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Being a part of crowd, or watching a crowd is such a humbling experience for being alive. You are alive and so are all of them, so many of them. You are not special when there are 100s of people looking same as you doing same work as you at same time but then you all go, have your own life, do little somethings that are so so special and specific. Your existence is merely anything, but that is also so good, no one actually cares that much about anyone else, time passes anyways. Life is so fragile and common yet Being alive is so sacred and a coincidence, a rare chance.
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myhoneststudyblr · 4 years
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here is my brand new challenge! i’ve known that i was going to do this challenge since i started my summer challenge in july so i am so psyched to be able to finally share it with you guys! i hope that you will enjoy it <3
DISCLAIMER: lots of the prompts in December are to do with Christmas because that is what i celebrate at this time of year. i was very aware of that when i was writing the prompts but i did not think that knew enough about other festivals and holidays at this time to write prompts about them. i did not want any prompts i made to be disrespectful. if you don’t celebrate Christmas, please know that this challenge is still for you! you can either just use the prompts anyway (if they are applicable) or adapt them to fit the festival or holiday that you celebrate. if it is impossible to adapt, then simply tell me about what you celebrate because i am excited to learn about them! [this was edited later because i realised i forgot to add it - thank you to the anon who queried this issue for reminding me <3]
✨ Info ✨
If you do the challenge, use the tag #winter studying challenge so i (and others) can see your posts. I try to reblog as many as possible. 
This challenge will run for two months - from the 1st December to the 31st January
There are daily prompts for every day of December and January 
But as always I don’t expect everyone to be able to post every day so you can always do catchup posts!
If you have any questions, feel free to send me an ask!
✨ Rules ✨
If you want to do the challenge, please reblog this post
If you do it on any other social media platform (ie. Instagram), please give credit. You can find my instagram here - my username is the same as on here @myhoneststudyblr
The challenge will officially start on the 1st December, but if you come across this later, you can definitely start anytime during these two months!
✨ Prompts ✨
1st December - Do you like winter?
2nd December - What is your favourite thing about winter?
3rd December - What is your least favourite thing about winter?
4th December - What is an unpopular opinion that you have about winter? 
5th December - Are you usually busy during winter?
6th December - Do you get a break from school/uni/work during winter?
7th December - How do you stay motivated during winter?
8th December - When should people start preparing for, decorating and celebrating Christmas? 
9th December - What do you usually do during the holidays?
10th December - What is a cherished family tradition from your childhood?
11th December - What is a favourite family Christmas/holiday memory that has stuck with you through the years? Why?
12th December - Does your family have any odd traditions during the holidays?
13th December - When do you buy your Christmas presents?
14th December - Share a memorable gift-opening moment from your childhood.
15th December - What is the coolest gift you ever gave someone?
16th December - What is your favourite Christmas movie?
17th December - What is your favourite Christmas song/carol? 
18th December - What is a Christmas song that makes you cringe?
19th December - What is your favourite holiday food?
20th December - What is your least favourite holiday food?
21st December - What was the most memorable holiday celebration you had at school?
22nd December - Finish this thought, "It wouldn't be Christmas without _____."
23rd December - If you could design your own ugly Christmas sweater, what would it look like?
24th December - What is your Christmas wish?
25th December - Merry Christmas! Tell us about your day!
26th December - What do you do the day after Christmas?
27th December - What was the best moment 
28th December - What are you grateful for?
29th December - Christmas or New Years
30th December - What is your best memory from 2020?
31st December - Would you rather stay home or go out on New Year’s Eve?
1st January - Happy New Year! What did you learn in the past year? 
2nd January - Have you made any New Years’ Resolutions?
3rd January - What is your aim for 2021?
4th January - What is the most important thing that is going to happen to you this year?
5th January - Would you rather live in a world where it is always winter or always summer?
6th January - What is the weather like during winter in your country?
7th January - Do you like the cold?
8th January - Where is the coldest place you’ve ever been to?
9th January - Name one place you could never live because of the winter weather.
10th January - Have you ever seen snow? When was the last time you saw it?
11th January - Would you rather play in the rain or play in a snowstorm?
12th January - Would you rather have a snowball fight or build a big snowman?
13th January - Would you rather have an entire snow week off from school or an extra week of summer vacation?
14th January - What is your favourite winter outfit?
15th January - Would you rather wear a winter jacket in the summer or a bathing suit in the winter?
16th January -  Scarves or sweaters? 
17th January - Gloves or mittens?
18th January - Wear mittens forever or a winter hat every single day?
19th January - What outdoor winter activity do you love?
20th January - Do you do any winter sports?
21st January - Stay warm inside or go outside in the cold?
22nd January - Ice skate or rollerblade?
23rd January - Polar bear or penguin?
24th January - Arctic fox or snowy owl?
25th January - What is your favourite winter drink?
26th January - Live in a world without hot chocolate or only be able to drink hot apple cider?
27th January - Have icy blue skin or have a runny nose all the time?
28th January - Play in the snow or play in the sand?
29th January - Go skiing or snowboarding?
30th January - Have a birthday in winter or in summer?
31st January - What was your favourite thing about winter this year?
✨ and that is the challenge! i really hope you will enjoy my challenge and if you have any questions, remember you can always send me an ask! ✨
[taglist beneath the cut]
@athenastudying @sadkidwarexpert @bulletnotestudies @dragonfliies @humscholar @marketingstudiesblog @peachblossomstudy
@studying-slytherclaw @museeofmoon @ndemic @lochsides @just-a-cup-of-anxietea @didis-studyblah @jarofsharpies @germanellewoods @worn-out-converse-girl-studies @softcroft @imperfect-productivity @fancy-peanut-student @studyingwithadd @theamazingdevilgivesmehope @sahersstudyblr @rainbowwlsparroww @headgirlstudy @violetteharuka @lattesandlearning @lalazyperfectionist @katistudies @hannistudies @studyholicmusings @wordlywindss @melliflous-nights @tolle-lege @mysticalcollegestudent @sri-langblr @kawaiidecorhistorytree @imperfect-productivity @idlestudy @casual-minimalist @strawbrryz @ishouldprobsbestudyingrn @nefelibatastudy @thecrazychatlady​
@andiwriteunderthemoon @eriisstudying @equinesanonymous @flower-child2021 @studylikegeller @captnxmarvel @voyagenotes
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19loubear92 · 3 years
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@1endless-wanderer-blog @swagnightmareduck-blog @aspireandinspiregreatness-blog @optimizemyself @myramblingsinink @brightstarsfallin @screamingsighing @studyblah-blog @iworkandistudy @hardcoreasianstudyblr-blog @prettylittlebaker @kingawsome77 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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muji-boy · 4 years
quarantine q&a
Thanks for the tag @phdead
1. Are you staying home from work/school? no, i still have to go to work. school is closed/moved to online, though.
2. If you’re staying home, who’s there with you? just me
3. Do you have pets to keep you company? my cat, aka lil mr kaiden (he’s a mini me)
4. Who do you miss the most? my best friends
5. When was the last time you left your home? i went out yesterday for work
6. What was the last thing you bought? groceries
7. Is quarantine driving you insane or are you finally relaxed? i found it really difficult in the beginning but now i’m used to it and somewhat enjoying it
8. Are you a homebody? not usually
9. What movies have you watched recently? i re watched frozen 2, but otherwise i don’t have much of an attention span for movies
10. An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled? there was a poetry reading i was excited to go to
11. What’s the worst thing that you’ve had to cancel? honestly school. i had my entire immediate future planned around being on campus full time and it really stings that i can’t do that anymore
12. What’s the best thing you’ve had to cancel? in person appointments. soooo much time saved by doing them over zoom
13. Do you have any new hobbies? embroidery! i only just started when all of this started
14. What are you out of? i forgot to pick up chip dip and now i’m mad at myself
15. What music are you listening to? 5 years time by noah and the whale, currently
16. What shows are you watching? i finally got back into greys just as the season ended, and i’ve been watching 9-1-1 religiously
17. What are you reading? my university has a free e-textbook until april 30th program so i’ve been reading neuro textbooks that i find interesting. i’ve also been reading a bit of fiction but i’m mostly in a study mood
18. What are you doing of self-care? sleeping, going outside, practicing mindfulness, washing my face, taking my medication, and drinking lots of water
19. Are you exercising? i’ve been going for walks on nice days and i do a lot of lifting big heavy bags of pet food at work but i feel as though i’m still at a point in my recovery where i should be focusing on movement but not yet exercise
20. How’s your toilet paper supply? my best friend’s mom picked up a package for me when i couldn’t find it
21. Have you made any changes to your hair during quarantine? i gave myself a buzz cut lol
I’m tagging: @studyburst @biochemabby @moniquestudies @viastuddies @kstudiys @yourfilledwithdetermination @geologyblr @didis-studyblah @durhamstudies @simplistudies
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thefuturelawyer · 4 years
Thank you @captainofstudies and @notes-of-a-ghost for tagging me!
Rules: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better!
Name: Begüm
Nickname: B.
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Height: 5′4
Languages spoken: Turkish, English, Russian and German
Nationality: Türk
Favorite season: Late Autumn early Winter
Favorite flower: Roses (but like very dark shades of red)
Favorite scent: Coffee
Favorite color: Dark green
Favorite animal: Cats
Favorite fictional character: Leia!
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Coffee always, tea usually
Average sleep duration: 6-7, but who can tell the time right now
Dog or cat person: If I would adopt one it would be cat, but I love dogs too, they just need a lot of attention and caring and I am not good with those. Cats are more independent and easier to take care of, so I could make a cat very happy but a dog not so much.
Number of blankets you sleep with: Two at my parents’ house, one at my dorm
Dream trip: World tour
Blog established: Like 2-3 years ago, I have been on and off
Followers: 9,120 but half are probably dead accounts, you know the on and off thing also the time
Random fact: I like torturing and overworking myself.
And I willl be tagging @uncaffeinatedlawyer, @mariesstudycorner, @theacamedic, @coffeeslytherin, @kairestudies, @swiftstudyblr, @chaotic-studies, @apheleiastudies, @didis-studyblah, @classyintelligence.
Have fun guys!
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delightful-llama · 8 years
Thank you @studypsy for tagging me in this, I don’t think I have ever been tagged in one of these things.
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people.
A. Age: 20 B. Biggest fear: Dying C. Current time: Friday, 9:41 am D. Drink you last had: Water E. Everyday starts with: Snooze F. Favourite song: Currently} The tale of the sad mummy – League of Legands G. Ghosts, are they real?: I don’t know H. Hometown: Minnesota I. In love with: My boyfriend J. Jealous of: People who do well in classes K. Kill(ed) someone: No, not yet. L. Last time I cried: Tuesday M. Middle name: Rae N. Number of siblings: Four O. One wish: To be more comfortable with myself P. Person you last called/texted: My Boyfriend Q. Question you’re always asked: Are you okay? R. Reason to smile: Coffee S. Song last sang: - T. Time you woke up: 8 am U. Underwear colour: Grey? V. Vacation destination: - W. Worst habit: Procrastination X. X-rays you’ve had: Teeth, Neck, Hand and Back Y. Your favourite food: My mom’s Tater Tot Hotdish Z. Zodiac sign: Taurus
Tagging: @studypool @peachylearning @studyplants @coffeestudying @homeisthelibrary @studywithmione @studyblah @ambitiousandcaffeinated @coffeeandpsychology @thestudyseason
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successgrl · 3 years
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@studycrack-blog @skylamaeloves @fadingstrawberryinternet-blog @hysterical-lemon @sarastudiessometimes @studymotive @studycharlie @studyblah-blog @archanqel @collegegirlonthego @stvdyblr @inspiration-andcoffee-blog @shutupandstudywithme @nataliestudy @elkstudies @veryplanetary 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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past 3 weeks summed up with end sems end and back at lectures everyday
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successgrl · 3 years
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@studycrack-blog @skylamaeloves @fadingstrawberryinternet-blog @hysterical-lemon @sarastudiessometimes @studymotive @studycharlie @studyblah-blog @archanqel @collegegirlonthego @stvdyblr @inspiration-andcoffee-blog @shutupandstudywithme @nataliestudy @elkstudies @veryplanetary 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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