#such a cute kitten though!
baronessblixen · 8 months
the kitten that looks like he knows what’s going on 😂😂😂
That poor kitten! It so knows 😭
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jellyjamheadobb · 1 month
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The whole club was indeed looking at her
original post (bc I didn’t realize it was from here 💀): https://www.tumblr.com/crazykt/665683092725497856/she-got-the-boots-with-the-fur#
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fallenclan · 9 months
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so many kittens. bluefern why
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daydream-comet · 9 months
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Kai expressions I really like in the rising manga (and most of it is just him being extremely disappointed)
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papa-evershed · 1 year
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Kevin O’Dowd, The Level S01EP06
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shkika · 1 year
I really like your headcanon that Saint is actually just Sliver, because it fits really neatly into both canon and non-canon imo
like, challenge 70 isnt actually canon, but it's awesome to imagine that the battle was actually symbolism for Saint fully abandoning their previous life as Sliver, to instead become... well, the Saint they are
and then of course, Rubicon. since Saint ascends Sliver in challenge 70, even though it's not canon, it gets you thinking. because when you ascend Pebbles or Moon, they're in the Rubicon chamber, but not Sliver. so I like to think that Sliver's not there because Sliver isn't Sliver anymore, she's Saint now
OH I think I had a post about the exact same thing yes!!! Love LOOOVE your analysis. It’s probably very clear I’m a sucker for those.
I am incredibly affectionate for the idea that challenge 70 is symbolic. It’s… hard to let go of who you were and it being a pretty difficult battle is just good to me. It’s Saints final challenge and all that!
You also bring up the point of the little room Saint goes to lacking Sliver which aa! I don’t think every iterator that ends up there would share that room? (I don’t think sliver is in the void either she’s gone, she’s saint). I think Pebbles and Moon do, because they are in one way or another connected! They share a dream.
I’d like to think you can share a dream with whoever you want though. The robots deserve a happy ending after all.
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fluxandflowwithittt · 10 months
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Taking a drive
I was an ideal
Looked so alive
Turns out, I’m not real
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Witch hat: a sequence. It only lasted even this long because she was sleepy at first.
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willkimurashat · 11 months
Well, It’s official🫣
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natsmagi · 11 months
i actually just finished getting his spring lines this morning so here are the ones that mention the other switch members mwah
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OMG YES THESE I DO REMEMBER!!!!!! natsume cooking food for sora and brushing petals off of tsumugis hair to keep him presentable sniffle.......... he is such a sweetheart.......... a bit of a complicated one but a sweetheart nonetheless.............. i love him
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killuaisaprincess · 3 months
Gon is burning toast when he comes down and flings himself into Gon’s chest.
Gon catches him, his arm around his waist and his eyebrows furrowed as his toast pops out, and he can smell the smoke.
“Hey, princess, what’s wrong?”
He can’t help but coo.
Killua is so precious and cute.
Killua’s tail swooshes back and forth, a cute pink bow near the bottom, matching the pink bows pinned in his hair near his ears.
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fionn-the-cat · 5 months
Day 16:
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We decided after Fionn spent so long climbing up us, and the furniture, and the curtains, that he needed the biggest cat tower they had. So we used the wedding money to buy him the tower he deserved. We don’t have a lot of money, most of the rest has gone to food, and vet bills, and kitten necessities. But obviously he brings us so much joy and love and happiness that he’s worth every penny.
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just-anarchie · 5 months
how movie baby garfield Should look. sorry for being correct :(
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I would like to do a request for the Doctor AU
How about some protective Thena?
She hears angry shouting from 3 woman in the waiting area, letting their anger out on Gil, even lashing out on him physically. He tries to calm them down but doesn’t fight them back of course.
They are angry because they are waiting so long (minor things nothing dangerous) and they saw how Gil came in with a patient with life threatening wounds just going passing them and they decide it was enough of waiting for them 🙄
And Thena won’t stand there and watch them!👀
Thena sets down her charts with a sigh. It's been a busy night for the emergency room, not necessarily by seriousness but by sheer volume. They can't seem to catch a break. It's been patient after patient, so far.
And she feels like she hasn't seen Gil in hours.
He's been on run after run for minor accidents and taking patients to other hospitals. He's texted her a few times between runs, but mostly they've commiserated about how busy they've been tonight.
She can't wait to get off shift and go home with him.
Not that they necessarily go home together all the time, now. And even when they do, it's not always a date...thing. Sometimes they really do just go home and fall asleep on the couch together. She doesn't know if that makes it better or worse.
Thena's heart leaps in her chest at the familiar greeting, and she tries not to look disappointed when she realises it's Ajak who said it and not a certain someone. She smiles, "hey."
Ajak holds her hand out and nods her head, "you're almost done right? Let me finish those."
Thena nibbles at her lip a little, looking down at her charts (arguably her least favourite part of the job). She peeks up at Ajak, "are you sure?"
Ajak just gives her a smirk and pulls the clipboard towards herself. "I'm sure, honey. You go and find that hot hunk of yours."
Thena rolls her eyes at Ajak, storming away so she won't know how embarrassing she finds it that Ajak knows all about their little secret. It's not like she told her!
She didn't have to.
Thena does leave the nurses' station and heads towards the main waiting room. Gil should be done his last run by now, judging by how long ago he texted. She reaches for the end of her ponytail idly.
"We've been here for hours!"
She frowns; it isn't uncommon to get people who are unhappy with the wait times. And feel happy to take it out on them (those still seeing them despite the global shortage on people in the healthcare profession).
"Why did they get seen before us?!"
"Or do these numbers mean nothing?!"
Thena rolls her eyes. A couple of Karens cawing up a storm like seagulls in a parking lot. Nothing new, and certainly nothing interesting.
"Ladies, please, we're doing what we can."
Thena picks up her pace until she's jogging towards the waiting room. When she arrives, there is indeed a swarm of women cawing about their wait time. But they're taking it out on Gilgamesh.
Gil is trying to look at all of them at once, holding up his hands close to himself as they swing and smack him with their hands and even their purses. He grunts a little, obviously not pleased but not exactly one to fight back, either.
"You call yourself a medic when you leave women with possible fractures waiting like this?!"
Thena storms over, moving between the women and Gil, who looks like a dog getting water poured on him. She plants her hands on her hips.
"Who the hell are you?" the one who thought swinging around her purse was appropriate behaviour.
"I'm the doctor here, and I want to know what the hell you think you're doing to my paramedic!" Thena snarls at them, not one to back down from intimidation, whether it be from a Karen or a Chad. She glowers at them.
"We saw him take people in there!" another one points with her pointy little finger. "When we've been out here for hours!"
Thena swats the hand away from them. "You are out here because of the degree of your injury and because the emergency room is understaffed. Every emergency room is understaffed!"
"Well, that's not our fault!" the third one huffs in her face. She holds up her wrist, "I have a wrist fracture that needs treatment! And you've taken three people in there ahead of us!"
Thena eyed the woman. If her wrist were fractured, she most absolutely would not be holding it up in that position. At worst, she had pinched a nerve between her ulna and tibia and it was being aggravated from being waved around. "Then put it down."
All three women looked aghast.
"Thena," Gil tried to put his hand on her shoulder, no doubt to talk her down from getting into a screaming match with the patient and her accompaniment.
"This is how you treat your patients?!" the purse swinger rages at her.
Thena doesn't take it lying down, though. If anything, it's taking everything in her not to give the wrist a hard squeeze to give her something to be genuinely hurt over. "For the treatment of my paramedic, you're lucky I haven't called security and ordered you to a different ER."
"Has other patients!" Thena steps forward, forcing the other women back with her sheer anger. She clenches her hands into fists, bellowing at them. "People who have been in accidents, people who are in need of a lot more than an x-ray and a compression sleeve!"
"Have a repetitive stress injury at most!" Thena barks at her. She puts more distance between them and Gil behind her. "And it's no excuse to treat him the way you have!"
The women are almost all the way back in the seats they vacated just to harass Gil. "We-"
"If I ever see you anywhere near him again, I will have every authority there is to drag you out of here! And you should count yourself lucky I don't do it myself!"
The women are practically clenching their metaphorical pearls. They eye her with disgust, "th-this is unacceptable! We'll call the hospital for the way you're treating us!"
"By all means, ladies!" Thena invites, moving from angry to practically manic. She wants to lie down so bad. "Name's Thena, and you can complain all you want! But no one lays a hand on him while I'm alive and breathing!"
The women turn on their heels, already huffing and muttering up a storm about their treatment. But Thena couldn't care less. They can try to sue her for all she cares. She tugs at her scrub top, "the nerve of people these days."
Thena inhales and finally looks up at her soft, precious Gil. He gives her a sheepish smile and she frowns again, reaching up to his cheek, "are you okay?"
"I'm fine," he laughs, leaning into her touch as they make their way out of the waiting room and towards the ambulance bay and parking lot. "It's a couple of mean ladies with press-on nails, honey. They're not gonna break me."
"Still," Thena grumbles, tugging at his work hoodie until it's less rumpled and sitting properly on him. She tilts her head, "if you have so much as a bruise I'm gonna find where those women live and-"
Gil kisses her.
She stills for a second, panic flooding her as she thinks about anyone seeing them. But then the cool of the ambulance bay and the wind tunnel it creates rushes over her. She melts into the kiss because she's not very good at thinking about other things when Gil is kissing her. She's tried--it never works.
Gil pulls away slowly, his lips leaving her oh-so reluctantly. He raises his brows at her, "what were you saying?"
She nibbles at her lip a little, turning shy not that he's doused the embers of her temper so lovingly. She looks down at their shoes as they keep walking, "just...making sure you're okay."
"I'm okay," he assures her, taking her hand in his once they're in the employee parking lot and relatively alone. He smiles, "thanks for the save, though."
"Hm," she nods, letting his thumb trace over her skin and chase away the last of her energy. She sighs, "let's just go home."
"Sounds perfect," he chuckles, kissing her temple as they head to her car. "Hungry?"
"Nope," she declares definitely now that sitting down is so in-sight. She digs out her keys and tosses them at him, "just sleep."
"You got it, baby," he chuckles, pulling her in for another kiss before letting her drift to the passenger side of the car. "Drive thru?"
"Fine," she groans as she throws herself into the car and yawns loudly, "you pick where."
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indydrawsstuff · 2 years
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Feeling really blocked right now and kinda… not having a good time.
So. I drew Sprigatito! In Procreate! Drawn on my tablet; post-processing/noise added in CSP.
(Ya'll know I chose the cute kitten as my starter, right?)
Canvas timelapse recording below.
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