#sub!mattheo riddle
suugarbabe · 7 months
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[Chapter 7]
Word count: 5.4k
Warnings: SMUT, dom!reader, sub!mattheo, male!masterbation, 18+ content below the cut, MDNI!!
Warmth. That’s what you felt pressed against your back and across your middle as you slowly started to blink your eyes awake. You were confused at first, thinking maybe you were dreaming the sensations that you felt, but looking down at your waist and seeing the tattooed hand that was splayed across your stomach confirmed: Mattheo had stayed through the night. You stretched your arms out in front of you, stretching out your muscles from sleep and the other previous nights activity.
Mattheo must have thought you were trying to get up from the action, his arm that was wrapped around you instinctively pulling you closer to his chest. His face burrowed into your neck, breath fanning against your skin as his breathing stayed even. You allowed him to embrace you a little longer, getting lost in your thoughts, thinking about what everything in the last 12 hours meant. Were you and Mattheo together now, like officially together? Would he tell the others? Were you even allowed to talk about it? You tried your best to fall back asleep, if only until Mattheo woke up, but your mind wasn’t slowing down.
Reluctantly peeling his arm from you slowly, you slipped from the bed, putting on your slippers and heading down to the kitchen. You knew Gimball would make your morning tea for you if you asked, he often makes it for you before you even wake up, but he must have known not to do that this morning. You also didn’t have a house elf at your old place, and you liked the routine of doing some things for yourself still.
As if he expected the change in routine, you walked into the kitchen to see Gimball working on breakfast, but your favorite mug and tea bag sitting on the counter while a kettle was on the stove. “How did you know I’d be down here, Gimball?” You questioned the small elf playfully. Without ceasing his movements he replied to your question, “Gimball knows many things Miss Birdie, especially that Master Mattheo does not like to be disturbed in the mornings.” You smiled at this, cheeks tinting the slight pink at the realization that Gimball knew Mattheo was in your room. Ripping open the teabag and placing it in your mug, you tied the string to the handle before walking over to the whistling kettle.
“You’ve known Mattheo a long time, hmm?” You asked it as if you hadn’t seen into Mattheo’s memories, wanting to see what the elf might say. With a snap of his fingers an array of plates and kitchenware appeared on the large center island, “Gimball has been with the Riddle family for three generations, he remembers Master Mattheo’s birth, taught him his schooling. Master Mattheo is a good man, good man Miss Birdie.” You hummed in acknowledgement, smiling as you poured the hot water into your mug, “Was he good in school?”
You were just fishing for any knowledge about him now, anything you knew he probably wouldn’t tell you, at least not right now. Gimball nodded as he set up all the breakfast food and teas for everyone, “Oh yes, Master Mattheo is very smart, very smart indeed. Very observant, but I’m sure Miss Birdie has already come to knowledge of that.” You huffed out a laugh, nodding your head, “Oh yeah, almost too observant for his own good if you ask me.” Gimball let himself smile at your statement, something you didn’t see him do often. With another snap of his fingers, the food arrangement disappeared from the center island. You knew it was now on the large dinning room table, awaiting everyone in the house as they individually made their way down.
Gimball looked at you again, “Master cares very deeply about Miss Birdie.” You nodded your head, “I know Gimball, he really looks at us like a family. It’s a nice feeling.” Gimball shook his head, waving his small finger in the air, “No, Miss Birdie misunderstands Gimball. His care for her is different than the others. Master Mattheo is not always good with his words. Sometimes he cannot express how he feels properly. Master was not allowed to say his feelings when he was little.”
You opened your mouth to ask him to explain further, to tell you what he meant by his last few statements but the opening of the kitchen door caught your attention. You turned at the intrusion, only to see Mattheo standing in the doorway, now completely clothed for the day in a pair of black slacks and a white button up rolled to the elbows, displaying the veins and tattoos that decorated his forearms. You were clearly gawking and if Mattheo noticed (which he probably did) he was polite this morning and chose not to acknowledge the fact.
“What’re you doing in here?” was his question instead. You turned back around, only to see Gimball had apparated away. Turning back to Mattheo you held your mug up to your lips, taking a small sip, “Tea.” He quirked an eyebrow, “You know Gimball would’ve made that for you.” You nodded, “I know, but I like to do it myself sometimes.” Mattheo held the door open for you to exit, following close behind you as you did so. “You left me this morning, woke up to an empty bed and pillows that smelled like you,” he whispered in your ear, giving your hip a light squeeze. You smirked at this, not being able to help your quip back, “Mmm, what a bummer of a feeling. Thankfully I was still in the house and you didn’t wake up like that only to find me gone for days on end.”
Mattheo’s eyebrows shot up, his tongue running along the inside of his cheek as he suppressed a smirk. “We’ve got an attitude this morning I see,” he spoke as he sat down next to you at the table. You shook your head, “I would never get an attitude with you, Mattheo.” He huffed out a small laugh then, pilling food onto his plate and choosing not to respond. Soon the others started to trail in, thankfully most of them still in their sleepwear making you not feel like the only one.
Once finished with breakfast Mattheo placed a small kiss on your temple, stating he needed to go to the club early to take care of a few things before the night started. He took Pansy and Draco with him, leaving you at the table with Blaise, Theo and Enzo. The three wore devious smirks, Enzo’s eyes down at his plate avoiding yours. Theo, however, had no shame, pointing his fork at you while he talked, “So, sorella, have a good night?” You glared at him, “Fine, thanks.” Theo gave you a knowing look, “Enjoy it with anyone else?”
This question caused Enzo to choke slightly on his sip of orange juice, the other two men not holding back their laughter. “Serves your right, Enzo,” you stated harshly. The lanky man held up his arms, “Hey, I never said anything!” You rolled your eyes, “But you were smirking like you thought you knew something and obviously agree with Teddy.” Blaise tapped his fork on his glass, grabbing everyone’s attention, “Alright alright, lets stop teasing the poor girl. If anything did happen, which were not saying it did,-”
“or didn’t!” Theo pointed out. Blaise nodded, “Or didn’t,” you rolled your eyes, “can we all just agree that tonight is going to be interesting as hell. Well for us,” he gestured between himself and Theo and Enzo, “maybe not for you, Birdie.” You furrowed your brows in confusion, not understanding the implications of his statement. “Why is tonight going to be interesting for everyone but me, Blaise? What’s happening?” Theo couldn’t stop himself from laughing, clutching his stomach and rearing back in his seat. Enzo gave you a sad smile, “Because there’s a new dancer coming tonight. The one you covered for quit and Pansy said the new one is coming for her first shift this evening.”
You shrugged your shoulders, stuffing another piece of fruit in your mouth, “Okay, so? I don’t care about that. I only danced that one time because Mattheo said I couldn’t. I like bartending with you Enzo. Why would a new dancer make me upset?” Theo leaned both elbows on the table, clasping his hands in front of him as his tilted his head to the side, “Because this girl is proper fit, like, thank you fucking Salazar fit.” You rolled your eyes, “Again…so? All the dancers are fit, Teddy. You’re just a horndog.” Blaise jumped in, “Mattheo used to have a reputation…with dancers.” You stiffened slightly, but waved your hand telling him to continue, “It’s stopped since you came around, for some reason,” he raised his eyebrows slightly, “Everyone’s just curious to see how it will go.”
You placed your fork on your place, dabbing your lips with the napkin from your lap before standing, “Mattheo’s a big boy. I don’t control him, he can do what he wants. Like I said, there’s nothing going on between us, I’m just like the rest of you guys to him.” Theo snorted at this, while Enzo groaned. Blaise just shrugged his shoulders, “Whatever you say, Birdie. Just know if you feel like fighting, I’m on your side.” You couldn’t help but laugh at everyone’s dramatic reactions, “Thank you, Blaise, but I’m sure that wont be necessary. Everything’s going to be fine.”
And it appeared so for the first few hours you were at the club. You and Enzo worked together restocking the bar while Blaise and Theo sat on the stools, going over plans for different ‘business trips’ and other ordeals. You didn’t push it, but did try to sneak a glance or two at what they were working on. You had grown apparently too close to Theo those few days because he immediately caught you. Giving you a playful scolding for even trying.
Nothing seemed a bother until you went to put up two new bottles of rum and nearly slammed into the side of Enzo. “What are you-” you went to question but Enzo’s large hand palmed the top of your head like a basketball and turned it until your line of vision was the same as his. Immediately you felt like your body was on fire with rage.
Across the club Pansy was standing with Mattheo and a brunette woman. She was wearing what you would barely consider clothing in a skirt so short it was practically knickers and a top that was so small you figured there had to be a spell put on it for her breasts not to be spilling out. But that wasn’t even the bother as most of the dancers dressed in similar attire. What was bothering you was the way Mattheo was interacting with her.
It wasn’t like he was coming on to her, but it wasn’t like he was being her boss either. Though it was very apparent that she was coming on to him. Touching his arm, twirling her hair between her fingers, biting her lip. And Mattheo wasn’t helping, leaning slightly in to her touch, giving her a devilish grin. “What a fucking slag,” the words slipped from your mouth before you could stop them and Blaise nearly choked on his drink.
“Mattheo or Trixie?” Theo asked, knowing that using the girls name would probably instill more rage in you. Your eyebrows shot up, a scoff leaving your lips. Enzo groaned, “Cmon, Nott. Don’t rile her up more.” You opened your mouth to respond but it only dropped further in shock when you saw Mattheo tuck a stray hair behind Trixie’s ear. The three boys followed your gaze, all beginning to mumble amongst themselves about how everything was going to play out.
Jealousy is a sexy look on you, Princess, Mattheo’s voice rang between your ears as your eyes snapped to meet his. The fucker had the audacity to smirk at you before giving his attention back to the girl. You slammed a glass down on the counter, not breaking it but definitely causing a sound loud enough for all eyes to turn to you. “Oi, watch it, Birdie. Do you have any idea how much those glasses cost?” You hadn’t noticed Draco walk up to the bar before your actions, too focused on the growing grin Mattheo wore at your increased rage.
Then an idea popped into your head, a definitive way to get back at Mattheo being a right prick. You walked from behind the bar, coming now to stand in front of Draco who only eyed you suspiciously. “Hi Dray,” your voice sickly sweet, “Have any dinner plans?” Draco looked to the other three boys, obviously asking for an explanation of your question. Theo rolled his eyes but Blaise only chucked, “She’s plotting something to get back at Riddle. Seems like your her pawn, Malfoy.”
Draco raised his eyebrows as he looked down at you, “This true, Darling? You trying to use me to get back at cousin? What’d he do- ohh, I see now.” Draco glanced over top of you at Mattheo still talking with Trixie, his focus slightly less strict now that he noticed you grab hold of Draco’s bicep. Meeting your eyes again Draco shrugged, “You know what, fuck it. Matt’s been a dick to me lately, serves him right.”
You sealed happily, clasping your hands together, “Seriously? Oh, Merlin, thank you so much!” You wrapped your arms around Draco’s middle, smushing your face into his upper abdomen. “Easy, there. Don’t want him to kill me before we get to the main event,” Draco joked. You pulled back, smile still evident. Enzo just shook his head, “You sure bout this, Angel?”
Nodding, you walked back round the bar, “Oh I’m sure. Wanna go around 9, Dray? There’s no way he’d leave in the middle of busy hours. You can handle the bar yourself tonight, right Enzie?” You turned to your friend with pleading eyes. Enzo nodded, “Yeah, yeah, I’ll be fine. I’ll make Pansy help if needed.” You hugged Enzo now, who let out a low chuckle and patted your back.
“I’ll leave a dress for you in the dancers changing room, you’ll get dressed here and I’ll make sure he sees you before we leave,” Draco was looking down at his phone as he spoke. You nodded, “Okay, sounds good.” He sent you a wink before walking back towards the office. You looked at the clock, noting you had four hours to get through before you could implement your plan.
Those hours seemed to drag, Enzo constantly reminding you to not watch the clock and just work. When you saw it was 8:30 you gave Enzo’s arm a light squeeze to let him know you were going to get ready. In the changing rooms you saw a garment bag with your name etched on it. Always showing off money, huh, you thought in your head. Unzipping the bag your face was graced with a smirk. Inside hung a velvet ruched bodycon minidress in a deep emerald green. The chest a sweetheart neckline with a slightly deeper plunge.
Slipping it on you were delighted with the outcome. The dress contouring every curve of your body, hiding the insecure bits and accentuating your assets. Doing your hair in loose waves and applying some light makeup, you slipped on the black heels Draco had included and walked out of the changing room, nearly running into the one person you’d hoped would see you.
Grabbing hold of your waist, Mattheo eyed you questioningly, “Where do you think you’re going?” You rolled your eyes, which only irritated him further, “Don’t worry boss, I’m not dancing. I’m just going to dinner.” This didn’t make Mattheo stop worrying, if anything he worried further. “Dinner? With fucking who?”
“With me, cousin,” Draco walked into the hall, clad in a pair of sleek black trousers and a black button up, “My, my, you look ravishing, darling.” You peeled Mattheo’s hands from your hips, turning to the blonde boy now, “Thank you, Dray. You ready?” Draco nodded, holding out his arm for you to take. You looped your arm in his, glancing over to Mattheo once more to see his face in a deep scowl, jaw clenched. You smirked, flashing him a wink. Jealousy looks sexy on you, Teo, you thought to him just as Draco apparated to the restaurant.
As expected, dinner was wonderfully expensive and posh. Draco surprisingly keeping conversation with you quite well. You even complimented him on it, “I didn’t think I’d every see this side of you Draco. It’s…nice.” Draco snorted slightly, “Figured I’d give an effort since you’re going to be my family one day.” You smiled, “Awh, aren’t we already family Dray? All playing house in that big manor?” Draco shook his head, smirking now, “I meant with what’s going on between you and cousin.”
You rolled your eyes, “Why does everyone keep saying shit like that? I’m sure he doesn’t treat me any differently than any of the other girls he’s shagged.” Draco’s grin grew two sizes, “So you guys have fucked? More than once or…?” You glared at him, “You’re insufferable.” The blonde just smiled more, “You know I’ve known him my whole life, seen him with a lot of girls, and I mean a lot of girls-” You cut him off quickly, “Thank you Draco, move on please.” He snickered lightly, “I’m just saying, I’ve never seen him act like he does with any other girl he’s been around except you. He’s kind of always seen women as a means to an end, like they’re just there for him when he wants them to be, then he can throw them away when he doesn’t.”
A frown painted your face, not wanting to see Mattheo in that kind of light, but knowing Draco was likely telling the truth. Draco continued, “He’s protective over you, not like he is with the rest of us. It’s like…possessive. Obsessed. He used to be really off the wall wild with every trip we made with the business, but now he’s doing more strategic planning, like he doesn’t want anyone to get in to much danger, like he has something to look forward to when he gets back.”
Your chest warmed with this new information, “You’re really close with him.” Draco nodded, “We were best mates growing up. Mum’s are sisters, but his was always off with his dad, you know him,” you nodded with a grimace, “so he would stay with my family a lot. Even had his own room at mine. I know we call each other cousin but he was practically a brother to me growing up, until I went away to school. His dad didn’t let him go to Hogwarts, wanting to train him like some sort of secret weapon for the war.” You nodded your head, remembering the memories you intruded on with Mattheo.
“He used to beg me to teach him everything I learned during summer Holiday. He caught on so fast too. Used to keep my old textbooks and practice with Gimball while I was away. When the war came he was really conflicted. Hell, we all were. I’m surprised you even came to the club after everything that happened. Didn’t you know…about us?” His question caught you a little off guard. Sure, you had known of Draco in school, he made it practically hard for someone not to know him. And you knew slightly of the others, just that they were similar to Draco, purebloods with family members that were devoted Dark Lord followers, but it had been a few years, everyone kind of grew up, looked a little different. Everyone but Draco, sticking still to his signature looks.
You shrugged, “I knew of the club, knew it was wizard ran, but I didn’t know by who. I definitely didn’t know you guys worked there. Had no real clue about Mattheo at all until Pansy told me. Voldemort definitely kept that secret well.” Draco nodded. You looked up from your plate now, meeting his eyes, “If Mattheo really saw me in the way you imply he does, why was he flirting with a dancer earlier today.” Draco’s lip twitched like he was holding back a smile, “Sometimes old habits die hard. Sometimes we get scared of the feelings we have because they happen so deeply, like nothing we’ve ever had before. And sometimes, when we’re especially stubborn, we just need someone to put us in our place. Take charge, so to speak, to prove to us that they reciprocate what we’re feeling, even to the deepest of depths.”
You quirked an eyebrow at his words, questioning if you were really understanding what he was saying. Draco sighed slightly, “I know Mattheo. I’ve seen him in many stages of life, many emotions, good and bad. He’s never allowed himself to feel as deeply about a person as he does for you because he knows once he starts falling, he’s never going to stop. If you feel the same, you have to show him. If you want what he wants, prove it to him. But you have to play his game. Don’t be a pawn, be a gamekeeper. Show him who’s boss, I’m sure he’s tired of the title.”
Draco paid the bill before taking you both back to the manor. Like a gentleman he walked you to the steps leading up to the rooms. “Thank you for tonight, Draco. It was lovely.” Draco smiled down at you, placing a friendly hand on your shoulder. He leaned in close, giving you a peck on your cheek and whispering in your ear, “Anytime darling.” He gave you a curt wink before walking toward his office on the main floor. You turned round, heading up the steps and walking into your room.
He had probably hoped to startle you, but you had almost expected him to be there waiting for you. “Have fun tonight, Princess? Fuck my cousin? Was he good?” You huffed a laugh, taking off your jewelry and setting it atop your dresser before turning to face him. “Don’t be brash, Teo,” you looked him over, sitting in the chair in the corner of the room. His hair was disshelved like he’d been running his hands through it. Which he had been while waiting for you and Draco to come home. The thoughts in his mind spinning wildly about what could have happened.
You walked towards him across the room, him standing to meet you when you push him back down, crawling into his lap. “Draco and I just had dinner,” your fingers started to delicately undo the buttons of his shirt, all the way down before pushing it off his shoulders, “just like I said before we left.” He grunted, unconvinced, his hands going to your waist but you pushed them off, “I didn’t say you could touch me.” He tilted his head slightly, looking at you with a sly grin. You reached between your bodies, unbuttoning his trousers and sliding down the zipper.
You stood up then, Mattheo going to follow once more but you tsked at him, “Sit and take off your pants, briefs too,” you leaned down and whispered in his ear, “I want to see all of you, handsome.” Mattheo felt his cock twitch at your words, at your directions. He wasn’t sure what was happening but he knew he wanted to find out. You walked back towards the bed, just a few feet away, slipping your dress off your shoulders to reveal your bare breasts and black thong to the man across from you.
Mattheo couldn’t help but groan at the site, his cock standing at attention as you slid your panties down your legs before you climbed onto the foot of the bed before turning to face him, legs spread open wide so he got a full view of your glistening cunt. Mattheo groaned at the sight. “You can touch yourself, Teo. Go on,” you encouraged and he followed directions, instantly grabbing hold of his thick cock and pumping himself, “Show me what you wish you were doing to me,” you let your hands cup your breasts, squeezing them lightly causing Mattheo to groan at the view, his eyes rolling, “because tonight you don’t get to touch me at all.”
His eyes shot open then, hand stilling on his length. You pouted at him, mocking his frown, “Don’t stop now, baby. I was enjoying the view.” You lightly slid your hand up the insides of your thighs, giving yourself goosebumps. Mattheo watched with hungry eyes as you took two fingers and glided them through your folds, coating your fingers in your slick before rubbing your clit lightly. “Keep touching yourself, baby, let me see you,” you started applying more pressure on your bundle of nerves, slight whimpers leaving your mouth as Mattheo started slowly guiding his hand up and down his length once more.
When you slid two fingers inside of yourself, eliciting a gasp from your lips you didn’t miss Mattheo’s low, “Fucking hell”, glancing a look at his desperate eyes. Pumping your fingers you couldn’t help but tease him more, “You’re being such a good boy for me, Teo. Oh, fuck, my fingers stretch me so good, but not as good as when I’m stretched around you, Oh, god, Teo.” Hearing his name fall from your lips while he watched you pleasure yourself was his idea of torture. Your hips bucked against your hand, your clit hitting your palm with every grind and building the familiar heat in the pit of your stomach, “Fuck, Teo, I wish I was about to come on your cock, but you just had to misbehave this afternoon, didn’t you?”
His nostrils flared at your words, speech stuttering as his thumb swiped over his slit, eyes glued to your fingers pumping in and out of your cunt, “I-I’m sorry, Princess. I didn’t-”
“Shut up,” you moaned out, looking up to see himself pumping his cock faster. You could tell he was close by the amount of precum leaking from his tip. “Stop touching yourself,” you commanded. Mattheo groaned, but listened to instructions. When you saw he had stopped your bucked your hips faster, chasing your high until you were tumbling over the edge into your orgasm, “Fuck, oh fuck, yes.” Mattheo’s dick twitched at the sight of you coming undone, your thighs quaking, clamping shut on your hand as you rode out your high, still pumping your fingers in and out of yourself before you slowed down, catching your breath and making eye contact with him.
You slid your fingers from your cunt, your juices glistening to where Mattheo could see if across the room. “Come taste, baby,” you held your fingers out of him. Mattheo clambered over quickly, immediately latching his lips to your fingers, tongue swirling around your digits to get every last drop. His lips left your fingers with a pop, hands going to grab your thighs to spread them back open for himself. You slapped his hands away, scooting yourself backwards until you reached the head of the bed, leaning against the pillows.
You spread your legs wide, patting the space between them. “C’mere, Teo. Come sit right here, back to me.” Mattheo crawled over to you, lips quickly attaching to yours in a feverish kiss. His palm against your cheek and fingers splayed on the back of your neck holding you steady as his tongue explored your mouth, groaning at the taste of you still on his tongue. With all the mental strength you could muster you push him away, slapping his face lightly.
Immediately Mattheo started apologizing, “I’m so sorry, Princess, I couldn’t, fuck, I just couldn’t help myself.” You shook your head at his ramblings, making a spinning motion with your finger indicating him to turn around and get in the position you instructed him to be in before. Mattheo turned around, lying against your chest. You delicately ran your nails along his thighs, his cock twitching at the action. “I was going to let you cum, maybe even help you, but you broke a rule.”
You grabbed Mattheo’s hand, guiding it back toward his aching cock. As he stroked himself again you ran your nails lightly up his sides, his muscles twitching in your wake. You continued to talk to him, tease him and get him further to the edge, “Last night you were so good to me, making me feel so full.” Mattheo let out a low groan as you trailed kisses along the side of his neck, his strokes becoming quicker, “Love it when you grip my thighs, spreading them open as you sink your big cock into my tight little cunt.”
Mattheo let out a shuddered breath as his thumb swiped over his tip. You grab his wrist then, stopping his movements. He let slip a pathetic whimper, begging you for release, “Fuck, please, Princess, I need to cum so bad.” His chest was heaving, head resting back against your shoulder. You ran your fingers through his hair, scratching at his scalp, “Do you deserve that, Teo? Do you deserve to cum after blatantly flirting with that fucking slag right in front of me, hmm?” Mattheo groaned, “Fucks sake, I said I was sorry, you went out with c-cousin I should be p-punishing you.”
He stuttered over his words as you raked your nails up his thighs again, massaging just near where he wanted your touch but not giving in. “We just had dinner, just talked. If you thought it was anything more you would’ve hurt him by now.” You released his wrist, allowing him to pleasure himself once more. “Go on, baby,” you wrapped one arm around his shoulders, the other grabbing hold of his hair, pulling his head back with force. “Tell me who you’re thinking about when you touch yourself, is it her or is it me?”
Mattheo let out a guttural moan, “Fuck, Princess, it’s you. O-only you.” You started kissing up his neck again, biting the taught skin before licking to soothe it, making sure to leave a few marks. “Every time I think of you, fuck, and now I have the image of your tight little cunt stretching around my cock so perfectly. I never want anything else, oh gods.” You could tell he was close now, hips bucking into his hand. You brought your lips close to his ear, breath ghosting over his skin, “Cum for me, baby. Be a good boy.”
At your command a deep grunt left his throat, hot ropes of white shooting from his tip and on to the duvet in front of him. Coming down from his high he relaxed into you further, chest heaving as his breathing slowly evened out. You ran your fingers through his hair, kissing his temple. “Fucking Salazar’s sake, Princess, you trying to kill me now, hmm?” You smiled into his skin, “You did this to yourself, sir.”
He smiled lightly, “I said I’m sorry, Princess. Merlin, if I'd known this is what would happen from some simple flirting I would’ve never started.” He turned round, resting his head on your chest now. You hummed lightly, “I think you more than liked what just happened.” Mattheo pinched the side of your bum lightly, causing you to squeal. He turned his head, resting his chin atop your chest before leaning up slightly and catching your lips in a chaste kiss one, two, three times before laying his head back down.
You stayed like that for a moment before he broke the silence, “The boys say I’m growing attached to you.” You smiled slightly, hands running through his messy curls, “Do you agree with them?” He nodded, “Scares me how much I care about you, Birdie.” You frowned slightly, though he couldn’t see it, “Why does it scare you?” His eyes fluttered shut, you playing with his hair soothing him. He slid his hands beneath the underside of your shoulders, holding you as close as possible, “Means I’ve got something to lose.”
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remusslove · 2 years
Fucked dumb~ mattheo riddle
Includes sub space, smut, pegging, sub!mattheo, dom!reader, spanking kink, choking kink, hair pulling kink, reader had abs, reader has hot veiny hands and plays electric guitar, quidditchplayer!reader, aftercare
Mattheo was practically drooling over the sight of you when you walked in. You just got out of quidditch practice, which meant you were sweating a fuck ton, but he couldn’t stop looking at you in your sports bra. The sweat running down your abs made him horny as hell. You turned around looking at mattheo on your bed. “Oh hi love didn’t know you were awake, I’m gonna take a quick shower mkay?” You told him walking into the bathroom.
Half an hour later you were out of the shower putting on a nice white tee and some grey sweatpants. Mattheo swore you were doing this on purpose. He felt himself slip into subspace the moment he saw you step out of the bathroom. You had only a bra and a towel wrapped around your waist. Still oblivious to his antics, you began strumming a few strings on your guitar.
Mattheo held back a whimper as he saw you sitting on the edge of the bed with your guitar on your lap. Your fucking hands. The way your hands looked wrapped around your guitar and the strings made him wanna let out a moan. It reminded him of the first time he saw you playing your guitar. He fell in love with you the second he saw you play.
“why are you being so quiet baby?” You asked curiously. Mattheo always talked about his day whenever you came back from quidditch practice. You weren’t looking in the boys direction so you didn’t see him unwrap himself from the covers and crawl over to you.
He crawled into your lap causing you to put the guitar on the edge of your bed. You smirked wrapping your hands around his waist. “You feelin subby bunny?” You asked chuckling softly. “Mhm” mattheo mumbled in agreement. He buried his face in your neck and whined when you began kissing his neck.
You switched positions to you on top of him. He quickly wrapped his arms around your neck and whimpered. “Please mommy” mattheo whined bucking his hips up. “Ass up, on all fours.” You said simply before removing yourself off of him. He quickly moved into position as you grabbed the “stuff”.
5 minutes later, mattheo was completely naked while you were getting him prepped. He whimpered feeling the tip at his entrance. You thrusted into him making him gasp as you started pounding into him harshly. He gasped letting strings of moans come out of his mouth. “Mommy please- fuck!” Mattheo stuttered.
You gave him a slap on the ass making him whimper. “Don’t cuss princess or I’ll make you cum as many times as I want” you whispered in his ear. He shivered hearing those words come out of your mouth. He felt him self loose control of his body. Tears began streaming down his face at the amount of pleasure he’s receiving. “My pretty princess wanted be fucked like a whore right? So why you crying huh bunny?” You asked with fake pity in your voice.
“Feels t-too good!” he sobbed out. You reached deeper and deeper with each buck of your hips making him feel his prostate get hit with each thrust. He was a fucking mess. He screamed and moaned feeling his brain get fuzzy as you still didn’t slow down. He never lasted long when you fucked him. You loved seeing him cry, his pretty long eyelashes getting wetter and wetter especially while getting fucked.
“Does it feel good slut? I know it does.” You groaned out before putting one of your hands on his throat. You choking him softly made his eyes roll to the back of his head. You moved your hand that was on his waist looking at the mark you left behind. You knew he was gonna complain about it later but for now, he didn’t care. You put your free hand on his hair and gently tugged at it.
He moaned loudly when he felt you tugging at his curls. You knew he wouldn’t last another five minutes. Tears streaming down his face, eyes rolling to back of his head, and his mouth opened spilling out moans. You pulled him up to your chest and attacked his neck with your mouth making him let out a gasp. He couldn’t even form a sentence.
“Such a fucking slut for me, bet no one else could go this deep” you commented. You pushed his head down into the pillowcase smirking at the state of him. He whimpered pushing back on the strap desperately chasing his high. “Lucky i casted a silence charm princess, or else the whole castle would hear you getting fucked” you panted. He let out a scream that bordered on a moan.
“P-please! L-lemme c-cum!” Mattheo screamed letting out high pitched moans. His body was shaking in pleasure feeling himself reaching to his high. “Cum bunny.” You said softly. His body trembled as he felt a state of euphoria before cumming all over his stomach. You pulled out causing him to whine at the sudden emptiness. He felt his body go limp before turning around and laying on his back.
“M’ gonna get a towel to clean you up m’kay bunny?” You said peppering kisses on his face. He nodded before rubbing his eyes tiredly. You noticed he was still in subspace so you rubbed his thighs soothingly as you wiped the cum off his stomach. “So good for me baby so good” you praised causing him to giggle. You quickly put on his clothes peppering kisses on his stomach and waist where the marks are.
You couldn’t help but grin when you saw the marks on his waist. You laid down and effortlessly moved the boy making him lay on top of you. He giggled at your antics wrapping his arms behind your neck and laying his face on your shoulder. “Spoiled little princess aren’t you?” You teased causing him to blush crimson.
You both laid their for a while before your brain reminded you of the potions essay mattheo was supposed to work on. “You finish the potions homework bunny?” You asked softly. He shook his head no and pouted when he felt you sit up. “You can sit in between my legs and work on it” you said looking at the boys pouty face.
“Don’t wanna” mattheo whined sitting up as well. “I know baby but you have too, what are you gonna say when professor slughorn asks where’s your homework hm?” You cooed. “Fucked too dumb to ‘member” mattheo replied proudly causing you to let out a chuckle.
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rafesslxt · 3 months
Showerhead 2 | mattheo riddle
pt. 2 — you can find pt. 1 here
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summary: after you and mattheo had some fun in the shower, you two can‘t stop thinking about each other and that night. But who gives in first to sin again after a little jealousy?
words: 5,1k
warnings: heavy dirty talk again, cursing, making out, dry humping, teasing, controlling, praising, bj, unprotected p in v, shower, swallowing, legilimency (mind reading),
note: you don‘t have to read part 1 for this part but have fun if you want to
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— in the great hall —
After that night in the shower 2 weeks ago, I couldn‘t stop thinking about it. I dreamed about it in my sleep, daydreamed about it in class and lunch while Hermione talked about some book we needed to read to understand everything in potions.
I hated it but everytime we crossed paths, he winked at me and I couldn't help myself but start blushing. As soon as I saw his face, I saw it between my legs.
"Y/n? Are you even listening?" Hermione says and shakes me a litte at my shoulder. "What? Yeah yeah of course, I'm gonna read it." They all look at each other before their eyes are on me again. "We were actually talking about how Cormac seems to have quite interest in you." Harry then continues.
I start laughing loud, looking at them as If each of them has 3 heads." What the hell are you talking about?" "Told ya she's not listening.." Ron says, raising his eyebrows as he bites into his toast.
"I thought he‘s interested in Hermione?" I ask as my laughter calms down a bit. "Harry heard him talking about how he would - well.. do certain things to you." My amused face turns into a disgusting one as I hear what Ron says.
"Yeah and guess who‘s got an invention to Slughorn‘s dinner?" Hermione says with raised eyebrows.
Ron looks at her shoked. "What?? That prick got one and I didn‘t?"
"Oh god no.." a few days ago Harry, Hermione and myself got an invention to tonights Slughorn‘s dinner for his favorite students. ".. but wait, how do you know who‘s coming?" I ask her. "I just asked him after the last lesson of potions. It‘s Neville, Ginny, Blaise Zabini, Mattheo Riddle, Corma –" "Mattheo Riddle?" I ask her shocked, looking at her with wide eyes.
I would see him again? Like.. this close and with people around us? My mind is racing as Hermione answers. "Yeah well, you know he‘s really smart and good in potions." "And he has an interest in special students and Mattheo is.. well – special." Harry comments.
Ron snorts and talks with a full mouth. "Mh yeaw hiff fatha was "speschal".
Hermione rolls his eyes at his full mouth and looks at me again. "Why are you so suprised by his name?" she asks me a little suspicious. " oh uh- just suprised, i always thought Mattheo is uh - not interested in things like that."
"Why would chou think about wat Mattheo is-" "Ron just eat and shut up!" I snap at him making the other two widen their eyes a bit.
I collect my things and stand up from the table. "I‘m gonna go to.. god i don‘t know I‘m gonna go." I say, walking off before they can answer. Because it‘s the weekend I luckily don‘t have classes today. I don‘t think I could concentrate in one of them after the information I just got. God why him? Why me? Maybe I can say I feel sick.. no he would know. I can‘t back down.
I walk down a hall, not thinking where I am going and suddenly crash into something hard but not as hard as a wall. My book and writing stuff falls to the ground and I look up, staring right into the face of Mattheo.
My brain went blank in this monent. "What princess? Aren‘t you happy to see me?" he grins down at me before he gets down and picks up my stuff. "Hm I remember a similar moment, same position." He smiles even more when he sees my red cheeks and not talking mouth. As he gives me my stuff he presses his mouth to my ear and whispers "I‘m looking forward to tonight" And with that, he‘s gone.
I‘m so fucked.
— at the evening —
" Do you know what you‘re wearing?" I ask Hermione while I put on some makeup. I hear her sigh and she goes "yeah I have this one dress I really like. What about you?" I shake my head as I search for my lipliner. " Not really, but I have enough dresses so I‘ll find something." Hermione laughs at my comment as she pulls out her dress and changes into it.
After I‘m done with my makeup and hair, I walk over to my closet, looking for a nice dress.
"What about this one? It would fit perfectly for the occasion." She says as she pulls out a dress of mine. It is long and black, with cute little arms on it. "It‘s pretty but I want something.. else." As i go trough my clothes I think about Mattheo again and what would impress him. God I need to stop it.
"Well what are you looking for?" "Hmm something likeee.. this." It‘s perfect. It‘s short but not too short, i know it sits beautifully on me and.. it‘s green.
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(imagine something like this but in some green tone and longer so it‘s more school approved)
Hermione raises her eyebrows and looks at me. "Are you sure? Isn‘t it a little too.. party?" I love her for how she always chose her words wisely and with a knowledge for not hurting and judging people. I know what she meant but she would never think about judging me. Even when I put my clothes on she wouldn‘t pick, she makes me feel great in them.
"Yeah, I‘m sure." I smile, putting it on. When I look into the mirror I smile even more, thinking about how Mattheo will react seeing me in it.
As the time comes we take our purses and walk outside our dorms, meeting Harry and Ron in the common room. "You both look great." Harry tells us like the gentlemen he is but Ron just scans me like a little hater and looks at me. "Isn‘t that a little too flashy?" "Ron!" Hermione hits him on the shoulder.
"Don‘t be mad at what you can‘t have Ronald." I say grinning and winking at him before I link my arm into Harry‘s with Hermione doing the same on his right side.
We walked through Hogwarts, towards the dinner and the closer we got the more my heart started beating as If I‘m running a marathon.
I open the door in front of us after taking one last deep breath and walk inside with my two friends.
Everyone was already there, seated perfectly. "Oh hello you three! I‘m so glad you made it. Please choose a seat and get comfortable." Professor Slughorn greets us. I always liked him, even tho many say he‘s a little weird sometimes but I think thats exactly what I do like about him.
As I walk towards an empty seat, I scan the table, looking at Mattheo when I found him but his eyes were already on my dress.
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Quickly I look away, seeing that Cormacs eyes were on me too which made me gag a little.
But god Mattheo looks so good. He wears a simple white shirt with a black tie and black slacks. Damn what I would give to ride his thigh in these – "Y/n you‘re staring." Hermione whispers into my ear, making me realise i stared right at Mattheo, but to my suprise he‘s still looking, not breaking eye contact for a second.
I gulp and look away, feeling my cheeks getting warm. God I hate it so much what kind of affect he has on me. I can‘t be the only one..
Wait. I‘m a woman. I can definitely tease him and make him feel the same.
The dinner goes on, nothing special besides Ginny who came in crying. Definitely have to ask her with Hermione about that later in detail.
As desert comes I look around the table, meeting Cormacs eyes. He licks of some ice cream from his fingers and wiggles his eybrows at me. Oh god I think I‘m gonna throw up.
As soon as I can I look away to Mattheo who was giving Cormac one of his death stares. Interesting.
I don‘t really know why i think it‘s a good idea but i do think it is. So I lean back a little, presenting the low cut at the front of my chest. I see Mattheo‘s eyes flicker to my chest and so do Cormac‘s but Mattheo‘s eyes switch back really fast to Cormac and give him a second glare. Really interesting.
I smile triumphal and lean a bit forwards again, pressing my boobs together this time. Instantly I get a headache but a really intense one. I hiss in pain which makes Harry look at me worried. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah I just got an really bad headache.“ i whisper back, wondering what it caused.
Soon the dinner was over and everyone thanked Slughorn for the invitation. "I‘ll stay and try to figure out what that missing memory of Slughorn‘s is." Harry whispers to us before staying behind.
My headache got a bit better but It still didn‘t go away. As we walked trough the door I said to Hermione and Ginny "You guys go to the common room, I‘ll follow. I just wanna get some advil from Miss Pomfrey.“ They nod and tell me that they will go into Ginny‘s room to talk more privately.
It‘s already late and a bit after curfew but Professor Slughorn told us he made sure we would get in no trouble If someone sees us.
I rub my head slighty, trying to ease the pain on my way but nothing helped.
Then, out if nowhere a hand slaps over my mouth and a arm wraps around me, pressing me against a body. I scream into the hand, trying to get myself free until I see who the hand and arm belongs to.
"You didn‘t think I would let you go off that easily in that little dress of yours huh?“ Mattheo breathes against my face as it was only a few inches away from mine.
He slowly takes his hand away from my mouth, letting me speak. "What do you mean?" I ask and try the innocent act but he doesn‘t buy it.
"Oh princess, princess, princess. You can‘t fool me. I know that you wore this excuse of an dress for me. Fuck and also in my house color's? That‘s no fucking coincidence."
I gulp at his words and the fact that he knows who I wore it for. There‘s not even a single chance for me to lie. "And what If I did wore it for someone else?" Only one way and that‘s to push his last buttons. Oh how I wanted to push that buttons until –
"Someone else, yeah? Then who was it for?" "Cormac." As soon as his name left my mouth I regretted it. I see his jaw clenching and his grin fading. "Cormac yeah? So you didn‘t thought about me the whole dinner?" I slowly shake my head no, not daring to move now.
"So you‘re wet for him right now? Not me?" "What? I‘m not–" but as soon as I move my legs I feel it too. Shit. When I only look up at him his grin comes back.
"Yeah that‘s what I thought.. so why don‘t we skip this bullshit and you come with me?" Before I can even answer him, he takes my hand and pulls me trough the corridors, towards the Slytherin common room. " Mattheo I can't-" "Shut up." he hisses and whispers something under his breath so the doors to his common room would open.
"Can't fucking believe you pulled such a show in front of that stupid dick." he growled quietly before we reach his dorm. I start smiling as I see he's getting mad at the fact that Cormac saw me in that dress. "T'fuck you smiling about huh?"
As we enter his room I notice that there is only one bed which makes me wonder. "Don't you have a roommate?" "No, I have my own room." I scoff at his answer and look around his room. It has a big bed beside the window of the room and a little nightstand beside it. On the other side of the room is a big couch and a armchair.
But before I could think about it any further, he pulls me into his lap, face towards his, after he sat down on the armchair. "You know, you could have just told me If you missed me princess. Didn't need to dress all up for me." He puts his hands on my hips, grabbing them tightly.
I roll my eyes at him and act as If I didn't already enjoy his touch. "Didn't miss you." I say, looking away from him. He chuckles and pulls my face back to his with his fingers on my chin. "Are you sure?" I only nod and look into his brown eyes. They look so dark without any light in the room, that they send even more shivers down my spine than usual.
"Is your head better? Still in any pain?" he asks me grinning. "Yeah they-" wait. I never told him about my headache. Or could he hear when I told Hermione and Ginny? Or when Harry asked me at dinner?
His hands slowly wander down to my tights were my dress slowly rose up and placed them there, squeezing my flesh lightly. I felt his breath on my neck, giving me goosebumps. "It's gotten better, right?" he asks again. His lips ghosted over my skin, making me bite my lip.
"How do you know?" I ask him in a whisper. "I know everything that goes through your pretty little mind baby."
I tried to figure out what he meant by that but I couldn't concentrate with his hands on my skin and his lips almost against my neck. I need him so much.
"What baby, can't concentrate? Too much for you already?" he coos and finally kisses my neck, nibbling on the skin between his lips.
I can't believe how easy he gets under my skin with his kisses and whispers, not even doing anything. " I know you dreamed about me these last two weeks, thought about me at every chance you got. In class, in the shower, wishing it was me who touched you." he groaned against my throat.
My eyebrows squeeze together at his words. " How would you know that?" "Did you never wonder why your head always hurted at the same times?" I gasp and pull my neck away from him. " Are you reading my mind?" my eyes go wide as he just smiles at me sheepishly. Oh my god, no. This can't be. He's not allowed to know all these private thoughts.
"You don't know how hard it was for me to stay away and wait until you would come back to me but you little minx didn't and after tonight.. I couldn't just let you slip away from me again."
"Y-you can't do that Mattheo. That's not allowed. These are my thoughts." "I know baby but I couldn't help myself after that night in the shower. You were like a dream coming true so submissive and responsive to me. Fuck I'm already getting hard just thinking about it. But you understand I didn't have a chance, right? I couldn't risk you thinking about someone else then me."
He slowly pulled my dress up, exposing my tights and underwear. "God are you for real? Did you plan this?" he groans as he sees my matching set, a dark green lingerie set.
He pulls me closer to him, looking deep into my eyes.
"Ride my thigh." he commands and puts his hands back on my hips. "What?" I ask, looking at him dumbfounded. " It's my thigh or nothing. I'm not helping you getting off this time." I look at him with my mouth hanging open in shock. How could he be so cruel?
"C'mon, ride it baby I know you thought about it at dinner." My cheeks got red as he mentioned that. He dips his head towards my neck again and starts covering it in wet kisses. "Don't test my patience, love." he whispers and tightens his grip on my hips, moving them slowly. I gasp at the sudden friction.
"Feels good, right?" I only nod, closing my eyes as I start to move my hips in circles against his thigh. I feel so dirty doing this but at the same time it feels so good to finally get the friction I needed the last weeks again.
I feel my clit rubbing against my underwear, making me whimper and move my hips faster. "Fuck, look at you. I thought you were desperate back in the shower but now you're just getting yourself off on my thigh like a dirty little whore." I moaned at his words combined with his kisses on my skin. His lips went lower, first towards my collarbones, then further down to my chest.
I feel one hand of him wander to my underwear and pushing it to the side so my bare pussy rubbed against the material of his pants. I whine at the feeling, my hands grabbing his broad shoulders. " Oh my god. I'm so close Mattheo." He laughs wickedly against my chest, pushing down my dress so it hangs at the middle of my body. His mouth wanders to my bra, unclasping it with one hand behind my back.
"You're so beautiful baby, never ever am I waiting two weeks again for that." he growls and starts massaging my boobs and playing with my sensitive nipples.
I arch my back, shivers run down my spine at his touch. The grinding get's more and more intense. "Feel this?" he asks as he takes my hand and puts it on his bulge. "It's just for you." I bite my lip and look down at my hand. It looks so painful that I start massaging it through his pants. He bucks his hips up into my touch, his breathing getting heavier.
While still riding his thigh, I open his pants and push them down together with his boxershorts. His already fully hard cock slaps against his stomach before I take him into my hand. I spread the pre-cum over his tip with my thumb and start moving my hand up and down. "Shit princess.." he hisses, thrusting his hips up into my hand.
"I'm so close Mattheo.." I whine as I almost start rutting my hips against him. "Come on my leg baby, do it." he groans, lips apart.
I let go of his cock for a moment to dig my nails into his shoulders for support as I press my throbbing clit harder against him. He takes his cock into his hand and jerks himself off as he watches me panting and moaning.
With a deep twisting feeling in my stomach I come all over his thigh, riding out my orgasm.
"So good for me, look at how much you came." he says and I look down at his pants, a big wet spot on them now. My legs still shake from my high and I look up at him again.
Mattheo's POV:
Fuck. I don't know what it is but I have a feeling that this girl is going to be the death of me. With hooded eyes she looks up at me and almost get's me to cum in my own hand just from her eyes looking into mine. She had such a chokehold on me, but I will never admit that to her.
I smile down at her before I speak "already fucked out again and I didn't even touched you." The same thing I told her two weeks ago after I've eaten her pussy and she came after 3 minutes.
"Fuck off." she mumbles and falls slightly against my chest. "As much as I enjoy this closeness baby.." I start, nodding towards my rock hard cock, laying against my stomach.
I push a strand of hair behind her ear and whisper into it. " Suck on it." Her eyes go wide and she looks down on me with those innocent eyes again. " Don't tell me you never sucked cock with those pretty lips." I say, looking at her plump lips, almost begging to be fucked.
She rolls her eyes at me again, making me want to choke her until she stops. " I have." Her answer makes my clench my jaw, wishing she would've just said she didn't.
I pushed her down in front of my legs. I grab a pillow from the couch beside us and put it under her knees, making her grin. " Don't tell me you suddenly care for me Matty?" Now I am the one who rolls his eyes.
I grab her pretty hair into a ponytail and push her towards my cock. She takes it into her hand and starts to lick off the pre-cum from my tip. A moment later she starts sucking on my tip, making me smile. I have a feeling this is going to be good.
I hiss as her wet lips and warm mouth take more of my cock into her mouth. I close my eyes and let my head hang backwards. " Come on y/n, show me what you got."
Suddenly she takes me all the way down her throat, my eyes almost bulging out of my head and my mouth falling open. "Oh fuck, yeah!" I groan, gritting my teeth together. I swear I could feel her smile around me.
She bobs her head up and down in a fast pace, making me moan and groan like a little bitch. Fuck, what is it with this girl?
I feel my tip hitting the back of her throat. " Oh Shit." I lift my head up to look down at her. Her eyes are teary and her hands support herself on my tights. I start grinning, wishing I could take a picture of her pretty mouth around me.
Her throat clenches around me so delicious I almost came. "Hmm baby, you know how to suck cock. Gonna give you that." I pant.
One of her hands go down to my balls, massaging them. " Oh - " I throw my head back again, feeling something in my lower stomach. My hips buck up and I hear her gag, only getting me closer to my high. "M' gonna cum down your throat and you'll swallow it, yeah?" I ask her, breathing heavy. It doesn't take me long to cum and fill her mouth. "Fuckkk.." I groan, pushing her down even harder so her nose touches my stomach.
"Swallow it. All of it." I slowly let go of her, but seeing her cough a little only fuels my desire. She opens her mouth after she swallows and shows me that she swallowed every single drop.
"That's a good girl. Now come on.. let's take a shower." I say grinning at her and helping her back up. "Mattheo I don't know If I can walk so far." she sighs as she stands on her still shaky legs.
I kiss the top of her head, something I never do but just feels right with her. " You don't have to. I have my own shower." I pick her up bridal style and carry her towards my bathroom."
Y/n's POV:
As he picks me up to carry me, I feel a few butterfly's in my stomach but I try to suppress them.
He let's me down when we stand under his shower. His clothes hit the floor. "Hot or cold?" he ask, putting his hand on the tap. "Hot." I say and watch his back. Last time I didn't noticed but he has big scars all over his back, some even on his chest. He must see my face cause he asks me "What's wrong?" I shake my head and try to smile.
"Nothing." I see it in his eyes that he doesn't buy my lie but doesn't push me either. As the warm water hits my skin, I sigh in relief. I let my hair get wet and wash off the makeup I had on. While I did so, Mattheo stands right behind me, his hands on my hips, scanning my face.
I open my eyes and see him looking. " What?" I ask grinning. " You're beautiful." I roll my eyes and look away again, trying to hide my blush. "You don't have to try to get into my pants. You already are." He turns me around and holds my face. " Hey.. I really mean it. And not just your body. Your face is prettier than the ones of angels." My eyes widen at his words, not expecting that kind of words from him.
He clears his throat and looks away for a moment himself. That's when I grab his face in both my hands and crash my lips into his. The kiss is hungry, more passionate and different than the last times. More tender.
One of his hands slide up and down my back, while the other lays on my hip. "You make me crazy, princess." he admits, mumbling against my lips. I smile into the kiss. "Don't go soft Mattheo." I say, teasing him.
He starts kissing my neck, but less soft and more aggressively now. "Remember who's in charge here baby. I would choose your words wisely." He lifts me up so I wrap my legs around his waist. "This time I wanna see your face when I fuck you."
He takes his cock into his hand and positions it at my entrance, teasing me with it. „Mattheo come on, fuck me.." i huff out frustrated. "Beg for it, wanna hear you beg again like the last time I fucked you." I roll my eyes at his ego, but still do as he tells me to. "Please, I'm already begging you to fuck me."
Ge grins down at me and slowly pushes inside me, holding eye contact the whole time. His lips part and his eyes get lazy. "Fuck, you feel just as good as the first time I fucked you stupid."
I want to bite back but only bite my lip as he starts thrusting in a fast and hard pace. "What was that? I'm going soft princess?" His grip on my hips gets tighter and he starts kissing my neck up and down. " N-no you're not.." I whimper, closing my eyes and letting my head fall back against the wall.
What was is that he had me under his control so much? Not even a single brain cell told me to not do as he says. I can't with this boy..
His lips work their way up to my ear and he whispers "I'm a man baby, a boy wouldn't fuck you like I do. " Goosebumps erupt over my body and again he's right. " Stop messing around in my head." I growl lightly, supressing a moan in my throat. "You're all mine. I don't give a shit about how you see that, cause I know your body screams for mine every night. And it will never get someone else's. Do you understand?"
He stops kissing my neck and looks at me while thrusting his hips against mine. A shiver run down my spine as I looked into his eyes, but this time not a good one. It was ice cold. I never saw him looking tat serious and cold. Possesive. "Do. You. Under. Stand." he asks me again, deep and hard thrust for every word.
"God yes, Mattheo. I understand!" I cry out as his fingers find their way towards my clit, rubbing it in circles. My nails leave marks all over his back, drawing a little blood.
He starts hissing but laughing at the same time at the pain. He's gonna be the death of me. "No, you're gonna be mine, princess. Do that again with your nails, turns me on." As I don't, he mumbles a quite "okay" and presses me harder against the shower wall, fucking me even deeper and more brutal. My nails find their way back inside his skin and I'm sure If we had been o the bed It would be broken by now.
"When are you gonna learn to not be a little brat, huh?" he asks, a smirk on his face. "I own you now, baby." I let out half a snort half a chuckle. " Do I own you then too?" I ask sarcastically. " You own every inch of me."
My face falls a little at his answer, not expecting it. Did he mean that?But as soon as my thoughts started, I forgot them as he starts to rub my clit even harder, but in a steady rhythm.
"Oh yeah look at that in pleasure twisting face, that's fucking it." he groans, his thrust becoming more erratic. One hand leaves my hip and wraps itself around my throat, squeezing it with the perfect amount of pressure. A broken scream leaves my lips with my eyes rolling back.
"Yeah scream so loud Cormac hears who‘s name you‘re moaning tonight." I press my lips together but he squeezes my throat tighter. My walls clench around him, making him lose his control, eyes rolling back a bit with a smile to it. "I love that pussy so much fuck.I bet he can't fuck you like I can, huh?"
This time my answer comes in a instant. " No- no he can't. I'm so close Mattheo, please." I moan as I feel this deep twisting feeling in my stomach. His lips meet mine, to my surprise. Unlike how he fucks, he kisses me soft and passionate. "Come around me baby.Please fucking come around me." he groans almost desperate.
And just like that I let go and let the feeling of my orgasm overflow me. "Hm shit.. can I come inside you baby?" Mattheo pants against my lips while he looks down between us. I just nod quickly, feeling him coming inside me a few seconds later. "Shit.." a whimper leaves his lips as he fills me up.
My stomach twists again at the sound so I look at him and scan his face for a moment. I think that's the hottest sound my ears ever came across. He looks fucked out too, his eyes heavy.
He slowly pulls out but still holds me. "You make me so addicted." he confesses to me, looking between my eyes and lips. I had to. " So you're going soft now again?" I tease him, out of breath.
He chuckles lowly which ends with me bent over every single surface in his room.
I don't know how long I can survive in that.
I just know ya‘ll hate and love me for posting this.. after weeks :) <3
There‘s gonna be a part 3, the final then. Hehe.
Taglist: @idk-simra @kindnessspreads @purplegardenwhispers @glittervame @oxi8 @lovelyygirl8 @yakosobaboba | thank you for supporting guys 🫶🏻
I created a Tag List Form if you‘re interested: Taglist Form
xoxo sarah <3
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lenoraslament · 10 days
Can you do one whee it's a threesome with mattheo, Tom and y/n and it is bdsm for the first time and they go ruff
Careful What You Wish For
Reader x threesome with Mattheo Riddle and Tom Riddle
Warnings: smut, 18+ Minors DNI!, bdsm, rough, oral (m receiving), fingering, dp, spanking, degradation, piv, anal, creampie.
Idk what demon possessed me when I wrote this but it’s pretty dirty so…beware? lol. Also I’m a little drunk. Also I’m sorry I forgot to do word count but it is long
“I want you both or not at all,” you said. Mattheo’s brows knitted together, his face was a wince. He had been infatuated with you for so long . Pined for you, maybe not your personality but certainly your body. Your mouth, your breasts. He couldn’t remember a day where he didn’t see you walking down the hall and try to imagine what was under the skirt that was always flirting with your thighs.
So he tried, and tried to get you to hook up with him. He approached you in the great hall, after quidditch games, in the library. Sure, you’d flirt back but always left him wanting. He wasn’t used to not getting his way and your resistance left him even more feral for a night with you.
Just another Saturday night of debauchery in the Slytherin common room. You were just drunk enough to give him a knowing grin when Mattheo sauntered his way over to you.
“God, you don’t know how badly I want you,” Mattheo muttered. His eyes slipping from your lips to your body. But his gaze wasn’t exactly what you were after. Thats not to say you weren’t attracted to Mattheo, I mean you had eyes. It was his big brother who made his way into your fantasies.
Tom riddle, godly handsome, aloof, cold. The only boy who wouldn’t give you the time of day if you begged. You watched him in the library, in his own world. What you wouldn’t give for a taste of what swam under his still waters.
So when Mattheo made his millionth pass at you, you were drunk enough to ask for the impossible
“I want you both or not at all”.
“Both?” Mattheo nearly choked on his drink, “my…Tom….at the same” he was about to say no. Hell no. But then you leaned forward and pressed your body against his. Your lips brushed up his neck to his ear.
“At the same time. However you want me,” your breathy voice tickled his ear, “however rough you like it”.
Hook. Line. And sinker.
Mattheo didn’t need anymore convincing. His rational thought was blinded by the throbbing need in his pants. He nearly growled, his hand on your waist as he sighed and finally said, “okay..,”.
With that he wasted no time to go to Tom. Tom was perched on a chair near the end of the party, he was sipping whiskey. Playing chess with Blaise. Tom appraised the anxious look on Mattheo’s face, the way he stood next to their game chewing on his lip trying to figure out how to approach it.
“What?” Tom asked curtly. When his usual obnoxiously confident brother began to stammer; Tom rolled his eyes.
That’s all it took. Tom’s dive into Mattheo’s mind, was intrusive. Months of Mattheo’s obsession. Tom knew who you were of course, he noticed you staring at him. He found you attractive enough but knowing his brothers obsession with you amused him. Both? You wanted both? Tom smirked at this. He would have never given you the credit to be such a little slut.
Tom dropped the spell as Mattheo winced and cursed.
“Ow fuck asshole,” Mattheo said rubbing the pinprick he felt in his temple. Tom was chuckling and finished his whiskey with a swig.
“Y/N huh?” Tom asked coolly as if he didn’t just see the whole thing played out inside of Mattheo’s mind. He nodded for a moment.
“Fine. Two conditions. I want her sober and you both listen to what I say,” Tom said not even looking up at him as he checked Blaise knocking another piece off the board.
Mattheo felt sheepish, he knew what he was asking for. He knew how Tom loved to torture him generally and how much knowing the girl he wanted, wanted his brother would play to Tom’s ego.
“Fine” he grumbled. Tom only nodded as Blaise groaned when Tom finished the game
“Tomorrow night. Go tell her”.
You couldn’t believe Mattheo went for it. Or more surprisingly that Tom agreed. In the harsh light of morning, you felt nervous; nearly ashamed. When Mattheo had found you later that night at the party and told you the terms you were excited. Now there was a hot coal in your stomach.
Tom wanted you sober. Obedient.
It made you swallow and flush. All day you turned over the idea in your head like a stone. It was eight PM, when Mattheo knocked on your door.
“Ready?” He asked, he looked as nervous as you felt. Suddenly it got real and you nearly backed down. It felt like a dream as he led you down the hall to Tom’s private prefect room.
You had showered ahead of time and did you hair and makeup. You wore a sundress. When Tom answered the door he smirked appraising you. It was not lost on you that this may have been the first time you had his full attention.
He didn’t say hi, “you don’t look so brave now” he immediately mocked making your cheeks burn red. Mattheo walked in the room looking fidgety and sat on the bed.
“I…I’m fine…I’m ready” you muttered trying to muster a smile. Tom only kept smirking, his hand slowly cupped your jaw as he studied your face.
“What’s your safe word?” He asked, his eyes burning into yours. Eyebrow quirked with interest, you nearly trembled.
“I don’t need one” your attempt to be flirty.
Tom laughed as this, “nice try but believe me you will.” He squeezed your jaw a little.
“Don’t make me ask again,” his voice was still light and full of levity.
“Um…episky?” You nervously asked instead of stated. Tom nodded and walked over to Mattheo standing over him. His face dropped back into the usual stoic demeanor.
“You good?” Tom asked him, Mattheo looked over at you. How perfect and sexy you looked.
“Yea…good..”Mattheo said his nervousness was still there but he kept his eyes on the prize.
Tom patted him on the shoulder and made his way back to you. Like a switch was flicked his voice dropped, he was nearly sneering at you,
“So you’re the girl who’s got my little brother all keyed up?” Tom asked in a smooth voice. You opened your mouth to answer but nothing would come out. Five seconds later Tom’s hand landed on your cheek.
You gasped, the sting took you by surprise and if you had to be honest no one had ever hit you in your life. The startled whine only made Tom grin.
“I asked you a question.” He said in a warning tone. Once again you were stunned into silence as another heavy hand met the other side of your face in a firm slap.
“Ah, not so mouthy now. Apparently you only know how to use your words when asking for cock” Tom chuckled as he held your jaw now roughly.
Your eyes were tearing up, your mouth open slightly parted in surprise.
“Such a greedy little slut, Mattheo wasn’t enough to satisfy your needs?” He asked making Mattheo grimace in his seat as he watched the exchange. Tom’s hand slid down to pull you in by your throat. His lips moved to your ear so he could whisper out of earshot.
“Think you can handle me doll? You’re not even worthy to suck my dick. So why don’t you prove me you can be a good slut and maybe I’ll consider touching you” he hissed in your ear.
If you were flustered before, you were shocked now. You could barely speak as you struggled to keep from crying. His words hurt, his firm was grip and worst of all he was making you absolutely fucking soaked.
“What did I say about answering me?” He muttered as he pulled you back harshly to look at your face.
“Yes…yes sir,” you managed to squeak out. Tom nodded and shoved you away making you stumble.
“Get on your knees…crawl” Tom said gesturing over to wear Mattheo is sitting. Like a puppet on strings you dropped down to the floor. Mattheo’s nerves were morphed into lust as he watched you crawl over to him slowly. When you reached him, you sat up on the floor. He was sitting on the chair at Tom’s desk, your hands on his knees.
Suddenly you understood that Tom was in charge, you turned back to him. Tom nodded in approval noticing your submission.
“Suck his cock” Tom said. Mattheo sighed softly feeling your fingers working at this pants. He helped you until they were pooled at his feet. His cock was impossibly hard, dripping already.
Mattheo’s hand was gently stroking your red cheek as you licked the tip. Slowly you enveloped the head, letting him fill your mouth. He moaned loudly, eyes fluttering back as you bobbed you head halfway down. Tom stood watching with mild interest.
Tom made his way over, hand threaded in your hair softly at first. Then it balled into a fist and you could feel his tug guiding your movements.
“Surely you can do better than that Y/N” Tom said as he pushed your head down on Mattheo’s cock. You gagged loudly, the thickness filling your mouth and hitting your throat. Mattheo moaned louder as you deepthroated him.
Tom was unrelenting as tears ran down your face, mixing with your saliva. Mattheo began to reach for Tom’s wrist to take it easy on you but Tom gave him a warning look. It didn’t take much else for him to began to move his hips to match your movements, he could help it. Your warm mouth felt so good. As his moans increased, you gagged harder; Tom noticed Mattheo begin to get too close and pulled you off by hair.
You felt your back hit the floor. Mattheo was breathless, gasping in the chair. You looked up to see Tom standing over you, same smirk. It was humiliating, your lips were swollen, back of your head sore from hair pulling and cheeks red. You had the urge to say your safe word until Tom stooped down and held your cheek.
“Good girl,” he said and kissed you roughly. The kiss made you feel light headed, aroused. He bit your lip softly and flicked his tongue against yours. Then he stood leaving you wanting on the floor. Mattheo was undressing.
“Come stand in front of the bed,” Tom said. You got to your feet still in a daze and fully clothed.
“Undress her,” Tom said to Mattheo. Mattheo took no time at all. As soon as he reached you, his hands found purchase on your waist. His kiss was hungrier than Tom’s, needier. You let yourself get lost in it as he slid your dress down to the floor. Hands searching, stroking. He cupped your breasts softly before unlatching your bra. His lips went for your neck but Tom cut in.
“I said undress her. Stop touching her she hasn’t earned it,” he said. Mattheo groaned but backed off. His eyes hungry on you as he knelt and pulled down your panties.
“Move.” Tom said as Mattheo sat on the bed frustrated. Tom didn’t wasn’t any time to cup your pussy. Two fingers sliding into your folds so quickly it made you moan loudly.
“Mm dripping wet and we’ve barely even touched you,” he said as he slid them inside of you. They crooked and found that spongy area making your eyes instantly roll back.
“Pathetic,” he said and pulled them out. You whined and looked up at him, “please” you muttered. Tom only chuckled and shook his head at you.
“How many times has my brother asked you out in the past month?” Tom asked. The question struck you as funny but the look on his face was clearly not joking.
“Um….i don’t know…” you began but the movement of Tom’s hand made you quickly change your tune, “eight….eight times..sir”.
Tom nodded and undid his tie. He placed it around your wrists binding them together. He spun you around and making you face Mattheo were he still sat on the bed. Tom positioned you like a doll. Your tied hands looped around Mattheo’s neck and resting on his shoulders. Slightly bent over as you and Mattheo made eye contact. He leaned over and brushed your lips reassuringly with his, earning a soft smile from you
“Count.” Tom said before you felt his hand land on your ass hard. You cried out, the sting leaving you breathless. Your eyes met Mattheo’s, the pain made your head spin. When his eyes met yours, you felt lust overtake you. His lips found yours in a sloppy kiss.
Tom’s hand caressed your ass before another rang out making you whine.
Mattheo’s breath shuddered. His face nuzzled against yours as you winced from another slap.
Tom groaned softly, your obedience making him show his first signarousal of the evening. His hand slid between your legs. Two fingers sliding inside you making you whimper softly. Tom’s voice was low and soft, it barely registered but the words still made the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
“Such a good girl” he said as he delivered another firm spank.
“Four!” Your voice was louder and higher. Full of desperation.
Tom’s eyes rose from your reddened bottom to meet Mattheo’s heavy lidded glare that had been locked on your face.
“You can touch her now,” Tom said to him. Mattheo’s hands moved immediately to your breasts to softly cup and flick your nipples. You gasped and whined. His mouth greedily licking and sucking your neck.
“I still want to hear her count,” Tom commanded as he delivered another blow.
“Fi-five,” you found Mattheo’s mouth to kiss him back tongues fighting for dominance. His hand slid down your stomach to softly stroke your clit. The touch was lost from the vibration of another hit making your hips jump forward.
You pulled away from Mattheo’s mouth quickly, “Six”.
As you braced for another slap, Mattheo’s fingers thrummed over your clit again. The sensitive bundle of nerves feeling puffy and swollen from need. Another hit barely registered as the pleasure overtook your body.
“Seven” you whispered. Tom suddenly jerked your head back by your hair, “don’t get greedy”. He said sternly.
The last spank was so hard you groaned, but you made sure he could hear you. Mattheo’s fingers were moving over your nub slick with arousal.
“EIGHT,” you cried. Tom’s fingers slid into your cunt from behind. He immediately found the spot inside of you that made your eyes roll back. Relentlessly he punched his digits into it. Mattheo’s fingers worked in union, making you nearly drool onto his lap. Your hips were keening against the movement, your moans were loud and rhythmic.
Tom pulled your head back roughly, “don’t even think about coming without asking”.
“Can I come sir please?”
“Don’t ask me, ask Mattheo” Tom said as his free hand wrapped around your neck.
“Matty, can I come? Please oh fuck can I come?” You were so close your legs were shaking.
Mattheo kept working his fingers over your clit, Tom’s slender fingers deep inside of you as he choked you roughly. Mattheo kissed you deeply, his tongue sliding over yours as your eyes rolled back.
“Come for me pretty girl.” Mattheo said. You let out a nearly guttural noise, your moans rhythmic and heavy. You could feel your cunt squeezing Tom’s fingers making him hum in approval.
“There we go, good slut. Come for us” Tom growled as his fingers didn’t show any sign of slowing. Mattheo’s fingers stilled so he wouldn’t overstimulate you.
“So pretty, so good for me, let go beautiful” Mattheo said as his lips brushed over your whiney cries. Of course, Tom wasn’t easy on you, his fingers relentless moving even faster making the coil in your snap even harder. You squirted onto his fingers as you let out a breathy scream.
“Look how you’re soaking me, what a needy girl, so sensitive” Tom mocked you as Mattheo only caressed your face watching your slack jawed expression with a mix of adoration and amusement.
Tom’s fingers left you, if it wasn’t for your still bound wrists around Mattheo’s neck you would have crumbled to the floor. Mattheo helped steady you, he kissed your neck softly and pulled you close.
“Doing okay?” He whispered in your ear with a smile. You were still gasping trying to come down from your high but you managed a soft yes.
Tom’s hand wrapped around the tie pulling you by your bound wrists off of Mattheo and onto the bed.
“I think you finally earned the right to be used”, Tom said condescendingly as he unbuttoned his shirt.
You watched as Tom began to slowly undress beside the bed. Mattheo was feral, no longer concerned about Tom’s directions or commands. He was on you in bed, pulling your thighs to wrap around his waist. Hitching you into position, his hand moved to pull your face away from watching Tom.
“Ready?” Mattheo asked softly, your face was smeary with bliss as you nodded. You felt the binds on your wrist being attached to the bed post as Mattheo thrusted in bottoming you out immediately. You mewled and arched your back, his hungry movements in time with his loud moans.
“Ah fuck you feel so good princess, look at you taking my cock so well,” he praised you as he thrusted slowly but deeply. Your breasts jiggled and his fingers dug into your waist.
Tom finished securing your binds, his hand finding you jaw pulling it away from Mattheo’s mouth.
“Open,” he said in a husky voice. You eagerly made room for him to stuff his cock into your throat. He was slightly bigger than Mattheo and immediately your eyes water. Tom thrusted into your mouth, at an untethered pace. Your gags and whines mixed as he clung onto your hair guiding the movements.
Mattheo kept rocking his hips into yours, eager to finish after being interrupted earlier. Tom’s head was thrown back, he looked lost in the moment for once. The pleasure abundant, but still Tom managed to choke out, “Not yet,” to Mattheo. Who groaned and cursed reluctantly pulling out of you leaving you on the precipice of a ruined orgasm.
Both of them pulled away from your body twitching with need, you gasped in the air that was now available to you.
“Knees,” Tom said his own panting breath cutting into his usual stern tone. It was hard to do with tied wrists but you managed to get on your knees in the bed. Tom slid himself under you until you were straddling him.
He wasted no time to fill you, pushing your hips down. Mattheo watched with a burn of jealousy as you bounced on Tom’s cock eagerly. Tom kept one hand on your throat as he let out a string of words.
“That’s right, ride my cock like the slut you are. So fucking needy for it, stupid whore.” He muttered as he cursed, his hips snapping to meet yours. You felt the heady lightness fill you as he cut off your airway. You could hear Tom say something to Mattheo but it was garbled to you.
Had you been in a more present state of mind you would have heard Tom say to Mattheo.
“What are you waiting for? She has two holes,” Tom said vulgarly. Mattheo climbed onto the bed, lining up. This time he didn’t completely listen to Tom, he reached over to move his wrist away from your throat so you could pay attention to his question.
“Is this okay?” Mattheo asked you in your ear as he hovered at your tight pink hole. You nodded eagerly, still needing release. Never in a million years would you have thought you wanted something like this but all of your inhibitions flew out the window long ago.
Mattheo spit on his hand lubricating himself before sliding in slowly. The feeling of being filled by both of them overwhelmed you. Your eyes rolled back as you felt your body stretch. Your mouth dropped open and you let out a high pitch whine.
Tom groaned feeling you get tighter, Mattheo was whimpering into your shoulder as he thrusted into your tight ass. Both of them muttering praise to you as they moved inside of you.
“Fucking good girl”
“Taking us so well”.
“So pretty when we use you like this”.
You could barely register who said what as they both rocked into you. The tightness in your hips and cunt spasmed and your entire body stiffened as you came. Hard. They both moaned in approval as they felt your contractions squeezing both of them.
“Let go, let go come on”
“There you go, fuck, so sexy when you come”
“Take it, take it beautiful”.
Then you felt heat. Both of them filling you as a chorus of pants and moans filled the room. You collapsed onto the bed breathless. Mattheo’s strong arms pulling you close. You shuddered and held onto him tight while he whispered praises and sweet nothings. Tom took a moment to compose himself before sitting up and getting dressed leaving you and Mattheo the privacy to do aftercare.
When you finally reached the ground, Mattheo grinned at you.
“How do you feel?” He asked softly stroking a hair from your face.
“Wrecked but amazing” you giggle and bury your face in his chest.
“Be careful what you wish for” he said grinning.
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mysmuttyy · 8 months
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⚠️- oral (f receiving), possible manipulation, orgasm control, teasing, dirty words, sub/dom!mattheo.
🌈- y/n is pink & mattheo is red.
summary- y/n is mad at mattheo & he figures out how to make her forgive him.
HE SITS ACROSS FROM ME, staring holes through my soul. I try to ignore him, after all, I’ve kept my game up all day.. surely I can do it some more, right?
Pansy continues with her ramble, whinging about who I assume is Blaise. The two of them are currently in an argument, just like Mattheo and I. Except, nobody knows we’re in an argument.
That’s the difference between mine and Pansy’s relationship; mine is private, whereas hers might as well be broadcasted to the whole school.
His foot kicks mine, but I ignore it. He huffs, banging his hand on the table. Everyone around us jumps, but I only roll my eyes. “Stop being a stubborn little bitch and answer me.” His dark voice barks across the table.
I raise my brows at the annoying boy before me, standing up out of my seat. “You’re so fucking embarrassing.” I spit, storming away from the table, anger radiating off my body.
I unintentionally crash into a tall figure, body coming to a halt. Cedric Diggory places his hand on my shoulder, looking down at me with concern. Before any of us say a word, someone interrupts.
That someone is my possessive ass boyfriend, stomping his feet toward us. “Get your fucking hands off her, Diggory” He demands, pointing his index finger at the brunette standing too close to me, too close for Mattheo’s liking.
Diggory is quick to move away, hand no longer touching me. I huff, turning to face an overly angry Mattheo Riddle, who is towered over me.
“Why are you such a fucking fool?” I huff, hands placed on my hips. He rolls his brown eyes, blowing out a breath. I turn away from him, feet carrying me in the direction of the dungeons.
He follows behind, cursing at my quick pace. I murmur the password to the painted picture before me, stepping through the now opened doors. Mattheo follows in after me, gripping onto my arm, pulling me close to him.
I huff, turning my body to face his. His bulge presses against me, drenching the panties I wear under my short school skirt.
“I’m sorry, let me make it up to you.”
SILKY BLACK SHEETS TOUCH MY SKIN, my bare body pressed against the softness of his king size mattress. His strong body holds mine down, eyes locked with mine. I shiver under his warm touch, nerves flooding throughout my body.
“You’re gonna let me make it up to you, aren’t you baby?” He whispers, lips an inch away from mine. I swallow my nerves, hands cupping his cheeks. The man on top of me raises his brows, bulge pressed into my skin, once again.
“I doubt you can, Mattheo” I reply, simply rolling my eyes at him.
Mattheos warm lips press against the skin of my neck, soft kisses trailing toward my breasts. I arch my back off the mattress, grinding against his cock, desperately throbbing for him.
His laugh vibrates against my skin, causing me to squirm. My whines echo throughout the room, back still arching off the mattress. I moan softly, feeling his lips travel down my body, kissing purple bruises into my skin.
He gets closer and closer to my dripping pussy, veiny hands spreading my legs as wide as they can go. I groan, feeling his finger slide across my slide.
“Mhm, you’re so fucking wet- Such a slut for me, huh?” He speaks after what felt like years of silence, making the couple hairs on my body stand up. I nod, feeling a sting against my thigh almost immediately.
“You ought to use your fucking words.” He demands, squeezing my thick, pale thighs. My lip quivers, breath shaky.
“I’m sorry sir- Yes, all for you.” I mumble out, letting my back press back into the mattress. He slips a finger inside me, feeling around my wet pussy. Sounds of my wetness echo throughout his room, a smirk playing on his lips, eyes staring deep into mine.
I melt into the sheets, moaning uncontrollably when he begins pumping in and out of me with two fingers. His long fingers are coated in my slick, smirk never disappearing from his face.
I grind against his fingers, so desperate to feel the tying knot at the bottom of my stomach. The man below me slaps my thigh, warning me to quit being impatient.
I comply, huffing out a apology.
His tongue replaces his fingers, swirling deep inside me. My moans fill the room, his fingernails digging into my thighs, drawing blood that trickles down my leg.
I’ve never noticed how long his tongue is, weirdly enough it being inside me is all that it takes for me to notice that. His laugh vibrates against me, once again, causing me to whine desperately.
“W-Why are you laughing?” I stutter, biting my bottom lip, eyes pointed up at the ceiling. He laughs some more, pulling his tongue out of me. Taps are felt against my thigh, telling me to look at him. I do as told, eyes locking with his.
“My tongues long, aye?” He mocks, thinking as himself as some comedian. I huff at the brunette in between my legs, pushing my thighs closer to his head. Moans fall from his lips, “Keep at your job, brat.” I demand.
He nods in response, diving back into my folds, slipping his tongue inside me, once again. If the pressure isn’t bad enough, he decided to add that; using his thumb to draw circles amongst my swollen clit.
I begin screaming, body moving to get away from his touch. He pushes onto my lower stomach, holding me down. I cry out begs, feeling myself clench around his tongue.
He grinds against the bed, attempting to get some sort of friction.
My body grinds into his mouth. “Please, I- I need to cum!” I whimper, hands gripping onto the sheets below my body.
“Do you forgive me?” He questions, slowing his pace on my clit. I shake my head, being truthful with him. He slaps his hand against my thigh, causing me to wince out in pain and frustration.
“Fuck! Please!?” I beg, hoping he accepts, but he just asks me the same question. Over and over, but I keep telling him no. My orgasm grows closer, body twitching as he sucks on my clit, tongue bow drawing circles on it.
His fingers slide back inside me, a third one being added to the mix. “Do. You. Forgive. Me?” He asks, dominating voice echoing in my brain.
I nod frantically, hands rushing to his curls. My fingers tangle with them as I roughly tug on them, almost ripping them from his head. He moans against my clit, free hand squeezing my skin.
“I forgive you baby boy! Please, please!!” I shout. He nods, smiling a soft smile at me. I groan, coming in his mouth, this load bigger than ever.
HE SITS UP, sitting himself beside me. My eyes fall to the wet patch on his pants, a laugh erupting from my lips. “You came in your pants?” I shout, laughing at him.
His cock throbs against the zipper of his pants, begging to be released. The man falls into the pillows, “Fuck, don’t laugh at me..” He cries, no longer the guy he was just two seconds ago.
I pull his zipper down, tossing his pants across the room. He then slides his boxers off, wincing when the cold air coming from the fan, hits his swollen dick. “Don’t worry, sir. I’ll make it up to you.” I mock, gaining a dirty look from him.
I roll my eyes, jumping onto his stand up cock. He moans an unexpected moan, eyes widened at how tight I am around his girth. My body moves on top of his, tits bouncing as I ride him.
Desperate moans from him fill the room, hands rested against my hips, helping me move at a demonic pace. “Mommy, fuck!” He screams, throwing his head back into the comfort of his pillows.
Sweat rolls down his forehead, orgasm building up in his balls. I nod my head, telling him to cum inside my pussy. “Fill me with your cum, Mattheo. Come on, put your babies inside me!” I shout, causing his cock to twitch deep inside me.
The man comes, making me moan breathy moans. My body collapses against his chest, the two of us soon falling asleep, cock still buried deep inside me.
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smuttyworks · 1 year
Control - Mattheo Riddle smut
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Sub!Mattheo as requested! I'm not the best at female Dom but I tried my best lolllll
warnings: explicit smut, yaaa
summary: Mattheo had been fucking with reader for weeks, making jokes about fucking her, flirting with her, and being handsy thinking she would eventually give in to him, but she takes it into her own hands as she waits for him in the darkness of his room.
You could feel his eyes on you as they chuckled to themselves behind your desk, causing you to roll your eyes. Mattheo and the other Slytherin idiots have been constantly fucking with you the past few weeks, with Mattheo being the one who did it the most.
You could feel him behind you as he inched closer to your ear, “Let me show you what you’re missing, babe.” You didn’t give him the satisfaction of reacting, instead you looked back down at your notes. “You’ll give into me soon.” You could practically hear him smirk as he whispered in your ear.
When class ended you stood up and made your way out of the class and into the corridor, just wanting to get back to your room and study more, but you felt an arm slip around your waist, pulling you close as he directed you down another hallway, “Leave me alone, Riddle.” You said, annoyance clear in your voice.
“Why do you fight me so hard, (Y/n), I know you want me.” he said with his arms caging you in, your back against the wall.
“I don’t want you; you are annoying as fuck and I can’t wait for you to move onto your next unlucky target and leave me alone.” You stated blankly, now ducking under his arms and returning to the corridor and making your way towards your room.
When you finally got there you stripped into your pajamas and pulled your book close as you went over your notes.
After a while your mind started to wander to the annoying brown eyed boy, he always seemed to think he could get whatever he wanted, including girls who always seemed to accept his attention even though he was never interested in them afterwards, his confidence was too high, and someone needed to bring it back down and show him he doesn’t always get what he wants.
And idea popped into your head as your eyes landed on the top drawer of your dresser, and you decided to show him not to fuck with you again.
You slipped into his empty dorm room and leaned behind the door, knowing he would be coming in soon.
Your eyes traveled around the dark room that was only slightly lit from the moon shining through the window. His bed wasn’t made, and he had some laundry kicked into a corner, but it was suiting to who occupied the room.
A smirk appeared on you as the doorknob wiggled before opening. You watched Mattheo as he entered the room, walking over to his bed and dropping his bag. “Lumos,” he muttered as he lit the candle on his bedside table.
He turned around as he reached the bottom of his shirt, about to lift it until he noticed you, “Holy fuck!” he said, shock covering his face, “(Y/n) what are you doing here?!” 
You bit your lip as you took a step forward, dropping your robe and exposing your clothes beneath it, or better yet lack of clothes. His lips parted slightly as he took in the red lingerie you wore. “Holy fuck…” he swallowed, taking a step closer and reaching out to touch you, but you slapped his hand away.
“You don’t touch unless you have been told you can.” You stated, emotionless as you watched him closely. His eyes wide in shock, his hands shaky, and the growing bulge in his pants. “Do you understand?” you tilted your head slightly.
He nodded, “Okay.” He gulped
“On your knees Mattheo.” He looked at you strangely, not knowing what exactly was going on. “Now.” You said through gritted teeth.
He didn’t say a word as he dropped to his knees in front of you, his eyes watching your every move. You stood above him and loosely ran your fingers through his brown curls, his eyes closing from the sensation. “You’ve been fucking with me for too long, Mattheo.” You stated softly, your fingers lightly brushing over the skin of his cheek as he took in your touch. “That ends now.”
Your other hand ran down your stomach and over the thin lace material of your panties. Your fingers touching your folds over the fabric as he watched intensely, his tongue wetting his lips as he wanted to taste you so badly.
You moaned out quietly as your fingers pressed down on your clit, “Please let me touch you.” He breathed, his hands in fists on his thighs.
You shook your head, “No.” before slipping your panties down your legs, exposing your soaking heat to him as he groaned at the sight, whispering profanities to himself. “I’m already so wet,” you laughed softly to yourself, dipping your finger into your folds and feeling your arousal soak your finger. You could see Mattheo’s breathing quicken as he watched your fingers touch yourself inches away from his face.
You rubbed your wetness over your clit, moaning softly as you played with yourself. 
He reached out and slid his large hand up the side of your leg and you immediately slapped it away, shaking your head at the desperate boy. “Please,” he pleaded.
“No touching unless told to.” You demanded, and his eyes dropped down to your soaking pussy as he watched desperately. 
You teased your entrance lightly as you lifted your leg up and rested your thigh on his shoulder to give yourself easier access. He groaned out as he watched you slip your fingers into your tight core, slipping them in and out slowly as your arousal dripped down your fingers.
You bit your lip as you removed your soaking fingers, “Open.” You demanded, and his lips parted, ready to taste your delicious juices. You brought your fingers to his lips and he instantly took them in his mouth, his tongue wrapping around your digits as he licked up every bit of you.
You removed them from his mouth and smirked down at him, satisfied with how you had him wrapped around your finger. “Lick my pussy, Mattheo.”
That was all he needed to hear before his lips were attached to you, his tongue flicking softly against your clit, his hand gripped the side of your thigh that was resting on his shoulder to keep you steady and pull you closer to him.
His skillful tongue worked wonders on your cunt as he switched from fucking your entrance with his tongue to circling around your sensitive clit causing you to moan out and grip his hair.
“Don’t stop until I cum all over your face.” You moaned out, loving the feeling of his annoying mouth finally shutting up as he ate you out, licking all your juices desperately.
You didn’t think he would be so good, but your orgasm crept closer and closer, him enjoying all the pleasure he was giving you before slipping his other hand up and sliding two fingers into you, making you cry out at the sensation. “Fuck,” you cried as he brought you closer, the warm feeling filling your abdomen.
He fucked you relentlessly with his long fingers as he sucked your clit, pushing you over the edge and succumbing to your strong orgasm, your cries filling the room as he desperately licked up your juices.
You looked down at him and gave him a smile, “Good boy…” you breathed, “now get up and take your clothes off.” You ordered.
He lifted your leg up softly as you balanced on your shaky legs before standing up in front of you and quickly stripping himself from all of his clothes, leaving him completely naked in front of you, his dick painfully hard.
“You did good, Mattheo.” You smiled at him, lightly caressing his cheek, then dragging your finger tips down his jaw and neck, down his chest and over the hair of his happy trail, taking in how sexy he was, his v lines prominent and leading to his rock hard erection. “You think you deserve a reward?” you questioned, your fingers running over the length of his dick, his eyes fluttering at your soft touch. He quickly nodded and sucked in as you gripped his dick, stroking him at a fast pace, watching his expression as he moaned out, whispering profanities. 
“Can I touch you?” he asked, but it sounded more like begging.
You nodded and his hand gripped your waist tightly and his other hand cupped the side of your jaw, his thumb rubbing lightly against your cheek.
You rubbed the tip of his dick with your other hand as you continuously stroked him, then brought your fingers to your lips, tasting his delicious pre cum, his eyes watching you, his lips parting as he watched you taste him, turning him on even more.
“I’m so close,” he whimpered, his eyes fluttering closed as he felt his orgasm creep close.
You smirked as you pulled your hand away, watching him as he whimpered, begging you to let him cum. “Not until I tell you, Riddle.” His breathing was fast as he watched you desperately, wondering what your next moves were.
You unclasped your bra and let it fall to the floor before backing up into his dresser, lifting yourself onto it and spreading your legs, watching as his eyes dropped to your core, taking in how beautiful you were. “I want you to fuck me, and do not cum until I tell you to.” You ordered and watched as he closed the space between you both, his lips forcedly crashing to yours, and you decided to let him.
Mattheo wasted no time as he positioned himself at your entrance before quickly pushing himself into you, your moans filled his mouth as he gripped your hips tightly, pounding into you relentlessly.
“I’ve wanted you for so long,” he groaned, cupping your breasts and pinching your nipples between his fingers softly.
Your eyes dropped down to watch as his dick disappeared into your cunt, your juices coating him every time he pulled out. “You like seeing me fuck you?” he cooed, pressing kisses to your jaw tenderly.
“Yes,” you cried, holding onto his arm to keep yourself steady, your second orgasm coming in hot as Mattheo fucked you better than you’d ever been fucked in your life. “I’m gunna cum…” you breathed, holding him tightly as you felt the pleasure wave through your body like shock waves, crying out as his thrusts got sloppy, “Cum, Mattheo,” you whimpered, your body succumbing to your much stronger orgasm, as his hips met yours, his body tensing as he came to his own orgasm.
Both your moans mixing as he filled you with cum as your walls clenched around him tightly.
“Fuck, (Y/n)” he breathed against the crook of your neck, you both taking a moment as you came down from your highs. 
Once you could catch your breath, you pushed him lightly away from and pushing yourself off the dresser, reaching down to collect your robe, wrapping it around you and reaching down for your bra and panties. 
His hand wrapped around yours as he pulled you to him, “I’m sorry for messing with you,” he looked down at you. 
You rolled your eyes, “you can keep these,“ you smirked, placing your panties in his other hand. “Fuck with me again and you’ll never get me again.” Your finger ran down his chest, nail dragging over his skin causing his breath to hitch.
“I promise.” He smiled, then pressing his lips to yours.
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sluttyslytherin · 1 year
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•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ❥ Warnings: bisexual dom!Draco + bisexual sub!Mattheo, sub!Hermione, begging, facefucking, oral (male!&fem! receiving&giving), praise kink, riding, mindreading, creampie, threesome,
❥ Request?: I wrote this one on request from my Instagram a while ago (see msg above).
❥ Summary: Hermione finds out about Mattheo having feelings for Draco - and herself having feelings for both.
❥ Author‘s note: This one is like a small part of a dream coming true for me. I loved writing it. I‘m thinking about writing it in Draco+Mattheo+Y/N(?).
❥ Word count: ~4170
The first time Hermione had noticed Mattheo looking at Draco differently than it had been for years, was at a garden party at Mattheo's house.
Hermione and Draco were standing under one of the large white parasols which were set up in the garden. She was just sipping from Draco's wineglass, when she looked over his shoulder and caught Mattheo red-handed.
Mattheo was standing directly across from them, leaning against the wall of his house, smoking. His eyes gave way to his thoughts. If Draco had turned around that very moment and looked him in the eyes - only Merlin knew, what he would have found there.
But Hermione saw his gaze and while she couldn't read his mind like Draco could, she saw the lust that flashed in his very eyes as Draco turned and placed his glass on the table next to them. Mattheo eyed Draco so tensely that he didn't even realized that Pansy had come up to him and had started talking.
When Pansy tapped him on the shoulder for not responding, Mattheo looked away from Draco and accidentally looked straight into Hermione's eyes. He immediately realized she knew it.
She stared back and couldn't help but smile, knowing that Draco had always thought Mattheo was attractive - But neither of the boys wanted to admit that there were other things than just 'normal' monogamous relationships with one man and one woman.
Draco was talking about his work and some paperwork he was supposed to have done in four days, when Hermione saw Mattheo walking over to them. His steps were slow and his eyes almost pierced Draco's back. Hermione tried with all her strength to keep her thoughts to herself, wanting to see how the evening would turn out.
Mattheo greeted Draco by placing his hand on his shoulder and patting it gently. He was laughing and making a joke about Thestrals. To anyone else it would have seemed innocent but Hermione saw him bite his lip and his hand trailing down Draco's chest as he lifted it from his shoulder.
Her eyes wandered to her glass which she had now picked up from the table and she studied the red texture of the wine, shimmering in the dusk light. She listened to Draco and Mattheo innocently but an idea had already formed in her mind.
She wanted them both. She wanted to feel them, to fuck them, to own them. She wanted to hear Draco's name out of Mattheo's mouth and she wanted to see Draco indulge in a fantasy, he'd never had the opportunity to live until now.
She just didn't know how she could make it happen.
It was already evening when Mattheo said goodbye to the last guests - the last ones except for Hermione and Draco.
Mattheo was just closing the front door with a slight movement of his hand when he noticed Hermione shamelessly lasciviously taking a seat on his large, black leather couch. Draco couldn't take his eyes off off of her, as she sat there in her dark green dress that was pulled up to her thighs. She had crossed her legs slightly with the one foot on the floor on tiptoes.
She looked as innocent as she definitely wasn‘t.
Her other foot tapped to the beat of the soft music coming from the radio that was placed on the antique wooden table next to the door to Mattheo's bedroom. Her eyes were half-closed and her mouth slightly open and a soft sigh made it out of her mouth at that moment.
Draco stared at Hermione and didn't notice Mattheo stepping up behind him. Mattheo stopped a few inches behind Draco and inhaled his scent, his eyes never leaving Hermione. Then, as if nothing had happened, he walked around Draco and lightly elbowed him in the side.
“That was a good party, wasn't it?,“ he laughed mockly, more to get Draco's attention than for any other reason. Hermione opened her eyes and looked over at the two men - almost in surprise. They weren't standing far from her.
“Mattheo..,“ she said in a softly tone and in a voice that made both men immediately look back at her, “..you could visit us tomorrow. Draco has discovered that he seems to enjoy fumbling half-naked on his new motorcycle.“
After all, her expression was innocent, as were her movements, but Draco saw exactly where she was getting at.
He looked into his wife's beautiful eyes and by Merlin, he wished he could have taken her right here and now - right there on the couch. On Mattheo‘s couch. With Mattheo watching them.
Hermione gave him that kind of look which made her irresistible to him and he could feel how much it aroused him. It took him a lot of strengh not to run over to his wife and fuck her right on the spot.
“I don't know.. what are you thinking about it, Draco? The two of us, half-naked and tuning up a motorcycle?“ An innocent smile played around Mattheo's lips. It was in complete contrast to what his eyes were showing.
‚Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me.‘
Draco could hear Mattheo's thoughts in his mind. It was the first time he had let him inside his head in ages.
‚Take me. Please.‘
Draco gulped. He tried not to show anything to Hermione. He was still standing there with his body turned towards Hermione and Mattheo beside him. Their shoulders were nearly touching. Draco would have loved to turn around to Mattheo.
‚You can have me. I'm your’s.‘
Mattheo's thoughts in Draco's head grew louder and louder. He couldn't concentrate on anything other anymore.
Hermione watched the scene intently. She could tell from the way Draco clenched his fingers in a fist and then stretched it out that he was bound by Mattheo. She knew that not much was missing for him to give in to him, but she also knew that this wouldn't happen this evening. She would have to talk to Draco first, because without her permission he would never get involved in anything else then only them two.
“See you tomorrow, Mattheo. Around 7pm?“
Hermione's voice literally cut through the air and tension between the two men. Mattheo cleared his throat. “Of course. See you tomorrow then.,“ he whispered. His voice was shaky. After a few seconds Mattheo turned around and escorted his last guests for the evening to the front door.
Draco heard Mattheo‘s question in his head, just as Mattheo slowly closed the door behind the two of them.
Hermione took his hand and as his fingers wrapped around hers, Hermione opened her mind to him. It wasn't a long walk home, so they walked. They spoke wordlessly, Hermione thinking and Draco reacting with his body language.
‚He wants you.,‘ Hermione thought. Draco squeezed her hand lightly as a sign he had heard her.
‚What's stopping you? I could see you struggling not to give in to him.‘ Draco sighed softly, almost silently. He shrugged his shoulders. He didn‘t know what to say.
‚I want to see it.‘ Hermione just thought it with no other words to not mislead the statement. ‚I want to feel you both.‘
Draco now stopped and turned to face Hermione. “Did I get that right?,“ he asked his wife. Hermione didn't even bat an eyelash when she said it out loud again.
“I want to feel you both. I want to see you fuck him.“
At 7 p.m. sharp there was a knock on the large glass front door that had separated the Malfoy's home from the rest of the world for several years already.
Hermione opened the door for Mattheo.
She had come up with an special idea for this warm summer evening. Draco had disappeared outside to the garden for over an hour ago already.
If Mattheo walked through the Manor and through the other glass door in the huge bay window which leads to the garden, he would spot Draco with nothing on but only wearing black sweatpants.
Hermione was wearing her long, red sundress which had a slit on one side, that started right at her waist and went down to the bottom. She was tired of looking innocent. Tonight, she wanted to be anything but that.
At least she hoped so.
“Good evening, Mattheo.,“ she whispered attractingly, as he stepped through the door into the Manor. He tried not to stare at her bare skin, but he noticed that she wasn't wearing any underwear. It was unmistakable - no matter where he placed his gaze on at her body. She looked amazing standing there, barefoot and with her long loose hair falling in curls over her big breasts.
“Hello, Hermione.“ Mattheo swallowed hard. In fact, he had never seen his friend's wife like this before. He couldn't help but wonder what lay underneath the thin layer of fabric which she used to hide her curves with from other people's eyes. Hermione smiled.
“Draco is outside in the garden. You surely want to see him first?,“ she asked him with an innocent expression on her face. Mattheo didn't take his eyes off her bare hips. „I wouldn't mind staying here a little longer..,“ he breathed.
„Would you like a drink?,“ Hermione asked him, leading the way towards the kitchen. „I've got a really good brandy in my cupboard..“
“Brandy sounds good.,“ Mattheo answered her, with more than desire for the drink in his voice. And Hermione.. she liked the feeling he gave her with it.
Slowly she opened the cupboard that hung over the kitchen counter. It was where Draco kept his most expensive brandy and whisky. “It‘s really good.. it‘ doesn‘t taste too tart.. and has a fruity note..,“ Hermione began to explain to Mattheo - But Mattheo was staring out of the window. Hermione followed his gaze.
He was staring at Draco.
Draco was kneeling next to his motorcycle, working on one of the wheels.
“I know what you want.,“ she said with a slight undertone in her voice that immediately drew Mattheo's attention back to her. “Your facial expression can't be mistaken. You‘re almost drooling, looking at him.“
She turned away without waiting for an answer and picked up one of the glasses on the wall cabinet to fill it with expensive brandy. Mattheo really didn't know what to say. He felt bad the night before after the two left. Mostly because he was afraid that his friends had felt completely different about the situation than he did. He may have misunderstood Hermione.
“Do you want me to leave?,“ Mattheo asked Hermione. But she just shook her head, causing her brown locks to fly slightly around her head. Then she laughed and handed the glass to him. “No, quite the opposite. I already told Draco..,“ she replied while reaching for another glass. “I can't wait.“
She didn't look at Mattheo as she was saying these words.
Mattheo‘s gaze lingered on her for a long time, before he did finally take a sip of his brandy and looked back at Draco in the garden. “What did he reply to that?,“ Mattheo demanded, his excitement evident in his voice and without taking his eyes off the man.
“He didn't need to say anything. Just seeing his breathing pick up speed when I told him I want to see you two fuck was enough.“
Hermione tapped on the kitchen window cautiously. The sound surprised her husband slightly, so that he looked over to the window, confused.
Noticing not only Hermione in the kitchen but also Mattheo, his expression changed immediately and he got up from the grass he had been kneeling on.
His muscles seemed to dance in the glare of the evening sun as he moved. Even Hermione wondered how she deserved him and his body. She called herself lucky every time she took Draco‘s clothes off or kissed him.
Her gaze rested on his hip. A moment later, as he stepped out in front of the bike, Hermione could see that he wasn’t thinking about the motorbike the whole time.
He definitely had indulged into more hotter thoughts.
Draco raised a hand in greeting and pointed to the right, where the door of the terrace was separating the garden from the house. He made his way there and with every step the bulge in his pants became more than obvious.
Hermione pulled Mattheo with her by the sleeve. “Come, go greet your host.,“ she laughed softly. Mattheo didn't need to be told twice. He was at the door before Hermione, right when Draco who had kicked off his shoes and was stepping into the living room. “Hello, Mattheo.,“ Draco greeted him and kissed Hermione passionately.
‚I want you to kiss me like that.‘
Mattheo pushed himself into Draco's head, causing him to flinch at his words. Draco's lips didn't break away from Hermione as he opened his eyes and stared at Mattheo, who had come up behind Hermione.
Draco looked at Mattheo's lips, and actually for a moment imagined what it would be like to kiss him. His grip on Hermione's waist tightened. How badly he wanted to kiss him too..
Mattheo was only a few inches away.
Hermione opened her eyes and caught the look her husband was giving his friend. She broke away from Draco. “Kiss him.,“ she breathed into Draco's ear, after slowly getting up on her tiptoes and bending towards him. Draco kissed her forehead slowly, not looking away from Mattheo.
A heartbeat later he bridged the space between them in only one step.
Mattheo's mouth was slightly open, his lips glossy, his breathing fast and shallow. His heart was beating like crazy. He had been waiting for this moment for years already. Even if he had never admitted it to himself: His desire for his friend grew more and more over time - until he could hardly bear it anymore. That‘s why he told Draco the evening before.
Draco looked Mattheo straight in the eyes as he ran his hand through his hair, pulling his head towards him. The room around them seemed to pulsate, so loud echoed their heartbeat in their ears.
Finally - after what felt like an eternity - their lips touched.
Hermione couldn't help, but admit that the sight of the two men drove her insane. They kissed with a passion Hermione had otherwise only experienced from Draco when he fucked her.
Hermione‘s hand, which she had used to brush her hair out of her face a second ago slowly wandered down her body. He didn’t take her eyes off her husband. She felt herself getting wetter and wetter the longer she watched them.
It was like being addicted. Hermione couldn't stop.
Draco's left hand had meanwhile travelled down Mattheo's back and was gripping his perfect ass. Mattheo moaned softly into Draco's mouth, which only made him harder..
Suddenly, Hermione stepped up to the two and put her hand on Draco's shoulder. Almost reluctantly he broke away from Mattheo and looked at her. A smile played around Hermione's lips. “I'm going upstairs.,“ she said softly. “Will you two be following?“
Hermione walked into her bedroom and immediately pulled the dress over her head, only to drop it on the floor. The wetness between her legs had become unbearable for her, and with a soft sigh, she sank down on her bed. She ran her fingers over her nipples which instantly stiffened and wondered when her husband would be coming upstairs with Mattheo.
Her thoughts kept turning to the scene of how passionate her husband had looked while kissing Mattheo. She could feel the heat only too well that this thought triggered in her midst. Lost in thought, she slipped her hand between her legs and moaned softly at her own touch.
The next moment the bedroom door opened.
Hermione turned her head slightly, still moaning, only to see her husband standing in the doorway, breathing heavily and dragging Mattheo behind him. He barely walked a few steps into the room when he pulled Mattheo to him and caught his eye.
“Get on your knees, love.,“ he breathed. Mattheo immediately did as Draco asked.
Draco slipped his pants off his hips and they fell to the floor without much effort. Out came his perfect cock, thick and veiny, and Hermione was almost a little jealous that she wasn't in Mattheo's place now. She was still lying on the bed, but now had her legs apart so that Draco could stare at her most intimate part. Her gaze met her husband's.
‚I'm almost losing control.‘
Draco parted his lips slightly in response to her question and licked his tongue across them. „Not now. I want you to cum on my cock, when I fuck you.“ His tone was assertive, just as Hermione was used to from him.
He turned back to his - now - lover. “Open your mouth, love.,“ Draco cooed with a lascivious grin to Mattheo, who was kneeling in front of him and looking up at him with a longingly expression on his face.
Draco grabbed his hair again when Mattheo finally opened his mouth and let Draco's full length slide down his throat. Draco groaned softly, as did Mattheo. His moans grew louder the more he ruthlessly fucked Mattheo's throat. They completely forgot everything around them for a minute..
“All you could think about since last night was 'fuck me, fuck me, fuck me' and how you moan my name.,“ Draco said to Mattheo and his voice grew darker as he became more aroused.
Hermione pulled her fingers out of her slit and slowly got up from the bed. With a few steps she was beside them and kissed Draco passionately.
“Oh fuck, Mattheo.,“ Draco moaned his name into her mouth. Hermione chuckled. “Look at him Princess, look how well he's taking me.“ He spoke with an effort and Hermione could see his longing for release in his eyes. “Do it.,“ she whispered in permission into Draco's ear.
Mattheo had his eyes half closed and was moaning with every thrust. “Fuck Mattheo, this feels so good.,“ Draco moaned again, his thighs shaking. “I want you to say my name.“ Mattheo groaned more and he said Draco's name, but the sound was muffled. Draco gripped his hair tighter. “Louder.,“ he commanded him.
“Draco!,“ Mattheo moaned again, as Draco pulled his cock out of his mouth for a second. 'You're my good boy.,“ Draco whispered, admiring the saliva dripping from Mattheo‘s chin and picking up where he left off. Hermione kissed him again and slid her hand up to his butt, to press him even tighter into Mattheo's mouth.
“I'm so close, wait until you can taste me, wait.. soon..,“ Draco tilted his head back, “I'll fill your throat and make you swallow all my pureblood cum.“ Draco moaned with lust as he took a few final thrusts down Mattheo's throat, filling his mouth completely. And the good boy Mattheo was, he swallowed it all.
Hermione thought, she would tear apart in lust.
Draco opened his eyes and looked at Hermione. “Fuck me.,“ she whispered and pulled her husband to the bed with her. “Kneel down on the bed, princess. It's your turn now.,“ Draco said, pushing her forwards slightly. Hermione knelt down on the bed facing him. “Open up, wife.,“ he commanded, putting his cock to her lips. Hermione grinned and willingly opened her mouth.
Mattheo came into sight from behind Draco.
“My good girl.,“ Draco moaned softly as she started sucking him, “Suck me, make me hard again.“
Mattheo wrapped one hand around Draco's waist, to tease his nipples and used his other hand to slide Draco's cock even deeper into Hermione's mouth. He bowed his head and placed small kisses on Draco's throat and neck.
Draco moaned more and more loudly. “You both are so fucking addicting, oh fuck..“ He was momentarily overwhelmed with all the impressions, Hermione blowing him so well and Mattheo rubbing his hard cock against his back.
“Does this feel good, Princess? Moaning all over my hard Deatheater's cock, and taking it like the good little slut you are?“
Hermione felt dizzy with pleasure. She wanted to feel him. Deep in her, where he belonged. She forced words to the front of her mind, just for him to hear it.
‚Fuck my cunt now, finally..‘
Draco pulled his cock out of her mouth. 'Lie down.', he said to Mattheo, in a tone, that left no room for contradiction. Mattheo slowly lowered himself onto the bed, not taking his eyes off Draco. “Blow his cock.,“ Draco demanded of Hermione. She hesitated for a moment, but then lowered her lips over Mattheo's hard cock with a big grin. “Oh Merlin.,“ Mattheo groaned as Hermione started sucking him into her mouth, “Your wife is a goddess.“
Draco let out a soft laugh. “I'll fuck you, until you can't walk no more, Hermione, until everything you can say is my name.“ Hermione swallowed, Mattheo's cock still inside her mouth.
“Hermione,“ Mattheo groaned, “Hermione, this is so good, please don't stop.“
Draco climbed onto the bed behind her and placed his cock right in front of her entrance. “Today you are our fucktoy, Princess.,“ he said before shoving himself deep into her tight pussy. She tensed, about to come. “Draco,“ Hermione moaned, “Draco!“
“Yes, do it again, I want to feel you squeeze my cock with your tight pussy.“
Draco fucked her with hard thrusts, banging his cock against the walls of her pussy, but he didn't stop. He knew how much Hermione loved that feeling. “You're my fucktoy, my cock looks so perfect in your sweet cunt, I can't stop watching it.“
“Draco.,“ Mattheo suddenly whimpered, “I'm coming, I can't hold it any longer.“
As soon as he said those words, he came right into Hermione's mouth, who was moaning Draco's name so loudly, that Mattheo's cum ran out of the corners of her mouth back onto his dick.
“Oh fucking hell, I love how you scream my name, and he is looking so perfekt cumming for us, bloody Merlin, I'm going to pump all my pureblood seed into you too, Princess..“
Draco pulled her off Mattheo. “You want to be our little whore, don't you?,“ he breathed in Hermione's ear, „Come on my lap.,“ he said louder this time, his voice demanding and dark. She knew what this meant. Draco lay flat on the bed and pulled Hermione onto him. “Finally..,“ Hermione breathed as she lowered herself onto his cock. Draco leaned forward and kissed her greedily.
As she started riding him, her screams got louder and louder. He clawed his fingers into her ass and caressed her breasts which were bouncing up and down. “Faster, princess, come on, squeeze every drop of cum out of me with your tight pussy.,“ he whispered to her. Hermione was no longer paying attention to him. She rode herself to the climax, she finally wanted salvation, she couldn't wait any longer.
Draco glanced over at Mattheo, who was laying on the bed next to them, watching him jerking off his cock. He kept his eyes on him as he spoke to Hermione. “Tell me how much you love my cock, fucking you so hard, wife.“ “So much, Draco.“ Hermione could barely speak.
“Love, look at me, I want you to look at me, when you cum.,“ Draco demanded of Mattheo. Mattheo opened his mouth in a silent scream, spurred on by Draco's words and his eyes were still locked with Draco's when his load shot out of his cock, directly on the bed and over Draco's thighs, who smiled and let his thumb run over Mattheo's mouth. “Don't pause, Princess, keep going.,“ Draco demanded again, turning to Hermione.
“Are you coming, Princess?,“ he moaned in her ear, “Are you coming? Tell me how does it feel to know, that I'm gonna fuck you 'til you black out?“
Hermione sat up on his cock, his words making her feel unbelievably hot. “Not yet.,“ he commanded her. “Wait.“
She whispered his name over and over, almost like a prayer. “Draco..,“ she whined and kept urging, “please let me cum!“ Her screams grew louder, as he entered her without pausing and hit her in her sweetest spot. “Not yet, princess.,“ he moaned, trying to control himself.
She wanted him to lose control.
“I can't hold it anymore..,“ she almost yelled, as he squeezed her nipple lightly, making her see stars. He slid his hand to her neck, his thumb on one side of it and the other fingers on the opposite side, squeezing it tightly, leaving traces of his fingernails on her skin. She moaned, before losing control of her breathing, but tried anyway and realized how much it turned her on. She caught his gaze and when he finally looked at her, she opened her mouth in desire and he understood. “Now cum for me, Princess. Run all your delicious liquids down my dick.“
Hermione completely lost control. Her screams were so loud, that they rang in the two men's ears. „“Your cunt feels so amazing, I'm almost there Princess, keep going, I want to see your sweet ass bouncing up and down my cock.“
“I'm coming..,“ Hermione yelled. “Me too, Princess, come with me.,“ Draco replied, unable to breathe because all of his pleasure.
Mattheo slid over to them and started kissing her neck, biting and leaving marks of him on her skin too, and reached between her legs and began rubbing her most sensitive area.
And Hermione came. She came so hard, that she actually fell unconscious on top of Draco for a moment, after her high-pitched screams had penetrated the whole manor.
Draco kissed her forehead. When she regained consciousness after a few seconds, she saw him kissing Mattheo again.
“Next time I'll fuck you.,“ he said to Mattheo and moaned into his mouth.
Hermione couldn't help, but smile.
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the-devils-angel · 6 months
Okay, yes, I adore the Christmas fluff… but where are the men wrapped in Christmas lights and bows, stacked with family issues, so they rely on you to make them forget how shitty their parents are? Where are the dommy mommies making me serve them in a maid outfit? WHERE?!
(I know Christmas is over, I'm dumb, not stupid)
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animasola86 · 1 month
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A/N: Another snippet of a smut scene, *a little more than a drabble, but oh well, it kept evolving. Again, you can imagine any character here! This time, we have some oral sex, deepthroating, masturbation, edging and a little dom/sub dynamic.
WARNING: NSFW! Explicit sexual content! // WORDS: 689 // AO3
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He's given her a toy to practice with.
It's big, looks like his cock, can be suctioned to surfaces. It's intimidating.
She's kneeling in front of it, imagines she's sitting between his legs, arms folded behind her back. Eyes closed, tongue extended, exploring the stiff ridges, round edges, hard, cold material. Not the same.
It's better when it's covered in her saliva, warmer, but it's not him, doesn't twitch and throb, there are no groans and grunts, no hand gripping her hair, guiding her head, forcing it deeper.
It's all her. She sucks on it, hollows her cheeks, slurping it into her mouth, tongue flicking around it. Eyes closed, imagining him, remembering his scent, his taste, his dominating presence.
She pushes her head down on it. It's so rigid, too hard, unyielding. She forces on, tongue flat against it, lips strained, back of her throat. Her body jerks when she gags around it, coughs, splutters, keeps going. Eyes watering, can't breathe, imagines his big hands on her head, pushing down.
It's in her throat, she's dizzy, there's so much spit, no precum, only her. No air. She holds it, hears his voice in her memory. “Good girl.” Back and forth, head bobbing, tip on her tongue, tip in her throat, up and down, in and out.
There's no release, no thick creamy cum filling her mouth, dripping down her throat, filling her belly. Just spit and tears. She practices until she almost faints, fighting the gag reflex, getting better, wanting to make him proud.
She's drenched once she's done, sweat, spit, tears, arousal. When she forces herself to stop, she falls over, hands between her trembling thighs. Fingers not enough. The toy is off the wall and slips into her with ease. She's shaking, can barely hold it, wants him to hold it, push it in and out, mercilessly, ignoring her whines. Forcing her to the edge.
“Not yet, baby girl.”
His voice is in her head, so close, so warm. She fights the pleasure trying to devour her, pulls it out, pants, pushes it back in, always close. She's whimpering, crying and sobbing, pleading with her eyes squeezed shut.
“You may come.”
Relief. Release. Exploding pleasure, body convulsing, hips off the ground, thighs pressed together, shaking, gasping, coming so hard she's seeing stars. The toy is forced back in.
“Again.” She obeys, keeps going, pushing further. All for him, through tears and hand cramps and body spasms. Mouth wide open, gasping for air, for reprieve.
Her head is being lifted, supported by strong hands, his scent fills her nostrils, something warm on her face, bent back, neck tilted, upside down. Warm and heavy and soft. Him.
“Keep going.” Fingers cramping around the toy, imitating his cock, and the real thing slips into her gaping mouth, straight into her throat. She doesn't gag, doesn't open her eyes, feels her throat bulging, feels full on both ends. Content, satisfied. Sucks around him as he moves his hips against her face, in and out, tip on her tongue, tip squished in her tight throat.
“Gag.” She does, body convulsing, cunt clenching, spit and precum in her mouth. She's so dizzy. “Good girl.”
The reward comes with a groan, a grunt, a jerk of his hips, tightening balls slapping against her nose. Release. The toy is forced out, muscles tense, fluttering, her hands and thighs wet, a muffled, helpless moan from her stuffed throat. She can taste him as he fills her mouth, rewards her for her effort. Warm, sticky, thick, slipping down her aching throat, gulp, gulp, gulp.
The pressure is gone, he remains, his taste on her tongue, heavy in her belly. His hand on her sweaty face, caressing, wiping away the remnants of her devotion, a thumb pressing against her quivering lip.
“Such a good girl,” he says, and she smiles softly, tiredly, eyelids too heavy to open. “Now turn around. We gotta practice on the other hole today.”
A deep shiver, instant tension, anticipation. She scrambles to her feet, turns, positions herself, presents, ready for more practice. For him.
“Yes, sir.”
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A Steamy Shower
Car Inspection
Tension Relief
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nottsangel · 7 months
a collection of all the nsfw + sfw thoughts people have shared with me.
main masterlist
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drunk hookup with ex-boyfriend!theo
theo blackmailing you when you want to break up
toxic!theo and choking
theo putting his cold hands between your legs
theo eating you out
possessive!theo seeing men flirt with you
theo falling asleep with his hand cupping your cunt
cockwarming theo in the common room
corruption kink with toxic!theo
toxic ex-boyfriend!theo getting jealous
best friend!theo fucking you better than your bf
theo spanking you
theo being rough and gentle at the same time
cockwarming theo while he smokes
theo eating you out while jerking himself off
theo comforting you after a bad test
casual dominance with theo
being in a not friends but not dating stage with theo
theo and pregnant reader
going to bed with theo
theo calls you a slut and apologises
sub!draco being embarrassed of his moans
draco wearing grey sweatpants
stay-at-home dad!draco
rough theo and soft draco
another rough theo and soft draco
enemies to lovers with fred
fred being a perv
fred fucking you in the burrow
soft sex with fred
fred getting jealous
fred trying different accents
fred and his slytherin girl
fred getting touchy after a quidditch match/practice
george pounding into you when you’re on top
george getting off to eating you out
baking with george
sitting on george’s lap
praising george after a quidditch match/practice
harry being whiny and moany in bed
harry loving his s/o sitting on his face
cockwarming mattheo while doing his makeup
mirror sex with mattheo
mattheo being obsessed with you
sub!ron cumming in his pants
lorenzo having control over you
bsf!lorenzo comforting you after a break up
fuck buddy!lorenzo falling for you
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© rafesmuse.tumblr 2023. do not copy, translate or claim any of my writing or works as your own.
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muntitled · 9 months
COULD U DO MATTHEO X F READER DURING HER OVULATION WEEK AND SHES SUPER NEEDY AND HORNY? (Pls I’m ovulating and craving ur fics so bad babe😭🙏🧎🏼‍♀️)
I love how feral this is lmfao -
𝐍𝐨 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐬 | 𝐌.𝐑.
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Mattheo Riddle x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Established Relationship, Dark Fic, Violence, Language, Mention of drugs and alcohol, Slight fluff, Public Affections, Possessiveness, Smut (+18), Dirty Talk, Touch starvation, Fingering, Humping, Grinding, Whining, Sub/Dom Undertones, Blood Kink, Fighting Kink?, Squirting, Major Degradation, Praise Kink, Breeding Kink, Slight Humiliation Kink
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The night is deep, and the dungeon is dim as a few sunken eyes peer curiously at you while you make your way through the crowd. Seeing you emerge from within the walls of your private dorm room was a rare and curious sight for everyone involved. It was especially rare for you to embed yourself amongst your fellow pupils shenanigans, seeing yourself as above such baseless devilment.
You were not here for them.
You were scanning the crowd for him because an unfamiliar warmth had been festering inside your stomach and it had propelled your feet forward, until you reached the very centre of the Slytherin soiree commencing in the common room.
Your core is still aching with the after affects of your fingers as you manoeuvre your way through the party. You were touching yourself under satin sheets only moments ago-spurred on by the imaginings of his bloodied fingers slipping inside you, stabbing your cunt until you mewled like a useless whore and he affirmed you as such. His recklessness and delinquency cracked something vital in your brain and you felt yourself get wetter as you pushed through the crowd. You needed him to touch you, your body practically burned for him to absolutely ruin you, and you set out to do just that.
Although you had turned down a concoction of Firewhiskey from an already inebriated Ravenclaw student, your stomach burns with the anticipation of seeing him.
Feeling him.
Smelling his near constant fragrance of Firewhiskey along his lips. You were never clingy but you wished for nothing more than to be in the presence of your insufferable and clingy boyfriend.
A month into your courtship, and you had failed to bring up how much of his habits bypass all sensibilities in your brain. If only he knew how much his recklessness brought about an unmistakable moisture in between your thighs. That,coupled with his bruised and bloody knuckles, spurred on your need, especially during this time of the month.
It had been easy to maintain your composure throughout the rest of the month, effortless, even. Detachment and independence was a by-product of your personality, showing up in the way you shied away from Mattheo's public affections and always appearing uninterested in any of his verbal charms.
One such occasion; you had found him taking up purchase on your bed after an incredibly tiresome day as a Slytherin prefect.
"Make yourself scarce, Riddle. I'm not in the mood," He, of course, was delighted in your indifference- truthfully, he basked in it. Mattheo was somewhat of a masochist, craving the attention of someone so emotionally detached. The very second he noticed how unaffected you appeared with his shenanigans. He might as well have transfigured into a mermaid, because he was hooked.
"How easy you are to repel my affections," He said, letting a bandaged hand fall on his chest as he lay supine like a starfish on your Satin sheets, "How swiftly you deny my companionship-"
"Dont you have any orphans to torture?"
You mourn the past you... how indifferent she had been.
How utterly in control!
The bed dipped as he slithered closer, letting a hand rest on your shoulders as he began to knead the tense muscle there.
"Don't I get a 'How was your day, Riddle?' How did you sleep, Riddle? How did you acquire these bruises, Riddle, and I hope you looked hot doing it, Riddle" it was then that you glanced at the hand on your shoulder. Busted knuckles bred bloodied and broken skin. Riddle's hand was a smorgasbord of cuts and bruises that disappeared up his black, cotton sleeve shirt. You ignored the useless warmth knotting in your core as you continued to undo your shoelaces.
"I needn't ask you because I know you were in the centre of yet another degenerate fight," you had said, burying all the feelings of need amongst your usual, scholarly distractions.
"You love it"
"I hate it actually. It makes me question my affiliation with you.
"You say that princess, but you secretly love it"
You did love it, and right now, distracting yourself is not an option. You watch with bated breath as the object of your affections walks into the Slytherin common rooms. There are plenty of bodies swaying in the dungeons illuminated by various Ravenclaws who have casted Lumos
You see Riddle across the room, head thrown back while he nursed a cup of Firewhiskey. When his head comes back, he sees you too, he raises his cup and he pushes himself off the wall to lessen the distance between you. Your legs certainly achieve a quicker gait as you push past the swaying bodies and soon enough you're bombarded by firewhiskey, with an undercurrent of sweat and leather.
The second you’re close, Riddle lowers his cup on the desk, already having his explanations ready for the impending combat. "If you think I'm gonna let you take my freedom away again, you’re fucking crazy. I'm barely buzzed and I'm getting drunk, or high by the end of this night and there's nothing you-" But your fist is already digging into the softness of his button up shirt and your lips are open as you force them onto his.
Right there, in the open.
Mattheo is naturally stunned, possibly discombobulated.
Had he really gotten higher than he thought?
Did that fucking Hufflepuff make him a stepped on joint?
Frankly, he couldn't care less, and as the shock of it all wore down, and he could feel you begin to slip away, Mattheo slithers his battered hand around your waist and pulls you impossibly close. He smirks into the kiss, as he brings his hand up, fingers gliding across your collarbone, while the other hand lingers around your waist.
"What happened to your hand?" It is a question that threatens to burst the bubble established between the two of you. Why would you ask him this? Why would you bring him back to the events of earlier today when you were so prettily malleable in his hands right now?
"Matt..." You say, clouding your words with innuendo, which has him looking up at you with furrowed brows.
"Nott," Is all he says before he buries himself in the crook of your neck. His proximity awakens something animalistic inside of you, it pushes you to the depths of your lascivious desires and has you melting right there on the dance floor. All around you, fellow Slytherins continue to sway to the beat, letting the thrum of the enchanted muggle music speak for them. You throw your head back, gasping at the overwhelming need pooling in your core as Riddle begins to send reckless kisses down your collarbone, all while you imagine beating another guy silly. You blame your cycle. You blame your body. You blame every single hormone responsible for allowing you to emit such a wanton moan so openly in the very centre of a crowd.
"Who do I have to kill in order to get this reaction out of you everyday?" Mattheo is panting, with his hazel eyes dilated (whether from pleasure or substance, you might never know). Who do I have to curse in order to get you to be this slutty for me every single day?" His breathing is shallow and audible, even through all the noise. Mattheo's mind is foggy and the party guests are reduced to a memory. The only image he's able to conjure up is his lips between your wet folds - his tongue eager to find the source of your need while you moaned above him and kneaded your own breasts in a slutty haze.
"I need you, Mattheo," it was fucking infuriating to admit but the wetness has completely soaked through your underwear and a fresh scar is present in the corner of Mattheo's eye. There's a slight red smudge under his nose, and his knuckles are red and angry at the best of your neck, cradling your head close to his.
"Say that again-"
"What? No, I will not fucking-"
Mattheo's grip on your neck immediately unhooks and he detangles your limbs but before he ventures any furthers you're pulling him down to you and with your lips to Mattheo's greedy ears you angrily mutter, "I fucking need you. I need you really badly,"
He stares in your desperate, dark eyes with wonder and awe before letting your wrist be enclosed by his iron grip. Soon, you're being dragged through a Slytherin party with a boy adjusting the front lf his pants and barking orders at the drunken strangers to move before they fucking died.
Just as you succeed in cutting through the crowd a voice stops both of you in your tracks.
"I'm going to fucking kill you, Riddle," the voice booms from over the thumping bass of whatever muggle music was enchanted over the dungeon. Mattheo's gaze cuts away from you, but before he turns completely away, a slow Cheshire cat grin curls at the ends of his lips.
"That threat has grown so unimaginably tedious after years of overuse, Theo but I can't do this right now-" His sentence has already been cut short by an audible blow to his lower jaw. Theo Nott blocked your path towards the darkened hallway, leading to your dorm room and you're left wholly unsatisfied as Mattheo is sent barreling backwards. He lets go of your hand, stopping to wipe the wetness at the corners of his lips and checking to see if it's blood. It is. And something scratches inside of you.
The Prefect inside you wants to intervene but an even darker part of you tells you not to.
Theo is livid, and his wide chest rises and falls as he descends on Mattheo,
"Why the fuck am I being told by Draco of all people, that I can't play Keeper because I'm stuck in the hospital wing-"
"Theo, I really don't have the time for this-" Mattheo begins, but Theo cuts him short,
"Are you trying to steal my fucking place, Riddle?"
Mattheo's voice is leveled as he raises his fingers and says, "Okay, first off, yeah, I am. Obviously I'm trying to take your place. You're a shit Keeper and secondly, I've got somewhere to be," Theo's barreling towards Mattheo once more.
A silly, borderline maniacal smirk explodes on Riddle's face before he makes the shotgun decision to charge and lands a punch at Theo's jaw, allowing for the taller boy to stagger backwards. Your shoulders jump, and you flinch at the sickening sound as you watch with a wide gaze as Mattheo nurses his hurt hand. Theo is a raging bull, but Draco appears from the crowd, with a firm grip on Theo's shoulder. A stern, quiet reprimand.
At the exact same moment, Mattheo's hand finds yours and he smirks as he stalks past Nott, wiping away at his chin as he leads you towards your dorm.
The quietness within is almost jarring compared to the noise out there and as soon as the door closes, Mattheo's lips descend on your neck, "I know, I know," He sighs heavily, as he brings his hand up to your shoulder, "I’m sorry. I just hope I haven't ruined the vibe-"
"I want your fingers inside me, Riddle." He stills at your quiet command, and you leave him standing by the door as you pad over to your bed. "I don't know why, but I just need you, okay? And my own fingers aren't quite doing the trick and I keep thinking about how fucking crazy you are and-", You sigh as you sit at the foot of the bed. Lifting the skirt of your dress, Mattheo watches in the dimness of your room as you venture your fingers under your dress and hook them into your panties. He walks towards you, propelling the wings of the butterflies in your stomach.
All he says is, "Which hand?" He doesn't know why he asks, but he does and his voice is barely above a whisper as he hopes you pick the right answer. His cock twitches in his underwear at the thought of seeing his blood on your skin.
Mattheo stops in between your legs, causing the fabric of the dress to rise while a breeze drifts over your soaked pussy. You bend forward and reach for his bloodied hand.
"I want your fingers inside me,"
Mattheo's resolve immediately snaps and his hands grip tightly at your hips, pushing you backwards and exposing your wet core to him.
"You're fucking dripping through the sheets like a slut- you're a fucking slut,"
Excitement. It rushes through you like a wave of magma at the neediness in his own voice.
Matheo rushes to rid both of you of the excess fabric, casting Evansco, until all he can see is your warm, glistening skin.
"Oh my fuck-" Mattheo's voice cracks as he stares down at your aching cunt, his fingers almost instinctively rubbing over the wetness.
"Touch your breasts," He commands, "I wanna see you do it,"
Your eyes pierce into his dark ones as you bring a shaky hand up towards your puckered nipples. The smallest brush elicits a violent streak of pleasure which would have occupied your entire mind were it not for Mattheo's long fingers already stabbing into your dripping cunt.
"Fuck, you're so wet," He whines, unconsciously burying his hips into the sheets at the foot of your bed as he watches. He is utterly transfixed by his middle and ring finger disappearing into your cunt. Every time they sink deeper your mind gets filled with images of Riddle's unrest and violence. You're utterly wrecked with the thought of his bloodied fingers being inside you, touching the most private parts of you.
"Pick up the pace, Riddle,"
"Shut the fuck up," He mumbles as he takes his time in exploring the very depths of you. Your voice soars to higher octaves as you feel your first orgasm cresting quite literally against your will. How utterly embarrassing, to cum so quickly.
"You're fucking squeezing my fingers- fuck-" You're desperately humping at his hand, hoping your hips might achieve the feat of sinking his fingers further into you. "You're humping my hand so fucking well." His cock aches as he continues to grind it into the sheets, in tandem with your swollen cunt taking his fingers.
"Are you seriously going to cum so soon? Are you that desperate to get fucked-" Your cunt spasms around his fingers and you're moaning as you squeeze your sensitive breasts, already soaring to the heights of your orgasm. Your screams rival the music outside but Riddle never tells you to keep quiet, instead he watches with hungry eyes as your body melts into its orgasm.
"Look at what the fuck you've done," Mattheo's words have you slowly coming back to earth, but not quite... his voice is heavy with lust as you raise yourself by your elbows. Your stomach sinks as you watch Mattheo, he's frozen in front of you, with his head lowered and his gaze on his palm.
"I-I'm sorry-" Your sheets were soaked with your release, leaving a visible damp spot. You squirted everywhere.
"You're gonna do that on my cock," before you can comprehend your words Mattheo already has his cock positioned at your wet folds.
"I'm going to fucking cum inside you and you're going to take it, yeah?" The serious shadow in his darkened eyes hold no room for negotiation, you'd never seen Mattheo quite this serious because seriousness just didn't run in his bloodstream. However, he's utterly ruined by your neediness, needing to take advantage of your compliance before it slipped through his fingers.
"Oh my fuck- Mattheo!"He pulls your hips towards the edge of the bed and his cock forces itself through your folds, until Mattheo is quite literally fucking you with reckless abandon.
"Matt- I can't-'' You're still riding on the sensitivity of your previous high and you think Mattheo could be a little mindful of this but his goal, it seems, is to leave you overstimulated.
"You can," he mumbles, with his eyes squeezing shut before he quickly opens them, wanting to see every emotion flowing over your face.
"You're a slut but you're not a useless slut, are you?" You tits bounce with every movement of Mattheo's hips, and you're shaking your head despite the fog. Your cunt is squeezing the life out of his cock and you feel him pushing at a very sensitive part of you.
Your head is buried in the pillows as your back arches and you swallow him deeper.
Mattheo bends forward, his hips quickening into a needy, restless rut as his teeth sink into the skin around your nipples.
"FUCK-" The pain bleeds into pleasure which streams into your next orgasm. Riddle moans around your skin, suckling at your nipple while he fucked you like he is as touch starved as you are.
"I'm cumming, Matt-" The fact that you're still able to form words is a complete and utter mystery because, not a second later, you're exploding around his cock. A gushing, clear liquid rushes through you while your lips chant his name like a prayer.
"I'm going to fucking breed you, baby- oh fuck, you're so pretty squirting around my cock-" the cracks in his voice; the desperation laced on every word has him cumming inside you, pushing his hips with every spurt of warmth.
You're still shuddering when Mattheo slumps over you. You're both huffing and puffing and basking in each other's release with his cock still very much inside you. "You're getting a contraception potion from Madame Pomfrey tomorrow," you can do nothing except nod as your satisfaction settles.
"I'll come with you," He says.
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remusslove · 1 year
With feminization kink plsss
Can you make it longer? It would be awesome if you could!!
“Do you like it?” Mattheo asked quietly as you stared at his belly button piercing with fascination. “I fucking love it. look so beautiful princess” you said softly. Your fingers ghosting the metal heart pierced into his stomach.
He smiled at the nickname “look closer” he told you. You squinted seeing your initials on the side of the arrow. You smirked pulling him onto your lap.
He giggled as you dove in for a kiss him quickly following pursuit. “God I can’t with you sometimes you know that? Next thing I know your gonna get a Tramp stamp of my last name.” You teased putting both hands on his hips.
“That’s not a bad Idea” he said suggestively thinking about how cute it would be, whenever you fucked him. Your fingers would definitely trace the non- permanent tattoo.
His breath hitched as your hand made its way to his clothed sex. “Gotta get you more skirts hm?” You asked him with a shit eating grin.
He nodded suddenly feeling his eyes shut and closed and instinctively bucking his hips onto your hand.
“Uh uh uh” you tutted taking your hand out of his underwear and putting it back on his hips. “Why’d you stop?” He asked you curiously with a pout.
“We have to go to dinner baby, I know you haven’t ate anything today” he giggled placing a bunch of kisses on your face, his lipgloss residue left behind.
He gasped feeling his lips, pouting once again because all his lipgloss was now on your face.
You chuckled grabbing his signature lipgloss on the table and applying it for him. Only to have it smeared off on your face once again as he gave you another set of kisses.
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rafesslxt · 13 days
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Just you and Mattheo somewhere in Italy, visiting your brother Theodore.
When the two of you visit a pretty little lake, you get a little lost in the picnic. "Hmm you‘re my favorite snack, baby."
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slytherinslut0 · 8 months
Mattheo Riddle. | We Are Done
Info: Mattheo calls things off during a nasty fight where you were only expressing your concern for his safety, putting an end to your months-long complicated fling. When he inevitably gets hurt and finds himself in the hospital wing as a result of his recklessness, you pay him a little visit, eager to get your revenge.
Word count: 5k
Tags: 18+, SMUT, Toxic Behaviours, Sadism, Masochism, Intense Bloodplay, Restraint, Dom!Reader, Sub!Mattheo, Begging, PIV, Sexual Punishment, Praise Kink, Degradation Kink, Humiliation.
A/N: went all the way to the depths of hell for this one☠️
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The journey from the bustling opulence of the Great Hall to the clinical confines of the hospital wing unfolded like a protracted soul-search, nearly forty minutes of introspection that could have singlehandedly redefined the word regret.
A seething turmoil churned within, its intensity drawn solely from the arid kindling of memories involving your ex fling, Mattheo Riddle. Despite the passing week of newfound solitude, the inner maelstrom showed no fucking signs of abating.
The recollection of your fleeting intimate moments swarmed you, a ceaseless loop that played out in the theater of your mind--like an unresolved holodrama with seemingly no fucking end.
His imprint stained every fragment of your life; in the solitude of the shower, mental echoes followed the course of water, little rivers reminding you of the ones tracing intricate paths down his sculpted physique. Within the shared space of the common room, the mental tableau featured his fingers engaging in an intimate ballet, leaving the taste of his lips lingering in your mouth as they ever-so-dominantly stifled your lusty sounds.
And somehow, that wasn't even the worst of it. Oh, not even close. It was during the nocturnal realm that the memories unfolded their cruelest chapters.
In the shroud of night, it transcended beyond the mere visual replay of his figure dominating yours, or the sensory exploration of his hands traversing the curves of your body. It wasn't just the recollection of his teeth sinking into your neck that lingered. No, the intricacies of your mind wove a far, far more nuanced tapestry.
Nighttime summoned forth the vivid recollection of the encompassing warmth emanating from his broad chest, the haven discovered within the embrace of his strong arms, and the fragrant allure of his messy hair, intertwining with the visceral memories of each intimate encounter. His burning gaze that had seared into your consciousness was more than a mere look; it was an indelible mark, haunting the very core of your thoughts with the echoes of shared passion.
These were the nocturnal specters that besieged you behind closed lids, engaging in an unwelcome dance as you wrestled with the elusive embrace of sleep. These very memories, like a relentless blacksmith, stoked the inferno within, leaving behind the most acrid, bitter residue on your tongue--a taste of anguish and betrayal.
The haunting question echoed through the corridors of your thoughts: why had he subjected you to this intimate claiming, an emotional prison woven with shared intensity, only to abruptly extinguish it with the cold finality of three, sad little words.
"We are done."
And thus, even after the amount of passing time, all it took was a single sideways glance exchanged between Pansy and Draco during their spirited debate over impending assignments to inspire the catalyst for your abrupt departure. With a forceful clatter, you slammed down your fork and pushed up from the table, commencing a determined march into the unknown.
Their speculative gazes undoubtedly trailed your abrupt exit, but you paid no heed. The entire school was privy to the fact that you and Mattheo were done, seemingly officially this time--terminated by a colossal spat prior to one of his ludicrous nighttime escapades in the forbidden forest. Mattheo's hospitalization, a testament to the recklessness that marked him and his band of fools, left him nursing scratches, cuts, bruises, and a sizable gash on his lower abdomen.
Pansy's calls faded into the periphery as you strode away, your indifference resonating louder than any response could convey. The world around you blurred into inconsequential background noise, drowned out by the burgeoning tangle of spite that commandeered your thoughts. Initially relegated to the forefront, this resentment had now metastasized, occupying every crevice of your headspace.
The recollection of his outburst haunted you, a violent reaction triggered by your attempt to dissuade him from venturing into the forbidden forest. Advising caution, you found yourself confronted with accusations of control and a stifling of his fucking freedom. Hurtful words cascaded from his lips during that argument, culminating before he recklessly endangered himself in the perilous forest. All the moments of vulnerability you shared with him, surrendering yourself without reservation, only to be met with his callousness when you were simply trying to safeguard him.
And as the embers of revenge blazed within, so did the deafening roar for closure. The need to settle the score and the yearning for resolution thrived in the wake of an emotional maelstrom.
‘We are done’ felt insufficient—it couldn't conclude there. You wouldn't fucking allow it.
Approaching the hospital wing doors, a surprising fortitude replaced any expectation of your confidence wilting under the imposing pressure. Strangely, a heightened anger welled within you, as though Mattheo Riddle were the sun, each step forward intensifying the scorching heat enveloping you. With a decisive gesture, you flung the door open, your breath held in suspense as your eyes canvassed the beds. Yet, he remained conspicuously absent, amplifying the frenetic flutter in your heart into an unrestrained whirlwind.
"Miss? May I help you with something?"
You pivoted sharply, eyes ablaze, as if embers sparked from your gaze. "Mr. Riddle. Mattheo. Where is he?"
The nurse swallowed, brows furrowed in confusion, but she cautiously gestured toward the hall, taking a step forward. "We moved him into a private room yesterday. His father requested it. Third door to the left."
Your eyes rolled involuntarily as you turned away,  a silent commentary on the absurdity before you. Suppressing the impulse to scoff required a fucking Herculean effort--of course, his father would demand a private room for him. The bloody entitlement was as predictable as Mattheo's suffocating arrogance.
As your determined march neared its end, you found yourself standing before the designated door, caught in a tumult of fear and fury. Fingers trembled, folding in waves in a futile attempt to expel the excess energy coursing through your veins. This ritual had proved futile throughout the previous week, and it yielded no different results now. A frustrated exhale escaped through your nose as you charged through the doorway, propelled by a relentless surge of emotion.
Mattheo Riddle's vulnerability exceeded all expectations as he lay in his opulent private chamber. Shirtless, his body displayed a cruel artwork of black and blue hues, stretching beyond the healing gash on his abdomen. A chaotic tapestry of scratches adorned his shoulders, arms, neck, and the once flawless canvas of his face, now disrupted by a thin, blistering line over the bridge of his nose. A swallow lodged in your throat as you beheld him, a striking portrait of agony that rendered him almost unrecognizable.
"Why the hell are you here?" He stared at you, expression vacant. "Can't you comprehend simple instructions?"
With a cool, unwavering gaze, you shot back, "And miss the chance to witness your glorious downfall? Not a fucking chance, Riddle."
Mattheo clenched his jaw, exhaling sharply as he adjusted against the sheets. "You're insufferable."
You sneered, advancing with measured steps. "Coming from you, that's a compliment."
Advancing, you scrutinized his form, taking in the mosaic of fresh scars that adorned his skin. Arriving at the bedside, your gaze drifted downward, noting that beneath his waist, he was clad only in boxers. A scant, white sheet was the sole guardian of whatever remained of his dignity.
Mattheo's snarl reverberated in the room. "If you're here to extend your fucking pity, please, spare me."
A sharp retort escaped your lips, your eyes dancing with a hint of amusement. "Oh, I'm not offering pity...though you do present quite the pitiable fucking sight, I'll give you that."
"Then what the fuck do you want?" Mattheo's voice carried an edge, his eyes narrowing with impatience. “I told you, we are done.”
A pregnant pause filled the room as you let his question linger, a mental reel replaying the relentless week of torment he had unleashed upon you. Your gaze lingered on his tousled chocolate curls and once-enticing plush lips, forcing yourself to traverse the memories of months marked by a tumultuous dance between pain and pleasure. The realization hit like a sledgehammer--all those moments, the highs and lows, seemed to have led to an abyss of pure fucking nothingness.
A furrow etched your brow as you looked down at him. "It's unbelievable that I let myself get ensnared into feeling something for you."
"Your feelings were your own choice," he quipped, his head falling back with an air of indifference, eyes drifting to the ceiling. "Don't blame me for your poor judgment."
Your frown etched deeper lines on your face, the surge of anger unmistakable. "Regardless, you still manipulated me like a fucking puppet."
"Amusing how complaints disappeared when you were screaming for more every damn night," he retorted, lids fluttering with evident irritation. "Your anger's just a cover for the fact that you'll have to find a new playmate now...have fun chasing those highs, princess, but I promise you'll only end up disappointed."
Your jaw dropped in disbelief, gaze narrowing into a potent mix of anger and hurt. "You're a real fucking prick, you know that?"
Mattheo regarded you with eyes that seemed to hold nothing but emptiness. His silent response coaxed your hands to curl into tight fists, and your chin to tremble with the pressure of boiling blood. You hadn't come here for him to treat you like a mere specter, to act as if you were invisible, as if you were nothing--something you knew you had never been. And still weren't.
"Answer me," you hissed, your voice shaking with a blend of frustration and desperation.
He remained silent, his gaze an unyielding anchor in the stormy sea of your emotions. The void in his pupils became increasingly maddening, an inscrutable abyss that left you grappling with the uncertainty of what the fuck he was even thinking right now.
"Answer me, Riddle." Your demand sliced through the air, a fervent plea for any sign of acknowledgment.
But he remained stubbornly mute.
Your chest surged with frustration, the world momentarily blurring in your escalating anger. "Say something, damn it!"
It was only when the sting of his skin met the back of your hand, and red streaks of blood marked your knuckles, that you realized you had slapped him, reopening the scab on his cheek. Yet, that wasn't the shocking part--though it certainly played a role--what truly stunned you was the quiet, wanton moan that escaped Mattheo's lips, his lids fluttering while his body tensed against the bed. In awe, you gulped.
And then, a peculiar, wicked force stirred within, a voracious entity feeding on the months of torment he had subjected you to. Something that hungered for more.
So, succumbing to its dark allure, you withdrew your hand and unleashed another sharp, resounding slap across his cheek. Blood painted his face, and Mattheo groaned, fingers clutching at the sheets as his hips thrust into the air, his arousal blatantly revealed beneath the fabric. Spellbound, you observed as he collapsed back onto the mattress, his eyes fluttering open, holding a gaze that teetered between vulnerability and desperation.
Between the conflicted expression in his eyes and the pulsating bulge between his legs, the sinister impulse within you deepened, intertwining with a more primal sensation. One unmistakably identified as pure, unbridled lust.
"You fucking like that, don't you?" You breathed, your lips twisting into a sadistic grin.
"Are you trying to hurt me, princess?" Mattheo's intense gaze focused on you, alternating between his increasing arousal and your exasperated expressions. "You'll have to put in more fucking effort than that..."
"Hm." You hummed, grin widening. "If you insist."
You locked on to Mattheo's gaze, feeling empowered by the way his normally stoic expression was now clouded with a burning need. With a coy smile, you swung your knee onto the hospital bed, letting your skirt ride up around your hips and exposing your panties. His brown eyes lingered between your legs, and you could feel the heat of his gaze against your skin as you climbed over him, straddling his strong thighs. He tensed as his eager cock twitched beneath you, silently begging for more.
The power dynamic between you had shifted so drastically in this moment. Mattheo Riddle, famed for his cunning and ruthlessness, was now completely at your fucking mercy. It was an intoxicating feeling, knowing that you had the power to make him feel truly vulnerable.
"So weak," you spat, a wicked grin spreading across your face as you dipped your hips just enough to skim the head of his cock. The sight of his full-body convulsion was mesmerizing, and the shaky breath that left his lips told you everything you needed to know.
You could tell he was still in pain, but there was something else there too--desperation.
"Poor boy," you murmured, running your fingers down the curves of your own figure, taking pleasure in the sensation of your own heat as you slipped your hand between your thighs, caressing yourself. "This is what you want, isn't it?"
Mattheo's eyes fluttered closed, his mouth falling open in a low groan. It was clear he was entranced by the sight of you touching yourself, and the way your words dripped with sinful seduction only added to his lust.
"Yes," he gritted out through clenched teeth, his hips bucking up to meet yours. "This is what I want."
"Look at you...so fucking needy..." you clucked your tongue and chuckled, extending out your free hand and running it along the wounded flesh of his chest, digging in with a little more force than you'd intended, judging by the groan that left his lips and the blood that split through the scab. "You're such a pathetic mess, Matty...it's almost too easy to control you like this..."
"Go to hell." His jaw tightened, a vein throbbing in his temple as he recognized the truth in your words. "You don't control fuck all."
"Oh, is that right?" you snarled, leaning forward and pushing your hands into his stomach, pressing down on his wound with added force, now. His face twisted in pain, and he let out a strained grunt. "How about now?"
Your heart was thundering with adrenaline, and while you had undoubtedly expected him to be furious at you for causing him harm, as he met your gaze, you saw something else entirely. There was a desperate need in his eyes, a yearning for more of the pain and pleasure that only you could provide. His lips were parted, his breaths coming in short gasps as he struggled to contain the sensations coursing through him. Despite the pain, there was a sense of longing that tugged at your heartstrings, filling you with a powerful desire for more of this intoxicating mixture.
"More," he whispered, his voice low and husky with need, barely above a breath. "Do it again."
"Oh, I don't fucking think so..." you sneered, your cunt clenching involuntarily at his request. But you were determined to make this man suffer. To humiliate him just as bad as he'd humiliated you, time and time again. "If you want something, you’ll have to ask for it nicely…I want to hear you beg for me."
Mattheo grunted again, bucking his hips, trying to grind back despite the pain of his injuries. Finding that impossible, his hands went to your waist, gliding up and down your thighs as he attempted to move you faster along his member, craning his head forward to get a better view. You scowled and smacked him away.
"I don't recall extending an invitation for your touch," you asserted, a glacial edge to your voice. "Why would I want your hands on me? After everything you've fucking done?"
His fingers balled into fists, exhaling when his head fell back against the pillow. You could feel him aching below you, already entirely fucking anxious to get inside of you. But then, he was still, hungry eyes trained on yours as he waited for your prompt.
"That's better," you purred, and found the next words coming out before you'd even thought them. "Good boy."
Your hips moved sinuously against his, a deliberate motion that left him breathless, his fists tensing against the desire to seize hold of your flesh. The surge of power was intoxicating, a heady blend with the fervor of your overwhelming desire and simmering rage. More than ever, your yearning for him to suffer consumed you. With a wicked grin, you lifted your hand to your lips, sensually running your tongue along the length of your crimson-stained fingers, sucking off the remnants of his blood. The sharp note of copper lit up your palate, sending a delightful shiver through your being.
"Mmm...you taste so good." You met his gaze between the long licks of your digits, his taste coating your mouth. "Wanna try?"
Mattheo remained silent, his gaze tracing the movement of your tongue as he moistened his lower lip. You enveloped one of your fingers with your lips, emitting a soft hum as you sensually cleaned it, gliding it in and out with deliberate slowness. Finally, you withdrew it with a wet pop, eyes rolling in dramatic effect.
Mattheo's jaw constricted, the sinews in his forearms taut from the tension in his fists. "Please..."
But you, unfazed, dipped your fingers back into the trail of blood leaking from his gash, adorning your skin with a bold red hue before returning them to your mouth.
"Mm, not good enough, I’m afraid..." you murmured, eyes twinkling with sadistic satisfaction. "You'll have to do much better than that, big boy..."
A growl echoed in Mattheo's throat while he gripped your thighs, pushing you down onto his swollen cock. His own hips thrust up against you, seeking any friction, any pressure at all from your heat. Frowning, you slapped his hand--and to your amazement, he pulled back, averting his gaze.
"These hands of yours are growing quite fucking insolent," you observed with a sly smile. "It's high time we addressed their rude misbehaviour."
A sinister grin etched across your lips as you shifted, smoothly extracting your wand from its thigh strap. With a deft flick, you summoned restraints, securing Mattheo's wrists to the metal headboard. His lips parted, eyes smouldering with desire, pulsating beneath you as the tightness closed around his wrists. Once finished, another few flicks ensured the door was locked, and the room was cloaked in a silencing charm.
"Much better," you said, tossing your wand aside. The gleam in your eye was almost maniacal as you reveled in the exquisite agony you were causing him, feeling a sense of power and control that you had never experienced before. "How's that feel, hm? Ready to utter those pleas for me, Riddle?"
"You're going to regret this, little witch..."  he spat out through gritted teeth, his gaze locked onto yours. "Nothing you could do to me is worse than the fate that awaits you when I get out of here…your days are fucking numbered."
Involuntarily, you clenched at his threat, a sly smirk playing on your lips as you dipped your fingers back into the pool of blood emanating from his wound--and with a decisive move, you seized his jaw with your free hand, thrusting your bloodied fingers past his teeth before he could voice a protest.
"Now isn't the time for your futile threats, Mattheo," you husked, tilting your head. Your fingers pushed forcefully into his throat, emphasizing your point. "Look how fucking pathetic you are...if only your friends could see you now...big tough guy, bound and gagged by his own bitch…it’s beautiful, really."
Abruptly, you withdrew your fingers, leaning back to assess your handiwork. His wrists were securely bound, a vivid red imprint gracing his skin, while his mouth shimmered with the subtle traces of his own blood. It was a tableau of perfection--humiliating yet exquisitely so. The image of him squirming against the taut restraints, his chest rising and falling with each desperate breath, compelled your hand between your legs. Sliding up your skirt, you explored through the delicate lace of your panties, skimming eagerly over your clit.
"Fuck," you murmured, glimpsing his mouth, “you look perfect like this."
This was retribution, and as you teased yourself while admiring the pathetic sight of him, thoughts buzzed with the torment he'd inflicted--the scalding intensity of his erratic behavior, the icy indifference he wielded, treating you with disdain, unfounded accusations of infidelity, and the frigid distance he maintained. The searing resentment flared as you recollected the havoc he'd wreaked upon your life.
It was months of emotional manipulation. A pattern that was impossible to acclimate to. His cycle of hot and cold, the relentless mistreatment, the baseless accusations, and the moments of aloofness, all preceding his inevitable return, pleading for your affection--this was the culmination of his deeds. More than anything, this was the reckoning he deserved.
"Come on, princess..." he muttered, eyes wide and pleading. "For Godrics sake, please...fucking please..."
A grin creeped across your lips, your heart leaping with excitement. You'd finally fucking broke him.
"There we go, Matty...that wasn't so hard, was it?" You purred, inching backwards along the length of his thighs, reaching out to pull the cover from his waist in an excruciatingly slow fashion, exposing his black briefs. "I love hearing you beg for me...you're being such a good boy..."
Mattheo's response came in the form of an exaggerated huff, and his eyes locked onto yours, silently pleading for your touch to alleviate the burning desire between his legs. Your grin expanded, reveling in the palpable tension.
"You want me to fuck you, Matty? Do you think you fucking deserve that?" You cooed as you caressed his erection through the fabric, glaring at him while he jerked and shook from your touch. It was incredible, watching him trying to thrust into your fist, whimpering, head lolling while you sped your ministrations. "Do you think you fucking deserve me?"
His groan reverberated, his body twitching beneath the firm clasp of your fingers. His lids fluttered, and his head arched back in a nearly imperceptible shake of denial.
"You never fucking deserved me, did you?" Your frustration at his silence echoed in the air as you delivered a sharp crack across his face, prompting a gasp from him. "Fucking answer me, Mattheo!"
"No!" he finally hissed, his knuckles whitening as his entire frame tensed. "Fuck! No! I didn’t…”
"That's right, you didn't…” you laughed, shaking your head. The sinful delight coursing through you at his torment was undeniable. "At least you can finally fucking admit it...a tiny step towards what might pass as progress, I suppose."
As Mattheo huffed, not daring to meet your eyes, you sighed, finally feeling as though some of your anger had dissipated. Not by much, but by enough. Granting him the smallest percentage of mercy, you wrapped your fingers around the waistband of his boxers, freeing his needy, throbbing cock--the length of his smooth heat springing back and slapping against his belly, a low groan leaving the depths of his throat as it did.
You clenched at the sight, the pool of heat in your abdomen expanding throughout your entire body now, your mouth practically watering at the mere vision of him. Just when you thought this whole thing couldn't get anymore perfect. Gods, he was undeniably fucking delicious.
"Tell me what you want, Mattheo..." you said, wrapping your fingers around his cock, slicking the bead of precum around the head, twisting your wrist as you stroked him. "Tell me what you need."
His eyelids pressed together in bliss as he panted, the rhythmic movement of his throat visible with each swallow. In the throes of pleasure, he surrendered himself to the intensity of your touch, the heat enveloping him in a cocoon of sensation.
"You..." was his only reply, head snapping back and forth, thighs tensing, cock twitching. "Please-fuck-"
"You like that?" you purred, biting your lip. "You like when I jerk your cock like this? Hm?"
Mattheo's jaw was slack with desire, his voice laced with breathy need, "yes..."
"Yeah?" You purred, tightening your grip, increasing your pace as you stroked him, leaning down slightly to spit on the tip, slicking your saliva along his shaft. "Who else could make you beg, huh? Who the fuck else can make you this fucking hard?"
"Fuck-" he choked, chest rising and falling in shallow bursts, you could tell he was close. "No one-princess-fucking no one..."
"Mhm...that's fucking right, Riddle..." smiling, you threw your head back, your other hand resuming its motion on your clit, teasing yourself as you continued stroking him. "You know you can't fucking live without this...I don't know why you have to make things so goddamn complicated..."
"Fuck," he hissed, sputtering your name, "please, fuck me, please. I fucking need you."
"Shit...you're just spoiling me now," you mewled, your pussy clenching undoubtedly at his words. "Such a good boy...so eager to please me, hm?"
Mattheo released a long, exasperated sigh as you released him, shifting yourself closer. With a swift motion, you shimmied your panties to the side before you aligned his cock with your dripping core--the moan that escaped your throat was deep and lengthy as you sank onto him, feeling every inch of his hard, aching cock stretching you wide, filling you up with ease. Mattheo's body lifted from the bed in response, a sound somewhere between a sob and a scream escaping his chest as you enveloped him to the hilt. Leaning forward, you placed your palms on his stomach, shifting your weight to the heels of your hands as you began to slide up and down his shaft.
"Fuck," you breathed, lids fluttering. "I missed this cock...shit, you feel so good..."
Mattheo's only response was a string of shameless, guttural moans, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he surrendered to the potent mix of pleasure and pain. His body writhed beneath yours, his abdominals tightening in response to your movements. You panted heavily, bouncing up and down on his cock, taking pleasure in every inch of him slamming deep into your wet, eager pussy.
With each movement, you drove Mattheo wild with desire, listening to his moans grow louder and more intense with each passing moment.
Having control was entirely different--you were able to drag him into you, squeeze him tight with your walls while you slowed your pace, slam down onto him and make him howl. You watched him struggle below you, realizing he was trapped at his peak--and you were happy about it. This. This was close to what he deserved.
"I fucking hate you," you growled, the depth of your emotion evident in every word. "You embedded yourself into every part of my life and now you want to just fucking end things? Just go back to being fucking strangers? Over nothing?" Your voice cracked, the words flowing from your lips without restraint as you continued to ride him, hips moving in an untamed rhythm. "Why do you always fucking do this to me? Fuck-why?..."
Between his deep groans, his shuddering gasps as his wrists fighting their resistance, he managed to shake his head, his noises only growing louder the harder your rode him.
"I...I'm..." the words were forced through barred teeth, his eyes pleading for mercy. "I'm fucking sorry."
"Are you mine, Mattheo?" Your voice was strained with exertion, sweat growing on your forehead. "Were you ever fucking mine? Or was it all just a big game to you?"
"No,” he stammered, almost wincing. "No!"
Unable to resist the intense sensations coursing through you any longer, you brought your fingers back to your clit, setting a frenzied pace as you massaged the stiff nub with the pads of your fingers. You could feel Mattheo pulsing inside you, could feel his overly urgent need to cum, but right now, all that mattered was your own pleasure. As you worked yourself toward climax, your breaths grew ragged, soft moans escaping your lips as your body responded to your own touch. The pressure inside of you was building with each passing moment, urgent and insistent, and you knew that you wouldn't be able to hold off for much longer.
"Say it," you panted, eyes rolling and body trembling as you slammed down on him again and again. "Tell me who you fucking belong to."
"Fuck-fuck..." he grunted, teeth bared, eyes squeezed shut in concentration. "Please, princess...you keep squeezing me like that and I'm going to fucking cum-"
"If you want to cum, you'll fucking say it, Mattheo-" you practically moaned, entire body quivering with excitement. "Fuck-say it..."
A string of whimpers slipped past Mattheo's lips, his fists balled so tight it looked almost painful. "Fuck--you! I'm yours, fuck..."
Every word leaving you was a curse, and between every word was a strangled moan, resonating through your throat as you worked your clit fasting, fucking yourself on his cock harder.
"Gods, Matty, I'm going to cum," you moaned. "I'm going to cum on this thick fucking cock-fuck..."
Without being able to hold off any longer, you shattered, your hips jerking and twitching in an erratic rhythm, free hand digging into the flesh of his chest as you clenched and pulsed around him, forcing another onslaught of pleasured whimpers to leave his throat before he too reached his high--the tight heat of your orgasm sending him over the edge, twitching and thrashing beneath you as you continued riding him through your collective highs, not beginning to slow until the aftershocks began to rumble through you.
And after you stalled, you allowed yourself a moment to regain composure before you wearily eased yourself off him, releasing a prolonged breath--with a cautious movement, you reached over and gathered a sampling of your intertwined cum on the pads of your fingers, briskly bringing them up to his lips.
"Taste what I did to you," you murmured with a smirk, relishing in his groan against your flesh. Methodically, you glided your fingers against his bottom teeth, leisurely pulling them from his mouth. "Tastes good, doesn't it?"
His breaths lingered in the air, an unspoken acknowledgment of his silence, his eyes seemingly unable to leave your form. With deliberate movements, you leaned over, deftly undoing the restraints that bound him. As you meticulously adjusted your appearance back to its usual state, a mask of calm control, your gaze shifted towards the door, a calculated glance.
"May your recovery be swift, Riddle," you uttered with a tone that held a hint of farewell. "Until next time."
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bettymylove · 8 months
bad boy, good boy
pairing: mattheo riddle x theo nott x gn! reader
content: mattheo and theo are subs. 18+ based on this ask
a/n: this is the first time I'm writing sub!male and gn! reader. please give me tips on how to improve.
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mattheo had been downright disrespectful towards you this whole week, and you had decided a way of getting revenge.
of course you loved both of your boys, but you needed to teach him a lesson. so, after dinner you had leapt on theo kissing him as harshly as you can and he melted right away.
plan was working so far.
"I need you as well, darling" mattheo all but whined, and you swatted the hand that crept up around your neck to pull you back.
"bratty boys don't get my attention" you had answered and had made sure to add a smirk to tip him off more.
theo had started kissing your neck, pulling out a few moans and you had reached your hand downwards where he needed you the most.
mattheo sat watching all this, from the chair in the corner of the room.
palming theo's cock still in his pants, "who does this cock belong to?" you had asked a question all three of you knew the answer to.
"you, it's all for you" he had said in between deep moans and heavy grunts, about to come in his pants and he did just a few moments after.
you had beelined your way to the chair mattheo was sitting on a grympy look on his face, "since you behaved like a good boy, you get a reward."
you had jumped on his lap grinding on his already hard cock,"do you want, what i just did to theo?" and he just nodded in response
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angelfrombeneth · 4 months
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Mature and Possibly Triggering Content Ahead
Mattheo Riddle x F!Reader
Summary: You and your bestfriend of 13 years have a bit of a spat, that turns into her being a shit friend. So you also return the favour.
Warnings: SMUT, Implied Cheating, Slight mention of violence, Your bestfriend is a shitty friend, You do something shitty, Dom!Mattheo, Sub!Reader, Not been proofread - expect slightly grammar errors.
A/N: Thought I'd switch it up with Theo and do a Mattheo short. This is just a random draft. It's not one of my best works but I wanted to put something out cuz it had been a while. I've been super busy w my studies so I haven't had time to finish my other fics or any asks. So please accept this for now 🫶
"Hey Erica!" You smiled as you skipped up to your friend. Erica had been your best friend for 13 years. Your mother's were best friends before your mum passed, you grew up together and stuck by eachother no matter what. Even when you both got sorted into two different houses; she got Slytherin and you got Hufflepuff. Despite all odds, you both at in 6th year still going strong.
Erica turned to look at you, her eyebrow quirked. "What?"
You stood before her, confused with her attitude. "I thought we could go hangout in the pavilion together?"
She turned to her group of Slytherin friends and snickered slightly, bidding them goodbye before looking at you. "Sure, Where's Cedric?" You looked at her weirdly while you both walked towards the pavilion.
"I'm not sure, why'd you ask?"
"No reason, just suprised your both always at eachothers hip, it's weird he's not"
"Your right.. I should ask him-"
"No!" She cut you off. "Its ok, ill ask him for you, maybe he won't tell you the real reason"
"Thanks Erica" You smiled. The pair of you sat in the pavilion and gossiped about many different things.
You spotted Pansy across the pavilion waving you over to her and her friends. "Hey, I'm going to see Pansy, ill see you later?" You stand.
"Her? You're friends with her" Erica scoffed, her arms crossed over her chest.
"Whats wrong with Pansy?"
"Everything, she's just a fucking whore. All those guys she's friends with she probably sleeps with them all she's a wh-"
"Erica stop it. I don't know what your deal is... Pansy is nice to me ok? Just drop it" You looked at her weirdly from her behaviour.
"Your right, I'm sorry. I'll go speak to Cedric now for you" She smiled before rushing off.
You shrugged it off and walked over to Pansy smiling.
"Y/N!" She cheered as you sat down next to her. "We were just talking about how cute you and Cedric are, 3 months now right?" Pansy smiled at you.
"Yeah, it's going great, im really happy actually"
"Thats so good, Although we always thought you'd end up with a Slytherin boy" Astoria snickered.
"Really? Who, I don't even really talk to many of the guys" You quirked.
"Probably Theo, he's the gentleman out of them all, the best choice other than my Blaise" Daphne smiled.
You smiled at her, Her and Blaise had been together since 2nd year. They were like the powerhouse couple of Hogwarts, perfect in every way.
"Pans, did you and Erica have an argument she seems to have a strong.. hatred for you" You looked to the girl beside you.
Pansy looked up at Daphne and Astoria and laughed slightly before taking your hand. "I never did anything to her, she's just jealous I'm friends with the guys. She keeps implying I'm 'fucking them all' but I'm literally gay" Pansy snickered.
"Thats literally what I thought, I thought everyone knew?"
"Everyone does, Erica is just fucking stupid" Tori scoffed, crossing her legs over eachother.
"Tori-" Daphne glared to her.
"Besides its because her and Mattheo have this thing or whatever, and me and him are close" She shrugged.
"Mattheo? As in Mattheo Riddle?" You raised your eyebrow.
"Yeah- Why?" They all looked at you weirdly.
"Isn't his dad like.. You-know-who?" You whispered.
They all laughed at you softly. Pansy patting you on the back.
"You're so sweet and innocent" Astoria cooed.
A loud bell chimed around the whole castle you all stood up.
"Fuck, I have potions" Astoria groaned.
"You'll live" Daphne laughed at her.
"See you around Y/N!" She smiled to you as you all parted ways.
You sighed as you walked into the castle.
Over the next few weeks you hung out more with Pansy, Daphne and Astoria. Everytime you'd hang out with Erica she'd ice you out or something. You also notice Cedric just get more and more bored with your presence which just didn't make you feel any better. You had wondered what Erica and Mattheo were considering she never once mentioned him to you. At all.
You sighed, as you stared down at your tea leaves, poking at them with your wand.
You felt a gush of wind beside you as someone sat in the always vacant seat.
"I know this seat isn't taken, so I will be sitting here" You heard. You looked up to see Mattheo, smiling down at you.
"I take notice when my favourite girls start hanging out with another person, which means you must be a goodie" He smiled at you. "Y/N, right?"
You nodded smiling. "I didn't realise you all were so close"
"We are like a second family, since our actual ones are pretty shitty" He snickered.
Over the following weeks you had grown close to all the Slytherins, hanging our with them all. Occasionally Cedric would come over but he wasn't that interested which just irked you. He had apologised for his lack of presence that made you feel a bit better.
You and Mattheo had become quite close, to him he was quite fond of you. Found you very cute. Erica didn't like your friendship with Mattheo all of a sudden and this was the brunt of most of your arguments. You always apologised then backed away from the group for a day or so, but it was just like a forever cycle.
You had discovered, Mattheo and Erica were dating but you were confused as to why she hadn't told you but you didn't want to take it to heart, there must've been a reason.
After class, you walked down the halls, students rushing quickly to make it to their next class, as you walked down towards the Hufflepuff entrance you noticed all the Slytherin boys all hanging in the kitchen.
"Feeding time at the zoo again?" You snickered. The boys all turned staring at you like deers caught in headlights. This wasn't the first time you'd come across them in the kitchen. You had grown close with the Slytherin boys recently, but you had grown to know them more for you sort exchanges everytime you see them feasting away.
"Fuck- Y/N you scared us. I thought you were a fucking teacher" Blaise sighed.
"Why are you guys always here on my free" You quirked your brow.
"We just wanna see you so bad!" Enzo whined as you chuckled.
"Where you off to in a rush anyway" Draco licked his finger from the pie covering it.
"M' meeting Cedric in the common room. I'll see you guys later" You smiled to them before walking a bit away from the kitchen and entering the Hufflepuff commonroom.
If you could go back to 2 minutes ago when you were laughing at the boys stuffing their face with pie. You would.
As you rounded the corner towards the opening of the commonroom to froze, hearing giggles and.. moaning? What freak would fuck in the common room, you scoffed. What you didn't expect was who. You decided to just ignore the sounds and quickly pass up to Cedrics dorm when you caught a glimpse of an oh so familiar green gem clawclip thrown across the floor.
"Erica?" You raised your eyebrow as you stared at the couch.
You watched as Erica sat up, disheaved hair and messy makeup before the other person sat up to. That person being... Cedric.
"Cedric- Erica what the fuck??" You shouted at them both.
"Y/N- He threw himself at me, I swear. We were just talming and-" She gasped, standing up and changing herself.
"What No??- It's not what it looks like- She"
"SHUT UP!" you screamed. "I'm not going to sit here and listen to your stupid excuses. You didn't slip and fall into her Cedric be fucking for real" You scoffed at him, storming up to him and slapping him across the face. Your voice cracked as you yelled and turned on your heels and ran from the common room.
"Y/N WAIT!-" Cedric yelled.
As you rounded the last bend the last thing you heard- "Wellthat was easy, see you later Cedric" Erica cackled.
You thought she was your friend, best friend forever. She was a fucking liar. A disgusting whorey liar. You sobbed as you ran from the commonroom towards the stairs. You ran past the kitchen, the slytherin boys noticing you running. You didn't stop, you had to go to Pansy. You knew she had a free and she was in her dorm. So you ran there.
Third POV:
"Was that Y/N?" Enzo poked his head out of the kitchen confused by your rushed nature.
"She was crying- I hope she's OK.." Theo hit his lip slightly nervous for you.
"She's fine, probably stubbed her toe or something" Draco snickered.
Mattheo and the boys decided to ignore the fact Y/N ran past crying and it probably wasn't any of your issues. That was until he noticed two people sneak past the kitchen.
"Who was that?" Enzo questioned.
"No clue" Mattheo shrugged.
Your POV:
The next few days you spend sobbing and skipping classes. Astoria, Pansy and Daphne took turns looking after you as you wailed in their arms. Not only had your friend relationship fucked up. He cheated on you and with your 'best friend'.
When you told the girls they were pissed. You practically had to talk Astoria out of certain violent consequences. They stayed with you and comforted you for ages. The first few days were crucial.
You had recieved owls from Erica, explanation in her own fucked up words how the situation wasn't at all what she thought it was and how it was just a huge misunderstanding. You couldn't help but scoff at her bullshit.
Three weeks had passed since everything you left Pansys after a few days and stayed boarded up in your room for an additional 2 weeks. No one came in and no one came out. The girls were concerned for you but understood you needed time.
News travelled that you and Cedric broke up but nothing about Erica being a home wrecker. When you finally left your pit after nearly 4 weeks you had seen significant changes. You were quite pale due to lack of sun and nutrients - you didn't look sick you just looked tired. People noticed and just felt.. bad for you. What really set you over the edge is in these 4 weeks not only had Erica homewrecked your relationship- she had clung to the people you had become to get comfortable with.
This was the second time Erica had done this to you. In 3rd Year you had started dated Adrian Pucey when she swooped in and was making out with him. She had told you he threw himself at her and she was so sorry she didn't mean to hurt you and you fucking believed her. Now this was just proof she was a bitch and she expected you to just forgive her which is what you'd do, but you had to come up with a plan.
You walked down towards the Slytherin common room, and up towards Erica's dorm. Erica only had one other dormmate but she was in the hospital wing currently due to a mishap in potions.
You knocked on the door and the door swung open to reveal Erica. A sickening smile spread across her lips as she let you in.
"Oh Y/N- I'm so glad your here. I need to explain everything to you" She wore a fake pout as she hugged you before pulling away.
She was rushing around her room fixing her hair and doing her makeup as she spoke to you. You sat on her bed.
"I was talking to Cedric, about what I said when he threatened me. He was saying about how he'd hurt you and how he'd do horrible things to you if I didn't sleep with him Y/N"
Really. Does she really think you'd believe this. You had to try your best not to laugh.
"Erica that is so horrible- I know you didn't mean to- You'd never do anything to hurt me" You smiled.
"Exactly!" She turned to look at you smiling. "He was a terrible boyfriend Y/N you can do so much better- Look stay here. I'll be back, I have to go see Mattheo in the hospital wing but I'll be back soon. Then we can have a girlie night" She smiled again. That fame smile was irking you.
"Of course" You smiled as she rushed out of the door leaving you. How stupid was she to think you'd believe her bullshit lies. You peered around the room, groaning. Why did she get to keep a boyfriend after all of this.
Speak of the devil, the door swung open to reveal Mattheo, leaning against the door frame as he quizzically looked at you.
"Y/N? Where'd Erica?" He asked.
"Mattheo? She said she went to the hospital wing for you-"
Mattheo rolled his eyes scoffing. "I came here to break up with that cheating slut and she's gone to cheat. How ironic" He laughed, venom lacing his tone. "I know your friends but seriously you can do b-"
"Actually we aren't friends" You cut him off. "I was here to listen to her bullshit excuses on why she fucked my boyfriend" You scoffed.
"Cedric too?" Mattheo scoffed. "I don't get it, I was actually a good boyfriend to her, for once I wasn't the asshole" He laughed mockingly.
Mattheo sat next to you on Erica's bed as the pair of you sighed. It was quite for a moment before you spoke.
"Maybe she needs a taste of her own medicine.." You peered to Mattheo, who was now smirking.
"A dark streak for a little hufflepuff like you? Do go on" He bit his lip as he stared down at you. Now you look at it, Mattheo was twice the size of you.
"Maybe we could.. you know" You looked down.
"I'm a changed man Y/N- but fuck, my old ways would always come back for you" He smirked, referring to his last two years of THE player and heartbreaker of Hogwarts.
Before you could reply you heard a soft chuckle before Mattheo's hands are instantly all over you. He kisses you softly but needingly. The way his lips move against yours as his hands grab at the plush of your thigh.
You could almost laugh at his neediness but it turned you on even more. You climbed onto his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck as you pull him closer, needing more. Your tongues dancing upon eachother as you grinded down against his growing bulge. The softly moans he'd release into your mouth were enough to have you moaning.
You broke away shortly as the pair of you quickly stripped down to your underwear. You stood up, throwing your jumper and shirt off as you shimmied out of your skirt. Mattheo kicked off his trousers, throwing his jumper and shirt across the room just in time to catch you as he jumped onto him again. A light chuckle leaving his mouth as the pair of you sat pratically skin to skin.
"God you are so fucking hot" He smirked, biting his lip as you sat back down on his lap, as he sat at the end of the bed.
He watched as you, pulled your panties off, dropping them beside the end of the bed as you yanked at his boxers. Smirking as his cock sprung out and hit his stomach.
"So big, and you were all hers?" You smirked, pecking his lips softly as you pulled yourself closer, instantly sinking down on his length as you yelped at the size. His grip, harsh on you as his fingers dug into your hips,his eyes slightly rolling at the sensation.
"Fuck-" You sighed out as you wiggled down on him, reaching back to unclasp your bra and tossing it aside, before pulling him closer and smashing your lips onto his yet against as you grinded down against him.
You gasped, as he gripped your waist, thrusting up into you as he sat on the edge of the bed. "Dont be a bitch Y/N" He smirked against your mouth as your tongues tied to one another as your hands roamed all over. His hands reached to your ass, squeezing, gripping and slapping the flesh as much as he could as your hips buckled against his, his cock burying itself deeper inside of you.
"mm.. J-just like that" You sighed, reading your head against his shoulder as you rocked your hips back and forth against his, sighing at the sensation.
He couldn't handle it much longer as he threw you down against the bed, giving you time to get on all fours as he kicked off his boxers as he gripped your hips and began to piston into you. Your back arched as you gripped the sheets, your teeth sunk into the duvet as you whined into the cotton. You could practically hear his filthy smirk as you whined. His hands aggressively gripping at your love handles as he bounced against you, pulling you back harshly with each thrusted rebound. The way your skin slapped loudly against his as it collided. The way your ass, bounced against his thrusts sent him over the edge.
With each thrust, his hand would grasp at the flesh of your ass, squeezing it or slapping it as you whined down into the mattress. A filthy smirk spread across his face.
"Oh fuck!-" You gasped as you whined, eyes rolling back slightly as you gripped at the sheets.
"Good girl- Good fucking girl.. Taking it so well" He growled from behind. His voice just made you even wetter, the whole situation had your stomach in knots.
He continued on your ass as you gasped for air, his hand yanking at your hair, collecting it into a messy ponytail as he yanked you up and back against his chest. His free arm snaked around your waist, pushed down against your lower stomach, intensifying each thrust as you could feel the pressure of his arm. You whined out loudly, gasping at the sensation as he took the chance to let go of your hair and wrap a hand around your neck.
You gazed to the side to look at Mattheo, as he smirked, before kissing you roughly. His tongue instantly sliding into your mouth as you sighed into the kiss. Toying with his tongue as his cock made at home inside your walls. The way he thrusted in and out like he owned it had you on the edge.
You broke away momentary, gasping for air as he pulled away completely. The emptiness between your legs prominent as you whined, falling forward but catching yourself, moving to lay on your back against the bed, looking up at him.
"Miss me already" He laughed, sweat dripping down his body as he stared at you smirking, as he climbed ontop of you, kissing down your neck, sucking softly at the skin.
"Fuck- How can I not, when you look like that" You chuckled, running your hands up and down his naked body. You couldn't help but let your hand linger over his stomach, as your fingers dipped between the crevasses of his chiselled chest.
"You're bad, fucking your bestfriends boyfriend" He smirked, biting his lip as he hovered over the top of you, his hand pumping his cock as he stared down at you.
"She did it first, I'm just returning the favour" You smirked, pulling his neck as you pulled him into a kiss. You could feel Mattheo smirked against you as he lined up yet against to thrusts into you. His forehead against yours as he smirked down at you.
"You are so cute, shame it took this to see your dark side" He laughed as his thumb caressed your cheek softly, pecking your lips as he slowly slid back into you. You gasped, arching your back, as your chest pressed up against his as your body shook below him.
"God, I fucking love how you just melt at my fucking touch. So slutty" He laughed lowly in your ear, as he nibbled on the shell of it before biting at your shoulder and sucking on it as he began to thrust.
As he began the thrust at first they were soft, his lips peppering kisses all down your neck and collarbone as you whined softly under his touch. You watched as he licked the bruises that had formed across your skin as he smirked down at you. His smirk was sickening. Sickeningly sweet.
His cock sunk in and out of you like it was moulded for you. The way you whined and moaned into his ear had him harder than ever. He was obsessed with you and the pretty little sounds you made.
As he fucked you, he tossed your leg over his shoulder as he continued to fuck you at such an animalistic pace you were unsure if you'd make out of this in one piece. Your stomach, knotted at the pleasure. You hummed and whined as his cock thrashed in and out of you as he whined.
His lips capturing yours once against for a kiss, yet this time deeper. His lips moved so sensually against yours, as he kissed you with such passion. His hand, clasped around your neck as his tongue slid in and out of your mouth as the pair of you hummed. It was like time stopped and it was just you. You had never been fucked this good before, but thanks to Mattheo you now had.
You continued to whined with each thrust, gasping as you gripped at his hair, tugging on it. Mattheo's slight chuckles at every whine that left your mouth sent you spiraling.
As he kissed your deeper and fucked you harder you heard as scream, causing you both to pull away from the kiss. But that didn't stop Mattheo from railing the fuck out of you still. The pair of you looked over his shoulder to see Erica stood in the doorway. On urge you went to pull away from Mattheo in embarrassment but he held you down, smirking back at you as he sped up causing you to arch your back, screaming.
"Mhm- Fuck.. Your dick is so perfect" You whined as your gaze slightly lingering on Erica as the pair of you made eyecontact before you arched your back, leaning back and gripping the headboard. as he fucked you into the mattress. Your body recoiling against the thrusts as the bed creaked and shook.
The two of you edging closer to your high before you both case against one another. You pulled him closer as you kissed him deeply. Moaning softly into his mouth as you creamed his cock. Sighing softly as your body slowly loosened up.
Mattheo pulled away, smirking as he licked his lips. The pair of you had forget Erica was in the room and could more than happy stay like this until you heard a shrill shriek. "WHAT THE FUCK!" She yelled.
The pair of you untied from one another as you sighed, standing up and pulling your clothes back on, as Erica stood in shock at the two of you.
As you buttoned your shirt, you threw your jumper of your shoulders as you grabbed your heels before walking around Erica. "Just returning the favour" You smiled at her wholeheartedly. "Have fun cleaning" You turned to Mattheo before you left, shooting him a wink as he still led against the bed, bare naked.
"You- WHAT??" You could hear the cogs turning in Erica's head as you felt the scene before hearing crashing and screaming. Now she knows how you felt I guess, and well.
She deserved it.
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