hey all! so this blog is just getting started out, but i’d love to hear from you guys with season 2 coming up! send me asks about a ship, two or more characters and what i think about their dynamic, details and theories, themes in the show, headcanons on a specific subject, themes, aus, anything. you might get meta, you might get rambling about why i like or don’t care for the thing, you might even get snippets of writing or a doodle if the mood strikes me!
all i ask is that you:
a) don’t ask me to draw or write something unless i’ve specifically asked for prompts. i’m not a vending machine!
b) don’t send blatantly nsfw asks--you can send those to @stricklanderpls, but this blog is sfw! it doesn’t have to be totally pg, but if you have doubts at all it’s much more likely not to go unanswered there.
c) don’t ask me about ocs unless i know you and them already, please. i also don’t write reader inserts.
d) please try not to ask me a lot for stricklake or jlaire! i don’t hate them or anything, but they’re about all the content shipping or otherwise that i can find anymore, and the flavor they’re almost always written with is Super Not My Cup of Tea. if you want to hear about my particular take on them or have something to add that hasn’t been done to death, go ahead, but there’s lots of other things to love and talk about in this show!
anyway, i have a lot of Opinions but i don’t bite, so hop on over and say hi!
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darkland-dog · 7 years
discussing stricklake with my girlfriend like
Me: jim meanwhile: i am going to drink bleach if i ever have to see them being schmoopy again
GF: barb and walt: I WILL INCREASE THE FUCKING THING they could be making out and giggling at each other anytime, anywhere no place is safe
Me: laughs jim, quietly and with intense feeling: no
GF: they'll just be like playing a board game or something and then 'quick quick drape yourself over me walt i hear jim's vespa'
GF: CACKLES they are dedicated to being as embarrassing as possible
Me: they absolutely are
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nerv-s · 4 years
Where's the best place to find content for Problematic™ ToA ships?
Hi anon! Tragically, the fandom is kind of overrun with 🐜 so content is pretty scarce, and in my experience when people do make content it often isn’t posted publicly. The only folks that I know of that post the Problematic™ ships and have stuff that wasn’t lost in the NS.FW purge or run out of the fandom by assholes are my partners and myself lmao. Our old N.SFW blogs have become Problematic™ jails at this point. Mine is @angorrotten (although I pretty much only post on this blog at this point, I’ve officially become Problematic On Main™) Void’s is @darkland-dog, and Moogle’s is @stricklanderpls. I also have a thread of my old Strickrot art that was lost in the purge on my Nasty twit, but otherwise I don’t have a whole lot of ToA stuff up.
For the most part I feel like (recently at least) a lot of our stuff is on the same wavelength so idk how much of that is your speed. If you gave me some idea of what ships (or kind of ships) and/or content you’re looking for I might be able to help more and ask around the server, but I’m not gonna lie, it’s pretty scarce out there for ToA stuff.
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angorrotten · 5 years
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sketchdump of some of the drawings i’ve done for @stricklanderpls, @darkland-dog, and my extremely self indulgent morajel vampire au. I say vampire, but they’re really more like...... werebats. anyway this au is surprisingly soft and goofy and i love it.
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stricklanderpls · 3 years
gonna shutter this one, i think. it's been a good run, folks, but this blog is 90% painful memories now, and i think it's time to start a new one rather than put myself through the emotional wringer of clearing it all out.
i'll post an update here when i've got a url for the new nsft blog--i haven't decided yet, it might still be stricklanderpls--but for now you can still find me over at my main, @the-moogle-of-your-nightmares, or my sfw fandom blog, @angorwhosebabyisthis.
edit: new blog is @thismooglefucks!
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ay siladon, soladon, breaTek, breOk, tavSa, tavVar, and combinations of the above shippers where you at
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considering doing a thing where i occasionally announce when i've put new content on stricklanderpls? because like.... there's probably a decent amount of stuff on there that i'm not going to want to put into main fandom tags lmao, but pls has like zero sphere of audience compared to whosebaby and aforementioned blog policy is not likely to expand it lmao
basically stuff i don't want to throw out there for any old rando to find and get mad about (or god forbid, coming to the attention of creators), but also i would like it to be halfway possible for people to find it who already know my stances on kink and shipping thanks to the pinned post on this blog and are chill with it. also this blog is clearly marked 18+ anyway, so it's not like people don't know what they're getting into when 18+ content does come up, especially if it's a nondescript 'heyo come get y'all problems juice'
what do y'all think, would you want to see blog promos for stricklanderpls on here?
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Yooooooo I can't believe there's someone else who's considered skektek x brea! I've become a little disillusioned with skekok and brea ever becoming close even in fanon (specifically because of the stonewood battle scene where he literally tries to cut her down ^^') but i still think skektek and brea is an intriguing concept
first of all, AYYYYYYY ANOTHER BREATEK SHIPPER, HI THERE, i’ve been talking a lot to friends about it on discord but wow i didn’t think i’d find one anywhere else :D
[Long Post Incoming, Oh Boy]
that’s valid about breok! i have a lot of thoughts about how bad the skeksis got by the end of s1 compared to where they were at the beginning; how much the essence was responsible for; and how far gone they were beforehand; and i do think the plot of the show significantly changed the would-be dynamic between them by the time he tries to kill her. (especially considering that skektek also tried to kill her and her at-the-time remaining family, whoops.) 
but also i agree, it would be vanishingly unlikely for breok to have a dynamic that wasn’t dubious as hell at best, even if the series hadn’t happened. it would take either an au version of skekok that’s enough steps left of canon to end up on a different continent, or an au where a miracle happens and events work out so that everyone involved–especially skekok–works hard as fuck for their happy ending. and only manages that much because the messy, painful character development happened before any of the opportunities for him to jump off the slippery slope show up that he would have taken otherwise. any soft, fluffy breok content that i like otherwise appeals to me a lot because of how unexpected it is in the context of, and how it contrasts with, everything else that’s Really Fucked Up about the situation just under the surface. 
BUT! more about that is a subject for other posts. in the meantime, breatek! 
first off, obviously, i like this ship a lot because they’re Nerds, and also because brea has Big Top Energy and that’s kind of what he needs in a partner right now which is something i’d go more into detail with on my nsfw fandom blog, @stricklanderpls, if you want to hit me up there.
they also both come across as different flavors of autistic to me, so they would find a lot of Same Hat in each other that they tend not to get from other people. they fully understand each other’s sensory issues and how to listen to each other to learn to accommodate for them (even if they don’t share all of the same ones), they’re both pretty blunt and straightforward and not given to pretense (unless it’s learned things like skektek’s cowering from the emperor), they’re both strongly drawn to nonsapient or non-humanoid things (skektek’s animals, brea and lore), the obvious special interests they have (which are devalued and derided by other people in their lives, skektek especially), being highly analytical and focused on Finding Solutions (’every problem has a solution,’ anyone?), the list goes on. they’d click surprisingly well over a lot of things that other people look down on or just Don’t Get.
(also, i headcanon seladon as autistic as well, and i think on some level brea feels drawn to skektek because he actually reminds her a lot of seladon. she feels guilty about a lot of things in her relationship with her sister, and in many ways skektek feels like an opportunity to make up for that by being there for someone she can actually stand in the ways that she just can’t do for seladon.)
also… honestly… they bring out the sweet in each other. brea is just. so open and affectionate and full of wonder, and she will say so just as much as she will speak her mind about anything else. when she’s fascinated by the things skektek makes, when she praises or compliments him, when she enjoys his company, it’s all genuine. her excitement when he gives her some strange little gift he made is genuine. her throwing herself at him for a hug, or pulling his snout down to kiss his nose, is genuine. skektek is starved for appreciation, validation, and affection, for connecting to another person, and brea is so absolutely overflowing with that that he barely knows what to do with it except soak it all in, and do everything he can to make her smile.
meanwhile, brea not only finds it a huge relief to be able to connect with someone who she can understand and who can understand her, but someone who shares and appreciates her thirst for knowledge, the things that she loves. to borrow terms from fandom, she’s more curative about knowledge, and he’s more transformative about it, but they share that joy in it just the same. on top of that he can be surprisingly kind, sweet, and meek for someone who’s as grouchy as he is most of the time, and she treasures that he shows that side of himself to her with the same wonder as every other hidden thing she seeks out to see for herself.
the affection she shows him he returns ten times over, and vice versa. they just love each other so much, man, listen 
there’s a lot more, and also BOY that’s before you get into all the issues to unpack, lordy. but breatek makes me smile a whole damn lot and i will gladly drag as many other people as possible into it with me as i can
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darkland-dog · 7 years
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i honestly have no excuse. this is 100% @stricklanderpls‘s fault. 
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hello all! stricklanderpls here; i decided to make a sfw trollhunters blog so i can interact with the wider fandom, since not everyone should be interacting with nsfw stuff or wants to and i have a lot of feelings you guys look you're welcome to call me moogle, pls, or whosebaby; this blog is still under construction and going to be mostly reblog spam of sfw posts from stricklanderpls at first, but i love to talk, so feel free to follow, ask questions, and hang out!
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darkland-dog · 7 years
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some ocs me and @stricklanderpls have been working on. 
you might recognize that troll if you go through my art tho. last i drew them they were a babie. The human is their adopted sibling/ex-familiar. they’re both ridiculous nerds. the guy with the pony tail goes by Bug, but his name is Burgony. 
(his name is derived from a word for potato. he’s the potato child. he’s well loved ok. his mom’s understand how good potatoes are. :P)
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darkland-dog · 7 years
*kicks down door* ALL TH ASKS
1.How did you get introduced to the show?My datemate @stricklanderpls/@the-moogle-of-your-nightmares was watching it, and convinced me that I should like... go for it. I was kinda bored so said yeah sure why not. 
2.Book or show? Which did you find first?Show! But I have read the book. c: 
3.Favorite Human?HMMM. Uh. Yeah I guess it’d be Jim, which is an obvious choice haha
4.Favorite Troll?It’s so hard to pick cuz I love them all! Bular and Draal are both up there, and if changelings count then Strickler and Nomura are also top of the list...5.Least Favorite?If I absolutely had to pick a least favorite.... Blinky maybe? He just doesn’t get me as revving as many of the others. Or maybe I just have a thing for villains or bad guys.6.What would you be? Troll? Changling? Goblin? Other?Changeling. 100% 7.Who were you more intimidated by? Bular or Angor Rot?I’m never really intimidated by cartoon characters, and I like them both fairly equally...8.How do you spell AAARRRGGHH?AAARRRGGHH!!!9.You come across a troll in the dead of the night. How do you react?I mean, if they’re amicable I’d just say hi. Or you know, try to avoid getting spotted cuz I’m a weenie.10.Got any headcanons? (Can also be one you’ve heard and like)I HAVE A FUCKTON OF THEM LOL. I have so many that it’d be easier to browse my headcanon tag. 
11.Have a fan character? What are they? Who are they? Any reason you made them? (Feel free to post an image!)I have several actually! Two changelings, one troll. Orin, Maeve, and Veras. I made them cuz I like making characters ehe. They’re all pretty different, personality wise, and it’s just sorta fun.12.Do you have that one character you really connect with?Uhhh. Yeah I guess so! But it’s more like a sort of deathmatch between two characters on the connect with front. Jim and Strickler, if anyone hadn’t guessed. Both of them hit notes I resonate with a lot, so it’s like ‘yeah, I like these guys.’ 
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darkland-dog · 7 years
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some more trolls. Veras belongs to me, and they’re a kitlar (which are a troll race by @zonbiconbi) and the second is their husband, padoun who belongs to @stricklanderpls 
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darkland-dog · 7 years
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A momma and babie for @stricklanderpls 
She’s designing momma number two
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darkland-dog · 7 years
Me and @stricklanderpls kind of wanted a place to talk about more adult topics with people in the trollhunters fandom! You’re welcome to drop in any time, say hi, talk about headcanons, promote fic, show off art, and generally come have some fun! 
We’re going to have a main sfw channel, a regular chatty nsfw channel, a opt-in dead dove/dark topic nsfw channel, and a channel for talking about shipping! 
If you have any questions you should totally come to me or @stricklanderpls!
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darkland-dog · 7 years
iamthegayesttrash replied to your post “I love literally everything about your blog It gives me life”
No probe my guy Anyone who makes headcanons abt stuff I'm into is chill Blinky with a mom bag is 👌🏻💯
blinky with a mom bag was hilarious to draw, @stricklanderpls watched me draw it and we both kept laughing because of how ridiculous it was. the pose and expression kept making me lose my shit
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