#plane twins
welcometomybraincomics · 10 months
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The twins as humans
Technically, this is actually just a page full of slightly different Vole Designs, but on the back of the page, I have Streaker wearing a hat, so Hatted Vole is colored like Streaker
This comes from when the twins were still named Hi-fi and Lo-fi
Also, I have no fucking idea what I meant by "fear boy", but it sure is there!
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xignis · 9 months
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imagine going to your manufacturer and being like, alright. hear me out. we’re doing a super ultra double plane and its gonna be so fucking powerful
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front-facing-pokemon · 11 months
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 132
So it turns out Danny and Billy share a realms guardian. Not like they knew that until they literally got scruffed and taken through a portal- apparently realms paperwork can take years or even centuries so they actually got really lucky with how much their guardian was pushing. 
Apparently the primordial being of Space and the primordial being of Storm is one and the same and has been… well not throwing a fit but also yes throwing a fit at the Observants and other paperwork beings of the Zone. 
So it’s not the worst kidnapping either of them have gone through, apparently they’re getting a checkup and a crash course in realms stuff?? Oh god what do you mean there’s the equivalent of galas in the Zone and they have to go to them??? Sam/Tim help them! 
On the bright sides, way less attacks on Amity now that a primordial being that literally shuffles around entire galaxies just because is hanging around to teach him how to do things. And when Billy gets found out to be ten he can cheerfully say he has permission from his guardian. The one literally letting them get through space so quickly just because they think the league is neat. In an idle wow yep kiddo that is a funky looking cat we aren’t taking home yep, way. 
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realbeefman · 6 months
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thirteen immediately telling him that nobody cares but he “might want to write out a will” after this. the only canon queer character says “we dont care whats inside of you, but it’s hurting you to keep it in”. category 6 queer foreman Event.
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"what if i don't smo-" "you start today."
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dronescapesvideos · 3 months
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North American F-82Es Twin Mustang With External Tanks, 1948. ➤➤ LEARN MORE: https://youtu.be/8Qzp65KF7Fs
➤➤HD IMAGE: https://dronescapes.video/F82
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nocternalrandomness · 2 months
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DHC-6 operated by Maldevian Aero at the Vakkaru Maldives Resort
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ceruleanterrapin · 4 months
Just so all of you know this was based off of this cursed post
Essentially, the Rise Turtles' bird ass feet should be capable of perching on surfaces by curling their toes around them
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....as well as picking things up with them
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horvival · 10 days
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Alan Wake (2010)
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KFJeijfdowisjdcN Streaker and Vole are my first Robits characters, so I just have... so many possibilities for them (things that could have happened in their past since Cybertronians live so long or things that could have happened on a different timeline)
These doodles come from a period when Streaker was kidnapped by a group of pirates called Black Void, recruited into said group, and renamed Midnight because his informational security system scrambles his memories in a way that's practically unusable and Black Void wanted to keep him for his skills but didn't want him rediscovering his old identity. This worked because Streaker's memory scramble only leaves impressions of people, knowledge of motor skills, and speech knowledge.
He is, as usual, completely unhinged, but Vole helps stabilize him, so the longer he stays with the pirates, the more unhinged he becomes [Vole is like 87% of his impulse control]
He does eventually unscramble his memories, reunites with his brother, and his repertoire of super sketchy friends grows ever larger
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villain-byteniwoha · 12 days
In the sitcom version of Star Rail in my head, Welt and Himeko are the mlm wlw best friends who promised to marry one another when they reached a certain age.
And each year into their marriage, they somehow keep chancing up on these kids who just. Need parental supervision, so by their second anniversary dinner date, they have adopted March 7th and Dan Heng. Then our story begins when, by the third year, a pair of twins pop up on their doorstep with matching ashen hair and yellow eyes, and an air of abject chaos around them.
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andr0nap · 2 months
You mentioned the deal w seeds in the plane au — what IS the deal w seeds in this au, if you don’t mind me asking?? 👀
bwah okay its not that much different from canon. they were still a deep space colonization fleet but in this au their mission was technically a success
seeds established an research outpost on no mans land to study the planet and test it for potential permanent habitation in the future. basically the fall doesnt happen. or at least not when and how it does in canon
vash and nai were born when seeds began constructing proper long term facilities on the surface
2 years later the research facilities have turned into small cities, terraforming projects kicked into gear and a decent human population was slowly being woken up from cold sleep. the colonization mission for this fleet was deemed a success
the twins were part of a project testing independent plant capabilities and the utility potential of reality bending (the ability to both power and control machines and expanding the storage capacity of small fast aircraft for transportation efficiency), later named project gemini in their honor. during that time the jets g-01 and g-02 and their prototype engines were constructed
at some point nai found detailed info on the project and noticed the discrepancy in their unit numbers, their engines being numbered 02 and 03 in the blueprints. more digging led to the discovery of tesla and her fate as an integrated part of the fleets onboard ai, knives went mad and began plotting the downfall of humanity. over a few weeks he secretly gained control over the local aircraft fleet and one of the production lines and launched an assault on the main ships in orbit
the one man war against seeds (and poor vash, who was caught in the crossfire, not wanting to fight either of them and trying to stop them from fighting each other) lasts a few decades and only ceases when nai shoots his brother out of the sky by accident
by then little was left of the original seeds project, losing the battle in the end. the sky and desert are a graveyard of ships and aircraft a century later. most of humanity doesnt remember the project or know what happened. a majority of the population abandoned seeds and fled the facilities to establish their own settlements during the war
and thats the deal with seeds! i think? did it explain anything? i got so caught up in writing this that i wrote down some of the early plot dhgfjhdfg
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holdbeast · 1 year
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I am obsessed with this shot of Misty in the credits. It’s such a blatant shout-out to the iconic image of Laura Palmer in the Black Lodge, from Twin Peaks.
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The Black Lodge is a sort of purgatory which hosts the dark and surreal spirits of the forest. You must face your shadow self there. Laura ends up in the Black Lodge as a result of childhood abuse and trauma, but she doesn’t give in to evil.
Now, the Twin Peaks influence on Yellowjackets is pretty obvious, but why the hell would they make Misty their primary visual reference?
Misty is no Laura Palmer. In fact, Misty is the one main character who doesn’t seem to have any link to the supernatural whatsoever. It’s like her baseline sociopathy made her immune to all the spooky bullshit consuming everyone around her.
Should we be expecting some sort of twist reveal? Or will something finally awaken in Misty too?
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girltomripley · 1 year
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Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with me x Yellowjackets s1e8
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aberfaeth · 2 months
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