far-side-skies · 2 months
How would you rewrite Energy Crisis?
Hitting me with one of my favourite episodes, okay XD Regardless, let's see what we can do with this one.
So the main thing I'd change about Energy Crisis is its ending.
The SUV doesn't get destroyed, instead the Sky Knight Council takes it off the Hawks' hands, claiming they'll keep it somewhere 'more secure'. It is, after all, a piece of Sky Knight history regardless of its cursed nature so I'm sure people like Harrier would be loathe to actually get rid of it.
This would allow for the SUV to be brought back in a later episode, particularly for Cyclonia Rising. Imagine if, say, Harrier tried using it in a desperate attempt to fight off Talon forces and instead loses his mind to the Medulla Crystal.
We could get a subversion of good and evil tropes and have the Sky Knight Council turn out to be corrupt (something I routinely do in my lore because I love a good morally grey conflict) by revealing that they've either been trying to reproduce the SUV or force someone to take on the burden of using it. But I know that's subjective in terms of taste, so it's not something I'd consider set in stone for a rewrite of the story as a whole.
Overall, I wouldn't change too much about the episode. There's nothing I'd remove, anyway. I think it's a lot of fun and it surprisingly drives forward the hidden subplot that is Dark Ace and Cyclonis's bond falling apart. This man went out of his way to get the Medulla Crystal identified without Cyclonis knowing about it, there was clearly some sort of friction building between them in that episode that we never got to see. I'd probably add more cutaway scenes to the Talon side of Dark Ace's energy-hungry rampage to show how his behaviour in the Suit contrasts with his everyday, "not fighting Aerrow" behaviour (provided his personality had been given an update to make him slightly more well-rounded as a character).
I also have an AU where it's Carver who gets ahold of the SUV instead, so have fun with that thought!
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stormseclipse · 7 days
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My main Father’s Day picture might be late, so have this one for now. If you’ve read the fic, you know about this one XP
Eclipse: remember when I used to draw you pictures? That was a long time ago…
Ace: no, it was yesterday
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cartoonyhappyface · 2 years
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This character belongs to @stormseclipse I’d had fun drawing her. Eclipse is cute but feisty. And who does not like vampires.
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hanniebones · 11 months
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some fluff fanart of @stormseclipse 's vampire OC, Eclipse and vampire Aerrow in their wolf forms :3
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goddess731 · 7 months
Can someone please tell @stormseclipse and @letswonderspirit that one of the bots they blocked was an actual person? I never got around to customizing my account until almost a few months since I first got on, and I think they still think I'm a bot. They're my favorite content creators, and I recently saw a post that said that that was an issue regarding new users, and it reminded me.
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rainymeadows-art · 3 years
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@stormseclipse already shared their rosefinch character, so here’s mine! Her name is just Rosefinch, although her husband calls her Rosie.
When there’s a series primarily about combat, I always find myself fascinated by the characters are either completely pacifistic or just don’t involve themselves in fighting. With that in mind, rather than a Sky Knight or somebody who’s otherwise part of a squadron, I decided my Rosefinch would be a farmer. She owns a large plot of land - probably an entire terra to herself - and the soil is infused with crystals that cause her crops to grow massive and never decay, as you can see by the size of those apricots.
Yes, I play a lot of Stardew Valley, how could you tell?
All of Rosie’s crops are in the Rosaceae i.e. rose family, which includes apples, apricots, peaches, strawberries and cherries, hence the roses on her hat and the strawberry patch on her overalls’ pocket. I decided to make her colour scheme primarily pink with elements of brown to reflect the colour scheme of the rose finch bird. She’s very short - 4′11 - and twenty-three years old.
Her husband’s name is Shrike, and he’s a former Talon who crashed on her farm (annoying her a lot because she doesn’t like her crops being messed with and has a VERY strict harvesting schedule) and was never retrieved by his platoon. They quickly grew to love one another and are currently trying for a child. They have a chonky orange farm cat named Steve.
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nightingale101 · 4 years
Hey, so there was a little bit of interest in my Last post About a Storm Hawks Fanzine.
So does anybody actually know how to make one? because I don’t. the only Experience i have with Fanzines is buying them. 
(also don’t mind me, just tagging some people who actually replied to my post @yami268   @the-nerd-cat  @catcarolingwiththebprd  @stormseclipse )
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stormhawksplanb · 4 years
@stormseclipse I did the thing, and even named it after Nova's Terra lol. Let the shenanigans begin!
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far-side-skies · 7 months
what would Ace be like as a dad?
I rewrote my answer to this like three times help.
He's stressed, depressed and trying his best //shot
Dark Ace is the guy who never planned on having kids, but then some ankle biter urchin decided to adopt him and he couldn't say no.
As a parent he mellows out considerably in comparison to his Dark Ace persona, and he makes sure to keep the kid as far away from the spotlight as possible while they're growing up. He just wants them to have the 'normal' childhood that he didn't get. Obviously if you have the Dark Ace for a parent, your childhood will be far from truely normal, but let him try at least.
He doesn't have a lot of living relatives that he isn't estranged from, but he has a big enough found family on Cyclonia that more than makes up for a lack of blood family. Pretty much all of them adore kids in some capacity, so 'Dark Ace Jr' is set up to have several doting aunts and uncles who will occasionally 'steal' them to go and cause havoc while he's busy.
Cooking and flying are things he often tries to get the kid involved in, since they're useful skills to have in Atmos. Also he just really likes cooking. If they show interest in other things though, he encourages it and tries to get into it himself. For example if they like comics, he'll read along with them so that he knows what they're talking about when they tell him about the story.
He's not the kind of person to say 'I love you' out loud, even to family. Actions are much preferred over words, but expect some fun nicknames here and there ("sky shark", "menace", etc.)
Overall he's the parent who wants his kid to have a better life than he did.
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stormseclipse · 2 months
Sometimes I skip ahead and write stuff in future chapters and I’m like, “damn. I can’t wait for people to read this.” 👀
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stormseclipse · 9 months
Storm's Eclipse fic update
Hey all, I know we're nearing the end of the year and I've only published one chapter of the fic so far, so thought I'd update you. Chapter 2 is technically already finished, I'm just doing a chapter 1 rewrite before I decide to publish it. It's taking me way longer than I thought it would, but worry not, I'm almost done!
Thanks for sticking with me and for reading my fic, it really means a lot to get this story out there after all this time ^^
As a special treat, here's a sneak peek at Chapter 2!
“I just can’t escape you can I?” Rook groused, face falling in disappointment.  Aerrow had been in the middle of biting into a slice of toast with jam, clearly not expecting to see her there either. “I live here?” he replied, unsure how to respond to such a question.
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cartoonyhappyface · 9 months
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I draw Eclipse too cause I like her (character belongs to @stormseclipse)
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far-side-skies · 1 year
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And we are go! April's oc vote is now live! I'd like to thank everyone who participated this month, I had a lot of fun and it was cool to see everyone working the the multiple palettes that this one had to offer.
Vote for your favourite here! https://strawpoll.com/polls/kogjk7pP8Z6
And make sure to check out all the awesome entries we got this month!
Gossamer, the royal archivist by myself
Astennu and Femi, gods of life and death by @stormseclipse
Procellis, the Boar of the West and Cyclonis's mother by @todayis-snowy
Phantom "Tom" Rex, the Sky Knight Council's head librarian by @grimm-the-6th
Kamali "Dangerbug" Ambers, the butterfly assassin by @happypanda101
Alpha, the rogue Finn clone by @tuffdwightwest
Dr Amber, the weapons engineer of Terra Quasar by @rainymeadows-art
Hettie Piera, logistics officer and chess champion by @sarahtunn
The vote will close on the 1st of May, and stay tuned for next month's prompt on the same day. Good luck and thank you to everyone who participated this month!
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far-side-skies · 1 year
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EDIT: I missed someone! So sorry @stormseclipse. This is why one of the rules says to DM me about entries, so please keep that in mind everyone. I'm not the most observant.
And here we have it! This month's lineup for the blood pheasant looks awesome! Thank you to everyone who has taken part this month, it was a joy to see these designs come together.
Vote for a favourite here: https://strawpoll.com/polls/eNg69oxk0nA
Check out the original artists!
Sanguine Partridge, aka Harvestman, former Champion of Cyclonia by myself
Lupin and Da'gar, the dragon rider duo by @irisarchborn
Gabriel Pelangmarah, medic of the original Storm Hawks by @bloo-per
Master Volcanis, Empress of Terra Volcanis by @happypanda101
Orla of the Nightingales squadron by @hanniebones
Kosey, stealth operator of the Magpies squadron by @stormseclipse
Results will be out on Friday the 1st of March, and as always stay tuned for April's challenge prompt! I'll be holding a vote for which 'bird' to use on the Discord server, so if you're interested then please join us!
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far-side-skies · 2 years
Bee Hummingbird OC Contest WINNER
Hi all! I'm proud to announce that the winner of May's bird character vote is @stormseclipse with Sawyer!
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Congrats on a second win! And thank you to everyone who has participated this month! The announcement for June's bird is scheduled to come out later today! I hope you like fish.
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stormseclipse · 4 years
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While I work on some more backstory doodle dumps, thought I'd share a timeline of sorts.
I've decided to extend the war a bit. In the show it seems to take place in like 2 years, but that's not enough time for the character arcs I wanna do. So instead, up until the start of the operation exodus arc, that all still takes place in 2 years. But they end up having more random misadventures for 4 more years before the final battle.
So Eclipse meets the team when she's equivalent to 10 years old, taking part in more main adventures when she's about 14. And finally becoming fully grown at 16.
For reference, Aerrow and Junko are 16 at the beginning of this timeline, Finn and Piper are 15, and Stork is about 24. 
Their ages are more or less irrelevant, but what matters is that Eclipse is one year younger than Aerrow. 
Hope this helps!
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