strifesodosweek · 7 days
18 days left!
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I can't believe it's almost time! How is everyone doing?
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strifesodosweek · 6 months
Do you think Cloud would rather be in the book club or red leather?
I kind of adore the idea of Cloud getting obsessed with Genesis instead of Sephiroth - like physically Cloud can never be tall and sleek and dangerous looking but he CAN work a million times harder on his Materia use and be like Genesis.
I think he would start out in Red Leather, and then check Loveless out from the library as soon as he learns it's Genesis' favorite. He's not much one for poetry, so he thinks, but he isn't expecting an EPIC poem which is a very Nibelheim thing.
I've always figured there is a TON more about Loveless, there's no way a whole book is 272 words, that's got to be a simplification of the basics of the poem.
And he would tentatively join the Study Group and feel like his opinions don't matter much but somehow his theories and ideas about the story and wordplay end up getting really popular and he only ever checks Red Leather's message boards when there is some big announcement.
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strifesodosweek · 6 months
Hi, I’m curious: what’s the cloud/Genesis appeal? Just genuinely curious
They're very different people and for me there is a lot to work with just from that. Cloud is quiet and serious and was shy when he was younger. Genesis is basically the exact opposite. He's impulsive and unapologetically loud. That's a fun combination for me!
There's a lot of ambiguity from Genesis as well, and that gives a lot of leeway for how you characterize him. One of my favorite things to do with him is having him want to give things to Cloud that he never could have experienced growing up not very well off - and Genesis grew up rich and Cloud can share things he did growing up that Genesis never would have thought of.
I love writing them having unexpected things in common, like if Cloud actually is a big fan of Loveless for example.
It's also really fun to have Genesis as a mentor figure because he just doesn't give off that vibe to me at all - which means I want to force him into that situation! And vice versa Cloud never really had that and his self-esteem could really benefit from someone who gets frustrated with that and tells him he's great and pushing him to realize his potential
When you bring in post Advent Children there are more possibilities, like imagining how Genesis would try and fit into a world that has essentially nothing he's accustomed to and he and Cloud are one of the last few people with enhancements + their connection to Sephiroth.
If you would like I can totally share some really good fics of them, not just my own personal ones! My main fic has them + Sephiroth but for Strifesodos week I'll eventually have some guidelines up for it because I want this to focus solely on Cloud/Genesis.
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strifesodosweek · 4 months
Strifesodos Week 2024!!
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Throwing out a reminder! I want everyone to have as much time as possible to work on it if they want to! Please share this to get to anyone who hasn't seen it yet and would like to join!
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strifesodosweek · 6 months
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Work must either be tagged #strifesodosweek2024 or ping @strifesodosweek to be reblogged to the event account.
Work must be solely focused on Genesis/Cloud, although other background relationships are totally fine - just keep the story surrounding the two of them pleas!
AU content is accepted, but characters must be recognizable.
Prompts may be done in any order or combination.
Completion of all prompts is not required to participate.
Entries posted more than one week after the end of the event will not be reblogged to the event account or accepted into the Archive Collection.
Cross-posting and self-advertisement is encouraged.
Explicit content must be appropriately tagged and/or flagged. (All ratings are acceptable.)
Entries cannot violate the terms of service or community guidelines of the platform on which the work is hosted. 
Entries posted to AO3 that feature content for which the Archive has an appropriate warning must use that warning, not Author Chose Not To Warn. 
Entries posted on tumblr which feature similar content as referenced in the above rule must be tagged with the appropriate warnings. (All content falling under these categories is acceptable.)
Work must be original and created by the participant specifically for the event, not reposts of any kind, machine generations, or work that has been copied or traced
No bashing of characters or ships. Criticism within the body of your work is fine, but statements and work designed specifically to disparage and/or insult a character or pairing from a meta perspective with no other purpose is not. (You are welcome to any personal opinions, just don’t include the nastier parts in your work for the event.)
Posts from participants who have the event organizer blocked (for whatever reason, this is not a judgment call) literally cannot be reblogged to the event account due to the organizer being unable to see or interact with them. Please unblock @errantnight (at least for the duration of the event) to be sure your work can be reblogged to the event account.
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strifesodosweek · 21 days
Hi! I have a question, one of the fics I was writing for Strifesodos week has kind of become way longer than I expected and would be better as a multichap. It will also probably not be finished by the time Strifesodos week rolls around. Is it alright to post an unfinished multichap fic for the event?
Kind of sounds the best sort of problem to have really, I'm not a harsh taskmaster lol I'd love all the Strifesodos everyone can fling out into the aether. I know people who started things for a fan week and they're still working on it months or a year later!
I want everyone to work with what their muses give them, honestly. I want people to be inspired and want to keep going, I also totally get if someone can only write one or two fics, even if they're just drabbles, they've contributed to the Cloud/Genesis ecosystem!
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strifesodosweek · 2 months
72 days until Strifesodos Week!!
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Who's excited?! Also... I haven't written anything yet and I feel like a SLACKER let's DO THIS TOGETHER EVERYONE!
Guidelines here!
I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!
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strifesodosweek · 8 months
Me and my clumsy photoshop skills to the rescue. Apparently since this doesn't exist I had to make it happen. Time to come up with prompts! Please please please send me asks with one word or one line prompts so I can make a collection of them for people to vote on.
For now I need to decide what week to have this! I don't want it too soon because I want prompts out a min of a month away for people to have time to work on it and I need a while to compile prompts and make decisions for what they should be.
Let's tentatively make it for October and I'm selfish so let's make it my birthday week, so first week of October!
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strifesodosweek · 7 months
Another call for genesis/cloud prompts!
I'd like to have the prompts out early, maybe do polls for people to choose from around May and have them posted by June so people have enough time to come up with ideas. It will be the first week of October!
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strifesodosweek · 7 months
I haven't read all the prompts so some have probably already been suggested, but here we go:
Wings / preening
Dress up (either Gen dressing Cloud up or Cloud getting ready for their first date all nervous because Gen is a fashionista and Cloud is... not)
Loveless (I know, I know, but cliches exist for a reason!)
Goddesses (I refuse to elaborate)
Sick-fic (either one taking care of the other who reluctantly/grumpily accepts)
Homecoming (would love to see Gen's reaction to a warm, caring mother, and likewise Cloud's reaction to Gen's asshole parents)
<3 <3 I'm having so much fun!
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strifesodosweek · 7 months
I suck at keywords, but I finally have some prompts!
pre-canon/ crisis core AU
fake dating for a mission.
blind date (that Zack and Angeal set them up on).
stuck in an elevator together ahuhehuehue.
Guess who's Cloud’s new mentor.
Infantryman Cloud accidentally sets Gen’s book on fire right in his hand during drills. Genesis has an….interesting punishment. OR he can’t afford to pay for a new book so Genesis has him pay in another way.
Genesis underestimates how strong un-enhanced Cloud is during a spar and gets pinned down.
Angeal, Sephiroth and Zack can’t fit into Genesis’s clothes, but Cloud can. Genesis needs to see how his clothes look like on a similar body. Hilarity ensues because “WHY DO YOU HAVE A BALLGOWN IN YOUR CLOSET?”
forced proximity of any kind that has to do with working with the WRO.
drunk “bonding” over Sephiroth at Seventh Heaven.
they’re each other’s date to a wedding because there was no one left.
Genesis is Marlene or Denzel’s lit tutor and Cloud finds him obnoxious lmao.
Bonding over Angeal and Zack and the sword (the possibilities hurt ;-;)
arguing leads to screaming leads to sparring leads to someone getting hurt and a bunch of guilt.
Domestic Strifesodos already in an establihsed relationship so cooking, shopping, cleaning, driving, a simpler life.
The other submissions are so good, I’m dying to get my hands on them in October 😭Thanks for doing this!! 💖
Thank you!! I'm going to have so much fun this is absolutely going to be an annual thing!
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strifesodosweek · 2 months
60 days until Strifesodos Week!!!
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Guidelines Here!
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strifesodosweek · 8 months
for short prompt ideas?
So great you’re organizing this ^w^
AHHHH <3 Excited!
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strifesodosweek · 8 months
Hi! Just wanted to say I love that you're doing this. Genesis is my favourite character ever right now, and Strifesodos is so good. (Can only hope I actually remember to participate!) As for prompts: Performance Turk interference Zack can fix it Everyone knows It wasn't Sephiroth Illumination Hope these work!
Thank you!!!
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strifesodosweek · 8 months
a few one word prompts to throw at you off the top of my mind (i’m sure i will come up with more later):
goddess, materia, summon, fate, mentor, kindred/kindred spirits, wing, sword
Thank you! This is so exciting!
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strifesodosweek · 8 months
creatures, sweets, fields, holidays, rot, caves, building
if any of these have already been suggested i am so sorry, my brain is liquid atm 😭
going on the list right now! Thank you!
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