#storm hawks oc challenge december
uncertainty5 · 2 years
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I finally finished this at the last second. It didn't turn out the way I wanted but I think i've really improved at drawing with this one!
This is my entry for @far-side-skies Storm Hawks OC challenge for December. Based on the Ardennaise chicken.
Name: Mercury Age: 28 Occupation: Wasteland Raider and Farside Cult Protector Terra: Originally Gale but currently the Wastelands and other abandoned Terras Personality: Strikingly cold and deadpan. She comes off as sarcastic and cynical. She sometimes tries to crack jokes but they don't land due to her delivery. In battle she can go from quiet and unaffected to a blaze of fury. She enjoys collecting little trinkets she finds in the wastelands.
Her backstory is below
Mercury was born with the power to cause any crystals close to her to go out of control when she's upset and fire off at their full potential. Her father was an ex Cyclonian hiding out on Terra Gale before it was taken over. Her mother, according to her father, died long ago. When she was eight, her father remarried a women on Gale and the two had a son. She became jealous however and killed her father by accident when her powers went haywire in an argument.
After her fathers death her step mother and the other people of the village treated her poorly. Fearing her as a killer and a danger to everyone around her. She soon ran away and ended up in a Cyclonian prison mine. After her powers caused a cave in and she was presumed dead, she wandered the Wastelands until she came across a large crystal beast. One of a handful of creatures tied to the Farside as she would later learn. Her powers caused the beast to flee and chip one of the crystals on its body. After running away with the crystal she bumps into a mysterious man. He plans to kill her but changes his mind after he watches her use the crystal, called a time stone, in her panic. He offers to take her to his home and teach her how to use her powers.
Her new mentor is part of a group of people living in the Wastelands who believe they are ancient descendants of the Farsiders who first came to Atmos. They follow the old ways before the storms of Atmos created the terras and claim that their original home was lost to the Wastelands.
They live in a large structure buried under the earth and keep their existence a secret. Their current goal is to find the original site where the living storms of Atmos were created and to find an ancient artificial creature called the Beast of Time and capture it. A Farside creation and the same creature Mercury ran into. The only other crystal beast known so far is rumored to live on Tropica and be under the control of the Cyclonian royal family.
Mercury is given training due to her powers and trains with her time stone to master it. She hunts the Wastelands for supplies and the time beast. Killing anyone unfortunate enough to come too close or carrying something valuable.
She uses a crude scythe designed to withstand large amounts of crystal energy. Her time crystal allows her to slow time down for a little bit within a radius of a few meters and to see potential actions her enemies will take. With her attire keeping her hidden she often appears like a deadly ghost in the Wastelands. Giving her the nickname The Grim Reaper by the few survivors who've seen her.
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far-side-skies · 10 months
Storm Hawks Bird OC Challenge - December 2023
Here we go! Bringing on December's bird for the challenge, this month we're looking at the pink robin (Petroica rodinogaster).
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Native to southeastern Australia, these birds are surprisingly not all that closely related to european or american robins. Taxonomical research has placed them in the Passerida group of songbirds. The genus name 'petroica' comes from the ancient greek words for 'stone' and 'house', and the species name 'rodinogaster' derives from the words for 'pink' and 'belly'.
The loose deadline this month is Sunday the 31st of December, but because of how busy this month gets for everyone I'm not very strict about it.
Rules (also loose) are below the cut.
Minimum requirements for drawn entries to be put in the winner’s vote are a name, occupation, the character’s home/birth Terra and at least one paragraph (or about 100 words) of written backstory.
Minimum requirements for written (i.e. written dossiers without art, or mini-fics for the character) are 500 words including backstory and appearance. Feel free to make a mini-fic out of this challenge, I’ll make sure to link it with the final collage as well.
You’re not expected to create a character from scratch for this challenge. If you’ve got an older character concept that’s been collecting dust or that you’d like to take the opportunity to revamp, feel free! The goal of this challenge is to inspire people.
Collaborations are allowed! Same rules apply, the only addition is that you and your partner(s) just need to make note of who was responsible for what part of the character.
Make sure to tag me in your entries and also DM me with a link to your entry. Tumblr is not always reliable about notifications for this sort of thing, and I don’t want to risk missing anyone’s entries, so better safe than sorry.
The group collage of entries, and the (possible) winner’s vote are opt-in. Participation of those parts of this challenge are not mandatory.
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fubbick · 2 years
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My entry for the Storm Hawks Bird OC Challenge: Ardennaise chicken is the December theme :) @far-side-skies
Name: Hirundo Progne
Age: 18
Terra: Coriolis
Occupation: Crystal technician but aspirating squadron member
Living in the most rural area of Terra Coriolis (Freshets Highlands) it’s hard to get crystal technology working properly, so Hirundo’s family take care of electricity systems based on crystal. They are Atmos’ electricians.
Hirundo works along with her parents, uncles, aunts, cousins and 5 siblings but are based on Velum, the “capital” of Freshets Highlands, where the population has a really particular ethnic identity that is different from the rest of Coriolis.
She loves her work and even if she’s not interested in crystal magic itself, she loves the technical aspects of electricity that crystals produce. But she also wants to form a squadron along with her friend Roc and his friends Garuda and Anqa. Only time will tell if this happens or if their lives will make them walk apart, because all of them need to work to sustain their families and the leaders of Coriolis aren’t interested in Freshet.
Thanks for read 😊
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thecoldheart · 3 years
December bird Challenge - European robin
My entry for @far-side-skies​ December bird challenge! Here is Antonella and Michelangelo! A couple of mob bosses who live on Terra Rex!
Here is their drawing (which was really bad for me to draw them) and also their info!
the drawing:
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It's looks kinda ugly but i tried my best
Their info:
Michelangelo and Antonella
Married for twenty-one years.
Residents of Terra Rex;
Big mafia bosses.
It does business on both sides, both Cyclonia and free Atmos, but they do not get involved in conflicts between the two sides.
They are very rich, they are on the same level of wealth as Sebastian's family. (Sebastian is one of my ocs)
They met Storm Hawks when the young squadron went after Sebastian, but ended up finding the couple and some of their bodyguards.
Both have an Italian accent.
Their relationship is the same as that of Morticia and Gomez Addams.
They can change into birds, but they rarely do.
-How did they meet -
Michelangelo met Antonella while they were both present at a grand ball at Harrier's mansion. At first they were both very shy with each other, but over time, and meeting a lot in expensive restaurants, big parties and luxury boutiques, they started to get closer. To be exact, on July 14th, that's when Michelangelo asked Antonella to date, she didn't mind the fact that he was a future mafia boss in his family, in fact, her father was an expensive jewelry salesman who sold some pieces from his stores to members of Michelangelo's family.
About 4 years after they started having a relationship, they got married in Rex and had the biggest party they could ever have.
- Personal information -
Michelangelo -
Age: 49 years old
Birthday: 31st of July.
Height: 5’11"
Personality: Sarcastic, vengeful, loyal, analytical, strategist, persuasive, he will not hesitate to destroy anyone he considers a threat to his business.
Likes: Perfume, expensive clothes and watches, diamonds, whiskey, wine and cigarettes.
Hates: When his henchmen don't do the job right, terrible wines and when someone interrupts something, people owe him money.
Antonella -
Age: 45 years old
Birthday: November 28th
Height: 5.7"
Personality: Sarcastic, loyal, analytical, persuasive, relentless and will do anything to get what she wants, plus she likes attention.
Likes: Very expensive clothes, perfumes, shoes, jewelry and bags, diamonds (mainly emeralds), expensive and huge parties, and the family’s dog-.
Hates: Outdated clothes, people who disobey her orders and when you destroy something on her property.
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twilightvolt · 4 years
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Well....that was one way to start a new decade, i guess. >  >’
Ok, from the death and destruction to the quarantine caused by viral disease to large parts of the world literally going up in flames, this year was like an ominous beginning that revealed the true ugly colors of everyone around us.
But there’s something telling me that that was just the universe releasing all of it’s built up rage from the last decade, so to think on the bright side, the only way to go is up now, right?
Regardless, pushing all the crap that happened this year aside, this feels like one of my best years yet in terms of art. i don’t think there’s any wedge of this clock that i wasn’t completely satisfied with and i had a TON of tough decisions on what to put in said wedges cuz i just luved almost everything i’ve created this year.
If you’re up to it, i’ll have my usual month to month reflection under the cutoff, but if you’re not, i hope to keep giving y’all even better art next year! ^  ^
So without further ado, let’s review!
January: ~ Days ~
Runner up: Team Solar Rises Again! (drawing in celebration of PMD finally returning with a remake of the first game)
Kicking off right where 2019 left off, i was hot on the heels of my Beastars phase, still cranking out countless drawings and doodles, mostly featuring Legoshi, and even hanging around the Beastars Amino and making some new friends there. this piece in particular i think encapsulates what i was mostly doing at the time, making up stories and stuff within canon to give myself more wolf boi content. which is something that i rarely do normally since i’ve mostly just done OC related writing before this.
February: - Sk8ter Wolf -
Runner up: Re:Hukaro (That thing i drew for Moon)
Ahh yes, the day i peaked with punk rock energy and created something in a highschool notebook sketch style. ngl, with the release of Beastars’ english dub on the way and the fandom quickly growing, i felt like i was on fire with the amount of stuff i was drawing. i felt so inspired and things can’t possibly go bad.
Or can it?
March: We Can Be Heroes
Runner up: One More Day, Emo Bird Boi Sketchies
Ahh yes, the month the worldwide quarantine started because they discovered the virus around this time. from this point onward, time pretty much meant absolutely nothing since i was stuck indoors for a majority of the year, only going out if i had to. on top of that, i tried a little attempt at a fandub and got picked on immediately by yahoos on Youtube. it...wasn’t fun.
I tried doing a little challenge i made up called Animarch where i drew a drawing representing anime i liked every day, but i only got about 5 days in i think? ehh, whatever. i did try, so that means something. lol
Runner up: BEAST CROSSING ~Legoshi & Raymond
This was pretty much the final month i drew anything Beastars related as i slowly started shifting back to Pokemon due to the wait for season 2. but not before getting the new Animal Crossing and drawing a thing with Raymond and Legoshi that would blow up with hundreds of notes and interactions across every platform i posted it on. lmao
Regardless, i feel like Another Side was a perfect way to end that phase of my art journey. it’s like a nice finale to a long string of ideas that i will totally return to once season 2 drops next year.
May: - KOUJI -
Runner up: Fashion (that sketch of Alex and Jet in casual clothing)
What happened this month again? oh right, i went back to Digimon for a hot minute cuz i continued playing the copy of Cyber Sleuth Complete that i won from a giveaway on Twitter and created Alex and Jet, my latest Tamer and her Hawkmon partner. i should really do some more stuff with them.
Runner up: “No Time to Waste! HENSHIN!” (AF attack against IonicIsaac on Twitter), Cafe Mix ~Ace, Yagami, Lance and Seliph
Art Fight. third year. and this time i kicked things up a notch and beat my old record from last year!...after uhh....cramming in 8 attacks at the very last night and totally going insane from the amount of sleep i lost. ^  ^’
But trust me when i say i will NOT do that again next year, i swear.
July: Squad Up
Runner up: Comin’ Out to Stun (Jet the Hawk sketches)
So after playing and beating PMDX, i started fleshing out Lance and Selpih’s characters and made more art and stories surrounding them and the rest of the team. one of those being a drawing for Mystery Dungeon Day, which happens the day after Odaiba Day. which is in August. why did i put this down for July then? some questions just don’t need to be answered.
August: - TOGETHER -
Runner up: In the Storm
You can tell by now just how uneventful life was this year cuz i have literally nothing else to talk about other than the art parts. no life issues, no big adventures like moving or something. just....indoor stuff.
It’s...kinda sad, now that i think about it. but hey, at least i was making the most of my time, trying new things and getting around a bit more.
September: Small World
Runner up: Rescue Together, PMD Forever!, Midnight Adventuring, Down Time
So this year, i turned 21, which a lotta people say is important. not really, if you can’t do much i guess. though, i did crank out a ton of art i’m super satisfied with as you can see by how hard it was to frickin’ pick one to use for this month’s wedge on the clock.
October: Feathers of the Shadows
Runner up: PAPERMOON - Final Mix - (not picked because it’s a touch up of an older drawing)
Hoo boi, this month was crazy. cuz i drew a whole lotta e d g e .....and a whole lotta Murkrow. lol
It was fun letting my inner edgelord out this month. even if nothing really significant happened in reality.
November: ~ One More Game ~
Runner up: UPokerap Project: Frogadier, - LEAF STORM -
This month....was actually kinda rough. it was basically me falling into a depressive episode after a scare at the dentist made me worry about my self image and insecurities again. but this time it really hit me just how much permanent damage i’ve done to myself in that aspect of my appearance. i know i shouldn’t worry so much, but it’s not great when people tell you to smile when the most i can do is grin since i’m just so....unhappy with my teeth.
But then around the end of the month, i stumbled upon a Pokemon themed Discord server with people that made me feel....not as alone as i suddenly felt i was. which i’m glad i could meet them even after only knowing them for a month now. if they’re reading this, i hope you know i’m thankful for raising my spirits when there’s still things i just can’t do due to financial issues.
December: Colors of the Heart  + Happy Holidays! ~Grovyle ver.
Runner up: ~ After the Battle ~ (the two part KHII anniversary drawing), - XIII -, Sketchmon: Buizel
And now this month. on top of my insecurities, i’ve now been struggling with my frustration with not being noticed as much as i should, watching as some people quickly climb up in following when i’m going much slower. honestly, i feel like the months when everything started lightening up for the world....was when things started falling apart for me. yeah, i know. pretty depressing way to end, huh? i hit 300 before the year ended thanks to the support from my new friends though, so i’m actually pretty happy.
But that doesn’t mean i’m not still scared of the future. i mean i have my teeth to worry about and also my wisdom teeth are coming in. so next few months...might be kinda rough.
Though, that’s not to say i didn’t soldier through it. this month i pushed myself, plowed through as many commissions as i could get to raise money for my new computer and made some of the best drawings that to me, feel like a great accomplishment. even if a couple of them weren’t as grandiose as some of my previous work. it was a big step forward for me as an artist. at least in my eyes.
And i have a feeling....that it can only get better from here.
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far-side-skies · 2 years
Storm Hawks Bird OC Challenge - December 2022
Hey folks! Once again, sorry for the wait on this prompt, but thank you to everyone for being patient.
Happy holiday month everyone, this month we're looking at chickens! As an homage to the three French hens from the song, we're specifically looking at the Ardennaise chicken.
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The Ardennaise is named for the Ardennes region of France, and has experienced several periods of decline over the 1900s, but was successfully bred back into existence in the late 2000s. It was first described as a specific breed in 1882, at a point when it was already at a decline. A bantam and a tailless variant also exist, but are even rarer than the original breed.
I can't wait to see what people come up with for this one. Because of the delay in this prompt, the deadline this month is Saturday the 31st of December. And as always, the challenge rules and some extra images are included below the cut, including an optional colour pallette. Have fun guys!
Minimum requirements for drawn entries to be put in the winner's vote are a name, occupation, the character's home/birth Terra and at least one paragraph (or about 100 words) of written backstory.
Minimum requirements for written (i.e. written dossiers without art, or mini-fics for the character) are 500 words including backstory and appearance. Feel free to make a mini-fic out of this challenge, I'll make sure to link it with the final collage as well.
Entrants who are part of the Storm Hawks discord server will have the chance of getting a custom role for the next month! If you’re not part of the discord server, please ask for an invite if you’re interested.
You're not expected to create a character from scratch for this challenge. If you've got an older character concept that's been collecting dust or that you'd like to take the opportunity to revamp, feel free! The goal of this challenge is to inspire people.
Make sure to tag me in your entries and also DM me with a link to your entry. Tumblr is not always reliable about notifications for this sort of thing, and I don't want to risk missing anyone's entries, so better safe than sorry.
The group collage of entries, and the winner's vote are opt-in. Participation of those parts of this challenge are not mandatory.
The winner of the vote will receive a free sketch piece of their character from me.
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far-side-skies · 3 years
Storm Hawks OC Challenge - December '21
With November now over and the holidays fast approaching, it's time for me to announce December's bird for the OC challenge. We're going for another classic this month with the European Robin! (Erithacus rubecula)
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These guys are most prevalent in the UK, but are found all across Europe. They also turn into little round borbs in the colder months.
They're diurnal insectivores and are generally quite solitary and territorial, surprisingly. Both males and females have the same colouring, and they sing during the winter.
Here's the Wikipedia article on them.
And here's an extra website of facts about them.
Rules are under the cut, and as always remember to tag me in your entries. Tumblr's been dumb about tags lately.
Minimum requirements to be put in the final collage and contest will be a name, occupation and where they fit in the Storm Hawks universe, and the character’s home Terra (if they’re a wanderer, then use the Terra they were born on).
Art is not mandatory, but written entries should have a few paragraphs of backstory and a physical description of the character. Feel free to make a mini-fic out of it; use whatever medium you want!
Elements of the chosen bird’s appearance should be included in the character’s design.
The deadline for entries has been pushed back to the 24th of the month. Like before, a collage will be put together of everyone’s entries.
On the 24th, all entries will be held to a public vote for a winner! The overall favourite will get a free art request from me, fully lined and coloured.
Entrants who are part of the Storm Hawks discord server will have the chance of getting a custom role for the next month! If you’re not part of the discord server, please ask for an invite if you’re interested.
Make sure to tag me when you finish your characters so I know to put them in the collage!
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