#strange connections made by moonchild
moonchildridden · 2 years
Another moment of me watching a scene of one series and remembering a scene for another series, this time The Eclipse edition.
So, probably because First played in both series, when Ayan talked about Akk not wanting for them to sleep on the same bed...
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...I remembered about Yok telling Dan if he didn't take the pillow off, he would think that Dan was thinking about something different than art
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To be honest, I don’t even know why my brain made that connection but I thought that it was funny to share with y’all. Or interesting, idk
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we're pack, moonchild.
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Seokjin | Yoongi | Hoseok | Namjoon | Jimin | Taehyung | Jungkook
Summary: You've met Kim Taehyung. Everyone has. [a drabble in which you go to the same school with the Bangtan gang and are tiring to figure out if that's what they really are. a gang? or a pack?] Word Count: +1k Note: Make sure you read Namjoon's chapter first. Basically, there's no first or last chapter with this little series, but Namjoon's chapter kinda creates a basis. (idk, it just makes sense to me.) dedicated to my precious baby @dope-boss who ended up with Tae as her bias because she couldn't choose and asked me to do it for her ✨
Gif not mine, credits to the owner.
You’ve met Kim Taehyung. Everyone has. Either in the cafeteria, in class or in the green park that this school flaunts as its biggest attraction. Although everyone knows that’s a position already occupied by the slim, cheeky Taehyung. He’s part of the Bangtan gang for sure, always linking arms with Jimin and pushing his nose into Jungkook’s hair - a friendly gesture the shy younger one tolerates.
However, his closeness with them doesn’t deter him from meeting every student in his grade individually, taking at least one break to pass the time and the gap from I know you by sight to We’re acquaintances and I wouldn’t mind hanging out with you. You’re not sure how he does it, but he is a true social butterfly, denying no one the smooth tone of his voice or the bright bubbling of his laughter.
But the fact that astounds you to no end is that he actually remembers almost everything. He may be chained to low grades in Mathematics and Chemistry class, but all social information just sticks on him like he’s honey. And the fact that he’s talking to literally everyone lends him vast knowledge.
The first time he came to sit with you, he’d initiated small talk that transitioned to weightier topics faster than you could think. Unlike with others, Taehyung’s listening gaze and body posture had been soft as you willingly listed the reasons for your current unhappiness. He had attentively listened and even given helpful advice that had embedded itself in your chest ever since. The next day, you had found a sweet note on your desk together with a small care package, all of it decorated with Jimin’s neat handwriting and Taehyung’s thoughts.
“I hope you know that you are precious,” it whispers in beautiful calligraphy. “May your trials end in full bloom.” It’s only then that you realize that Taehyung had never asked you to reveal your burdens to him. He hadn’t prodded or poked, his presence had merely made you so comfortable that you had dropped everything on him without even asking. The thoughtful care package had almost made you feel guilty then. Talking to your friends that day, making them revisit their own memories about their first encounter with Taehyung, you all realized something shocking. All of them had been in a similar situation with him.
Something about Taehyung seems to make people entrust him with their secrets. Maybe it’s the big brown eyes that spell home. With rosé cheeks, you think that you don’t actually mind Taehyung knowing so much about you. There’s not a single time anyone had ever seen or heard him gossiping. Behind his back, people admire his purity and his innocence. No, you trust Taehyung for some strange reason.
Returning to the second time you met the skinny energetic boy, which had been almost two months after the first time, your brain pointed out that talking to him increased a sense of comfort in you. It gave you a feeling of completeness. He casually picked up where he left off the last time, asking about your family, your hobbies. Being the active listener he is, you end up with tears of being touched and not an inch of knowledge about him (just tidbits, even though he answers each of your questions truthfully).
However, he appears in the school play during the summer drama, wrapped in a Greek chiton, letting a naked shoulder excite the girls in the grade beneath and the row before you. They giggle. Obviously, they are enamored. It doesn’t really make sense to you until another actor puts a golden laurel on Taehyung’s head.
Under the stage lights, his black eyes turn into blue crystals, his eyes connect to yours. It’s a second maybe but it’s a weighty, long second at the same time. Like his mind connects to yours for this moment in the universe, you know that he is indeed looking at you, not the crowd all around. As if it’s your soul he’s picking out consciously from all the people here. You shiver albeit feeling heated. Taehyung nods, either because he accomplished or accepted something or even just because his drama role requires him to, but you sense that nod in your heart. When he goes back to the next scene, you drown in the thudding of your soul. Something’s happened. You just don’t know what it is.
After that, it’s almost like you can smell Taehyung. Every time he’s around, no matter if near or far, your mind just knows. He doesn’t talk to you much apart from friendly conversations about presentations and projects, but the strange feeling seems to be mutual, albeit a little secretive.
What you can count on are Taehyung’s gentle, kind eyes on your bad days. On the days that suck, your focus is easily drawn to the glorious lighthearted banter that the boy shares with his friends. It makes you want to join in, tempted by this mysterious feeling of closeness, but then you remember that you’re not part of the Bangtan gang, so you stay away. The strange connection to him is comforting even if you have no idea what it is exactly that holds the two of you together so tightly.
Finally, when you step up to the platform next to Namjoon, you understand. Taehyung greets you first out of all the pack. The fur of his cheeks is at least as smooth as his voice as he caresses your hands.
“Take your place in the pack,” he advises, “we’ve all been waiting for you.”
He’s the Wise Wolf, the secret-keeper, the wolf of knowledge to advise the Alpha. The old soul in a young body, drawn to what’s good and pleasant. With a deep breath, you feel the impact he has on the pack. It’s become peaceful, more balanced with his presence, able to read the crowds around them. If he says that there are no potential threats, everyone relaxes. Maybe that is why the wolves are so calm with you around. On second thought, maybe they just like you. His brown eyes twinkle along with the stars before he sets off to play with Hoseok.
“Welcome home, soul-friend.”
Thanks for reading! :)
Masterlist | moodboard masterlist
taglist: @xmagicxshopx, @jiminnies-baby, @inappropriatepirate, @dope-boss
Seokjin | Yoongi | Hoseok | Namjoon | Jimin | Taehyung | Jungkook
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btsandvmin · 7 years
Vmin - The Sun, the Moon & The whole universe
So, I’m going to just say it, because I haven’t really seen that many posts about Vmin having a theme of the sun and the moon and how it all can make for a rather nice theory. Serendipity, DNA and of course also 4 O’Clock are so easy to make into Vmin, we barely have to put on our tinhats. So I decided to make a Vmin post about it.
But that doesn’t take away from how wonderful the songs are, how well they all perform them and how proud I am over all the boys! I also know that DNA can easily be used for pretty much all the popular ships, but now it’s about Vmin and I’m simply playing connect the dots for fun. Also I know Rapmon has done really well with writing both Serendipity and 4 o’clock and just because I talk about the songs in relation to Vmin that doesn’t mean I don’t acknowledge his efforts or that they really are his songs too.
This is actually more of a “How to make everything about Vmin” rather than actual theory, but I just hope you’ll have fun reading regardless. So, this is about Jimin and Taehyung and their connections to the universe. I’m going to start with looking at lyrics, so that you can have this in the back of your mind later on, when I go through the videos. But be aware that this is a very long analysis post. Enjoy~~
I’m going to start with Serendipity, because I feel like it’s the song that connects all the others. Let’s first take a look at the lyrics.
All of this isn’t just a coincidence
The lyrics for Serendipity are indeed very much about a destined meeting, which we can also translate to soulmates to a certain extent. I’d like to also pick out a few lines that particularly fit with some earlier Vmin songs. First, there is “Lie” in which Jimin begs for someone to save him.
Whatever it takes, save me, me
Save the me who’s being punished
Then there is Stigma, which has possibly matching lyrics. Where Taehyung speaks of another person being punished in his stead, or because of him.
Deeper, it’s just the heart that hurts every day (You) who was punished in my stead, You who were only delicate and fragile
There is also this line:
Even if (I try to) hide it, or conceal it, it can’t be erased.
Which of course also matches Jimin being caught in a lie, as they both have to pretend and hide what they really feel. Here they both hate the situation they are in, and Taehyung goes as far as to apologize for it. He also mentions being called a sinner. Both of the songs can easily be seen as reflecting the hardships of not being straight. Especially considering that Taehyung’s song is called “Stigma”.
(The lyrics to “Save Me” might also be worth checking out after you’re done Reading, even though there are no real/direct connections to Vmin)
With lines like these it’s possible to see “Stigma” and “Lie” as the first part in the songs’ timelines. The part where they have yet to accept themselves fully, where their love is painful and “wrong”. When we then take a look at “Serendipity” we can see that Jimin has now found his happiness or is about to at least. He’s been saved, they’re together.
You are my penicillium The one who saved me
However, there is still that fear. A fear that is most likely not a fear based on the relationship between these two in it self, but rather a fear about something that is out of their control. Which is how I choose interpret the line about Fate being envious of them.  
As much as my heart flutters, I’m just as afraid Fate keeps being envious of us I am just as afraid as you are
Even if “Serendipity” seems to be the happy ending to “Lie” and “Stigma” it’s not completely over yet. There is that last step to take before they can completely be together, which is also partly why they are scared.
Love me now, Touch me now, Just let me love you.
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Jimin know his feelings for Taehyung, how he makes his heart flutter, but it’s not just about them. It’s the rest of the world knowing that they are afraid of and it holds them back.
Now, since I’m going to talk about the sun and the moon theme, I also have to include “4 O′Clock”. Which we already know that at least partly is related to Vmin, since Taehyung had Jimin on his mind while they made this song.
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I know a lot of people have already talked about 4 O’Clock in regards to Vmin, because it’s hard not to when you ship them. So to save space I’m not going to talk about the whole song, but rather how I read and interpret parts of the lyrics.
Looking at the lyrics I want to focus on a few things.
Following into the deep night The sound of you singing Brings the red morning A step, and another step The dawn passes And when that moon falls asleep The blue shade that stayed with me disappears
First, this is about chasing away that “Blue shade” which is basically that when this person sings it’s easy to forget that blue feeling of sadness and melancholy because they make you happy. A small step at a time, they get closer to the morning and when that finally happens the Blue shade will be gone. But it’s not that simple if we keep on reading. 
The sun suffocates me And the world strips me naked I can't help it, there's no other way I collect myself that's shattered beneath the moonlight I call you moonchild We are the children of the moon I breathe the cold night air Yes we're livin' and dyin' At the same time But you can open your eyes for now
Because there is also something safe about the dawn and the moonlight. It’s quiet and peaceful, and something completely theirs. Since the sun is “suffocating” there is also a danger in the morning. The morning symbolizes when everything can be seen and is open. When the shadows aren’t there to keep you hidden and when it’s not just the two of them alone anymore. “The world strips me naked.” Meaning it reveals all, and in the end that is not something that these two moonchildren are ready to face yet. Even if they are shattered and crying, at least they are together they way they want to and it’.s also healing in a way. They can comfort and love each other freely in the blueish light, despite the whole situation that forces them to hide is what put them in that place and pain to begin with.
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Again, the way I read it, the dawn is when the moonchildren feel safe, when they are alone at night in the dark. They can hide away and be just the two of them together in their own Blue World. But at the same time, it’s not complete, simply because they have to hide. They don’t want to stay in the blue world forever, but they can’t help it. “There is no other way”
It’s the desire to stay safe in their own world against the fear of revealing themselves completely but at the same time being completely free. The blue shade is always there during dawn, but at the same time it’s them being together that brings the feeling of hope and chases away the blue feeling. It’s very bittersweet.
They are living and dying at the same time. Meaning they are happy, but not completely. They don’t have the ideal they yearn for, at least not yet. They also have to step carefully to keep the balance between night and day. This is the step before “Serendipity” where they seem to have concluded that even though they are scared they are meant to be together, and coming to that conclusion changes everything. They seem to get closer and closer to the “morning” which means being free and open. It’s also the fall before they hit the surface, the time in between complete denial and complete sincerity.
I have no idea if this is the correct way to interpret this song, but I personally feel it fits very well with the theme and also with Vmin.
Basically I make it into Vmin by them loving each other, which is a source of happiness for them, but at the same time it’s also a huge source for sadness because they can’t be open about it.
Small Bonus about Jimin chasing away Tae’s blue feelings, aka Jimin being Tae’s sunshine.
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Now those were the lyrics for 4 O’Clock. But before moving on I also want to mention that in 4 O'Clock we have one character (Tae) waiting for another character (Jimin) in a park. In Serendipity Jimin sings “I am your calico cat. One who came to meet you" meaning he in return mentions going to meet someone in his song. 
So, now when I’ve talked about the lyrics matching I can get to the Sun and Moon and how the universe is related to Vmin since long before any of these songs came out.
First, I’m going to go back in time a little. Jimin and V has been the eclipse pair since the Puma commercial decided they wanted to promote Vmin for V’s “Shining moment”. You who’ve seen the video (which I will assume is basically everyone) knows how romantic the whole vibe of the video is. We also have Jimin’s line at the end which is just “You’re really strange, that’s why I like you.”
(I remember watching two Koreans react to it, saying: “Did Jimin finally confess? I wish you two happiness.” It’s seriously such a great Vmin moment)
Looking at the PUMA ad, we see V circling Jimin, then asking “Do you know why I’m going around in circles? It’s because the earth is round."
Which hints at Taehyung being the moon that is circling the earth, which is Jimin. Which could also be read as Taehyung gravitating around/towards Jimin”. Many fans of course took a liking to this, and soon adopted the earth and the moon as references for Vmin. Hence the eclipse symbolism also becoming somewhat a Vmin thing. Which is later used in “Serendipity”.
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The eclipse with the moon protecting the Earth from the sun even during the day is another possible symbolism. It could also be seen as their surroundings adapting to their situation, as to allow them to hide in plain sight, aka. during the day when they shouldn’t indulge in their true selves and feelings.
There is also the sun and even the stars to take into consideration. The stars are more of a simple sidetrack, because of the song Little Star by Standing Egg, since Jimin revealed it’s the song he associates with Tae. Tae also released a short clip of him singing this song shortly after Jimin talked about it. I’m only bringing it up because of a few lines of the lyrics. (But if you haven’t checked it out please do. It’s very cute.)
When I first met you, it was truly eye-blinding When I first saw your smile, I felt like I had the whole World
My love, my everything, my angel from heaven My two eyes, my World, you stole them all Little star tonight All night, I will watch over you
It aslo fits with "My angel” and “My World” which are part of the lyrics in Serendipity.
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So there is the Puma ad and Jimin and Tae's previous connections to Earth, Sun and Moon. They’ve been that couple for years, and then Tae went and got the henna tattoos of the sun and moon in Hawaii, and he even revealed that he was planning to get those henna with Jimin.
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Sadly we never got to see it, but even before we knew about Bon Voyage and people saw his tattoos the Vmin community saw it as possible Vmin, simply because of how they were already connected to these themes.
Then there is this old interview where Tae picked Jimin for Moon, which is another nice little detail. It was a psychological test that the boys did in which they replied with the person that came to mind for each of these words: 'Sky', 'Sand', 'Rain', 'Sea', 'Moon. V picked Jimin for moon, which meant “Person that will protect me forever”. As you see the moon here also symbolizes protection.
So on top of Vmin already being an eclipse pair, we now got both “4 O’Clock” and “Serendipity”, which with it's lyrics and wonderful imagery also fits very well with the already established theme of the universe for Vmin.
And we know Vmin both really enjoy the songs too. ;)
Now, getting to the analysis of how the imagery that accompanies the songs Serendipity and DNA and how they can be further related to Vmin.
Now, for DNA it is hard to ignore the lyrical similarities to Serendipity (which makes sense since it’s the intro and mostly RM wrote both songs.) But putting it in a Vmin perspective, again it's the theme of the universe and the theme of being destined for each other that also lets me add DNA to this analysis (when I started writing this it wasn’t out yet). There are even a few parallels beyond the similar themes which are mostly those of the sun, moon and the universe that are based on the actual images that correlate the music videos of Serendipity and DNA.
To begin with they both share the same imagery. If it’s intentional or for convenience, who knows (this is where you can make an Ji/kook analysis if you want to).
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But what I really want to focus on is of course Jimin and Taehyung. And  the continuation of the universe/sun and moon theme in DNA.
You have a picture of V with the moon.
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And you have a Picture of Jimin with the sun.
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An image that feels similar to Serendipity, in which Jimin is also in front of the sea. The themes and symbolism or the sea and water can also very easily be used for Vmin, in particular in the Serendipity video, but I don’t have the space... But in short the sea can symbolize your subconscious feelings and desires.
Jimin also let’s go of the yellow balloon, which could symbolize freedom. In this image the balloon might symbolize the sun which Jimin has finally started to accept and not shy away from. He lets go of his fear. This is the last scene where we see Jimin directly interacting with one of this video’s many yellow objects.
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Now, if you all remember what I said about 4 O’Clock and the sun being harmful or scary it matches the imagery of “Serendipity” where Jimin contemplates several objects that can symbolize the sun. Round and yellow.
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He’s curious but careful, he even gets hurt by one of the “suns” and hides under the blanket to escape another, he pushes the sun away only to end up with the stars and the moon again. (But also note that the blanket he uses to hide is yellow.) He ends up in his safe place if you will. But then Jimin falls from the world of the night.
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And in the video everything starts to shake in the world of the night. The thing is, that he still smiles. Jimin isn’t scared, he’s intrigued and accepting.
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He seems happy about this world collapsing and in the end of the video the shadow slowly disappear and he’s content being completely in the sunlight. It seems he is finally able to be free.
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We can also see the sun in the DNA video, and that the sun is setting for Jimin.
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And he reaches up, not towards the sun though, but perhaps towards the rising moon? Who is symbolized by V and their hidden relationship. We get to see V in the same room, but completely dark.
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And later the moon is up and the whole group is dancing under it.
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Jimin and V are the only two that has scenes alone with thee sun and moon. And of course we also get this shot.
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They are opposites here, Sun and Moon as represented by White and black here (and yellow and blue in Serendipity) or Yin and Yang if you will. They are also turned towards each other, which is also why I find it more significant than the similar shot with V/kook. It’s not directed at the audience, like earlier, but at each other as they say the line “We’re the two who found the Destiny”.
The line “We’re totally different baby”  also matches nicely with the reverse images that Jimin and V have in the video. Sun and Moon, White and Black and even reversed clothes (the red and black ones) that matches their sun and moon hair colors (funnily enough reversed from BST). It’s an image that stands out looking at the color scheme for the rest of the video.
So the sun and the moon, the night and the morning, and somewhere in between that is dawn. They are each others world, the Earth. They are also each ohters sun and moon; happiness and sadness. And then finally the dark and the moon can represent their hidden relationship while the sun is the freedom to love each other completely and openly. Something they both fear and yearn for at the same time.
What is odd for me when it comes to this theory is that “DNA” somewhat backtracks since “Serendipity” seemed to have the last step before the final resolution. But to begin with this theory was made before “DNA”, and it’’s also possible that the only connection is the sun and moon, and not the actual consequences in the video’s images that go from day to night. The lyrics are really optimistic though, and the video has an overall rainbow theme, so I’m not going to complain.
And let’s not forget a few things on the side!
Serendipity was released on Vmin day, or more exactly on 95z day aka. 5th of September. Perfectly timed really, you can’t blame us for at least seeing the possibility of Serendipity being a Vmin song. And then to make matters “worse”, the producer of Lie released a picture of himself with Vmin on that same day, with the caption "Caught in a lie” despite Lie now being one year old (Lie was also released on the 5th of September).
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And this could of course be total coincidence, but it still happened on Vmin day, and once again brings us an opportunity to make Lie about Vmin.
Tae also recently tweeted a video of himself singing the lines "Let me love you”, not from Jimin‘s song, but still the same line.
Anyways, this has been an extremely long post. And possibly a little confusing... It might have been better to make into several posts but I like having it all in one place. But this was my Vmin theory, which could be expanded to matching scenes from even earlier videos, but I have to stop somewhere right? ;)
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Yin and Yang. Two parts of one whole? Opposites that are the same? Two people connected by their souls going through the same thing...
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You are I, I am you? Did you follow everything? Do you agree? Can you see the Vmin? Have I at least made you consider the possibilities?
I might do another post about some older Vmin video connections/theories if anyone is interested. ^-^ If anyone wants to talk about this feel very free to reblog and reply. I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading! <3
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allwicca · 8 years
A Dozen Divine Tarot Decks For Modern Day Witches
Written by Haleigh Schiafo
Tarot cards are an integral tool of any magical practice. Tarot can be used when seeking clarity and guidance, and many witches do personal readings during times of change such as lunar events and solstices. It is also a common practice to pull a card as part of a daily ritual, along with setting an intention for the day.
Witchcraft has become increasingly popular over the last few years, and with that the tools with which witches work have become increasingly accessible. Many of those interested in witchcraft are women and queer people who also exist within the artist community, and many of them are intersecting these identities and interests to make beautiful art. Tarot decks are one way in which these talented people are distributing their art. Using these unique and beautiful decks allows for a deeper connection to the artist and your personal practice while supporting queer, feminist art.
Each of these artists have created their own version of traditional tarot, illustrating artistic and magical elements that speak to their personal style and practice, showcasing the universality of tarot and the many ways in which it can be utilized and interpreted.
Wanderer’s Tarot Deck
Image Credit: Wanderer’s Tarot
Artist Casey Zabala has been studying tarot for 13 years and uses it as her primary tool for healing. She created this illustrated deck for modern witches and fellow wanderers; those who are seeking new ways to understand themselves and the world. She has also created an accompanying guidebook and tarot cloth. Wanderer’s Tarot Deck//$45
Pythia Botanica Oracle Deck
Image Credit: Leila + Olive
Nicole Rallis of Leila + Olive has hand drawn and tea stained an intuitive tarot deck combining traditional reading with mythology and plant magic. Each card’s meaning connects to the illustrated herb or flower and the mythology surrounding it. The deck comes with a booklet explaining how to use it in traditional spreads, allowing the magic embodied in the plants to guide you. Pythia Botanica Oracle Deck//$45
Our Tarot Deck
Image Credit: Our Tarot
This ultimate feminist tarot deck honors our real world goddesses. Each of the 78 cards in this deck features amazing women from throughout history and connects them to the traditional meaning of the card. Accompanying the deck is a guide book explaining each woman’s traits and accomplishments and the ways in which she embodies the card she represents. The deck can be used as a tool for divination, inspiration, guidance, and a meaningful way to connect to amazing women of all ethnicities, races, sexualities, gender identities, and abilities and the incredible things they have accomplished. Our Tarot Deck + Guidebook Set//$60
Moonchild Tarot Deck
Image Credit: Moonchild Tarot
Practitioners of moon magic are patiently awaiting the arrival of the Moonchild Tarot Deck, the shadow companion to the well known Starchild Tarot, both brought to us by the magical mind of Danielle Noel. This deck combines photography, art deco, nature, and traditional tarot symbolism to create a stunning divination tool for those who honor the dark and quiet power of the moon, and will be available for purchase soon.
Small Spells Tarot Deck
Image Credit: HausWitch
Rachel Howe is the artist, healer, and spiritual advisor behind the Small Spells tarot deck. She strives to marry art and spiritual healing through her work with astrology, reiki, private readings, tattooing, workshops, and the positive messages she puts forth through her Instagram. Her tarot deck is the culmination of her work and healing pracice. The design embraces mysticism while staying true to her modern minimalist illustration style inspired by cartoons, tattoos, and low-fi graphic design. The deck is accompanied with a guide book with writing by Rachel explaining each card’s meaning, combining tradition and her own investigations and intuitions. Small Spells Tarot Deck//$50
Sacred Creators Oracle Deck
Image Credit: PixieCurio
Created by creative director and brand builder Chris-Anne Pixie, this is a truly unique oracle deck geared specifically toward entrepreneurs, creators, and makers. The goal of this deck is to aid in bringing projects to life through connecting actionable plans with intuition. The deck can be used to answer questions, offer guidance, and suggest new ways to think about an idea or situation through the messages and meanings of each card. Sacred Creators Oracle//$44
Blind Person Tarot Deck
Image Credit: ofstickandstone
Allison Garcia has created a tarot deck highlighting her wonderfully weird black ink style of illustration. Strange creatures reminiscent of medieval bestiaries and moon goddesses from other worlds grace each card. Allison’s magical and mysterious art combines with the traditional tarot arcana for the ultimate weird witch tarot deck. Blind Person Tarot Deck//$50
Pagan Otherworlds Tarot Deck
Image Credit: archaichoney
From the designers and artists at Uusi Design Studio, the Pagan Otherworlds Tarot features oil paintings by Linnea Gits and hand lettering by Peter Dunham. They have created a new Higher Arcana card, “The Seeker”, as well as five “Luna Cards”, all contributing to a new tarot format exclusive to Uusi. This deck is intended to be used as a tool for self reflection and understanding our identities and creative skills. The imagery draws inspiration from nature, Celtic mysticism, and Renaissance paintings. As an accompaniment to the deck, Linnea Gits and Peter Dunham have written Notes From The Pagan Otherworld to explain their interpretation of each of the 84 cards. Pagan Otherworlds Tarot//$50
The Dark Exact Tarot Deck
Image Credit: The Dark Exact
Dark Exact, purveyors of magical products for home, body, and mind, have created their own interpretation of the major and minor arcana with this tarot deck. The major arcana is illustrated using plants, animals, objects, and alchemical symbols and the minor arcana uses graphical representations of elemental symbols with their positioning inspired by traditional decks. The intention in this interpretation is to allow for the tarot reader to connect to each card’s content in a more personal way. Each deck includes a mini guide booklet, and an upgrade pack with enhanced designs and an additional new card is also available. The Dark Exact Tarot Deck//$35+
Slow Holler Tarot Deck
Image Credit: Slow Holler
This stunning collaborative deck is the result of the hard work of 30 artists and three writers who have Southern ties, identify as queer, or both. The goal in creating this deck was to create a work of meaningful, beautiful art while amplifying queer, Southern voices and supporting artists and creatives. Each artist contributes their own illustration style and voice within a unified color palette of black, red, and gold. This deck is beautifully crafted and re-imagined, while maintaining the intuitive and thoughtful nature of traditional tarot. A small guide book explains each cards meaning, and also offers information on the project and contributing artists and writers. Slow Holler Tarot Deck//$46
ExtraOrdinary Oracle Deck
Image Credit: ExtraOrdinary Oracle
This oracle deck aims to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary, and find some magic in the mundane. Each card illustrates a simple object such as a bathtub, cup of tea, or candles, servings as a suggestion to make a moment to find a little magic in the everyday objects we see and interact with every day. This deck does come with a guidebook to earn further insight into the imagery on the card, but this is not a deck that requires vast knowledge of mysticism. ExtraOrdinary Oracle Deck//$50
The Wooden Tarot Deck
Image Credit: meadowqueentarot
The Wooden Tarot, while not made out of actual wood, features paintings by the artist behind SkullGarden, A.L. Swartz, that were originally on wood. The traditional suits of pentacles, wands, cups, and swords have been replaced by bones, stones, blooms, and plumes, respectively. The illustration is heavily influenced by the natural world and mystical beings. While there is no guidebook for this deck, a guide for the original Rider-Waite-Smith deck will offer the necessary guidance. The Wooden Tarot Deck//$35
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from A Dozen Divine Tarot Decks For Modern Day Witches
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we're pack, moonchild.
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Seokjin | Yoongi | Hoseok | Namjoon | Jimin | Taehyung | Jungkook
Summary: Park Jimin is an angel. Is he a werewolf though? [a drabble in which you go to the same school as the Bangtan gang. you are trying hard to figure out if that’s what they really are. a gang? or a pack?] Word Count: +1.2k Note: Ah, Jimin is something else. Also, the puma shoot had such a beautiful and simple concept. I love it so much. ✨ Special shoutout to the sweet anon who dropped by my askbox to tell me such kind words abot my writing. Don't think I will stop thinking about that. You are so precious and you really made a super emotional day end well for me. That was amazing. Thank you, anon! ✨ college!au, supernatural!au, wolf!bangtan/ pack!bangtan
Gif not mine, credits to the owner.
Park Jimin is an angel. Considering his presence in the Bangtan pack, you don’t understand how people think they could be dangerous. Sure, besides that cute smile, Jimin also has a toned body. Sure, that could be impressive. Scare people off? No. His fingers are laced with kindness and gentle touches. His level of affiliation with the other six boys speaks volumes about their characters. He’s a pretty person with a pretty heart.
He’s also the school nurse’s assistant. By his own choice and, weird as it sounds, succession. You heard that the last assistant had appointed him as her successor shortly before graduating. That was the beginning of middle school. And the first time a nurses’ assistant had been scouted in that sense. Since then, he’d been diligently carrying out this position.
Every day, he looks out for students that are injured in PE, offers affectionate words to the ones that hold their stomachs, even the girls, almost as if he knows how painful period cramps can be. In general, Jimin seems to have a pretty good judgment of who is sick. No one seems to be able to fool him - he can tell who suffers silently and who tries to get out of track by pretending to be sick. Maybe he is the one who picked up on Jungkook’s secret soul too. In your mind, there’s a theory about his senses extending towards people’s physical pain. Your diligent research brings up no results. There's no such thing in science but you could swear there's such a thing in your class.
But when Jimin is not in the nurse's office, he sits in class like everyone else, scribbling down every word out of the teacher’s mouths. When your eyes skim over his papers, it looks like a flood of letters and words. He literally writes down every word, but in that beautiful handwriting of his that becomes a little too messy for your eyes during the second third of the lesson. However, when he brings his review notes to class the next day, his penmanship on the paper is immaculate. You really don’t know how or when he does this, but the dedication and discipline shine through. It’s a tiny nudge at your own focus. It makes you want to do a little better.
Other than that, Jimin’s laugh is the most memorable feature about him, often announcing his presence for everyone to hear in advance of being graced with his gracious appearance. He squeaks, that’s your discovery of the month, and God must’ve put him inside a small body on purpose so that other people would have the fortune of catching Jimin whenever glee overtakes him. He literally sinks into whoever is available at his side, squeaking, shaking, and stumbling. Usually, that’s Seokjin, Namjoon or Hoseok. 
However, while Jimin may be a sociable boy, a kind nurse's assistant, but the one thing everybody notices and contemplates is his looks. For some strange reason, people start to get jealous whenever Jimin jumps onto Jungkook’s back for a piggyback ride, when he sits on Namjoon’s lap because there’s literally no space in this small-ass lunch hall, or when he cuddles into Yoongi’s side as if that was his home. Maybe it is. You only know people wish it wasn’t. And honestly, you’ve heard girls and boys talk about him like he’s the treasure at the end of the rainbow. He’s precious, small and delicate in his own way of scurrying around with giggles in his breath and a blush that is always ready to rush into his cheeks.
To top it off, you’ve heard rumors that he’s dating Min Yoongi, the very senior who lives not very far from you, but just yesterday you’ve watched Jungkook nibble on Jimin’s ear. Rumors are a funny thing at your school. They flare up like fireworks before exploding, and fading, and never coming back to people's minds like they never even existed in the first place. Some stay longer than others, but all of them disappear after a while. But rumors also say Bangtan’s leader has killed before. So. The only thing you’ve watched Bangtan kill is time. By making funny faces, giggling at each other’s jokes like schoolgirls and filling blank pages with homemade rap bars. Harmless. The worst thing they’ve done that you know of would probably be entering into the school’s gym at night (once), but even if that’s illegal, it had been for a school project and PE teacher Song Seungdeuk had been involved somehow. So, in the end, their crime count kind of equaled zero. In that sense, you find the thought of Bangtan as a gang strange - like it doesn't fit if you watch them long enough. That observation strengthens your theory of them being a pack more than anything else.
The only thing that bugs you about Jimin is how he doesn’t really fit your idea of a werewolf - he doesn’t seem as inwardly majestic as Namjoon, not as somber as Yoongi, not as connective as Taehyung or as physically present as Jungkook. He’s not even like Seokjin or Hoseok, he’s just... different. It’s hard to put in words, and you know you’ve been staring way too much when tiny little paper planes find your lap. Your cheeks burn when it’s Jimin’s handwriting, and a shy but cheeky note commenting on how obvious you are.
He doesn’t flirt with you, that’s not what this is, this is more like a cute, kind of funny back and forth of notes. It’s interesting because Jimin is sneaky. He finds a hundred ways to maneuver the notes to your desk, to your pockets, your hands without you noticing and without him ever appearing in front of you. Obviously, he’s putting a lot of time and effort into these notes. Also, every note either carries the scent or a doodle of some sort of flower. It’s really creative.
When your friends ask you about your secret admirer, you shake your head and feel your heart beat in shock at the blush creeping up your neck. It’s strange, but even if it looks like there’s something going on between Jimin and you, to you it just literally feels like a deep family connection to him no matter how hard you could pretend this was a crush. You can almost feel Jimin giggling somewhere in the distance.
At the end of the day, even Jimin doesn’t tell you much about the Bangtan gang. He’s a sweet appearance who just advertises the gang (pack. definitely pack.) to you by standing out. As you go over all your previous notes, you realize you still don’t know whether Jimin is a wolf himself, or simply a human who had bonded with a pack. It’s kind of the same as with Namjoon - only with Namjoon, it’s clear he’s a wolf whereas Jimin doesn’t seem like it.
That starry night that is more grey than black, your silent questions are answered. At first, you don’t realize it’s him, but seeing that there are seven wolves, it only makes sense to have one be the giggly boy. 
Jimin is a small wolf, one that’s sticking to the other’s sides as much as possible. He’s bright in terms of coat and body language and doesn’t mind letting Namjoon, Taehyung, and Yoongi approach you first. But after that, it’s all fair game. He yips and comes up to nudge your side playfully. 
While your hands move through the fluffy softness that is his creamy fur, different scents rise to your nose. Images of flowers rise to your inner eye and there’s a sense of fresh energy in your bones. You gasp. A healer. Which, you know from your studies, is super rare. In the past, speak the last century, certain wolves were born with a healing-calling on their lives and became healers. They were considered pure, innocent souls with delicate magic. Nowadays, it’s really rare to encounter a wolf like that. But with the twinkle in Jimin’s attentive eyes, you know that’s exactly who you’ve got before you. 
“It’s an honor,” you whisper. He nuzzles your hand and you feel his warm breath on your skin, like a kiss of the wind.
“My flower girl.”
Thanks for reading! :)
Masterlist | moodboard masterlist
taglist: @xmagicxshopx​, @jiminnies-baby, @inappropriatepirate
Seokjin | Yoongi | Hoseok | Namjoon | Jimin | Taehyung | Jungkook
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