ssamja-trash · 2 years
i wish sm would remaster the don't don mv
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9823678 · 15 days
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moon-bling-gyu · 2 years
Yesung released his latest yt video and this one is focused on the exhibit ‘Sidescape – Disaster, Family' by Hong, Soun. i think there really can be beauty in disaster and in pain, so i can relate to the subject matter. ah, it made me want to visit a museum even though i just visited one a month and a half ago. there was a preview for the next episode too.
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nayaafis · 4 months
SUJU 2024
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Tau apa yang aku rasain pas liat foto ini? Rasanya kayak dikunjungi oleh Sifa dari masa lalu.
"Hai Sifaaa! Gimana kamu sekarang udah gede? Lagi apaa?"
Dulu kenal Suju tuh pas baru lulus SD. Sampai SMP, itu jamannya aku tergila-gila sama Suju, dan juga jadinya sama Kpop. Aku melalui tuh masa-masa Kibum mulai jarang ikut, sering merhatiin di MV doi masih ada tapi kalau bagian dance barengnya Kibum ngga ada. Terus ternyata Kibum keluar. Lalu Hangeng juga keluar. Lalu Kangin wamil, terus pake drama sedih banget karena Kangin wamil. Bahkan sempet ngitung hari dia udah pergi berapa lama. Buset dah sif, bias aja kagak tapi setia banget sampe Kangin aja ditungguin sebegitunya. Terus mulai deh ngga ngikutin Suju, sampai denger-denger Sungmin juga keluar. Bertahun-tahun aku ngga mikirin Suju, tapi mau gimanapun, mereka udah jadi bagian dari hidup aku. Bangga juga dengan sebutan fans-nya yaitu "ELF", Everlasting Friend. Karena aku sempet jadi ELF, aku jadinya mengaku-ngaku masih ELF kok. Kan everlasting, selamanya aku ini penggemar Suju. Walaupun yah ngga ngikutin banget tapi masih notice kalau liat mereka. Ibarat hubungan yang kalau udah terlalu nyaman bisa sampai saling ngeledek, kalau liat Suju aku pun sering geleng-geleng kepala, "Ya ampun bapak-bapak ini haduu masih aja ya mainan dance dan sebagainya kayak anak-anak muda sekarang." Walaupun demikian, itu bukan mengandung kebencian, tapi cinta :(
Mereka bagian dari hidup aku. Sangat.
Sehingga tetiba beberapa waktu lalu, Heechul upload foto selfie bareng Hangeng. Terus bareng Kibum. Man! Lalu mulailah rindu, mulailah masa kecil aku yang hampir terlupa tuh terlihat jelas lagi. Jadi pengen nonton video mereka juga, nyari di Youtube dan keluarlah video behind the scene mereka dance practice. It was lol, masih dengan geleng-geleng kepala. Mereka kayak asal aja dance, yang penting tau gerakan dan koreo. Ngga mesti bagus-bagus amat dah, gitu. Kesannya malah kayak anak sekelas yang kumpul bareng untuk latihan karena disuruh tampil di acara reuni sekolah. Kebayang ngga sih, kayak antara ogah-ogahan tapi serius gitu. Malah pas momen mereka lupa koreo dan ngeliat video aslinya (lagunya "U" waktu itu), mereka juga mmalah mengomentari model rambut anak-anak lain :( "Kamu pake wig ya?". Gemas. I feel soft.
Kemudian sampailah pada Ryeowook menikah. Dude, aku ngga ngeh kalau Ryeowook tuh nikahnya sekarang. Sempet sih denger doi mau nikah, tapi reaksi aku waktu itu adalah "Yeah, baguslah akhirnya nikah juga." dan yaudah aja aku melanjutkan hidupku. Eh tau-taunya jadi rame fyp dengan berita pernikahan, beserta berkumpulnya para member Suju, lengkap dengan tambahan 2 personil sub-grup!
Man! Aku bahkan hampir lupa ada frasa itu. Dan itu jadi mindblowing. (Punten numpang lewat, itu jadi bahan refleksi tentang janji Allah Swt juga sama akhirat ngga sih. MasyaAllah! Huhu).
Siapa yang sangka mereka bakal kumpul lagi. Dulu pas satu per satu pada keluar, tentu berharap mereka bisa kumpul bareng lagi. Tapi lama-lama, tergerus kehidupan yang terus berjalan, harapan itu pudar begitu saja sampai ngga keingetan lagi sama sekali. Lalu boom! Kibum dateng, Hangen, Kangin, Sungmin, Zhoumi, Henry. Pake foto pose "urineun syupo juni -oeyo!". Buset ampe kedengeran di telinga gue "urineun elpeu-yeyo". Parah alay pisan tapinya, sangat bermakna :(
Ngeliat mereka bareng, itu kayak aku dihadapkan dengan aku yang masih SD atau SMP. Subhanallah. Aku yang saat itu masih sepolos itu tergila-gila pada Suju dan Kpop lainnya, sekarang udah jadi orang (yang disebutnya sih) dewasa. Udah kerja, udah pergi ke kantor, apa-apa juga udah mandiri.
Jadi, hai juga Sif. Yah, sekarang aku udah gede Sif. Hmmm, aku tumbuh dengan baik kok. InsyaAllah. Dan aku makasih banyak sama kamu karena dulu ada serunya juga apa yang kamu kerjain. Lucu banget gemes, tapi jadinya sekarang aku jadi punya bahan-bahan untuk nostalgia dan itu bikin aku bisa menciptakan kebahagiaan sendiri.
Makasih banget. Semoga aku yang sekarang bisa juga jadi kayak kamu, yang akan ngasih masa lalu yang indah buat aku nanti di masa depan.
I shall promise to believe.
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jhjluvs · 10 months
guidelines !
what content i post: mostly scenarios, one-shots, fics, occasional socmed aus or fake texts posts. all smut/hard hours posts are tagged #nsfw.
byf/dni: treasure or suju fans, transphobes, lesbiphobes, racists, other generally hateful ppl dnfi i don’t want u on my blog. minors pls dni with everything tagged #nsfw (mute the tag if u need to) those posts r not for u!! feel free to interact with everything else on my blog tho, all other posts r sfw. blank / ageless blogs will be blocked!! also i’m sometimes sex repulsed bc of my asexuality so i may take a break from writing smut/nsfw if it starts to make me uncomfy. i struggle with some mental health issues that impact my posting schedule so pls be patient with me :3
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what i will write (sfw): f! or gn! reader, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, aus (modern or historical, ie non-idol), pretty much anything just ask me nicely :3
what i will write (nsfw): sub! or dom!reader, omorashi/piss, bdsm, mommy/daddy kinks (incl. mdlg/ddlg), fauxcest & stepcest, cnc & dubcon, g!p idol or reader, dumbification, biting, (light) impact play.
kinks/tropes/etc i won’t write: non-con/r*pe, scat, feet, knotting or a/b/o, vomit or spit, eating disorders/self harm/suicide/death/body horror, actual incest or pedophilia.
feel free to send me an ask if there’s smth not listed here u want me to write just send me and ask n i’ll be happy to consider it :3
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groups i write for: boynextdoor (no woonhak), enhypen (sfw only for ni-ki), le sserafim (no eunchae), loona, nct (all units except wish), riize ot7, txt, zb1 (no yujin).
for most of my girl group works, check out my sideblog @joysfaery :3
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zeynatura · 10 months
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12 at debut, 13 at their max, + 2 members of the mandarin sub unit making it unoficially 15... and why? Because they were literally the leftovers, the trainees that didn't make it to debut in other/previous groups. And the company didn't know what to do with them, some of them had been training for many years and were given empty promises so as a last resort they made them debut without believing that they'll actually succeed, they didn't care about the members only cared not to get sued 💀
They were gonna follow the rules of j-pop groups of having the member graduate after a certain amount of time, debuted in 2005 as Super Junior 05, but the fans loved the members so much they (the fans) asked the company to keep the group, and were renamed as only Super Junior.
Saw this on the [redacted social media] and had to vent about it. It's not like that person is actually looking for an answer, and bc of my love for SuJu i had to vent about it
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nori-the-cat · 3 months
What happened between SNSD and Jessica? Will they ever comeback as ot9?
I think this one doesn’t need an emoji 😅
Anyway lemme see
Card(s): 10oC rx, 10oS rx, 9oW, 8oW rx, and 2oW rx
I think the rumours are true (iyyk). The situation was really messy. I don’t see a strong card here like the emperor, king or knights and even queens. They’re all minor arcanas. Imo, it was Jessica vs 8 girls. But these girls had different opinions. They think the best solution shud not have been to make her leave. But the decision to make her leave was a collective choice.
Like the 9 of wands upright being the only one standing is telling me they weren’t all on board with the group becoming 8. (Now, it reminds me of 6 vs 7. But I digress).
They were hoping for a different outcome. I think the management back then was really shitty. Like 9 of wands here is next to 8 of wands in reversed is really telling that they didn’t like the outcome of the situation and was frustrated themselves. However, I do see Jessica leaving on her own terms because she herself was frustrated and was like “whatever”
Will they comeback as ot9?
Card(s): KoW, the lovers, and the sun
The member want it to happen. They hope it’s possible. But with the King of Wands. This KoW is someone with a fire sign that they might need to make this possible. From my intuition alone, this is not a current someone from SM. But this person might’ve worked there and know the girls personally. Currently they’re likely not a part of SM anymore or is in sub-contract with them.
It’s possible for the girls to be 9, but it’s like an illusion. Just a dream, a hope, and a stupid idea.
Overall, these are positive cards. So, it is possible. They just need someone who knows them well to make it happen. However, SNSD is SM’s trademarked. I think it will be impossible for this to happen unless the girls buy the name, establishes their own label (like SUJU) and then they can come back as 9.
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a9saga · 1 year
I started typing this whole thing on mobile and couldn't figure out how to put a break in and I refuse to update the app. Fuck it. You are scrolling past this whole damn thing. Unfollow me. This is all I'm gonna be talking about for the next two weeks.
Exo needs to break up. They have needed to break up. That was my hot take I had been saying I'd eventually share but I never got around to it, and now it's a lot more apparent. Not that I thought this was going to happen. I thought that when I finally posted this, someone might be mad about it, but in wake of CBX's lawsuit I don't think anyone's going to be surprised to hear it.
I was sure exo members were done suing SM entertainment a long time ago. It's been 9 years since Kris and Luhan filed their lawsuits, both of whom won. It's been 8 years since Tao's hiatus, and almost 8 since he filed his lawsuit months later, which he ended up losing despite never rejoining exo. I became a fan of exo during Call Me Baby promotions when Tao was still dancing with a broken leg. I was 15 at the time, about to turn 16. EXO scandals were extremely fresh and ongoing. But those three are so far in the past now. Lay quietly decided not to renew recently, but he hadn't been able to appear with the group for 5 years so, yeah. No surprise. But I really thought it was all done when EXO-M was done for.
Well, I can tell you why I'd been thinking for a while EXO should break up. It's because they're really a thing of the past, and essentially after Love Shot, it felt like there was nowhere to go from there.
That felt like the last breath of their 5 year long prime. Don't get me wrong, it was awesome. EXO have hit after hit after hit, think of the absolute best most addictive song by your favorite pop artist, and EXO have a discography of mostly those. But they haven't grown and changed artistically or commercially as a group. They've been around 11 years, they're in their 30s now, and I don't even think most of them have the heart to revitalize their prime like Super Junior did after their military hiatus was over. Maybe a couple of them have it in them to do the pop star thing for their entire careers, but I didn't think that like, Sehun or Chanyeol were necessarily passionate about creating new music for the rest of their career. Chen has a family now and that's also something I'd like the rest of exo to afford without their huge commercial group getting in the way of that. The only one I felt for sure would not be done anytime soon was Baekhyun. I thought he'd be the new Kangta of the group, sticking around when EXO were dormant and fizzled out. I never thought SM would actually let them break up, like H.O.T did when I was a baby. But yeah, Baekhyun leaving shocks me the most. Not that I blame him. I do fully believe the allegations made in the lawsuit as SM have had such a shady reputation.
Looking at SM's pre-EXO boy groups, one might say EXO were the main successor to Super Junior, because, obviously, both groups debuted with 12 people. Large groups like that weren't really a thing in kpop before Super Junior debuted. Additionally, Han Geng of Suju was one of the first Chinese kpop idols. In 2008, two more Chinese members were added to the sub unit Super Junior-M, which released Mandarin versions of pre-existing and original Korean Super Junior songs. Hm, this sounds familiar. I only just built up a better case for the EXO/SJ argument. Diana and I talk about this sometimes though; I once made an argument that I think EXO was more a successor to TVXQ/DBSK (Tong Vfang Xien Qi/Dong Bang Shin Ki), which I would have forgotten saying if she never brought up that one time i said it ever again.
In July of 2009, JYJ threw the first brick at SM Entertainment I mean TVXQ's members Kim "Hero" Jaejoong, Park "Micky" Yoochun and Kim "Xiah" Junsu filed a lawsuit against SM for contract termination, claiming they had been coerced into slave contracts as minors. They were 22-23 at the time, TVXQ having debuted on December 26th, 2003. The three of them won the lawsuit, signed to C-Jes Entertainment and formed the new group, JYJ, of just the three of them. It was assumed the original five piece was dead by that point, but surprisingly, in 2010, Jung "U-Know" Yunho and Shim "Max" Changmin chose to stay at SM and continue TVXQ as a duo.
This whole thing is arguably the most significant scandal in the 30-year history of SM. TVXQ had been SM's biggest success to date and some argue they and Boa still are. Your faves wouldn't have cracked Japan without the efforts of those two, and if kpop didn't reach Japan in the early 2000s, the entertainment industry in a small East Asian country wouldn't have become huge across the entire planet---and frankly, if TVXQ hadn't been big internationally, they'd have been done for because SM had them blacklisted from Korean television for a decade.
Han Geng of Super Junior actually did file for contract termination shortly after JYJ did, also for mistreatment. As did Luhan, Tao and Kris as we've already acknowledged. But all four of them could move to the entertainment industry in China. Sure, you're always going to lose something by leaving as big a group as EXO, Super Junior or TVXQ, but SM hasn't been sued by its Korean idols since JYJ. Baekhyun, Xiumin and Chen know that they're putting at least as much on the line. And now, like TVXQ, more than half of EXO are no longer in the group, and the majority of the run for the both of them has had this cloud of mistreatment over their reputations. They were also both so unstoppably huge and popular.
I was in elementary school for DB5K's prime, and there were fans of kpop in the west but I can't tell you what their success across Asia looked like as someone who wasn't there. But I can tell you, between 2015-2016 when kpop gradually started to become very big, EXO for a time were bringing in more people to kpop than A Particularly Famous Group in the West I Have No Interest in Naming Because I Don't Want Their Fucking Fans Derailing My Post With Unrelated Discourse While I'm Not Even Talking About Them. Just believe me there was a time when EXO were way more popular in the west than Said Band I Decline to Specify, the eclipse that happened was gradual, and to my understanding EXO continued to be the biggest thing in Asia despite that another one eventually cracked America more and I'm not denying that they did. Point is, EXO coming first was important to all of that, because I and several others wouldnt have heard of the one kpop group if EXO didnt get us all into kpop first from 2013-15/16.
That all said now, this was all very much not how I'd wanted EXO to actually end. This is crashing and burning. Much like TVXQ, EXO is not going to be able to have a reunion after this, because they'll never receive SM's blessing to work together. I mean, EXO-M never would. 12 member EXO hardly lasted for two years though and their prime was very new when people started leaving, so to be honest, I don't know if the kids getting into EXO in the 2020s would really care to see Luhan, Tao, and Someone Sitting In Prison Whose Name I've Uttered More Than I'd Like To.
But in a similar vain, while DB5K originally split into two, JYJ are all off in different directions now. Yoochun was fired. Junsu left C-Jes and made his own label. Jaejoong did the same recently. Could you tell I listen TVXQ? But yeah, now that there are more than 3-4 people departed from EXO, they've got former members going in a lot of different directions. Someone already said it but I hope Xiumin follows Luhan back now. Back in my day Xiuhan were so cute.
Also, since I managed not to slip this into the post anywhere.... these guys have been showing up to work. Every damn day they've been showing up to work, that's another reason why it's so shocking. Chen dropped a song days ago and Baekhyun has been doing shows, posting dance practices, EXO have been appearing together for their 11th anniversary and supposed upcoming comeback. Whaaat a slap in the face. I support CBX 100% though and you should too.
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eunhaeforever · 2 years
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Finally the track list for the 11th album is all about Christmas 🎄. I mean like, I've been waiting for this since I came to know SuJu in 2011. I just wish it was more songs and from each sub-unit. But I know I'll love it. It's Super Junior, what is there not to love!!! 🥰 . @superjunior . #superjunior #eunhyuk #donghae #leeteuk #siwon #kyuhyun #ryeowook #shindong #yesung #heechul #hyukjae #leehyukjae #11th_album #the_road_celebration https://www.instagram.com/p/ClqKgacOPUG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bb-donghae · 1 year
Hello babe! 🥰
I wanted to ask you a favor 🥺 I haven't had the opportunity to listen to snsd's discography and I haven't had the opportunity to watch their shows like I did with suju and I don't know where to start. I don't consider myself sone because I don't know their discography and their stories (yet) but I really have a huge affection for them, I've grown up listening to their most famous songs and when they had their Forever 1 comeback I fell in love with them even more.
When I'll have time and opportunity I would like to update myself. Could you help me by recommending where I can listen to their complete discography as a group and as soloists? And what programs should I watch to learn more about them and where to look for them? I know maybe it's too much to ask, but your love for SNSD and SuJu reminds me that I want to get to know them more. You can take as long as you want to answer this message, without pressure. Thank you very much in advance 🤧💓
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This took me too damn long. I want to say that I was super busy but I can honestly remember the many times when I was free and could have answer this ask. I believe it's been 6 months already smh.
Truthfully, I have commitment issues and have a hard time finishing any shows I watch. At the time, I only watch clips available on Youtube which were usually snippets from variety shows. Luckily, I was not only able to find clips but also full YouTube playlists of the shows SNSD starred on.
Below are some the links to the clips/episodes/playlist that got me into SNSD. Apologies if this list is super messy.
Short Clips:-
Hyoyeon scaring Jessica
Makeup ranking - (pretty controversial especially in this current time. i’m only putting this because this was one of the first clips i watched of them. i found this funny at the time but i can perfectly understand if anyone doesn't find this tasteful)
Tiffany and her love for pink
Yuri and her cute sleeping habits
Compilation of some random clips from their old shows - (it's a recent upload but it brings me nostalgia. also, it helped me remember all the clips I used to watch in the past)
Full episodes:-
Horror Movie Factory EP01 - (I love a good horror variety show. also, Taeyeon was so cute throughout this episode. this version appears to be clearest. the account doesn't have a playlist of the series but it does have most of the episodes)
SNSD Hi 5 Ballerina: Episode 1 | Episode 2
Horror Movie Factory - (slightly lower quality and a different account)
Hello Baby - (Kyungsan is so grown up already T_T)
Invincible Youth Season 1 - (only includes Sunny and Yuri but other beautiful 2nd gen idols are also part of the cast)
Girls Go To School - (predebut show and probably one of the most important ones. also, how come I just found out that this show was narrated by Sungmin lmao)
Other than these shows listed, I used to watch a lot of Running Man and SNSD was featured in some episodes.
As you can tell that most of these episodes are subbed by Soshi Subs.
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I feel like I'm someone who doesn't have the best music taste and that I'm probably just gonna list out whatever I listen to. I assume you probably know their more popular songs, so I'm just gonna list out the underrated(?) ones. Some I've linked and some I've not.
Into The New World: Music Video | Ballad Version (LIVE) - (not an 'underrated' song but it's a must to listen to it. not just because its their debut song but because of the cultural impact it brought. this song is so powerful, people sing this song at protests. i really suggest you listen to their live performance, especially the ballad version. the one i linked is not an OT9 performance but it always moves me to tears.)
Divine - (i love this song. i believe it's one of their last song as OT9. unless you count the leaked version of Catch Me If You Can.)
Born To Be A Lady - (literally the same song as Demi Lovato's Mistake but their harmony was heavenly)
Galaxy Supernova: MV | LIVE - (it's a unique song but i really love it more when they perform this song live)
Flower Power - (a 'weird' song i know but i like the chorus)
Hoot: MV | Album Poster - (while this is their more popular song, I don't see people talking about this one as much anymore. i don't know why because the concept is so unique and i have yet to see another group take on a similar concept. oh also, there's a familiar face in the music video)
Little Touch - (it's a crime that this subunit has very little songs. they still prove they can slay even without all the members. especially Sunny)
The Boys: LIVE - (one my least favourite songs but an instant fave when it's sung live. there's probably a better live performance than the one i linked)
Holler - (one of their popular songs i know. i just wanted to mention it)
There are probably some other songs that I've missed but I don't want to make this list super long since I want to talk about their solo songs as well.
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Now that I’m thinking about it, I actually think I know listen to their solo music than group music.
By the way, I have yet to listen to all of their music.
Gemini - (love love this song)
Make Me Love You
Cover Up
Here I am
Love You Like Crazy
Spark - (i love the concept of her Purpose Album)
Something New
Starlight ft Dean
Can't Control Myself
Weekend - (lowkey a Say So copy especially with the concept but I still enjoyed it)
INVU - (SM really upped the budget for the MV, i couldnt complain anymore about the low quality of the Weekend MV)
Rain - (sometimes i forgot about this masterpiece)
Hate That - (a feature she did for Key's song)
Four Seasons
When We Were Young - (a cover of Adele's song)
All With You
There's probably some more that I forgot to list. Like Taeyeon has some really nice songs from drama OSTs. I really love Taeyeon's breakup songs so so much. But every single time she comes out with one, some people will annoyingly relate it to her past relationship(s).
Heartbreak Hotel - (my absolute favourite)
I Just Wanna Dance - (listing this here because it's the most memorable for me. not just because of tiffany's fairy ending but because i got scolded by my mom for listening to this song on blast)
Lips on Lips
Born Again - (another favourite. her lower register in this one is really gooodd)
Don't Say No - (she was an absolute woman in the music video. i love the cute little hip-shake incorporated in the dance)
Deep - (if you like spiderman, you'll love the concept lmao)
I don't listen to most of her music but she's the member that I'm most proud of at the moment. I feel like she's gotten to a point where she knows what kind of music she wants to establish and what kind of performer she wants to be.
She's no longer coming out with music but whatever. I loved these songs because it's bubblegum pop and Jessica’s voice suits these types of songs. Off topic, but Jessica creating a fashion brand is so herrrrr.
A Little Happiness - (a cover)
Into You
I guess that's it? I'm honestly too tired to list out more LMAO.
Again. I'm sorry for taking too long with this one <3
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sanstropfremir · 1 year
Hi! Have you seen that nct jaehyun, dooyoung and jungwoo made a sub-unit? Their song is called perfume and it is just SO FUN! The song itself reminds me of some of the old suju songs because the beat is so fun and makes you wanna dance, but the choreography is also ridiculously fun! You should check it out) I was reading your posts about the lack of fun in kpop, and this was honestly very refreshing to see. The mini-album is also quite good, and they even did a live-band cover of their songs. As always, nct guys are incredibly talented musically, good job
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i actually really did not like their release....or their subunit.....or the album............
#like are they musically talented? yes. are the songs fine and technically good? sure#but i find them SO bland and im pissed off that theyre using the full nct brand for this discount cbx nonsense#should have been an nct lab!!! or an sm station!!!#also ngl i fucking hate the mv. like i HATE it. i have NO patience for pov fanservice stuff it makes my skin crawl. its insufferable#is it an effective method? sure. but i am NOT the target audience and am very much Too Gay for that#its one of my true pet peeves. i really. really fucking hate it and the fact that the mv was mostly like. 'chic perfume commercial'#was quite literally rage inducing.#so uh. sorry. that release is actually the opposite of fun (for me)#text#answers#nct w#slkdjfsd im so sorry you send me an ask and its RIGHT on a topic that i feel very strongly in the negative about lmao#pls dont be offended its not personal#also i need to clarify. i never said that kpop itself wasnt fun. kpop has and will always be fun.#i specifically said that a lot of fans (kpoppies) TREAT kpop like its not fun/actively eschew the fun parts of kpop#like flop groups or brighter concepts or just. taking it all too damn seriously#fans are not willing to look outside the main popular groups and so they dont actually SEE groups doing fun and cool and interesting things#like if you want to watch an actually fun mv go watch blitzers macarena#also idk how to tell you this but. ACTUAL nct music is so insanely fun. this ''subunit'' was just made to appease all the ''fans''#who complain nonstop about 'how nct sucks now' when THEY DONT Y'ALL JUST WONT ACCEPT THAT YOU DONT LIKE SOMETHING UR FAVES MADE#anyways. i will stop talking now since this is probably gonna make ppl mad lmao#my nuclear take is that most nct fans dont actually like nct as a concept. they only like the idols. and those people are wrong
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astralsweetness · 2 years
long ask SORRY in advance omg
how many more statistics report are needed for another fic plssss??? 😭🤚🏻 is just i really loved it, eunhyuk is so hot pls, and anything related to suju gets my attention and i do like to read them being sub because i agree there aren't a lot of those around and just the idea of any of them being completely submissive is a fucking turn on lol even if i don't know how to start when writing them like that and also bc i haven't yet received any request for sub!suju. sad. there are things i haven't written before like sub!suju but i do enjoy them so i am asking you, begging on my kness please, to do it again ily ♡
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LMAO roasting me alive with the statistics report part... I would love to write more Suju content - or just write more in general, but I'm in one of my by now infamous writing slumps where I disappear for months bcs I just can't seem to find the inspiration or motivation to write anything worthwhile.
I'd love to be able to write something again - anything. We'll see, hopefully this new fixation on Suju inspires me, like the previous SVT and PTG fixations did
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dojae-huh · 2 years
Honestly, this feud btw lee soo man and chris lee could have more layers to it than we can imagine. What’s going on is definitely beyond my capacity to understand. I just hope all the artists and employees under the company can still work after this and still have support from fans after this is over. What should fans do in this kind of situation?
Well, I will certainly not recommend joining the fans who are capable of reacting with only a one-two word re-twit. Even business analytics whose job is to provide their clients with good predictions can't say anything of value. The company is on fire and the employees don't know who is the current boss and who will be the next one, that is clear.
I'm not ready to side with either LSM or CL, I have no deep knowledge of both, I don't know their true characters and faults. It is LSM's company, but looks like he neglected the shareholders and their displeasure with him for too long, he took too long to sell his shares as well. CL might just try find out a way out of it or was forced to. He brought some picture of the future for the investors (SM 3.0, which might have been LSM's plan to begin with? wasn't it what one of the producers said?). He won't be the owner of the company anyway. Who knows if the relatives are even really in true feud and not in cahoots, lol.
Fans will support their chosen artists. If an artist leaves to another label, they will follow.
I'm surprised Doyoung, the worrywart that he is, looks to be calm and even in good spirits. The Dream's tour was announced. It seems like the artists knew something in advance. Noone unsubscribed from Lucas (who pose with CL). NCT is going to re-new their contracts soon and it's a phase of 127 hyungs going into the military, so they can have favourable conditions for negotiantions and leverage. In addition, LSM can't produce only for three years, so theorethically he can comeback to NCT after 127 line is back from the military.
Chris Lee was the head of A&R when 127 debuted and curated their first albums. He is behind the NCT's initial sound and the music quality together with LSM. Angered by the shirt fans forget the connection.
NCT has a good content and make-up team, they are good friends with many in-house producers. The group is past the growing stage. Maybe there will be a sub-label in SM for NCT like SuJu has.
Let's see a kdrama "based on true events" in the future, heh.
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twiceland · 2 years
9, 22, 32, 33 <3
hi isai !! thank u for the ask :D
9. a group that deserved better </3
izone 😔 sad wizone hours
22. favorite sub-unit release
hmmm . i like pink blusher by iz*one + push & pull by jihyo / sana / dahyun
32. if you could magically bring back a disbanded group but had to disband another, who would you bring back and who would you disband?
bring back iz*one, disband ... suju
33. if you had the ability to switch concepts, what two groups would you like to switch concepts?
i feel like nmixx with aespa's ae concept could be super cool actually, i was thinking about that earlier haha
send me a number and i'll create my own ...
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elf-bot · 2 years
Super Junior ask game, and gimme the long in detail answers 👀 1, 3, 4, 5, 14, 16, 57, and 97 🤍
ok here i go ⌨️⌨️!! lol adding a ‘read more’ here because is long and might be annoying, thanks for the ask!
1. When did you become an ELF?
2020 right before quarantine started and covid happened. i have so little around but at the same time it feels like an eternity, they do have a lot of content and i did watch a lot of it during quarantine. i feel in some way i missed a lot of stuff with suju in real time lol i wish i discovered them earlier in my life, but i think they came at the right moment. 😊
3. What was your first impression of SuJu?
well they look serious and really are professionals when it comes to work, i thought they'd be like that and a little boring, i was fucking WRONG. right after i found their music i went straight to check some of their shows, and i watched super tv first, they're fucking crazy pls. and this old show explorers of the human body with tiny sujus? A MASTERPIECE. i'm so glad they have a funny side too, i love them so much and they're absolute professional dorks.
4. First SuJu song you listened to?
officialy? it was ‘2ya2yao’ lol. but i am pretty sure i heard ‘mr. simple’ and ‘bonamana’ somewhere without knowing they are suju songs.
5. Latest SuJu song you listened to?
‘feels good’ from mr simple album. for some reason i want to strip to that song lmao.
14. A member you’d be friends with?
i’d love to be friends with kyuhyun, leeteuk and shindong for reaaaal. i love kyuhyun’s smart sarcasm, leeteuk sometimes is so cringey and i find that kinda cute, and shindong is just so clever and funny at the same time. i’d say all of them in the end HAHAHAHA. but mostly them.
16. The member who is most different than your first impression of them?
the first time i saw donghae i thought he was going to be the most serious but outgoing member of all of them, turns out he’s very cute and a little silly sometimes hahaha. maybe that’s why i see him being very manly and like a very serious person, i mean he is to my eyes lol. same thing happened with siwon. i love this duality they have tho. i think it also applies to all of them, one minute they be performing like pros or doing a serious photoshoot and the next one they’re a fucking disaster, i’m here for that.
57. A new subunit you’d like to see?
83 line sub unit asap pls. also yesung and heechul sub unit. i mean they’ll just debut another sub unit 17 years after they debut, i can still dream, right?!! i am very excited for shinwonteuk tbh. i’ll be fucking replaying their songs non-stop, i am so ready for it. i didn’t think i’d get to experience a sub unit debut since the last one that debuted it was suju d&e like 11 years ago so this is a complete blessing for me because that means they’re not going anywhere and i’ll fucking stay here, hell yes. so please give me teukchul and yechul, thanks! 😭
97. Is SuJu your ult group? What other kpop and non-kpop artists do you like?
they are hahaha. i like some other groups and soloists, like some shinee, exo, nct, h.o.t, bigbang, jessi (she’s not kpop i think), 2ne1, f(x), hyuna, dawn, rain, and a lot more that i can’t remember haha. for non-kpop i’m a very pop person, i listen to old songs a lot, and i like disco (like tina turner, abba, donna summer and such), and recently a lot of artists released disco inspired albums and songs and i loved it! coming back to the main point, they are my ult group and artists. they bring a lot of joy to my life that i never felt before with another artist.
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bisexualhobi · 2 years
Anyways I rlly do think it's gonna be a suju type situation but atleast with suju since they have they're own management or whatever elfs are always complaining about how messy everything is like things are never on time and albums are delayed for months, I don't see that happening to exo since I feel like they're gonna stick w sm?
yeah but suju label is actually still sm. it's just a sub label but they're still managed by SM so I guess it doesn't matter the company will always have shitty management 😭 but I do like the idea of exo getting their own label. "WE ARE ONE RECORDS" has a nice ring to it idc idc
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