#story: TTTB
hearts401 · 1 year
I already said a lot in the tags of my reblog but man thank you so much for the stuff you've made for tttb 💜 its really cool seeing someone love my story as much as I do (even if the writing is outdated and old by my standards lol) and I just genuinely have loved and appreciated everything you've created so far <3 I'm really happy you enjoy the fic so much and I hope when I eventually update it again you enjoy the new stuff as well 💜
UEUEUE Im glad u like my fanart so much i absolutely adore ur characterization for the story and it has some of my favorite duos and dynamics!!! I get so happy reading it and im super excited for everything else!!!
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pimosworld · 5 months
TTTB chapter update:
Life has been a lot crazy the last few weeks and I really want to give my all to the next chapter. I’m currently in stare at blank screen mode and the words just aren’t flowing so please be patient for the next chapter. I have not abandoned this story just not feeling very motivated right now. 🤍
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puhpandas · 1 year
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im very late but wow thanks for the love on tttb! its still special to me and i plan to finish it but i havent updated it in months.... lol
i wont give up on gregory and his new family i swear!! i love these goobers and want to finish their story
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bokettochild · 1 year
which ones of your ongoing really long fics are finished? you know, the ending and all? im just cruious
Ummm... Flight to My Heart came to a conclusion in February (I think) and now I'm just doing a sort of spin off story so we can get those sweet bonus after-credits moments in with the princesses, because I wanted them but couldn't make them plot relevant
Technically speaking, The Blood Between Us is also finished, but the overarching plot has been dumped. If you just read TBBU though, you should be fine. it's all pretty self contained.
A Hero Protects His Own will be finished on Wednesday. I don't know which Wednesday, but it will be finished on a Wednesday
I only have like...two other ones: A Royally Awful Prank and A Bride for Hyrule's Prince, which, for one reason or another (*ahem*procrastination*ahem*) are dragging on
Other than that, I think all of my other fics are short, with the exception of the rest of TTTB
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I know it’s better to like “let my art speak for itself,” but I do want to say a few things about this next chapter of TTTB.
So, story time: I’ve been writing this fic while living in a red state that is in the process of passing a slew of horrendous anti-trans legislation. A little while ago when I was writing this chapter, I went to a state legislature committee hearing to speak against a bill that would ban gender affirming medical care for minors. Of course, the the Texas Leg are are a bunch of fucking cowards so they stacked the “invited testimony” block of the hearing with right wing nut jobs, and public testimony didn’t even begin until 9pm. For context- hundreds of people had driven in from all over the state to testify against this bill. Some had been there since 6 in the morning. Then the committee decided they were going to cut off the public testimony at midnight- which is highly unusual and was clearly a reaction to the obvious public opposition to the bill, which they were planning to pass no matter what anyone said. I never got to speak, and the vast majority of the people there never got to speak.
So like, fuck democracy, I guess.
Anyway, at around 9pm the public testimony starts. Since this was a bill that would affect kids, there were a lot of kids and families there. Again, these folks had been there since 6 in the morning, had missed school and work the whole day, and were finally getting to speak. And these kids were amazing. Ten, eleven, twelve year olds, hundreds of miles from home, exhausted, speaking to senators about their right to exist. Justifying their right to continue getting the care that their doctors and therapists and parents agreed was medically necessary. Literally begging these fucking ghouls to vote down this bill, or else they would likely have to move out of the state.
And a lot of the kids talked about when they first realized they were trans. And those stories usually had one thing in common- they had met another trans person, recognized their own experience, and were finally able to verbalize what they’d never had the language to say before.
And it struck me that this is exactly what all the bigots are trying to make impossible with these laws. They want to legislate trans kids out of existence, make it illegal to be trans in public, censor any mention of queer or trans folks in schools, ban gender nonconforming folks from any place kids might be, so that kids don’t have anyone to look to when they’re figuring out they’re queer and trying to see if it’s possible to be who they are safely and happily. Cause it’s so much harder to be open about who you are without seeing someone else do it first- without anyone to guide you.
And thats what this chapter is about.
Anyway, I’m not trans but I love people who are, and this fic is in a lot of ways a love letter to them, and to the queer community where I live. We’re not going anywhere.
Ah, that ended up being a lot longer than I thought. Without any further ado- here’s the chapter. I’ll make another post without this whole preamble, but yeah. Today and Always, Fuck the Texas Leg.
Chapter 9: Test Case
Sirius was nine years old the first time she ran away from home. She only managed to stay away one night before Kreacher came and dragged her back from Andromeda’s flat, but it didn’t matter. That one night changed her life.
“Shit, An, is that a kid?”
Sirius looked up from the stoop on which she sat. She’d dozed off slightly while waiting for Andromeda to get home. For some reason she had imagined that Andromeda would be there to greet her with open arms when she’d clutched the small key ring her cousin had given her last year, a portkey to her new flat. Just in case.
It hadn’t even been that bad at home when she’d left. Just a row with her mother, a few lashes on the top of her hands that Sirius thought she’d truly earned by the end the way she’d run her mouth. Maybe Andromeda would think she’d wasted it. Sirius had always been impulsive.
Now her cousin stood under a fluorescent streetlight flanked by Ted, whom Sirius knew, and several other friends, whom Sirius did not. All of them looked like they were getting home after a night out, dressed in leather and fishnets and eyeliner, even the blokes, and Sirius thought they were the coolest people she’d ever seen in her life.
“Sirius?” Andromeda asked, coming close enough to see her clearly. She was barefoot in silk pajamas, eyes blotchy, hair a mess, shivering from the cold. There was dark crusted blood on her hands and the hem of her shirtsleeve. She held the spent portkey with a shaking grip.
“Hey Andy.”
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viperbarnes · 3 years
The Tie That Binds – [One of Eight]
[B. Barnes, Soulmate AU]
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Summary: HYDRA took everything from you, your life, your future, they even burned off your soulmark to make sure nobody would go looking for you. Now the man they forced you to fix reappears in your life, to make amends and to be ‘of service’.
You know that they made him do all those things, that James 'Bucky’ Barnes is not The Winter Soldier, that he’s innocent. You don’t blame him. But that doesn’t make seeing him again any easier.
Warnings: Panic attacks, language, talk and depiction of home invasion and abduction, canon level violence, HYDRA levels of torture, angst, fluff, slow-ish burn, friends to lovers.
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Nothing felt real until you saw him again.
It was as if ever since 2015, you’d been living your life in some kind of limbo, nothing mattered, the same old routine day in and day out. The world seems to move in slow motion around you, everything slightly lagging behind.
Like you can only see in black and white.
Like you were numb.
And then all of a sudden, in one brilliant flash of light everything speeds up, colour blinds you and the numbness disappears, replaced instead by pure, unadulterated fear.
He walks slowly down the hallway of doors, his eyes locked on yours like he knew you’d be here, knew exactly when to catch you. That in itself sets off a million other fears in your brain, and no matter how many times you’d gone through this scenario in your head, how many times you’d stayed up formulating a plan for escape, you can’t seem to move. Your body is frozen in place, the only movement available to you is the shake in your hands as he gets closer and closer.
You can’t even seem to cry.
He stops several feet away, looking for all the world like he wanted to be anywhere but here, but he squares his shoulders anyway and takes a deep breath.
“Hi.” He greets grimly, voice more nervous than you’d imagined, though deep and distinctly tainted by a Brooklyn accent you might’ve found endearing if not for everything else.
You realise suddenly that you’ve never heard him speak before.
You only stare, unblinking. He takes another deep breath and continues.
“My name is James Bucky Barnes. I am no longer the Winter Soldier–”
The mention of him, the name itself, makes you drop the thick set of keys and the small stack of letters you hold, sending them clattering to the floor. He stops speaking and blinks down at them, then back at you, before he crouches down to collect them.
“… And I’m here to make amends.” He stands slowly and holds out your keys and letters, lips pursed tightly as he waits for you to say something, or react at all. But you’re still staring at him, still unable to tear your eyes away until he waves the items, making your keys jingle a bit, and you snap out of it.
“I’m sorry.” He says, seemingly sincerely, but your voice is gone, and you can only nod as you carefully, hesitantly, take your things back from him, thankful when he steps back again. He stares at you with a sad frown, and you want so desperately to open your mouth and to say something, anything, but you just can’t.
He shoves his hands in his pockets and takes another step back.
“I’m… I’m going to go home now.” He tells you pointedly, and you can only nod once more. He turns his back and begins to walk.
You take that moment to shakily shove your key into the lock, quickly heaping yourself inside and slamming closed the door.
Making sure you lock your door once again, you can’t stop the sobs that wrack your body, sliding down the heavy wood and curling yourself into a ball.
You don’t hear him stop at the end of the hallway, you don’t hear the way he curses under his breath.
You laugh wildly and wave off your friends, shaking your head as you enter your apartment building. Even as the doors shut you can still hear them talking and laughing loudly as they return to their own buildings, but let the first peaceful sounds of quiet hit you as you jab the button for the elevator and make your way up to your place.
The alcohol buzzing through your veins amplifies reality and you ponder what an odd sensation it is to be so cognisant of yourself when you’re finally alone after a night of being surrounded by others. You lean heavily against the elevator wall and pull your graduation cap from your head when you realise you’re still wearing it.
It wasn’t the first time you’d graduated, but it was the last.
Excitement bubbles in you once again as you exit the lift onto your floor, all the possibilities and futures that lay before you making you feel unstoppable. You were going to be big, the things you were going to do were going to be big and now that you were fully and properly accredited, you couldn’t wait to prove to the world what you could do.
You unlock your apartment door on the third try, and stumble as you throw your cap and purse on the counter. Tomorrow you would call back Stark Industries and formally accept their offer, but for now, you needed water, a shower and bed. In that order.
You don’t bother turning on the lights in your apartment as you stumble through it, moving for your bathroom, however, when you reach the main hallways that lead to your bedroom, you pause and frown, switching the light next to you on as you stare down the passage.
You could have sworn you’d shut your bedroom door… In fact, you’d made a point of it before you’d left that morning… but here it was, wide open, and even swinging slightly like it were caught in a breeze.
In your drunken haze, you only frown deeper and move further down the hall, tiptoeing as quietly as you could, as if you were going to catch a ghost or an intruder off guard, but when you reach the doorway and switch the light on, you’re greeted by nothing.
A breath of anxiety leaves your lungs. It had been a busy morning, you could have easily forgotten that you’d gone back in after you’d shut it.
You relax, and kick it open further, shuffling forward before closing it behind you, but it stalls, refusing to click into place. A little frustrated now, you push on it harder, looking down at your floor to make sure there was nothing stopping it from shutting, but everything was clear. With an annoyed growl, you tear the door open again, intending to inspect the door frame itself, but you’re stunned frozen.
A man stands before you, completed shadowed in black, all but his eyes covered. You don’t even have time to react, you open your mouth to scream, but his hand shoots out, grabbing your jaw, the noise dying out before you can even make it.
Your body trembles, tries to back away, tries to run but he already has you, a grip stronger than what seemed real pulling you by where he holds you.
“Pack only essentials.” His voice is monotone and dark, and from his free hand, he throws a black duffle bag at your feet between you. His words left no room for argument, no terms for negotiation and yet your inebriated mind throws this out the window. You manage to latch onto the nearest item, a small lamp on the cupboard next to you, and with strength you didn’t know you had, you smash the thing into the side of the man’s head.
He releases you, hissing, and you run, somehow past him, your sloppy, drunken movements tamed somewhat by the adrenaline coursing through you.
You make it to your kitchen, to your purse and your phone, but then he’s there, hand grabbing yours and squeezing so hard your phone breaks under his grip. Intense and unrivalled pain lances through your fingers and palm, joined by a strange burning sensation. You become acutely aware of the snapping sound of bones until he lets go.
“Do not run.” He warns, though it sounds more like a threat, and with his body now bearing down over yours, and the pain in your hand, you lash out with your other, trying to push him away, maybe injure his eyes. Your fingers catch on something hard though, and you only manage to dislodge his mask, revealing his full face to you.
You don’t know or recognise him, and there was something so cold and unfeeling about his expression despite the situation you were in that makes your skin crawl. It was like the lights were on but nobody was home, like his brain was completely disconnected from his body and actions, right up until his eyes narrow, and he lifts a fist.
You can’t help but glance at the appendage before it crashes into your face, something catching your eye about it as the moonlight pouring in from your living room window hits it, and you realise, it was silver.
The last thing you remember before he knocks you out is the strange, but all-too-familiar whirring of a mechanical arm.
You wake up with a start, air trying to claw its way out of your lungs desperately. Your wide eyes search the room, and momentarily you see nothing but four grey walls, slowly closing in on you, before your senses begin to return, and your familiar bedroom fades through the nightmarish vision.
Sounds of the city waking up outside serve to ground you, and you slump back against your pillows for a few seconds, allowing your breathing and heart rate to calm down before you peel yourself out of bed slowly, cringing at the way your hair sticks to your clammy, sweaty skin.
The cold Brooklyn morning is comforting to you, and although you’d usually sleep longer than this on a work night, you know you won’t be going back to bed any time soon. You make your way to your small, cramped bathroom and switch the lights on, quickly discarding your clothes.
When you reach for the tap, you pause, eyes fixated on your hand, the one you hand remember clear as day being all but crushed in his grip. It had healed, but the broken bones weren’t the worst of it.
They’d taken your soulmark.
You don’t know why they did, you guess it had something to do with making sure there were no loose ends as far as your abduction went. They’d cut the mark from your hand, burned the wound, until it healed into just a lump of scarred, white skin.
Out of all the things they’d taken from you, it was this that hurt the most. They’d taken everything and left you with nothing, not even that which you were fated for. Knowing that somewhere out there, your soulmate would be waiting, wondering where you were, but you’d never be able to find them, never be able to know for sure if they were the one...
The first blasts of cold water shock the thoughts from your mind, and you immerse yourself, basking in the feeling against your hot skin, before the water finally begins heating, fogging up the room.
You take a deep breath and force yourself to close your eyes, leaning your forehead against the white tile.
“They’re gone. You’re free, and they’re gone…” You begin repeating softly, the familiar mantra only just audible over the running water.
You hadn’t had a nightmare in months, not one so vivid anyway, not one that made sense, that was more a memory playing itself back than a dream. You didn’t sleep well as a rule, but normally your bad dreams consisted of other things.
You know it’s not a coincidence, not when he’d shown up at your door a week ago.
You knew he was innocent. You knew that. He’d been brainwashed and tortured and he was innocent… But that didn’t make everything you’d experienced less real. Coming to terms with the fact he wasn’t some monster was hard when all you wanted was someone to hate.
You suppose you just never thought you’d ever see him again in the flesh.
It was easier to fear the memory of something, but when it showed up at your door, apologising and wishing to make amends…
Despite your best efforts, you can’t stop thinking about him. What had he meant about making amends? Why had he sought you out after so long? What did he want?
Maybe that’s why when he shows up at your door again, you aren’t so terrified.
He definitely gives you a fright, but no more than anyone would seeing as you’d opened your front door just as he’d raised a fist to knock on it. A momentary flash of fear makes your eyes widen, but you’re rather surprised when it seems to pass over you, settling down into something more like unease.
For his part, Barnes looks a little bewildered, like he’d been caught out, and you wonder briefly, with no small amount of discomfort, how long he’d been standing there.
You both stare at each other, until he finally forces open his mouth and speaks.
“I can go, if you want,” He blurts, eyes darting over your features quickly, but always returning to your eyes.
“But I just came to ask if there’s anything I can do for you?” He nods slightly after speaking, as if he’d been practising the words and had delivered them just as intended.
You blink at him, completely taken aback, but somehow managing to find your voice this time. Is this what he’d meant by ‘making amends’?.
“I… I don’t know…?” You shuffle from one foot to the other.
“My… My friend told me that I should seek out people I hurt… to be ‘of service’.” He tells you quickly, as if he suddenly felt the need to explain himself. Honestly, it’s helpful, helping you put together more pieces of whatever the hell this puzzle was.
“You didn’t hurt me.” You say carefully, trying not to sound like you’d been practicing. You see his brow furrow, and his lips pull into a thin line.
“HYD– They were the ones who did it…” You take a deep breath, adjusting your hold on your reusable shopping bags. His eyes flicker to them briefly, but are back on your face in a blink.
“I read about you… after, I mean… I know you weren’t…” You lift a hand and tap your temple, though immediately cringe.
Barnes lips quirk, but any semblance of a smile disappears soon after, his eyes turning strangely soulful. With his haircut and altogether more well-kept look, it was hard to see why you’d been so scared of him the other day… he didn’t even look like the same person anymore.
“Sure. But I still did those things… I still owe you.”
You stare at each other again for a long while, almost like you were both just reacquainting yourselves with what you looked like. You weren’t exactly put-together yourself right now, but you can’t imagine you look any worse than when you were a literally prisoner of HYDRA.
“Is there anything I can do for you?” He asks again a moment later, and you suddenly remember that you were standing in your doorway, disrupted in your task.
“I– I don’t know, I’m sorry, I have to go,” You shake your head, and attempt to dismiss him for now. The store was only open for another hour before your shift started.
“I need to get my groceries before the shop closes.”
Barnes steps back, gives you plenty of room as you pull your door shut behind you, locking it securely. But when you turn back to him, his face seems to have perked up. It’s odd to see on him, honestly.
“I can carry them for you.”
You stare at one another again, and you find for some reason you can’t say no.
Perhaps you just wanted to see the former Winter Soldier carry your groceries.
The thought almost makes you laugh.
Not as much as seeing him trail behind you in the aisles does. You wonder if your sudden ease at his presence is similar to the ease you have when there’s a spider in your bathroom… You don’t want it around exactly, but if you’ve got your eyes on it, at least you know where it is.
You keep to your short list of needs, mostly trying to ignore the fact that this was very, very strange all things considered, and when you’ve finished and gone through the checkout, he grabs all six of your bags and waits for you to lead the way.
“Do you… do you live in the city?” You can’t help but ask him on the walk back. He looks at you, almost surprised, but nods, and averts his gaze again.
“In Bed-Stuy.”
It’s your turn to be surprised.
“That’s only a couple of blocks. I’ve never seen you around before.” You marvel. He doesn’t look at you, keeping his eyes trained to the pavement.
“I know.”
Silence falls between you again, and prevails until you reach your building.
“Thanks. This has been… weird.” You tell him truthfully, watching how his lips quirk in that almost-smile again. He hands you your bags of groceries and then looks about.
“You do this every Thursday?” He asks, and you shake your head.
“No, I just forgot all week, and I really needed milk.”
He hums under his breath, frowning slightly again as he digs into his pocket and pulls out a small notepad. You watch him scribble something on a page, before he rips it out and holds it out to you.
“That’s my number… if you ever need anything, call me. I’ll come.” Barnes says seriously. Nodding, you reach out to gingerly pluck the paper from his fingers, but he keeps a hold of it for a moment longer, locking eyes with you.
“Anything.” He reiterates. Swallowing, you nod again, and he releases the page.
“Thanks, uh–”
“–Bucky… Please just call me Bucky.”
You watch him with a strange feeling filling your chest as he shoves his hands deep in his pockets and steps away from you. It takes you a few seconds to build up the courage to actually say his name.
“Thanks, Bucky.”
Bucky waits until you’ve disappeared inside your apartment building before he quickly pulls his hands from his pockets, hissing in discomfort as he finally attends to the searing, itching burn that had suddenly begun attacking his soulmark.
A few good scratches does the trick, but it leaves him with an entirely different sensation.
Bucky stares up at your apartment building, despair and dread settling deep in his belly. Realisation spurns on a hundred memories, a hundred memories now with a new context, a worse context, and Bucky feels completely nauseous.
You were his soulmate.
And HYDRA had made you afraid of him.
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If you enjoyed, a comment or reblog would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for reading!
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nema-tode · 5 years
I'm SquallGameplays from deviantart. Basically,I write the story, "The Ties That Bind" . I'd highly suggest checking out my deviantart to see most of them. I'll do most of TTTB'S links later.
Alright,I won't post the rest since they would flood the blog,but head to my profile for more!
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saranel · 6 years
Hi! I found your fics only a while ago (I'me a hardcore UraYoru shipper who's been away from the bleach fandom for a while, like you), and I just LOVE THEM. Your characterization of both of them is flawless and the settings just perfect. Also TTTB really made me want to see Thailand, ahah. Glad to hear there are more stories coming. Thank you for all the wonderful work!
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I’ve loved these goofs for well over a decade now, and I’ve missed playing in this sandbox terribly.
Always great to meet another UraYoru shipper! ;)
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thegreatwhiteferret · 6 years
im rlly behind but (& I’m not trying to be pushy at all) when can we expect an update for tttb?
The short answer is I don’t know.The explanation to that is that I have started the chapter, it’s sitting in an open Google Doc on my laptop, but every time I go to write my brain doesn’t cooperate. I can’t say why that is exactly, but I can say that the drama in this fandom and the pressure to produce content do not help. It’s not really inspiring. I hope to update soon. I have four projects for the IT fandom including TTTB that I have as WIPs and am determined to finish. But I also start school next week and that will be my first priority as it is my real life. I will try to work on it this week and get you guys an update, I love the story and the characters, and I’m sorry that I’ve made all of y’all wait so long. That’s just how it is right now.
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brothersapart · 7 years
(the mobile-friendly version)
Background information:
Brothers Apart was started by @nightmares06 October 24th, 2014 and has been going strong ever since! During the last two years two other writers have been added to the team along with a very helpful assistant!
The main storyline, Brothers Apart, has since sparked a collection of AUs. Each storyline is individual in and of itself, but all tie into the main arc in their own way. Visit Links to find your way to the stories.
Why don’t you just post Brothers Apart and not all these other stories?
Since Brothers Apart is (mostly) written by myself, there isn’t enough story built up to have a backlog. Due to a falling out with a former beta reader, writing for Brothers Apart was frozen for a year. During that time we conceived a number of other storylines, and we invite you to enjoy them along with us.
When/where do the stories post?
Sunday, 9pm EST Wednesday, 9pm EST
Any changes to this schedule will be announced on the tumblr as soon as we know about them.
There are three different sites the stories post on:
Archive of Our Own || Fanfiction || Deviantart
Any prompts received will be posted to the tumblr blog before appearing on any other sites, otherwise stories are on the three sites listed above.
Order of creation of the various AUs:
Brothers Apart– “But what if I never fixed Sam?”
Brothers Found– “But what about JACOB?”
Brothers Adopted– “Okay but Jacob’s too cute, let’s make him small”
Brothers Divided– “… bad, Dean”
Brothers Together– “OSCAR”
Brothers Lost– “Okay we should make BOTH brothers small”
Brothers Asunder– “Wee Sammers and Bowman as brothers!”
Brothers Unexpected– “Because Sam/Jacob and Dean/Oscar are too cute to contain”
Brothers Consulted– “I wonder how Sherlock and Dean would react to each other…”
**Various unannounced ideas**
Brothers Saved– “Big Sam and his tiny big brother strutting around”
I love the artwork! Why don’t you have more of (insert character)?
We love the art too! But since we’re writers, and our skill at actual drawing is lacking, all of the artwork you see posted here (with a few incredibly rare exceptions), are either commissioned with our own money or submitted by fans (you lovely, lovely people). We love supporting our favorite artists, so we won’t stop commissioning anytime soon, but it’s dependent on if we have money at the time we get the idea.
If you want to help us out, please Buy Me a Coffee and let us know what character or AU you want commissioned! Once we have enough money for that AU, we’ll get it done.
When does (insert story) start posting?
We’re not sure when each story goes up, we only have a timeline for the days stuff will post. To prevent any stories from gaining favoritism over others, we started running a poll. During the last week or two of a story, there will be a poll with (2) to (6) options offered, and the winner will be the story that starts next!
Keep in mind that the stories that appear in the poll will be fully written/edited and beta’d by our wonderful beta readers, any stories that are incomplete in any fashion will not be included.
The poll is run through SurveyMonkey, and each person gets only (1) vote! Duplicate votes WILL BE REMOVED.
Can you go back to posting stories about only Sam and Dean?
Seriously, we’re going to keep writing together because we do it for fun. You’ll see classic Brothers Apart stories come around when I finish them, but you’ll also get a lot of the collabs we do. We write for ourselves and to get rid of stress. Since we’re not paid to do this (in fact, we spend a decent amount of money on story things), we’ll continue to write what we like.
We still love feedback and getting new ideas from all you readers out there, so keep sending us prompts and suggestions! Just don’t be upset if we don’t do yours– we might not be feeling it.
There’s a book? Where can I get a copy!?
There used to be a book, but it has been discontinued and no longer offered as an option in the contest. Thanks for your interest!
Will Castiel be in the story?
Go read all the stories.
Why didn’t my ask get answered yet?
Generally only one ask is answered a day, please be patient with us.
Popular Tags:
#commissioned art– all the artwork commissioned by the writers of the BA for the stories/ideas we have.
#fanart– artwork done by the fans.
#contest entry 2016– entries submitted for the 2016 BA contest
#bac 2017 tumblr– entries submitted for the 2017 BA contest on the tumblr side (for DA entries, go here).
#daily update– all the story excerpts posted since the beginning.
#prompt– finished prompts (or unfinished prompts, multiple things get filed here).
#submission– wonderful submissions from you readers!
Commissions are open!
What characters belong to who?
Supernatural characters– Sam and Dean Winchester, Bobby Singer, John Winchester (though I’ll warn that any prompts for John Win are the least likely to be fulfilled because he usually gives me writer’s block), Castiel, Gabriel, Rufus and Rumsfeld. Various other Supernatural characters.
Original characters– Nixie, Ilyana, Celeste (problematic fave), Walt Watch, Mallory Watch, Briella Watch, Moira Wainscot, Krissy Vent, Sean, Kara Bolt, Christian Bolt, Mikael Foyer, Noonia and Elenia.
Original Characters– Bowman, Jacob Andris, Oscar, Rischa, Cerul, Scar, Vel, (any of the wood sprites, basically), Colfax and Adrian (better prompted at @alittleblogoftrust ), Asp the shadow sprite, Indigo Seraf.
Only original characters, as canon characters tend to come very slowly for me.
Sherlock Characters– Sherlock Holmes and John Watson, Greg Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson, Molly Hooper and Mycroft Holmes.
Doctor Who Characters– Mostly Tenth Doctor, will do Nine, Eleven, and Twelve (I’m working through Classic Who at a snail’s pace xD) Willing to write for companions from New Who as well.
Original Chracters– Zepheera is my main OC, Stan Baker, Simon Baker, Nathan Sullivan and a bunch of borrower bbys: Kernel, Orrick Shelf, Boston Mantel, Baycliff, Klerida, Marcue Overmantle; basically, if you’ve read my stories, any of the OCs are up for grabs.
Story excerpts
Each day on brothersapart.tumblr.com, we will be posting a new excerpt from a story we are working on at the time. This happens at 10a.m. est, and it’s a tiny blurb from the story.
A bit on the tags for our story excerpts:
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#trnt here is the abbreviation of the story the excerpt came from– later revealed to be “The Road Not Taken”
Abbreviations we’ve used and their names if announced:
#trnt– The Road Not Taken (posted)
#twf– The Water’s Fine (posted)
#tnplh– There’s No Place Like Home
#atth– A Time to Heal
#iatwaa– It’s a Tall World After All
#sow– Sam of Wellwood (posted)
#don– Dean of Nowhere (posting)
#bofa– Bobby of Far Away
#dow– Dean of Wellwood
#awos– A World of Secrets
#eotm– Epidemic of the Mannequins
#ws– Wayward Sons
#bah– Bigfoot's a Hoax
#coth– Clash of the Hunters
#auv– An Unexpected Visitor
#sotw– Shadows on the Wall
#gacs– Garlic and Cold Spots (posted)
#tsotf– The Study of the Four (posted)
#tttb– The Ties that Bind (posted)
#ababs– A Burglary at Baker Street
#teome– The Enemy of my Enemy
#jiw– Jacob in Wonderland (posted)
#rt– Road Trip
#a:asocs– Aftermath: A Series of Consulted Shorts
#bp– Bittersweet Parting (posted)
#ffh– Far From Home 
#fs– For Science
#adod– A Day of Duality
#bftp– Blast from the Past
#apias– Any Port in a Storm
#thoaw– The Heart of a Wolf
#san– Sam and Nicholas
#apfo– A Place for Oz
#sb– Something Borrowed
#ttol– The Trials of Logan
#lald– Live and Let Die
#aol– Avenue of Life
#malc– M&Ms and Lucky Charms
#afin– A Friend in Need
#boan– Birth of a Nightmare (posted)
#rj– Regarding Jacob
The last kind of tag you’ll see is the queue tag:
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All this means is it is a reblogged excerpt from 2016, you can go to the original post to find out its tags.
This has been a dissertation on tags!
If you see any questions we left out, be sure to send in an ask!
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ao3feed-yurionice · 7 years
The Ties That Bind: A Father's Love
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2x4bFn6
by QueBae
He couldn’t tell him how it felt seeing his son with another man who was not his father, yet was able to fit the role so much. It had sent a lump of uneasiness down into the pit of his stomach where it remained and festered whenever his thoughts grew dark. Even if he logically knew the man was not out to steal his son away from him by any means, it had hurt to see his Yurochka’s hand be held and see them having a good time together. It made him feel like he wasn’t meant to be Yuri’s father, like he was just trying to fill a role till Yuri was reunited with someone who was capable of giving Yuri a father's love.
A ficlet from my The Ties That Bind multichap. This ficlet is set a couple of years into the future of the TTTB universe but no prior knowledge of the main TTTB series is necessary and it may be read as a standalone. This ficlet may also appear in future chapters in the main story so current readers can also get a sense on which direction the main story will go and is for those who want content while they wait for the next update.
Words: 6353, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri, Yuri Plisetsky
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri & Yuri Plisetsky
Additional Tags: Single Dad AU, Ballet Dancer Katsuki Yuuri, Kid Yurio
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2x4bFn6
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puhpandas · 2 years
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bokettochild · 2 years
So I had just a very angst thought for Wars and the rest in TTTB: what if the group ended up in the Age of Calamity timeline and they got to witness what Wild was like before his big nap. In that version, Wild doesn’t retrieve the Master Sword til part way through the game but he is still known as the ‘Silent Knight’ at the beginning of the game, so the angst of Wars seeing his boy and what he was conditioned into would be heartbreaking. (Age of Calamity is basically the video game equivalent of a time-travel fix-it fanfic for BotW just for point of reference)
You know, I've had a few folks ask me if I was planning on doing this actually. So, for those wondering, I'm pretty sure @telemna-hyelle already did it! She actually has written some stuff for TTTB as well, and it's super good!
I may visit the idea myself in future, but probably not in the proper timeline of TTTB, more likely in a "what if" sort of story, because trying to balance Light (AoC Link) with everything else going on in the TTTb universe is a bit much for me, I think.
I am tempted though! I think it would be a fun thing to create when I have time, especially with how much that sort of story usually makes me happy :)
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viperbarnes · 3 years
The Tie That Binds
[B. Barnes, Soulmate AU]
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Summary: HYDRA took everything from you, your life, your future, they even burned off your soulmark to make sure nobody would go looking for you. Now the man they forced you to fix reappears in your life, to make amends and to be 'of service'.
You know that they made him do all those things, that James 'Bucky' Barnes is not The Winter Soldier, that he's innocent. You don't blame him. But that doesn't make seeing him again any easier.
Story Warnings: Language, talk and depiction of home invasion and abduction, canon level violence, HYDRA levels of torture, angst, fluff, slow-ish burn, friends to lovers. Possibly more TBD.
Notes: Coming soon! Please send me an ASK if you would like to be tagged. This story will take place at some point post-TFATWS. Will update soon with chapter details.
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♾ Prologue
♾ Chapter One
♾ Chapter Two
♾ Chapter Three
♾ Chapter Four
♾ Chapter Five
♾ Chapter Six
♾ Chapter Seven
♾ Chapter Eight
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Order of Things
For the upcoming stories, I am hoping to push out a continuation of “The Ties That Bind” followed by Serval’s backstory, another Chapter or two of TTTB, and a backstory for a 4th main character who I am really excited to introduce! She is a character I’ve given a ton of thought to and I think she will impact the story quite a bit. 
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bokettochild · 1 year
omg, i just went to check out The Ties That Bind (since i stopped reading a couple chapters into The Face of My Father) and WOW YOU’VE WRITTEN A LOT!!! i’m soo excited to get back into this!! i remember loving your writing style and constantly looking forward to new chapters!! also i hope you’re doing well!! /gen
Yeah, i have! I wanna think I have over 100 LU stories, i just didn't get around to posting all of them yet...
That said, i'm really surprised you enjoyed TTTB so much! I hope you enjoy your re-read as well, and (when I can finally work on enough to release it) the rewrite!
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