#strawhat crew rp
onepiece-asl-lover · 6 months
If you think the strawhats being a family who would be the mother,father,brother,sister ect.
In my mind i belive Robin would be the mother because of how elegent she speaks and how calm she is most of time and she just screams MOTHERHOOD.
Nami for sure would be the older sister because how here maturity against the guys and how she is so serious for things espically money, sounds like oldest sister to me.
Zoro would be the oldest of the brother. I had to decide if Sanji would be the oldest but naj zoro would. Zoro fights alot with nami and sanji so going between them in a fanily sounds perfect and also zoro protects luffy, and chopper who would be younger.
Sanji would be next after zoro. For his care for the crew and i just for some reason feel that he would be a caring brother even tho towards zoro the fight but sanji still cares about zoro physical health like when sanji found zoro after the fight with kuma.
Luffy would be sfter sanji. Like would i have to explain. Luffy isnt as young as Chopper and cute but still is very childlike and immature and have you had a young brother who was mature. No atleast for me. But luffys still care about the rest so yes.
Chopper wouldbe the youngest like seriously anyone would agree..right? Chopper forst of all is like a baby and it just ahhhhh you know i cant really explain it so like can somone who has more braincells than me explain it thank you.
I feel Usopp would be the cousin. His relationship with everyone isnt close but isnt far either. He is like nami scardycats. Chopper is like his friend. sanji just cool with eachother. Zoro ah ya like friends i guess. Luffy besties mabye with franky aswell but ya.
I really don't know about the rest but i think franky and brook would be the uncles and dont get me wrong here ok ill say it.....i think jinbei would be the dad or grandpa just the overall relationship with everyone is cute at how they all just shout "JINBEI" is cute and he is like the father of the crew. Dont fight me im not shiping anyone here or there imagine its a adopting family and jinbei jsut POP appered and became their dad and helped rabin out but just fun no like love love you know.
Slaypanda out ♡
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shadowbends · 1 year
4, 23, and 30!
30: Your favourite journal RP memory? :D (if more than one pick one I guess)
4. mythical creature you think/believe is real?
When I was a kid, I used to think mermaids were real! I don't think there's anything I still believe in, though. 8|a
23. do you wear jewelry?
If I'm dressing up! I love sparkly things (especially necklaces), but in practice I find most jewelry uncomfortable to wear, so I only break them out for special circumstances or when I'm in the mood. I have a few rings and necklaces, but you'll only see me wearing them a couple times a year.
30. Your favourite journal RP memory? :D (if more than one pick one I guess)
Oh that's a fun one! Well for newer followers (or ones who don't know me as well), I'll start by explaining that I used to RP on Livejournal and Dreamwidth! I was a bit of a one-hit wonder—could only ever really manage one character at time, despite how many years I played—but I had a lot of fun with it.
As for choosing a favorite memory... Hm. Just choosing one is too tough, so I'll go with one for each of the three characters I had most fun with! That would be Brook from One Piece, Nara Shikamaru from Naruto, and Rin Tohsaka from Fate/stay night.
Brook — Luceti
God we had so much fun back in our early Luceti days, so many Strawhat shenanigans. There's a number of crew threads in particular I could pick, but! I think I'm going to go with that time Katie (your lovely OC) accidentally made Brook see everyone's dream echoes, because that was just like... It was so fun! For me, I should stress—Brook thought he was going insane (again, oops)—but I had a lovely time. 8D
Seriously, though. The dream echoes everyone tagged in with were so diverse. I had lovely little memories, like Zeff watching over Sanji and Kuina with Zoro, to scary ones like Katara's memory of her mother's death, and so on. The reactions to it were really interesting too, like oh gosh, I remember having a totally heartbreaking thread with @angeldormante's Chopper.
And then Katie herself! She and Brook had some darling CR. I still remember her mustering up the solemn nerve to tell Brook what was really going on, even though telling the truth literally hurt her. If I remember right, she also followed him up into the mountains to keep an eye on him? That was in hiatus-land, but I loved it. They had such a good friendship. ;;
Nara Shikamaru — Luceti
Ahh, my son. I played him for the longest of all my characters, so Shikamaru by far has the most material for me to choose from, but I think I can solidly go with the time the Asuma we had went home. A lot of other bad things had already happened in game around the same time (including Temari getting killed!), so Asuma's departure was the straw that broke the camel's back, and Shikamaru...
Well, he just kind of shut off and threw himself into his work. Processing by way of refusing to process, yadda yadda. This lead to two separate but amazing threads of some of his closest CR confronting him on it, though—Masaomi from Durarara!! and Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender, respectively.
Masaomi was first, and got Shikamaru's backstory with Asuma and Hidan out of him (a story I don't think he actually told anyone else in full for the five years I played him, surprisingly?), and managed to provoke an angry response out of him as well by being a little shit. It was a good move though, because it made him feel something, so when Katara came around the next day with a more heartfelt approach, she had a crack to work with because he was still emotionally raw and on edge.
And, uh. Boy did she open that crack wide open. There was a lot pf pain and grief, but healing too; Katara's player (@somescribblybits) and I still talk about that thread to this day, because it's one of the Big Moments of their friendship that still sticks with us.
Rin Tohsaka — Trustfell 5
Pfft, this one's going to be by far the silliest. Largely because I wasn't actually involved for the most memorable parts! It's impossible not to include, though, because it's the "Troy coming back with pizza to everything being on fire" moment of my RP history.
So! I played Rin in a murder game; I was very active with her up until the sixth week, when she, well. Got murdered! Actually a lot of people got murdered that day, it was a bloodbath week, but Rin's death in particular is the domino that sets everything into motion here.
See, when the mods rolled who was dying that week, the RNG gods picked Kogami from Psycho-Pass as her murderer. Rin actually had close CR with Kogami; they got off on the wrong foot at first, but worked together well at trials, often leading the conversations to determine who killed who each week. After a while, respect turned to friendship, and from there to a more unique relationship. Kogami was a dog without a master, and Rin was a Master without a Servant—it became natural for them to rely on one another and keep each other in check.
You know. Until said murder thing. LET ME GET BACK TO THAT.
So Kogami's killed Rin. Trial starts to determine her murderer (as well as those of the other three victims). This is the part where I need to mention the real star of the show here:
Sakura Matou. Aka. Rin's (secret) younger sister who was adopted out to another family, and who she has an extremely complicated relationship with.
Oh yes, she's here too. If you know Fate, you can already see how this could go wrong.
If I tell you that Sakura also had a close friendship with Kogami, and the sisters confided in him a great deal, you can see how this is about to get even worse.
SO. TRIAL IS GOING IN CIRCLES. Part of this is because there's just too many dead bodies and it's confusing, but it doesn't help that the usual people leading the investigations at this point are either dead or hiding they're killers. Of all people, Mikoto from K steps up the plate?? In his own special way.
By which I mean when people start being difficult and things get heated, he decides to hand Sakura a LOADED CROSSBOW (brought in as evidence), which she starts threatening people with even as the other characters at the trial are trying to calm her down. This works up until about the point Kogami admits he killed Rin, and Sakura fires on him in a grief-fueled rage, shooting him dead in the courtroom.
Sakura then starts screaming to the mastermind, because they had a deal! YEAH AS IT TURNS OUT, SAKURA WAS A MOLE AND WAS FEEDING THEIR CAPTORS INFO ON EVERYONE IN EXCHANGE FOR RIN'S SAFETY.
SO THE COURTROOM IS A DUMPSTER FIRE AT THIS POINT. All communication has broken down, five people are dead instead of four, Sakura (a person most of the community loved) are devastated not just at her betrayal, but in having to vote to kill her for their own survival—enough so that several of them start voting for themselves out of protest.
Have I mentioned that if the majority of the characters in this game didn't vote for the correct killer(s), everyone dies? IT WAS A REALLY CLOSE THING, TOO, ASDFGHJKL. They managed to survive by one vote, thanks to Wheatley from Portal 2 as the game's unlikely savior.
TL;DR: SO, UH. YEAH. That was the time my character nearly bad-ended a game, just by dying! If you're still here, thanks for reading! 8Db
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seasaltandsmoke · 10 months
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NAME: Vinsmoke, Sanji
AGE: depends on verse (canon: 18-21)
D.O.B: March 2nd
GENDER: cis male
SEXUALITY: bisexual (closeted)
AFFILIATION: Strawhat Pirates.
BIO: After running away frim his abusive family at an early age, he found a mentor in the former pirate Zeff and a new home at the 'Baratie', a restaurant at sea. Over the years he learned his trade as a cook, becoming arguably the best in the East Blue.
Despite being reluctant to leave the Baratie when Luffy first asked him to join his crew, he eventually agreed, deciding to pursue his own dream of finding the 'All Blue', a fantastical ocean where all kinds of tasty sea creatures from all over the world are supposed to lurk.
I'm flexible in terms of timeline and plot, these are just bare-bones ideas to provide a basis to be expanded upon and are by no means set in stone. Hit me up OOC via dms anytime to plot!
our muses meet while Sanji is still Sous Chef at the Baratie. Zeff likely made him wait tables again because of some argument.
Sanji was split up from his crew and got injured somehow and your muse stumbles upon him and decides to help.
Sanji stumbles upon your muse being injured and decides to help, and feed them, because... you know... it's Sanji, he can't not.
They get to talking. At a bar.
Your muse gets into an argument with Sanji at a market on some island over who gets the last of the rare ingredient on sale. He insists he definitely saw it first.
Sanji is his usual overbearing self around a woman and your muse calls him out on it.
in general: any male muses, please flirt with him, reactions would likely be hilarious and I'm here for it.
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videcoeur · 1 year
                    Zoro’s Bio
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First of all, the wikia is a good start if you don't know anything about Zoro.
Everything written here is CANON. This is Zoro's profile skeleton taken straight from the wikia. To be noted that I will not be roleplaying him below the age of 18. First, I can't roleplay children for the life of me, second, I have no interest in it. Thanks for understanding.
*All icons are from @crimsonicons and THIS post. I simply added the green overlay*
Name: Zoro Alias/Epithet: Pirate Hunter, Zorojūrō Age: 21 Height: 5'11⅝ Gender, Sexuality & Romance: Male, Graysexual Devil fruit: None Haki: All three types baybayyyyyyyyy Strengths: Swordsmanship, Endurance, Strength Bounty: 1,111,000,000
Art | Interests | Headcanons | Testimonials 
Pre Luffy Era verse, if I ever rp it
Pre Timeskip verse.
Includes all arcs up to Dressrossa
All arcs from Whole Cake to Current Events. Main verse.
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doosnee · 5 years
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----> @ask-the-marimos-boy-toy <-----
Thought I’d advertise the account here since I finally finished setting it up. The comic says it all.
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muselexum · 3 years
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@mediicusvitae​​ sent: "You’ve been through quite a lot. It’s okay and totally normal to be sick of talking." { @Akane ;u; }
Winter Soldier -> [meme]
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It was a little odd to finally meet the woman in person. After exchanging the amount of information that she had with Lamy, the woman arguably knew more about Akane’s journey the past year than most ever would. Lamy wasn’t just a piece of mail that arrived by coo anymore though. She was a person standing in front of her-- a person that had helped save the life of one of her crewmates. Lamy was a friend.
The only thing now was... Akane felt a bit awkward. She was not a very open person, but within the comfort of being hidden behind paper and not knowing each other, she was able to speak to Lamy so easily back then. Now that they were face to face, Akane didn’t know what to say. She was a stranger just as much as she was a friend. 
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A small, reassuring smile pulled at her lips, “Thank you... I’m okay now, really.” She was as okay as her circumstances would allow at least. Finding not only a safe refuge, but a father that welcomed her warmly was a far better turn of events than she could have ever hoped for herself after all the misfortune the past couple of years. “I just wanted to thank you for everything and I don’t know where to start.”
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clione-of-heart · 3 years
Clione getting kidnapped
Clione getting tortured/interrogated
Clione getting separated from his crew
Clione getting badly injured after a fight
Crack threads. All the crack threads
Clione having silly pajamas and getting caught
Someone finding out about the wanted poster of Law that Clione keeps in his room
Just, funny threads. If you have an idea throw it at me, don’t even hesitate
Someone giving Clione a piggyback ride
Someone teasing/making fun of Clione
Clione getting stuck in jail (this just seems so fcking funny to me)
Clione joining the crew/first interactions with the Hearts
Clione being taught how to fight by the Hearts
Clione making soup for a sick crewmate
A crewmate finding Clione at night after he’s had a nightmare
Clione sparring/being taught martial arts with Bepo and getting his ass absolutely kicked. 
Threads with younger (15 yo/freshly joined the crew) Clione
Clione getting into a fight/argument with marines
Clione opening up about his scars/childhood (with a crewmember/friend)
Threads about Clione’s mom?? I have her so fleshed out I could even rp her–
Clione being particularly moody/having a bad day and lashing out unintentionally at someone
Complex plots. Come plot with me in dms. 
Clione being chaotic friends with Mian Ju in a modern AU
Clione listening to someone talk about their special interest
Someone flirting with Clione and making him feel very awkward/uncomfy
Clione not approving of the Heart-Strawhat Alliance at first (*canon fact)
Someone taking Clione clothes shopping so that he stops only wearing his dumb uniform
Clione being feverish and delirious
Someone teaching their craft to Clione
Someone infodumping Clione
Someone comforting/reassuring Clione
Someone reading a book to Clione
Someone telling Clione stories/anecdotes
Clione comforting someone who’s been through a rough time
Someone treating Clione like a kid
Clione teaching a kid how to cook
Clione making friends with food market vendors and farmers (and being especially popular with the nice old ladies)
Clione teaching people how to cook
Clione trying to comfort someone with food
Clione opening up about his transition/gender with other trans muses
Clione being supported by his crew during his transition
Clione asking Law to perform the surgeries
Clione and Mian Ju asking Law to switch their genitals (because they’re both trans)
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monkeydluffy19920 · 5 years
Sapphire moonlight We danced for hours in the sand Tequila Sunrise Her body fit right in my hands, la-la-la It felt like ooh-la-la-la
- Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello
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Sannami week 2020 day  5 - Dance It’s a little delayed entry but anyway,  here is one last piece of work for @sannamiweek​​‘s event.  Last year’s big summer hit was a huge inspiration for this prompt but unfortunately,  didn’t have time to edit another amv as planned but maybe later the project will go on. Before that, here are some headcanonish thoughts and some GIFs alongside! :)
Land in Miami Baratie The air was hot from summer rain Sweat dripping off me Before I even knew her name, la la la It felt like ooh la la la 
The first verse brings back to the memories from their first meeting in Baratie where Sanji caught his eyes on Nami before they even properly knew each other. They flirted from the very first beginning (she tried to get away from paying and he didn’t mind, he just delegated the bill for the others *laughs*)
Well, we all know Sanji has caught his eye on Nami ever since they met and treated her like a princess from the very beginning. He even declared his love on her numerous times but then there is Nami who hasn’t shown her feelings as openly as him.
This might be because One Piece is a shonen-manga where there romance isn’t in the main focus but it still feels like Oda-sensei has not only developed the main characters but also their nakamaship between them. Water 7 is a great example of it since Luffy and Usopp the best buddies ended up into a huge fight but they fixed it eventualy, just like Nami and Sanji were able to fix what happened in Whole Cake Island.
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Referring to the quoted lyrics in the beginning of the post, I really love the idea of a scenery where the crew has held a banquet and everyone are asleep afer partying. Then for some reason Nami and Sanji find the way to each other (maybe Sanji has a night cigarette and she’d be heading outside for some fresh air). Then they’d have a nice chat and flirt and end up dancing under the moonlight on the deck of Thousald Sunny ;)
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Locked in the hotel There's just some things that never change You say, "We're just friends." But friends don't know the way you taste-la-la-la 'Cause you know it's been a long time comin' Don't you let me fall, oh
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Many of us wouldn’t mind Nami doing secretly a love confession to him in canon as well. However,  I doubt she would do it, at least openly because they are busy finding One Piece and more importantly, she seems to be that kind of person who prefers keeping certain things inside her and romance is problably one of them where she might be guarded. Fellow shipper @namibean wrote great analyzes/headcanons about this topic in her RP blog.
One reason to understand Nami is to look up into her past. Her foster mom was killed in front of her eyes and later, she had to work with the killer in order to save her village. Yes, Arlong offered a roof above her and gave her stuff what she couldn’t afford before but mostly Nami was treated like trash by fishmen.
No wonder she had difficulties to trust Luffy and others when they arrived and offered her help. Just like Sanji did in Whole Cake Island, Nami first tried to fix everything by herself and pushed them away until she hit her breaking point (seeing all her efforts running down to sewer because a corrupted Marine member found her money that was gathered to save the village).
Referring to @chefalier‘s blog, another thing Namibean pointed out  in her ponders that Nami’s behavior might be explained by thinking that this might be her protecting herself from getting hurt. In other words, what if she keeps it all inside because she is afraid of getting rejected by Sanji if she declared her love directly (especially openly in front of everyone)?
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Anyway, even if Oda would never confirm any Strawhats to become officially couples, it’s still interesting to ponder how Sanji and Nami would be if they would start dating.  Not sure if Sanji would tell others about them being officially together (anyway, he would be so happy that one of his dreams would come true) but Nami would deifinitely the one to deny it or trying to keep a lower profile about that for a long(er) while.
Actually me, @chefalier​ , @namibean​/ @konekonami​​ , @koukogakusha-nico-robin​ and @bcczeandgettinglcst​ ) roleplayed our characters/muses for a few time in group so, that  we would be visiting each others’ threads and created different headcanonish scenarios where re referred on SaNami-ship some way (for example in these not in particular order  [x] , [x] , [x], [x] , [x], [x], [x], [x], [x]) In our “multi”-threads, Nami and Sanji would be having some flirting, even dating in secret. Then the other nakamas would be just guessing and for example Luffy who wouldn’t directly  be aware of their romance but always annoyed Nami by giving unintentional “hints” such as “ooh, so yo gave kisses to Sanji” while he really would mean choco treats and poor Nami would end up in flustering situations and Robin’s hints and hearty giggles or Zoro’s sarcastic comments in the background wouldn’t help at all *laughs*)
Oh, when your lips undress me Hooked on your tongue Ooh, love, your kiss is deadly Don't stop
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There are plenty of fanfics, doujins and fan art about how these two would spend their romantic and passionate moments, so let us all unleash our imaginations, fellow shippers! *smirk emoji*
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moneymaiden · 7 years
Drabble Prompts: In Love and War
1) My muse finds an old journal they kept in their teens (or equivalent). After reading the entire thing, they fall asleep and dream of people they once knew, both friends and enemies.
     Nami hadn’t brought much with her when she had first set sail with the Straw Hat crew. Her maps and tools, a couple outfits and accessories, and the money she had stolen from the people of her town. With the thought that she didn’t need much else out on the seas. So when coming across an old journal she had kept while a part of Arlong’s crew as their prisoner, Nojiko liked to say, Nami was more then shocked that it was still in her possession and hesitant on whether to read it or not. She had half a mind to throw it right into the sea! But curiosity got the better of her, wondering what her younger self had written in the pages of the journal she had all but forgotten even existed.
    Waiting until night, after the rest of the crew had gone to bed, even after Sanji who always chose to stay up late to prepare the next days meals and clean up from the current, she slipped into her room to grab the journal hidden underneath her pillow. Then making her way back out and over to the library, where she knew no one other then Robin could be at that time. But having seen her sleeping back in the room, it was safe to say she would be alone like she wanted.
     Taking a seat, she lit a candle, placing both that and the journal on the table in front of her. Then carefully, with a gentle caution like it would jump up to bite her, Nami opened the bound book that was filled with her younger self’s writing from her tortured and misery filled days. It was almost hard to read at first, but she made herself remember that those days were long gone, and she would never have to go back to them. Knowing there was nothing to worry about and she was safe and sound with her crew on the Thousand Sunny.
     Flipping through, the navigator was brought back to old memories of her time with the fishman pirate group she had resented from day one. A lot of the writings were painful to read, recalling the times she had to bare all on her own. Evening knowing it made her the person she was today it was hard to read back on those times. As she advanced into the journal, Nami could almost see herself getting older in the memories from the written pages. Reading the few joyful moments when she was able to see her sister and then even further on when she was aloud to leave when she pleased, making trips to steal from pirates.
   The journals writings then stop right before she met Luffy and Zoro during their first fiasco with the Buggy Pirates. But Nami didn’t need a reminder of their first meeting, and how things became a whole lot better after she had met her captain.
      Closing the book, she rubbed her eyes sleepily and blew out the candle. Laying her head down on folded arms on top of the table, Nami closed her eyes and thought about all that has happened since that day, the day that had changed her life for the better. Even with all those horrible memories kept in the pages of that journal of a young and overworked Nami, she was glad to say that it was times she would never have to face again now that the navigator was part of her new crew. Making a mental note to get rid of the journal in the morning, she fell into a restless sleep, filled with dreams of old times and new.
     It wasn’t until the girl felt a blanket placed on top of her from an unknown member of her crew, that she began to settle down and dream of the good days that had come to stay.
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scribblepirates · 6 years
|| Strawhat Crew? ||
I’m looking for any Strawhat RP/Ask blogs that would be interested in being the ���canon’ crew that Garrek and Olivia are a part of. not to say they will not interact with other canon blogs, but I’d love to have a crew that they are 100% apart of~ 
If any strawhats are interested in a couple of (in my opinion) well integrated OC’s hit me up here or at @foxandgoggles . If others could help spread this around so I could find a crew that would be hella awesome~!
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bcczeandgettinglcst · 8 years
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[“Do not believe what he says.                         Please, bring this lost kid home...”                                                                            - Strawhats crew]
+ indie rp blog for Classic Roronoa Zoro from One Piece + + dont even talk to me if you’re just going to tell me which way is the correct one + + roleplaying since I left Sunny to looked for more boozes +
# Live up to your ambition (self) # I am not lose, I’m on my way! (ic) # Don’t patronizing me! (angst)
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xofthelanternx · 8 years
[CLOSED RP] A Genie For Your Wish
The sun always shown in the Desert Kingdom of Alabasta. The market was always busy with salesmen and women boasting about the best fruits, pottery in brass and silver, pretty jewelry and fresh fish. The taverns were always full and the children always ran in between the hustle and bustle of the busy market.
It was here that the Strawhat Pirates had paid a visit to this always busy Kingdom. It was Princess Vivi’s birthday and as an honorary member and close friend of the Strawhat Pirates, it wouldn’t be much of a birthday without a party.
The birthday feast featured never ending food, bottomless alcohol and dancing that lasted well into the night and straight into the morning. But unfortunately the Strawhat Pirates couldn’t stay long after that. Once everything was said and done, and another busy day began with the shining sun over the Kingdom of Alabasta - the crew headed back to their ship.
Being a wanted pirate crew meant they were always on the run, they couldn’t dock at any port they wanted. They had to be discreet...even if the Princess herself invited them.
As the crew made their way back to their ship, walking through endless amounts of sand and crumbling abandoned buildings - it was then that Roronoa Zoro gave out a great, big, exasperated yawn.
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moneymaiden · 7 years
Here’s a Nami RP Blog for everyone~
Follow along on my adventures and feel free to RP with me!
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