#streaker and vole
welcometomybraincomics · 10 months
AU differences w/ plane twins
None are cybertronian (all AIs)
◦ Not domestic (made for war)
◦ Zenophobic
◦ Lo-fi and Highfly/ 2&3
◦ Acapella equivalent (5) is dead and has been integrated into their systems (both plating/mechanics/body parts and software) in order for them to forever remember him
◦ AI made by an alien race trying to invade Mother (Mother is a plant that has taken over most of the planet and has a connection to almost all inhabitants of the planet because they are a part of her. She communicates with them through feelings/ideas)
◦ The height of 4 humans/20ft( about 2 stories, they’re armed planes meant for transporting troops and supplies)
◦ Home is Mother. Used to consider the underground base they were built and programmed in Home, but that was destroyed long ago and they were taken and used by the enemy army
◦ Serious and usually mature ( still friendly and goofy). Incredibly loyal. Highfly doesn’t like political/strategic duties and trains Sprouts instead
◦ Involved in war
◦ Loyal to whoever saves them/gives them life (Creators (dead) and Mother)
◦ Not domestic? (Not made for war, but involved in shady business so they can fight if needed)
◦ Decepticons or neutrals (Decepticons sympathizers; they work under the understanding of “if you don’t listen to me, I’ll beat you until you do” so they understand the Decepticons but may not entirely agree)
◦ Raised/ helped raise Acapella (Fritz and Migraine probably raised him while the twins worked to feed them all)
◦ What is Mother?
◦ Height of 2 1/2 - 3 humans/15ft (work closer to surveillance drones that don’t need to wait for someone to start taking care of the threat)
◦ Don’t realize they’re not technically Cybertronians
◦ Home is Cybertron. Because they’re drifting (because of the war) they’ve come to call where ever they’re staying for more than 3 days “home”
◦ Serious at work, friendly and jokey at home
◦ Involved in the civil war
◦ Pledge allegiance to causes (too distant to be loyal to people)
Station 5
◦ Domestic (made for station, not fighting. However they have upgraded themselves and Guillotine has helped)
◦ Amnesiacs
◦ Vole and Streaker/59
◦ Acapella is like their older brother (a friend who they meet and become close to)
◦ Mother is mostly killed but a small part of her has been saved and is continuing to grow and sprout Plante in the garden of the Mothership
◦ Height of 2 humans/10-12 ft (meant to squeeze into small spaces;compact)
◦ Understand that they’re not technically Cybertronians but really wanna see Cybertron since the rest of the crew (the Cybertronian crew of Interim's ship) has such fond memories of the place
◦ Home is Station 5; have met several alien species and have been to several alien worlds in their life time (at least 5, usually to help locals with a problem or follow embassators for Cybertron from Station 5 (Probs Regalia) but sometimes for resources)
◦ Act like children. Mildly rebellious and incredibly impatient. Vole is an introvert, Streaker is an extroverted prankster ( Vole laughs at his pranks)
◦ Involved in peace. Due to their area of space, they don't necessarily know true peace (no war in their society at all, no need for vigilant defenses), but they have never fought in a war
◦ The sparks they have belong to Guillotine and Vaporwave’s twins whose names are Beatdown and Blastwave. They are keeping them alive until they can find them decent bodies
◦ Pledge allegiance to people, not causes  
Some old profiles I made for the different plane twin differences
Some of the stuff from the "Station 5" section is not quite so true anymore, but then I have previously stated that many of the events I talk about for Robits happens over an extended period of time, so most of the information that has slight conflicts with other bits is mostly due to changes over time (in universe)
For example: The "Amnesiac" point for Streaker and Vole progressed from when they were Hi-fi and Lo-fi/ Crash and Burn and they met an Autobot deserter named Magnum after crash landing on the planet he was keeping his depressed aft on. Due to the crash, their memories got fucked up.
As a whole, Station 5 Streaker and Vole do not have any types of amnesia that affect them long term (like anterograde amnesia which is the inability to form new memories), but they have at several points in their functioning
Similarly, the twins don't have sparks, but they do have the space to hold them, thus holding Beatdown and Blastwave's sparks is still an opportunity, but I often forget about it lol
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welcometomybraincomics · 10 months
Let's fix up an old animation we never finished, I say
Lets make 2 completely new animations with no planning at all! Says my body, wracked with allergies
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I plan on eventually coming back and animating the bugs circling each other
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One day... I will actually cement Regalia's design and I will finally be able to finish this *stares wistfully into the distance*
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But also I need to look up what the interior of a ship looks like so i don't have to make a bunch of stuff up
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The twins as humans
Technically, this is actually just a page full of slightly different Vole Designs, but on the back of the page, I have Streaker wearing a hat, so Hatted Vole is colored like Streaker
This comes from when the twins were still named Hi-fi and Lo-fi
Also, I have no fucking idea what I meant by "fear boy", but it sure is there!
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Streaker and Vole, finding Sparky, who is 1.5 times their height on all fours
[ID: Video where someone walks up to a rat, scoops it up with one hand, and declares "you're my friend now" while walking away from where the rat was picked up. Whimsical music plays immediately after the declaration. End ID]
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Aaaaarg! I kind of wish I posted about these bitches (and associated mother fuckers) as I was conceiving shit about them bc as it stands now, I have over 270 pages of information and story of them and their associates, but I don't feel comfortable posting all that shit because 50% of it is incomprehensible to other people because I didn't fucking write down the context and the context I did write down is scattered to the 4 corners of the globe ijoeifjoaejrgijrisgjsiojrgjsr!!!
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Streaker, Vole, and Acapella
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welcometomybraincomics · 10 months
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I tried to design Streaker and Vole kind of like g1 at one point
Used an actual mini-jet
Clearly, I dropped the design lmao
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welcometomybraincomics · 10 months
Prompt: outside the window, you see something you can’t believe [Mother/Mothership]
Vole stood in the garden staring out the window, overwatering his plants in shock. Out in the vastness of the void, squirming just beyond the glass of the ship green house, was a small sproutling tumbling slowly in the vacuum. It was a caterpillar that had just bloomed a few weeks ago, one of the first generation of Plante born on the Mothership, and somehow it had escaped the nursery and squirmed out an airlock and was now tumbling through the vacuum. Its little green body contrasted starkly with the dark expanse behind it, making star light disappear for seconds at a time as it’s body twirled head over tail over and over.
“Frag.” The bot dropped his watering can and bolted out of green house. The little plant-bug was not supposed to be there. “NEX!” Vole shouted, sprinting down the hall. “A sproutling escaped the nursery!!!” 
The leafy cat bounded into the hall, ears perked in alarm. “Where!?”
“Void!” Vole shouted back, peds screeching as he turned down the hall and leaped out the nearest air lock. Propelling himself with his jets, he thanked his lucky stars that Plante are different from most organics and don’t immediately die without air and nabbed the little caterpillar still wriggling just outside the garden window. He returned to the ship to the sight of a frazzled leaf cat who eagerly took the little grub from the blue bot’s servos as he closed the air lock behind him.
“How did it even get out?” Nex asked, exasperated. It was pointless wondering how the leaflet got out of the ship, the little sproutlets had proven themselves to be crafty little escape artists. This certainly wasn’t the first time a sproutling had been found tumbling through space. The problem was how it had escaped the nursery they were all kept in, especially designed to keep the little buggers contained and safe, and proven inescapable by the older, more experienced Plante.
Before Vole could could utter a response, his brother came around the corner shaking a bottle of spray paint. 
“Hey, have you seen a little caterpillar anywher-Oh.” Clearly, the red mech had some kind of prank plan involving spray paint, a leaf caterpillar, and possibly some easily scare-able organics if the massive grin that fell off his face the instant he saw the caterpillar in Nex’s mouth was anything to go by.
The cat shot Striker a death glare, dropping the sproutlet back to his brother’s servos and giving him 1.5 seconds to turn tail and run.
For a little more context look at Robits, The Epic Train Wreck Dumpsterfire of a Transformers sidestory AU
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welcometomybraincomics · 10 months
Twin Terrors [Last hope]
The first time Rigmarole met the terrible two, she knew she’d be in for a treat, and by “treat” she meant “horrible horrible nightmare.” The twins were a walking hazard. They came in the air lock twitching and glitching up a storm, exposed wires hung from their joints, frayed and sparking, and they were leaking lubricant and yet still, they were talking and laughing and punching each other in the arm. She flinched violently when they did that, almost sure that one of the appendages was going to fall off.
How were they even functioning like that!? It looked extremely painful yet they acted like that was their normal state of being! They even looked confused when Rig had asked them about the pain. “Pain? What’s that?” They had asked. 
Oh boy, this was gonna be a nightmare.
Twin Terrors
The first time Rigmarole met the terrible two, she knew she’d be in for a treat, and by “treat” she meant “horrible horrible nightmare.” The twins were a walking hazard. They came in the airlock twitching and glitching up a storm, exposed wires hung from their joints, frayed and sparking, and they were leaking lubricant and yet still, they were talking and laughing and punching each other in the arm. She flinched violently when they did that, almost sure that one of the appendages was going to fall off.
How were they even functioning like that!? It looked extremely painful yet they acted like that was their normal state of being! They even looked confused when Rig had asked them about the pain. “Pain? What’s that?” They had asked. 
Oh boy, this was gonna be a nightmare.
◦ Rig doesn’t like uncontrolled chaos and that’s exactly what the twins are
◦ The amount of trouble (and pranks) the twins cause gives her a lot of stress
◦ Rig doesn’t like uncontrolled chaos and that’s exactly what the twins are
◦ The amount of trouble (and pranks) the twins cause gives her a lot of stress
For a little more context look at Robits, The Epic Train Wreck Dumpsterfire of a Transformers sidestory AU
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welcometomybraincomics · 10 months
Oooh, found one of the few times I drew the twins when they had 2 pairs of wings
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Clearly, I was pissed at math, lmao
Also pretty sure this is the only drawing of 4 winged Streaker too. I think the only other time I drew the 2 wing design was on the design page and that was all Vole
Ooh, found some doodles messing around with facemasks and vocalization too
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I do not remember the reasoning behind why Vole couldn't speak
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oh shit, I just remembered there was a thing where the twins carried other people's Sparks because they didn't have their own so they had the space
I'm pretty sure at some point they carried around their brother's Sparks (Blastwave and Beatdown), but I don't remember why and I don't remember where that plot went
Like, they 100% didn't spark them, they were just vessels... for some reason
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Rescue Mission [Stations/cross]
“Code red, code red, flier red 59 to all Station frequencies. Our transporter is shot and we are being pursued by hostile emblems of unknown affiliation. ETA to Clef system: 15 cycles. If we’re not heard from by then, assume we’re offline. May the stars fall in your favor.”
Over laying the message was the sound of blaster fire and screaming.
The skeleton crew of Shuttle 15 stared at the blank comm display in shock. The message had been sent nearly 5 cycles ago. The entire room was silent. This was it, this is what they had been looking for, the lost bities that had gone missing nearly 2 months prior, but they didn’t think they would ever find them through a send off message. The idea itself was unnerving , two children alone in hostile territory sending off their last goodbyes to anyone who might hear, but the odd finality in Streaker’s voice that said he knew full well he was going to die and was fully ready to accept it chilled everyone’s lines. 
The two happy-go-lucky mini droids gone forever, no more pranks, no more laughter, no more random treats, no more bake offs, no more awkward but endearing singing, no more screaming in the middle of the night cycle because they couldn’t sleep the apologizing profusely to whoever had forgotten to turn their audials off because they didn’t really mean to hurt them. It was enough to stun the crew into a shocked silence as they continued to stare at the console. 
Rescue was the first to speak again, pushing down his sorrow, “Everyone, to your stations.” His voice was commanding and stern, unusual for the cheery bot. “We’re about 10 cycles away from the Clef system, if we hurry, we should be there in time to meet them. Harbinger, set a course straight for the system. ” Snapping out of their stupor, everybody scattered and got to work. They could morn their fallen comrades when they had actually confirmed their death, for now, there was work to be done. “Rocker,” Rescue turned to their communications officer. “ I want you to contact all allies in the area and notify them of the situation. We’re probably the only Stationers aside from the twins out this far and from the sound of it, those two have their hands full as it is. They’re going to need as much help as we can give them.” Rocker nodded, turning back to the console contacting everyone around the Clef System. “Lead Light,” The engineer stood straighter as he was addressed. “I know medical is more your style, but see if you can’t find a way to make the engines faster or more efficient. The less stops we have to make, the better.” 
The only bot that still hadn’t moved was the captain himself. Search had his arms crossed, glowering at the floor with his back leaning against the wall beside the consoles where he always settled when listening to messages. “Sea...” Rescue called softly to his mate. The mech’s rotary blades twitched and he glared harder at the floor before his head snapped up, looking Rescue in the eyes. 
“This isn’t good.” He said, light caught on his visor which only partially hid his scowl. “We’ve been getting more and more reports of unknown emblems on the outskirts of the alliances.” He pushed himself off the wall and started pacing. “The hostilities have always been there, but this is the first time anyone’s attacked an unaffiliated unmarked. Something’s changed and whatever it is, it can’t be good.” He murmured while walking circles around the small command deck. “I need to make a call back to home base. The Stations need to be prepared for this.” He paced back out of the room and into his quarters to grab the personal communication device issued by The Stations for emergency communications.
Rescue smiled at Search’s show of concern. He might not get along well with everybody, but he cared about everyone, they were a search and rescue medical team for a reason after all.
'May the stars fall in our favor indeed.'
Oh my gaaaaawd! This. Needs. So. Much. Conteeeext!
Ok! So,
Emblemed/Emblems: how Stationers refer to mechs with Autobot and Decepticon insignias. Stationers don't know their meaning or their purpose, but even after loosing their memories, some still felt a strong enough attachment to them to not use them for scrap (extra material is valuable). For the most part, Emblems make up the older generation: those who were there at the first wipe. Some mechs pass their insignias down to their kids as a keep sake and some younger generations take their loved ones' insignias as a form of mourning, honoring the dead by keeping them with them always. (Additional: bc they have limited resources, taking the parts of dead bots in order to repair or replace broken parts became a necessity that transformed into a way to honor the dead)
Allies/the alliances: Stationers are the only Cybertronians in their space. They've made alliances with several species who share their sentiments and goals (protect the children, defend from outsiders, etc.) Not all of them would come help at the drop of a hat. Station 2 (where mechs and organics live together) isn't an outlier. Almost all of their allies are organic.
Unaffiliated: within the Stations, there are groups well known to outsiders. The most well-known are pirates, mercenaries, and trade groups. Stationers mark their ships to show which ones are civilian and which aren't so outsiders know which ones not to fuck with (the civilian ones). Typically, "unaffiliated" means a mech is a civilian.
Unmarked: I'm pretty sure it's just the term for those without an emblem, but I don't remember and I never wrote it down. Being sans emblem implies that the mech is part of the younger generation.
May the stars fall in your favor: Shooting stars are falling rocks, right? Without a proper atmosphere to protect you, shooting stars (or falling stars in this case) can be very dangerous. The phrase means to convey "though tragedy might strike, I hope you can benefit" or something like that. It's something Stationers picked up from their planet bound neighbors (when you're sailing the stars, it's much harder to imagine that a bright light in the sky is a legit falling star). It sort of acts as a hopeful goodbye. Sort of an "I wish you luck"
For a little more context look at Robits, The Epic Train Wreck Dumpsterfire of a Transformers sidestory AU
Basically what's happening here is Streaker and Vole were doing their thing, galivanting around, and they ran into one of the factions (Autobot or Decepticon). Some form of miscommunication happened, so now they're being chased back into Station space.
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Remnants of them being a combiner
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Pov your child is absolutely minuscule
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Heheheh Streaker and Vole literally fit in his palms
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Just remembered that I made a reference page for Streaker and Vole a while back
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Featuring digitally colored sketches because I color things once in a blue moon
For a little more context look at Robits, The Epic Train Wreck Dumpsterfire of a Transformers sidestory AU or #robits
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Not me continuously forgetting that Vaporwave was the original creator of Streaker and Vole and not Guillotine
Somehow, all the credit got shifted over to Guillotine and I don't even know how 😭
I can remember pretty much every part of Vaporwave's development, but I can't even remember where Guillotine came from, he just dropped in and started stealing Vaporwave's personality XDXDXD
Everyone thinks all the weird, dangerous stuff that comes out of Sector 59 (Guillotine and Vaporwave's section in Station 5, aka the science section) is from Guillotine, but they're actually from Guillotine and Vaporwave! XDXDXDXD
o eiriogejorf This is the first instance of Guillotine
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Yeah, I have no fucking idea where he came from XDXDXDXD
OH MY FUCKING GOD, I switched their positions eirjfoaiejrfoajer freaking Wave is the muse now oeijioejrfergjlakfjaiejrogj
This is why you check back with your notes, kids
Hahaha absolutely loving how they went from possibly neighbors to married XD
What's with Guillotine and heads?????
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I suspect this is bc I couldn't think of a face for him, lmao
I completely forgot there's an entire sector of unhinged science mechs on Station 5 that Streaker and Vole volunteer to be crash-test dummies for aoierjgoiaejr the only reason these little maintenance drones have so much weaponry on them is bc they keep the experiments oaejirgjiaejr it's like free samples! XD
Anyway, I need to work on making Vaporwave unhinged again
Oh, I think I found where Guillotine started becoming "designated danger mech"
he went from
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Hahaha, mech just has a "dangerous things" obsession that's evolved into "murder is pretty" hehehehehe
Hahahah only notes I have on Vaporwave's loose screws are his love of hacking and programming and his low impulse control (see him immediately agreeing to fuck with scaplets' programming to completely change their nature)
Oh yeah, I can see why this mech would land himself in Station 5. Some mech makes a joke about reprogramming someone annoying, Vaporwave takes it seriously and actually does it and when he's confronted, he doesn't understand why what he did was wrong
Hahaha oh my god, this man has no boundaries XDXDXDXD He only follows the rules so he can't be punished any further
HAHAHAHAHH Fuck, Guillotine and Vaporwave having free reign together would be a fucking mess XDXDXD Guillotine would say "I wanna collect that guy's head!" and Vaporwave would say "Ok, I'll cover your back so we don't get in trouble" HAHAHAHAHA
Vaporwave is so much more prone to directed violence (violence with intent: Protective, he's just got a goal, etc)
Oh my god, Guillotine fell in love with Vaporwave bc he's ridiculously aggressive XDXDXDDXD Most of the time Vaporwave seems nice and mild-mannered, but something gets in his way and it's instant hands XDXDXD
Guillotine wouldn't even say "I wanna collect that guy's head" he would say something like "Wow, that guy's head would look nice on a shelf *wistfully thinks about his weird ass collection of heads that aren't from murder victims*" and Vaporwave would be like "Ok," and fucking gift him the guy's head bc they're friends HAHAHAHAHAHH
He wouldn't do that if they were a stationer though bc they'd get in a lot of trouble
They're terrible, your honor, I love them 💖
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