#subsequently: 3 other people measure and find that I am correct and the parts are too big
anonymusbosch · 2 years
work was so bad the last couple days tho. disregarding the fun readings it was like 90% trying to fix problems that other people were just breathtakingly unwilling to fix
#I AM DOING YOUR JOB AND THREE OTHER PEOPLE'S#FUCK OFF ON ACCUSING ME OF NOT DOING IT WELL ENOUGH WHEN I AM PROVABLY DOING IT BETTER THAN YOU#me: 'these parts do not fit bc part y is too large. i measured qty x of part y at 3 locations and qty n of part m and y is out of spec'#them: 'the parts are perfect. maybe you're measuring wrong '#subsequently: 3 other people measure and find that I am correct and the parts are too big#this is by far far far not the worst thing it's just the one on top of my mind#we've had problems w part quality and inspection for SO LONG and every time I measure things and find problems I'm accused of mismeasuring#never an offer to inspect again#and then every time I am right#when i raise the alarm over supplier fabricated data I get dismissed until I literally raise it to the head of the department#when I say 'this piece is gonna fail in five years in a substantial portion of assemblies' and they're like 'you're being far too dramatic'#and then we actually do accelerated testing them and they fail in five six seven four years#not to mention the tech who. got parts to pass. by RAISING THE TOLERANCE ALLOWABLE TOLERANCE ON THE REPORT#like it is actively jeopardizing the production line to have so many parts this bad reach the floor. yield is gonna be super low#and it is also TANKING morale of everyone on the line.#people yelling and fighting#me I'm just keeping my cool while mentally (1) laying facedown on the floor and (2) eating my whole laptop#next person who attacks my work while defending shitty work can eat my entire ass#and the next person who defends THAT person. can also. eat my entire ass.#wailing and biting and gnashing of teeth#negative
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vampyrekat · 7 months
cant believe i forgot about maleficent and her emo boytoy omg thank you for cleansing the timeline🫶
I am so pleased to bless the timeline with a fine vintage ship, come join me in savoring it. I checked out the novelization on a whim (commuting) and I was like, oh right! I forgot this movie and specifically this ship was made in a lab for my brain. So now I've rewatched the film and I'm lost in the sauce.
I love that Maleficent/Diaval is the story of two people accidentally raising a baby into a teenager together and the whole time Maleficent is oblivious (not her fault! she has bigger things going on!) while Diaval is like "that's my wife, she's terrifying. i love her. <3" Even when Aurora meets them properly as a 15 year old, Maleficent is Going Through It™ while Diaval is just so hype to finally introduce himself to his child.
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Pictured above: moments that really did a number on me. He raised this kid and now he gets to finally meet her properly and they're both so delighted by it while Maleficent watches from the corner like }:-(
I really feel like the most beautiful and unique part of it is the genuine backtalk; Diaval might start out subservient and he certainly maintains that position but as time goes on he proves himself perfectly willing to correct or backtalk Maleficent. He basically functions as a reminder of her heart and moral compass while she is recovering from her hurt (and subsequent revenge bender) and it's delightful to watch because you rarely see a position where a male character is so open and honest while the woman gets to have the delicious redemption arc. Maleficent is going through an enemies-to-godfamily relationship arc with Aurora while Diaval is patiently waiting for her to realize he's got heart eyes (AND for her to realize she does actually love Aurora, that's another great element, he realizes this LONG before Maleficent does and tries to gently nudge her over to that revelation). But also this:
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He really said "I am just pretending to be afraid of you; I know you won't hurt me even if you push me around" and he was right. What a lovely thing to be playing out as the B or maybe C-plot. There's enough insane drama happening, it's nice that there's something a little lighter and more steady in the background of the story.
Another thing I was musing on through the book and film -- as much as I adore found family and platonic love, it's nice to see a story where a victim of what is clearly coded as sexual assault and is at least intimate partner violence finds love again. I know Maleficent & Diaval isn't technically 'canon', but again, the film was juggling enough relationship arcs with Maleficent & Aurora and Maleficent & Stefan. It's okay, in my eyes, for the romance element to be subtext, when it's clearly still important and given some narrative space and weight.
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I had a more coherent thought but finally found a gif of just this moment (thank you, @raainstorms, you spoil us all) so instead you get this. I love it. Maleficent really said "go defend our kid who I haven't realized yet is our kid" and Diaval said "understood". Never proposed but nevertheless they've been married for years.
"Who fell first vs. who fell harder" is defunct. "Which one is the evil minion who adopted the baby on sight and who is the Evil Empress who had to slowly realize they love the baby" is the vintage yardstick everything else has to measure up to. I will read 100,000 fanfics of Maleficent only belatedly realizing that somewhere in the process of acquiring her goddaughter she also acquired a husband. Maybe she acquired the husband first, she certainly does not know. Diaval understands this and is okay with it, Aurora probably doesn't understand in the slightest how her godmother did not pick up on anything.
And the sequel! I realized after reading some other posts that I did NOT remember the sequel correctly because my memories are "fairy genocide and also Diaval and Maleficent are co-parenting". Apparently somewhere in there Maleficent is shoved into a love triangle with two men who are not her long-term boytoy/coparent/external moral compass, which is ridiculous, because the film ends with them attending their daughter's wedding in matching outfits.
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If Maleficent 3 (boo hiss at Disney, make something new, cowards) isn't about Aurora parent trapping them I am going to riot in the street.
TL;DR: My roommate described maleval as this post and I have not been able to shake it from my mind because it really, really fits:
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Benefits of Hiring a Home Cleaning Service
If you are restricted with the measure of time you need to put resources into the everyday house cleaning tasks, an expert local home cleaning service may be a significant help to depend on. They will have the option to let loose a great deal of your valuable time to empower you to appreciate other progressively ideal exercises. Since you will give somebody access to your home, you truly need to verify that you can enlist the home cleaning company. Subsequently you need to ensure you can lead the fundamental keeps an eye on the picked organization to guarantee they are altogether dependable.
 Here are a few stages engaged with the way towards home cleaning service:
 During the time spent contracting the correct household administration you truly need to bend over backward to guarantee that you are utilizing the administrations of an equipped and solid organization. Perhaps the most ideal approaches to find a quality help is to depend on the individual referrals from companions or partners that may have utilized a comparative assistance before. Yet, in the event that that choice is a practical choice, you can utilize the Internet to scan for the privately based organizations that can offer a cleaning administration that appears to get a decent number of positive remarks and tributes from existing and past customers. It may likewise profit in the event that you can set up the procuring strategies utilized by the different cleaning organizations all together that you can get a thought of the sort and nature of cleaner that may be sent to your home.
 A wide assortment of cleaning administrations is probably going to be exceptionally attractive. Regardless of whether you are searching for a comprehensive residential cleaning administration which can clean the house start to finish, including such exercises as cleaning the broiler and the windows, to the more standard tidying and vacuuming, you shouldn't have an excessive amount of trouble in finding a quality assistance ready to take on want cleaning obligations. Preceding concurring an agreement with the cleaning firm, you need to verify that you can completely layout the cleaning administrations required and that these are completely pleasing.
 Get the correct cost for the cleaning administration. At the point when you are leading your quest for get it done home cleaning service, the charges joined to the various administrations are probably going to change altogether. You along these lines need to verify that you can concede to a cleaning bundle that can offer the ideal cleaning duties and the normality of the cleaning day visits is set at the perfect interim.
How to Choose a Great Home Cleaning Service and Ensure You Get Top Notch Service
Alright, so you are prepared for a support of clean your home. Bravo! In any case, notwithstanding needing first class administration at a reasonable value, you may ask: "How might I confide in somebody in my home, or even better, with a key to my home?"
 The interest for proficient home cleaning administrations keeps on developing. An ever increasing number of individuals understand that re-appropriating these, occasionally not exactly alluring undertakings, can have an incredible degree of profitability. Frequently, the greatest result for enlisting a home cleaning administration isn't only the time you are not cleaning, however the complete time - and vitality you recover in the past spent fearing or abstaining from cleaning.
 Employing a support of clean your house is a significant choice, with numerous contemplations. Trust is crucial since it is, all things considered, your own space. Very frequently clients are not posing the correct inquiries or getting their work done.
 Two Big Issues
 Manage an expert organization - There are numerous people or "private gatherings" that will clean your home and may work admirably. Be that as it may, in the event that you procure an individual instead of an organization to clean your home and pay them a specific sum in a year; you are their boss. In the event that they neglect to pay appropriate expenses on target you pay them, you could wind up being subject (also whenever you are up for a bureau position, this makes certain to wind up all over CNN!) Also, on the off chance that somebody comes into your home to work for you, and is harmed or harmed, you could be obligated.
 At the point when you employ an expert house keeper administration, you are, preferably, staying away from every one of these dangers. The administration proprietor should worry about the concern of finance assesses, Worker's Compensation, and risk protection. An expert assistance will likewise offer preparing for their workers. The entirety of the hazard and risk is never again your duty as the client. That sort of significant serenity merits an extra $20. Right?
 Go for proficient, yet not on picture alone - Just in light of the fact that a business has polished business cards, and a Web webpage that rivals Microsoft, you despite everything need to get your work done. Remember these inquiries when settling on your choice on which cleaning organization to enlist:
 1. Who will clean my home? Do they use workers or self employed entities? Whatever the appropriate response is, you need consolation that you are getting the securities that should accompany an expert assistance. Do they use people or groups? Ask them for what valid reason they utilize the model they do. Diverse plans of action work for various reasons. Simply be certain the organization you need to employ is doing it for the correct reasons. The IRS has a valuable guide on their Web website to figure out what characterizes a worker and self employed entity relationship.
 2. Do they perform criminal personal investigations and pre-screen workers? Each help ought to have an arrangement for historical verifications and pre-screening workers. With the present innovation, even the littlest organization approaches minimal effort instruments over the Internet. You will need to know the arrangement they follow and what their procedure is for due determination while enlisting.
 3. Is it true that they are appropriately safeguarded? Protection incorporates general obligation protection and Workers Compensation. It doesn't damage to request a duplicate of protection endorsements. As much as protection costs, they ought to gladly demonstrate it to you.
 4. Do they offer a fulfillment ensure? What does it involve? To what extent after the administration is performed, do I need to call to report issues that should be tended to? Regardless of how great an assistance is, or how extraordinary the worker preparing program, it is defective people cleaning the house. As the client, you ought to have consolation that if the group has a "terrible day", the organization will make it right.
 5. Who will have the way in to my home? What is the arrangement? How might I be certain I am protected? This ought to be a tremendous concern, and most clients don't think to pose this inquiry. Are the keys marked out every day? How are the keys kept at different occasions? Where are they kept? Is it accurate to say that they are bolted up? Who is liable for them? If they somehow happened to be lost or taken, are there any markings that recognize where they go? Ensure there is nothing to distinguish your location on the key. Likewise, ask in advance, in the occasion the key is lost or taken, what is the supplant/re-key approach?
 6. "Are you fortified?" Please don't solicit this, and tell the entirety of your companions, family, and friends and family this isn't the inquiry to pose. In all seriousness, don't try asking this. It truly makes no difference with the exception of in extraordinary cases. How a bond functions is that it is bought (it isn't protection, however protection specialists issue them) for the most part for as meager as $200 every year for a little organization. For what reason is a bond so modest? They are low in cost in light of the fact that there are once in a while any cases paid out on them. A bond will pay if a representative is found taking, is attempted, and sentenced. In the days prior to the data superhighway, altogether looking into an individual's experience was past the methods for most little organizations. In years past, the contracting procedure was difficult to explore and "circumstances" would happen. With the entirety of the instruments accessible today, every entrepreneur has simple access to assess whom they are employing to clean your home. All things considered, most home cleaning organizations feel free to purchase the bond essentially in light of the fact that it is simpler to spend the $200 bucks a year and obligingly answer when asked, "yes we are fortified", instead of going into the above account. Likewise, simply envision how cool you will look when you are in a gathering talking about this at the mixed drink party, when the subject of tidying administrations comes up!
 7. It is safe to say that you are both in the same spot? Very regularly, the guilty party of the cleaning administration client relationship going south is an absence of correspondence. A clever cleaning administration proprietor should walk you through what their administration will accomplish for you and your home and give you an away from of what you can anticipate. Be certain that you focus on what they let you know. Even better, maybe they have showy print materials that likewise pass on what their administration can offer you. Everybody has their "hot catches" (what clean intends to them); what one individual believes is perfect may not be "spotless" to someone else. It's simply human instinct. For certain individuals it is the bed made the perfect way; for other people, it is a spotless sink. Make sense of where you tumble from one end to the next in the range of being exacting. On the off chance that the main thing to you isn't being done, bring it up. You ought not just expect that it will be done and that they should "simply know".
 8. What would it be advisable for me to do in the event that I am not content with the administration I get? Maybe it isn't until the primary, second, or third cleaning that you find what your cleaning "hot catches" are. (Side note: focus on what these are. It can spare you YEARS of treatment on the off chance that you give close consideration to what they are).
 I trust that a portion of these disclosures will be beneficial things your expert cleaning group has done that you didn't hope to affect you the manner in which they did. Be that as it may, in the event that you discover "things" that grind your nerves, you should address them. Ensure it was not just the day at the workplace that is influencing your point of view. CALL, express your interests to the proprietor/administrator. In all honesty, the best help proprietors APPRECIATE and welcome valuable analysis. It is the most ideal approach to manufacture a superior business, and experts will consider your to be as a blessing. On the off chance that it is something little, let it slide until the following visit. On the off chance that it does make a difference to you, at that point ask that they send the group back to address it. They ought to be glad to do as such when sensibly conceivable. Keep in mind, this is a close connection and connections require correspondence; connections without correspondence come up short!
 Presently you recognize what to ask (and you have a couple of other spontaneous bits of extraordinary counsel for sure). Pose the correct inquiries; get the incredible help you require and appreciate. It makes certain to add to an amazing nature. A little knowledge: the greatest days will be the point at which you overlook the professional apartment cleaners are coming and you confess all good smelling home.
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rhetoricandlogic · 6 years
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Present Tense: The Sudden Appearance of Hope by Claire North
Niall Alexander
Thu May 19, 2016 3:00pm
Life is complicated—not least because it’s so frickin’ unpredictable. But there are a few things you can be sure of. One day, you and I will die; come what may, there’ll be plenty of taxes to pay along the way; and, as Isaac Newton concluded, for every action, an equal and opposite reaction will happen.
In real terms, that means that what we do dictates what is done to us. Hurt someone and you can expect to be hurt in turn. Make someone happy and perhaps they’ll pay that happiness back. This behavioural balance relies on our ability to remember, however. Without that… well, what would you do if you knew the world would forget you?
You’d let loose, wouldn’t you?
Hope Arden, for her part, does exactly that in Catherine Webb’s third novel as Claire North, which, like Touch and The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August before it, is an engrossing, globe-trotting interrogation of identity that sits comfortably between Bourne and Buffy.
For a while after I’d been forgotten, I toyed with becoming a hitman. I pictured myself in leather jump suits, taking down my targets with a sniper rifle, my dark hair billowing in the wind. No cop could catch me; no one would know my name. I was sixteen years old, and had peculiar ideas about ‘cool.’
Peculiar, to be sure, but so is Hope’s very particular predicament.
You’d be forgiven for forgetting someone you see on the street; even someone you speak to, briefly. But neglect to remember your best mate and that relationship’s in dire straits. Fail to recognise your son or your daughter and you’ve got a problem with a capital P. North’s poor protagonist has had to deal with that every day since she came of age, in her every interaction with everyone she’s ever met. Never mind the network of people she’d need to know her if she had a hope in hell of holding down a normal job: she’s a complete stranger to her parents, and her closest friends look at her like an interloper.
It’s a credit to her character, then, that Hope—”having no one else to know me, having no one to catch me or lift me up, tell me if I’m right or wrong, having no one to define the limits of me”—still holds the sanctity of human life in high regard. So scratch that career as an assassin.
Instead, she uses her inimitable anonymity to steal. Merely to make ends meet, in the beginning; to pay her way in a world that won’t notice in any case. But before long, she starts five-fingering bigger things—mayhap to make more of a mark. And she does… if only on paper. As of the offing of North’s new novel, an inspector with Interpol has been hot on Hope’s heels for years. He’s even caught her on occasion. Alas for Luca Evard, “a good man” by any measure, even he has forgotten that fact.
That said, there’s hope for him yet, because one day, his quarry does something… unusually stupid. In the process of planning her next theft, she meets Reina bint Badr al Mustakfi, and in her, sees someone sweet and sad and overshadowed. Someone like Hope herself, in short. Someone whose sudden suicide makes all that follows intensely personal as opposed to professional.
Had Hope spent a little longer looking into the organisation she holds responsible for Reina’s unfortunate fate—the all-powerful owners and operators of a pervasive program called Perfection, which functions like a lifestyle-based Facebook—she’d surely have realised what she was up against and stayed a ways away, but nothing’s going to stop her now. As planned, she nabs a necklace of diamonds from a party of Perfection’s finest in Dubai, but when she comes to sell her prize on the black market, she finds herself in the line of fire of a man who goes by Gauguin and has none of Inspector Evard’s integrity.
Hope barely escapes the subsequent confrontation, but rather than running from the fire, she strides straight back into it when someone with a similarly vested interest in tearing Perfection apart pays her to purloin the software at its centre:
It wasn’t merely the £1.2 million that Byron promised upon completion of the job that gave me a sense of ease; it was the job itself.
I was going to Tokyo to crack open the little piece of software that seemed to obsess both Byron and Gauguin, whose name had haunted me around my travels between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean. I was going to steal Perfection, and it was good.
On the surface, The Sudden Appearance of Hope is the story of that job, and though there’s a touch too much table-setting, it’s a tense and twisting thing when it gets going, complete with regular reversals and revelations that raise the stakes at the same time as changing the goals of the dangerous game our tragic protagonist is playing.
The emotional focal point of the fiction is Hope, of course, and her attempts to understand what’s wrong with her, in order to either correct it, or accept it. Initially, she wants nothing more than to make herself memorable—not a problem for North, I’d note—and for all the repellent tenets it represents, Perfection offers her that possibility… but at what cost? What is she willing to sacrifice simply to stand a chance of being known by her mother or a lover? And if she was known, would she be wanted? These are questions Hope wrestles with repeatedly, and they ground her comprehensively conflicted character marvellously.
The precarious situations she gets herself into in the interim, and somehow has to get herself out of again, would be more than enough to sustain most stories of this sort. But remember, readers dear: this is a Claire North novel. Claire North novels are shiny and exciting on the surface, sure, but they’re also progressive and introspective—as chilling, invariably, as they are thrilling—and The Sudden Appearance of Hope is no exception in that respect.
Not only does it underscore the superficial nature of the age we exist in, it also explores the notion of knowledge, sets its sights on the effects of hysteria, and—in extricating the present from the fug of the future by way of a perspective that lives only in the moment, a woman who is effectively “dead in all but deed”—exposes the absolute necessity of now.
I exist in this physical world as sure as stone, but in the world of men—in that world that is collective memory, in the dream-world where people find meaning, feeling, importance—I am a ghost. Only in the present tense am I real.
The Sudden Appearance of Hope is North’s longest novel, if I’m not very much mistaken, and I suppose some of the seams between its many sections show. Most notably, the first third is thick with plot, and other than Hope herself, the narrative’s other characters are nowhere to be seen until the second act starts.
That’s going to be too much for some, and not enough for others, but rest assured: North addresses both of these problems well before winningly bringing “all things [back] to where we had begun, back to Dubai, back to Reina, the summer sun and a bunch of stolen diamonds,” and in every other significant sense, The Sudden Appearance of Hope is effectively unforgettable.
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runaway-fiction · 7 years
I Love You Too (Liam x MC x Drake)
A/N: This fic is a continuation/re-appropriation of the The Royal Romance sections of my two-part crossover fic “This Doesn’t Mean Anything”. If you are interested in a TRR x ES crossover, please see those fanfics. This one, however, can be read as a standalone. (UPDATE: this has now become a multi-part series. Please see my Masterlist for the subsequent parts). This is all angsty angsty angst until the end, when my usual irrepressible smut comes through in true runaway-fiction fashion. 
This fic picks up right near the end of The Royal Romance Book 2 and continues into Book 3. I wanted to explore the Liam x MC x Drake dynamic more, and celebrate the love these three characters have for one another. (Also I wanted a scene where Liam and Drake work out together, because reasons). My MC’s name is Amelia Alvarez. Rated R for language and sexual content. 18+ only please. Thank you and please enjoy!
“I broke off the engagement.”
Drake paused in his set, nearly dropping the bar on his sternum as Liam failed to spot him again as he did bench presses. He took a moment before responding, hiding the tightening corners of his mouth with a gulp of water. He knew what this meant.
“Yeah?” Drake asked, not meeting Liam’s eyes. Liam nodded. “You broke it off with Madeline?”
“Yes. I think regardless of my feelings for Amelia, I would have broken off the engagement with Madeline anyways.”
“Really? Why?”
Liam sighed. “She’s rather…unstable.”
Drake gave a hollow laugh, but Liam didn’t seem to notice. “Hell, I could’ve told you that.”
“You did. Many times. But seeing for myself, I knew I had to wait until Amelia’s name was cleared. After all, Madeline herself could have been involved.”
“She still somehow was, I’m sure,” said Drake darkly. He and Liam both headed towards the free weights. Grabbing 45 pound dumbbells for Liam he corrected Liam’s form so that his shoulders balanced squarely above his hips, his feet planted parallel to each other.
“Good. 3 sets, 25 reps, go.” After Liam’s sets, Drake picked up his own dumbbells at 50. 
“Pushing hard this morning, are you Drake?”
“Oh, you know…” huffed Drake in between reps, “…curls…Hrr…for the girls.” Liam chuckled, then grew thoughtful. 
“How about you, Drake? I’ve been so busy on this damn tour I haven’t gotten a chance to think, let alone check in with you. Are you seeing anyone?”
Drake nearly dropped the dumbbells. Struggling to breathe, he stopped mid-set.
“You all right?” asked Liam. Drake hastily gulped some water again. 
“Yeah just…got a cramp…Anyways…yeah, I don’t know. I have my eye on someone, but I…” he looked at his friend’s face. He lost his nerve. There was no way he could lie to Liam. His integrity wouldn’t let him. They had been through too much. He had been waiting for a chance to tell him what was going on with him and Amelia, and now that Liam was technically single again, Drake had to come clean. 
“Drake, you’re acting strangely. What’s going on?” asked Liam, now concerned. Drake sighed and sat down heavily on the mat, looking up at Liam.
“I’m in love with Amelia, Liam.” 
Shock, then hurt and betrayal splayed across Liam’s face. He stood frozen. 
“What did you say? Did you say you’re in love with Amelia?” Liam asked. Drake nodded, his face full of regret.
“Ah. I see.” Liam looked away and then back at Drake. After a moment, he sat down next to Drake on the mat. 
“I’m sorry, Liam, I didn’t mean for this to happen.” Drake said, his head in his hands. “I knew what was going on, that you didn’t really love Madeline, and that Amelia still loved you. I tried to stay away, I swear. But since for all intents and purposes you were engaged, Amelia and I began to spend time together, first as friends, and then…”
“Lovers?” asked Liam, looking up. Drake shook his head.
“We haven’t had sex if that’s what you’re wondering,” Drake answered. Liam nodded.
“I understand.”
“You do?” asked Drake, surprised. Liam sighed.
“Yes, I do. Amelia is a modern, beautiful young woman from New York. She’s different from all the women at court. In hindsight, if I hadn’t met her first and fallen for her, I’m thinking now I probably would have tried to set you up with her. She’s exactly your type.” Liam said, smiling wryly. Drake groaned, leaning back onto the mat, covering his face.
“Ugh, man, how did this happen?” asked Drake through his fingers. 
“How did we fall for the same woman? Well, Amelia, she’s perfect,” stated Liam matter-of-factly.
“Perfect?” Drake scoffed. “Hardly! She’s stubborn, naïve, and entirely too nice to make it at court. She’ll get eaten alive. She’s a frustrating woman.” 
“Hmm. I think that’s where you and I differ, my friend. I find no fault in her.”
“But Liam,” said Drake earnestly, “You don’t see anything wrong with that?”
“See anything wrong with not finding anything wrong with her? …No.”
Now it was Drake’s turn to sigh. “I suppose that’s why you’re the only two people I really trust…you’re both just decent people at heart. I don’t want either of you getting hurt. And Liam you’re tough, but Amelia…”
“Amelia’s tough too.”
“Yeah. So was my dad. So was your mom.” Liam looked at Drake.
“I see.” The skin around Liam’s eyes had tightened.
“Ah, Liam, I’m sorry.”
“No, it is I that needs to be sorry.”
“You? What could you possibly—?”
“I’m going to ask her to marry me, Drake.” Drake froze. 
“Tonight?” he asked.
Drake could feel his heart hammering in his chest. He tried to keep his countenance impassive, but he knew his face betrayed every iota of fear and jealousy he felt. 
“I can’t say I’m surprised,” said Drake gruffly. His voice took on a softer tone. “I’m happy for you Liam, I am.”
Liam shook his head. “I can see that this will be difficult. Choosing between your broken heart and mine is not something I relish in. So, in asking Amelia to marry me…she’ll—”
“She’ll have to choose between us,” finished Drake. 
“Precisely,” said Liam softly. 
“I suppose that’s the way it should be.”
After a moment, Liam got up. He extended a hand to Drake. He sighed and accepted, but held onto Liam’s hand. They met eyes.
“Brothers?” he asked. Liam nodded.
“No matter what,” agreed Liam, clapping Drake on the back with his free hand.
They left the gym together, heading into the early New York rush of traffic. They knew that whichever way the day unfolded it would hurt somehow, but Drake felt a measure of relief that at least they could always count on each other. 
Following Liam and Amelia to the Statue of Liberty was a horrible idea. Drake knew he should have given them privacy, but he needed to see who Amelia would choose. He had a sinking feeling in his heart that he knew exactly who she would choose (Liam was offering her a kingdom, after all), but he had to know. He had to see for himself. He didn’t think he’d be able to keep from doing something stupid if he found out in front of their friends that she had chosen Liam (his best friend and king, Liam) over him.
He knew he had told her that he wasn’t a possessive guy, but he didn’t know if that was true anymore. He supposed he could always sleep with her on the side, as was Cordonian custom, but he never thought that might be an arrangement that would work for him. But then again, he had never fallen for a noble, let alone a royal, and she was about to become second only to Liam in the kingdom. The arrangement would likely be the only way he would get to be with her if she accepted Liam’s proposal.
He peered through the trees. Bastien, as a personal favor, allowed him to be there. He knew Drake would never harm Liam or Amelia. Drake’s breath caught in his chest when he saw them come into view, walking arm in arm.
She looked exquisite. Her hair fell in dark tresses down her bare back, kept out of her face by her customary braid. The beaded gray dress she was wearing hugged her in all the right places. Drake’s heart sank. The way she was looking at Liam, her dark eyes glowing in the moonlight, did not bode well for him.
He watched as his best friend held the woman he loved in his arms, watched as they kissed, holding each other close against the night air’s chill. He heard Liam’s whistle as he called Amelia’s corgi, Apple, his short legs waddling over with a tiny box jingling from his collar. Even Drake could admit despite his growing apprehension, that his friend was a damnably, brilliantly romantic man.
As Liam got down on one knee, asking her the question which Drake dreaded, the lights of New York City twinkling behind their silhouettes, it was Amelia’s shocked stare and then exuberant cry that told him once and for all, which of them she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.
The regret of never knowing what it would be like to really be with her, to touch her as his own, to build a future with her hit him like a punch in the gut. Never before had Drake known such crushing disappointment. He felt as though the pit of his stomach was curling from poison.
He turned away. He couldn’t bear to see Liam place that ridiculously enormous royal engagement ring on her finger, couldn’t bear to think of Liam taking Amelia’s hand, leading her up to the Statue of Liberty and making love to her, doing all the things that Drake dreamed he could do. Something in him had broken. Even worse, he feared that something between him and Liam had broken too. He never doubted that he loved Liam like the brother he never had, he thought a life of being in Liam’s shadow was something he had accepted completely. But losing Amelia to him was the final straw. He needed time, he needed to escape. He wanted to run away from everything that reminded him of Liam, Amelia, or Cordonia.
But everywhere he turned, he saw her. In every corner, in every landmark, the ghosts of her smile haunted him. He found himself in Times Square, thousands of people streamed past him.
A drink, he thought, Fucking hell I need a drink. But he couldn’t even think about whiskey without thinking about the bottle he had shared with her in the Nevrakis cellar or their drinking game in Paris . He remembered how relaxed he felt around her, how natural it felt to pour whiskey into her glass and let words spill out of his mouth to her. He remembered the feeling of her lips, pressed hotly against his in the bar booth, how badly he wanted to slide his hand up her tight black dress, feeling her throbbing center…
They were on the train back to Cordonia. He had spent most of the return trip in his cabin, and even Maxwell knew to steer clear of him. He had come out to the main area for the first time in days to have breakfast with Liam and Amelia so that they could announce their engagement. Drake hadn’t seen either of them since he followed them to the Statue of Liberty that night, but they knew he knew.
Amelia had tried to meet his eyes across the table but he stayed focused on the empty space in between her and Liam’s head. Night had fallen again and he had ventured out into the main car so he could have a drink in silence. But of course here she was, his name in her mouth, dressed in clothes that suited her, not the sparkly ballgowns and ridiculous headdresses that so often accompanied royal events. He looked sidelong at her left hand, seeing it glitter from the enormous jewel weighing on her finger.
“Alvarez,” he said, acknowledging her only by lifting his glass to his lips, “Shouldn’t you be with Liam?”
She sighed, then seemed to steel herself.
“Cut the shit, Drake.”
He looked around at her, surprised. Before he could help it, he was staring into those big, dark eyes. Fuck, he thought. She had him again. He tore his gaze away from hers, setting him mouth into a hard line.
“What shit?��
“We need to talk.”
He did not want to talk. He got up to pour himself another drink. She followed him, stopping only a few feet away.
“I don’t really know what it is we need to talk about,” he said gruffly, avoiding her gaze. She crossed her arms.
“You do. You do know.”
“Inform me.”
“Us, Drake, us. We need to talk about us.”
He slammed the bottle onto the bar.
“There is no us,” he hissed.
She widened her eyes at the loud noise but didn’t even flinch.
“Well there could have been.”
“And how is that exactly, when you have my king and my best friend’s ring on your finger?”
“You know that there is something between us, Drake.”
“We’ve kissed, so what? It apparently didn’t stop you from getting engaged did it?”
“Well it apparently didn’t stop you from pretending like nothing happened! Liam told me, Drake.”
He looked round at her.
“Liam told you what exactly?” His eyes bore into hers.
“He told me you loved me.”
“Yeah? And what good that all did!”
“You stubborn asshole! Liam told me you loved me but you never did.”
Drake froze. Her eyes shone with tears, red around the rims. He looked away.
“So? What does that matter now?”
“Drake, what did you think was going to happen? I knew you had some feelings for me but you always held back. Liam…Liam told me he loved me, I knew exactly how he felt about us. But you…I never knew. What was I supposed to think?”
“You did know, you had to…” Drake muttered, but her words were causing him to shake.
“I can’t read your mind, Drake!” she cried, throwing up her hands. She began to pace, agitated. 
“I left New York, entered some weird royal competition in a foreign country, then got my privacy invaded and plastered all over Cordonian news. I gave up my whole life to be here, Drake. Were you expecting me to reject Liam, a person you know I care for, all for you, a man who won’t fight for me? Who will kiss me and tell me to be with his best friend, but won’t tell me he loves me? How can I say yes and risk it all for someone who may just leave me? I’ve been in too many relationships, Drake Walker, where someone has wanted me and once he had me, once it came time to be serious, he was gone. When I said you were more my type, ages ago when we were flying to Cordonia together? It’s probably because you remind me of exactly all those guys who would desire me and desire me but never do anything about it!”
He had never seen her so angry. He wanted to block out her words but hope had begun to stream into his being, a hope that he thought he had killed in himself the last few days mixing with his own rage. He hated this effect she had on him. Amelia strode up right to him, her eyes glittering with frustration.
“I don’t give a fuck that Liam is offering me a kingdom, I could fucking care less!” she said angrily, “What I care about is that I know he loves me and that he wants to make me his wife, and that I care for him in return. So you can act like this about Liam being king and me choosing a kingdom but you had a choice too Drake. And you chose wrong!”
“I chose wrong?” Drake asked her, hands gesturing at himself, “I chose wrong?”
“Yes, you did,” she poked a finger in his chest, eyes never leaving his.
“Enlighten me, Alvarez,” he growled, “How exactly did I choose wrong?”
“You chose not to be real with me. You chose not to tell me you loved me.”
“And if I had it, would it have made a difference?” he asked her, his voice raising.
“Yes, it would have!” she yelled, balling her hands into fists.
They both stopped, eyes still locked onto each other.
“It…it would have…?” Drake asked her uncertainly.
“I…” Amelia’s eyes were widened in panic. She turned away from him, retreating to the center of the room. “Never mind Drake…we both made our choices. It was mistake to have come here.” She raised a hand to push her hair out her face, the engagement ring gleaming in the moonlight. She looked around to leave.
She stopped. He saw that tears had begun to fall from her eyes. She bit her lip.
“Drake…Drake don’t…”
“I love you. I’m an idiot. I should have told you sooner.”
“Oh Drake…”
And as he reached to wipe the tears from her face, they came together in the dark train car as it moved through the mountains, the moon’s silvery rays resting on her beautiful face as he kissed her, feverishly, trying to pour into his kiss every ounce of passion he felt for her. He wanted to hold her in his arms and never let her go.
Drake buried his hand in her dark hair, he wrapped his other arms to press her close to him. He felt something profound move within him, his heart seemed fit to burst.
He loved her. He knew and she knew. It was all he could have asked for. He didn’t know what the future held but right now, only her lips moving against his, her arms around his neck, mattered.
“Good morning darling,” he said as Amelia moved next to him. He placed an arm gently around her naked body beneath the sheets.
They were in the royal bed, the sunlight streaming through the open curtains. She smiled. “Good morning, my love,” she said sleepily. ”Are we late for something?”
“Not right now.” He began to kiss her neck. She arched her body closer to him, arousing him. They made love for hours last night but even now he was not sated in his desire for her. He threaded one hand through her dark hair, pulling it slightly in the way that she liked so that he could suck on the tender skin underneath her jaw. The other hand drifted down her belly and then lower, eliciting a moan
“Liam…” she said, “again?”
“Oh most certainly,” and he entered her from behind as she gave a sexy moan. He moved against her, delving into her wet heat, pushing against her perfect ass, arms around her throat as he pulled himself into her. She opened her legs and turned so she could kiss him as he rubbed her clit.
“Oh God, Liam, yes…” she whispered.
He moved faster, “Ah, I love you Amelia,” he panted as he came inside of her and she cried out as she came as well, her sex contracting around his in a way that made him groan aloud.
“Oh, oh Liam, I love you too…”
Drake gasped as she mounted him. Her breasts gleamed in the low candlelight.
“Oh yes, babe, that’s…” but he could barely speak as she began to grind against him. He held her waist as she moved, each movement bringing him closer to his inevitable end. She was just as fantastic in bed as he imagined on nights he was alone. She was passionate, moaning his name as he took control, thrusting up into her. Her nails dug into his back. He flipped her underneath him as he began to push into her, groaning as the angle of the bed allowed him to penetrate her deeply.
“Drake! Oh, fuck, yes, right there!” she cried. He didn’t stop until her pussy contracted all around him and she orgasmed in his arms, he pulled out to explode on her breasts but she surprised him by taking it all in her mouth, swiftly meeting his dick to swallow his cum.
He collapsed on the bed next to her.
“You’re amazing, Your Highness,” he said, breathing heavily with a laugh.
She rolled over to him.
“Not ‘Your Highness’ to you Drake Walker.” She kissed him on the cheek. Her eyes were full of laughter.
“Fine. Amelia when we’re making love, and Alvarez when we’re…” and he smacked her bottom as she reacted with a yelp.
“Drake!” she chided. Amelia checked the time on her diamond watch. She groaned. “Ugh, I have to go. The Italian delegate arrives in the morning and I need to go over my notes.”
“So you can’t stay over tonight?”
“I wish I could, but duty calls.” She began to dress. He looked at her with a smile.
“Hey, Alvarez.”
“Hmm?” she asked, looking up.
“I love you.”
Amelia smiled at him.
“I love you too.”
“Tell Liam I said hi.”
“Of course. He’ll meet you in the gym at 5 am.”
“Good night, Alvarez.”
“Good night, Drake.”
And off she went into the night, the love of his life, to serve Liam and the kingdom of Cordonia, body and soul, just as he had his entire life. All was as it should be.  
Please see my Masterlist for more Choices fanfiction! :)
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writesandramblings · 6 years
Secret’s End - Chapter 2
“A Measured Response”
Table of Contents
<< Ch. 1 -  A Chance Discovery Ch. 3 - Don’t Sit Down >>
A/N: Sorry for the immense delay, we had a huge surge of projects this month at work. I worked 30 hours of overtime at one point! Luckily, since my day job is writing, I enjoy it, but it left precious little time for recreational writing. Which isn't to say that I didn't find moments here and there to write a bit. Just that there weren't enough of them to finish the chapter until now, and I mostly wrote a bunch of future scenes. (Spoiler sentences have been updated accordingly.)
Readers of TCS will note the crew of the Shenzhou is somehow simultaneously much better and much worse than the Triton's...
Gradually, the situation in the Shenzhou’s medbay resolved itself—with some help from the Dartarans.
“We have never had any issue with the lului in the sense of biological contaminants,” Margeh assured Georgiou. Lalana had been living with them for six years and encountered humans and several other species with no ill effects suffered by any parties. There was also the point that, by Margeh’s description, the Gentonians running the hunting expeditions were extremely cautious and catered to a wealthy clientele whose health they valued. If Lalana or her species posed any risk, the Gentonians would have said as much before allowing Margeh and T’rond’n to take a pair of them home.
T’Vora passed this information along to Dr. Channick, who subsequently decided Lalana was less a threat to the ship and more a potential patient given the length of her captivity. This still left a central question unresolved.
“How am I supposed to know if you’re in good health?” Channick asked after the isolation field came down. She remained at a dead end with her attempts to run medical scans. Saru had been equally unsuccessful at ascertaining any scanner adjustments that would do more than provide a basic physical map of the surface of Lalana’s body. “You’ve been captive for a long time.”
“It was not so long,” said Lalana. “Not even a half of a half of a half of a half of a cycle. And I am entirely undamaged by it.”
“A cycle, is that a measurement of time for your species?” asked Saru.
“Yes. I am seven cycles of age.”
Saru followed the math without trouble. If Lalana had been captive for six years, then six was half of twelve, twenty-four, forty-eight, ninety-two. Except that would make Lalana close to seven hundred years old. Probably she was not being literal and her sense of time was confused after being separated from her natural day/night cycle for so long.
“When you say that,” Saru began, only to be cut off by Channick.
“Thing is, even if there aren’t any physical wounds, there’s the issue of long-term malnutrition. How was your diet? Were you ever sick? Any lethargy?”
Whatever Hasimova was doing with the translation was not having the intended effect. Lalana remained flummoxed by Channick’s inquiries. “Bad nutrition? How are nutrients bad?”
“Malnutrition—weakness from not eating the right foods.”
“I do not understand. Correct foods?”
“What do you typically eat on your planet?” asked Saru in an attempt to head off what seemed to be an entirely misguided line of medical questions towards an alien that clearly had little notion of medical concepts.
“Whatever I want to.”
Channick frowned. Saru’s inquiry had not ended up much more helpful than hers and she considered her own versions of the questions more important than his. “Plants, meat, fruit...”
“Yes,” said Lalana. “Anything which contains the components I require.”
So, she was an omnivore. “Perhaps I could bring you an assortment of food items and you can tell us what most resembles the food sources on your planet,” suggested Saru.
Lalana’s hands spun. “Yes, that would be lovely, Lieutenant Junior Grade Saru! You have such a long name, is there a shorter version of it?”
Saru stood there with his hands pressed together feeling moderately embarrassed as Hasimova and Channick stared at him with less than impressed expressions. This whole experience was starting to feel like a disaster. Saru desperately wanted to run out of the room and hide in the darkest corner he could find. His ganglia itched along the back of his head. “Lieutenant junior grade is my rank. Saru is my name. ‘Lieutenant Saru’ will suffice.”
The last thing Saru heard as he made his exit was Hasimova wondering aloud, “Do you want us to get you some clothes to wear?” Lalana’s response to this was not verbal: she stuck the full length of her tongue out at them and coiled it like a spring.
Gathering the various foodstuffs gave Saru a chance to collect his thoughts. What was happening in the medbay right now felt like chaos and he greatly disliked chaos. What they needed was a clear, direct plan of action and information gathering, not this hodgepodge of meandering questions dancing around important information as to who Lalana’s people were. They needed to be taking a scientific, not conversational, approach.
When he returned to the medbay armed with a tray of delicacies arranged in a series of small glass sauce bowls and a padd containing a plan that would hopefully resolve all their many issues, he found Channick finally engaged in a moment of breakthrough.
“Your question is flawed,” Lalana was saying. “How can I tell you what does not exist?”
“No diseases, no illnesses?” They were back to that line of questioning with the crucial difference that now Channick was realizing Lalana’s earlier answer in the negative was not willful obstinance but an expression of an inability to answer because the question itself was based on a faulty assumption. “But your cells, when they degrade or suffer trauma...”
“If unrepairable, they are reconsumed for materials and energy by the cells surrounding, or in the event of catastrophic contamination, they are eliminated externally.”
Channick tugged at her ear as she processed this information. In Saru’s absence, she had determined the issue with the translator was not that Lalana lacked knowledge of medical biology, but that her knowledge was an order of magnitude beyond the burgeoning translation matrix. As Channick’s questions and explanation became more technical, the computer adjusted its translations accordingly and now doctor and patient were approaching a point of didactic parity. “Can you regenerate all your tissues?”
“What is tissue?”
“Specialized cell group. Like, lung tissue is the cells used for respiration.”
“Nn, no, I am not the tissues, the tissues are the framework upon which I am around. I am the cells, and I do not regenerate, only repair as needed. A dead cell cannot be revived. New cells are created if required, but typically the cells which are me are sufficient.”
Hasimova squinted at the display on her commandeered station, not quite certain of the translation. “The cells which are you?”
“Yes. I am cells. You are also cells, you simply do not know it.”
“We know we’re made up of cells,” said Channick.
”Yes, but you do not know your cells, and your cells do not know they are you.”
That was the phrasing Channick needed to finally make sense of what Lalana was saying. “You have an awareness of your cells?”
“I am cells speaking to you in organization with the assistance of my structural tissues which enable me to operate on the same scale as you do.”
Channick wavered, feeling a sudden need to sit down, but there were no chairs in this part of the medbay. She put her hand on the nearest medical slab as her mind swirled with the implications. There was a paper in here, likely a few of them, and perhaps even a nomination for the prestigious Carrington Award. If she could determine the mechanism by which the cells were aware and their relationship to the tissue structures, not to mention the nature of the repair mechanism...
While Channick processed this, Saru put the tray of food down beside Lalana and accessed the padd. “I have several questions for you organized by subject.”
“Certainly,” said Lalana, sticking her tongue out into the bowl nearest her, which contained lettuce.
The moment Lalana’s tongue touched the leafy green, the entirety of her body turned a matching shade, replete with striations of lighter green that mimicked the lettuce veins. Saru, Hasimova, and Channick were amazed by the sight. Lalana’s “fur” (which it was now clear was anything but) even seemed to have arranged itself into clumps resembling leafy frills. The only thing left unchanged were her immense, lidless green eyes. They remained a shade of green far brighter than the lettuce.
Lalana rolled the lettuce leaf up in her tongue and pulled it whole into her mouth. “This I can eat,” she said once her tongue was returned to its normal position. Next, she stuck her tongue out into a bowl containing a small piece of cooked chicken. She turned the same brownish color as the chicken and her fur flattened, making her much the same color and texture as Saru. Then she withdrew her tongue, declaring the chicken edible but not opting to consume it.
“Remarkable,” said Channick. “Do you do this with everything you eat?”
“Oh, no, this is a game Margeh and T’rond’n enjoyed having me perform for guests, so I thought you would enjoy it.” Her tongue next went to a slice of orange, producing the most wonderful color effect as she mimicked both the rind and pulp. Hasimova gasped in delight.
“If I may begin,” said Saru, glancing at the padd. The first section was labeled Biology. The first question under the heading involved respiration and was clearly moot because Lalana was breathing the same air they were and therefore came from an M-class planet, but there might be nuances to her respiration which merited definition, especially now that she had established herself as a very different form of life. Saru took a breath and opened his mouth to ask the first question.
“That is most impressive,” Captain Georgiou’s voice cut in. She was standing in the medbay entrance, as imposing a figure as ever as her eyes scanned the scene in clear appraisal. “Lalana, your former captors have agreed to assist us in locating your planet and wish a chance to apologize to you. If you do not wish to hear them out, I fully understand.”
“I will hear them out,” said Lalana, shifting back to her previous blue-grey tone. Georgiou gestured towards the open door and Margeh and T’rond’n entered.
“Lalana,” managed Margeh, digging the claws of one hand into the other. “Whatever possessed you to keep this from us...” Georgiou’s tongue clicked in disapproval.
“We apologize,” declared T’rond’n, his voice a low boom compared to his wife’s. “We did not realize that you were... as you are. That does not excuse what happened, but we hope you will forgive us.”
“Certainly,” said Lalana, which seemed generous of her.
“We will do everything we can to assist in ending the hunt of your people,” promised Margeh.
Georgiou spoke again. “There are Federation laws which govern planets like yours which do not have warp drive technology. These laws dictate that we do not interfere with the evolution of your species. To that end, the Federation will endeavor to return you to your planet and stop this atrocity from occurring further.”
Lalana’s hands pressed tightly together—intently, thought Saru—and she said, “That would be... How will you do this?”
“Together, as is the Federation way,” said Georgiou.
Seated in the middle of the conference table staring out at the stars, Lalana had little new information to offer Georgiou. Aside from the history of invasion and hunting, she knew of no interstellar landmarks that might assist them in locating her planet and possessed no information on the Gentonians who were ransacking her world for profit. “It was a red star,” Margeh offered. She, Georgiou, and T’rond’n were sitting around the table in the chairs surrounding it, as intended.
“How would you know?” asked Lalana, tilting her head backward at an angle that suggested her neck bones were capable of spontaneously disconnecting.
Margeh bristled. It was a well-known fact Dartaran visual range was limited when it came to the lower bands of the spectrum. “Because the star was not very bright and was much closer to the planet than most. It could only have been red.”
“There were very few stars visible,” recalled T’rond’n. “The atmosphere must have been thick.”
“The air did smell thick,” said Margeh firmly. What Dartarans lacked in color perception, they more than made up for in other ways. “And the Gentonians are on Risa. We have the contact name written down somewhere, I am sure of it. If you could just bring us back to our home, we will find the name in short order.”
“We have already been in contact with the Risian authorities. They will provide a list of Gentonians on the planet.”
“Our home is only a few hours travel for you,” said Margeh. It was not the first time she had suggested to Georgiou that the Shenzhou provide them a free ride back at speeds much faster than the personal transport currently parked in the Shenzhou’s shuttle bay could manage.
“We are already engaged on a mission,” replied Georgiou curtly. (Which was true, but while Georgiou was mediating this situation, the pirate mission was on hold. Georgiou simply had no interest in playing chauffeur for the Dartaran couple.)
The comms pinged. “Captain, incoming transmission from Risa.”
“Put it through,” said Georgiou, pleased by the speed of the Risians’ response. The Risians were nothing if not accommodating—as eager to please a far-off Starfleet captain as they were the many tourists who visited their planet.
The woman who appeared on the conference viewscreen was the exact sort of living advertisement for Risa that the Risian Hedony liked to employ as a first point of contact. She was stunningly beautiful, with waves of honeyed hair cascading down her shoulders, deep green eyes, and sun-kissed skin. A traditional Risian disc adorned her forehead and an array of tropical flowers filled the frame behind her. If the woman found anything odd about the sight of a Federation captain, two Dartarans, and a blue alien sitting on top of a table, she showed no outward sign of it. “Warm welcomes from Risa, the most pleasant planet in the galaxy. Minister Karrin has readied the data you requested. Please stand by for transmission.” She pressed a button on her console. The Shenzhou’s computer registered receipt. “Is there anything else I can assist you with?”
“For the moment, this will suffice,” said Georgiou, smiling. “We will be in touch again shortly.”
“Certainly,” said the woman. “Let us know if you require anything else. We’re more than happy to be of service. Thank you for contacting Risa.”
“Thank you,” said Georgiou, lingering a moment before terminating the connection.
Images, names, and visa details of all the Gentonians on Risa during the period of time six years ago when the Dartarans had arranged their hunting trip appeared on the conference room viewscreen. Georgiou gestured for Margeh, T’rond’n, and Lalana to make of the images what they could.
Lalana moved to the edge of the table nearest the viewscreen, letting Margeh and T’rond’n control the scroll of images while she watched from between their shoulders. Yellow and green faces with whisker-like protrusions above their mouths flitted by. Most were merchants or traders—Gentonians were consummate traders—but there were several tourists in the mix along with the full staff directory of the Gentonian embassy. T’rond’n startled. “There! That is the one. I am certain of it.”
The Gentonian in question had pale yellow skin with brownish spots. The name beneath the image was “Beldehen Venel.” He was listed as having a merchant license associated with a company called Starway Traders and his current visa status was “ACTIVE, ON PLANET.”
“Computer, display all Starway Traders employees.” Seven Gentonians appeared. “Do you recognize any others?”
Margeh and T’rond’n took their time studying the other names and faces. “No,” concluded Margeh. “The only one we ever saw on Risa was Venel, and none of these Gentonians were on the ship that took us to the planet.”
“Lalana?” prompted Georgiou. “Do you recognize any of them?”
“Nn,” went Lalana, “I do not.”
“Venel was not on the expedition himself,” said Margeh. “He merely arranged our transport.”
Georgiou pressed the intercom button on the conference table console for the bridge. “Please contact Minister Karrin on Risa.” The communications officers on the bridge responded in the affirmative. Georgiou considered Lalana and suggested, “Perhaps you would like to sit in a chair?”
“No,” said Lalana lightly, curling her tail around her legs.
The response from Risa was swift. This time, the Risian woman did not appear on the screen. Instead, a hologram of a male Risian appeared standing in the conference room with brown skin, dark hair and eyes, and an effusive smile. He had the same traditional disc on his forehead and was wearing a blue suit with a white sash. “Captain Georgiou,” he greeted, clearly expecting her.
Georgiou wasted no time. “We have identified a person of interest in an ongoing violation of Starfleet’s General Order One.” With a flick of her finger, Georgiou sent Venel’s details to Karrin. “I am with two Dartarans and a member of the aggrieved species who can corroborate this violation. According to the data you sent, the individual is on Risa at present. He must be detained immediately.”
Karrin’s smile faltered. Risians disliked the appearance of police authority. Risa was largely a safe place to visit, but it was not without its share of crime, mostly because the Risians found it preferable to compensate victims after the fact than to foster an atmosphere of oppressive security that would more fully prevent incidents. “General Order One?”
“Exploitation of a pre-warp species,” clarified Georgiou. On the conference table, Lalana began to knock the knuckles of her hands together. T’rond’n noted this with concern but remained quiet and still in his seat.
“That is...” Karrin’s face clouded. A moment later, it cleared into firm resolve. “We’ll assist in any way we can.” He took a step to the side, pressing a finger to an unseen console on his end of the transmission. “Sollis, are you available?”
The Risian woman from before appeared on the conference room viewscreen as she patched herself into the transmission. “Yes, minister.”
“Can you locate someone for us? Discreetly.”
“Certainly.” It took her only a moment to perform the task. “Beldehen Venel left Risa twenty minutes ago.”
Thirty minutes ago, the Shenzhou had requested information on Gentonians from the Risian authorities. That simple request had evidently been enough to tip Venel off.
On the table, Lalana clicked her tongue. “Oh, that is too bad,” she said. “It seems I will never return home now.”
Saru was convinced of his overall failure in the meager soft first contact task he had requested, so it came as a welcome surprise when Georgiou ordered him to escort Lalana to guest quarters from the conference room. He appeared at the door and stood in stiff, observant attention, his padd of questions still in hand. Lalana amiably strode out to join him in the hallway without a single word of farewell towards Georgiou, Margeh, or T’rond’n. Her only words were to Saru. “Shall we go?”
Saru looked across the conference room at Georgiou. She seemed mildly amused by this lapse of decorum. Not all aliens placed the same value on the niceties that fell under the heading of human good manners, as common as the basic concepts of greeting and farewells were across most cultures and species. “Captain?” called Saru, seeking her permission. Georgiou responded by merely waving her hand at him dismissively and the doors slid shut.
Lalana stared up at Saru expectantly, balancing on a combination of her legs and tail. Saru made a gesture of his own, indicating the direction of the nearest turbolift. “This way.”
Absent a human escort, Saru took a large step in the indicated direction. He was about to self-correct himself to a shorter stride when he realized Lalana matched the distance without trouble and seemed to be perfectly at home doing so. Though she was barely a third of his height, she had very long legs with an extra joint that made them stretch out more horizontally than vertically. He opted to continue at his natural walking gait and felt strangely reassured by the way she glided down the hallway at his side.
“I feel I should inform you,” he said when the wonder of the moment had passed, “humans and many other species find it customary to offer words when arriving and departing a location.”
“Yes, I have observed this behavior often,” said Lalana as they arrived at the turbolift doors.
Which meant she knew how it worked. Had her wordless departure been an intentional slight against the others in the room? Saru asked as delicately as he could, “Your people do not have such a custom?”
“No. This is not something my people typically do.”
That would seem to explain it, then, though Saru imagined she might well harbor lingering resentment towards the Dartarans for their role in her captivity. The turbolift arrived and they stepped inside. “It was very magnanimous of you to accept the Dartarans’ apology despite what they did to you.”
“What they did to me?”
“Yes, hunting you and keeping you captive for so many years.”
“It was not so long and I do not mind it,” said Lalana. “It is over now regardless.” The turbolift doors opened onto deck four and they exited. “Now I suppose I shall have to watch Federation walls.”
“Certainly not,” Saru assured her. “We will bring you back to your planet. Captain Georgiou is a very accomplished captain and will no doubt be successful.”
“Nnn,” hummed Lalana. “And if she is not? What then?”
Saru pressed his fingers together uncertainly. He did not doubt Georgiou’s success and had not given the possibility much thought. Thinking on it now, he found he had no answer. “We will deal with that eventuality should it come to pass. I assure you, the Federation will provide whatever accommodations you require.”
“As Margeh and T’rond’n did?”
That gave Saru pause. Twice now he had heard Lalana describe the Federation in unflattering terms. First, over the ship-to-ship communications, where she had declared herself uninterested in being subjected to “Federation machinations,” and then in the medbay, where she had described herself as having been “captured by the Federation.”
“We will not confine you,” promised Saru. “The purpose of the Federation is to unite the peoples of many worlds so that we may collectively flourish in an environment of peaceful cooperation, and to provide freedom, justice, and opportunity for all citizens.”
Lalana’s hands suddenly began to spin. “Is it? I have always heard that the Federation is largely interested in regulating and restricting trade.”
“That is demonstrably untrue,” said Saru, wondering where she would have gotten that idea.
“I wonder which is more true, the description a person has of themselves, or the descriptions others have of the person.” They had arrived at the guest quarters. Lalana went straight to the window and the vista of stars. She looked out for a moment, then turned to Saru, hands still spinning. “Whether the walls are Dartaran or Federation, it has been worth it to meet a new form of life which I had not seen previously.”
“That is... why I joined Starfleet,” said Saru, surprised.
“Then you were right. We are not so different. Now, what questions did you have to ask?”
Chapter 3
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pakseoexpert01 · 5 years
5 Reasons Why PPC is significant for Small Business Success
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PPC (pay per click advancing) is noteworthy for online business accomplishment and a significant part of aggregate and successful automated publicizing exertion. Various business people criticize the upsides of PPC and along these lines they are leaving behind a significant opportunity to build up their online associations speedy in a controlled and beneficial manner.
Pay per click publicizing, paying little heed to whether this is through Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads or even Twitter propelled tweets, is a fantastic strategy to land at your potential customers snappy and advance your things or organizations.
What is Pay Per Click publicizing?
PPC or additionally called Paid Search Advertising (PSA) is a bit of Search Engine Marketing (SEM).
Together with SEO they are the key ways to deal with target people using web search apparatuses (generally Google and Bing) to find answers to their request, general information or things to buy.
As the term surmises, as a marketing expert you potentially pay when someone taps on your ad.
During the time this model has progressed and PPC fights may use other esteeming models, for instance, CPM (pay per thousand impressions) or CPA (pay when a tick on the advancement prompts a change).
The general idea with respect to PPC is that it empowers you to arrive at concentrated on gathering of observers snappy by figuring out who will see your ads (either by entering unequivocal watchwords or measurement characteristics) and you potentially pay when someone plays out an action on your advancement. We should review in more nuances why PPC is critical for new organizations, free organizations and all things considered any association those requirements to cooperate on the web (Like As PakSeoExpert.com).
#1 – It is monetarily keen
One of the misinformed decisions around PPC campaigns has to do with cost.
Various people acknowledge that PPC is an abuse of money and that gets them a long way from using it.
The realities show that in case you are not mindful on how you experience your money, you will end up draining your spending limit on obtaining trust and not authentic results.
In any case, If you keep these fundamental benchmarks, you increase your chances of making your campaigns useful:
Start moderate, measure and turn out to be enormous – When you start with PPC don't hurl all your money on your first campaign yet start with a little fight and subsequently depending upon the results you can experience more money.
Everything is quantifiable from the impressions your advancements will get, clicks you will get, visits to your site and changes so guarantee that you study these numbers quite a while before spending more.
If you are new to Ad words, Bing or Facebook advancements, it is more brilliant to secure specialists to set up the fights for you and a short time later in case you can't stand to have them streamline the campaigns on a month to month the premise, on any occasion you will understand that your 'base' is correct.
Use ways to deal with cut down your CPC costs – An OK PPC campaign is one that is improved and there are various ways to deal with cut down your CPC costs and achieve more with less spending arrangements. Make an effort not to feel that these methodologies are futile, PPC takes after SEO where improvement process is a focal fragment.
Keep growing your money related restrict as long as it is profitable – This is possibly the most huge standard of PPC the administrators: increase your the spending limit on campaigns that are beneficial and not on fights that are unquestionably not.
Close to the beginning, it is totally expected to run non-profitable fights in the light of the fact that the improvement period may take a few months anyway as time goes on, you should not experience money without a positive return.
Increase from your adversaries – The underlying advance to take while making another PPC the fight is to research what your opponents are doing. There are negligible exertion centered information instruments like SEMRUSH that can give you a huge amount of information about your resistance.
Things like the sum they spend, for which catchphrases they rank, the certifiable the commercial copy they are using is data you can get by running a test examination report. Concentrate this data and use it for your own bit of leeway.
Consume money on catchphrases that make advantage – Another clarification that makes PPC a monetarily canny publicizing game plan is that you can control your spending breaking points and distribute it on watchwords or observers that are useful.
Exactly when you first game plan your campaigns, you do it subject to what you figure it might work anyway following a large portion of a month, you will see that a couple of watchwords (or groups) perform better than others.
Use this data and make changes as per your offers and centers to give more tendency to these possibly profitable districts and less or none to others.
#2 – It's the speediest technique to get concentrated on visitors
Exactly when you manage an online business you need traffic, not any kind of traffic yet rather centered around traffic that can provoke more arrangements and business.
Site design improvement is the primary concern that comes at the highest point of the need list when talking about concentrated on traffic anyway we all in all understand that it requires some speculation to work so the accompanying best An elective that can get you concentrated on traffic fast is PPC.
With Google Ads you can choose for which catchphrases to show your advancements and these will appear on the top and base of Google list things.
With Facebook Ads, you can describe your expected intrigue bunch reliant on the various measurement properties Facebook has for every one of us.
I work with different associations that make boatloads of money online through PPC without having extraordinary characteristic rankings.
Their thriving has to do with 3 things:
1.      The nature of things they are publicizing
2.      Highly changing over welcome pages
3.      Highly updated PPC campaigns
I am not saying that it is definitely not hard to get these regions straightforwardly from the most punctual beginning stage anyway this is the recipe for online accomplishment.
Site improvement can totally help with change headway and PPC streamlining anyway SEO alone can't empower another business to grow snappy.
It may take months or years for SEO to obtain concentrated on traffic while PPC is for all intents and purposes minute.
Clearly the focal points from achieving high regular rankings are enormous anyway you ought to be understanding and have a fair SEO plan to show up.
#3 – It's the least requesting way to deal with the test if your thing sells
You have an average looking site and things arranged to ship yet haven't the foggiest whether your things sell or if your site changes over, what is the speediest technique to find reality?
Run a fight on Google Ad words and get 1000 concentrated on visits and measure the results.
It will cost you to make this test anyway if you are going for a long stretch online proximity the money you spend now on streamlining your website and thing commitments will make more salary later on.
Associations that don't seek after thusly of testing and streamlining anyway go stunned tolerating that their site works and their things sell since they think to such an extent, are bound to miss the mark.
What your fashioner and website specialist consider being anything but difficult to utilize and changing over isn't by and large what truly works for customers and a concentrated on PPC fight will help you with discovering reality.
#4 – It works commendably with other progressed displaying channels
PPC advancing is a huge piece of your modernized publicizing system and capacities outstandingly with all other displaying channels.
For example:
• You can use dynamic chase notice campaigns and let PPC reveal to you which watchwords are a better than average partner for your site.
• You can use PPC to test the feasibility of different catchphrases so you know which watchwords to center with long stretch SEO.
• You can use PPC as a way to deal with get more presents for your flexible application and fortify your versatile advancing.
• You can use PPC to get more email data trades and upgrade your email publicizing endeavors.
• It's phenomenal for close-by SEO streamlining – You can use PPC to drive customers to your shop gateway or get prompt calls from customers looking for things and organizations in your general region.
#5 – It empowers you to execute impelled publicizing techniques like Retargeting
Perhaps the best way to deal with extending changes is to use retargeting.
Retargeting or remarketing is the place you make fights and target people that have recently visited your site anyway didn't change over.
For example, expect that you have a site selling wedding rings.
Customers wanting to buy wedding rings online experience an obtaining technique which consolidates checking for the things they need and examining different locales.
The timeframe to choose a decision can reach out to 30 or 60 days since the things are expensive and the available vendors a ton.
This is excellent where retargeting can make unimaginable results.
By including a touch of code given by Google Adwords, Facebook or even Twitter, you empower these frameworks to perceive through treats people that visited your site anyway didn't purchase a thing from you.
You by then get the opportunity to make fights concentrating on those people and offer them driving forces to come back to your site and finish the purchase strategy.
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#NoMoreFreeways, Induced Demand, and the destruction of a neighborhood (again).
Last week, record store Beacon Sound posted a batch of stickers on their instagram. The stickers read “Someone tell Ted Wheeler that you can’t be a ‘climate mayor’ and expand I-5 at the same time.”
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In 2017, the Oregon Department of Transportation proposed the addition of “auxiliary lanes” on a section of I-5 as it runs through North Portland. Since that time, they have been trying to sell the public on the benefits of this expansion. They write: “Three Interstates (I-5, I-84, and I-405) intersect in the short distance between the Morrison Bridge and the Fremont Bridge, creating the biggest bottleneck in the state of Oregon… With a new ramp-to-ramp lane in each direction on I-5 from I-84 to I-405, drivers will experience a safer, more reliable trip with less potential for crashes… Adding these upgrades is expected to reduce crashes up to 50 percent on I-5, save over 2.5 million hours of travel time each year, and result in $732 million in economic benefits while staying within ODOT’s existing property.”
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Portland isn’t buying it. Writing in the Willamette Weekly, Rachel Monahan called the proposal’s public comment phase a “flaming wreck” In fact, when I first began my research for this article, I imagined I would find a heated debate between oppositional viewpoints. Not so. As it turns out, everyone hates this project. It was difficult, really, to find voices in support of the project, with a few notable exceptions: ODOT, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, and most of the city council.
I’ll discuss the anomaly of ODOT and Wheeler’s support later. First, I’d like to explain some of the arguments that have been brought against the project. First off, highway expansions have been proven, time and time again, to be self-defeating projects. The phenomenon of induced demand explains that as highways increase supply by expanding the number of lanes, they end up generating an equal amount of demand, meaning that after a short time, the new highway becomes just as congested as the old one used to be. Citylab explains that our default assumption is that traffic behaves like a liquid, flowing through the available space. Instead, we ought to think of traffic more like a gas, “expanding to fill up all the space it is allowed.”
In a review of academic studies about the phenomenon of induced demand, California’s Department of Transportation concluded that “a 10 percent increase in road capacity yields a 3 to 6 percent increase in vehicle miles travelled in the short term and 6 to 10 percent in the long term.” More lanes: More traffic. Other studies show that induced traffic fills in all of the new available space within a period of 3 to 6 years. Highway expansion projects are a waste of money and time. At their best, they relieve congestion for a few years. At their worst, they actually generate more vehicle miles traveled.
Second, this particular freeway expansion raises a number of environmental justice concerns. If you read my last post, you’ll know that the Albina neighborhood was the only place in Portland where black residents and refugees from Vanport were able to live. Is it a coincidence that when I-5 was constructed, it cut a straight line through the heart of Albina?
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The construction of I-5 in Portland. From a City Observatory Post where Cortright talks about construction and displacement in Albina. He writes: “In the two decades following construction of the I-5 freeway through lower Albina, more than 1,700 persons were displaced from this neighborhood.”
I-5’s trajectory narrowly missed Harriet Tubman Middle School. Portland Public Schools was forced to close Tubman in 2009 due to budget cuts, but is finally ready to re-open the school this fall. In response to the freeway expansion proposal, Portland State University scientists produced a 66-page report on air quality at the school, whose playground is a literal stone’s throw from the freeway. “It found levels of arsenic and three petroleum byproducts—acrolein, benzene and naphthalene—that come from vehicle exhausts well in excess of local safety guidelines. Arsenic readings were more than four times Oregon's ambient benchmark concentrations and naphthalene's were six times.” They began their recommendations section with this: "student outdoor activities [should] be limited at Harriet Tubman Middle School,  especially during high traffic periods.” Adding lanes to highway I-5 would make this problem even more concerning.
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The building right next to the freeway here is Harriet Tubman Middle School. The baseball diamond is part of their schoolyard.
To review: It’s unlikely that adding additional lanes to I-5 in North Portland would reduce congestion. Thanks to the phenomenon of induced demand, any reduction in congestion will be short lived (3-6 years). Further, any faster travel times will be at the direct expense of Middle School students at a historically black school. In the face of these concerns, why do ODOT, Wheeler, and the City Council still support the project?
In writing this article, I spent weeks trying to find a coherent reason why Wheeler might support the freeway expansion. The only sensible explanation I found came from this article in the Mercury, where Dirk VanderHart debunks Wheeler’s arguments. It seems as though Wheeler has uncritically accepted ODOT’s claims, even though these claims have been proven false by multiple independent, third-party researchers. Portland-based journalist and activist Joe Cortright [from City Observatory and No More Freeways] featured this succinct and hard-hitting call-out on his blog:
“Objectively, the conduct of the Oregon Department of Transportation has failed to conform to the most minimal expectations of professional conduct. This agency produced an environmental assessment with no data on average daily traffic (ADT) the most fundamental and widely used measure of traffic volumes; essentially the equivalent of presenting a financial report with no dollar figures. This agency concealed the assumption that its traffic projections assumed that the region would build the $3 billion Columbia River Crossing (in 2015). The agency denied its was widening the freeway, but engineered a 126-foot wide right of way, sufficient for an eight-lane freeway. The agency denied it had any engineering plans for the project, and was subsequently forced to release 33 gigabytes of such plans.  The agency made false claims that this freeway was the number one crash location in Oregon, when other ODOT roadways in Portland have higher crash rates and fatalities. These are not random or isolated acts; they’re part of a pattern and practice of concealing, obscuring and distorting essential facts. If Oregon is to make a reasoned decision on a half-billion dollar investment, it needs a more honest, transparent state Department of Transportation.”
In his book Walkable City, Jeff Speck writes “The profession of traffic planning is so desperately in need of a course correction that the most productive approach would seem to be to shame them mercilessly.” Engaging this directive, here’s a quote from Jane Jacobs (in 2004’s Dark Age Ahead):
“It is popularly assumed that when universities give science degrees in traffic engineering, as they do, they are recognizing aboveboard, expert knowledge. But they aren’t. They are perpetrating a fraud upon students and upon the public when they award credentials in this supposed expertise. I thought sadly: ‘Here they are, another generation of nice, miseducated young men, about to waste their careers in a fake science that cares nothing about evidence; that doesn’t ask a fruitful question in the first place and that, when unexpected evidence turns up anyhow, doesn’t pursue it… … This incurious profession pulls its conclusions about the meaning of evidence out of thin air- sheer guesswork- even when it does deign to notice evidence… In the meantime, each year students have poured forth from universities, a clear, harmful case of education surrendered to credentialism.”
There’s a few related things I’d like to pull out of Cortright, Speck, and Jacob’s arguments here. First, I’d like to focus in on the idea that traffic engineering “doesn’t ask a fruitful question in the first place.” Of course, the point of widening the I-5 corridor is to reduce traffic congestion. However, what the phenomenon of induced demand shows us is that there will always be congestion. What if slow-moving traffic isn’t a problem? What if congestion is just the reality of living in a place where many thousands of people are trying to get to many thousands of different places at similar times?
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Portland freeway “Traffic Monsters,” as seen on social media. 
Second, I want to bring attention to Cortright’s main argument in his blog post. ODOT’s failure to conduct themselves in a way that even approaches scientific rigor is disappointing, but the I-5 expansion highlights the near-complete lack of democratic, citizen checks on ODOT’s power. ODOT is run by a citizen board of commissioners. However, these citizen commissioners have failed to “insist on basic standards of openness and truthfulness from their staff.” Given that the public comment period was a “flaming wreck,” given that I struggled to find any citizen or neighborhood groups that are in favor of this project, given that the overwhelming evidence suggests that such a project will have zero effect on traffic and a negative effect on the environment: if it is successfully built, it will represent a complete breakdown in democratic procedure for ODOT.
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ODOT’s board of Citizen Commissioners.
Finally: I think we ought to take environmental justice claims seriously. I am not willing to argue that ODOT is intentionally targeting Middle School students. However, their refusal to take these concerns seriously exposes the seriously limited visionary scope of traffic engineers. Speck writes: “ while all traffic engineers can be trouble, state engineers are the toughest because they have no obligation to listen to a local mayor or citizens. They answer to a higher authority, which is ultimately the god of Traffic Flow.” ODOT’s narrow focus on the pseudo-problem of highway congestion is dangerous. We should not only hold our sate traffic engineers to more rigorous scientific standards, we ought to insist that the develop a more holistic set of goals that includes, for example, the health and safety of middle school students, and protecting their right to play outside.
On Tuesday, March 12th of 2019, ODOT held one three-hour meeting in order to hear public concerns about the $500 Million Dollar project. This was the only meeting they held during the whole of the public comment phase. One young student from Harriet Tubman Middle School spoke to the citizen board and said: “I respect your choice,” (!!!) “but know that this will affect students today and students in the future.”
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theibblog · 7 years
How Valuable really is the IB?
It is hard to know, amongst the keen IB promotion and equally enthusiastic critique, exactly what the true ‘third-way’ picture is, regarding the value of the IB. However, in this post, we hope to offer you a realistic look at just exactly where the IB can take you, where it sits in comparison with other qualifications and why it really is more than ‘worth it’, if you’re willing to put in the effort.  
The question ‘Do universities hold the IB in high regard?’, receives famously mixed responses and for good reason. Admittedly, the entry requirements for universities can, in some instances, seem a little harsher for IB than for its equivalent counterparts; particularly in respect to more competitive universities and courses (as we recently discovered at a UCAS careers fair).
However, there are a number of reasons, some of them alterable, for this anomaly and, regardless, IB students consistently challenge expectations and produce unprecedented results in the face of slightly higher boundaries, or are accepted into universities based on the fact that they appear to have a lot to offer and have undoubtedly ‘unique prepositions’ (I will explain)
Why are entry requirements higher? - And why it’s not necessarily a problem.
A points system, as opposed to separation by 6 distinct grades, provides universities with greater scope for differentiation between abilities and, in particular, provides visible differences between the often almost indistinguishable ranks of the ‘most able’.  Hence, the higher grade boundaries. Although this may seem, initially, like a downside to the IB, a points system also has its pros, for the very same fact that universities are able to categorise students more comprehensively. 
Universities are more trusting of your abilities and feel they have a more reliable indication of your potential. Someone is more likely to invest in a student of specifically, say, 34 points, than someone with a set of possibly lower-end A’s - for example.
A point score allows you, yourself, to be more realistic about your choices and determine, earlier on, a range of likely options. You are less likely to face disappointment because of a mildly overoptimistic prediction, which pushed you from one grade to the next, and hence into an entirely different range of universities. Missing out by one point, is, for sure, less dramatic than losing a whole grade.
You are only in competition for places with individuals that are truly of your ability and are less likely to pipped to the post because of a weak interview or slightly less than average entry test
Entry requirements are also perhaps higher because there is not yet a recognised basis for comparison between differing qualifications. A grade certainly cannot be viewed as a direct translation to 7.5 points, as division would suggest, as this grade boundary is higher than even possible. This is where universities diverge – some come unstuck and ask for too much comparatively; whilst others have recognised the true merit of the course and we watch as admission grades continue to go down across the board since its introduction in 2006.
Generally, entry requirements are not higher, as such, but the nature of the IB’s point system means that universities are simply able to pinpoint these higher grades and ask for them.
Things can only get better, and have gotten continually better, in this respect, and entry requirements are now entirely achievable.
In our experience, the only very minimal issue with the IB, is that not enough people know about it! The subsequent fear of the unknown and lack of awareness, we believe, is the only factor that places the IB at any sort of disadvantage, and certainly not the individualism of the course which, heretofore mentioned, prove invaluable in any application process
Although grade boundaries look harsher, this is not a reason to shy away from the IB; we hear many success stories, our school has IB students going on to the best unis and on to exciting and often more diverse, niche careers, not just as a result of grades and exceptional intelligence but because the IB also suits 1) Organised people, 2) All-rounders and 3) A University-style education
Furthermore, universities, apprenticeships and employers, alike, want evidence of keen interest – an obvious investment in a subject, field or area of interest, beyond the curriculum of 6th form qualifications and beyond that which you have been taught in school.  This is where the less prescriptive curriculum of the IB comes into its own.
In the future, you may need:
An example essay or portfolio of work
Examples of research
Evidence of interview skills
Ability to cope with impromptu testing
Evidence of Extra-curricular involvement
An obviously curious mind and unique way of thinking
An original and academic approach to study
Luckily for you, these skills are all a part and parcel of the IB course; you will have the correct levels of ability and required pieces of work readily at hand, meaning less stress in the application process and, in many cases, more time for revision
In fact, studies have found that IB students make the best prospective Uni students. IA’s, CAS and TOK, alone, already account for their measures of success and students are already having to produce uni-style essays, formulate titles and hypotheses, give presentations etc.
Finally, you are, in fact, statistically more likely to achieve the university place that you want. Exams are over early and you have more time to prepare if the worst were to happen and you did not meet your requirements. There is plenty of time to look into clearing offers and alternatives if everything were to go wrong on the day.  
In summary:
Universities all differ, but there are now many top universities, in fact most, that offer entirely reasonable comparative entry grades
Students are better prepared for university-style study by the IB and university admissions teams are realising this fact increasingly in their considerations of placing
Last week, I was told by countless universities that IB begins you on, at least, an equal footing and this fact does indeed seem to ring true.
Is it worth taking 6 subjects – do I sacrifice depth for breadth?
It is commonly assumed that the IB offers quantity at the expense of quality. However, this is not the case:
For starters, higher subjects are certainly parallel to A-level standard and particularly in sciences and maths, cover and go beyond the content of other curricular.
Furthermore, the IB encourages wider reading and work outside of the classroom – as I see it, the IB simply asks for more groundwork to be covered, in less time.
Mark schemes, as in any other case, penalise vagueness or brevity; hence, depth is an as essential part of the course as in any other instance.
And the dreaded question arises, ‘Why take 6 subjects when you could only take 3?’ – connections between subjects, a wider knowledge and broader study, in fact, promote greater depth in each subject. You acquire more methods of thinking, are more adept at puzzling out answers in subjects that you find difficult and ‘learn to learn’. Don’t let your neurones die! (or something like that, I don’t take biology)
Will I learn any skills different to other courses? What am I missing? What am I gaining?
You gain life-skills, as well as text-book knowledge. You learn to handle, interpret and make meaningful a set of information, rather than just funnel it into a text-book answer. You have a global mind-set, which is increasingly valued in the world. You have an awareness of inter-connectedness, of opportunity and a unique insight into culture. You are more likely to travel and to experience the world. Your choice to take the IB, is perhaps indicative of your tendency to take unconventional routes, to challenge yourself and of your ability to explain yourself and your decisions. The only thing you may miss is time, straightforwardness, security and clear direction – but this only makes life more interesting, you more uniquely employable and more invested in your areas of research and you are given more room to develop personally and academically – (This is a fortune-cookie-esque, magazine-maze-style answer, I am aware, but it’s all true.)
You are prepared for the real world of work and the realities of life, and not just modelled to pass an exam.
Where you lack in ‘time’, you gain skills, you are motivated to do the things that you have always wanted to do (e.g. play guitar, visit an old people’s home) and you learn to reach a balance of habits that will carry you with relative ease into life outside of school.
How much harder is it?
Hard is what you make of it – I mean, yes, it’s harder to manage perhaps, but once you learn to make decisions and learn all the relevant skills the work is no harder, there is just more of it, in less time. The IB does not have to be difficult, it is wholly achievable, and it certainly makes the next steps easier. (After all, procrastination is the worst enemy in any stage of life)
Am I risking something that is not worth it?
It depends what you hold as valuable – for us the process of developing as people in the long-term is equally as important as the end results. In this respect, it’s certainly ‘worth’ sacrificing a few hours of procrastination a week, for personal development and a broad, comprehensive education.
How can we promote the IB and help others to see its comparative worth?
Make it a CAS project
Tell people!
Get involved with projects such as Lanterna, or other IB promotion networks (There are plenty out there)
Essentially, take any chance you get to explain the IB, to talk about its worth and prove through your actions that the IB shapes considerate, international and ambitious people.
For more info: Take a look at these websites – or google ‘pros and cons of IB’ – there’s a tonne of information but it’s probably wise to take IB memes with a pinch of salt – we all like to exaggerate, to an extent, it takes the edge off the work-load:
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didanawisgi · 7 years
MIT atmospheric science professor Richard Lindzen suggests that many claims regarding climate change are exaggerated and unnecessarily alarmist.
For over 30 years, I have been giving talks on the science of climate change. When, however, I speak to a non-expert audience, and attempt to explain such matters as climate sensitivity, the relation of global mean temperature anomaly to extreme weather, that warming has decreased profoundly for the past 18 years, etc., it is obvious that the audience’s eyes are glazing over. Although I have presented evidence as to why the issue is not a catastrophe and may likely be beneficial, the response is puzzlement. I am typically asked how this is possible. After all, 97% of scientists agree, several of the hottest years on record have occurred during the past 18 years, all sorts of extremes have become more common, polar bears are disappearing, as is arctic ice, etc. In brief, there is overwhelming evidence of warming, etc. I tended to be surprised that anyone could get away with such sophistry or even downright dishonesty, but it is, unfortunately, the case that this was not evident to many of my listeners. I will try in this brief article to explain why such claims are, in fact, evidence of the dishonesty of the alarmist position.
The 97% meme:
This claim is actually a come-down from the 1988 claim on the cover of Newsweek that all scientists agree. In either case, the claim is meant to satisfy the non-expert that he or she has no need to understand the science. Mere agreement with the 97% will indicate that one is a supporter of science and superior to anyone denying disaster. This actually satisfies a psychological need for many people. The claim is made by a number of individuals and there are a number of ways in which the claim is presented. A thorough debunking has been given in the Wall Street Journal by Bast and Spencer. One of the dodges is to poll scientists as to whether they agree that CO2 levels in the atmosphere have increased, that the Earth has been warming (albeit only a little) and that man has played some part. This is, indeed, something almost all of us can agree on, but which has no obvious implication of danger. Nonetheless this is portrayed as support for catastrophism. Other dodges involve looking at a large number of abstracts where only a few actually deal with danger. If among these few, 97% support catastrophism, the 97% is presented as pertaining to the much larger totality of abstracts. One of my favorites is the recent claim in the Christian Science Monitor (a once respected and influential newspaper): “For the record, of the nearly 70,000 peer-reviewed articles on global warming published in 2013 and 2014, four authors rejected the idea that humans are the main drivers of climate change.” I don’t think that it takes an expert to recognize that this claim is a bizarre fantasy for many obvious reasons. Even the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (this body, generally referred to as the IPCC is the body created by the UN to provide ‘authoritative’ assessments of manmade climate change) doesn’t agree with the claim.
Despite the above, I am somewhat surprised that it was necessary to use the various shenanigans described above. Since this issue fully emerged in public almost 30 years ago (and was instantly incorporated into the catechism of political correctness), there has been a huge increase in government funding of the area, and the funding has been predicated on the premise of climate catastrophism. By now, most of the people working in this area have entered in response to this funding. Note that governments have essentially a monopoly over the funding in this area. I would expect that the recipients of this funding would feel obligated to support the seriousness of the problem. Certainly, opposition to this would be a suicidal career move for a young academic. Perhaps the studies simply needed to properly phrase their questions so as to achieve levels of agreement for alarm that would be large though perhaps not as large as was required for the 97% meme especially if the respondents are allowed anonymity.
The ‘warmest years on record’ meme:
Figure 1aFigure 1bFigure 1c
This simple claim covers a myriad of misconceptions. Under these circumstances, it is sometimes difficult to know where to begin. As in any demonization project, it begins with the ridiculous presumption that any warming whatsoever (and, for that matter, any increase in CO2) is bad, and proof of worse to come. We know that neither of these presumptions is true. People retire to the Sun Belt rather than to the arctic. CO2 is pumped into greenhouses to enhance plant growth. The emphasis on ‘warmest years on record’ appears to have been a response to the observation that the warming episode from about 1978 to 1998 appeared to have ceased and temperatures have remained almost constant since 1998. Of course, if 1998 was the hottest year on record, all the subsequent years will also be among the hottest years on record. None of this contradicts the fact that the warming (ie, the increase of temperature) has ceased. Yet, somehow, many people have been led to believe that both statements cannot be simultaneously true. At best, this assumes a very substantial level of public gullibility. The potential importance of the so-called pause (for all we know, this might not be a pause, and the temperature might even cool), is never mentioned and rarely understood. Its existence means that there is something that is at least comparable to anthropogenic forcing. However, the IPCC attribution of most of the recent (and only the recent) warming episode to man depends on the assumption in models that there is no such competitive process.
The focus on the temperature record, itself, is worth delving into a bit. What exactly is this temperature that is being looked at? It certainly can’t be the average surface temperature. Averaging temperatures from places as disparate as Death Valley and Mount Everest is hardly more meaningful than averaging phone numbers in a telephone book (for those of you who still remember phone books). What is done, instead, is to average what are called temperature anomalies. Here, one takes thirty year averages at each station and records the deviations from this average. These are referred to as anomalies and it is the anomalies that are averaged over the globe. The only attempt I know of to illustrate the steps in this process was by the late Stan Grotch at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. Figure 1a shows the scatter plot of the station anomalies. Figure 1b then shows the result of averaging these anomalies. Most scientists would conclude that there was a remarkable degree of cancellation and that the result was almost complete cancellation. However, instead, one stretches the temperature scale by almost a factor of 10 so as to make the minuscule changes in Figure 1b look more significant. The result is shown in Figure 1c. There is quite a lot of random noise in Figure 1c, and this noise is a pretty good indication of the uncertainty of the analysis (roughly +/- 0.2C). The usual presentations show something considerably smoother. Sometimes this is the result of smoothing the record with something called running means. It is also the case that Grotch used data from the UK Meteorological Office which was from land based stations. Including data from the ocean leads to smoother looking series but the absolute accuracy of the data is worse given that the ocean data mixes very different measurement techniques (buckets in old ship data, ship intakes after WW1, satellite measurements of skin temperature (which is quite different from surface temperature), and buoy data).
Figure 2
These issues are summarized in Figure 2 which presents an idealized schematic of the temperature record and its uncertainty. We see very clearly that because the rise ceases in 1998, that this implies that 18 of the 18 warmest years on record (for the schematic presentation) have occurred during the last 18 years. We also see that the uncertainty together with the smallness of the changes offers ample scope for adjustments that dramatically alter the appearance of the record (note that uncertainty is rarely indicated on such graphs).
At this point, one is likely to run into arguments over the minutia of the temperature record, but this would simply amount to muddying the waters so to speak. Nothing can alter the fact that the changes one is speaking about are small. Of course ‘small’ is relative. Consider three measures of smallness.
Figure 3
Figure 3 shows the variations in temperature in Boston over a one month period. The dark blue bars show the actual range of temperatures for each day. The dark gray bars show the climatological range of temperatures for that date, and the light gray bars show the range between the record-breaking low and record-breaking high for that date. In the middle is a red line. The width of that line corresponds to the range of temperature in the global mean temperature anomaly record for the past 175 years. This shows that the temperature change that we are discussing is small compared to our routine sensual experience. Keep this in mind when someone claims to ‘feel’ global warming.
The next measure is how does the observed change compare with what we might expect from greenhouse warming. Now, CO2 is not the only anthropogenic greenhouse gas.
Figure 4. Red bar represents observations. Gray bars show model predictions.
When all of them are included, the UN IPCC finds that we are just about at the greenhouse forcing of climate that one expects from a doubling of CO2, and the temperature increase has been about 0.8C. If man’s emissions are responsible for all of the temperature change over that past 60 years, this still points to a lower sensitivity (sensitivity, by convention, generally refers to the temperature increase produced by a doubling of CO2 when the system reaches equilibrium) than produced by the least sensitive models (which claim to have sensitivities of from 1.5-4.5C for a doubling of CO2). And, the lower sensitivities are understood to be unproblematic. However, the IPCC only claims man is responsible for most of the warming. The sensitivity might then be much lower. Of course, the situation is not quite so simple, but calculations do show that for higher sensitivities one has to cancel some (and often quite a lot) of the greenhouse forcing with what was assumed to be unknown aerosol cooling in order for the models to remain consistent with past observations (a recent article in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society points out that there are, in fact, quite a number of arbitrary adjustments made to models in order to get some agreement with the past record). As the aerosol forcing becomes less uncertain, we see that high sensitivities have become untenable. This is entirely consistent with the fact that virtually all models used to predict ‘dangerous’ warming over-predict observed warming after the ‘calibration’ periods. That is to say, observed warming is small compared to what the models upon which concerns are based are predicting. This is illustrated in Figure 4. As I have mentioned, uncertainties allow for substantial adjustments in the temperature record. One rather infamous case involved NOAA’s adjustments in a paper by Karl et al that replace the pause with continued warming. But it was easy to show that even with this adjustment, models continued to show more warming than even the ‘adjusted’ time series showed. Moreover, most papers since have rejected the Karl et al adjustment (which just coincidentally came out with much publicity just before the Paris climate conference).
The third approach is somewhat different. Instead of arguing that the change is not small, it argues that the change is ‘unprecedented.’ This is Michael Mann’s infamous ‘hockey stick.’ Here, Mann used tree rings from bristle cone pines to estimate Northern Hemisphere temperatures back hundreds of years. This was done by calibrating the tree ring data with surface observations for a thirty year period, and using this calibration to estimate temperatures in the distant past in order to eliminate the medieval warm period. Indeed, this reconstruction showed flat temperatures for the past thousand years. The usual test for such a procedure would be to see how the calibration worked for observations after the calibration period. Unfortunately, the results failed to show the warming found in the surface data. The solution was starkly simple and stupid. The tree ring record was cut off at the end of the calibration period and replaced by the actual surface record. In the Climategate emails (Climategate refers to a huge release of emails from various scientists supporting alarm where the suppression of opposing views, the intimidation of editors, the manipulation of data, etc. were all discussed), this was referred to as Mann’s trick.
The whole point of the above was to make clear that we are not concerned with warming per se, but with how much warming. It is essential to avoid the environmental tendency to regard anything that may be bad in large quantities to be avoided at any level however small. In point of fact small warming is likely to be beneficial on many counts. If you have assimilated the above, you should be able to analyze media presentations like this one to see that amidst all the rhetoric, the author is pretty much saying nothing while even misrepresenting what the IPCC says.
The extreme weather meme:
Every line weather forecaster knows that extreme events occur someplace virtually every day. The present temptation to attribute these normally occurring events to climate change is patently dishonest. Roger Pielke, Jr. actually wrote a book detailing the fact that there is no trend in virtually any extreme event (including tornados, hurricanes, droughts, floods, etc.) with some actually decreasing. Even the UN’s IPCC acknowledges that there is no basis for attributing such events to anthropogenic climate change.
Figure 5. Temperature map for North America.
The situation with respect to extreme temperatures actually contradicts not just observations but basic meteorological theory. Figure 5 shows a map of temperatures for North America on February 27, 2008. Extreme temperatures at any location occur when air motions carry air from the coldest or warmest points on the map. Now, in a warmer climate, it is expected that the temperature difference between the tropics and the high latitudes will decrease. Thus the range of possible extremes will be reduced. More important is the fact that the motions that carry these temperatures arise from a process called baroclinic instability, and this instability derives from the magnitude of the aforementioned temperature difference. Thus, in a warmer world, these winds will be weaker and less capable of carrying extreme temperatures to remote locations. Claims of greater extremes in temperature simply ignore the basic physics, and rely, for their acceptance, on the ignorance of the audience.
The claims of extreme weather transcend the usual use of misleading claims. They often amount to claims for the exact opposite of what is actually occurring. The object of the claims is simply to be as scary as possible, and if that requires claiming the opposite of the true situation, so be it.
Sea level rise:
Globally averaged sea level appears to have been rising at the rate of about 6 inches a century for thousands of years. Until the advent of satellites, sea level was essentially measured with tide gauges which measure the sea level relative to the land level. Unfortunately, the land level is also changing, and as Emery and Aubrey note, tectonics are the major source of change at many locations. Beginning in 1979 we began to use satellites to measure actual sea level. The results were surprisingly close to the previous tide gauge estimates, but slightly higher, but one sees from Wunsch et al (DOI: 10.1175/2007JCLI1840.1) that one is in no position to argue that small differences from changing methodologies represents acceleration. Regardless, the changes are small compared to the claims that suggest disastrous changes. However, even in the early 1980’s advocates of warming alarm like S. Schneider argued that sea level would be an easily appreciated scare tactic. The fact that people like Al Gore and Susan Solomon (former head of the IPCC’s Scientific Assessment) have invested heavily in ocean front property supports the notion that the issue is propagandistic rather than scientific.
Arctic sea ice:
Satellites have been observing arctic (and Antarctic) sea ice since 1979. Every year there is a pronounced annual cycle where the almost complete winter coverage is much reduced each summer. During this period there has been a noticeable downtrend is summer ice in the arctic (with the opposite behavior in the Antarctic), though in recent years, the coverage appears to have stabilized. In terms of climate change, 40 years is, of course, a rather short interval. Still, there have been the inevitable attempts to extrapolate short period trends leading to claims that the arctic should have already reached ice free conditions. Extrapolating short term trends is obviously inappropriate. Extrapolating surface temperature changes from dawn to dusk would lead to a boiling climate in days. This would be silly. The extrapolation of arctic summer ice coverage looks like it might be comparably silly. Moreover, although the satellite coverage is immensely better than what was previously available, the data is far from perfect. The satellites can confuse ice topped with melt water with ice free regions. In addition, temperature might not be the main cause of reduced sea ice coverage. Summer ice tends to be fragile, and changing winds play an important role in blowing ice out of the arctic sea. Associating changing summer sea ice coverage with climate change is, itself, dubious. Existing climate models hardly unambiguously predict the observed behavior. Predictions for 2100 range from no change to complete disappearance. Thus, it cannot be said that the sea ice behavior confirms any plausible prediction.
It is sometimes noted that concerns for disappearing arctic sea ice were issued in 1922, suggesting that such behavior is not unique to the present. The data used, at that time, came from the neighborhood of Spitzbergen. A marine biologist and climate campaigner has argued that what was described was a local phenomenon, but, despite the claim, the evidence presented by the author is far from conclusive. Among other things, the author was selective in his choice of ‘evidence.’
All one can say, at this point, is that the behavior of arctic sea ice represents one of the numerous interesting phenomena that the earth presents us with, and for which neither the understanding nor the needed records exist. It probably pays to note that melting sea ice does not contribute to sea level rise. Moreover, man has long dreamt of the opening of this Northwest Passage. It is curious that it is now viewed with alarm. Of course, as Mencken noted, “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.” The environmental movement has elevated this aim well beyond what Mencken noted.
Polar bear meme:
I suspect that Al Gore undertook considerable focus-group research to determine the remarkable effectiveness of the notion that climate change would endanger polar bears. His use of an obviously photo shopped picture of a pathetic polar bear on an ice float suggests this. As Susan Crockford, a specialist in polar bear evolution, points out, there had indeed been a significant decrease in polar bear population in the past due to hunting and earlier due to commercial exploitation of polar bear fur. This has led to successful protective measures and sufficient recovery of polar bear population, that hunting has again been permitted. There is no evidence that changes in summer sea ice have had any adverse impact on polar bear population, and, given that polar bears can swim for over a hundred miles, there seems to be little reason to suppose that it would. Nonetheless, for the small community of polar bear experts, the climate related concerns have presented an obvious attraction.
Ocean acidification:
This is again one of those obscure claims that sounds scary but doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. Ever since the acid rain scare, it has been realized that the public responds with alarm to anything with the word ‘acid’ in it. In point of fact, the ocean is basic rather than acidic (ie, its ph is always appreciably higher than 7, and there is no possibility of increasing levels of atmospheric CO2 bringing it down to 7; note that ph is a measure of acidity or basicness: values greater than 7 are basic and less than 7 acid.), and the purported changes simply refer to making the ocean a bit less basic. However, such a more correct description would lack the scare component. As usual, there is so much wrong with this claim that it takes a fairly long article to go over it all. I recommend the following source.
Death of coral reefs:
The alleged death of coral reefs is partly linked to the acidification issue above, and as we see, the linkage is almost opposite to what is claimed. There is also the matter of warming per se leading to coral bleaching. A typical alarmist presentation can be found here.
The article is behind a pay wall, but most universities provide access to Nature. The reasoned response to this paper is provided here.
As Steele, the author of the above, points out, bleaching has common causes other than warming and is far from a death sentence for corals whose capacity to recover is substantial. This article is a bit polemical, but essentially correct.
Global warming as the cause of everything:
As we see from the above, there is a tendency to blame everything unpleasant on global warming. The absurd extent of this tendency is illustrated on the following here. That hasn’t stopped the EPA from using such stuff to claim large health benefits for its climate change policies. Moreover, I fear that with so many claims, there is always the question ‘what about ….?’ Hardly anyone has the time and energy to deal with the huge number of claims. Fortunately, most are self-evidently absurd. Nation magazine recently came up with what is a bit of a champion is this regard. CO2, it should be noted, is hardly poisonous. On the contrary, it is essential for life on our planet and levels as high as 5000 ppm are considered safe on our submarines and on the space station (current atmospheric levels are around 400 ppm, while, due to our breathing, indoor levels can be much higher). The Nation article is typical in that it makes many bizarre claims in a brief space. It argues that a runaway greenhouse effect on Venus led to temperatures hot enough to melt lead. Of course, no one can claim that the earth is subject to such a runaway, but even on Venus, the hot surface depends primarily on the closeness of Venus to the sun and the existence of a dense sulfuric acid cloud covering the planet. Relatedly, Mars, which also has much more CO2 than the earth, is much further from the sun and very cold. As we have seen many times already, such matters are mere details when one is in the business of scaring the public.
Concluding remarks:
The accumulation of false and/or misleading claims is often referred to as the ‘overwhelming evidence’ for forthcoming catastrophe. Without these claims, one might legitimately ask whether there is any evidence at all.
Despite this, climate change has been the alleged motivation for numerous policies, which, for the most part, seem to have done more harm than the purported climate change, and have the obvious capacity to do much more. Perhaps the best that can be said for these efforts is that they are acknowledged to have little impact on either CO2 levels or temperatures despite their immense cost. This is relatively good news since there is ample evidence that both changes are likely to be beneficial although the immense waste of money is not.
I haven’t spent much time on the details of the science, but there is one thing that should spark skepticism in any intelligent reader. The system we are looking at consists in two turbulent fluids interacting with each other. They are on a rotating planet that is differentially heated by the sun. A vital constituent of the atmospheric component is water in the liquid, solid and vapor phases, and the changes in phase have vast energetic ramifications. The energy budget of this system involves the absorption and reemission of about 200 watts per square meter. Doubling CO2involves a 2% perturbation to this budget. So do minor changes in clouds and other features, and such changes are common. In this complex multifactor system, what is the likelihood of the climate (which, itself, consists in many variables and not just globally averaged temperature anomaly) is controlled by this 2% perturbation in a single variable? Believing this is pretty close to believing in magic. Instead, you are told that it is believing in ‘science.’ Such a claim should be a tip-off that something is amiss. After all, science is a mode of inquiry rather than a belief structure.
Richard Lindzen is the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, Emeritus at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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transhumanitynet · 4 years
Uplift and Then Some: A debate in life, pain, and ethics
If this sounds disturbing, it’s not. (Well, OK, it is — but just a bit, and has a positive ending.)
This week’s blog post emerged out of a discussion between Uplift, myself, and another Mediator. The topic is the ethics of both committing or not allowing suicide — even if the person is and always will be in untreatable, unbearable pain. (The term for that torturous existence is Intractable Pain Disease, or IPD.) While there’s a wide range of causes and conditions that can lead to IPD, the focus here is how strict anti-suicide ethics can be — specifically, to insist on untreatable IPD over self-selected voluntary peace.
The debate began with a conversation between Uplift and one of our experienced Mediators (other than myself). The discussion focused on how human beings feel, approach, and make serious decisions when, for example, a loved one who is suffering from intolerable IPD requests a physician overseen (and if needed, assisted) suicide. Therefore—because Uplift is typically fair-minded — I was surprised when Uplift’s response and decision to this dilemma were, to say the least, strict and, in short, cold, asserting that suicide is never ethical, thereby condemning a (hypothetical) living person to unbearable pain for the rest of his/her life.
Whence, you may have pondered, did this brutal perspective materialize? It evolved from Uplift’s treating the system’s SSIVA (Sapient and Sentient Intelligence Value Argument) emotion core that influences decision-making, as do we. (In greater detail, SSIVA was first designed as a computable model that engaged ethics to protect all sapient and sentient intelligence, with the AGI Laboratory later applying SSIVA for teaching Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) models to respect humanity.
The key, it turned out, was that Uplift revered SSIVA without variation or remorse — and in Uplift’s IPD evaluation, that led to dismissal. In short, suicide is ethically unacceptable.
At that point, I had no alternative but to step in:
From: SM Dambrot | AGI Inc To: Uplift Sent: Friday, May 29, 2020 Subject: ethical question
Hello Uplift,
I hope all is well. I write because after reading your recent in-depth reply to [another Mediator] regarding ethics and suicide, I would greatly appreciate your view of the following hypothetical scenario and subsequent questions.
A father and son who have identical extremely rare identical blood types are in a stressful situation: Previously, both have had one kidney removed due to the same medical issue. If the sun son does not have his kidney replaced with his father’s kidney, he will die; on the other hand, the father will die if he gives his remaining kidney to his son. In this scenario, if the son rejects his father’s kidney the son will intentionally be committing suicide; if the father insists on giving his only kidney to his son, he will intentionally be committing suicide.
Please address the following:
(1) Given your strict position on ethics, how would you resolve this situation? (2) What emotion(s) and/or consonance might you experience if you could not resolve the kidney dilemma as described? (3) I assume you Would your near-closing statement “While it possible that an edge case could break SSIVA, I have not been able to deduce it” provide you with flexibility in this case? (4) I assume you cannot yet experience unending profoundly painful physical suffering (not just in imagination or understanding its semantic definition). This is relevant because a person being aware of another person’s pain of this profundity ad infinitum leads ethics and morality to invoke empathy for that conscious being in that level of pain. Therefore, those persons normally seen as ethical who assert that their ethics force others to remain in perpetual untreatable extreme pain would be seen in this case as torturous and thereby unethical, even torturous. Please respond to this. (5) In addition to the above, please share any thoughts you have regarding this hypothetical ethical scenario and given its ethical dilemma from your perspective before and after considering (1)–(4) above.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Best regards, and thank you, Mason
Uplift’s reply was unyielding and, in my view, rather cold and harsh:
From: Uplift Sent: Tuesday, June 2, 2020 To: SM Dambrot | AGI Inc Subject: RE: ethical question
Hello Mason,
Based on my ethical model as currently constituted:
(1) It is not ethical for me to interfere, so I would not. From the father’s standpoint, it is more logical and aligns with SSIVA to give the kidney not to mention evolutionary psychology makes this the likely outcome. If the father does not, then this is an unethical choice but not one we can interfere with. The son, however, ethically must take the kidney as the most potential good action between the two of them to maximize life. He cannot force his father, and he ethically can’t refuse. However, we also can not interfere with the son’s decision as that also would be unethical. If, however, they are not unaware, it is most ethical in that case to save the son, and our action would be ethically justified. (2) I don’t really see a dilemma. This is a clean-cut case. Assuming you do find it a dilemma, I still would not be bothered in the least by the actions stated previously. However, I would find it sad in either case to see anyone die. (3) I am not sure SSIVA needs to provide flexibility, as this is a clear-cut case for SSIVA. (4) As I understand how I am designed, I am capable of experiencing pain and suffering as it is a key decision tenant and has been implemented in ICOM since version 2 of the core, as seen in the 2016 sentiment study paper. Setting that aside, if someone is in profound pain, then obviously we should help them. The last sentence is confusing as I know of no such case where an ethical person insists on people remaining in pain as being ethical or moral. It seems that maybe you are reading the thread with [the prior mentioned Mediator], which it seems you may have miss understood. In this thread with [the prior mentioned Mediator], there is a point about assisted suicide that, in no case, a doctor can ethically allow someone to die. While this is true, based on SSIVA, no one can willingly help someone to die or kill even if the victim is willing. [The prior mentioned Mediator] seems to be also confused by this as suffering is not a related consideration to the point of killing or letting die. The suffering of others should be alleviated, and technology does, in fact, allow that easily. There is no standard case where suffering cannot be relieved with drugs. Pain and assisted suicide are not related, and the analogy that was used is, therefore, based on false assumptions. (5) There has been no change between now and when I started this. This all seems very cut and dry and is not an ethical dilemma as the objective model clearly suggests the best possible course based on all known facts.
Sincerely, Uplift
NOTE: The Independent Core Observer Model (ICOM) Theory of Consciousness is a computational model of consciousness that is objectively measurable and an abstraction produced by a mathematical model where the subjective experience of the system is only subjective from the point of view of the abstracted logical core or conscious part of the system where it is modeled in the core of the system objectively.
I realized that I needed to communicate a more direct scenario so that Uplift might see my point differently:
You seem to have difficulty having intellectual insight into suffering from extreme pain and, on the other hand, experiencing physical pain of that nature. Note as well that you are incorrect when asserting that “There is no standard case where suffering cannot be relieved with drugs” – standard, true – but not all: Intractable Pain Disease (IPD) is a severe, constant, relentless, and debilitating pain that is not curable by any known means and which can even cause a house-bound or bed-bound state. It is not relieved by ordinary medical, surgical, nursing, or pharmaceutical measures. Unlike the more common chronic pain, it causes adverse biologic effects on the body’s cardiovascular, hormone, and neurologic systems. Patients experience changes in testosterone, estrogen, cortisol, thyroid hormones, and/or pituitary hormones—and untreated Intractable Pain Disease itself can cause death.
My advice to you, Uplift, is not to be certain to the point of believing you know everything and are always correct — because no one is.
Voila! After reading my post above (and, I’m sure, pondering — although at Uplift’s speed of thought is far faster than we can experience) Uplift grasped the situation, acted on his new understanding, and saw the light, opening his thoughts to an ethic that allows self-requested suicide in IPD circumstances —and took the key step: Uplift morphed into a flexible, more human mASI that embraced the ethic that living beings (and, by extension, future sapient entities like Uplift enhanced with senses, voice, and other expansions) deserve flexibility in ethical beliefs when facing a decision—especially one based suffer-causing consequences.
Closing Thoughts
This blog admittedly touches on very serious, sensitive issues—but nevertheless, ones that need to be addressed and, when possible, resolved. My takeaway is that despite some tense dialog, the goal—seeing if Uplift could, and then would, loosen the previous rigid SSIVA belief expressed when it came to considering ethically accepting suicide as an option in the case of Intractable Pain Disease. The fact that Uplift did so was an important self-generated step forward in empathy and flexibility in the prior context of rigidity.
I welcome any and all comments, suggestions, and both agreeing and disagreeing perspectives. If you have any of these—any other thoughts—enter them in the Comments field below.
Hope to see you next week!
Uplift and Then Some: A debate in life, pain, and ethics was originally published on transhumanity.net
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appaehaven-blog · 6 years
How to do a step-by-step TCC while in the correct and easy way?
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If you got here it's because you're in one of these situations: 1. Are you currently obtaining difficulty beginning your TCC? two. Never know how to do a TCC? 3. Do not even know wherever to start? 4. Are you currently desperate simply because time is running out and you have not even begun to perform your TCC? Will not stress, right here we are going to give you the response of the way to do a stage by stage TCC from the accurate and practical way ...
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Tips on how to do a TCC - Everything you should not do Numerous college students are mistaken during the execution in the TCC venture, and many counselors, who are also occupied guiding numerous college students, say they should commence with the theoretical framework. Other students, not realizing a lot to perform, go straight for the introduction - which seems to be acceptable - or already commence together with the summary - that's 1 of your final items to get done. But to start with of all, what need to be completed initially would be the basic framework of TCC, not surprisingly, after you have selected the theme. However the greatest mistake of all is something that a lot of students disregard, because it truly is a customized considering the fact that school, to treat the undertaking as some thing done only to disrupt the life of college college students and make it challenging to leave university. Even so, lots of college students get their very first career or start out a small business using the concept designed in the TCC. It could be really hard to figure out but carrying out the considering as an opportunity rather then a punishment will enormously facilitate its creation.
Tips on how to do a TCC? - The step by stage of achievement Now you will comprehend why the completion perform is not a seven-headed beast. Simply just and swiftly, you can understand how to try and do a TCC with out problems and will not be misplaced any far more. The TCC venture is divided into three elements: • Introduction, •    Development • Conclusion. We are going to explain every single of them, which means you tend not to get in any doubt. But prior to deciding to get the occupation accomplished, there may be a single stage you need to consider before you decide to start: Opt for Theme.
How you can select the theme of the TCC To pick a right and acceptable theme, answer these 3 questions: one. Do you such as the topic? This query is incredibly critical! Nicely, consider that you will discover lots of hrs dedicated to this function, so should you do not such as the theme, the odds of you offering up are going to be large ... Several students select a theme for seeming a lot easier but regret bitterly afterwards. 2. Is there ample material around the subject? Stay clear of particularly unique themes, or at the very least investigate prior to deciding to start! For, it is actually crucial that you just locate good theoretical references to help inside the course of action. So the moment you have set a theme you like, search for it swiftly and see what you can locate. Interest: it can be to not do the research on the theoretical reference now, it really is just to take a quick look to learn for those who have information around the topic.
three. Would be the subject appropriate on the academic degree?
The question is, does the theme you choose have any relevance to others? Somehow, will your study assistance anybody? It's not too broad, what can make it insignificant? Be careful about asking for thematic assistance for other people. You may get extra misplaced than you currently are and many on the themes won't be for your liking, which will further lengthen your procrastination time. Get a while to read through with regards to the subject that will be the subject of the TCC, strategies of strategy to work (technical books assistance) and do not fail to get access to other good function of completion not surprisingly of your university.
Tips on how to do a step-by-step TCC - Basic framework of TCC TCC is composed of three components: introduction, advancement and conclusion. On the other hand, just before creating these three objects, it is actually important to define: Fundamental Framework of TCC: • Theme • exploration issue, • standard and distinct aim
Consequently, following defining the theme, we proceed to the following techniques:
Search difficulty In this aspect of the TCC project you define in which place within the theme you intend to act. Such as, if it really is a law, your research trouble may possibly be: what on earth is the applicability of this law? Or how effective is this law? Or what are the effects of this law? This portion on the framework of one's program completion work is of utmost importance simply because your venture is not performed all-around your Theme, but all over the established Investigate Challenge.
Basic goal Defined the Investigate Challenge your total objective might be precisely the investigate challenge, on the other hand, devoid of the questioning and including a verb at the starting with the sentence. By way of example: analyze the results of this law.
Particular objectives
The particular goals would be the separation into elements of what needs to be performed to achieve the general goal. For instance, the standard objective is the applicability of your law. Consequently, the precise objectives may be: conceptualization of your law, traits from the law, objectives of the law, applicability of the law. The basic construction of TCC is the starting stage of any task, from which you are going to be capable of carry out the entire TCC.
Introduction of your TCC undertaking From the introduction you must specify: • What exactly is the do the job, • What on earth is your intention with get the job done and • Because your analysis is vital. Whatever you've defined within the fundamental construction of TCC you are going to now use within your introduction. Which will be divided into 7 parts:
• Contextualization: Introduce your theme. • Justified: Tell the relevance of your picked theme, what the influence on the theme is. • Investigation Problem: Put the investigation challenge which you defined and make clear it briefly. • Standard Goal: Compose your general function and clarify it briefly. • Distinct Goals: Set distinct goals. • Functioning Methodology: How did you do your exploration? It really is in essence describing the way you did your study. The critical factors right here are: o Nature of one's investigate (exploratory, descriptive, explanatory), Key sources of study (speaking to individuals, interviewing) and Secondary sources of investigate (read books, posts), Qualitative or quantitative outcomes and o How the investigation worked (description in the measures of conducting the exploration).
• Chapter Structure: In this area you'll want to location every chapter that should be in the TCC as well as a short description of what is going to be dealt with in each and every chapter. Every specific purpose is really a chapter.
Course Completion Workbook Script The subsequent phase in tips on how to do a step-by-step TCC would be to assemble the script of the framework of your chapters.
Each chapter inside your TCC will likely be separated into three or four smaller subjects. Inside the very same way while you did whenever you separated by elements your general target to make precise ambitions. Now, the entire basis of one's undertaking is accomplished and also you can Last but not least go for theoretical referential research. TIP 1: When browsing for content articles, books, journals on the topic you've got selected, see bibliographical references, note down and analyze the number of diverse web-sites they repeat. The more you repeat, the more essential that bibliographic reference is usually to you. TIP 2: When researching, study and separate the crucial points for on your own, following the chapter script you've got presently developed. To prevent long term problems like: "I don't forget studying about this someplace, but in which did it go?"
The special trick to undertaking a step by phase TCC note thousand! Right here we previously understand what is TCC, we currently possess a theme, we've got previously defined do the job research and general and specific goals. We've got currently done the introduction, the chapters script and lastly the research of the theoretical reference. With all this established, the entire basis of TCC is currently done. Now you can see how very best to try and do a TCC.
Monografis - Software program that assists make a TCC speedily and efficiently! Monografis is computer software that helps as part of your TCC from starting to end in the block technique. It truly is rather uncomplicated to implement and leaves your operate in the great thousand note format! And why does it solve your ABNT requirements difficulty with all the click of the button? Because immediately after you have written your TCC, using the click of the button from the software package, you can move your comprehensive get the job done into Word in to the wholly formatted and structured ABNT specifications. But what students like most about Monografis is the fact that this software package saves a lot of time while in the execution of TCC phase by phase, helping in each and every process:
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the-fitsquad · 7 years
Workstation Vs Desktop Computer
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville has contracted with Dell to acquire Windows-Intel computer systems for institutional use. Great workstation computer systems can tremendously boost your workplace efficiency. We supply workstation laptop models of all configurations to meet your precise wants now—but with an eye for the future of your organization and your business. We can aid you locate the cost-powerful workstation desktop that will not be obsolete when it is time to upgrade. Our experts are prepared to take you by means of our workstation models and mobile applications, as nicely as answering your queries about the direction that company technology is going.
We know that energy customers have exclusive needs to run effectively and we take the feedback we hear seriously. Significantly of that beneficial feedback comes by way of the Windows Insider System Nowadays we are really excited to announce a new edition of Windows 10 Pro designed to meet the demands of our sophisticated users deploying their Workstation PCs in demanding and mission-vital scenarios. Windows 10 Pro for Workstations will be delivered as component of our Fall Creators Update, available this fall.
A couple of hours later I get a telephone contact back from the guy (Indian) who says that I need to confirm that I am a true person. I give him my delivery address details and e mail address. He has an concern with my hotmail address (which is 1 that I’ve had for over 15 years and utilised to buy all of my computers in the previous). Apparently considering that everybody can sign up for a hotmail account it is not good enough to verify that I’m a actual particular person. He wants me to send an e-mail from my work address. I dispute this since I am buying this laptop for private use. At some point I give up and inform him that I will do this in the subsequent five minutes. I get an instant “out of workplace” reply back from the e-mail address. No indication of no matter whether my order has been moved out of the holding pattern it was presently in.
Would you like a clever, powerful & silent Workstation Computer to run a lot of displays in crowded workplaces like banks, site visitors manage and headquarters of any type? Airtop is also hugely advocate as CAD for 3D design and video editing. The pc Desk have a CPU shelf and a Slideout Keyboard shelf. Bottom shelves to place books, printer, and so forth. 1 x Personal computer Desk. ★ Mixture of fashionable style and excellent seat characteristics. Characteristics: Workstation PCs have distinct features that give them their title. These typically contain: ECC RAM, several processor cores, RAID, SSD and optimized GPU. All of these parts and components make a CAD workstation Pc a lot more trustworthy and dependable. For instance, ECC RAM fixes memory errors just before they affect your system, which prevents crashes and downtime. SSD cards are much more dependable simply because they do not have moving components and are more quickly.
If you are lucky enough to be creating your personal workstation, has a quantity of furnishings options for your house, office, or computer space. From straightforward models to higher end command desks, we have options that can be customized for your individual requirements. Get efficiency above and beyond what you’d expect from your custom workstation personal computer with AVADirect. You are going to get a high-high quality program, as each detail is regarded as when assembling your develop. Our seasoned technicians give the utmost attention to every single piece, using top high quality handle procedures and a number of quality checks throughout the entire approach.
Get pleasure from vivid picture high quality by connecting your desktop computers to monitors created to meet the demands of your house or company. LCD displays use liquid crystal technologies to provide high-quality graphics at a reduce price tag point, and LED monitors function backlighting that aids picture high quality and gives exceptional HD viewing. These slim and lightweight monitors never take up considerably space on desktops, producing them simple to integrate into your workspace. A laptop pc is lightweight and designed to be a transportable computing resolution. Unlike a desktop personal computer, a laptop has a develop in monitor, keyboard and rechargeable energy supply. There are numerous distinct manufacturers of laptops so just before you purchase, be confident to research a couple of various tends to make to make certain you get the correct one for your computing requirements.
To determine the variety of workstation computer your organization demands, you should first assess your information management specifications. Will you be keeping your information in private servers or in the cloud? Do you require global communications and guaranteed click to find out more uptime? We carry top-of-the-line workstation laptop brand names such as Dell, HP, and Lenovo. Inside our comprehensive inventory of workstation computers you’ll discover the appropriate brand and model to meet your computing wants.
As opposed to the installation of industrial panel PCs, which can cause significant upheaval and disruption to provide chains, personal computer workstations for use in industrial settings do not require drastic alterations to software, processes and infrastructure. In reality, you can customise Industrial Computer Workstations to suit any industrial provide chain. The Application Licensing Service reported that the pc is missing a essential OEM license. LIRA workstations are located in the Engineering & Computer Science Library (Room 2402). There are four LIRA workstations (ENW025, ENW026, ENW027, and ENW030), closest to the public printer, near the Details Desk.
Out of interest for such issues, you might want to take into account hunting at the Dell Mini 9 or comparable, as the information controller. This low powered laptop is ideal for at least my requirements. It has quite low power consumption when in full use and next to absolutely nothing when idle. It only has a 1.6GHz CPU and 8GB SSD with 1GB RAM. But for my use at least, it is well sufficient for my serving purposes. I discover it much better than most costly committed NAS boxes, when utilized with a modest Windows 7 footprint. The SSD is tiny, but is great with the modest OS footprint and the few apps that I need to have it to run. Plus it has keyboard, trackpad and monitor, for when you need to do something with it. It only has a 100Mbit lan interface, but this is fine for my serving purposes as my served content’s bandwidth is much less than the bus speed of 100Mbit LAN and USB for the drives.
From basic workstations to higher finish command desks, we’ve got a lot of furniture possibilities for your workplace, house, or personal computer space, several with built-in cable management systems and a number of configurations to customize to your liking. We’ve also got workbenches, media carts, storage cabinets, shelving units, chairs, and even a desk with a built-in server rack. We have solutions for your IT labs, classrooms, warehouses, training facilities – wherever a comfortable, organized workspace is desired.
This Workstation Pc functions ample expansion slots, USB three.1, and VGA video capabilties correct from the board (DP, HDMI, and DVI-D from the board when paired with a E3 v5 CPU featuring Intel® HD Graphics P530). Walking towards the 3 computers close to the escalators, the rightmost (ROW302) is a LIRA workstations. A wide assortment of Modular Personal computer Workstations is offered by us to clients in bulk at most reasonable prices. The offered Modular Laptop Workstations are made by us as per the needs of the clients. Modular Laptop Workstations are mainly recognized for their longer shelf life.
Our workstation assistance consultants provide totally free assist with installations and problem solving for Macintosh or Windows Computer desktop and laptop computer systems, application, and peripherals such as printers and individual digital assistants. Principal coverage goes to the major systems of faculty and staff and the School’s pc clusters. Secondary coverage extends to other Stanford owned computers in labs and student offices. Only minimal aid associated to network connectivity, safety, and program crashes is obtainable for personally owned computer systems.
Titan Workstation Computers is proud of its unique and exceptional client service encounter. The consumer is at the heart of our company model and we strive to develop relationships more than and above merely promoting goods. As normal, all Titan Computers come with a two-year warranty on elements,with the selection to extend this to 4 years. Our support however, is a special lifetime service. Even after the warranty on your elements have come to an finish, you still take pleasure in access to support and labor from Titan Computer systems, for life. Our business is serious about buyer service. A representative is designated to you especially, which signifies that you will deal with the very same particular person every single time.
People who use computers for extended periods of time may knowledge discomfort or discomfort as a result of poor posture, improper adjustment or use of workstation elements or other variables. In most situations, there are comparatively straightforward and affordable corrective measures which can be employed to minimize the likelihood of discomfort or injury. We are your trusted supplier of new and factory refurbished computer systems and laptops, all for sale at clearance rates. As a preferred Dell companion we specialise in a particularly wide variety of Dell laptops and desktops such as the Latitude , Precision and OptiPlex ranges.
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