#submit my project for innovation contest
bakingrecipe · 11 months
Hi how are you doing
im fine but i have so much to do
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riddlerlesbian · 10 months
ygo oc week day 7
my obligatory "series i made up" protag, Yuval Elkayim
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Duel Monsters being able to be used as a power source has been incredibly helpful in space exploration. Small communities live on asteroids, which have been terraformed to harvest crops. Yuval grew up in one of these and eventually found a way to play Duel Monsters that made the game pace a bit longer and steadier, which made a more efficient stream of energy. Because of this, ze was selected for a larger program on a small planet nearby, working to connect the small enclaves scattered about the planet with an rail infrastructure, while having to deal with various environmental hazards.
drabble under cut
Yuval hadn’t expected much to come of zir innovations on Dueling. When ze shared it with the commune on the next asteroid over, it was because it was something that would help them, not something ze wanted recognition for. But then Yuval got a message from the System Authority that zir new Duel style–the Level Ramp–was perfect for the infrastructure project on the nearest planet.
The planet was large and the terraforming projects were going very slowly, so there were several cities and enclaves scattered about the planet, but traversing between them was impossible. Yuval’s Level Ramping could change that by making it possible to build railways connecting the cities. It was surreal. It felt like ze had won a competition that ze hadn’t entered in.
And that was before Yuval found out that there had been a contest, pitching solutions for this problem. Zir work was submitted on zir behalf and Level Ramping had won. Yuval would be more excited by that if it weren't for the harsh looks ze received when meeting the rest of the group.
“The thing is,” one of them was nice enough to explain, “when we submitted ours, we were also training to go on this expedition. It's pretty annoying that someone from a farming asteroid gets to come along without enough knowing what you're doing.”
“I had to come along in case the Duel Disks need maintenance. I'm a quick learner, so I won't be any trouble.” But she clearly still has her doubts. Yuval will have to prove zirself in some other way over time. Words are easy after all.
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kvibe-test · 3 months
<img src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1046530452657279067/1257713695656644639/kvibestudios_Create_a_cinematic_blogpost_thumbnail_image_depict_79c3a14e-7961-4bb0-9b90-75940f8c3129.png?ex=668568a8&is=66841728&hm=835fcbfb87b489fa7220a9c345da29f6d120a61025951134c976048a80faced2&"> Thriving in the Indie Film Landscape
Navigating your way through the independent film market has never been straightforward, and these days, the challenges seem even more pronounced. With the dwindling interest in conventional revenue streams and the surge of streaming platforms, the journey ahead isn't devoid of obstacles. However, by making a few strategic decisions and fostering a strong community, it's absolutely possible to thrive in this tough landscape.
Building a Strong Community
One of the most effective tools in my arsenal as an independent filmmaker has been a supportive community. It's about more than just creating outstanding films; it's about making connections with people who see the vision, share the struggles, and align with the goals. Through social media, local events, or online forums, cultivating a dedicated follower base provides continuous support and invaluable word-of-mouth promotion.
Think about it: when you have an audience eagerly looking forward to your next project, you’re not just relying on sporadic interest. These are the people who will show up at your screenings, fund your projects through Kickstarter or Indiegogo, and share your content. Building this community doesn’t happen overnight, but with patience and genuine interaction, it becomes one of the most fulfilling parts of being an independent filmmaker.
Leveraging New Distribution Channels
Traditional film distribution routes have been upended by the proliferation of streaming platforms. The times when theatrical releases and DVD sales were the main income streams are behind us. Adapting to new distribution channels is a necessity today. Services like Amazon Prime Video, Netflix, and Hulu offer immense opportunities but can be incredibly competitive and tough to break into for indie filmmakers.
Exploring niche streaming platforms or services that cater specifically to independent films can also be an effective strategy. Channels like FilmFreeway or IndieFlix focus on showcasing indie media, helping you reach audiences actively seeking fresh, non-mainstream content.
Another viable approach is self-distribution through your own website or video-hosting platforms like Vimeo, where you control your sales and rental prices. Direct engagement with your audience is crucial here, emphasizing the importance of building that supportive community. By doing so, you can bypass traditional gatekeepers and ensure your work reaches people who genuinely appreciate it.
Navigating the Streaming Platform Landscape
The dominance of streaming platforms is both a challenge and an opportunity. On one hand, fierce competition can be discouraging, especially when algorithms favor major blockbusters. However, these platforms can catalyze your career by expanding your reach beyond traditional boundaries.
Submitting to film festivals and contests that align with streaming services often results in distribution deals. Many indie films have gained traction this way. Persistence and continuously seeking these opportunities to get your film seen is key.
It’s also beneficial to stay updated with the latest trends and metrics. Knowing what types of content succeed on these platforms can help you tailor your pitches and marketing strategies. Be flexible and ready to adapt your vision where necessary without compromising your artistic integrity.
Final Thoughts
While the independent film market is plagued with difficulties, the keys to success lie in adapting to the changing distribution landscape, leveraging streaming platforms wisely, and most importantly, building a strong, connected community. Staying true to your passion and remaining open to innovation can break the perceived limits.
Ultimately, the shared journey with those who support your vision becomes extraordinarily fulfilling. So, here's to building bridges, creating groundbreaking films, and showing the world the essence of independent filmmaking.
#indiefilm #filmmaking #streamingplatforms #communitybuilding #independentcinema
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madstars-festival · 6 months
[WINNER INTERVIEW] I Nailed My Internship!
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- Interview with Heeyoon Kim of winner MAD STARS 2023 & Cheil Worldwide Internship Participant
Every year, MAD STARS offers internship opportunities at renowned advertising agencies for winners of the General Public (Bronze or higher) and YOUNG STARS (Crystal or higher) categories!
Last year, 14 companies, including Serviceplan Korea, Ideot, Cheil Worldwide, and HSAD, participated. This year, we're thrilled to announce that many agencies are eagerly preparing special internship programs exclusively for MAD STARS winners! It's an exciting opportunity for participants to not only showcase their talents but also to kickstart their careers with valuable hands-on experience in top-tier agencies.
We had the pleasure of speaking with Heeyoon Kim, who achieved remarkable success at MAD STARS 2023 in the General Public, earning 1 Silver, and 3 Crystals.
Heeyoon worked on an internship at Cheil Worldwide after her remarkable achievements. As an art director intern, Heeyoon worked under the ECD Soora Min team at Cheil Worldwide's Production 3 Headquarters since January this year.
Since 2022, she has passionately pursued her dream of becoming an advertising art director. Her journey has been enriched by various experiences at MAD STARS, where she participated in both the General Public and Young Stars MAD Competition.
We delved into Heeyoon's journey at MAD STARS and her enriching internship experience!
Q. Please introduce yourself in brief.
A. Hello! My name is Heeyoon Kim, and I dream of becoming an advertising art director.
My greatest joy lies in sharing my creations with others and observing their reactions.
It seems like just yesterday that I was awestruck by the award-winning works at MADSTARS, my heart racing with excitement. Now, finding myself as a winner and being interviewed feels incredibly surreal. I'm genuinely honored to have this opportunity😄
Q. You have been recognized in the General Public of MAD STARS for two years in a row since 2022.
What made you decide to enter MAD STARS?
* Heeyoon Kim's MAD STARS Awards -MAD STARS 2023 General Public: 1 Silver, 3 Crystal, 8 Finalists - MAD STARS 2022 General Public: 1 Finalist
A. Recognized as one of Asia's premier advertising contests, MAD STARS annually attracts a plethora of outstanding entries.
Notably, many of these works have received accolades from MAD STARS and other internationally acclaimed advertising competitions. Feeling inspired to develop through competing alongside these distinguished works, I naturally decided to submit my own.
Q. Tell us about your favorite piece of work you've submitted to MAD STARS.
A. While I hold deep affection for all the submissions if I had to choose just one, it would be 'First Ukraine Michelin Stars'.
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First Ukraine Michelin Stars Innovation Stars - Silver / PIVOT - Crystal, 2023
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This was a project carried out with a team member full of passion, and it was especially meaningful because it developed ideas to assist Ukraine, which is suffering from the impacts of war. Throughout the project, our team focused on finding ways to naturally help Ukraine without instilling guilt or being coercive.
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During this process, we discovered that Ukraine did not have a single Michelin Star restaurant, which led to the idea of opening a Michelin Star restaurant that sells Ukrainian traditional food, thereby preserving its culinary culture. Implementing this project required consideration of everything from the restaurant's logo to the menu, dishes, and interior, during which our team members really put in a lot of effort.
The team worked tirelessly, day and night, researching Ukrainian traditional food and culture, and holding meetings to gradually develop the idea. As a result, I am truly happy that this work allowed us to win both Silver and Crystal awards at the Busan International Marketing Advertising Festival.😊
Q. Especially last year, in addition to being finalists in the General Public, you won four trophies, including Silver and Crystal.
I'm curious about your strategy for achieving significantly more awards in 2023 compared to 2022 when you were one work finalist (which, of course, is still a significant achievement!).
Did you focus on anything specific or put in extra effort in 2023 compared to 2022?
A. In 2022, the work that was selected as a finalist in the General Public category was a project I undertook individually rather than with a team.
Naturally, handling everything from planning to production on my own presented many challenges, and without team members to discuss ideas with, it took me a long time to gain confidence in my ideas. Following this experience, I met team members who shared my vision, and we worked together, leveraging our teamwork.
Working with passionate team members made it possible to smile even in the toughest moments, and by dividing roles and bringing out each other's expertise, we seemed to create greater synergy. As a result, we were able to produce works of higher quality, which I believe led to winning more awards.
Q. In addition to entering the General Public, you have participated in YOUNG STARS, a college student marketing and advertising competition, for two years in a row since 2022.
What made you decide to participate in YOUNG STARS for the second year in a row?
* Heeyoon Kim's YOUNG STARS Awards - 2023 YOUNG STARS MAD Competition: Finalist -2022 YOUNG STARS AD Competition: Silver
A. The chance to compete with students from various countries was the most appealing aspect to me.
Furthermore, I believed that competing alongside many students who love advertising would enhance my passion for it even more, leading me to participate in Youngstars for two consecutive years.
Q. You participated in the YOUNG STARS Final Round in Busan, Korea last year.
Do you have any funny stories from the event?
A. In 2022, I couldn't participate in the on-site competition due to COVID-19, but in 2023, being able to join the on-site competition and meet college students from various nationalities in person was probably the most enjoyable part for me.
When communicating with foreign students, I mainly used English, but sometimes, when I wanted to have a newer and more enjoyable conversation, I used a translation app to show the translated language in real time. During this process, there were translation errors, but that made the interactions more enjoyable and helped us become friends naturally. I still keep in touch with a Chinese friend I got close to at that time!😄
Q. What skills do you think you've been able to develop through YOUNG STARS?
A. Working in a team on the project allowed us to refine our ideas through discussions and collaboration, thereby fostering our teamwork.
Furthermore, among the students participating in Young Stars, many exhibited exceptional planning and production talents, from whom I could learn a lot just by observing their work. I analyzed the strengths of the winning teams and reflected on my shortcomings, contemplating how I could further develop my ideas.
I believe this process helped me improve my ability to flesh out ideas.
Q. As a winner of the 2023 MAD STARS General Public, you participated in a six-week internship program at Cheil Worldwide.
What kind of work did you do at Cheil Worldwide?
A. During my internship, I worked as an Art Director intern at Cheil Worldwide, under the team led by Soora Min ECD.
I had the opportunity to work with various teams and experience multiple clients. My responsibilities primarily included video advertisement ideation, key visual development, and digital campaign ideation.
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The most memorable moment for me was participating in a competitive presentation from start to finish with the ECD team. Despite the tight timeline, it was thrilling when our team won the competition.
Given the short duration of my internship, it was not easy to experience the entire process of a competitive pitch from start to finish, so I believe I was quite fortunate. 😊
Q. What did you learn from the internship program?
A. I've realized the importance of trend analysis. When creating advertisements, being able to interpret trends seems like the fastest way to gain a competitive edge.
Not only should one be aware of advertising trends, but it's also beneficial to understand the critical issues in society, what interests the younger generation, and what memes are trending, among other things. It's advantageous to have a broad range of interests, to the extent that others might say, "Wow, you know about this too?"
I believe that having such diverse interests and a better understanding of trends can lead to the generation of many new and engaging ideas when it comes to creating advertising concepts.
Q. What were some of the challenges you faced during your internship and something you felt you could improve upon?
A. When tasked with generating advertising ideas for unfamiliar products or services, I found setting a direction and concretizing a concept particularly challenging. Even in areas that I'm not well-versed in, I still needed to delve deep and propose ideas convincing enough for the client, which was initially really tough. 😢
So, whenever I was at a loss for the right direction, I made it a point to jot down all the ideas from team members during each meeting, striving to clearly understand the client's desired direction. I also endeavored to analyze related market cases, seeking elements and methods that could differentiate us in the market.
There are still many brands and products I've yet to experience, so moving forward, I thought about the importance of preemptively thinking about how I could turn the many things I encounter in daily life into advertisements.
Q. What changes did you see in yourself before and after the internship?
A. Previously, I focused on generating fresh and fun ideas, but after my internship, I shifted my focus towards creating solutions that align with the actual needs of clients. Compared to before, I believe I've learned to think more strategically.
Additionally, working with wonderful people who have taught me so much has made me realize that I need to become more humble.😄
Q. What kind of person do you want to become as you start building your career?
A. Rather than aspiring to become someone great, I want to be a person who still loves advertising and creativity as time goes by. Even when work becomes overwhelming, I wish to continue working with passion and excitement in my heart!
Also, since I don't know what opportunities life may bring or where I might end up working in the future, I'm determined to study English more diligently to become someone who doesn't feel hindered by language barriers.
Anyone has the chance to enter the MAD STARS General Public for free until June 15 (KST).
Additionally, the Young Stars MAD Competition 2024, open to university students of any major, is accepting submissions until May 26 (KST).
Notably, several renowned advertising agencies are preparing internship programs.
Seize this opportunity to not only compete for awards at an international festival but also to kickstart your career with an internship at an esteemed advertising company!
Submit your entry for MAD STARS 2024 General Public 👉🏻 https://bit.ly/3x4rjlZ
Apply for the 2024 Young Stars MAD Competition 👉🏻 https://bit.ly/3P7ch4X
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drew-mga2022mi6011 · 9 months
Competition Briefs | The First Candidates
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"This module aims to stimulate in the student an innovative response to a brief selected from a wide range of options within the art, design and animation industries."
Essentially, for this module I was allowed to choose between any selection of Competition Briefs and deliver those as my final submission for this module according to those guidelines.
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The first competition I looked at was Animayo 2024 – International Poster Contest. Artists from all over the world are invited to submit their original artwork to this contest. The winning poster will be used to promote Animayo 2024. Any technique is allowed. The works should be unpublished. The poster must be submitted in digital format. Finally, it must be based on the theme of the Festival this year.
As a poster competition, this gives me a lot of leeway to explore different techniques - analog and digital - and conduct research on a different culture, previous entries and other successful instances of design.
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The contest is organized by the Apila Ediciones, a publishing house based in Alagón, Spain.
“Apila Ediciones in collaboration with the High School of Design of Aragón and with the support of its Town Hall, announces “Apila’s 2024 First Printing Award”. This is an international illustrated picture book contest to promote creativity and enrich children’s literature with an educational scope."
Illustrators, regardless of nationality, may submit a project of an illustrated picture book for children, written in Spanish or English (max. 40 pages).
This competition is more in line with my career goals, as being a writer and illustrator, however due to the sheer size of the undertaking, this one does not sit well with me considering that I am conducting the R&D phase of my Final Major Project.
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As shipping prices continue to soar and as online sales continue to grow, games that provide excellent gameplay that are also compact and inexpensive to ship become more and more enticing to both publishers and customers. And when all it takes is a few extra dice and meeples to push a package into a more expensive shipping cost bracket, every ounce matters.
So, for this contest, the challenge is to pack as much game as possible into a box that weighs 16 ounces or less. And the goal is to be as close to the 16 ounces as possible. Essentially, people should get done playing and wonder how in the world you fit that much game into a box that weighs so little.
As the most unorthodox idea of the bunch, I was extremely interested in going through with this competition. I was looking into creating smaller tabletop games as a potential avenue for success in the future, and this seemed like a great place to start.
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The Silent Book Contest is organized by the Italian publisher Carthusia Edizioni. The competition is exclusively reserved for new and unpublished illustrated books without words. The book project must not contain words. The narration must be realized through the illustrations. The subject is open and not restricted to any age group and readers. Finally, the book is limited to 16 pages (1 Front and Back, 1 Frontis Piece, and 14 Inner Pages).
When choosing from the above, I had to consider how exactly this would benefit my portfolio, and if it would be relevant to what I wanted to do going forward. This immediately eliminated the Animayo 2024 International Poster Contest. I was far more interested in creating books and games. Examining everything from a practical standpoint, I looked at which aspects I could capitalise on research and exploration wise, and which project was most feasible for me to complete within the given time frame.
Ultimately, I chose to go with the Silent Book Contest. This would be a fun challenge and allows for ample research potential and freedom of execution!
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justinunlocd · 3 years
When I was in the sixth grade, I started playing in band. We had two days to look at the band and orchestra instruments, and for some reason percussion chose me; probably because of the few years before playing in Mr. Kevin Downie’s Orff Ensemble. If my memory serves me correct, Mrs. Carolyn Valiquette, my band director at the time, assigned us the task of writing a short piece for our band with a classmate; I was partnered with John Case. We wrote this piece called “Immortal,” and she liked it so much, we were able to play it at the last sixth grade band concert. I remember my older brother and grandmother being there to watch me play...
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Later in middle school, eight grade year actually, I played a little solo at contest and got a “I” rating on it. It was a Handel violin sonata in F and Mrs. Celeste Smith gave me the opportunity to play it during the last band concert. I remember distinctly saying, right before I was about to play, “you ain’t gon say something?” She chuckled and obliged me a short introduction about me working on that piece and how proud she was of me. I was elated...
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Ninth grade was the start of high school, which meant marching band, and I was playing snare drum with Amy, Drew, Pauline and Collin. That was the same year I started working on four-mallet technique and went to play in the front ensemble the next year. Sophomore year was also the same year the Derby High School Wind Ensemble was severed to play at KMEA. That year, I made it into the top band and was one of the four percussionists featured on our performance of David R. Gillingham’s “Concertino for Four Percussion and Wind Ensemble.” That was such a fun piece! I got to play this chromatic xylophone part in unison with Jason Lord. Glenn Woolard and Pauline Kennedy were the other feature soloists. That was probably the highlight of my high school music experience honestly, at least on the concert percussion side...
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Then we get to Twelve Grade, I audition for the solo competition with the Wichita Youth Symphony. Unfortunately I only get a runner-up spot because [redacted] although I had the better performance of the excerpt I chose, Ney Rosauro’s “Concerto for Marimba and Orchestra No. 2.” However, it would only be a few years later I would be able to play the piece’s first movement, and cutting in the cadenza from the third, with the WSU Symphony Orchestra as a soloist for their Concerto-Aria Competition. That was Junior Year, and don’t we love a good vindication story?...
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But I’m getting ahead of myself, sophomore year of college was the year I had a realignment of my purpose, and for the first time, chose to purposefully and intentionally move in that direction. It was November 22, 2010. We had a percussion ensemble concert that night, with guest artist, the one and only, and Wichita State University School of Music Alum, Kevin Bobo! We played his piece “Boboland,” where I got to play on the same marimba as him for a moment, it was hilarious and I still remember that moment fondly...
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Funny enough, I was still an engineering major Sophomore year. At the same time, I was leaving my Physics class early to go to steel band rehearsal, and skipping Statics altogether to hang out with Patrick, Da’Kneisha and Sparkle LOL. It wasn’t until the end of that concert, where my mom sent me a text message that said something to the effect of, “if you change your major to music, we support you,” and so I decided to change my major to music, and also choose to put my pursuit of happiness above everything else...
Oh yeah, and then the percussion ensemble I was in, Impulse Percussion Group, won second place in the Konrad Wolff-Ilse Bing Chamber Music Competition to a bit of controversy à la “is percussion a chamber group/instrument...” yup, even in 2013, that was a scandal that we even participated, let alone placed...
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Then for my second senior year, I finally played my senior recital and graduated college with my music degree. I already had a job setup at my church that I went into full-time one week after I graduated. (I do NOT recommend jumping from college immediately into job, it was a horrible mistake, but life happens fast.) I worked as the music director for the church for only three years before I realized my mental health was taking a toll. I became less of myself when I was at the office, I despised having to appear busy when I already completed my daily tasks (especially when I asked my supervisor for work to do, because according to him, “no one here has down time,” and he had nothing for me to do...) anyway, while on Facebook, I saw a post for an emergency percussion GTA position at WSU and I immediately contacted my old percussion professor, Jerry Scholl, on what I needed to submit to apply. Within a few weeks, I worked up the excerpts, recorded them all, and was accepted to begin my masters degree at WSU. And yes, I was fleeing a toxic work environment...
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Cut to August 13, 2020. I’ve graduated with my Masters in Music. I’m a year and some change out of school and still only working gigs as to not get into a 9-5/M-F job. I’ve started modeling seriously and got signed to not one, but two agencies. But my focus wasn’t honed in with music, what do I seriously do with this degree and the accomplishments I’ve earned and worked for after college? And then I reconnected with my old best friend Da’Kneisha Nikoyle Blount. We had a conversation the day before and also on the day of our friend’s wedding. We talked about how we should do music again, we just talked about it, almost in jest, but also in a reminiscence. Who knew what we got ourselves into...
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Our first music video.
Then a few articles here and there.
An inauguration.
Then a billboard.
An MLK event.
Contacted for a premiere piece.
Then our first concert.
A benefit concert.
A church service.
Recording in the studio.
A fundraising event.
A video shoot...
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And now, as of May 5, 2021, I’ve performed and premiered my first wind symphony piece as a member of @tupacmeetsbach with @dnikoyle. The piece is called, “Stained with Beauty - for Solo Soprano, Solo Marimba, Wind Ensemble and Choir” and is an elaboration and development of the original song written by Da’Kneisha. The piece comprises of four movements, and is roughly 25 minutes in length. This piece is our baby and as Renee would say, “one of the most honest and innovative music projects.” I’m so thankful to all the musicians who rehearsed for months to make this performance happen!
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Thank you to Dr. Timothy Shade for reaching out to us and providing us an ensemble to realize this piece. Thank you to the choir who became a nice supportive background for Da’Kneisha. Thank you to the stage techs and sound engineers for filming and recording this premiere. Thank you to my parents for financially supporting me during the pandemic to allow me to sustain while working fervently on this piece. And a special thank you to my best friend and partner in rhyme, Da’Kneisha, for your heart, your mind, and your friendship!❤️❤️❤️
Y’all have really made my dreams come true and I can’t wait to start working on the next piece already!!!
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groovyhunter370 · 3 years
Bristolgames123 Nr2003 Designs
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(Redirected from Bristol M.R.1 Metal Biplane)
Bristolgames123 Nr2003 Designs Custom
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Bristolgames123 Nr2003 Designs Pictures
Bristolgames123 Nr2003 Designs Ideas
Original NR2003 Fictional Cars. UTICA HOME TRACK SERIES Season Sets 2014. DASCAR Regional Pro Cup 2014 #20 XSAN Chevrolet SS DOWNLOAD by Brenden.
Sailboat and sailing yacht searchable database with more than 8,000 sailboats from around the world including sailboat photos and drawings. About the BRISTOL 32 sailboat.
Initial graphics in NR2003 is terrible, but it is simple to transform it to brilliant graphics by updating some values in the files renddxg.ini and core.ini. I use the following values with my 64-bit Win7, 1024 MB Video RAM, 1920x1080 screen resolution: in file renddxg.ini: TextureSetSize=512000000 in file core.ini: CacheSize=14194304.
M.R.1RoleExperimental metal reconnaissanceNational originUnited KingdomManufacturerThe British & Colonial Aeroplane Co. LtdDesignerFrank BarnwellFirst flight1917Number built2
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The Bristol M.R.1 was an experimental biplane with an aluminiummonocoquefuselage and metal wings, produced by Bristol during the First World War. Two were built to government order.
Soon into the development of powered flight, some manufacturers were beginning to consider the use of metal in airframes to replace wood. Metal structures, even fabric-covered metal frames, offered greater robustness for handling and transportation as well as better resistance to tropical climates, and some designers could see the possibilities of metal skinning, stressed or not, for aerodynamically-clean cantilever wings and advanced monocoque fuselages. There was a realisation too, that mild steel, familiar from bicycle manufacture but with a low strength-to-weight ratio, was not going to be the material of choice once the problems of joining aluminium alloy members together and preventing their corrosion had been solved. Vickers in the UK were one of the first to make steel-framed and sparred aircraft that flew, with their series of R.E.P-type monoplanes no.s 1-8 produced between 1911 and 1913.(1) In Germany, Junkers produced the first true all-metal (for years, aircraft with fabric-clad metal frames were described as all-metal, but the Junkers was steel-skinned as well) aircraft,(2) the Junkers J.1, flown in 1915. Bristol's first draft designs for metal aircraft date from 1914, but it was not until the increase of aircraft production during the First World War began to put pressure on the supply of high-grade timber that there was official interest. During 1916 Bristol's designer, Frank Barnwell submitted a design(3) for a metal two-seat reconnaissance aircraft, the M.R.1 (M.R. for Metal Reconnaissance) and gained a contract for two evaluation aircraft.
The fuselage construction was quite novel. Barnwell borrowed from marine experience by using duralumin sheet, varnished to prevent corrosion and used these to make the fuselage in four sections. The two forward sections were semi-monocoque (i.e. open channels) with braced longitudinal upper members which, bolted together, held the engine, a water-cooled inline upright 140 hp (100 kW) Hispano-Suiza) and the pilot's cockpit. Aft, two more sections, both true monocoques, held the observer and carried the tail unit. The two cockpits were close together, with the pilot under the wing at mid-chord and the observer under a trailing edge cutout; Barnwell proposed that the short observer's fuselage section should be removable to turn the M.R.1 into a single-seater, though this configuration was not realised. The monocoque sections were very early examples of double-skinned construction, with a smooth outer skin riveted to a longitudinally-corrugated inner skin. The detailed design was by W.T.Read. The complete fuselage was of round-cornered rectangular cross-section and quite slender, mounted between the wings. The M.R.1 was a two-bay biplane without stagger or sweep, with ailerons on both planes. Aluminium wing spars proved difficult to make sufficiently rigid and Bristol outsourced their manufacture to The Steel Wing Company at Gloucester, who had built experimental steel wings for other aircraft.(3)
With the fuselage of the first M.R.1 completed before the wings, Bristol decided to make a set of conventional wooden wings, with ailerons only on the upper planes, for flight trials in mid-1917. These went well and the aircraft was handed over to the Air Board in October 1917. The second M.R.1 did not fly until late in 1918 when the metal wings were at last ready, powered by a 180 hp (130 kW) Wolseley Viper engine. It was damaged beyond repair at the end of its delivery flight to the Royal Aircraft Establishment in April 1919. The first M.R.1 was fitted with metal wings by 1918 and continued to provide useful information on metal airframe construction. In 1923, Bristol's rationalisation of type numbers labelled the M.R.1 the Type 13.(3)
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Data fromBarnes 1964, p. 129 Unfortunately Barnes did not state which engine the following specifications apply to, nor if the metal or wooden wings were used.
General characteristics
Bristolgames123 Nr2003 Designs Custom
Crew: two
Length: 27 ft 0 in (12.85 m)
Wingspan: 42 ft 2 in (8.23 m)
Height: 10 ft 3 in (3.12 m)
Wing area: 458 sq ft (42.6 m2)
Empty weight: 1,700 lb (770 kg)
Gross weight: 2,810 lb (1,275 kg)
Maximum speed: 110 mph (177 km/h, 96 kn)
Endurance: 5 hours
Bristolgames123 Nr2003 Designs Images
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Wikimedia Commons has media related to Bristol M.R.1.
^Andrews & Morgan 1988, pp. 34–42
^Turner & Nowarra 1971, p. 11
^ abcBarnes 1964, pp. 126–9
Bristolgames123 Nr2003 Designs Pictures
Bristolgames123 Nr2003 Designs Ideas
Andrews, C.F.; Morgan, E.B. (1988). Vickers Aircraft since 1908. London: Putnam Publishing. ISBN0-370-00015-3.
Turner, P. StJ.; Nowarra, Heinz (1971). Junkers: an aircraft album no.3. London: Arco Publishing. ISBN0-668-02506-9.
Barnes, C. H. (1964). Bristol Aircraft since 1910. New York: Putnam Publishing. ISBN0-85177-815-1.
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See Thru Houses Inspirational Homes & Features in Glass
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architectnews · 3 years
Bernard Bühler Award for exterior projects
Bernard Bühler Award 2022, Design Architects and Designers Contest News, French architect
Bernard Bühler Award 2022
18 February 2022
Bernard Bühler Award 2022 News
Eastman announces Bernard Bühler Award
for the 2022 Vanceva® World of Color Awards
The new award dedicated to exterior projects is named for the renowned French architect.
The architect Bernard Bühler: photo © Bernard Bühler, all rights reserved
Paris, February 17, 2022 – Named after the renowned French architect who has developed multiple projects across France using Vanceva color PVB interlayers, Bühler himself will be the juror for the award and will choose the winner from all entries in the “Exterior” category.
“I am honored by this recognition of my work with color,” Bühler said. “I am an intensive user of Vanceva color interlayers, and I won at the Vanceva World of Color Awards myself in 2012. By combining glass and a wide variety of playful colors, I like to create apartment buildings that are dynamic and fun places to live in. Those interlayers are perfect tools to bring my vision of colored living places to life.”
The winner will be announced at the same time as the winner of the 2022 Vanceva World of Color Awards on Wednesday, September 21, 2022.
Arc En Ciel building in Bordeaux, France, design by Bernard Bühler: photo © Vincent Monthiers
This worldwide competition is designed to showcase artful, innovative use of color laminated safety glazing while honoring the architects, designers, glass fabricators, glazing contractors, engineers and other industry professionals for their inspiring projects. Entry for submissions opened on January 18, 2022, and will continue through Thursday, March 31 at 11:59 p.m. CST. There are no entry fees and entries can be uploaded at www.vanceva.com/woca/submit-a-project. A preselection process will take place with qualified project submissions on Wednesday, May 4, 2022. Final submissions are due on Tuesday, May 31, at 11:59 p.m. CST.
Fulton Building, Paris, France – Bernard Bühler: photo © Sergio Grazia
The jury for the 2022 Vanceva World of Color Awards is composed of five experts representing leading design and architecture companies: Firas Hnoosh, managing director, Nordic Office Architects; Joe Jacoby, president and director of design, Jacoby Architects Inc.; Jeffrey S. Monzu, market sector leader, healthcare design at LEO A DALY; Roman Schieber, associate director ppa., Knippers Helbig; and Monika Kumor, project designer, HOK.
Koh I Noor building in Montpellier, France – Bernard Bühler: photo © Julien Thomazo
The Vanceva color interlayer system offers architects and designers unparalleled creative freedom to incorporate color into glass and glazing systems using tinted interlayers, which are laminated between two pieces of glass. A palette of 16 colors can be combined in up to four layers to produce more than 3,000 transparent, translucent and opaque glass colors. This gives designers almost unmatched flexibility to create custom colors and one-of-a-kind aesthetics. Vanceva color interlayers also offer many of the benefits of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) interlayers for laminated safety glass.
Habas les Vallons building in Bayonne, France – Bernard Bühler: photo © Bernard Bühler, all rights reserved
Eastman Saflex® and Vanceva® PVB interlayers are some of the most trusted names in PVB interlayer technology for laminated glazing, delivering outstanding performance and durability and backed by reliable and knowledgeable service. As a result, Eastman interlayers are found in nearly 40% of laminated architectural and automotive glass worldwide.
Founded in 1920, Eastman is a global specialty materials company that produces a broad range of products found in items people use every day. With the purpose of enhancing the quality of life in a material way, Eastman works with customers to deliver innovative products and solutions while maintaining a commitment to safety and sustainability.
The company’s innovation-driven growth model takes advantage of world-class technology platforms, deep customer engagement, and differentiated application development to grow its leading positions in attractive end markets such as transportation, building and construction, and consumables. As a globally inclusive and diverse company, Eastman employs approximately 14,000 people around the world and serves customers in more than 100 countries. The company had 2021 revenues of approximately $10.5 billion and is headquartered in Kingsport, Tennessee, U.S.A. For more information, visit www.eastman.com.
Bernard Bühler: architecture for a colored life
Renowned Bordeaux-based architect explains his vision of living.
The creation of the Bernard Bühler Award was just announced. Can you tell us more?
I am very pleased I was asked by Eastman, organizer of the 2022 Vanceva® World of Color Awards, to grant this special award for exterior projects. I won the award myself in 2012 for a playful housing project near Paris mixing glass and color. In fact, I am an intensive user of Vanceva® Color interlayers. By combining glass and a wide variety of playful colors, I create apartment buildings that are dynamic, fun places to live.
You are indeed known for your colored buildings. What are your recent works?
My studio recently finished a big complex of social housing units on the Seine frontage in Paris. It stands out from the surroundings thanks to a dichroic effect, which changes color depending on the light. So, at different times or from different angles, color can vary greatly from pink to yellow to blue. The color changes throughout the day, and the result is a dynamic, living building! I like to create buildings as landmarks; buildings that are remembered. People remember color; it marks our minds. Architecturally, it is very interesting. And behind the dichroic film, the light is not tinted; it is neutral. There are no colored reflections inside the home for the inhabitants.
We are currently working on another interesting project in Fontbelleau, near Bordeaux. It is a modern residence in a centenary woodland environment. The buildings have an innovative, rounded shape, with vertical green flat panels. The customers requested to see through the interlayers, so the windows are inserted through cuts in the interlayer. That project will be completed in 2023.
Color is at the heart of your work. How does color interlayer bring your vision to life?
We do mostly housing and exteriors. There is traditionally very little color in buildings, which are mostly white and grey. The choice of materials for exterior facades is very important. I saw colored interlayers for the first time on a building designed by French architect Jean Nouvel in Paris. It had glazed scales, and I thought it was fabulous. I first used Vanceva color interlayers 20 years ago with glass inserts on windows for a building in Bayonne. I have never stopped. Shades are very important too. I am fascinated by the changes of colours on buildings. In France, color is not always well perceived, especially in institutions dealing with social housing, and we do many of those.
Cities around us are primarily built with different shades of grey. But in the world, color is everywhere. It recalls stained glass windows in churches and cathedrals but also famous-colored places like Burano or Valparaiso or the amazing colors of Greece and India. Le Corbusier loved color, and many architects use it all over the world. The world itself has amazing color. Just think of fish and flowers. Color is joy. As Baudelaire said about a glazier, and as I like to quote him: “What! No colored glass? No rose-colored glass, red glass, blue glass? Where are the magic panes, the windowpanes of paradise? What impudence! You barge into this humble neighborhood without even the decency to bring the glass that can make life beautiful.” (from “The Bad Glazier” by Charles Baudelaire, translated by David Lehman)
Buildings look great when they are built, but how do they evolve over time?
We develop many social housing projects. I am committed to making the homes of people living in social houses not only welcoming and joyful places but also qualitative. And I expect this quality from the materials I use. The color of Vanceva interlayers does not deteriorate when it is inserted in the glass panels. Time has its effect in a gradual and homogeneous way. After 20 years, we’ve never had any issue with wear and deterioration, and the most ancient buildings still stand out beautifully.
Eastman, manufacturer of the Vanceva color interlayer system for laminated glass, launched a biyearly international design recognition program inspired by the liberal use of the Vanceva color interlayer system in both exterior and interior architecture and design in 2010.
Eastman Saflex and Vanceva PVB interlayers are some of the most trusted names in PVB interlayer technology for laminated glazing, delivering outstanding performance and durability and backed by reliable and knowledgeable service. As a result, Eastman interlayers are found in nearly 40% of laminated architectural and automotive glass worldwide.
Producing a broad spectrum of colors and moods that are unachievable using stock selections of glass, Vanceva gives architects and designers more creative freedom with glass than ever before. Vanceva color interlayers can be combined to produce more than two thousand transparent, translucent, or opaque color options to help create the desired tone and intensity.
When Vanceva color interlayers are combined with tinted or reflective glass, the design possibilities are nearly limitless. No other interlayer brand delivers the complete spectrum of colors for laminated glass like Vanceva. Used in curtain walls, atriums, skylights, partitions, and conference rooms, Vanceva color interlayers allow the most expressive designs with distinctive hues, from the subtle to the dramatic, all using the advanced interlayer technology you have come to know and trust in the Saflex brand.
Architecture Competitions
Architectural Competitions : links
Architecture Competitions – architectural selection below:
Wilcox Road South Lambeth Competition, London, England, UK photo courtesy of LFA Wilcox Road South Lambeth Competition
New London Architecture King’s Cross Design Competition, North London, England, UK New London Architecture King’s Cross Design Competition
Weissenhof in Stuttgart open urban planning ideas competition, Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, south west Germany photo courtesy of IBA’27 Weissenhof Stuttgart open ideas competition
Kaira Looro Architecture Competition 2022 – Children’s House, Senegal, West Africa Kaira Looro 2022 Competition
Experiential Architecture, Architectural Essay Competition 2021 Experiential Architecture Essay Competition 2021
Architectural Awards
Mies van der Rohe Awards
American Architecture Awards
Contemporary Interiors
Comments / photos for the Bernard Bühler Award for exterior projects page welcome
The post Bernard Bühler Award for exterior projects appeared first on e-architect.
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ralphlayton · 4 years
What Does Award-Winning B2B Influencer Marketing Look Like?
In a time of increased competition and uncertainty, standing out is more important than ever. Of course there's plenty of B2B marketing that stands out, but what kind performs? Is it ads, content marketing, SEO, social, ABM or influence? At TopRank Marketing we make it our business to deliver on and exceed expectations for content experiences that will inspire customers through influencer marketing. But what does award-winning B2B influencer marketing look like?  How can you infuse your own campaigns with the type of powerful elements that combine to deliver stellar marketing performance? To help answer those questions, let’s take a look at two highly-successful efforts from our clients LinkedIn and Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (ALE) to find out what common elements both campaigns share to make for decidedly uncommon success.
Award Winning B2B Influencer Marketing in Action
We were thrilled that the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) B2 Awards awarded TopRank Marketing its silver winner in the social media category, for our work with LinkedIn in the successful “LinkedIn’s Social-First Approach to Engaging Influencers & Audiences Alike” campaign, and that the 2020 Content Marketing Awards has selected TopRank Marketing as a finalist in its best content marketing program in technology, for our work with Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (ALE) in the successful “IT Vanguard Awards” campaign. The ANA’s B2 Awards recognize the top performing B2B marketers with a unique focus on driving demonstrable business results, and in 2020 entrants submitted in 47 categories which have evolved to reflect the growing role of B2B marketing and rapid industry changes. The 2020 Content Marketing Awards recognize and award the best content marketing projects, agencies and marketers in the industry each year, recognizing all aspects of content marketing, from strategy to distribution, from design to editorial, and is the leading international awards program for corporate content creation and distribution.
LinkedIn’s Social-First Approach to Engaging Influencers & Audiences Alike
The average daily time that a user spends on social media is approximately 153 minutes (Statista). And, with 706+ million registered users (63 million of which are in decision-making positions), the LinkedIn platform presents a big opportunity for brands to engage their target audience. (LinkedIn). But reaching and connecting with both marketers and sales professionals has become increasingly difficult due to the overload of information thrown at them each day. The brand LinkedIn also faced this challenge, even on their own platform. So, in order to better reach these decision makers, LinkedIn Marketing and LinkedIn Sales Solutions set out to create a social-first campaign that would communicate authentically to then attract attention to specific LinkedIn Showcase Pages. Goals included:
Increase engagement and continue to humanize LinkedIn as a brand by partnering with well respected industry experts to share real-life struggles, stories and obstacles with a focused audience.
Drive new audiences to the targeted Showcase Pages via the influencer’s audiences (that were not already following or engaging with the LinkedIn brand).
Continue to nurture and grow relationships with the influencers themselves as part of an ongoing influencer program.
Engage the audience in-channel (versus sending to alternate content off platform).
LinkedIn Campaign Insights & Strategy
To create and optimize this social-first influencer content campaign, specific insights and strategies were leveraged:
High-level audit of the LinkedIn Marketing and Sales Showcase pages to identify the most engaging content based on:
Content Length
Featured Influencers
Best Publishing Time/Day
Identification of best-fit target influencers based on:
Audience Relevance
Participation Likelihood
Best Stories
Relevance and/or admiration of target audience
Research into appropriate hashtags for the campaign.
Based on these insights a campaign approach was created, including:
A messaging/post formula including:
Context at the beginning of each post
Tagging the contributing influencer
Showcasing their story/insights
Utilizing hashtags
Compelling visuals
     Activation of influencers when posts went live.
Influencer Content Campaign Concept
In order to better reach an overloaded audience, we focused on the idea of partnering with influencers to make professional networking more personal vs. more traditional “best practices” content that fills most professionals' social feeds. Instead, relevant influencers we asked to share real-life stories based on 3 key questions:
Describe a defining moment in your career and how it shaped you as a marketer or sales professional.
What is one thing not on your LinkedIn profile that people should know about you?
Who is one rising star in your field that you’d like to recognize? What makes them amazing?
By shifting from purely professional content to a combination of professional and personal, LinkedIn was able to better connect with the audience around their own professional opportunities and provide them a platform to engage directly with experts they respect.
B2B Social Influencer Campaign Results
Results for this influencer marketing and social media program exceeded all target goals. Below is a breakdown of the results: #MyMarketingStory
239% above reaction benchmark
348% above comment benchmark
150% above shares benchmark
100% influencer activation around the campaign
247% above reaction averages/goal
215% above comment averages
400% above shares averages
100% influencer activation around the campaign
Influencer Metrics
14 influencers activated (leading to 75+ over time)
228 total social posts (excludes LinkedIn data)
853 engagements (excludes LinkedIn data)
5.84M estimated reach (excludes LinkedIn data)
LinkedIn Social Influencer Campaign Insights
The goal of this campaign was to drive authentic engagement, on platform, between LinkedIn and their customers. With over 706 million registered users including 63 million in decision-making positions, LinkedIn Marketing and LinkedIn Sales created a powerful and successful social-first campaign leveraging LinkedIn Showcase Pages by connecting with content on both a personal and professional level.
LinkedIn Looks at What’s Next in Marketing Content Together
“At LinkedIn, we’ve worked with the TopRank Marketing team for about two to three years now, and what I really like about working with TopRank is they really, truly come to the table as collaborative partners,” Judy Tian, marketing manager at LinkedIn observed. “I’ve worked with a number of agencies where in marketing, I’m asking for deliverable A and they just give me deliverable A. But what’s great about TopRank is they also think about B, C, and D and really try to push my thinking of what’s next,” Judy added. “I think in marketing you are only as good as the creativity of your team and your ideas. The more voices that we bring to the table and the more proactiveness and willingness of everyone contributing ideas, the better off your marketing campaigns will be, and for us at LinkedIn, TopRank has truly become an extension of our own marketing team,” Judy explained.
TopRank Marketing & Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Not Afraid To Innovate: The IT Vanguards Awards Program
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (ALE), a 100-year-old business technology company, decided it was time to raise the stakes in sales funnel management. While ALE had hundreds of contacts, the company was not achieving the desired traction with their current methods. Their big idea was a recognition program for IT network and IT enterprise communications leaders. By celebrating industry leaders, ALE hoped to forge stronger relationships with clients and prospects — and build a more robust contact list. But how could ALE make sure that this seed of an idea produced the desired fruit — not only in its inaugural year but in years to come? The company looked to TopRank Marketing to help them create an innovative program, unlike anything that had been done before. TopRank Marketing provided end-to-end support for the initiative, collaborating with ALE on branding the IT Vanguards program, and then executing a strategic marketing plan which included influencer engagement, press releases, LinkedIn Pulse content, emails, and blogs. The IT Vanguards website doubled as a way to collect nominations and celebrate the winners. Once the winners were announced, the IT Vanguards website was populated with the honorees’ top leadership advice. These insights positioned both the winners and ALE as thought-leaders while also providing meaningful value long after the close of the program. All milestones — from announcing the program to celebrating the winners — were promoted using a strategic blend of content marketing, influencer marketing, and social media. The content was amplified on social channels through paid ads as well as posts by ALE employees, program judges, honorees of the IT Vanguards program, and relevant third-party organizations and industry associations.
Results of the IT Vanguards Program
By all definitions, the IT Vanguards program was a resounding success. With more than 50 quality, relevant nominations, the IT Vanguards program was an effective means to identify and celebrate the best IT network and IT enterprise communications leaders. The program also excelled as a way to generate brand awareness and engagement. There were nearly 14,000 combined landing page views during ten weeks of contest promotion. On social channels, the program boasted 100% engagement from program judges and honorees through activities such as direct conversations with the ALE and TopRank Marketing teams, social sharing, and internal sharing. The program also spurred third-party recognition of the honorees’ prestigious achievement, including press releases and special ceremonies held by the honorees’ local governments, school boards, and companies. These activities further heightened the credibility of the IT Vanguards program and the market leadership position of ALE. Lastly, the IT Vanguards program delivered in terms of business development. Using the IT Vanguards program to celebrate the IT network and IT enterprise communications leaders, ALE generated opportunities for meaningful conversations with prospects. The company attributes three million in the pipeline to the campaign.
We’re honored...
...to win the ANA B2 Awards silver award for our combined efforts with LinkedIn — an especially strong campaign as we outlined above, and to be named a finalist at the 2020 Content Marketing Awards in the best content marketing program in technology category for our joint efforts with ALE.
Get Your Own Award-Winning Results From TopRank Marketing
TopRank Marketing, the only B2B marketing agency offering influencer marketing as a top capability in Forrester’s “B2B Marketing Agencies, North America” report, delivers award-winning work to clients including LinkedIn, AT&T, Adobe, SAP, Dell, 3M, monday.com and others. Contact us today to discover how we can help create award-winning marketing for you. For additional new case studies and to learn more about B2B influencer marketing trends, best practices and predictions for the future, be sure to access the all new 2020 State of B2B Influencer Marketing Report, which features insights from hundreds of marketers surveyed as well as expert analysis by the TopRank Marketing team and contributions from top B2B influencer marketing professionals from SAP, LinkedIn, AT&T Business, Adobe, Traackr, IBM, Dell, Cherwell Software, monday.com and more.
The post What Does Award-Winning B2B Influencer Marketing Look Like? appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
What Does Award-Winning B2B Influencer Marketing Look Like? published first on yhttps://improfitninja.blogspot.com/
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genkouyoushi643 · 4 years
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Time4writing We hope we have a rising readership, and we wish to maintain pleasing them, surprising them, delighting them with plot twists, nice characters and a bit of stylistic aptitude. Guides Our guides let you totally perceive any writing task. To help you make up your mind, see how other customers really feel about our service. We need to share a particular low cost with you in your first buy. Please go away your e-mail, and we’ll send you a ten% OFF coupon with an exclusive promo code. A character in search of redemption may discover it by doing the proper thing whether it's immediate, or it takes time to gain the braveness to do so in the aftermath. Pull out a favourite novel, one that actually moved you. The extra you write, the more you’ll begin to explore new ideas and new concepts, feeding your curiosity on the world. Of course, it’s entirely attainable to put in writing merely about what you know and what you’re considering, however this isn’t real life. In your life, you’ll always be speaking to other people and listening to what they say, in addition to their level of views. Periodically read your objectives again to yourself as a approach to motivate and encourage your self in everyday life. It doesn’t matter how big or small every goal is, whether you’re going to eat a greater breakfast, get up earlier, or try and goal for a new career, write it down and goal for it. Read elements of it at random, and even the whole thing. Don’t fear about feeling even worse because you suppose you possibly can’t write like that creator. The reality is, writing fiction will get harder because we continue to boost the bar on ourselves. We know extra about what we do with every guide, and the place we fall brief. You can start by writing once per week, or even as soon as an hour; it’s completely as much as you. The most common approach to get into writing and to apply getting your ideas down is to maintain a journal. This is just like a diary, however you’re not just writing about what occurred in your day, you might be writing about something and every little thing that you want. If you aren’t positive tips on how to get began so you possibly can get pleasure from the advantages of writing, listed here are some suggestions and instruments that may assist. When I take into consideration writing, the images that pop into my head are of somebody sitting in a field notepad in hand or ensconced in a comfortable workplace with a hardwood desk and stacks of books throughout. The characters are discovering their voice, the story we’ve had brimming inside is finally getting onto the page, and there’s a robust, inventive energy for this wonderful story concept. A lovely, lovely song that simply applies to our writing process. It’s time for our month-to-month critique contest, and I’m excited to be able to introduce a brand new visitor editor! Maybe that is all wishful thinking, my rose-tinted dreams of a publishing world that shifts seamlessly into a brand new period. But I suppose we have sufficient of a precedent, even in these so-known as “unprecedented times,” to know that authors will handle to persist and succeed it doesn't matter what comes at them. That is how harmful burnout is for creatives and profession-oriented people. Now, it’s time for you, writer, to dig up these clues, bring them out of your story’s subconscious and closer to your story’s surface. It’ll get you thru the shadows that hold over your writing course of. When writing the first act, we’re typically in thatI’m in love! She’s worked with individuals of all ages as they’ve made their means by way of their educational careers, from starting college to graduating from university. To write correctly, captivatingly, and for mindfulness functions, you’re going to want a bit of an understanding of the world. 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Once you have submitted your paper, you'll be able to entry written suggestions from the OWC using the identical hyperlink within about 24 hours. For me, doing an excessive amount of in different areas , stressing myself out over advertising, and depression, which partially stemmed from my writing life, led to my lengthy battle with burnout.
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hammondcast · 4 years
Hammond Report August 10 2020 From Pandemic Quarantino Jon Hammond
#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Hammond Report August 10 2020 From Pandemic Quarantino Jon Hammond Jon's archive https://archive.org/details/hammond-report-august-10-2020-from-pandemic-quarantino-jon-hammond Youtube https://youtu.be/zB2fQqs3Bvs
Hammond Report August 10 2020 From Pandemic Quarantino Jon Hammond
 Jon Hammond 
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Hammond Report August 10 2020 from Pandemic Quarantino Jon Hammond - Daily Music and Stories from organist & accordionist Jon Hammond, Breaking News folks - in-person 2021 NAMM Show just canceled! Yikes!! We'll see us online for "Believe in Music" virtual NAMM - today's story in good old Mikell's 31 years ago on a hot July night 28th of July 1989, the first time we performed original composition 'White Onions' with Jon Hammond and The Late Rent Session Men, Alex Foster tenor,Chuggy Carter congas and percussion, Bernard Purdie drums, Barry Finnerty guitar and yours truly Jon Hammond at my 1959 Hammond B3 organ. This was the trés hip scene where all the studio musicians and luminaries gathered for 31 years until 1991 - this night Hugh Masakela hung out with us all night long. Whitney Houston used to perform there with her Mom Cissy Houston. Wynton Marsalis got his break there when he sat in with Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers and became a Messenger. And of course the band Stuff, who backed up Paul Simon & Joe Cocker often played in Mikell's - thanks to Pat Mikell and the late great Mike Mikell! Stay safe out there everybody, I'll be back tomorrow with another Hammond Report - Jon Hammond - Jon Hammond Band - thanks Joe Berger for operating my PV-430D camera!
#HammondReport #2021NammCanceled #Mikells #HammondB3 #HammondOrganist #HipScene #97thAndColumbus #10August2021 #28July1989
NAMM Announces Believe in Music Week, The Global Gathering to Unite and Support the Industry
Carlsbad, CA 
August 10, 2020
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, and with the health and safety of NAMM members as the first priority, NAMM is reimagining how to connect all facets of the industry while benefiting those most deeply impacted by COVID-19 with the launch of Believe in Music: The global gathering to unify and support the people who bring music to the world.
Believe in Music, to be held over the week of January 18, 2021, will feature a mix of comprehensive programming and professional education at BelieveinMusic.tv, as well as an interactive marketplace to connect buyers and sellers – all designed to elevate the innovation and inspiration found across the industry while offering support for those most deeply affected by COVID. While not The NAMM Show or a virtual tradeshow, the initiative will meet the immediate business needs of NAMM member companies through thought-leader led education for all segments of the industry, networking and AI matchmaking, and business-to-business-focused opportunities to reaffirm and grow business connections, launch new products, share brand initiatives and engage with customers in real-time.
Joe Lamond, NAMM President and CEO, says, “While it remains unsafe for us to gather in person in January, Believe in Music week will use new, intuitive technology to connect us all to harness the incredible energy that happens when we come together. With a robust marketplace to launch new products and share your brand story, Believe in Music will also feature networking and matchmaking for our buyers and our sellers, education for all segments of the industry, and live music and concerts. And just like at all NAMM events, these activities will raise awareness and financial support to serve our NAMM family across our Circle of Benefits model. Believe in Music week will be a critical step for our industry to help us prepare for the new year and new opportunities.”
Tom Sumner, president of Yamaha Corporation of America, shares, “I believe there has never been a more important moment for our industry to gather, to conduct business, to inspire each other, to inspire music makers and to support those in our music family in need. That’s why Yamaha is excited to start working on our part of the new event from NAMM, Believe in Music. As an industry, we’ve always trusted NAMM to create gatherings that are safe, provide a conducive business environment and produce those surprise moments that we talk about years after the event. While I wish I could see you in person, I look forward to seeing you at Believe in Music.”
“We at Sweetwater as well as our customers look forward to The NAMM Show, yet with COVID, there’s been a lot of changes and we’ve all had to adapt in many ways… With each change like this there comes an opportunity and we’re very excited that NAMM will bring us Believe in Music,” states Mitch Gallagher, editorial director for Sweetwater. “While we can’t replace The NAMM Show, we look forward to all that this new platform has to offer including the ability to connect with our vendors, the opportunity for more of our staff to experience new products as they’re announced, the educational and training opportunities that Believe in Music will provide and so much more. By coming together for NAMM’s Believe in Music, we can all help support our industry and the world’s music makers. We’re looking forward to a great event.”
“NAMM is and always has been about helping people make connections, advocacy for music and musicians, and bringing people together from around the globe,” says Shure’s Abby Kaplan, vice president of global retail sales. “Shure stands by NAMM in pursuit to continue that effort. Perhaps, this year, those connections will be even more important as we in the pro audio and live sound segment work at getting back to having live events and concerts. Certainly, we’ll miss seeing all of our retailers, distributors and friends in person, but we’re excited about ways we can deploy an equally compelling experience this year and into the future … This creates a new opportunity for all of us to work together, rebuild and come back better than ever.”
The weeklong celebration will welcome domestic and international NAMM members from the music instrument, pro audio, live sound and live event industries, artists, media and policymakers, along with participants from GenNext (college music students and faculty), Music Education Days (school music administrators) and Nonprofit Institute (NAMM Foundation grantees and nonprofit affiliates). Emerging and established musicians and fans are invited to connect with brands and in special music-making projects and opportunities to showcase their talents and performances throughout the week, opening the potential to gather music makers in a capacity not restricted by location.
The industry’s much-loved annual events will now take place during Believe in Music week, as well. The 36th TEC Awards will recognize the individuals, companies and technical innovations behind the sound of recordings, live performances, films, television, video games and multimedia. In 2020, Joni Mitchell was presented with the Les Paul Innovation Award, an honor that recognizes musical artists whose work has exemplified the creative application of audio technology. The Hall of Fame Award, recognizing audio pioneers, as well as the music industry’s most accomplished producers and audio technicians, was presented to the creative powerhouse behind Pensado’s Place, Dave Pensado and Herb Trawick. The TEC Awards call for entries is now open through August 31: www.TECAwards.org
The Top 100 Dealer Awards will also be celebrated during the week. Now in its 10th year, the annual awards honor music retailers who have demonstrated a commitment to best practices, creativity and innovation in retail. The submissions process is now open for NAMM retail members and will close on October 2, 2020. Learn more and submit now at www.NAMM.org/Top100
Along with the award shows, music advocates will come together for The Grand Rally for Music Education. The annual event convenes music education advocates for a celebration of the benefits and pleasures of making music. In 2020, the Grand Rally welcomed 10-time Grammy winner Bobby McFerrin and Gimme5 for a special performance, along with a preshow performance by The Langley Ukulele Ensemble, The Legacy Ukulele Ensemble and winners of the “A Cappella at NAMM” contest.
Additional details of these events, receptions and other activities will be provided in the weeks to come.
In his final thoughts, Lamond shares, “If there’s any one common vision, it’s that as a global community, we believe in music. We believe in the future of music and in the future of our industry, and in this moment, we will unite and support music makers around the world.”
For those interested in participating or to learn more, please visit https://believeinmusic.tv/ to sign-up for future updates.
Official Hashtag: #BelieveinMusic
About NAMM
The National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) is the not-for-profit association with a mission to strengthen the $17 billion music products industry. NAMM is comprised of approximately 10,300 members located in 104 countries and regions. NAMM events and members fund The NAMM Foundation's efforts to promote the pleasures and benefits of music, and advance active participation in music making across the lifespan. For more information about NAMM, please visit www.namm.org, call 800.767.NAMM (6266) or follow the organization on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. 
Hammond Report, Music and Stories, Mikell's, Studio Musicians, Hammond B3 organ, Hammond Organist, 10 August 2020, Jazz Gig, Bernard Purdie, Jon Hammond, BelieveinMusic
0 notes
ramrodd · 5 years
Is the Christian Bible correct?
Quora Moderation has censored this commentary for offending their IT sensibilities and questioning their collective omniscence
Additional Dialogue with Ross Whittle
Nope. There is nothing about the bible that is correct. It is a collection of ancient myths. Some people, such as yourself, are desperate to cling to faith, and thus take outrageous leaps to overlook this and find some truth- in your case “perceptive doctrine’. from this, It seems you take something you believe is good- capitalisms- and then interpret something ELSE you like- the bible- to reflect that. The fact the Jesus teachings are far more socialist than capitolist is irrelevant to you. You will see things as you wish them to be.
When confronted with this, you will retreat to another typical Theist trope- you will ignore answers that contradict you, and simply re-ask the question as if it has not been asked.
I’ve outlined a few of the multitude of instances where the bible reflects huge immorality. You simply display a total LACK of morality, so I understand you cannot comprehend this. Perhaps if it had been YOUR family killed in a religiously inspired massacre, you might feel differently.
I don’t agree there IS a “perspective doctrine” as you outlined- it seems a complete distortion of what little in the bible might be redeemable- it, for instance, in no way reflects “do unto others.
You are example of someone who can be completely without morals while claiming morality, so you are a living embodiment of my claim.
Tom Wilson: Well, unlike you and Dick Harfield, I’m not making any moral claims for myself: I’m not in a position to judge. Nor do I claim to be a person of faith: I know The One and have had a working relationship with the Holy Spirit since 1954.
Knowledge and faith are not the same same thing.
You haven’t confronted me with anything novel nor enlightening. As I have said from the get-go, I get the gist of your complaint, which you have just recapitulated on the basis that you expect to be able to beat me into submission with your puny dialectic, and I’m bored with it.
The Bible is divine literature. It’s complexity is infinite and, like the Lotus, blossoms eternallly to the humble pilgrim, but is manifestly unavailable to those who refuse to submit to its pulse.
As far as holocaust, I know what that is. I’m an Army brat. I lived in Europe as a child at a time in Germany just past the moment when a loaf of bread could get you a blowjob in Berlin. I’ve been to Hitler’s bunker in East Berlin when the godless commie cocksuckers were in charge and I’ve been to their magnicent cemetary for the Soviet cucumbers who died taking Berlin. It’s a vast park, like something out of the English estates of Downton Abbey, only emphasizing the the horizon with a huge sculture of Yaweh, Queen of Battle rising from a small hill that rises above the tree line. The Soviets call her “Rodino” or “Mother Russia” but she is the feminine aspect of The One described in Revelation 4.2. It’s one of the secrets of the Torah, the actual ontology of God abiding in the narrative.
The cemetary had a long, broad Paris-style side walk up to the sculpture and on the right were 10 or 12 mass graves that held 10,000 soviet soldiers as I remember. I’ve been to Verdun where one of the memorials is a marble shelter 25 - 30 metres long that keeps the elements from a row of rifles with bayonets sticking out of the ground, waiting for the signal to go over the top and unto the attack when the trench collapsed on the soldiers who were issued those rifles. “To Keep and To Bear” means something to me so outside your prissy little League of Nations existence that it may as well be a Sanskrit quotation at the beginning of a T. S. Eliot play about cats.
“Pearls before swine” comes to mind with every sentence of every one of your responses. If I wasn’t satisfied with writing for my own amusement, I wouldn’t waste my time in your useless attempts at resembling critical thinking and dialectical competence.
The fact that you are appalled at the slaughter in the bible means that you accept the historicity of the Bible and, consequently, the existence of The One. I was raised to matriculate at the US Army Command and General Staff College in the fullness of time, beginning in 1952. Since then, I’ve been to Verdun and Vietnam. If I had stayed in the Army and retired as a general, I would have caused 100,000 casualties learning my trade. Killing is an essential element of the Clauswitz Paradox.
Jesus. of the Gospel of Mark, provides the Christian model for the sworn servant leader of the American republic and Cornelius, the centurion featured in Acts X, provides the Roman model for the sworn servant leader of the American republic.
The centurion is not a myth. S/he represents a profound military innovation that became an essential element of the trajectory of the Roman empire for 500 years. The difference between Real Warfare and True Warfare is the difference between the Samurai and the Centurion. The Samurai is. literally, a creature of the mythos while the Centurion is a creature of the rule of law.
I was raised by centurions to be a centurion. It was a conscious aspiration of mine as a vision quest from 1962 until I got to Vietnam in 1970.
I was confirmed as a Christian in the Chapel of the Centurion at about the same time, 1962 or so, but I already had a working relationship with the Holy Spirit before that moment. I literally saw myself preparing to go forth as a knight in the white armor of the Crusade marching as to war. As I say, I have knowledge of the one, and, at the same time, I developed a deep faith in the training I was getting as a soldier from ROTC until Jungle Training in Panama before.
In Vietnam, I was confronted by an existential dilemma that required me to make a choice between continuing to believe in myself or in the US Army. It was a no brainer. I lost faith in myself. I still knew Jesus and the Holy Spirit, but not in my own moral compass. So, I left the Army.
So, all your representations of moral superiority are totally wasted on me, no matter how secure you may feel in Bart Ehrman’s apostasy. My opinion is that his whole “Born Again” conceit was phony from the get-go: he just did it high school because all the popular girls were doing it and he wants to be popular. And he built a career as an Evangelical pastor flogging the Pro-Life heresy until he went to Princeton and met Dale Martin, a gay Christian professor who flirts with apostasy because it makes his New Testament History and Literature course at Yale popular and Bart realized he could be even more popular at Chapel Hill by going full apostate and it’s working as well as Jared Kushner’s crypto-Nazi business plan he acquired from Robert Murdoch.
And you’re just another mongrel baying in that ant-theist evangelical imperative. I’m not writing for you. I am witnessing for combat veterans totally mystified by what they have discovered about the American civilian culture since they left the spiritually cloistered cacoon of the infantry squad. They are coming from an ecology where the violence of the Bible was part of their job description to an environment dominated by people like you and the IT folks in Quora Moderation whose entire concept of the violence in the Bible is circumscribed by the boundaries of video games defined by the League of Justice and Gal Gadot.
The Book of Job, the oldest book in the Bible, establishes the reality that you cannot unknow God once you have encounted God. That’s why my opinion is that Bart Ehrman is a phony: he either never has encountered God in his “Born Again” mode or did and has found it profitable to deny God.
Free Will isn’t just a theological construct: it is structural to the human psyche. God cannot violate individual sovereignty, morally (that is, intellectually): the individual must voluntarily expand his or her boundaries beyond the personal wisdom, which is to say, beyond the finite horizon of trust into the mind of God.
The whole purpose of the Bible is enlarge the population of humanity which has exercised their personal Free Will to come to know The One. The only unforgivable sin is to deny the Holy Spirit because it is a sin against the self, a form of suicide, to not embrace the personal responsiblility for their own Free Will and project their intellectual boundaries beyond the box of needless ignorance and frightened atheism.
I first read Marx in 1962, when I was 15, on the basis that it is essential to understand your enemy. As a prospective career Army officer like Alexander Vindman, the Soviets were my enemy and I read Marx to learn how to strike to kill the enemy, like the mongoose studies the cobra. So, when someone like you is determined to display his ignorance of the economics of the Bible as a dialectical gambit, it’s usually not worth the effort to help you lift the burden of your ignorance. I mean, the only difference between a Bernie Sanders groupie and a MAGA hat forever Trumper is the object of their affections.
Marxism is based on the same fallacy as the 18th Amendment. Our entire strategy in Vietnam was based on this fatal flaw in the Soviet system. Because of Vietnam, the Soviet Union no longer exists.
However, it is important to understand that Vietnam came down to a contest between Marxism and the Harvard Business Model and Marxism won precisely because people like Robert MacNamara agreed with your economic model.
Currently, Donald John Trump* is running America the way Robert MacNamara ran Vietnam. Strictly speaking, there is no one in the Old Testament like Donald John Trump*. King David comes close, but all those oriental despots were the law: Donald John Trump* just operates above the law, the basis of his lie, cheat and steal “Art of the Deal” crime family business model. He is trying hard to become the law, like an oriental despot, or Stalin. with the help of Moscow Mitch and Bill Barr, but he, Donald John Trump*, isn’t an oriental despot of the Old Testament.
He is more like Nero in the context of the New Testament. Cornelius, the centurion featured in Acts X, was part of the Xth Legion stationed in Caesarea that participated in the investment and reduction of Jerusalem anticipated by Revelation. Our annual calendar is based on this existentially certain moment which anchors events around 70 because the number is numerologically significant figure of speech in the literature of the BIble. According to Richard Carrier. the dates on all your checks are based on mytholog, because the year 70 wouldn’t exist if the Cross hadn’t happened in 33 and the Cross in 33 wouldn’t have become a pivotal moment in history if the Romans had not been witness to the moment of Resurrection. The Gospel According to Mark is a military report from the front in Palestine to the Emperor in Rome, via Theophilus in the Preaetorian Guard, based on contemporary intelligence records and the debriefing of Peter from inside the Jesus insurgency, aka “the Christians”, Roman soldier slang for the Jewish cult that emerged from the Resurrection.
It isn’t so much that your dialectic produces a puny argument: it’s that your anti-theism requires a willing suspension of disbelief Job was totally incapable of attaining and, if Job, who was Righteousness, itself, couldn’t do it, who am I to attempt the same self-delusion.
I make no claims of morality. The purpose of the Bible is epistemological and the purpose of epistemology is moral clarity.
I’ll settle for that.
0 notes
un-enfant-immature · 5 years
Grab a seat while you can: Apply to TC Hackathon @ Disrupt Berlin 2019
Think you have what it takes to be a TechCrunch hackathon champion? It’s time to put your creative code and confidence where your mouth is, my friends. Come to Disrupt Berlin 2019 on 11-12 December and pit your skills, tenacity and endurance against some of the best creators from around the world.
We’re limiting participation to 500 people, and seats are filling fast. Get yours before they’re gone. Apply to compete in the TC Hackathon today!
Why submit an application? For starters, it doesn’t cost a thing to apply or to compete. In fact, if you make the grade, you’ll receive a free Innovator pass to Disrupt Berlin and have access to everything Disrupt has to offer. But wait, as they say, there’s more.
The Hackathon is not only a great opportunity to build a working prototype that addresses real-world problems, it’s the chance to showcase your talent and creativity in front of people who have the potential move your ideas, career or startup forward. Each sponsored challenge comes with its own set of prizes, which typically includes cash and/or related products. On top of any sponsor prizes you might win, TechCrunch will award a $5,000 prize to the best over-all hack.
We’ll announce the sponsors in the coming weeks. But for now, the sponsored contests, prizes and winners from the Hackathon at Disrupt SF 2018 will give you an idea of what you can expect.
Teams will choose a project to hack, and they’ll have less than 24 hours to design, build and present their product. If you arrive solo, you can find a team onsite. It’s a pressure-cooker situation that requires focus, coding and problem-solving skills and perseverance. Here’s the good news. We’ll have plenty of food, water and lots of caffeine to help you go the distance.
The first round of judging takes place science-fair style. The judges will review all completed projects and then select only 10 teams to move on to the finals. The finals take place on day two, and teams have just two minutes to step onto the Extra Crunch Stage to present and pitch their work.
Sponsors will award prizes to the team(s) for their specific project, and then TechCrunch will choose one finalist as the best over-all hack. That team earns the championship title and $5,000 cash. Sweet!
TC Hackathon takes place during Disrupt Berlin 2019 on 11-12 December. There are so many great reasons to apply, but seats are going fast. Grab this opportunity for all it’s worth and apply to the Hackathon today.
Is your company interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at Disrupt Berlin 2019? Contact our sponsorship sales team by filling out this form.
0 notes
31 May 2019
Have I Got Views For You
Alongside three Peston Geek of the Week badges we can now add an appearance on Have I Got News For You for IfG charts. Ian Hislop seemed surprised by the appearance of  'A graph on a comedy show' - he should check out the open (data) mic night vibe of a Whitehall Monitor launch or a Data Bites event...
The most up-to-date version of that chart, and our other resignation charts, is here - and thanks too to BBC News for including a number of our charts in their summary of Theresa May's premiership, the beginning of the end of which began as this newsletter went out last week.
The end of May is likely by the end of July, once the Tory party leadership contest is complete. Having overtaken Gordon Brown this week in terms of time served, May will boot the Duke of Wellington out of the way shortly, followed by Neville Chamberlain, before falling short of Jim Callaghan.
Her resignation speech highlighted two data-based initiatives as successes: the race disparity audit (which we welcomed at the time, and which the women and equalities select committee applauded while demanding better data) and the publication of gender pay gap data. There have been a few other open/data initiatives of note, such as the Home Office crime map, which Paul reminded me of during this event. But May's premiership - if it is remembered for anything other than Brexit - will be remembered as an object lesson in opacity and secrecy, hindered by her closed style of governing and decision-making, on everything from Brexit to the disastrous dementia tax announcement. Ben Worthy's 2017 piece and 2018 piece on these issues are still well worth reading. It should prompt politicians to consider a more open style of leadership in the 21st century, as an opportunity as well as an obligation. But it probably won't.
Political support for the open government agenda has undoubtedly weakened, to a concerning degree. The UK finally published its Open Government Partnership National Action Plan this week, many, many months late. (Full disclosure: I'm a member of the Open Government Network steering group in the UK.) Thanks are due to the civil servants who got it over the line. But Tim's take on the 'lamentable' state of open government and his disappointment with the Plan is required reading (see also Mor's pre-publication pessimism). We can rightly blame the political situation and political disinterest for a lot of the problems; we *can* find positives in the plan (the contracting commitments are in line with our recommendations, amongst others). But there is a need for some civil society soul-searching. What are we trying to achieve from and through open government? Are we trying to bring together too many disparate areas, interests and groups under one heading? Are we after big, headline-grabbing initiatives or smaller, more practical business-as-usual steps (and did we get either)? Where do we go next?
This is a more optimistic development. Though the less said about Justin Trudeau's session at the Open Government Summit in Ottawa, the better, by the sound of it...
This side of the Atlantic, we've had the European elections to contend with. Putting the politics to one side (*knowing look to camera*) it's a great opportunity to compare how different outlets treat the same data - see the many, many links below. The fact the elections were somewhat unexpected in the UK may have been a blessing - rather than money wasted on thoughtless 3D graphics we got simple, succinct storytelling. (Though I do wonder whether we could think even more deeply, and, well...) There may be some more to come from us on this, too - keep an eye on our explainer, Aron and Lee.
I've rambled on far too long. In part, that's compensation for what will be a very short W:GC next week, if it appears at all: after hosting our third Data Bites on Tuesday night (come! or livestream! and put Wednesday 3 July in your diary for the next one!), I'm heading to Berlin for a conference and then preparing for the Orwell Foundation's Barbican residency.
And if you've not had enough of me, you can keep track of the IfG's future technology in government project here, and you might even hear me if you tune into Radio 5 Live this morning...
Today's links:
Graphic content
D'Hondt you want me baby?
European Election 2019: UK results in maps and charts (BBC News - includes this one)
European election latest results 2019: across the UK (The Guardian)
GB - final results (Europe Elects)
Thread: change in leave/remain areas (Will Jennings)
My Euro-election post-vote poll: most Tory switchers say they will stay with their new party (Lord Ashcroft)
2016 referendum vs 2019 election (Ross Atkin, via Lee)
UK’s European election results: four key findings* (FT - more here from John Burn-Murdoch, via Lee)
If the results were translated into GE constituencies... (Peston, by Chris Hanretty - more here)
Two-party share (Aron for IfG)
Context (Johnny for IfG)
D'Hondt you want me? Oh
EU election results 2019: across Europe (The Guardian)
European elections 2019: Live results (FT)
European Elections (Politico)
European Parliament Elections 2019 (Bloomberg)
European Election 2019: Results in maps and charts (BBC News)
Europa von links nach rechts (Zeit Online)
So hat Europa gewählt (WAZ)
Elections européennes 2019 : les résultats en sièges, pays par pays, et la future composition du Parlement (Le Monde)
Elections européennes 2019 : les résultats par département rapportés à la population (Le Monde)
Flow of votes: Italy (via Leonardo Carella)
Centrist liberals gained the most power in the EU Parliament* (The Economist)
Don't you want me baby? Don't you want me? (No)
Charting Theresa May's premiership (IfG)
May overtakes Brown (me for IfG)
Theresa May: Premiership in six charts (BBC News)
May and Corbyn are now the most unpopular PM and opposition leader duo of all time* (Telegraph)
How the competition to succeed Theresa May has played out over the past year, based on the implied probabilities of betting odds (Alasdair)
Liberal Democrat leadership contests – how do they work? (IfG)
Westminster needs to pay attention to the European election results – in Northern Ireland (IfG)
India general election 2019: What happened? (BBC News)
Are Blowout Presidential Elections A Thing Of The Past? (FiveThirtyEight)
The power switch: tracking Britain's record coal-free run (The Guardian)
Temperature change visualized in 10 different ways (Antti Lipponen)
Migration flows in the European Union (via Alberto Cairo)
Neighborhood Disparities in Investment Flows in Chicago (Urban Institute)
Help us name your neighbourhood (UK Parliament)
Child mortality is an everyday tragedy of enormous scale that rarely makes the headlines (Our World in Data)
Today at @TheEconomist we published a new data-driven IG Story with a lot of data and a bit of gamification (Francesco Zaffarano)
Sport and leisure
Six? The ICC Cricket World Cup (Simon Beaumont)
Monaco Grand Prix 2019: 60-Second Animated Recap* (The Upshot)
SCALING EVEREST* (Washington Post)
How English clubs re-conquered European football* (The Economist)
WHAT CHARTS SAY (Elijah Meeks - reminds me of a chart I use in our dataviz training, alternative take here)
Examining Implicit Discretization in Spectral Schemes (or, whether rainbow colour schemes are bad - Visualization Design Lab)
Meta data
UK National Action Plan for Open Government 2019-2021 (UK Government)
Statement by UK Open Government Network at #OGPCanada (UK Open Government Network)
The lamentable State of Open Government in the UK (Tim Davies)
From Enthusiasm to Stagnation: The Tale of Two Countries Ahead of the OGP19 Summit (Mor Rubinstein)
The sum of our parts: Open Organisations
Tech Billionaires Think SimCity Is Real Life (Jacobin)
The ‘Smart City’ is as much a political challenge as it is a technology challenge (bytherye)
London’s TfL and Toronto’s Google Sidewalk Lab both show that cities need better ways of managing data (CityMetric)
JOB: Communications Manager (360Giving)
JOB: Band B2 - Analyst / Data Scientist - Civil Service People Survey, Analysis and Insight (Cabinet Office)
The team I work for at @TheEconomist is looking for a new data visualisation designer. Let me tell you why you should apply (Marie Segger)
GDPR One Year On (BBC Click)
Taking Next Steps to Harness the Value of Health and Care Data (Future Care Capital, via Nick)
What can the NHS learn from learning health systems? (Nuffield Trust)
Related (Harry Evans)
How could new metrics help to end homelessness? (ONS)
Everything else
Parent trap: WhatsApp groups are feeding our fears* (The Spectator)
DIGITAL SOCIALISM? (Evgeny Morozov, New Left Review)
ANTHOLOGY: TECH AND INNOVATION (Delayed Gratification, via Pritesh)
The FOI request related to @GDSTeam's Submit #GaaP service (stopped after discovery) has come in... (via David)
Translating Principles into Practices of Digital Ethics: Five Risks of Being Unethical (Luciano Floridi in Philosophy and Technology)
And finally...
D'Hondt leave me this way
Lib Dems, bar chart, but... (Stephen Tall)
When you crash the chart they prepared. (Terry Reintke MEP)
Fun framing of Shetland (Matt Smith)
Honestly my take away from this chart is that donuts are healthier than I thought (Dr Glaucomflecken, via Pritesh)
National Biscuit Day... (NCVO)
Everything else
Less words in Game of Thrones (Joanna Robinson - and yes, I know, that's the joke)
Eurovision Song Contest: a market basket analysis of voting patterns and international relations (Gwilym Lockwood)
#AI (Florian Roth)
A People Map of the US, where city names are replaced by their most Wikipedia’ed resident (The Pudding)
Remember the 3D map I did of the local election results? Well... (Jamie Whyte)
0 notes
architectnews · 3 years
Port of Beirut Renewal Competition
2022 Port of Beirut Renewal Competition, Lebanon Architecture Design Contest News
Port of Beirut Renewal Competition 2022
26 Jan 2022
Port of Beirut Renewal Competition Extended
The Inspireli Competition to Renew the Port of Beirut has extended its duration – now the deadline is July 14th, 2022.
Students from all around the world are invited contribute their work to the renewal of the hard-pressed city. Let’s make the dream of the founders of INSPIRELI AWARDS a reality. Let’s help Beirut to be born again!
The aim is to offer humanitarian aid to the city of Beirut through the unique designs and innovations of students’ projects.
As universities around the world start their school year differently, this allows for more of them to embed the topic as their summer semester works, bringing yet more global attention to the uneasy situation in the explosion-destructed port of city of Beirut.
The extension also helps students who are almost wrapped up with their winter semesters to fine tune their project for the competition, as professor Ibtihal Y. El-Bastawissi, dean of the faculty of Architecture, design and built environment at the Beirut Arab University told us about a group of about 100 students already working several months on the topic at their design studios.
Inspireli held a panel discussion at the Live Talk No. 8 on Jan 13th, 2022, with 12 professors from 7 different universities from Lebanon, Albania, Egypt, Czechia and Slovakia, who already incorporated the theme into their winter semester. We asked about the key problems that students faced and the overall experience.
“My students faced several key questions. The first is the size of the project and the absence of more specific parameters … this competition is an ideological task which is an advantage, but on the other side disadvantage. The advantage is for total freedom of design and the disadvantage is the absence of mantinels.” Pointed out doc. Jaroslav Dadˇa, Ph.D., deputy head of department of Architecture from Czech Technical University in Prague.
Dr. Charbel Maskineh, an Assistant professor at the Lebanese University talks about a cultural aspect. ”Something interesting was to sensibilize the students towards the port, what is the port for the city… In our society there is an unawareness about the importance of the port for the city… so it was an opportunity to work on a big scale like that and to rethink the relation between the city and the port.” Says Dr. Maskineh.
You can watch the Live Stream to hear all the teachers’ insights on https://ift.tt/3KH5HOW.
This competition is announced by Beirut Municipality (Lebanese republic Beirut city council) and OEA Beirut (Order of Engineers & Architects – Beirut) and organized by Inspireli Awards, Department of Architecture, CTU in Prague & Alexandre Zein.
As more questions and details raise, Inspireli is updating the competition website with the documentation, FAQ section, or current photos from the port.
Visit the Inspireli website https://www.inspireli.com/en/awards/beirut-documents to read more and to submit you competing designs!
Port of Beirut Renewal Competition 2022 image / information from Inspireli
Inspireli Awards 2022 Inspireli Awards 2022
Lebanon Building Designs
Lebanon Architectural Designs, chronological:
Lebanese Architecture Design – chronological list
Beirut Architecture Tours by e-architect
CH730 Villa, Chnaniir Architects: DAZARCHITECTS image courtesy of architecture studio Villa in Chnaniir
International Fair of Tripoli Building by Oscar Niemeyer Design: Architect Oscar Niemeyer, Brazil photograph courtesy Styliane Philippou International Fair of Tripoli by Oscar Niemeyer
Senses Pool-House, Zahlé Architects: Wael Farran Studio photography : Genia Maalouf Senses Pool-House in Zahlé
Architecture Competitions
Architectural Competitions : links
Architecture Competitions – architectural selection below:
Wilcox Road South Lambeth Competition, London, England, UK Wilcox Road South Lambeth Competition
New London Architecture King’s Cross Design Competition, London, England, UK New London Architecture King’s Cross Design Competition
Weissenhof in Stuttgart open urban planning ideas competition, Stuttgart, Germany photo courtesy of IBA’27 Weissenhof Stuttgart open ideas competition
Hangar Ticinum Competition 2021 Hangar Ticinum Competition
Inspireli Awards – 2016
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marco42james · 6 years
Rewiring Education: Lessons Learned from Apple’s First VP of Education
Episode 391 with John Couch
From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis
Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter
John Couch was hired by Steve Jobs as Apple’s first VP of Education. Learn about the journey to improve classrooms, the early research on classroom improvement and why improvement is happening but not everywhere. John also announces a contest for teachers to share what innovative work they are doing in order to enter a contest to win a classroom set of iPads and a trip to Silicon Valley.
Project Pals has a useful classroom collaborative platform that lets you create and manage projects for your students. Right now, my students are creating and managing a project as they are creating a podcast to record powerful stories from the recent storms in our area.
Project Pals connects with Google Classroom but also lets me see detail on which students are contributing and participating. I also love the task board which is a Trello-like Kanban board that let students create, assign, and complete tasks. See my recent review of Project Pals.
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John Couch’s Bio As Submitted
John D. Couch is an Executive Advisor to, and former Vice President of Education, at Apple, Inc. In 2018, Couch published Rewiring Education, which shares the professional lessons he’s learned during his 50-plus years in education and technology.
Blog: http://rewiringeducation.com
Twitter: @RewiringEdu
  The post Rewiring Education: Lessons Learned from Apple’s First VP of Education appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!
from Cool Cat Teacher BlogCool Cat Teacher Blog http://www.coolcatteacher.com/e391/
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