#stvfoe kids
paintedlady345 · 7 months
I already have his personality:looks scary but is actually a nice person and is a family man, only women in his life are his mom and wife no favorites when it comes to his kids he treats them equally
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haystarlight · 1 year
I wish I could somehow see all y'all's faces next week after:
Only Belos dies
Luz doesn't become a villain
Hunter comes out (mostly) unharmed
Camila, Eda, Lilith and Raine all survive
Luz doesn't have to choose between worlds and can just make another portal with King's blood
Luz and Amity don't break up (heck, they might kiss on the mouth again if we're really lucky)
Huntlow continues to be a thing (Idk if they're gonna kiss on the mouth (maybe not) but they're probably gonna have 1 more cute moment)
Raeda stands strong (I'm putting money on a wedding)
The Collector gets a happy ending (I still don't like the kid but I do believe he's gonna get a happy ending)
The ending is nothing like Amphibia or STVFOE because, what a shocker, DESPITE ALL THE SIMILARITIES THIS IS STILL IT'S OWN THING
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Star butterfly before the shit that happen in the end of season. Pretty likable character and i found her very interesting, now with charlie; rewatching stvfoe star character is actually going pretty well. Charlie her character started off very bad only got worse each episode
NO kidding. It's the same problem with the creators not understanding their own characters and causing them to derail badly.
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banana-milk-enthusiast · 10 months
Once again i have finished a show 10 years later 😮‍💨. The last kids cartoon i watched diligently beginning to end was stvfoe and it bombed so badly i refused to keep up with anything to save myself the pain and effort.
Kinda regret it now I ended up loving Amphibia and Owl House beginning to end and now i wish i was watching it alongside everyone else just to share in on the fun twist reactions.
Now i just have to see the latest season of Miraculous 🐞 and start Ducktales (maybe idk yet). My pokeani binge gets farther away every day.
Oh btw, this is a forewarning The Owl House spam incoming.
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yunacorhn · 6 years
Random Ship Kid Challenge
I’ll draw them to the best of my ability, so send’em in ;0
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lidi-ana · 4 years
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The Lucitors
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adorasgayass · 4 years
Oh my God . . . You know three of my favorite shows. She Ra, Owl House, and Star vs the Forces of Evil! Yes! Okay, but crackfic family headcanon theory: what if Toffee (SVTFOE) was Double Trouble's (She Ra) dad?! PLOT TWIST!
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chinchuqui · 4 years
Reina Butterfly-The Dissever
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My Starco kid!!! I created her a little while back so... Also, this is my first time drawing in the SVFTOE's style digitally, so sorry if it looks bad.  She is 15 in this picture BWT. 
Reina’s Story:
Reina Butterfly was the first and last heiress to the House Butterfly of the Mewni Aristocracy. She was a simple girl, but she had one thing: cheek emblems. Although Star and Marco were a bit worried, they were happy with their new heiress. Everything was happy, and Star got pregnant with her second child, Reina was four at the time. But drama brewed and Star and Marco got into fights that ended in the separation of bedrooms. Reina's little sister Rosabella would be born. Unfortunately, Marco would die protecting the five month old baby Rosabella. Reina was only five and heartbroken to lose her father. Her mother changed and it would soon affect Reina. Reina would go from a happy girl to a quiet and sad girl by the age of 10. Her little sister was the light of her life and often made her and her mother smile. She looked a lot like Marco which was bittersweet to the two. Reina was often seen as a mini version of her mother since not only was she almost a copy of her, but she had the same attitude. Her sister was seen as a mini version of Marco. Reina and Rosa could both use a little bit of magic, which disturbed the other aristocrats. Many didn't want magic to return while some did. Many evil eyes turned to the Butterflys. Another tragic event would occur when Reina was only 16, her mother would be killed while trying to protect Rosa from assassins at a party. Reina was named Duchess of House Butterfly. She would then see the destruction of the Universe. It began to reset which would evolve into my universe, Sunarverse. Reina and Rosabella would be used as vessels to restore magic once again, and be destroyed. Reina and all of this new land would be destroyed. She was only 17 when she was destroyed.
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pop-jeong · 5 years
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Victoria and Amelia (I made these OC a long time ago)(WJ is my old nickname)
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hazard-15 · 6 years
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Best pink gurl with short hair!
Hope you like!
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paintedlady345 · 7 months
Poll winners
Queen family
Pigeon kingdom for laurel’s husband also Philip’s new name is hayato
And I will be posting laurel and hayato’s kids same with Nicky’s and Chelsea’s too
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starryorbs · 6 years
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so ok i know that for tomstars, those kids have their wand which is  cool or whatever but did you ever consider what sort of powers they’d inherit from their pop? just l o o k at this long list of cool abilities?? 
you can make ur fankid do the cliche demon bit where they do a 360 with their neck and theyd be ok. i barely see ocs do anything with tom’s powers and rather rely on the wand(if their a tomstar obv) and it sucks
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harchibudytgorichi · 6 years
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Art-trade with @mylittleredridinghood123 , i fell in love with them  ♡ (*♡∀♡)
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nox-draws · 6 years
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Mireia Diaz Butterfly - A very strong fighter at home. Oddly enough she wasn't able to use the wand so it was passed down to her twin brother. Doesn't bother her though, she always loved using swords and weapons than magic. 
Matias Diaz Butterfly - called Matt for short. He’s a very soft and shy boy. He loves learning new spells and reading anything he can get his hands on. He was more surprised when he inherited the wand and throne (though he believes he doesnt deserve it).
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kairarombus · 6 years
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They're part of the Marsverse. The boy is Adrián, son of Marco and Jackie, he's a surfer and it's very popular in school. The girl is Melania, daughter of Marco and Janna, Mars' best friend and it's a witch apprentice, she's the most intelligent girl in her school. Son parte del Marsverse. El chico es Adrián, hijo de Marco y Jackie, es un surfer y es muy popular en la escuela. La chica es Melania, hija de Marco y Janna, la mejor amiga de Mars y es aprendiz de bruja, es la chica mas inteligente de su escuela.
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lidi-ana · 4 years
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