving as some sort of safety net, or the storm making you feel disconnected from the world, or maybe just the effect of JJ in general, but you find yourself moving to face him. At least, what you assume is him. Eyes slowly adjusting, you can make out the vague silhouette of his face. Lord knows you’ve stared at him enough times to make good guess work of where his lips are. You lean forward so slow, you can convince yourself you’re not at all.
Your lips press against his lower lip tentatively. Testing the waters.
This close, you can hear when JJ’s breath catches in his throat.
You wait for JJ's next move.
JJ’s hand lands on the back of your head, returning your lips to his frantically. It’s messy and sloppy as the two of you kiss. Teeth and lips and hands, which caress down your body, grabbing greedily at your skin, landing on your ass to lift you into his lap. He’s getting harder and harder with each kiss, each brush of your tongues. You gasp a moan against his lips. Leaning back for air, swishing your hair from off your face and shoulders, you finally get to see how it feels to have your hands around his neck. Plant your fingers there, one by one,. JJ’s panting, his hands restlessly tracing your body. Reconnecting your lips with his, he mumbles against them. One word.
His grip is tenderly mean in your hair as he pries you away to only plant kisses down your neck. Maybe he has a fascination with yours just as you do with his…JJ’s cold hands thrill your body as they slip under your shirt. Blunt finger nails rake soothingly against your back, juxtaposing the assault on your throat that has you whining and gasping. Fuck, you forgot how good this is. How good it feels to have another person pressed up against you. Touching you. You instinctively rock against his crotch. JJ groans, head dropping onto your shoulder. His fingernails press harder and it makes you grin. Leaning down to his earlobe, you kitten lick the skin just below. You feel him shudder under you. You tease your teeth against the lobe before gently catching it between your teeth. JJ lets out a moan. 
“You like that?” you whisper into his ear. 
“Yes,” he mumbles. You let out a gasp when he tugs at your hair once more, pulling you to face him. Now you can make out his eyes. They’re hooded. Crinkled like they do when he smiles. “You like being in control or something?”
“Or something…” you reply, finding your own smile. 
“Just like I said,” JJ says, eyes flitting down to your lips. “Exactly my type.”
His hands slide down from your ass to the back of your quads, and he practically tosses you onto your back. You land just shy of the game board. Can hear the cards and game pieces scatter. JJ unconcernedly brushes it away, making the two of you laugh, breathless. Then his lips are back on yours, figure looming over you, and you let your hands venture up along his body. His gaping t-shirt grants you expanse of his skin. It’s soft under your touch, ripples from it, rises and falls with his breathes. JJ pushes your shirt up and kisses down your sternum, down your chest, towards your crotch. And now, without him desperately close, despite his attention to your body, you feel lost. In the pitch black, you can confuse JJ with someone else. 
No, no, it’s not. It’s JJ. You can smell his cologne. Feel the cool metal of his rings against your burning skin. Yes, JJ. 
“JayJ?” you mumble, fingers tethering into his hair. 
“Mmm,” he hums against your skin. Yes, it’s JJ. His fingers hook into the band of your sweats and he lowers them down your legs. Presses wet, open mouthed kisses to the newly revealed skin that you’d caught him staring at too many times to count. 
And you should be enjoying it. Should be turned on beyond belief, desperate for his touch or his mouth or something on your aching cunt. But instead you’re just trying to stay present. Drilling it into your head that it is him, that it is JJ, that this is different. It makes no sense. Tyler never abused you. Never too advantage of you. Or did he? Did he–
No, not Tyler. JJ. The same JJ who’s mumbling things against your thigh, dragging your panties down your legs. 
“Prettiest fuckin’ pussy…”
But when he teases a finger to your folds, you’re dry. JJ pauses. 
“You okay?”
“Mhm,” you hum. Now your brain is busy with panic. He’s been turning you on like crazy so why the fuck is your body not doing what it’s supposed to do? Embarrassment stings your eyes. This has never happened before. Never. JJ continues to ease his finger up and down but to no avail. He shifts up your body, kissing delicately at your neck.  
“Are you…not into this or?” JJ tentatively asks. 
“No, I am, I just–” You cut yourself off with an exasperated sigh. Gently pushing JJ off you, you shift to sit up, hiding your burning face in your hands despite the black out. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why.”
“It’s alright. Hey, no, it’s alright, don’t worry,” JJ reassures.
As you tug your shirt down, JJ climbs off the pull-out. You hear his footsteps depart. You busy yourself with pulling your sweatpants back up. A flashlight guides JJ’s return. You squint when he shines it directly in your face. 
“Sorry,” he mumbles, flicking it back down to the floor. He steps over the mess of the board game and joins you on the sofa. Passes you his half drunk bottle of beer and the alcohol helps wash away the initial sting of embarrassment. In the shadow of his flashlight, you still see his boner through his sweatpants and you instantly feel guilty for accidentally blue-balling him. 
“I’m sorry,” you repeat. 
“Don’t apologise,” JJ chuckles. He takes the beer back when you offer it to him. Has a swig. 
“S’just embarrassing,” you mumble. 
“Nah. Guess it’s just like ED for a guy,” JJ thinks aloud. 
“Oh, and ED isn’t embarrassing?” you half-heartedly joke. 
JJ chuckles. “Alright, fair point. But you don’t gotta be embarrassed with me. It’s cool.”
You nod. The two of you sit there in the pitch-black as the storm billows on outside. You look out the window. The wind throws twigs and sticks and leaves around; you can see it through the porch netting. 
“Did I ever tell you about when I lost my virginity?” JJ asks. 
You snort and look to him. “Yeah, funny enough, that never came up in any of our conversations.”
JJ smiles, amused. “Fair point.”
He relaxes against the back of the sofa and you decide to join him, settling your head against his chest. One of his hands loops around your body, fingers stroking your thigh over your sweatpants soothingly. 
“I was fourteen.”
“I was an early bloomer, I guess,” JJ replies, making you chuckle quietly. “There was this smokin’ Toron visiting the island. I mean, not as hot as you, but a close second - I’m not gonna lie. Way better than what my thirteen-year-old wet dreams cooked up.”
“Gross,” you cringe, scrunching up your nose. 
“So, I started talking to her and she asked if I had...and I hadn’t, and neither had she and…Yeah. And then, when it came down to it, and we were macking and stuff, I couldn’t get it up.”
You shift to look up to him, lips apart. “Wait, really?”
“I’m dead serious,” JJ chuckles. “I was flippin’ out cause I’d never had a problem with it before.”
“What happened? Did you guys end up calling it off or…”
“Well,” JJ says, scratching the back of his neck, “the problem seemed to go away after she showed me her tits but–”
“Ah. That makes sense,” you snigger. 
“But the point is, it happens to all of us,” JJ tells you. “So, you don’t gotta be embarrassed.”
“Well, thanks,” you hum. Snuggling your head against his shirt, your eyes slip shut. The madness of the storm was strangely soothing. “I’m sorry for disappearing, JayJ.”
“It’s alright,” JJ says quietly. “I do it too, sometimes. When I need to think or it gets too much.”
The two of you understand one another. Guarded behind self-built walls of which only the other seemed to have the sledgehammer for. It's something you want to talk about more but with your eyes closed, in the comfort of JJ’s hold, you find yourself drifting away into sleep.  
read part six here!
@princessuki21 | @psyches-reid | @heybank | @avengersgirllorianna | @rrosiitas | @yourmumstoy | @jjsfavgirl | @void21 | @fictionalcomforts | @gsp420 | @redhead1180 | @wearemadeofstardust0 | @mrs-jjmaybank | @ifilwtmfc | @heybank | @lilyw1235 | @belle101200
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cardierreh15 · 1 month
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This is just part one of two! Enjoy ⚡️🐺
***I do not give anyone consent to copy, translate or repost my work!!!
Warnings 18+: Cursing , Angst , Mild Violence .
Pairings: Logan Howlett (Cavillrine) x Ororo Munroe also known as Storm ⚡️
Description: Ororo wakes up in another universe, she meets someone familiar…
Word Count: 4.8K
Song: Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen (but whatever your favorite version is)
Earth-811, Days of Future Present (my own twist) to Earth-199999
Side Note: Please keep in mind, this is not at all accurate and I am only writing something I thought up. Anything from how she got to this Earth from to her meeting Logan is not canon events.
Side, Side Note: Lyrics are in regular italics. Ororo's thoughts are in Italics Bold and OG Logan's voice is in orange italics.
Part One
Now I've heard there was a secret chord
That David played and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do ya?
It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth
The minor fall, the major lift
The baffled king composing "Hallelujah”
It was a beautiful day on Earth 199999. Not a cloud to be spotted. The birds chirped and there was even a cool breeze to combat the humid air that the season had brought in on its back. But all of that was about to change.
With the bat of an eye, dark heavy clouds rolled into the view of the sun. Blocking out any rays that were toasting up some skins and feeding flowers. Violent lightning bolts filled the sky and loud thunder shook the ground beneath the feet of man. Rain beat down like rocks and the wind blew so strong, it toppled cars and pulled trees from their roots.
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In the middle of that chaos, was a woman who would change the entire timeline of this world. Though, she had no idea where she was or whether she was even alive. But she was what this world needed.
Falling unconscious from the thunderous clouds, she collapsed into the pacific. Engulfed and swallowed up by the merciless deep blue. One would think that was the end of this Storm Goddess. But fate and destiny were willing to bend the rules when it came to fulfilling their name.
Upon her contact, the impact of her landing had not only caused hurricanes but water spouts that could tear up an entire island and record breaking tsunamis. Countless lives had been lost upon her ascend.
Months had passed on by and the world was slowly healing from the detrimental damage that came with Ororo’s hard landing. Reporters and storm researchers tried to get to the bottom of what could’ve caused something like this to happen so simultaneously and without warning. The UN (United Nations) had already started on their own journey trying to get to the bottom of it; if it was mutant related and purposeful. As if they give a damn about that really. On her Earth, the United States were the reason why she was here in the first place.
Ororo was found caught in a fishing net in Vancouver. She was well preserved and oddly enough, still warm to the touch. Yet, still knocked into a deep coma that not even inhaling water could wake her from.
A man, not from this plain, had noticed that she wasn’t exactly human. And if the other fisherman had suspected her of being a mutant, they’d have her shipped off to a lab somewhere in the US after they collected their reward. So, he took her back to his home in Alberta, Canada. Far away from society and where he could be himself.
The stranger would come check on the brown sleeping beauty every once in a while. Everyday in the morning before he went to chop wood to aid her fireplace and then once before sunset. She looked familiar to him, but he couldn’t exactly pin it. She was enigmatic! And the feeling of limerence grew the longer she stayed. The way her white finely twisted dreads lay splayed out beneath her head, her thick white brows and lashes. How the shade appeared to enhance her skin and feminine features. Even in her time of nadir, she took his breath away.
Almost like a forbidden kind of beauty. The one that came with a dark past.
Those days had turned into weeks and finally a month had passed since her arrival at the stranger’s residence.
Ororo’s eyes had flashed open, white as her hair as she inhaled so much air that instantly burned her lungs and choked her out.
Sitting up, she placed her hand over her chest before gripping the linens that she wore. She wheezed as salty tears streamed down her face as she fought to breathe. Her vision blurred, her head felt so heavy and it throbbed with an achy vengeance. The words of her lover repeated in her ears.
I love you, Ororo. You don’t have to come back for me. If you find a perfect world, stay there.
She coached herself to steady her breathing as her snowy eyes had faded into something more human. Brown as the Earth’s soil. Ororo hiccuped as her awareness finally hit her like a ton of bricks. She scanned the bedroom for anything to tell her where she was. Or at least, which part of the Multiverse she had landed in.
Pulling herself from the warmth of the heavy comforters, she felt as if she’d been only asleep for a day. Her limbs and balance worked as they did when she was fleeing from the Sentinels. Though, it came with only a little bit of soreness. That was from the battering of the waves.
She whimpered as she rotated her arm to aid the soreness there. ‘Aah. Where the hell am I?’ The bedroom was a piece of paragonal work. Lots of natural light that was let in by 3 large arched windows and a large skylight window that made stargazing comfortable when night came. 
The furniture was vintage; carved out of mahogany and donned with gold handles and knobs. All of the furniture was dusted clean, the mirror at the vanity didn’t see a speck or smudge. A telltale sign that someone had been in here to visit her quite frequently.
With the bedroom’s cleanliness, came no clues of where she was. Ororo began to rummage and search through the dresser drawers and the nightstand. 
Breathing heavily as she felt herself growing anxious with tears filling her eyes, she felt herself falling apart. 
Don’t come back for me. 
Logan please.
I mean it, thundercloud. If you find a perfect world, stay there. 
‘Ooh! Fuck you, Logan!’ She exclaimed through gritted teeth as tears fell from her eyes. ‘Fuck you! Fuck you!’ She exclaimed as she slammed her fists into the mahogany wood that cracked beneath her strength. 
A loud thunder crack echoed outside, with a bolt hitting right outside her bedroom window.
Tiny bolts of lightning danced around her fists as she brought them up before opening her palms. The tiny bolts flickered before vanishing completely and a tear fell in their place. 
Wiping her snotty nose with her sleeve, she took a deep breath and wiped her tears with her free wrist. How was she going to make it without him?
The sound of 80’s rock and roll brought her out of her misery. The same kind of music they’d listen to together on his motorcycle when times were much simpler. She used to peel the clouds out of the sky or simply push them over the next city so they could go riding. 
The smell of his cigar smoke mended into his brown leather jacket. The way his thick dark hair used to fluff about in the wind and how he used to risk their lives by rubbing her arm when she held him tight.
Good times.
Ororo rushed towards the large wooden door and tugged it open with its golden knob. She was met with fresh air when she rushed outside. The sound of the music was no longer muffled by the thickness of those wooden walls. Yet it did echo and bounce off of trees in the surrounding area.
Quickly making her way down the wooden steps, she founded the calls and howls of the infamous Axel Rose. It didn't take her long to find the host; just a cut around the cabin and she was standing in front of it. Catacorner from it was a makeshift garage. Old broken down cars, motorcycles, and tires lie scattered about.
This looked just like Logan’s garage. A mess and unkept.
She felt as if this was all some kind of fever dream. 
Inclined to meet the person who saved her, Ororo began to journey forward until she came across a mature and very large Fir tree that sported claw marks. She walked towards it as the fast music became a blur in her ears. She ran her finger tips over the marks. 
9 claw marks but in threes. She knew only one person who could pull this off. 
‘Oh my god— JAMES!’ Her heart fluttered like crazy as she sped walked to the garage and pushed the doors open. ‘JAMES!’
There he stood, back turned as he worked on his bike. He wore his classic white wife beater, denim jeans and brown boots. His skin was covered in a thin sheet of sweat as he squeezed the clutch of his bike. She was sure that he couldn’t hear her over the shouting of Guns N Roses and the purr of his motorcycle, so she reached her hand up towards one of the hanging lamps and shot a lightning bolt at it. 
A gleaming smile curled up on her lips with a twinkle in her eye.
That caught his attention, causing him to stand up straight.
There was a long pause before the individual reached over and turned down the old school radio that sat on the toolbox. 
‘You know it’s been a long time since someone called me that.’
His voice… He didn’t sound like the Logan she knew and loved. Though from this angle, he was the spitting image. Her smile remained. ‘Wh-what do you mean we—‘
The male finally turned around to face her. But the cloud of smoke from the cigar that he puffed on, made him impossible to make out.
She used to hate the smell, now she lived for it. Craved it.
‘You still smoke those-‘
Stepping through the cloud, the individual revealed himself. 
His hair was curly thick, styled up to resemble ears as if he were a puppy. The same way her James used to style his hair. He even sported that very same beard cut with the center of his chin shaved and his jaws furry. 
His eyes were bright blue unlike the original Logan’s, comforting brown.
Her smile faltered as she placed a hand on her stomach and took a step back.
‘Hmm.’ The man grumbled as he reached behind him and scooped up a white dirty hand towel to wipe his hands. He held his lit cigar in his jaw before taking it out with his clean fingers.
Ororo stood there, her eyes wide in shock and confusion. Her mouth opened to ask a question but the words just wouldn’t come out!
‘I didn’t think you’d ever wake up. You seem to be walking well.’
He was the one that saved her.
‘H-‘ she swallowed, ‘How long was I out?’
Tossing the dirty cloth on the toolbox, he placed the cigar back between his lips and inhaled greatly. And when he exhaled, another large cloud of smoke shrouded the garage.
‘Well,’ he grumbled, ‘You’ve been here for about a month. I uh— suspect you have no idea what’s going on… do you?’
A month? There’s no way I have been here for a month! I stepped in that portal yesterday! 
Ororo placed her hand on her neck as she felt her blood pressure begin to spike. Her body began to gently rock side to side as her stomach twisted and turned.
‘Wh-where did you find me a-and where am I?’
‘You’re in Alberta…’
Her eyes grew, ‘CANADA?!’
‘Some fishermen in Vancouver found you sleeping in a net with some salmon.’ 
She brought her fingers up to her temples and began to rub that spot when her head began to throb. 
And right on cue, thunder roared outside. 
Logan looked up at the roof as rain drizzled and created a song atop the metal. Then he looked back at her. She appeared to be fighting a migraine. And the more she fought, the heavier the drizzle became.
Then it clicked.
‘You alright over there? Need some pain meds?’ He mumbled with his cigar in his mouth.
‘Mmph! It’s okay just—.’
‘Uh-huh. Y’know, there’s been some dangerous storms going on. Tsunamis, Hurricanes, typhoons, the whole nine.’
‘Mmm.’ Ororo grimaced at the pain, squeezing her eyes shut tight as she clenched her jaw together. ‘How long have I been asleep?’
‘I don’t know. But, the storms started about 4 months ago.’ 
I’ve been here for four months?! Oh my god.
‘I think I’m gonna be sick.’ Ororo whimpered as her vision blurred once again from tears. Her chest began to heave and her heart thudded hard in her chest.
‘Oh, whatever you do just—‘
Barf. Clear bubbly flim mixed with yellow bile splattered on the smooth concrete. 
‘Take that… outside. Aw shit.’
The woman collapsed to her hands and knees as he rushed over to her aid. She choked as her insides forced and fought to be on the outside. The taste of the raw acid burned at her esophagus and mouth. The rancid taste only made her gag more. 
‘Hey, it’s okay.’
It’s okay, Storm. If we’re meant to be… we’ll be.
Her eyes turned white with tiny bolts dancing around them, heaving harder as she stared at the disgusting vomit.
‘You have to look away! Look at me!’ 
As soon as Logan snatched up her hands, lightning zapped him to hell. 
Fortunately nothing that’ll kill him, but it stung like shit. ‘Aah!’ He hissed as he snatched his hands away, fanning them painfully. ‘Fuck!’
You’re my strong girl.
Ororo shut her eyes tightly as the heaving turned into a sob. ‘I can’t do this without you…’
The drizzle had turned into a heavy pitter patter. Thunder roared outside, causing the tin can of a garage to rattle. 
Logan’s brows tugged into one as the burning tingling began to fade into his hand. He watched as the woman crumbled into herself. 
This wasn’t tears of fear or confusion. But of mourning and grief. He could practically smell the pain exuding off of her. Logan knew what it felt like to lose someone. To be completely lost in a world that didn’t accept who he was. To be alone. 
Reaching out to her, tiny lightning bolts reached out to embrace his fingertips as if they were familiarized with his energy or aura. 
They didn’t burn him this time, just tiny manageable pinches. He placed his palm on her back and sighed softly.
If we’re meant to be…
His mouth parted to say something, afraid to say the wrong thing. 
Ororo blinked her eyes open before looking over at him. 
He was almost the exact same replica of her James. That same mean scowl that she adored greatly.
‘You’ve got blue eyes.’ She said in a hushed tone as she stared into his eyes.
‘You’re very observant.’ Logan said sarcastically with a small chuckle leaving his lips. ‘What is it that they call you?’
My Stormsy. Hey there, my lil’ thundercloud. Hang on lightning bolt! Stormy. 
‘Oro—‘ she sniffed, ‘Forgive me but, I don’t think you’d be able to say my name, white boy.’ She scoffed.
Logan raised his brow, ‘Oh yeah? Try me.’
She tried to muffle her giggle but it fell through, ‘Ororo.’
His brows rose and he blinked hard once.
‘Oro—OK, do you have a nickname?!’
Ororo’s small smile from her giggle had turned into a charming grin as laughter escaped her, ‘Yeah,’ she sighed softly. He was just like him. From his facial expressions to how effortlessly hilarious he was. She was comfortable near him.
‘Storm. Just call me Storm.’
‘Now that sounds… do-able.’ His smirk curled up into a small smile before he felt a raindrop fall upon his shoulder. They both looked up at the ceiling. Another fell on his forehead.
‘Well, that would explain the weather.’ Then wiped his head free of the water and looked back over at her, then it clicked. He was a terrible host.
Her white eyes began to fade into her brown ones.
Glancing down at the barf, he then glanced back at her, ‘You must be starving.’
‘No, no. It’s OK, I’ve been too much trouble already just—‘
‘No, I insist. You haven’t ate—‘
Wrrrrr. Ororo slapped her hand against her stomach as it sang its hunger song, as if she could shut it up like a finger to a set of lips. She snatched her eyes away from his gaze and shut them in defeat.
‘Mmm. I thought so. Alright, up, up, up.’ He took his large hands and helped her to her feet. ’
Rolling her eyes at his condescending tone, she pushed herself up to her feet with his help.
‘Ya alright?’ He asked as he slowly pulled his hands away.
‘Yeah,’ The electricity vanished once again within her, ‘Thank you.’
‘Mmm,’ his head fell to the side, ‘Don’t mention it. Look, I’m gonna get this cleaned up—‘ 
‘James, please—‘ she paused. 
He looked down at her for a long moment. ‘You’re the only one who can get away with calling me that.’ Turning away from her he walked towards the far corner of the garage. 
Ororo let out a sigh and placed her hands on her hips. Were they all the same in every universe? Hardheaded and guileless. Arguments were always challenging with him. 
‘You don’t have to clean up after me, I'm not some kind of damsel in distress.’
‘Well,’ he scoffed as he picked up a bucket and a mop, ‘You were just kind of sleeping beauty for ‘bouta month. I’d say you’re pretty damn close enough. Oh, and— Aurora… mind easing up on the rain until we get the food here?’ 
Her mouth fell before she stammered over her words. ‘We—I—‘
Wait a minute did he just call me beautiful? Damn, they are just alike. 
And he left her inside of the garage to retrieve water for the bucket.
Ororo did not in fact keep the rain in check. Instead, when she went back into the cabin she found herself missing James more and more. But, how could she miss him when he was right outside? 
Oh, she was so confused. Stuck in a whirlwind of emotions. But she had to count her blessings. Who knows what would’ve happened if he didn’t find her. She could’ve been poked and pried at beneath wandering eyes. Chopped up in itsy bitsy pieces and thrown in a particle accelerator to be sold to the highest bidder.
At least that was more humane than the chaos that ensued on her world. 
A knock echoed in her bedroom and the sound of the knob twisting followed.
Ororo was bent over the vanity, checking for any oddities that the portal could’ve left her with. So far, so good. The door creaked open and she turned torso to the side.
With her voluptuous rump in view, she rested her chin on her fist, ‘Your mama ever taught you to knock? What if I was naked?!’
‘Well for one, I did knock. And my mama, didn’t exactly raise a gentleman if you want me to be honest. Come, I’ve got Chinese.’ 
The pair sat in silence as they indulged on their take out. Ororo did her best not to inhale all of it so she ate slowly.
Logan chuckled, ‘That’s cute!’ 
Shit, he was on to her.
‘Mmm? What?’ She grumbled as she placed her hand over her lips so that she wasn’t spitting out food.
‘Oh nothing. It’s just you’re trying so hard not to kill all of your food. Eat! Trust me, you definitely need it more than I do.’
‘I have no idea what you’re talking about.’ She said as she stifled her giggle and took another bite out of her food. 
‘Right.’ He snickered and took a sip of his beer. 
The dining room grew quiet once again, soft thunder filled the silent void between them. Not necessarily on purpose but she was studying him. They were eating sweet n sour pork. 
James hated pork. He hated the smell, the salty-ness, the texture and the tummy ache and headache that it gave him after it all. She remembers having to cave in to buying turkey bacon. 
The things you do for love. The sacrifices you make.
James was also right handed. Everything he did started with his right side and eventually the left would aid it. Not that the left was as strong as the right, but when it came to swinging his claws, it always got the job done.
This Logan was an ambidextrous individual. Using both of his hands to work into his food without looking funny. It was so natural.
‘I can feel you burning a hole in my face.’ He murmured as his bright blue hues remained glued to his plate.
It was then when she finally blinked, ‘sorry you just— you just remind me of someone I—‘ she paused as her head fell into her lap.
Logan’s eyes flickered up at her for a second, reading her like a book. ‘Boyfriend?’
She remained quiet.
‘Yeah, I know that look. Sported it a few times myself. Would you like to talk about it?’
Oh she wouldn’t even know where to begin. Should she start with Mystique mercilessly murdering Senator Robert Kelly? Or how her blood contributed to the industrial process of the Sentinels that killed mutants or threw them into concentration camps? How this Logan sitting in front of her could be one of hundreds and maybe thousands of variants of her dead lover?
That was a lot to take in. He wouldn’t even believe her.
‘I—Honestly, I wouldn't even know where to start.’
‘I’ve got nothing but time.’
You take up all my time, Lightning Bolt. A punishment when I have to leave but a reward when I come back home to you. 
Inhaling deeply through her nose, she let out a gentle breath. ‘I’m —‘ Ororo tried to process it herself. If she hadn’t lived it, it wouldn’t have even made sense to her either. 
‘This is going to sound crazy.’ 
‘Trust me, I’ve seen and heard crazy. There’s nothing you can say to me that I haven’t already heard.’ 
He mustn’t be so sure.
Even that little comment was something James would’ve said. Verbatim. 
‘Alright.’ She sat up straight and let out another breath of air, ‘I’m not from… here.’
Logan sat quietly. She had his full and undivided attention.
‘I’m not from… here.’ She repeated.
‘Oookaaaay, I think I got that the first time.’ He sighed and folded his arms together. ‘What do you mean?’
Damn it was a lot harder to say than she thought. Perhaps she try a different approach. She would talk about… him.
‘My boyfriend… he uh— he was one of a kind. Smart, goofy, sweet… he was everything I dreamed of. He uh— and his brother had it rough. His family was well off… and in most cases the mother and father weren’t around much thus, was raised by their nanny. One night, some man comes into their home and kills their father. It was then when he discovered his powers. He grew—‘ 
Ororo glanced down at Logan’s fist as his fingers tapped against the table cloth. 
‘Claws.’ Her gaze rose to his once again. ‘He stabbed the man in hopes of getting to avenge his father… but it was then revealed to him that the stranger was in fact he and his brother’s biological father.’
Logan stared at her in complete horror. But he remained calm.
Your faith was strong, but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty in the moonlight overthrew ya
She tied you to a kitchen chair
She broke your throne and she cut your hair
And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah.
‘What then?’ He asked before picking up his beer once again. 
‘He and his big brother ran away. Fought in World War II. Years later he met me at Xavier’s School of Gifted—‘
‘Youngsters.’ She repeated slowly. 
He stared at her for a moment before shaking his head, ‘How do you— How do you know all of that?!’
Swallowing her spit, Ororo pressed her lips together, ‘I know — so much more, Logan.’
‘So what, do you read minds like Charles?!’ His voice was a little bit more stern than before.
‘Ja-Logan, it’s not like that! I—I come from a different timeline!’
His eyes grew in disbelief and he raised his hands, ‘Alright. That’s enough sweet n sour pork for you. Now you’re just talking out of your ass.’ He reached over to grab her container but she grabbed his wrist tightly. It was heavy. Just as she thought.
‘Has it ever occurred to you why or how a complete stranger would know your name?!’ 
‘Maybe you’ve been looking at my mail?!’
‘Your name is James Howlett! You had a brother named Liev, also named as Sabertooth—‘
‘What?!’ He chuckled.
‘You were born 1882! Here in Alberta, Canada.’
‘These are all things you can look up on google sweetheart.’ He said as he gently pulled his fist away.
‘That would make sense if I could use google in my sleep!’ She bit back. She watched as he pulled her styrofoam container away. ‘And I don’t think you added your Adamantium skeleton to the census.’
I did my best, it wasn't much
I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch
I've told the truth, I didn't come to fool ya
And even though it all went wrong
I'll stand before the lord of song
With nothing on my tongue but hallelujah
He stared at her for a moment before swallowing hard.
‘I don’t know what you’re talking about? That metal doesn’t even exist.’ He added as he carried off their take out to the kitchen.
Now, she was annoyed. She folded her arms across her chest and slouched back against the wooden chair with her full lips in a slight pout. That was until she realized what he said.
‘Wait—‘ she quickly stood to her feet and walked into the kitchen, ‘I never said anything about Adamantium being metal!’ 
Logan opened the refrigerator to place the containers inside, ‘You didn’t? Well, it sounds like it would be metal. The “Tium” at the end of it adds the razzle dazzle.’ 
Ororo was growing irritated with his banter. So she snatched the refrigerator door handle and slammed it, not caring much if the food was in there properly. Her backside was pressed firmly against the cool stainless steel.
‘Hey!’ He glared at her.
‘You asked me if I wanted to talk about it and I AM—‘
‘I didn’t ask you for a damn biography on my life!’
Her head fell to the side before looking down at his fists. 
‘Show me.’
Logan stepped back, his thick brows tugging into one. ‘Show you what? There’s nothing to show you!’ 
‘I want to see them! Show me!’ 
‘Lady, you’re really losing it right now.’
‘I WANT TO SEE THEM— NOW!’ She exclaimed as her eyes glowed white with lightning and she raised her hand to cast a lightning bolt at his chest. 
The white electricity sent him flying back against the wall, leaving a large cave in, in its place. He fell to his hands and knees as he groaned and howled in pain. White lightning bolts danced and trickled around his torso, arms and neck. ‘GUH—AAUURGH!’ 
She hadn’t realized what she’d done until it was too late. ‘Oh my god! James!’ Ororo rushed over to him but stopped in her tracks when she heard the unsheathing of his blades. 
She blinked away her glowing eyes as he painfully pulled himself up to his feet. Bubbles of saliva dripped from between his teeth. At his sides were those infamous Adamantium claws. They were beautiful. 
She glanced up at him in caution as she began to slowly approach him. 
Logan growled, taking a step back as he breathed heavily through the pain. 
‘James please, I’m sorry! I know all of this sounds crazy ok? You have to believe me.’
‘B-believe y-you?! Hell, I d-don’t even know you!’ He sputtered through the pain.
The words pained her, ‘I-I deserve that. But I know you.’ She finally walked to him and reached out to wrap her small hand around his fist. Logan turned his head away from her.
Maybe there's a God above,
but all I've ever learned from love,
was how to shoot at someone who out drew you.
And its not the cry you hear tonight,
its not somebody who's seen the light.
‘In a different time— you loved me. And looking at you now…’ she placed her hand against his jaw and turned his gaze back towards her, ‘Means that I have a second chance. Think about it, you went all the way to Vancouver … you had no idea I was there but you came there for me.’
Logan stared down at her, his heaving panting began to slowly return to normal.
‘I know that you hate New Age music, I know that your hobbies include choking down cigars and chopping wood. I know that you love riding your bike on sunny days in the mountains! I know that you dreamed of living in a small cabin like this one.’ Her voice cracked as she did her best to fight back her heartbreak. He never got to see the life he deserved.
It's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah.
‘I know that you’ve moved far away to keep from hurting others. I was there, Logan.’
Ororo’s words were almost inaudible; being choked up with tears, she stared up into his eyes as she fought hard not to cry again. 
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah.
Sheathing his blades back into the safety of his knuckles, he reached up to grab her fist gently into his large hand. 
‘How much did you love me—him?’
‘Oh James…’ her eyes fluttered as a thick warm tear fell down her cheek. ‘With all of my being…’
Those words ached him a little as if he knew that she did, as if he witnessed her love for him. He’d fallen in love many times. But they never amounted to anything in the end. Maybe it wasn’t meant to be.
If we’re meant to be— we’ll be.
Ororo burst into a gut wrenching sob before Logan brought her into his strong, heavy arms. He rested his cheek atop her head as she soaked his filthy wife beater. 
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gcnorthwest · 1 year
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 months
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"On Sunday evening just after eight o’clock, a terrific windstorm blew in from the north, and without warning smashed into the city. Newspapers recorded that the gale reached speeds of 84 miles (135 kilometres) an hour. It was the worst hurricane Winnipeg had ever seen. The storm blew the roof off the children’s hospital. Telephone and trolley poles snapped like twigs, while trees toppled over and plate-glass windows caved in. Pedestrians who had been out seeking relief from the muggy heat scurried for cover. Electrical wires whipped and fizzled as lightning struck the main power station and cast the city into darkness. The wind tore the roof from a building downtown and dropped it on a passing automobile, injuring two people, then a deluge of rain followed the windstorm and continued all night. It was estimated that damage reached half a million dollars.
While Nature tried to get everyone’s attention, the work of the strikebreakers continued. Plans were in place to move against the leadership, but Robertson and Andrews worried about how the strikers would respond. On Saturday, the labour minister managed to convince the employers in the metal trades dispute to accept a modified form of collective bargaining, one that would make it look as if the employers were making concessions and, as importantly, one that would keep the railways running. On Monday evening, the General Strike Committee met to consider the employers’ offer. As Robertson and his co-conspirators expected, the offer was rejected, and a few hours later the authorities went into action.
Before dawn on the morning of June 17, police cars pulled up at targeted homes in Winnipeg’s North End. Officers rousted six strike leaders out of bed, arrested them, and drove them to a neighbourhood police station where they were processed before being transferred to Stony Mountain Penitentiary north of the city. Those arrested were A.A. Heaps and John Queen, both city aldermen; George Armstrong, a carpenter and indefatigable soap-box orator; Bob Russell, a member of the Central Strike Committee; William Ivens, the editor of the Western Labor News; and Roger Bray, a leader of the pro-strike veterans. As well as raiding their homes, police also visited the offices of several labour organizations looking for incriminating documents. Dick Johns was arrested the same day in Montreal, where he was visiting on union business. Two days later, William Pritchard, who had come from Vancouver to observe the strike, was tracked down on a train on his way to Calgary, taken into custody, and transported back to Stony Mountain. On June 23, police picked up J.S. Woodsworth as he stood talking on a street corner. Woodsworth, who had arrived from Vancouver midway through the strike, had taken over editorship of the Strike Bulletin following Ivens’ arrest. His co-editor, Fred Dixon, went into hiding but surrendered himself to police once the strike ended.
All the members of this group, who became known as the Winnipeg Ten, were of British origin. For the government, it didn’t look good that a conspiracy that was supposed to be led by foreign agitators was in fact nothing of the sort. In order to give the impression of alien involvement, police also arrested four “foreign” strike leaders. Sam Blumenberg, the outspoken socialist orator, had already been the target of anti-Red street disturbances back in January when he was assaulted. Michael Charitinoff, editor of Robotchny Narod, the Ukrainian newspaper, had been arrested the previous year for possession of seditious literature. Twenty-two-year-old Oscar Schoppelrie was an American citizen and an unemployed musician, and Moses Almazoff, another Russian socialist, was a bookkeeper and a student at the University of Manitoba who was arrested just four days after his final exams. The four “foreigners,” three of whom—Blumenberg, Almazoff, and Charitinoff—were Jews, were held at Stony Mountain without bail, then brought in front of an Immigration Board of Inquiry which considered their deportation. The case of Sam Blumenberg, the eldest of the four, aged thirty-three, was the first to be heard on July 14. An undercover military spy testified that at the Walker Theatre meeting the previous December, Blumenberg had spoken from the stage in defence of Bolshevism. Another witness who attended the later meeting at the Majestic Theatre told the inquiry that Blumenberg “was trying, with others, to organize a revolution to overthrow the government. It was clear from the testimony that the government’s intention was to broaden the inquiry beyond the events of the general strike in order to prove that Blumenberg and the others were involved in a wide conspiracy dating back many months. The board ruled that Blumenberg should be deported to Europe; instead he was allowed to leave for the US where he lived for the rest of his life. At Almazoff’s hearing in August, a RNWMP spy named Harry Daskalud broke cover to testify. He reported that at a May meeting of the Jewish Labor League, Almazoff had advocated violent revolution. Almazoff’s defense counsel, Marcus Hyman,was able to find two witnesses who contradicted Daskalud, testifying that at the meeting in question Almazoff had said just the opposite, that he opposed bloodshed. Hyman was also able to show that Daskalud, a native of Austria who had been in Canada for six years, did not understand English well enough to be a reliable witness to what Almazoff had or hadn’t said. In the end, the inquiry decided that the evidence produced by the government was not sufficient to warrant deportation. Almazoff was released, and he too left for the US. A similar board hearing for Michael Charitinoff ruled that he should be deported, but this decision was later overturned on appeal. Oscar Schoppelrie was deported back to the US because it was shown that he had crossed the border into Canada illegally.
Meanwhile, on the morning of June 21, four days after they were taken into custody, the six men who had been whisked away from their homes in the pre-dawn raids were released on bail. Initially, authorities had intended to spirit the strike leaders out of town and summarily deport them. The changes to the Immigration Act earlier in the month had prepared the way for such a strategy, but then Andrews changed his mind. He remained intent on breaking the strike without any backlash, and he was concerned that the leaders might be seen as martyrs to their cause. At a meeting of the pro-strike Soldiers’ Parliament in Victoria Park later on the day of the arrests, speakers cautioned the crowd not to overreact. Ernest Robinson of the WTLC warned that the arrests were an attempt by the government to incite protest so that martial law could be imposed. “Keep calm and let ideas triumph over force,” Robinson urged. But in spite of this mild reaction, Andrews preferred to avoid any unrest in the streets. To this end he decided to use the arrested leaders as a bargaining chip and obtained from the Strike Committee a promise that if they were released, the men would sit out the rest of the strike. “A.J. Andrews, K.C., representative of the federal department of justice, has changed the plan of action against the alleged revolutionary leaders,” reported the Telegram. “The men under the new course will be tried in the ordinary criminal courts … ”
Andrews took this decision on his own. The Citizens Committee of 1,000 was opposed, as was opinion in the press. But the government had put Andrews in charge of the operation. Accordingly, early on the morning ofJune 21, six strike leaders—Russell, Armstrong, Heaps, Bray, Ivens, and Queen—left Stony Mountain on bail." - Daniel Francis, Seeing Reds: the Red Scare of 1918-1919, Canada’s First War on Terror. Arsenal Pulp Press, 2011. p. 154-156.
Image: Arrested strike leaders at the Vaughan Street Jail in Winnipeg, 1920. Back row from left to right: Roger E. Bray, George Armstrong, Alderman John Queen, R.B. Russell, R.J. Johns and Bill Pritchard. Front row from left to right: Reverend William Ivens and Alderman A.A. Heaps. Photo: Archives of Manitoba, Winnipeg Strike 35 (N12322)
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everflowhomeservices · 3 months
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Everflow Home Services offers comprehensive storm damage restoration to help your home recover quickly. Our expert team in Vancouver, WA, handles everything from roof repairs to structural restoration, ensuring your property is safe and secure. Trust us to restore your home with prompt, reliable service after any storm.
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georoof · 3 months
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robinsonrestorewa · 4 months
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polybplumbing · 5 months
Why Plumbers Must Follow the National Plumbing Code
The Pipeline to Plumbing Excellence: Going Beyond the National Plumbing Code
Have you ever pondered the intricate network of pipes hidden within the walls of your home? It's a complex maze ensuring water flows in and out seamlessly. But what keeps this system in check is more than just the skill of the plumber; it's adherence to the National Plumbing Code. However, at Urban Piping, we're passionate about transcending the basics – it's about crafting a symphony with pipes that obeys the law yet plays its own tune.
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gutterempirevancover · 6 months
Mastering Gutter Maintenance: Adapting to Climate Change Challenges
Have you ever given the regular upkeep of your home's gutters any thought in relation to climate change? The fact is that various climates might have distinct effects on your gutters' state, requiring you to modify your maintenance schedule in order to keep them in top shape all year round.
Gutter collection of dust and debris is more common in dry climates, like those found in arid countries. These particles can accumulate without routine cleaning and inspections, which may result in obstructions and clogs. A proactive maintenance strategy, such as routine cleaning and inspections, can help your gutters last longer and save expensive repairs in the future.
On the other hand, gutters are vulnerable to rust and water damage in humid locations with plenty of rainfall and high humidity. Purchasing gutters made of rust-resistant materials and making sure your property has adequate drainage are crucial steps you can take to reduce these dangers. Water collecting can lead to structural damage to your home. Even in the wettest of climates, you can assist guarantee that your gutters stay in outstanding shape by taking preventative actions to shield them from moisture-related problems.
Ice dams can be a major obstacle to gutter maintenance in cold climates, such as those seen in areas that frequently experience below-freezing temperatures and severe precipitation. When snowmelts and then refreezes along the edge of the roof, a barrier that obstructs effective drainage is created. This is known as an ice dam. Heat tapes are a must if you want to keep ice dams from developing. You should also make sure your attic is well-insulated to keep the temperature stable and snow from melting too soon. You may reduce the possibility of gutter damage and shield your house from wintertime water incursion by taking care of these problems early on.
Don't worry if gutter maintenance is becoming difficult for you in your climate; Gutter Empire Vancouver can assist. Being your one-stop shop for all gutter care requirements, our team of professionals is skilled at handling the particular difficulties brought on by various climatic circumstances. Regardless of whether you're dealing with the scorching desert sun or the freezing tundra, you can rely on us to deliver thorough gutter maintenance services catered to your individual requirements.
Gutter Empire Vancouver is the pinnacle of gutter service quality, possessing a wealth of experience and an uncompromising commitment to perfection. Why wait much longer? Contact us right now for all of your gutter cleaning requirements. You can withstand any storm that comes your way as you kick back, unwind, and let us handle everything. Trust the best gutter service near you to safeguard your home's integrity and your peace of mind.
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bcgreendemolition · 11 months
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Demolition Company in Vancouver
At BC Green Demolition, we are specialized in property restoration, demolition and asbestos removal in Vancouver. When you’re faced with the aftermath of a storm or wind damage, it can be difficult to know where to begin. For emergency restoration services done right, contact BC Green any time, day or night. We are here to help.
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
Storm impacts rail services between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
While New Brunswick didn’t see any of the weather or damage from this weekend’s storm, impacts from Nova Scotia are being felt in the neighbouring province.
With significant damage closing a section of CN Rail between Moncton and Halifax, officials say it’s just too early to say when services will resume.
In a statement to CTV News, CN Rail said in part that, “As of Monday morning, all CN tracks are passable in Nova Scotia except for a significant washout that occurred just south of Truro.”
“CN crews have already restored much of the damaged infrastructure, but some repairs will be delayed until the floodwaters recede,” the company added.
The unexpected closure has temporarily cut off the Port of Halifax’s only rail link.
“We are a rail-based port. Over 60 per cent of the cargo that moves through Halifax moves via rail,” said Lane Farguson, the communications and marketing director for the Port of Halifax.
However, what this closure means moving forward is still up in the air.
“Right now, it’s really too early to say just how big the impact is going to be because it’s too early to say how long it’s going to take to fix the line,” he said.
“I know that CN is doing everything that they can to assess the situation and then make those repairs when it’s safe to do so. Supply chains do have a little bit of flexibility to deal with minor bumps and that kind of thing and we’ve seen that before. A storm can blow in through Halifax and put a pause on things for two to three days and cargo backs up a little bit and then we are able to work quickly to move it through and get things back to the levels that we like and we need to be at.”
In the meantime, Farguson says they are working closely with their partners and taking steps in the short-term to manage the situation the best they can, including finding ways to maximize yard space to handle the additional containers.
“The terminal operator can stack them up a little bit higher if it’s safe to do so and we can also take some of the empties out of the yard and move them into strategic areas along the seaport and we’ve seen that before through other supply chain disruptions,” he said.
VIA Rail has also been forced to make adjustments. Its ocean route stops fully in Moncton for the foreseeable future instead of continuing through to Halifax.
In a statement to CTV News, VIA Rail Canada said that right now they are “waiting on CN to provide an estimation as to when tracks will be passable.”
However, with services stopping a province too soon, some passengers are left frustrated.
“I think that in the future, I probably will not take VIA Rail ever again,” said Troy Ivy, who arrived in Moncton on Monday around 5:30 p.m.
After arrival, he says that he was told that he’s on his own to get to his final destination.
“I’m not really happy with the Crown corporation and the lack of service, but the employees were super, they made the trip worth while and thank goodness for them,” he said. “Thank goodness for my mom and for other people, I feel bad for them because it’s unfortunate and it’s not right.”
VIA Rail did say on their website and confirmed in a statement to CTV News that “no alternative transportation will be provided and impacted passengers are being contacted directly to inform them of the situation.”
Due to the circumstances, Harry Watson has been travelling across Canada for the last five weeks by train and is now hoping that a bus will take him to the end of his journey.
“I’m so close to the end that I don’t want to tarnish that with getting really stressed and sort of angry at it all because it’s a minor inconvenience in the grand scheme of things,” he said while still in transit to Moncton on Monday.
His trip started in Vancouver and is expected to wrap up in Nova Scotia, but he says this has been one of the only obstacles.
“VIA Rail has been excellent. They’ve been really good in terms of letting us know about cancellations and delays, so I couldn’t have asked for anything more from them,” he said, not regretting his decision to see Canada from a train window.
He added that this bump in the road did give him a chance to experience true Maritime hospitality.
“I sent a message into the Moncton Facebook community chat, just asking if anyone could help us out, that had a spare room or anything like that and the response that we got was amazing. Everyone was so friendly and outgoing and wanted to help us out,” he said.
As work continues for CN Rail, officials say that the track is being inspected to ensure safety of all rail traffic and movement in the future.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/uZUwg6f
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johnb10 · 1 year
Questions to ask Before Hiring a Professional Home Watch Service Provider
Hiring a house watch company will ensure your property is safe while you are having a great time holidaying at your second home. But on what basis can you rely on any home watch service provider? To make the right decision when hiring a home watch service for your Canada home, take the time to get answers to these top questions--
Is the home watch business registered? —Before choosing a particular home check service provider, make sure it is a registered company with employees with criminal background check. It means they have full knowledge of the regulations and rules to follow. Only a registered home protection service company like HomeWatchCanada.Ca can let you enjoy peace of mind by undertaking the responsibility of your home in your absence. They should be fully equipped and well-trained to execute their duties efficiently. 
Is your Vancouver home watch services provider insured? –Another query to ask the residential home protection service provider whether their business is insured? After all, your home is your biggest asset. A professional vacation home protection firm shall be a properly registered company (i.e. county and city registered and insured).
What services are included in ‘home watch’? —Home watch is a relatively broad term. You should know what comes under their home watch services. Many times, companies don’t cover everything in home safety services. Important services like plumbing, cooling, heating checkups, security checks, mold inspection, checking vehicles, pool and landscape maintenance, water and weather damage repairs, electrical system checks, and inspection of insects are included under the home watch services package.
Have you checked with your Home Insurance Company? -- They may require your vacant home to be checked by a professional if you are away for extended periods of time. Same could be true if you are in a Strata. Insurance rates are increasing as are the deductibles.
How much does the home check service cost? —You should have full knowledge of the costs of the home watch service company. Ask about the detailed charges per-visit and any extra charges for additional services required. It will save you from last-minute bill surprises. Can you make payment by bank transfer, cheque, credit, or debit? Having transparency about the payment criteria and cost packages is a priority.
What is their availability? —No doubt, a reputed home watch company will be busy especially if they are working in a specific region. But in case of any emergency at your home, they must be flexible to fulfill their duties for home watch safety.
What type of natural disaster services are offered? –Natural disasters like hurricanes, storms, and tornados are common in Canada. Hence, a company that provides storm protection checklist is a good fit to keep your primary and secondary home protected. Only then can you make your business trip or vacation enjoyable.
What is their experience in the industry? —When picking a professional home service provider, it is mandatory to consider their experience in their industry. For how long they have been in the home watch services, and what is their knowledge and skills-set to undertake home watch services are some basic things for you to enquire.
Do they offer any guarantees? —To ensure customer satisfaction and their commitment to quality, choose a reputable home watch company. Ask clearly about the terms HomeWatchCanada.ca has to offer.
The bottom line—When hiring the services of a home watch Provider, there has to be an element of faith and trust because you will not be present there to see when and how often the service provider is performing the services agreed upon by them. That’s why you must do your homework before selecting any company. A written agreement that clearly shows the duties covered, total costs, additional costs for extra services, and frequency/duration of visits is a must.
If you want a comprehensive home watch service provider for your home protection, contact HomeWatchCanada.Ca today.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 9 months
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"REPAIRS TO GEORGE WILL MAKE GOOD JOB," Victoria Daily Times. December 23, 1913 Page 6. --- Specifications for Work Now Being Drawn Up; Coast Free From Accidents ---- Repairs to the hull of the G. T. P. steamer Prince George, now in dry- dock at Esquimalt, will comprise a fairly good job for one of the local shipyards. Specifications for the work which the underwriters will carry out on the injured steamer are now being drawn up by Capt. W. H. Logan. Tenders for the work will be invited Immediately after Christmas and the contract will be awarded by the beginning of next week.
The damage is not all confined to the formed section of the ship. She has injured herself amidships considerably, and some new plates will no doubt be required. The work of repairing the Prince George will take probably three weeks.
Very Little Repairing. Capt. Logan, the salvage expert, said this morning that there is very little repair work going on at the present time. Besides the Prince George, there is one job in Vancouver and another in Seattle, and this comprises the entire amount of repairing being done on the coast. This is a phenomenal state of affairs for this season of the year.
Around Christmas there are usually a number of vessels in port having their hulls repaired, following strandings or terrific battles with wind and wave. Few coasting boats have come to grief this year, and the ocean liners have been very fortunate in evading most of the heavy storms which have so far swept the Pacific. Not one bad accident has been brought to the notice of shipping and seafaring men so far, and they are hoping that the masters will be able to continue to keep their ships off the rocky shores.
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newsbites · 1 year
News from Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada,, 13 July.
Premier David Eby says port workers strike cannot drag on.
The British Columbia port strike has disrupted trade, costing an estimated $8.9 billion and potentially causing delays for 63,000 shipping containers.
Business groups are calling for federal back-to-work legislation to end the strike and prevent further economic damage.
The strike has broader implications for industries across Canada, with concerns about losing international customers and potential shutdowns and temporary layoffs for mining companies.
2. An RCMP officer knocked to ground by speeding biker.
3. Days of drought have sparked fires in northern BC.
Lightning storms and drought conditions in British Columbia have led to the issuance of 12 new evacuation orders or alerts, exacerbating the challenge of fighting hundreds of wildfires.
The majority of the fires, around two-thirds, are concentrated in the Prince George and Northwest fire centres.
While no major communities are currently threatened, additional evacuation orders have been issued for areas near the Village of Burns Lake and properties outside Houston.
4. The annual silly boat regatta takes place this weekend in Nanaimo.
The Silly Boat Regatta is a family-friendly event with various activities and entertainment options for children and adults alike.
The Nanaimo Child Development organization relies on fundraising to support its services, including a summer camp for children and youth.
The Silly Boat Regatta aims to raise at least $100,000 through the event, with creative boat names and costumes being a highlight of the competition.
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georoof · 5 months
Elevating Your Home's Roof: Discovering Vancouver's Premier Roofing Contractor with GoodVans Roofing
Introduction: When it comes to protecting your home from Vancouver's ever-changing weather, finding a trustworthy roofing contractor in Vancouver is essential. GoodVans Roofing stands out as a beacon of excellence in the industry, offering comprehensive services to ensure your home's roof remains sturdy, secure, and stylish. Let's explore how GoodVans Roofing excels in roof installation, repair, inspection, and replacement, setting the standard for quality and reliability in Vancouver.
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Roof Installation: GoodVans Roofing provides expert roof installation services tailored to your needs, whether building a new home or renovating an existing one. Their skilled team meticulously plans and executes every installation, using premium materials and proven techniques to ensure lasting quality. From traditional shingles to modern metal roofing, we offer a variety of options to enhance your home's appearance and durability.
Roof Repair: We tackle repair jobs with precision and care from minor leaks to major storm damage. Their experienced technicians swiftly assess the damage, devise a customized repair plan, and complete the necessary repairs promptly. With a focus on craftsmanship and timely service, GoodVans Roofing restores your roof to optimal condition, providing lasting protection for your home.
Roof Inspection: Routine roof inspections are crucial for detecting potential issues before they escalate into significant concerns. We offer comprehensive inspection services to ensure your roof remains in top condition year-round. Their thorough inspections cover all aspects of your roof, ensuring nothing goes unnoticed. With GoodVans Roofing, you can trust that your roof is in capable hands, with experienced professionals prioritizing your safety and peace of mind.
Roof Replacement: When it's time to replace your roof, our team delivers expertise and service you can rely on. Their team guides you through the replacement process, from selecting materials to completing the installation efficiently. Whether you're upgrading an aging roof or addressing severe damage, we ensure a smooth and seamless replacement experience, leaving you with a beautiful and durable roof that adds value to your home.
Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed: At GoodVans Roofing, customer satisfaction is their top priority. From your initial consultation to project completion, they prioritize open communication, transparent pricing, and unparalleled craftsmanship. With their dedication to excellence and focus on your needs, GoodVans Roofing aims to exceed your expectations and earn your trust as Vancouver's preferred roofing contractor.
Conclusion: When it comes to roofing companies in Vancouver, GoodVans Roofing sets the standard for quality and reliability. Whether you need installation, repair, inspection, or replacement, we have the expertise and dedication to deliver results that surpass your expectations. Elevate your home's roof with GoodVans Roofing and experience the difference firsthand. Schedule your service today and enjoy peace of mind knowing your home is in expert hands.
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