diminuel · 2 days
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Based on @humunin's ask about a shirt idea for Crocodile!
I initially wanted to draw a comic but couldn't think of anything so here's just the shirt for now *lol*
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specialagentartemis · 21 hours
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jessaerys · 19 hours
the reason armand hated claudia wasn't because of louis or lestat or whatever it was because claudia was turned younger than him so he no longer held the record for youngest prettiest jailbaitiest vampire in town. and that sent him into a spiral
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they're having the tits off
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lonelysheepling · 2 days
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From life to decay
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aplaceinme · 1 day
When Tommy sees the news about the bee-nado, he smiles because he already knows that when he meets with Buck later that night, Buck will have a bunch of facts about bees to tell him.
Wanting to surprise Buck, Tommy looks up obscure trivia about bees whenever he has some free time on his shift. He can picture Buck getting all excited about it, smiling that big adorable smile of his that never fails to make Tommy's heart skip a beat.
Tommy can't wait until they see each other later. They saw each other the day before but he already misses him so much.
Unable to resist, he sends Buck a text, saying, 'Take care out there. Love you.'
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adam-isnotreal · 2 days
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I don't even know
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neilperryismine · 2 days
when mr perry takes neil away after the play todd watches the car drive away for a while and it looks like he’s kinda hoping it will stop, like he has something to say, or that he just doesn’t want neil to leave, but he has this pained expression and it’s horrible bc we know that’s not even the worst of what’s coming
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apricote · 3 days
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aghostsdestiny · 21 hours
He's sorry that he's late & he brought pizza 🍕
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eliorosb3rg · 2 days
the curls im going crazy
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taevincii · 2 days
One of my favorite videos of him, EVER. Truly poetry in motion
(c): Drewcantshoot
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uninformedartist · 2 days
Well this just... CW: Mentions of SA, censored SA, fetishising SA, and just a lot so CW
So saw this post come randomly on my twitter tl & this post here is more of a vent in just how disturbed and disgusted I was.
So it was this post by a user
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And I gave my initial response on twitter, being in utter disagreement you would want to see MORE of a victim being abused and assaulted by their abuser.
Their response & others in comments (nauseating)
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Then I saw this qrt by someone with a substantial amount of likes:
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And had this to say on my twitter
"Yet he's still being manipulated & doesn't really have a choice in saying NO. This dynamic can be explored yes. But it takes a hell of a writer to portray such a dynamic. Hazbin is simply NOT that show nor has the writers for this. Most I've seen is this dynamic being fetishized".
While this *could be* where Angel did consent, it doesn't take away from the fact he is still a victim, the multiple other times insinuated in show he DIDN'T consent/just allowed whatever to happen to him. Back stepping, the implication that consent, him having any say on yes or no is not really on the table with Valentino. That is made VERBALLY clear in this scene:
There really is no consensus from Angel's end he just agrees because he's contractually bound by soul, Valentino will hurt him in many ways and he's in fear, constant fear. He has little to no agency whatsoever & whatever bit he has is granted by permission from Valentino.
Consent should be this:
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NONE of what is mentioned here as example applies to Angel & his relationship with Valentino.
There is therefore no consent
And I actually wasted my breath on relying to this person because long behold:
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Ya'll need help, this person is a victim & is still in contact with their rapist/said they loved /still love them &... it was a family member: said in another post of them. I genuinely wish this person healing, that they get one day far away from their rapist & that nothing bad ever happens to them again. They're coping very destructive so I can only hope one day they heal.
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Also brought other rape fetishists out, NOT CNC plain rape fetishists with no situation like the person above.
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This show & its writers I will say to end times WAS NOT prepared to handle such a serious, sensitive & REAL topic such as Sexual abuse, abuse, the dynamic between a victim and abuser and in all showcasing a story of a male victim.
Sorry for this post, needed to get whats on my heart out.
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deputyrook · 4 hours
do you think lucanis' chest gets tight with panic after spite grins at rook and says, "oh, I like her." do you think he tries to ignore the implications of that as he turns away, the same way he tries to ignore spite's apparition completely. (as if shutting it out will make it go away.) do you think he tries to keep his expression perfectly neutral so as to not give spite any more reason to become interested in rook, because he knows trying to push back or discourage spite will have the opposite reaction. (it doesn't work. he wants to talk to her and god only knows what spite would say if he takes hold of him now.) do you think-
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no-tengo-ojos · 8 hours
IT’S DONE!!!!!
Finally finished the Archivist cardigan, ton of shit happened that delayed the making of it (I’ll talk about it when I’m ready) but it’s finally done!!!!
Piccies!!! (+Lotte/Op reveal ig)
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One of the minor details that no one's really going to notice but do give it away as a TMA cardigan are the pockets. I used some eye-conography in them and gave them a raised relief
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It's not entirely visible but it is tactile
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Also bonus pic of me using Arthur Lester as a pin cushion (because that's all he is atp)
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orpheuslament · 2 days
does anyone know what the point is
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