#storm moash
phoenixradiant · 6 months
Obligatory Spoiler Warning for Oathbringer through Chapter 80-something (You know the one):
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You guys. cringe is a negative emotion. odium took moash's pain. moash can't feel cringe anymore no wonder he's fucking like that
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comiclysmic · 1 year
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Cosmere Fashion Month ft. Kaladin and Moash
It's a bit clumsy but I'm so proud of Kal's shirt design. Joy Adhesion. I'm the funniest bitch at the Alethi war camp. 😭
(edited to fix some spelling mistakes in the alt-text)
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madwomansapologist · 3 months
i feel that moash is gonna betray them
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astronomical-bagel · 6 months
fucking send this shit to twelve motherfuckers you think are fucking awesome fucker
why does this copypasta swear like a poorly written bakugo katsuki
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cosmereclysmic · 7 months
2, 9, and 24 for moash teehee
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
I forgot that when posed a question about what my favourite thing is about anything I immediately forget everything about the subject. 😭
Anyways can I say I liked that his refusal to worship Kaladin eventually inverted into a warped absolute-faith/hero-worship thing when he became Vyre? Can I say I like that he refused the call to change-for-the-better? Can I say his accepting Odium's influence when his emotional pain became too much was sickeningly relatable? Moash is a character chock-full of brute-forced contradictions that would make Shallan wince and it haunts me but in a good way??
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
.... Does he like cats?
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
I'm not in any other fandoms so it's difficult to say. Like, Kabru from Dungeon Meshi has some of the vibes, but their personalities are so different any connection between them just slides right off.
I haven't really gotten into Wheel of Time (only read the first book and man. They walk and run a lot.) but Mat is very obviously an influence for Moash's character, so I thought about him a lot while reading lol.
OH and uh. Judas. Yeah that guy. Hush.
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halflingchill · 1 year
I think about Moash alot. He haunts my thoughts at night. Both Kaladin and Moash suffered under high ranking light eyes and the current system in place. Both had that same hate and bitterness in their hearts. But where as Kaladin had people in his life trying to temper his rage (his dad and Syl) or showing behavior against his expectations (Dalinar and Adolin) Moash fell in with people who encouraged his hate and twisted it to suit their purpose. They added fuel to his rage and encouraged him to escalate. By the time Moash could even see another option, it was too late as far as he was concerned. No going back. How can you go back when you've done such awful things? Meanwhile Kaladin is out here reminding him of what he could be and he hates it. Absolutely hates it. And also desperately wants it. But he's stuck now. Stuck and numb and now, blind.
I want him to have a redemption arc. I want him to gain his own oaths and start healing. Cause if Dalinar War Criminal Kholin can have redemption and be permitted to grow and change, so can Moash.
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cosmerelists · 10 days
How Kaladin Would Flirt With Other Cosmere Characters
As requested by @cam-ulu29 :)
Hot off the back of my post about other characters flirting with Kaladin, cam-ulu29 asked if I could also write about Kaladin being the big flirt with other characters. So let's just say that Kaladin had the ability & the desire to flirt...how might he do so?
1. Lyn
Kaladin: I'm glad that there are women Windrunners now. Lyn: Man, me too! Kaladin: And specifically I am glad that you. A woman. And a Windrunner. Are here. Lyn: Awww, thanks! Kaladin (visibly sweating): Yes you. As a woman. Who is a Windrunner. And is here. Lyn: Are you...are you having a stroke right now?
2. Renarin
Kaladin: Hey, Renarin...back when you first joined Bridge 4, did you have a crush on me? Renarin: ! Renarin: W-Was it obvious? Kaladin: N-No, not really! Syl told me. Later. That she thought you did. Renarin: Oh... Kaladin: ... Kaladin: Any chance you still do?
3. Leswhi
Kaladin: Hey, uh, Leshwi? I was wondering if you would be free for an honorable duel, maybe Tuesday night? Leshwi: Certainly. I will assemble the shanay-im. Kaladin: Oh, well, I was actually thinking of an honorable duel with just you and me, you know? Syl: And me! Kaladin: And also Syl. Leswhi: ... Leshwi: Tuesday you said? It's a date.
4. Rlain
Kaladin: Ugh, all these women keep coming to the clinic to flirt with me. Kaladin: I can't get any work done! Kaladin: I bet if they knew I was in a relationship already, they'd stop. Kaladin: Hey Rlain...do you want to hold hands? Rlain: ...Are you asking me to pretend to be your boyfriend? Kaladin: Pretend?
5. Laral
Kaladin: Crazy how we're both single now. Laral: ... Laral: You mean because you got dumped and my husband DIED? Kaladin: Uh... Laral: ... Kaladin: So...not the right moment to see if you want to get a drink and catch up? Laral: NOPE
6. Adolin
Kaladin: I think horses are mean and scary. Adolin: That's just 'cause you haven't been around them enough! I swear! They're cool and friendly! Kaladin (continuing as if Adolin said nothing): But I would accept being around horses. Lots of mean horses. Kaladin: If it meant. Kaladin: Being around you. Adolin: ...? Kaladin: ... Adolin: ... Adolin: Oh! Adolin: Nice.
7. Shallan
Kaladin: [sighing dramatically] Shallan: What's wrong? Kaladin: I want to flirt with someone, but she's much wittier than I am, so I don't know how to even start. Shallan: Oooh, that's exciting! Can I give you advice? Kaladin: I would LOVE advice. Shallan: Well, it depends on whether you can match her wit, or whether you think she's entirely too witty for that. Kaladin: I think I could. Sometimes. Probably not while also flirting, though. Shallan: Sure, sure. Well, you can always just enjoy her wit and let her enjoy how smart she is. Kaladin: Yeah? You think making her feel smart is a good tactic? Shallan: Well, it certainly can't hurt! Kaladin: [significant look] Shallan: ... Shallan: Oh! Shallan: Nice.
8. Moash:
Kaladin: You know...I bet I could swallow a WAY bigger sphere than you could... Moash: MY BED IS UPSTAIRS LET'S GO RIGHT NOW
9. Szeth
Kaladin: You know...I've been thinking that maybe this trip is a chance to find what I really need. Szeth: I feel the same way. Kaladin: You...you do? Szeth: I do. Nightblood: (Me too!) Kaladin: Well, good...because I think what I really need is... Kaladin: You... Szeth (simultaneously): Vengeance. Nightblood (simultaneously): The eradication of evil! Kaladin: ... Kaladin: I don't know what I expected.
10. Jasnah
Kaladin (talking to someone else): I mean...being partnered is fine, I guess, but the sex stuff I don't really get. Jasnah: ... [...] Kaladin (to someone else): Darkeyed Radiants is good and all but, I mean, we still have slavery. Anyone who really cared about social change would do somehing about that! Jasnah: ... [...] Kaladin: (to someone else): I like Wit, but storms can he be annoying sometimes. Small doses, you know? Jasnah: ... [...] Kaladin (talking to someone else): So then I convinced the ardents that locking up the insane in dark rooms was NOT a good thing--they're gonna change the treatment! Jasnah: ... Jasnah: Has Stormblessed always been so attractive?
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nevertheless-moving · 5 months
I have a handful of aus that involve bridge four becoming either briefly or unshakably convinced that kaladin is actually a herald (either one who lost his memory, or secretly, as a test for the lighteyes (they're not doing well)). Actually there's probably at least one guy in canon in WOK who has this as his only half joking pet theory and a couple others who are willing to hear him out for laughs. When the Tower run second ideal happens he's just like I TOLD YOU GUYS I STORMING TOLD YOU.
Anyway Bridge Four Shenanigans such as:
swearing by different heralds names extra loudly to see if kaladin turns around at one
One guy around a corner burning glyph wards dedicated to specific heralds at timed intervals while you watch kaladin carefully to see when he twitches
Saying blatantly wrong things about heraldic legends to see if kaladin will correct you. this one actually works sometimes!!
Eventually teft (assuming its not a time travel scenario where teft is also pretty sure radiants shouldn't just know per-recreance things) or kaladin realizes what's going on and exasperatedly explains his Actual Whole Deal. The guys still keep the bit going, 95% because they've learned it really annoys Kaladin, 5% because he might still be a herald that's testing them only he has a new name (its a very multicultural group of men. What's one more name for Jezrian/Yaezir/Yaysi). And if he is a herald testing them then that's a dick move to pull on your own bridge crew so he deserves to be mocked for it.
Bridge Four being Assholes:
Very satisfying to angrily snap "Kaladin's hands!" to his face when he assigns you night watch for the second week in a row.
Or even just doing a normal herald swear and then immediately following it up with "SORRY CAPTAIN NO OFFENSE." The more panic you fake the better. He sighs so hard, it's great.
a genuinely aggrieved "CAPTAIN'S TITS" got such hard laughs after Lopen stubbed his toe that Moash almost threw up
but unfortunately. as we all know. if you do something ironically enough times. it eventually becomes an actual habit.
And now some of the other bridgecrews have picked up on it and the Captain might actually send the guys who trained them on a one way trip to the tranquiline halls. Skar tripped in front of Prince Adolin and cursed without thinking about it and now the Brightlord is asking. a LOT of questions. Couple of pissed off ardents might get involved. It's messy.
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knightsgaydiant · 1 month
inspired by @taravangians-storming-balls Moash sphere swallowing poll
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Art credit: Right image by @herdaz. Left image by @taravangians-storming-balls. Used with permission. Go show the artists some love!
OVERHATED CHARACTERS POLL: Moash (The Stormlight Archive)
Feel free to explain your position in the comments or tags, but any harassment, over-the-top fighting, or personal attacks will result in you being blocked. Do not attack real people, be they fans or creators, over fictional characters.
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cam-ulu29 · 10 months
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pov you're a soldier getting ready and you're like "oh shit, can't forget to put that rotten fruit in my pocket to throw at slaves in the event I survive. hope it doesn't smush in my pocket and get every where while I'm literally fighting for my life"
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comiclysmic · 10 months
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Moash my oc Moash.
Special thanks to @taravangians-storming-balls for the image description. 🫡💕
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windrunnered · 3 months
kalmoash 26!!!!!!! 👀👀👀
#26 ... as an apology
Moash proffered a tiny vial of knobweed sap, about the length of a finger and the width of about two. He offered it to Kaladin with barely any preamble, shoving it into his hands one morning at wakeup call. Kaladin’s hands shook when they grasped it, mouth a little open. Moash sat next to him, Kaladin still in his bedroll and Moash on the floor, with little to no ceremony. He looked a little disturbed. 
“That’s one part of the apology,” Moash said. “For not believing in you. I thought you were… some guy with party tricks, and a monologue at every opportunity. I didn’t think you’d have a punch.” Funny of him to say that. He looked at Kaladin’s scarred hands and saw something else within them that he must’ve not before. Kaladin must have done something in the bridge runs that truly alighted a fire under Moash, made him want to believe. 
“You bought this?” Kaladin asked with a dry mouth. “I thought you went to the bars, I thought you… but... but you saved enough money to…” to help me, he couldn’t get out. To help them. 
“Yeah, it took a lot. I know why it’s so expensive, now, but storms. I just didn’t buy anything at the bars, even though I went. It sucked.”
Kaladin stared; there was nothing else to do. Eyes huge and mouth apart. It’s enough good-quality knobweed sap to actually do something with; it would have taken days to gather this much poor quality knobweed sap and then even more days to get enough that the apothecary would trade. “And… the other part?” Kaladin asked, trying to work through the grieved relief of being able to do something. His emotions were so confusing.
Moash leaned forward and kissed him. His lips were cracked, but warm, and he smelt of soap and petrichor. Moash’s chin was rough with fresh fuzz; there was not a single part of Moash that was smooth, but Kaladin didn’t mind. He clutched the vial tightly and held onto the crook of Moash’s collarbone, between shoulder and neck, pulling him closer.
When Moash pulled back, all he said was: “That was for the chasms, for rejecting you. I didn’t think.. the katas… I guess, you were cooler than I thought, s’all.”
“I’ll take.. I’ll take a rejected kiss for an accepted one, Moash,” Kaladin said. “And the knobweed sap helps your chances.”
Moash grinned at him. His smile lopsided, his face rough, but he was grinning.
ask me to write a kiss (answering slowly)
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theskyweshare · 9 months
Another scene that should be in stormlight archive book 5
There is a commotion outside the tower. Even though there are 10 days left. Both sides are going to be making moves.
Kaladin sees the early signs of conflict and is worried. Humans and singers are about to clash. They had been called to discuss a seize fire but on both sides there are those who bent on fighting.
Kaldin looses it. In a fit of cold rage he jumps into the sky.
"Windrunners!" He calls out. Tho he no longer A soldier. Every windrunner and squire joins him in the sky without question.
"There will be no more fighting" kaladin roars. His voice like the storms. Eyes ablaze with a tint of red.
"In 10 days the war will end. There are many among you who just want to life. You are free to join us. I and all of the windrunners will protect you. Humans or singer or anyone. And if you wish to fight we'll fight you too"
A regal flie out to attack kaladin but he finishes him swiftly.
Then slowly the murmmers die down.
Kaladin calms and gets back to the clinic like nothing happened.
Some time later kaladin is walking through the tower when we sees solders rushing forward. Some singers had accepted their offer to enter the tower till the war ends. Many had returned to alethkar.
He grunts as he goes to investigate. Queen is there surrounded by guards. Who are facing singers with spears who are defending somebody on the ground.
Kaladin suppresses the surge of anger. Looking at his former, now blind friend. Surround by singers.
"The traitor needs to be punished for his crimes" navani says.
The singers object. These are the singers that kaladin had helped. They see him but say nothing. They are still bitter with him.
"We won't let you take him" the singers yell.
"He is a traitor and dangerous. We cannot let him roam free" snarls a solder.
"Leave him in our care. We will take full responsibility for him. He... he's our friend"
Kaldin is torn.
Just then an impatient solder rushes out to attack the singers. Before kaladin can interfere. The singer disarms the solder and subdues him on the floor.
A move that kaladin recognized. The same move moash used on kaladin when kaldin had tried to go after dunny.
Kaladin steps forward glowing which shuts everyone up before a fight can break out and asks, where the singer learned that move.
The singer answers that moash taught them. That he helped them and protected them when kaladin betrayed and left them so they wouldn't be helpless.
Everyone is silent before kaladin advises singers to keep a close eye on moash from now on and walks away while moash makes a snide remark but kaladin keeps walking.
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