nowdatarecove · 6 months
Top Hard Drive Recovery Service
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In real-life conditions, you may find that the information saved on the onerous drives is all of a sudden gone after some onerous drive-related errors happen. To make issues worse, nothing will be changed even in case you have tried a quantity of options and data recovery software program.  Alternatively if your exhausting disk is unstable we are going to endeavour to successfully recover your data and transfer your files, music, pictures etc for you onto your new laptop. We may additionally provide them to you on an external onerous disk. If the signs of failures are caught early enough, quite often the info get well course of will have a a lot greater chance of recovering the disk. If left until the hard drive has fully failed, the opportunity of a 100% successful restoration becomes much less probable - Hard Disk Data Recovery.
If you require a much sooner turnaround time, we'd advocate calling us and deciding on an emergency 24/7 service flip round. Our software allows you to execute low-level disk restore and file restoration utilizing a command prompt. With easy command utilities and primary navigations such as up-down, and left-right choices, users will certainly discover this file recovery software freebie useful each for novices and specialists. Data storage options clients include media firms, broadcasters, creative agencies, promoting corporations and music and movie manufacturing studiuo. We are a real knowledge restoration company you can really feel and touch. You can come and see us and bring your faulty media for knowledge restoration. We are data restoration specialists and may recover all your information. Repair the onerous disk drive to an operational state to make the information readable which may require elements to be replaced, repaired or fastened - SSD Data Recovery.
We provide data restoration from onerous drives, cellphones, laptops, servers and RAID arrays, reminiscence sticks / playing cards and other digital storage media gadgets. We have been offering expert data restoration providers. Nothing is written in stone, sometimes information cannot be recovered however with our data recovery should we not be successful in getting your data back you'll pay Nothing. For more information, please visit our site https://www.nowdatarecovery.com/
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southernstudyposts · 5 years
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2.12.2019. Tuesday.
The only class I have today is Latin, which is wonderful. I know that afterwards I need to be productive, but I just started season 6 of Game of Thrones last night, so that probably isn't going to happen.
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studyinginstyle · 7 years
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Tried using watercolors in my bullet journal this week :)
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notesworthtea · 7 years
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this is usually the aftermath of hours of homework and studying
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diary20216969 · 3 years
deci cum ziceam. Bun venit in jurnalul meu virtual ( pe care nu il pot pastra si deschide cand vreau daca nu e  net, care se poate sterge etc) dar mna, e o  idee buna considerand ca am mana fututa si nu pot sa scriu, plus ca de cand am terminat liceul nu e nici urma dde vreun pix in casa asta. N-am intrat nici anul asta la facultate, ceea ce e ok, o sa incerc din nou in septembrie. chiar merita,in caz ca ma trezesc inntr-o zi ca efectiv nu mai merge cu chat-ul, sa pot sa gasesc ceva mai elevat decat muncitul la jumbo si carrefour.
Andrei m-a lasat. wow, primul om care s-a despartit de mine, singura fiinta cu care a fost eu, cu care am invatat cine sunt eu ca apoi sa fiu eu. cred ca asta vindeca mult si creste sanatatea emotionala: relatiile stranse si sincere dintre oameni. In fine, cu toate acestea, ma cam doare in pula. The old me ar fi fost spulberata acum, ar fi scris in engleza pentru ca tinea totul in subconstient sau ar fi injurat de 10 ori in fiecare propozitie de 12 cuvinte. Dar nu, sunt recunoscatoare pentru ce a fost, ce am invatat ca am nevoie, ca imi place si displace, ca am experimentat pentru prima oara atatea emotii (plus-am invatat sa fac squirt hehe)
Ah da...m-a lasat pentru ca am ramas insarcinata ( a doua oara 2 luni la rand ). gen wtf, prima oara cand ne-am futut mi-a zis ceva de frica de platit pensie alimentara. in fine, merita sa fie futut in cur de ursi lmao, fraieru’ drq.
Cu prima sarcina a iesit de la sine, ma umflasem maxim si aveam simptome dar gen nah, aveam o banuiala dar aveam chatul si sefa idioata si iarba si iubitul si familia si pe frate-miu si naveta Bucuresti 7 seara-Ploiesti4 dimineata pe cap. A realizat abia dupa ce m-am mutat la Camstars si plecat de la Freya. Nici nu imi aintesc cum s-a intamplat dar a fost dureros si infricosator, a durat 2 saptamani sangerarea si dupa asta am avut non stop infectii ( cervixul deschis dupa pierderea de sarcina plus animalul ala spermandu-se in mine de 3-4 ori pe saptamana )
a doua oara a durat 6 zile, dupa ce am relizat ca nu pot sa fac asa ceva, am bani de facut si o viata netraita in spate pe care trebuie sa o recuperez, un frate imbecil de care sa a grija, o fsmilie de intretinut, mai mult sau mai putin.
aaa da, simt..gol inauntru, adunatura aia de celule de care ma atasasem si care imi dadea stari de voma si facea corpul sa se simta de parca am fost lovit de camion intr-o dimineata de clasa a 10-a de iarna in care tre sa merg la canto la 9 si sunt mahmura. Adunatura aia nu mai e,iar eu imi imaginasem vocea ei, parul ei roscat, capul mic si ...bleah ok. nu. Nu o sa imi fut corpul si nervii si baniiii pentru nimic in lume .
o sa dispara si durerea asta cu timpul.
Anyway a aparut un nou studio in Ploiesti, extravaganza, sa vedem ce shitshow iese si de aici, a ramas cu amintiri provocative care ar face pocaitii sa aiba diaree explosiva de la fiecare studio la care am fost. Pur si simplu unde se aduna curvele virtuale si matroancele puse pe stors bani din pizda noastra, la care adaugi mii de dereglati care vin si ne platesc lunar ca sa ne strangulam, pisam pe noi, futem cururile, umblat fara chiloti pe strada, este loc de un shitshow inevitabil.. dAR AM INvatat sa fiu classy, sa ma comport cat sa para ca sunt normala plus makeupul de om normal si toalele care nu ma fac sa par o oligofrena de 13 ani ajuta maxim.
Acuma cu site-urile imi e mie frica. jesus, idk, am facut tone de bani oriunde m-am dus. doar la Freya si beyou mi-a luat 2 luni de fiecare sa imi dau seama ca sprancenele pana la tample sau groase de 4 degete, eyelinerul ca de carbune si buzele rujate cu mov inchis sau parul negru nu sunt ceva ce arata uman pe cirpul meu de copchil. But  not anymooore! PLUS, am adultwork acum, sper sa mi-l dea.. am tone de membrii acolo. sper sa nu ma bage pe jasmin ca ma spanzur. efectiv o sa il ignor, nu mai pot sa imi vand pizda pe 3 lei dupa un privat de 10 minute cu vreun sictirit cu burta, chelie, ceva programator basit cu oleaca de bani de cheltuit si cu aere de Brad Pitt faara sa inebunesc.
Sa le dau si contul de streamray sau sa il pastrez pentru mine>? idk, a doua oara m-au lasat sa imi fac dupa ce am plecat de la beyou, nu cred ca m-ar lasa a 4-a oara.
Assaaa si am o anxietate ce  n-am avut juma de an, touch starved, tre sa strang vreo 200 milioane pan la sfarsitu verii, sa ma abtin de la futut straini sau intrat in relatii, sa ma inscriu la alta faculta in sept, sa incep munca la un nou fuckig stududio drq srie cum e si la ei, fara niciun leu, fara tigari ca m-am lasat, fara cafea si energizant ca am inceput iar metformin si habar n-am cat ii ia sa fun ctioneze sau daca o sa mearga macar sau ma trezesc la mijlocul lunii cu barba si acnee pe tot corpul fara bani de dong quai, vinovata ca ii datirez labagiului de andrei 200 de lei da nici daca aveam  nu ii dadeam ca nu merita si sa se duca drq sa se angajeze in mortii lui in loc sa stea pe banii lu tacsu ca e un cacat penibil si trist, stresata ca faculta lu frate-iu depinde de mine sa nu plec de la studiuo si sa strang 50 de milioane pana in octombrie, stresata ca tre sa cupar echipament si eventual sa ma mut intr un apartament sa fac chat acolo pentru ca in casa asta ma sinucid si sa fiu sclava pe banii mei in studioruri e ulima oara cand o fac, si viata mea nu are  niciun scop daca nu reusesc asta. si e multa multa multa multa presiune pe mine, si nu pot sa dorm ziua si frate iu are psihoze si tre sa il duc la preot dar ce drq sa il ajute unu cu fusta care crede ca e seceta pen’ca se fut barbatii in cur.
si da, am infectii urinare non stop si tre sa vad ce drq fac si cred ca o sa fumez pelin si o sa fac bai cu pelin siiiiiii i need pussy so badly man like omggg
ok, a voie sa fut o singura tipa vara asta si atat. once. i just need pussy like fucking shit its been almost a year i miss it so much ajfewjfwefbhbef fmlllll
AAAAAAA da. cam asta ma tinea pe mine treaza. lets see if i can sleep now
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cyb3rstudies · 7 years
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hello guys, gals, and non-binary pals! i never took the time to do this cause i didn’t think anybody cared but then i realized i’m just gonna do it for me :)
my name is megan
i identify with she/her pronouns
i am 18 years old and a senior in high school
i love love love english and history
least favorite subject is math sorry not sorry
i am from western pennsylvania!
i love theater and band and i’m also in show choir
i have probably a million and one books on my bookshelf
i am a hufflepuff (if my username didn’t already tell you)
umm i am addicted to watching youtube videos 
a lot of my favorite studyblrs that inspired me to create mine are: @allystudiesx @apricot-studies @astrostudy @cakestudies @calmingstudies @code-bug @commonstudy @dotgrids @educactus @emmastudies @eruditekid @estudeis @fishstudies @flaheistudies @gaystudies​ @grracestudies @gryfhindor @hardworkign @hermionegoals @highlightcrs @hufflepuffscholar @inkystudy​ @intellectus @jessastudy @jhonstudies @k-studynet​ @katsdesk @knoweldge @libraery @lilacstudies @liloulilac @localstudyblr @mathemantics @moleskinestudies @notefying @noteology @organizeandstudy @paperandcaffeine @procrastilate @purestudies @revisionly @ru-studies @scamanderstudying @scholarly @shellstudies @somewhatscholarly @strive-for-da-best @studenting @studie-s @studiuos @study-lit @studyblr @studybuzz @studyign @studypool @studysheet @ studyterian @thecoffeedesk @themathblrs @yourstudystuff @zeestudies 
(sorry it’s so long but i love all of u) <3
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redanaarstudios · 5 years
Coke Studio Season 12 | Balma | Fariha Pervez | REACTION | Red Anaar Stu...
Coke Studio Season 12  Balma  Fariha Pervez | REACTION  Red Anaar Studios ITS A MUST WATCH REACTION !!! WATCH THE VIDEO TILL END THANK YOU
Original Video: Coke Studio Season 12 | Balma | Fariha Pervez https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fx1Ec3Nd82w
In This Video #CokeStudio12 presents Balma, a thumri with simple, sincere poetry that expresses the restlessness of a broken heart. In Fariha Pervez's voice, Balma's poetry turns to music within an ambient soundscape that gives centre-stage to the song's flowing melodies.
Produced by: Rohail Hyatt Coke Studio Season12, Episode
#CokeStudio12 #FarihaPervez #Reaction #CokeStudioReaction #FarihaPervez #Balma #BalmaCokeStudio #CokeStudioSeason12 #Review #RedAnaarStudios #ShehrozMalik #MughfirIjaz #CokeStudioPakistan We are doing a review on the Coke Studio Season 12 Episode. Balma performed by Fariha Pervez a beautiful Thumri with simple poetry expressing the feeling of broken heart with Coke Studio Twist in this Episode of  Coke Studio Season 12
giving our reaction that how we felt after hearing this Mesmerizing Heart felt Thumri  which takes you to in deep of love how he got Hurt in love. In this Coke Studio Season 12 Epsiode
We will be giving the review on this complete season of Coke Studio Season 12 so stay tuned with us to get our reviews / reaction on this Season 12 of Coke Studio
Red Anaar Studios Member in this video: 1. Shehroz Malik 2. Mughfira Ijaz
Next Review on the Latest song of Coke Studio Season 12 will be uploaded soon in few days
Next week we will be giving review / reaction on Coke Studio Season 12 Next Episode
#Subscribe Us on #YouTube: www.youtube.com/redanaarstudios Follow Us On Instagram : shehrozmalik10 E-mail Us For Business Inquiry : [email protected]
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lunaciclo · 7 years
A workshop for [...]
With a small workshop for one person as its subject, the studio this year has investigated the spatial conditions, structure and narrative of a small space dedicated to mental work, hand work and rest in the walled city of Nicosia. The studiuo was divided in three parts. In the first part the students formed groups and were assigned with a specific role from a list of seven diferent roles for the analysis of the wider site: The archeologists, the hoarders, the spies, the prosthetisists, the acrobats, the hydrologists and the botanologists. Each group, was looking for qialities of the city according to its distinct role and way of thinking and looking into things. In the second part each student had to choose a specific site and program for the workshop and develop spatial concepts according to team work in part 1, their selected program and the selected site. They also had to develop in detail the narrative of their intervention according to program, references of similar programs and specific qualities of the project site. In the third part the students had to develop their individual projects by looking at specific categories of architectural design such as: use, movement, materiality, structure, atmosphere, relation with the city, public and private. During the third part the students also had to develop their ability to investigate a design issue through models and drawings, to communicate clearly their design intentions and to interpret architectural categories with the use of architectural means.
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southernstudyposts · 6 years
"The simple view is that medicine exists to fight death and disease, and that is, of course, its most basic task. Death is the enemy. But the enemy has superior forces. Eventually, it wins. And in a war you cannot win, you don't want a general who fights to the point of total annihilation."
- Atul Gawande, "Being Mortal"
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studyinginstyle · 7 years
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I hope everyone had a good Valentine's Day!
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alexsalterfmpblog · 6 years
Goals today: revise my idea, changing it to make sense. I think ive held onto the previous idea too much and it has constantly putting me into creative walls, so I want to change it drastically to something that makes sense and would be possible to make with my artistic abilities. 
Today I 100% hit my goals. I think the idea that i currently have is something I can stand by and use moving forward. I also got the opinions of this idea from friends and my parents and they all liked it. I watched a movie called Princess mononoke made by Studiuo Ghibli. I mentioned a while back on my blog that I wanted to incorporate Ghibli somehow into my work as I find their movies to be very inspirational. I think I can use this movie - although is based in Japan, as a core source of inspiration and way of visualising the ideas in my head as I can now understand the era. I will need to research into native american culture as that is the theme I want to use progressing. I also need to figure out what genre of game that I want to make the concept art for. The one thing that I do NOT want to do is copy princess mononoke however. 
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jidangs · 7 years
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These people was the reason I stayed for 15 long months. The reason why I pursued stu*dying*. The reason I found another set of family.
The first job outside my comfort zone. BPO. CALL CENTER. A customer service representative of a big bank in US. sobrang di ko ineexpect na papasok ako sa ganiting trabaho. The experiencw itswlf was fun, meeting new set of people; different kinds of people.
SABI NILA DITO MO MAKIKILALA YUNG MGA TOTOONG TAO and yes, I met them here. I started working for the company March of 2016. I failed to graduate that time since I am too “studiuos” (If you know what I mean) and just decided to work for a summer job. It’s supposed to be just a SUMMER JOB, pero talagang mabait ang tadhana, binigyan ako ng real job. Diba nakakaloka? Haha!
To make the long story short, I met bunch of awesome people who really became part of my everyday life. They became the reason why I am waking up during weekdays. Sometimes the reason why I don’t sleep. And most of the time, the reason why I am drunk. FT107, Team Janice, Josephine, Janica, Jhuvie, Rhaiza, Wil, Ray, Roms, etc. They were the reason why my mom thinks that I am already an alcoholic (WHICH IS NOT). After my regularization, things changed. When everything was already perfect, I became closer and closer to these bunch and also our coach, there came a PROMOTION. And yes, I was one of the chosen people who undergone training again and again and will be sent out on the other side of the floor, which is just actually steps away from our previous bay.
So it was September, I am now part of FRAUD IDENTITY department, yessss bigat!!! , I was alone, I don’t know anyone in the group so I feel like it is first day of hire again. I feel like a newbie. Out again of my comfort zone. Meeting these people again became a challenge since I was already intacted with my previous teammates. I was not even koining to there eat outs, bonding and I even smoke by myself.
Cutting again the story short, I met some bunch of indivudual that is really actually the same attitude as mine. Hating the same person everyday of training, comfortable on each insight, and people whom I thought that will be “click” to what I do or say or share. Ben, Jan, Seyn, Jester, Virna, Jen, Pau, FB, Grace . Sila yung tipo ng taong tatawa ka kahit magtitigan kayo, at sila din ang dahilan kaya namotivate akong magaral ulit.
I am just thankful to these friends I have. I have gained alot of knowledge, wisdom, and even humor having all of you guys. And since the day I left the office, I really really really miss you guys. SOBRANG MISS NA MISS NA MISS KO NA KAYO MAKITA SA FLOOR. I didn’t expect that I would feel this after resigning. Feeling ko hindi lang ako nagresign sa trabaho, feeling ko di lang trabaho iniwan ko, pero iniwan ko din yung naging pamilya ko for 15 long months.
**PS this is just an appreciation post**
***PPS Ona nga, OA, papansin, mema, wrong grammar, but I don’t FUCKIN care 😂
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lazyhermione · 8 years
my name is nalanda (pronounced null-on-duh) :)
hi!! also i love your blog so much & u seem like such an awesome person pls talk to me sometime!! :)
nalanda; white sand beaches, golden hair sparkling in sunshine, mermaids, skipping stones, the feeling of joy when someone tells you your notes are pretty, smooth black rocks covered in droplets of water, finding that pen you lost weeks ago hiding under your desk, finishing a short story and being absolutely in love with it
check out this post for a name aesthetic✨
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rewritign-blog · 8 years
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After a couple hours sorting through all the entries, here are the studyblr award winners from my 4k (now 5k?!?) celebratory promo!! There were so many blogs I wanted to put on this list, but I forced myself to narrow it down, and even then some of them are pretty big! Thank you to everyone who entered and supported my blog since November last year, I appreciate all you lovelies immensely!!
Best url
@akademisk // @heminways // @mathematicool // @hcmeworks
Best icon
@dyslexicstudying // @studiuos
Best theme
Best original posts/advice
@cmstudy​ // @obsidianstudy​ // @cheyale​ // @prettylittlestudies​ // @dangostudy​ // @aeshermione​ // @moleskinestudies // @iwillbeapolyglot // @thescholarlysquad
Best studygram
@ study.relief // @ study.buzz // @ gracelearns // @ bookmochas // @ acadehmic
Best overall
@studentcandy // @educatier // @enginehrd
Thank you again to all who entered, and a massive thank you to everyone who has supported me and my studies the past nine months! You’re all fabulous, marvelous humans, and I hope everything you’re working towards is successful!!
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notesworthtea · 8 years
10 Questions (ノ´ヮ´)ノ✧
Thank you @studywithannie for tagging me !
Rules: Tag 9 people you would like to get to know better! (๑°꒵°๑)・*♡
Horoscope Sign: Pisces 
Lucky number: 25 
Last thing I googled: dave franco imagine 
Favorite fictional character: Daenerys Targaryen 
Favorite song atm: heathens by top 
What are you wearing right now: pink and grey fox pajama pants and a cal poly sweater 
When did you start this blog: a week or two ago! 
Amount of followers: 161 and i love every single one of them! ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡ 
Do you run any sideblogs: i have a fan blog, quality blog, black and white fashion blog, and a personal blog LOL 
Why did I choose this url: i wanted to create "noteworthy" notes and, honestly, notesworthy was taken, so i chose notesworthtea, which was suggested by my good friend, @nerd-kid 
 I tag mi studyblr crushes ( ื▿ ืʃƪ)
@obsidianstudy @studybuzz @studylou @sundaestudies @studiuos @estudeis @steudious @lycheestudy @haleystudies
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xiotetudes · 8 years
(br) congrats on 1k !! also, dumb question but i've ran out : is there a particular brand of Chapstick that you'd recommend?
Thank you! Tbqh I just use whichever lipstick I have with me! Most the time it’s one from labello. I heard a lot of good things from Burt’s Bee though!
url: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 icon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | it’s a page of a planner right?theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 mobile theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 original posts:1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 following: No sry, but ily ❤ |  I am now!! | YES | FOREVER!!
want a blograte?
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