bianca-alexander88 · 11 months
If people of a different subject position than you are expressing concerns regarding a source of difficulty and/or trauma in their lived experiences, and it doesn’t apply to your experience, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. That means you are blessed with a certain type of privilege that allows you not to have to think about or deal with that particular challenge in your daily life. Instead of denying or diminishing the lived reality of others, simply because it doesn’t reflect your own, instead try active listening, keeping an open heart, and practicing empathy. Understand your life isn’t the sole reflection of the human experience. It might not be a part of your life, and that’s fine, how lucky you are, but it is very much a part of someone else’s. 
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thesakib · 1 year
The nature of consciousness
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The nature of consciousness is a complex and fundamental topic in philosophy, neuroscience, and cognitive science. It refers to the subjective experience of being aware and having mental states, such as sensations, thoughts, and emotions. Consciousness is what makes it possible for us to perceive the world, think, reason, and have a sense of self-awareness.
There are various theories and debates surrounding the nature of consciousness. One key question is the "hard problem of consciousness," as coined by philosopher David Chalmers, which asks why and how subjective experiences arise from physical processes in the brain.
Some theories suggest that consciousness is an emergent property of complex information processing in the brain, while others propose that it may have a deeper, non-physical basis beyond the realm of neuroscience and the physical world. Some argue that understanding consciousness requires considering not just brain functions but also the broader context of our embodied experience and interactions with the environment.
Throughout history, different cultures and philosophical traditions have offered diverse perspectives on consciousness, ranging from spiritual and mystical interpretations to more materialistic and scientific viewpoints.
Despite significant advancements in neuroscience and cognitive studies, the nature of consciousness remains a topic of ongoing investigation and philosophical contemplation, raising profound questions about the nature of reality, the mind-body relationship, and the limits of human understanding.
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surveycircle · 2 years
Participants needed for online survey! Topic: "Human cognition and its role in the spiritual realm" https://t.co/3clAZnXhru via @SurveyCircle #cognition #SubjectiveExperience #imagery #spirituality #NewcastleUniversity #survey #surveycircle https://t.co/28C0KNQfHH
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) Jan 30, 2023
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renovatio06 · 3 years
Consciousness and the Nature of the Universe: How Panpsychism and Its Fault Lines Shade in the Ongoing Mystery of What We Are | Brain Pickings
Consciousness and the Nature of the Universe: How Panpsychism and Its Fault Lines Shade in the Ongoing Mystery of What We Are | Brain Pickings
Plate from The Principles of Light and Color: Including Among Other Things the Harmonic Laws of the Universe, the Etherio-atomic Philosophy of Force, Chromo Chemistry, Chromo Therapeutics, and the General Philosophy of the Fine Forces, Together with Numerous Discoveries and Practical Applications by Edwin D. Babbitt, 1878. (Available as a print and as stationery cards.) Source: Consciousness and…
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ecstadelicnet · 5 years
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What if our reality experience is the product of a code? Could such a code provide a subjective experience? What are the characteristics of such a code? A must read for scientific spiritualists and spiritual scientists, this masterpiece of digital theosophy delivers to you a host of complex concepts and abstract ideas as an enthralling conceptual journey into the heart of digital alchemy, this coveted bridge between advanced science and transcendental metaphysics! https://www.ecstadelic.net/e_news/the-ouroboros-code-realitys-digital-alchemy-self-simulation-bridging-science-and-spirituality-press-release #OuroborosCode #SelfSimulation #PrimaMateria #consciousness #HardProblem #ArtificialIntelligence #nanotechnology #transhumanism #TechnologicalSingularity #InformationTechnology #simulation #SubjectiveExperience #spirituality #metaphysics #eschatology #neotranscendentalism #DigitalPhysics #DigitalPhilosophy #DigitalTheology https://www.instagram.com/p/B3f3F1OHkLk/?igshid=16wzp7ooqejyr
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pandeism · 5 years
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The “I” in PANDEISM, from the cover of Pandeism: An Anthology of the Creative Mind. The “I” matters. Ego may perpetuate a persistent illusion, but all of our subjective experience of our Universe is through that lens, and this perhaps is not by accident. Love all and be kind to all, but live *your* life and gather *your* experiences. #I #Pandeism #SubjectiveExperience #Universe #Ego #LoveAll #LiveYourLife #pandeismananthologyofthecreativemind https://www.instagram.com/p/B24M-3DBjFY/?igshid=1efhkbgkryen9
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doyouthatknow · 6 years
Types of emotions and emotional response
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They manage to a large extent on the daily lives of people emotions. Happy, angry, sad, bored or limited on the basis of whether they make decisions. On the basis of feelings and encouraging organize events, hobbies and even elect. People every day to testify to the feelings of others, to interpret what these signals might mean, and how it responds to own complex emotional experiences to determine how to deal with an enormous time. Well, “what are the emotions and responses, which has an important role in guiding your life? On the emotions, and the role of culture in response?The exploration of emotions is it possible?” requires the recognition of emotions in order to answer questions like. Identify Feelings Don Hockenbury and Sandra E. Hockenbury of “Discovering Psychology” (Discovering Psychology) according to his book, an emotion, a subjective experience, a physiological response in the behavioral response of three different complex and significant component of a psychological condition. Emotions researchers trying to explain what happened, have sought to explain and classify the types as well as different emotion. Comments and opinions have changed over time. In 1972, psychologist Paul Ekman, the six basic emotions that are universal in human cultures, it was suggested that: these fear, disgust, anger, surprise, happiness, and feelings of sadness. In 1999 this list of shame, excitement, horlanma, shame, pride, satisfaction and Entertainment has expanded to include other basic emotions such as. In 1980 Robert Plutchik “wheel of emotions” is another emotion that is known as a classification system is introduced. This model study was to bring together the primary colors to create other colors of an artist, the way how different that would bring emotions back together, or the fact that you can combine has shown. Plutchik, 8 has offered basic emotional dimensions: happiness and sadness, anger and fear, trust and disgust, and surprise, etc then others can be combined to create these feelings (happiness + expectation = such as Twitter). To gain a better understanding of what are emotions, subjective experience, physiological response, and behavioural response known as the three basic elements of should explain. Subjective Experience Experts, regardless of the culture, believed that there were some basic universal emotions experienced by people all over the world. The researchers also found that experts, in contrast to the highly subjective experience of emotion that can be believed. “Angry,” “happy” and “sad”, etc. wide range of emotions with one's own experiences with such feelings, and therefore subjective labels owned much more dimensional. As an example, taken with a sense of anger, everyone's anger is the same? A mild inconvenience eyes too blind to see anything varying from person to person criteria may vary in a rage of anger. Every emotion also always pure forms cannot be deneyimlendirile. Mixed feelings about different events or situations in life are common. The person may feel both anxious and nervous to start a new business when it is encountered. For example, getting married or having a child from a wide variety of emotions ranging from joy to anxiety can be experienced. These feelings may occur at the same time
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Physiological Response Physiological Response If the person in the stomach when you're anxious or frightened these concerns at heart, the senses, the emotions, it may be noticed that cause strong physiological reactions. Cannon-Bard theories of emotion emotions are physiological reactions may experience feels like and at the same time. Fast heartbeat or sweating palms the feeling of many of the physiological responses experienced during a multiplier which is a branch of the autonomic nervous system is regulated by the sympathetic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system, blood flow, digestion and body's involuntary responses, such as controls. The body's sympathetic nervous system fight-or-flight reaction control is liable to. When confronted with a threat, the body automatically prepares you to deal with the threat or run away from danger these reactions. Autonomous of the first studies of the physiology of this emotion tend to focus on the answers while more recent research has targeted the brain's role in emotion. Brain scans, which is part of the limbic system, the amygdala, has shown that particularly plays an important role in emotion and fear. The amygdala itself, such as the motivational state of hunger and thirst, as well as memory and emotion associated with a small almond-shaped structure. The amygdala is activated when people are shown threatening displays, researchers have used brain imaging to show that of. The imaging process of damage to the amygdala affects fear responses have demonstrated that.
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Behavioral Response Behavioral Response Perhaps the most familiar behavioral response is a true expression of feelings. People spend a significant amount of time to interpret the emotional expressions of the people around us. To understand these statements correctly, psychologists depends on what they're calling emotional intelligence and a person's overall body language plays an important role in these statements. Research, showing a smile that expresses happiness or the happiness of the many as an act of expression that is universal shows. Socio-cultural norms, also self-expression and plays a role in interpretation. For example, in Japan, people tend to fear or disgust masking indicators when an authority figure is present. Similarly, Western cultures such as the United States, both alone and in the presence of others are more likely to express negative emotions, while in Eastern cultures such as Japan are more likely to take it when she's alone. Emotional expressions are universal?
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Emotional expressions are universal? Probably heard that body language signals and gestures was sometimes different cultures have different meanings. However, “will not be eligible for the same idea in different cultures facial expressions and express their emotions in the same way people in other countries?” a question came to mind. The famous naturalist, Charles Darwin wrote in 1872, “the expression of the emotions in Man and animals” in his book, stated that expressions of human emotion across cultures are different. It is argued that both, innate and universal emotions at the same time. Emotion expert Paul Ekman, researcher and, most of the time the basic facial expressions that are used to convey emotion, has shown that across cultures are the same. Expression of the human face to be capable of find more than 7,000, although there are six basic emotions, he added. These emotions are: happiness, surprise, sadness, anger, disgust, fear. Researchers and individuals who express these emotions they showed photos of people from different cultures from all over the world people were able to identify the basic emotions behind these expressions. Eckman, only these basic emotions and feelings came from the brain believe that the birth of the connection with these advocates. Cultural Variations In Emotional Expression However, there are considerable cultural differences in the expression of emotions. Self-expression rules, in the way we manage the expectations of facial expressions according to social and cultural differences. In a classic experiment, the researchers amputations (the removal of a limb, partial or complete healing impossible) and things like Japanese and American participants watching videos of surgeries and the terrible images they watched. People from both backgrounds showed similar facial expressions, bloody images, have shown disgust and disgust. Participants Japanese participants hide their feelings while watching these scenes is found in the room and kept neutral facial expressions a scientist. The response of the audience caused by the presence of scientists when it is considered subject to change in Japanese culture, where it is deemed disturbing elicit negative emotions in the presence of an authority figure have been found. Japanese viewers of the exhibition to the rules they were bound by masking expressions of their own culture. The ability to interpret and express emotions plays a role in an important part of daily life. Many feelings are innate, and probably is present in the brain even though there are many other factors that affect any shot to express the inner feelings. Among these factors, social pressures, cultural influences, and past experiences all help to shape the expression of the emotions. Emotions and moods
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Emotions and moods In everyday language, people often “feelings” and “moods” they use the terms interchangeably. However, psychologists distinguish between the two and tell the difference between the two actually are reused. An emotion normally quite short-lived, but intense. There is a reason definite and identifiable emotions. For example, whenever people in politics with a friend doesn't Agree, you may feel angry with yourself for a short while. On the other hand, a mood, an emotion usually than lighter, but more durable. In most cases, it may be difficult to determine the specific cause of a mood. For example, the person may net yourself feel sad for a few days without an identifiable cause. The undisputed role in our lives, our feelings can serve very different purposes. Emotions, a short, insistent, powerful, complex, and even can be life-changing.Can motivate us to act in certain ways, and in our social worlds can provide us with the tools and resources we need to interact in a meaningful way.           https://www.orak11.com/index.php/eat-these-foods-to-stress/ Bibliography: Hockenbury, D. and Hockenbury, SE (2007). Psychology Explore. New York: Worth Publishers. Mauss, I. and Robinson, M. criteria of Emotion: a review. Google Emot. Read the full article
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niteclubgirl · 6 years
Saw @bababrinkman lastnight. Science🤓+ HipHop= Worth Seeing! 👍🏾 #neuroscience #perceptionshifts #subjectiveexperiences #physicalprocesses #encodedcells #whatyour🧠does🧐 #BabaBrinkman #MJ #SohoPlayhouse (at SoHo Playhouse)
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The duality that exists in the universe can be created only by conscious entity and the best way to describe it is to call it perceptual dualism - the subjective illusion of duality. #Perception #Duality #Dualism #SubjectiveDuality #SubjectiveExperience
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