#such an inconsiderate thing to do
survivorsfm · 5 months
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due to deactivation + leaving the discord server, lee sang - yi + 1 radio operator spot + the originals’ freshman have been reopened !
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tonguetiedraven · 9 months
You approve of Yukio even after he threatened to kill people and tried to kill Rin and Ryuji?
I have answered this question at least three times now, and I know you're just trying to bait me, but woooowwwwww I must have missed something in the manga. When did Yukio try to kill Ryuuji? If you're referring to the moment when Yukio points his gun at Ryuuji, that wasn't trying to kill Ryuuji. A dead Ryuuji would not have been a Ryuuji who could talk, and that was what Yukio wanted. Answers. Ryuuji wasn't threatened with death in that moment, and Ryuuji -- the only injured party in that scene -- has forgiven Yukio and worked with an armed and loaded Yukio since then, so I think they've both moved on. Ryuuji had also kind of helped lead to one of Yukio's sort of adoptive uncles dying a few days earlier, so I think Ryuuji mostly thinks that was earned. (It was a very messed up little while in that section of the manga.)
I feel like every couple of months everyone in aoex needs to remember that none of these characters are real and none of these situations are real and that they are story devices and plot devices and that they are young teenagers in the canon story and teenagers make stupid choices. Especially when they're tired, stressed, and being made feel like they're older/more mature than they are. (IE, when they're given jobs and responsibilities for others life's well beings.)
I could talk about Yukio being a mentally ill character who has been living in some form of fear since he was born. I could talk about him knowing he was Satan's bastard son for his entire life and knowing that his twin was a ticking time bomb of awakening into a possibly massively deadly demon, but likely no one will care and they'll already know that.
I could talk about Yukio being brilliant in pretty much every way but reading emotions, but people will still assume that any time a gun appears on screen that it is loaded with the most lethal of bullets and wielded entirely with the intent to murder. (And yet not make the same assumption about the flames of Satan that have killed vastly more people than we've seen shot on screen.) And they will assume that Yukio intended to kill instead of intended to interrogate or frighten or slow someone down.
Again, no one would really care about that and they would realize it if they read the manga because it talks over and over about the kind of bullets Yukio uses not being particularly harmful to Rin who seems to take Yukio's bullets like they're the kind in a nerf gun.
I could point out that no matter what Yukio does -- even when he unloads every Armumhael bullet in Rin that they have and he makes Rin entirely human for a few minutes -- that Rin is still the more powerful party. That Rin is the dangerous one in the situation. That one thing we should all be getting in this current arc is that Rin is a god next to these exwires. He got disintegration and disembowled and ripped apart and destroyed in a horrifyingly large number of ways and just kept on going like it was a big old nothing. He can go toe to toe with Satan so I feel like mortal Yukio and his little pistols probably can't do a damn thing against Rin even if Yukio wanted to.
I could talk about the fact that literally the most avid Yukio haters will never loathe Yukio as much as himself or the fact that Rin thinking he wasn't the most incredible person on the planet never even occurred to Yukio as a possibility despite the fact that Yukio thinks of himself as not worth being alive and can't see the way he's admired by a lot of people.
I could talk about the fact that the only person we've really seen Lewin comfort is Yukio, which means that even "I have no empathy for others" Lewin Light could tell that the boy was drowning under the weight of his own self-loathing and endless guilt, or that Shura has been watching him crack, or that Toudou, Lucifer, and Satan all picked him to be the one they tried to manipulate and crack and even pulled Renzou in on their drive to do that, and that Mephisto has also been manipulating and toying with him to try and push him to his own ends. Yukio just might be the most manipulated character in the entire damn manga.
But at the end of the day, the manga is there and people are capable of reading and looking at it themselves and I'd rather just read it and write my stories and draw my pictures and just. Be okay with a well written character who has acted pretty damn human in pretty much every scene he's been in. Who has fought with his super human brother and loved his super human brother and hated himself and is trying to make amends and still hates a lot about himself but is loved by his friends and is trying to save his world from his horrible extended family.
And once again, who is a fictional person that has committed fictional crimes and fictional acts of kindness. Drink something warm and soothing and touch some grass since Yukio and co are stuck in the frozen arctic and can't. (And fictional.)
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saetoru · 10 months
why is it bad to say that u don’t like the ending? i know that fanfiction is free but you post it on the internet and the site that has the option for comments, why is it so surprising that someone sometimes doesn’t like something? u get so many nice messages and people praising ur writing and u choose to instead focus on one negative comment
maybe because it’s just rude ?? like if someone brings a plate of cookies to work to share with everyone, there’s a chance someone won’t like them and can make a comment but does that mean they should ?? that’s rude and ungrateful to something provided to them without asking for anything in return. just because something is not ur cup of tea does not mean u need to voice that about peoples work. i’m not choosing to focus on one comment i’m self confident enough and happy enough with other peoples kind comments that one rude one won’t keep me up at night but that doesn’t mean i have to appreciate the sentiment. i have been working on that fic since march. i spend my free time and pour a lot of work into my writing. things that i write can be personal to me and when i share them to the internet for free, it’s not to subject them to criticism—it’s to share with people for them to enjoy. if they don’t, that’s okay. no need to voice that. as soon as you pay for my works like novels, you’re free to criticize what you blew your money on. until then, be polite and either leave a nice comment or move on
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Watch me try not to freak out because its almost 8 and my gf is not home from work yet and i last heard from her at around 5 with her usually coming home at around 6 on a long day
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tansypaws · 8 months
cannnnooottt believe people think rn is an appropriate time to wax poetic about how uwu uwu it’s okay to take a mental health break and stay silent on an issue when literally the least you can do (and the least that has been asked for) is to spread awareness of what is going on. jesus fucking christ. couching your refusal to do this BASIC fucking thing as ~*~ uwu #mentalhealthmatters uwu ~*~ is fucking depraved call your FUCKING REPS good god
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ddlc3177 · 5 months
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tasmanianstripes · 4 months
I'm gonna make an original post because I am not a discourse blog nor am I looking for a fight or, God forbid, for somebody to harass the OP or me over this. I am just a disabled person who's really fucking tired with how people treat accessibility features and I need to vent out my frustration
(As a disclaimer, idk if the OP of that post is disabled or mentally ill or anything, nor do I care. It genuienly doesn't matter. Being disabled or mentally ill or having any kind of disorder doesn't prevent you from being ableist. You can't hide behind "I'm disabled/have PTSD/whatever".)
But I saw some garbage take about trigger warnings today, that basically boiled down to that fanfic writers and artists don't need to use trigger warnings, that it's a fairly new thing and the standard for fiction was not using them for many years, and anything more than what the site requires is just a courtesy, but what ticked me off was these two ending points
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(Image ID: A tumblr text post that reads "➡️ It is your responsibility to protect yourself and close a book, or hit the back button if you find something in fiction that you're reading that upsets you. ➡️ You are responsible for protecting yourself from fiction that causes you discomfort." End ID.)
Which I absolutely agree with, which is why it's so frustrating.
Because how can somebody protect themself if the author chooses not to disclose potentially triggering and dangerous content they're posting?
Is it a standard? Yeah. Does it mean it's a good standard and shouldn't be changed? Hell no.
Yeah it is within your right to refuse to trigger tag something, but it doesn't mean it's the moral choice nor that it doesn't make you an asshole. Like not giving up your seat on a transit for a person in need is within your rights and you nobody can stop you from not doing that, but you are being a prick.
I'm all for people controlling their own online experience, they shouldn't demand somebody not post something and instead learn to block and filter their own experience, but they can't feasibly do that if somebody chooses not to use warnings. Just because something is the standard or law or a policy doesn't mean it's a moral choice. AO3's "Creator chose not to use archive warnings" is a good compromise, it can keep the creator from spoilering their story while warning the readers that they're clicking on their own risk. But to post something with absolutely ZERO warning? Yeah, full offence, you're just a cunt.
Call me crazy but it's not "courtesy" when it's about accessibility and people's health and safety, it's the bare minimum you should do to avoid dangerous situations. It's not just about comfort for many people, posting something triggering without any warnings can be genuienly dangerous. If you genuienly think everyone can just click away from a fanfic like that and be only uncomfortable at most then you're naive and sheltered, a lot of people need these warnings, fandom spaces are hostile to disabled people as is. If you want people to protect themselves from fiction that causes them discomfort or worse then you need to give them the tools to do so, you can't just wash your hands off any responsibility and absolutely refuse to meet anyone half-way.
It seems that when some people say "you need to control your own online experience" don't genuienly mean it, because if they did they would understand it's a two way street. No, they just want an easy guilt-free way out to shooting down people who criticise them for posting uncensored, not warned about triggering content.
I swear to god, when people pull out "Well it's the standard!" when talking about accessibility features for disabled people it makes my blood boil. Well it SHOULDN'T be!
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isfjmel-phleg · 3 months
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thatwrestlingnerd · 4 months
Reading The Rock went way overtime and everyone had to work around it. 🙄
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captainclickycat · 4 months
I miss the inn jokes (ha) about how they would just bone really loudly at all hours and annoy the guests to the point of despair. Haven’t seen many of those lately.
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roachemoji · 2 months
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widevibratobitch · 17 days
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cattywampers · 20 days
Sorry for being annoying and talkative in the tags. it Will Happen again
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digitaldollsworld · 1 month
Heartbreaking: Minor Inconvenience Makes Guy So So Angry
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thelastspeecher · 1 month
would love it if my weed-smoking downstairs neighbors would smoke their skunk weed on their PATIO in the gorgeous weather today
instead of hotboxing their apartment and thus sending the smell throughout the ENTIRE building
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leilanising · 1 month
What a lot of ppl don't realize, is that being a morning person isn't always a blessing. It's actually a curse.
Right around 7, every day, my brain activates.
It is time to get up now, it says. And I have to obey.
Cause going back to sleep just isn't option available to me.
A lot of the time, I don't rlly have a choice in the matter, and I hate laying in bed awake, cause my brain just won't shut back down.
How do you guys do it?!? What is the secret to deep sleep?!? T-T
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