#string bands
ryllen · 11 months
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Bride & Groom of Halloween ...𖥔 ݁ ˖🦇 ݁˖ ݁𖥔…
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ajcrowlor · 6 months
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It's so clear now that you are all that I have I have no fear cos you are all that I have
so i decided i wasn't actually all that happy with the background of this piece and redid it haha :'D
again, this is from a post-series Empty rescue plotbunny, it's yet another image of Dean and Cas in freefall (which is probs from watching too much Eureka Seven in hs), and have the soundtrack that is both inspired by this scene and acted as inspiration to draw this (mostly Snow Patrol's You're All I Have and Signal Fire being blasted on repeat):
(also how the FUCK do yall size your procreate shit for tumblr? i feel like everything i post looks like a pic i took with my first slide phone circa 2008... it makes potato quality look good *sobbing*)
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walnutcookie · 23 days
consider mint choco cookie. that is all.
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gasparodasalo · 9 days
Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) - Chamber Concerto for Flute, Violin, Bassoon and Continuo in F-Major, RV 100, III. Allegro. Performed by Adrian Chandler/La Serenissima on period instruments.
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vanweezer · 2 days
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beautiful women named slipknot keep writing songs about how fucked up the midwest is.
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liillyliilly · 3 months
Max It Out
semi eita x reader words; 7101 + bonus content bc i love this AU synopsis; Band AU. She's the manager. As it turns out, he wants her as more than just the band manager.
“You gotta amp the bass up,” Semi called out.
You just rolled your eyes at him again. There was only so much more you could ‘amp’ his bass up. You couldn’t fix something that just wasn’t broken.
“I think you gotta fix your play style instead. I can make the bass louder, but then the main guitar line would have to be shrunk. Unless you want fizzing during your set.” You shrugged. He really couldn’t manage this gig without you.
It was hard to believe that earlier that day, you and he sat opposite in the paralegal office. Some civil service job, getting assigned to share an office with Semi Eita.
Arrogant, egotistical, damningly attractive. You wanted to wear his clothes and be his prized possession.
“Pass the stapler.” Your stapler, he had been working here for five months and still hadn’t bought his stapler yet. To be fair, it was a genuinely good stapler that you had shipped in from your aunt who lived in Germany.
You opened the drawer under your desk, grabbed the stapler, and then handed it to Semi under your computer.
He peeked under the computers, smiling at you. “Thanks, sweetie.”
“We aren’t in a work marriage anymore. I divorced you.”
“I never signed the papers darling.”
How could he always do that? Make you smile? It was unfair.
Sure, you always ate lunch together. Sure, he always packed an extra set of tissues when you went to the movies because he knew you cried easily. Sure, he gave you his leather jacket during winter on the walks from the hauling truck to the clubs.
But you had divorced this man weeks ago. Work marriage of course. He was just too clingy for you.
There of course had to be another layer to this dynamic between the two of you. The whole band manager thing.
You were nineteen and completely in love with Konoha Akinori. Which was why Semi invited you to help them with gigging the band out.
You had known of Semi, but only really got to know him in college. His center of gravity was alluring, to say the least. You were friends with Konoha first, attending high school together. Konoha was the one who invited you to your first real college party. Except it wasn’t even really a party.
It was five guys smoking, listening to music, and messing with instruments.
When you enter the apartment, Beach Weather’s “Sex, Drugs, Etc.” was lulling in the background.
Semi was lying back on a beanbag, strumming his bass guitar gently. Two boys in the opposite corner were blowing puffs of smoke into each other’s mouths, between what looked like extremely wet kisses.
“Issei, Hiro, do you have to do that here?” Futakuchi Kenji, a fellow class member of your advertising supplemental class, was faking being sick. He had drumsticks and was hitting an empty container of fried chicken.
“You can join in whenever you want Jiji.” The pink-haired one smiled, using his head to motion Futakuchi to join them on the sofa.
“Issei’s breath reeks of mango.”
The one with short cropped black hair, wearing a One Piece shirt spoke up, “Mango-licious. That’s the exact flavor, there’s some strawberry in the pod as well.”
The one referred to as Hiro shoved the one called Issei off the sofa. “Song’s over.” Issei just shrugged, taking another hit from his blue e-cigarette.
Konoha explained that Matsukawa Issei and Hanamaki Takahiro had been best friends for essentially their whole lives and that there were a select few songs that they just always made out to. He said he just got used to it, and that you should too.
You decide to make conversation, “So how do you all know each other?”
Semi chimed in, “Konoha and I used to work together at a tutoring place. Before he ditched it to deal drugs.”
Konoha worked in a pharmacy.
“You worked at a tutoring place,” Shock was evident in your tone of voice.
“It’s not hard to help seven-year-olds with their math homework.” Semi continued, “I know Issei and Hiro from competing in the same volleyball circuit in high school. I don’t know when Kenji got here though.”
“Ass.” Futakuchi rolled his eyes, “I joined this shoddy group of friends when we were all struggling to pass the intro math course. And when I found out we were all decent at music.”
Your raised eyebrow at the music comment made Semi smirk.
“If we play for you, you gotta join our cult.” He minced no words.
Konoha assured you that it wasn’t actually a cult, but it did feel like one.
When Matsukawa had finished hooking up all the proper chords to an outlet machine, Konoha had shoved some bean bags out of the way, and Hanamaki downed several glasses of water, you realized that they were good at music.
The song they played was “Lavender Sunflower” by Tory Lanez. When you asked why they would play a song from someone who was in jail, Semi just said you should separate the art from the artist. Futakuchi said it was because Hanamaki liked to say the word ‘sexify’.
They did a few more covers, ranging from Steve Lacy to Cautious Clay.
You gave them a round of applause when Matsukawa slid his fingers across his keyboard to end their mini-concert.
“I meant it. You’re in our cult now.” Semi had come up from behind you, speaking into your ear and resting his hands on your shoulders. The shiver down your spine didn’t go unnoticed by you or Semi.
Electric Guest; the five young adult boys turned into a decently popular alternative indie band. Semi Eita, on the bass. Konoha Akinori, on the guitar. Matsukawa Issei on keyboard. Hanamaki Takahiro, on primary vocals and autotuning. Futakuchi Kenji on drums. Plus you, the mastermind behind it all. Kind of.
All you did was everything else besides play music.
The first time they played at the Battle of the Bands, you sweat so much that your white shirt was permanently stained in the pits. At least they won the prize money, just enough for a team dinner, entrance fees to the next competition and a new shirt for you.
It was a learning curve for you, learning the lighting, the sound management, and the coordination of schedules as you all got busier. Making a Google calendar helped as the years went on.
The whole band thing became so lucrative that all of you could’ve quit your day jobs and been perfectly comfortable, but Futakuchi claimed that the band was never supposed to be their whole lives. Just a part of them. So, in addition to your band manager role, you also ran the charity on the side.
A cross between cancer research, volleyball advocacy, and music education. The holy trinity of causes Matsukawa claimed.
Electric Guest was never supposed to be the reason for you to stay friends with people from high school, and college. But that was how it ended up. Just a group of boys with their girl on weekend nights playing live music.
Initially a cover band, but it turned into original works.
Semi was always a little too clever to just play others' words. “This Head I Hold”, Semi’s first song that he had written had charted on the IONIC Alternative chart in the Top 100 for seven weeks straight, never falling below the top seventy.
Was he humble about this feat? No.
But did he sheepishly make a toast to how your marketing carried the song to where it was? Yes. So it leveled out in your mind for him to be prideful of his music, of their music.
“Amp it up.” Semi stomped his feet again.
Konoha shoved Semi’s arm. “She just said that she couldn’t do that. Do you just have selective hearing for praise? Maybe she should throw in her opinion on your ass in those jeans between the clarification of why increasing the amp would be bad?”
“Screw you, Aki.”
“Meet me in the bathroom in five?” You could practically see the way Konoha’s eyebrows raised in a jokingly seductive way.
“Semi, I could try to reduce the vocals slightly. I just don’t know why you want your bass to be so highlighted tonight?”
Semi just waved his hand in the air, brushing away your comments.
Rolling your eyes, you sipped on your water, reviewing the setlist for tonight.
“Hey, I thought we cut “Get Out” for tonight? And we never play it as the last song?” You did a double take at the setlist, Semi had scribbled the song in right after their typical closer of “Basic- Acoustic Version”
Hanamaki slid into your booth, downing his demon juice, a mixture of Redbull, Monster, and a shot of tequila. He grimaced, then shook his face, smiling at you.
“Semi-Semi has a surprise for tonight, it’s supposed to knock your socks off.”
“I do like a good “Get Out” moment.” You mused.
“A little more than just a good moment supposedly.”
Hanamaki was always one of the guys from your friend group who could manage to make anything sound more important than it was. He was the lead singer after all. You’d be lying if you hadn’t thought about the way some very specific words would sound coming from him to you.
That was another element to this Electric Guest thing, the touch aspect. Once they had integrated you into the friend circle, they became your humans. Your people. You all began to function as a single unit. Where one goes, the rest follow.
The Twitter comments on official posts did love to get a little explicit when they posed theories about how all five of you were in a polyamorous relationship.
That time you and Matsukawa got seen with your hands in his hair and his hands on your ass created a good portion of those theories, especially since Matsukawa still openly liked to lick Hanamaki’s neck between songs.
The touching thing just became second nature, to be close to each other was to be genuine.
Futakuchi threw a plastic water bottle at Hanamaki, “You drunkard, come set up your autotune before you’re too far gone. Please chew some gum before you start singing too, your breath reeks on that stuff.” Futakuchi was referencing the aforementioned demon juice.
Semi had started working at the same place you were working after he had aced his civil servant exam with flying colors.
He had gotten bored of lazing at his shared apartment with Futakuchi for entire days on end. He claimed to need social and mental stimulation. You thought it was because he just wanted to have another reason to get to know you better, which was also true.
Semi was strange when it came to you, freezing up in touch before easing into it. Sometimes you and him could just sit in your apartment for hours on end talking about the band, movies, the best hangover food.
He just understood you on an unparalleled level.
You were all friends, of course, Issei, Hiro, Jiji, Akinori, Eita, and you. But you clicked on what felt like a multidimensional plane with Semi Eita.
He knew what you would say before you said it. He always managed to mitigate your problems with simple, clear solutions.
He also always looked a little too deep into your eyes. You felt like he was inspecting your innermost self when he locked his eyes on you.
No judgment, just assessment. No confusion, just curiosity.
“We can always carpool you know,” He swung his keys on his finger as he walked you to the bus stop, “Save you an hour in commuting.”
“As appealing as that is, I wouldn’t be able to do my share of driving, you know, due to the whole, I don’t have a car thing.” Grateful, you rubbed his shoulder in thanks.
“When I say carpool I mean, I’ll drive and you be my live-in car DJ.”
“Am I being used for my amazing playlists?”
“I love using you.”
So you began to carpool. He would pick you up at your apartment 30 minutes before work started, and then you would sit in the parking lot together for 10 minutes listening to your new underground finds before clocking in.
Semi was a great co-worker, truly. He just always used your stuff and spent way too much time going through your computer search history when you took a break.
“I swear I was going to find some kind of band groupie orgy porn on here this time.” He scoffed when you began shaking your office chair with him still sitting in it.
“At work? You’re kidding me”
“Maybe it was just for future reference,” He licked his lips, looking up at you. “You know, for tonight.”
“You’re revolting.”
“You’re an angel.” He reached a hand up and tugged on the front of your shirt, pulling you down to him.
“You make me sick.” You tried to escape his grasp without damaging your new button-up.
There were only a few more hours to go before their show tonight. You had taken several photos of your boys preparing for the show, posting them on all the social media sites.
Using captions such as, ‘ETA: When Semi Eita gets around to it.’
‘Matsukawa’s forgotten mango vape pod.’ (You thought that one was funny because the vape pod was shown to be almost negatively drained more than it could go, he had sucked all the Mango-licious nicotine out of that poor vape pod)
‘Real or fake? I guess we’ll never know’ Attached to a shot of Hanamaki looking at himself in the mirror, moving small hairs around. The fan-favorite think piece was about his hair, genetically strawberry blond or just dyed.
‘Jiji on that beat’ Futakuchi’s head resting in his hands, his knees bouncing up and down in a short video clip. He always got anxious before shows, despite being one of the relatively more popular members of Electric Guest.
‘Akinori’s Asshole Agenda, task one: hide all the free promotional stickers’ Your box of stickers was shown to be empty, but you had another one in the hauling truck that you would go and grab in a few minutes. The ushers at the clubs helped hand the stickers out when getting people into the building.
Futakuchi called you over to the stage. You put your phone back into your pocket and meandered over to where he was inspecting his drum kit.
“The skin on my drum is getting too thin.” Futakuchi traced a white line that stuck onto the kick drum.
“What do you want me to do?”
He pulled out a fresh skin from his satchel. “Help me reskin this bad boy please.”
“It’s not real animal skin yeah? Just synthetic?”
“Yeah, it should go on fairly easily, I need to polish my cymbals.”
You tilted your head in slight anger. He was going to make you reskin his drum?
Semi had finished messing with his bass settings, resting his instrument on the large case he had brought out to the stage.
“Lemme do it.”
“I can re-skin it, it’s fine, Eita.”
He took the material from your hands, “Let me skin the stupid drum.”
You nodded, swallowing thickly. That tone of voice subtly said, “Don’t test me” and overtly said, “I want to do this for you.”
You let him reskin Futakuchi’s stupid drum.
Joining Electric Guest was one of the best decisions in your life, and you owed it all to Konoha Akinori for bringing you to that ‘college party’. Semi liked to argue that he was the one to thank for getting you involved, but Konoha always pulled up the text receipts of him asking you to officially be a part of the band.
All your firsts had been with Konoha. First kiss, first boyfriend, first hickey.
A high school crush that turned into a decently long relationship at the beginning of university. Konoha was a great boyfriend, dates were amazing, and he was the one who introduced you to all of his friends, who became your friends as well. He was the one who took care of you when you were sick.
He was the one who cried with you when your cousin died.
You truly loved him. But the piece in your heart for him and the piece in his heart for you just didn’t fit together once you hit 20 years old. It was an amicable break-up, but it still hurt.
Best friends with a rich past was how you defined your relationship with Konoha.
Semi was getting increasingly anxious about the fallout when Konoha and you broke up. That’s how it made the most sense to you anyway.
Why else would he have punched Konoha? The fate of the band was at risk.
Semi would’ve rather died than admit why he had to physically express his anger. Screw the band in that moment, what about you? Were you doing alright?
They hadn’t told you about the punch until nearly a year later when you were all either high or sleep-deprived in your apartment, celebrating another competition win.
What they hadn’t told you was louder than what they did tell you about that night, three days after your break-up with Konoha.
Matsukawa had to hold Konoha back, and Hanamaki along with Futakuchi pulled Semi back from throwing another punch. Konoha’s lip was cut and bleeding, so he spat the blood on the floor of the recording studio.
You just sat in the beanbag in the mixing office, none the wiser, headphones on, clicking away at audio files to make promotions.
The night of the breakup, you called Semi and had him at your apartment. It was raining that night. When he arrived at your place, he was soaked through. You asked about it since a short walk from the road to your place wouldn’t have yielded such a damp appearance.
As it turned out, his car had run out of gas, so he took Futakuchi’s moped. When you wrapped him in a towel and gave him tea, he complained that he should be the one soothing you.
That comment triggered you to start bawling. What if it was all a mistake to break up with Konoha? Maybe he was your best option. Semi said that Konoha wasn’t worth shit compared to other guys out there for you.
You told him that that was cruel to say. Semi tried to backtrack, explaining that maybe better options were still around for you. When you just kept talking about how much you loved Konoha, Semi stopped trying to fight the idea of Konoha and focused solely on comforting you and assuring you of your decision.
Two days later, after Semi witnessed your shattered state, the punch occurred during band practice. He saw Konoha’s phone screen saver was still Konoha and you kissing.
“You asshole, she was crying!”
“I already told you Eita, it was an agreed upon break up!”
“The bruise on her neck then? Explain that you dick!” Semi snarled. Hanamaki was shaking in his Doc Martens, but Futakuchi just kicked Hanamaki and told him to keep holding Semi back.
“The bruise? You mean the HICKEY?” Konoha wasn’t mad anymore, just annoyed, “You know sometimes when people break up they have break-up sex. It’s in the name, you oblivious coward.”
Matsukawa finally let Konoha go. Konoha just rubbed his arms where Matsukawa had grabbed him. Konoha had come to several realizations when he had talked to you about breaking up.
Kissing hadn’t felt right for some time, and you both hardly ever tried to be romantic in any sense. Instead choosing to send memes to each other and joking around. It was being best friends under the label of a relationship.
You agreed to split, letting both of you let go of your long-winded high school crushes.
“Coward? You’re calling me a coward? Breaking up with the best girl in your entire life wasn’t a cowardly thing to do then?” Semi was panting, arms shaking, but he was still kicking his feet.
Konoha knew Semi would throw a fit. So he decided to say what everyone else in the friend group wanted to say.
“You love her more than I do,” Konoha sat down, legs sprawled on the floor. He told Hanamaki and Futakuchi to let Semi go. “Did you know that? You love her more than I do. Which is utterly baffling to me because I love her with my entire heart.”
Semi stood for a moment, a slight sway from all the tension in his high-strung body. Semi crouched down before laying on the floor. Looking at the ceiling, he pressed his lips into a tight line.
Hanamaki, Futakuchi, and Matsukawa had left the band space, choosing to let the two friends talk out whatever they needed to.
They too knew that this conversation needed to occur, primarily for Semi.
Semi sniffles then laughs. A genuine laugh. “I guess I am a coward.”
“Damn straight.” Konoha continued, “I always thought you’d get to her before me. Not sexually, or anything like that. But in terms of love. You know? You just always had her first thing in mind. Whereas I, well, I never cheated and I never considered it either, but I always wondered if I was the right person for her.”
“You think that person is me?” Semi scoffed. “I can hardly call myself an adult compared to you.”
“I know right.” Semi kicked Konoha with his outstretched leg.
“You gotta tell her, or else someone will take her from you. Not everyone can see you’re the best person for her. Hell, even I had a mental breakdown when I realized it.”
“So you’re saying-”
“I don’t want your bullshit, Eita, I want you to tell her.”
“I can’t.”
Konoha told him that he’d be stuck then. So, stuck Semi became.
It was almost an hour before opening the doors to the long line outside Club Karazaki.
You still needed to help the boys with their hair. So you grabbed your comb from your bag and made your way backstage.
“Hairstylist in the house, I take 50s and 100s only.” You patted your jeans’ back pocket, “I need a new phone so this is how y’all will contribute.”
After finishing Matsukawa’s quick retouch on his taper, you took the fiver he handed you.
“You know, I think tonight is going to be one of our best performances.” Matsukawa lifted his mango vape to you, you declined it, and he took another hit. “Semi outdid himself for tonight.”
“Ya’ll overhype that man.”
“Nah, we hype him just enough.” Matsukawa held your hand, “You ever get another date with that dude from a week ago?”
You shook your head, explaining how it just didn’t feel right. Lately, your romantic exploits had all crashed and burned quicker than Semi could begin a riff.
Several of the adventures in romance had ended with an upset Semi, which in turn made you upset. The most recent ‘discussion’ between the two of you had occurred just a week before tonight, about the same guy Matsukawa had brought up.
The band left Semi and you in your apartment, and you offered to let him crash on your futon. Futakuchi refused to let a drunk Semi back into their apartment. Claiming that he would puke all over the new rug he bought.
“I just don’t get you.” He was tugging on his sweatpants’ drawstring and lying on your couch. His shirt had ridden up to his mid-stomach, showing off a trail of dark blond hair that snuck under his sweatpants.
“What don’t you get.” You sat on the end of your couch, freshly showered. He put his feet in your lap. You obliged, scrolling through channels on your TV.
He smelled like the expensive wine your label had dropped off to celebrate a bronze ranking on the new album. You asked how much he had drunk, only now realizing his whole face was flushed. He mumbled, so you lifted the bottle, only to find it completely empty.
“You’ll get alcohol poisoning from doing this.” It was only a mini-sized bottle, but it was expensive and aged perfectly.
“Better than how I’m living now.” He took off his shirt, too warm to continue with the material on him.
He didn’t quite have abs, but he was strong. Broad, tan, and wide. The difference between Konoha’s so-called, “slutty waist” and Semi’s toned torso was striking.
You clarified that he actually wouldn’t even be living if he got serious alcohol poisoning.
“That dude,” You said your one-off date’s name, “Yeah him, he looked like my doppelganger don’t you think?”
He did look a lot like Semi.
At the same time you both added the addendum that his fashion was way worse than Semi’s. Semi just laughed, not even a laugh, he giggled. A 22-year-old child, giggling about how you were insulting your date. Shirtless, drunk, and now rubbing your back.
He had shifted, laying his back on the back of the couch, lightly kicking you so you would sit on the floor in front of him.
His hands were warm, due to the alcohol flowing through his veins. When he dug his thumb between your spine and shoulder blade you moaned. He asked if you felt good, and you nodded.
You didn’t expect him to slide your shirt up, your bare back exposed to the cold air of your apartment. In no time, his hands were soothing down the goosebumps.
“Make your little noise again.”
“Hm?” You turned your head to Semi.
“I want you to moan again.”
Your eyes widened. There was no teasing this time, he was dead serious.
Something was definitely wrong with your best friend, especially when he started to kiss your shoulders, moving to your jawline, attempting to move his lips wherever he could reach. He had slid down the couch, using his hands to pull your back against his chest. Skin on skin.
Your shirt was still bunched up at the back of your neck, but with the way that Semi was slowly sliding hands over your stomach, he had a plan to remove the purple sleep shirt. His maneuvers were snake-like. His intermittent hisses were reactions to your scent, your warmth, and the way your skin tasted on his tongue.
When he cupped your chest with one hand and had the other hand in your hair, you had to stop him. Quickly you stood up, and he cussed at the loss of touch.
“Eita, I think you need to sleep.” You tugged him up from the floor, and he just kept cursing. Incoherently, no rhyme or reason for what he was so mad about. You could hardly understand many of the words, a few distinct ones hit your eardrums: Konoha, coward, sex, music, the band. The most frequent word was your name.
You let him sit on the floor, going to grab a glass of water for him. When you reached into your fridge for a Gatorade as well, Semi was standing at the entrance to the kitchen. Brown eyes just watching you.
“One kiss.” He clearly stated.
You laughed, but he only got irritated.
“I’m serious. Just one.” He reaffirmed.
“You’re drunk. I’ll say it twice, Eita. You’re drunk.”
“I’m a better kisser when I’m drunk.”
“I don’t doubt that.”
You handed him the water. He downed it. You handed him the Gatorade. He sipped it. He probably had a reason for asking.
“Is it for a song?” You touched the bottom of the Gatorade bottle, lifting it closer to his mouth so he would take another drink. Semi angrily rolled his eyes, why would that be his only reason for asking to kiss you?
“If I say yes will you kiss me.”
You shook your head no. He was clearly inebriated. You didn’t know how he would feel about this in the morning, and you knew the alcohol was altering him.
It had been two years since you broke up with Konoha. You had promised that you wouldn’t date another member of your friend group. It just wouldn’t work. Plus with the new label intervention as well, they tried to subtly say that dating within the band could cause some scandals.
But they were an alternative indie band, so the label let a lot of the little things go.
But openly dating? Ruining the image of attainability? They just told everyone to keep relationships to a minimum, and if they did want to date, then you should be off limits.
Semi had never seemed more pissed at a formal organization, he ranted to you about how as soon as the three-year contract was up that Electric Guest should go back to being entirely independent.
You agreed, for the most part, just letting him consider how much easier it was for him to get creative licensing protection on his songs. He just said that working at the paralegal office would be enough skill to get legal protection on the music.
Semi cleaned up the Gatorade, tossing it into the trash can. You found yourself in a corner, the sink to your right, and the fridge to your left, Semi in all other directions.
Never had you seen his eyes so blown out. Not even after one of the longer smoke sessions, Matsukawa liked to cook up.
“If you can tell me you don’t love me then I’ll let it go.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, “Eita, what? Of course, I love you. What are you talking about?”
“If you can tell me you haven’t thought about me when you were touching yourself. If you can tell me that you haven’t thought about my lips on you. If you can tell me that you never considered me as an option. If you can say that then I’ll drop it. Otherwise, please let me kiss you.” You paused your breathing. He looked at you. “And don’t use my blood alcohol content as an excuse.”
“I need a minute.” You gently pushed your hand on his bicep.
“I have time.”
You glanced at the microwave clock.
1:28 AM.
He started kissing you at 1:29 AM.
You didn’t stop him.
It was slow at first, gentle even. He started at your neck. Biding time before he got to where he wanted to go. He nipped along your jaw. Your hands were resting on his chest, your breath baited.
When he picked you up and sat you on the counter, you knew you were a goner.
He guided your hands to his hair, his shoulders, and his hips, telling you to just touch him and not stop. He gave himself 15 minutes. You didn’t know this, but he was only using 15 minutes. From 1:29 AM to 1:44 AM.
When he starts to rub his hips against yours, you wish you could’ve stayed like this for hours. You could feel the outline of his body through the sweatpants, and each time you made another sound, his hips just stilted before rubbing again with more pressure.
His first lip-to-lip kiss with you was dry. He just pressed your lips together. He paused, just letting the touch process in his mind. When you pressed back, he smiled into the kiss.
He could immortalize the kiss later, he still had 7 minutes left.
He wanted to reach his hand down into the front of your pants but knew you would draw the line there. His alcohol solution became the one barrier he wished he didn’t have at the moment. Especially when he could feel the way your thighs were shaking slightly, anticipation was a bitch.
He gently, lightly, wrapped one hand around your neck. The other hand was under your shirt doing things you couldn’t quite make sense of because his tongue was in your mouth. His thumb was distinctly writing the letters of his name over your nipples.
When the clock turned to 1:40 AM, he turned ravenous. He pressed his lips everywhere on your face, forehead, nose, chin. Dry turned to wet, and he knew you were covered in his saliva. You groaned slightly when he gave in and cupped the front of your shorts. Before he removed his hand in favor of just grinding against you again.
He was panting when the clock finally ticked to 1:44 AM. Semi tucked his head into the nook between your shoulder and neck. His arms under your shirt hugged you tighter, making you feel like a boa constrictor was attempting to cut off your oxygen supply.
“I’m tired.” You ran a hand through his hair. Telling him to let you go so you could get his futon. He shook his head, pieces of hair tickling you. He wasn’t tired physically, he was tired mentally. To hold back from someone you were magnetized to, spent all his energy. Until his willpower to fight the pull force was just entirely gone.
“Second door on the left?” He spoke right into your skin. If he had gotten this far, one last ditch attempt to feel all of you might just be his lucky opportunity. The second door on the left was your bedroom.
You nodded.
In the morning, you woke up to Semi tracing shapes on your thigh that was laid across his stomach.
He spoke first.
“We can talk about it after the show at Karazaki.” He had begun running his hand on your head, starting at the top of your head before sliding down to your nape. He repeated the soothing caress so many times you lost count.
The doors finally shut, and all the people at Club Karazaki were finally ready to be blessed with the music from none other than Electric Guest.
The two-hour show went off without a hitch.
Konoha’s guitar solo got the most bras thrown at him. Futakuchi’s reverb of Arctic Monkeys’ “Knee Socks” had the most phones recording him, his drum set and single verse got more viral video and editing clips than you would know how to manage. Matsukawa and Hanamaki’s duet singing “Oh Devil” from the new album almost made you scream for them too.
It was finally time to close off the show, with Semi’s addition of “Get Out”. You couldn’t help but get thrilled at the idea of hearing your favorite song one more time before he planned to officially cut it from the setlist.
Instead of Hanamaki, Semi cleared his throat, thanking the audience for their time, and that the last song was going to be a crowd favorite.
Hanamaki stepped back. Now, the main singer of a band did not just simply step back and out of the primary light. You fidgeted with the system, getting equal lighting on everyone. The red slow strobe was always a good default, especially since you had no idea what was going on.
“I’ll max it out one time for you.” Semi sang.
This wasn’t the revised ending song. It wasn’t even “Get Out”, the song you had believed to be Semi’s bonus on the setlist. You clicked into your headphones, trying to contact Konoha. Radio silence on your end. Standing up in the back of the club, you waved your arms rapidly. Trying to get Semi’s attention.
What the hell was he doing?
“You should never worry, you’ve been here a long time.” His bass guitar was strumming to the beat of your pulse, just fast enough to keep you alive, but steadily increasing in speed. Matsukawa’s keyboard was playing perfectly in tune. So at least you knew they had practiced this song before.
Maybe more than one practice though, because the flow of the music was just too smooth. You sit back down, and instead of leaving the blaring red strobe lights, you cool it down. A light blue focal light on Semi, with grays and whites on the other band members.
It matched with the RnB edge this song had.
“Now you’re in a hurry. Feels like a long way home.”
He moved up more, tugging on the chord connecting his guitar. He stood in the center of the stage.
His vocals were stunning. Usually, it was Hanamaki singing, with Semi doing the backing vocals. But this was all Semi’s scratchy, deep, resounding, pleading voice. He sang like he was begging for a lifeline.
“You’re just the light I follow.” He wasn’t closing his eyes, he was looking straight at you. You looked behind yourself, only seeing the black wall. You checked in front of you to see if any girls you were familiar with were standing in front of your systems booth. But no, the crowd was just packed with dedicated fanboys and fangirls tonight.
“Right now you just can’t see. I’ll feel the same tomorrow. ‘Cause a good thing is falling on me.”
So this is what all your boys had been talking about. Semi’s special show.
“I’ll max it out one time.”
What a nerd.
“And I know they go on and on and on, I know you’re growing tired of me.”
You’d never get tired of him. And somehow you knew that he knew that.
“And even when you're nervous, or you’re feeling out of order”
Hanamaki had joined in, singing the backing lyrics at this point. Semi just kept looking at you.
“I’m somewhere right next to you, singing you the chorus.”
He’d always been clingy.
“I’ll max it out one time for you, ‘Cause I know it’s overdue.”
Hell yeah, it was overdue.
“So, I raise my glass to you.”
He raises his bottle of water.
An uncontrollable smile erupts over his face. The crowd is in shambles. People were screaming, some were off in a tucked away corner kissing, and someone was getting pulled off the gate to the stage by security.
He doesn’t sing anymore. He mouths the words to just you.
“I love you.”
So there they were, Electric Guest. Sitting in a run-down 24/7 diner laughing and throwing fries at each other.
So there they were; Semi and you. He had his arms around you, chin resting on your shoulder, joking about the time Konoha had spilled his weird mixture of mayo and ketchup all over a borrowed white shirt.
Hanamaki and Matsukawa were pinching each other under the table.
Futakuchi and Konoha were arguing about who got more tagged posts on Instagram.
“I think we should adopt a baby or something.” Hanamaki waved Matsukawa’s vape in the air.
“You would be arrested in like two seconds. You can barely function as a human being Hiro.” Futakuchi ate another fry, starting to list off all the reasons Hanamaki would make a horrible parent figure. Matsukawa kept trying to get another hit from his vape, but Hanamaki just kept waving it around.
You turned to face Semi, but he was already looking at you.
“Max It Out?” You brought up the title of his Not Confession, confession song.
“I wanted to title it your name, but no, that would be too on the nose for some people.” Semi glared at Konoha.
Konoha shrugged, “Eita, you always go on and on about increasing your bass, I thought that ‘Max It Out’ would just click better with the average audience. You know, the same audience who wasn’t exactly there to witness you groping on our friend here last week.” Konoha patted your thigh.
Futakuchi dropped his fry. Complaining that he was always the last one to know what was going on with his friends.
“I wouldn’t call it groping, maybe loving, but not groping.”
“That could be a good lyric for our next song,” Matsukawa brought his hands up to motion them in a rainbow shape, presenting an idea, “we could call it, ‘I Had Sex With My Best Friend Who I Pined After Since I Was Nineteen, I Also Passionately Care About Her And Ended Up Punching Her Ex-Boyfriend Who Is Also My Other Best Friend’ I think that has a real ring to it for a song title.”
Semi rolled his eyes, “Not looking like that title would fit with the rest of our catalog.”
You consoled Matsukawa by handing him back the fiver he gave you for trimming his hair.
Futakuchi, still upset at not knowing about you and Semi’s incident, posed a question, “Well if Aki, Eita, and I have all kissed you, where does that leave Issei and Hiro?”
Semi’s mouth dropped open, “When did that happen?”
“Our kiss? Uh, I can’t remember. But we did.”
You shrugged, it wasn’t your best moment. But Futakuchi had been a very good kisser. “After advertising class ended. I was having a moment about where my life was going.”
“I still think you’re the prettiest girl I’ve kissed so far.”
Semi groans. “This is so unfair. I waited over four years, but Jiji and Aki got to kiss you before me?”
“Slow your roll Eita, if we keep this up, maybe we will end up in a polyamorous relationship.” Hanamaki analyzed, and you knew all about his thoughts about that situation occurring. He had told you several times that if a six-person relationship did exist, then it still wouldn't be as amazing as the dynamics between all of you.
“No more kissing other people,” Semi rubbed your elbow, “You’re stuck to me now. Might as well stay with the one with the best dick.”
You nodded. Semi grinned, waiting expectantly.
“This is the part where you start listing off other good qualities about me.”
“Nope, I think you listed them all.”
Konoha stuck his tongue out and mocked Semi’s claims about genitalia.
After a copious amount of french fries, and enough jokes about everything that had happened the last few years, Semi and you walked hand in hand to his car.
“I got a new bass booster in my car.”
“Why exactly?” You buckled yourself, before reaching over and buckling Semi in as well.
“So I can blast our favorite songs while making you scream.”
There he was, your flirting, egotistical, arrogant, loving best friend. You nixed the best friend part in your head, writing ‘soulmate’ in place.
“Also, can you rescind the whole work-husband divorce claims?” He rested his hand on the back of your seat while backing up his car. Flexing his arm on purpose.
“Sure, there’s a few things you’ll have to do before I officially call you husband again.” You listed off chores, errands, and body parts.
Semi licked his lips, “I can do that.”
Playlist for all the music nerds out there: (aka my headcanon of 'Electric Guest's Latest Album)
"Max It Out" - Electric Guest --- The main song from this fic, Semi's confession fic. It was not the only confession song he wrote though. One day, all the lyrics he wrote became less about teenagerhood and fun and genuinely about love.
"Get Out" -Electric Guest --- Our main character's favorite song, it's about exceptionalism. If you can't handle the heat, don't play in the arena. Also about gambling and not going back to toxic people. MC is an icon for sure for having this as her favorite song (Max It Out is her actual favorite, but would rather die than tell Semi)
"This Head I Hold" - Electric Guest --- Matsukawa's favorite, he gets to start the song off with his keyboard. Also Matsukawa's favorite because it's about getting high. The druggie energy is strong with him.
"That's What Happens" -Kid Bloom --- An unreleased Semi song, depression hit him hard when he and Konoha had their heart-to-heart. He kept it locked away until this very specific album release. When he went into detail telling our main character about why he wrote the song, she had to wipe tears from the corners of Semi's eyes, give him love please.
"Window Pane (Pretty Little Thing)" - GSoul --- Hanamaki's favorite song off their newest album, mostly because he helped to write the lyrics, but he'll still love to sing "Lavender Sunflower" because no words sung will ever top "sexify" for him.
"Hold Me" - Hojean --- Futakuchi's favorite song from the new album because the drums are the most heavily featured at the core. And because the autotune is heavy enough to let him pretend Hanamaki isn't the one singing.
"Wake" - Jiwoo --- When Semi wrote this one, Konoha had spent hours trying to figure out who it was about. To Konoha's shock it was about his ex-girlfriend turned into lifelong best friend. Konoha almost got revenge by punching Semi and telling him that it had already been two years, and that someone would make a move soon. Semi then explained his idea for his confession. Konoha realized his friend may be an actual genius.
"Oh Devil" - Electric Guest --- Konoha's favorite song off the new album, he spent the most time in the recording studio practicing this one, he even picked up some additional instruments to help produce it to its highest potential.
"Basic" - Electric Guest --- Semi's hate-piece to the label and to other bands who had been calling out Electric Guest's unconventional style choices. The label thought this one would be the least streamed, jokes on them because it got TikTok famous (courtesy of Semi's newly shown off girlfriend making hot edits for each of the band members)
"Charismatic" - Hailey Knox --- Hanamaki's only duet with a woman. The singer loved what they were doing, and asked to be the main vocal on a b-side song. When all was said and done, Hanamaki and Matsukawa finally had another person to blow smoke with when listening to "Sex, Drugs, Etc."
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me-sploh-rada-imas · 4 months
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ach what a darling!! i hope it gets home alright!
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(MTV Icon Tribute to Metallica rehearsal)
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