#suddenly the convo i had with my dorm neighbor about contentment being a good thing and not Settling For Not Bad makes sense 😭
vulpinesaint ¡ 2 years
meds working is like. finding myself laughing at something. smiling big. crying easy cause i can feel again. anything beautiful or even vaguely sentimental sparks tears and sometimes it's such a ridiculous thing to cry at that i have to laugh again. not remembering the last time i felt really bad when i used to not remember the last time i felt really happy. saying that i'm doing alright and it's a good thing and not another way to say that i'm not doing well. things can be tough but overall i'm alright. things are alright. things are okay. driving with the windows down in late summer is fun and december's early nights are nice, actually, and maybe i just need to get out of bed and shower to feel less icky. i had a rough time today but it's not the end. happiness is not always transcendent. things are alright.
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rilesandlucas ¡ 6 years
Riley works a late night in the cafe and as shes leaving runs into a boy (lucas) who happens to be one of her college dorm neighbors that she never talks to (and has a small crush on) and he offers to walk her since its late and end up having deep convos that get them to both develop a crush
A/n; ok lets give this one a go, wooo.
Riley looked at around at the dimly lit cafe. There was only one or two people still seated and she was eager to get them to leave as she is right in the middle of finals week and wanted to get back to her dorm before her disgusting room mate got home and inhabited their room. Riley was supposed to room with Maya, it was going to be the experience they had always dreamed of growing up, just the two best friends living together and taking on the world every night. Riley was so excited for this experience, until suddenly two weeks before they were supposed to move in, Josh proposed to Maya and they ended up getting a place of their own off campus. Almost a year on and Riley is still mad at Josh for breaking the inseparable girls a part. Nowadays Maya was more a figment of Riley’s distant childhood memories and less of a sister and the only plausible explanation for that was Josh and his proposal. It didn’t help that as Maya’s social life was thriving, Riley’s was slowly plummeting. The only socialisation  that she had had in weeks was the occasional smile in the hallway that she gave to the cute boy in her dorm. Riley still remembers the day she saw him like it was yesterday. She was grudgingly carrying boxes into her dorm when she suddenly collided with the wall and one of the many boxes dropped from her grasp. She had looked up in pure embarrassment expecting to see some teenager laughing at all her childhood belongings, but instead her brown eyes locked with the most mystical green eyes she had ever seen. They stayed still for a moment before the boy knelt down slowly and picked up the box and the purple cat stuffed toy that had fallen out. 
‘Thankyou so much. As silly as it is I don’t know what I would’ve done if someone had trampled all over Violet.’ Riley spoke nervously, her gaze solely focused on her shoes. 
‘No problem at all ma’am. It’s a good thing I’m a veterinary major.’ He winked before slowly walking away. Riley stared at the spot where he had once been for about five minutes before she hesitantly picked up some boxes and hesitantly walked into her dorm. 
Snapping herself out of her trance, Riley waved to the remaining customers and smiled to her self before turning around and rushing to finish the sweeping. Once she was done, she grabbed her Iced Latte and her bag before walking out and locking the door to Topanga’s behind her. As soon as Riley turned around to walk up the stairs, her body collided with something hard, very hard. She brushed herself off and locked up to the culprit, and her eyes were instantly mesmerized in his green ones once again. 
‘Oh my gosh, I am so sorry I wasn’t even paying attention. I just wanted a coffee before it was too late, but I guess I missed out.’ He sighed and smiled down at her before going to walk away. Riley couldn’t help frown as she watched him walk away from her and suddenly before even realising it she was speaking. 
‘Wait. Come in, I’ll make you something quick.’ She burst out without really thinking. The dirty blonde couldn’t help but smirk a little at the quirky brunette standing in front of him. He had been trying to fake a chance to meet her for weeks now, and the one day he isn’t trying, he runs into her. Lucas trailed behind Riley carefully and then sat down as he watched the brunette start to make a latte for him. 
‘So, I’m sorry I’ve never known your name.’ Lucas yelled trying to catch her attention over the increasingly loud coffee machine. 
‘I’m Riley, and what is your name.’ She replied, grinning widely behind the coffee machine. 
‘I’m Lucas.’ He smiled and Riley could feel her knees going physically weak. 
‘I love it.’ She whispered under her breath. For months she had attempted, to no avail, think of a name for the being sitting in front of her. She had tossed about more masculine names like Dale and Brock, and softer names like Gerald and Jacob but nothing really fit. Now it made sense to Riley as to why. Lucas in its own way had aspects of masculinity and softness, just as she believed the blue shirted boy in front of her did. 
Riley lidded the coffee and took it over to Lucas, whom happily accepted taking a huge sip of coffee, the hot milk warming his cheeks. They both exited happy and content, but it wasn’t until they both turned different ways that either of them said anything. 
‘Wait, you’re not walking back to the dorm are you?’ Lucas asked abruptly, startling Riley slightly. 
‘Yeah I am. It’s not too far and I like to clear my head a little.’ Riley spoke quietly, not meeting his concerned gaze. 
‘It’s almost ten blocks and it’s already getting late. I’ll walk you back, my mumma would kill me if I didn’t.’ Lucas coaxed and started motioning the brunette to walk alongside him. Riley could tell that he had made his mind up, so she quickly ran over and started walking next to him. 
‘So, do I detect a bit of an accent?’ Riley questioned and she could see Lucas’ face light up a little. 
‘Yeah, I am originally from Texas, that’s where I developed my love for animals, living on a ranch and all. My buddy Zay moved up here a few years ago and he told me about how different it was. The stars didn’t shine here but they didn’t need to, the buildings, the lights and the people shined on behalf of all the stars. He talked about it with such passion, the way the architecture spoke to you, the mass amounts of culture and fun.’ Lucas spoke passionately and Riley was fixated on the words falling out of his mouth. He spoke with such depth and understanding but in such simple words. 
‘Well that’s New York for you. So that’s why you came out here for college.’ She feigned and Lucas laughed a little embarrassed at how ignorant he was. 
‘Well I guess so. I was originally supposed to come out here in middle school but I couldn’t bear the change, I couldn’t bear to leave the open land I had for an apartment that didn’t even have a balcony. But as soon as I got here, I saw that Zay was right. It was different but not bad. Ever since then I’ve wanted to spend all my time here. Honestly, I think this experience is how I worked out I wanted to be a veterinarian. I took my goggles off and then I saw what was really important to me.’ Lucas stopped his train of thought and looked down at Riley who was looking up at him doe eyed, her eyes gleaming into his green ones. Lucas nervously laughed. 
‘Sorry I got a bit deep there.’ He laughed again trying to ease the situation. 
‘No, no. Do you believe in coincidences?’ Riley asked and Lucas smiled and shook his head. Lucas really liked this girl, she was even more perfect then he ever imagined. 
‘Neither do I. I think I need a new perspective on something.’ She said quickly before turning down a familiar street. Lucas looked at her gobsmacked as he watched the brunette run off. Riley quickly turned around one last time and kissed him on the lips, Lucas kissed back with almost as much passion as he had spilled out before. They broke the kiss at the same time, their eyes staring deeply into the others. 
‘Call me.’ Riley teased before running off. Lucas stood in the same spot holding his finger to his lip, before laughing at the quirky girl and walking back to his room, preparing to call Riley. 
Riley sprinted around the corner and stopped in front of a small apartment building. She stopped abruptly at the door before pulling out her phone and dialing a number she hadn’t in a while. 
‘Peaches?’ The soft voice rang through the phone.
‘Maya I’m so sorry, I was so mad that Josh took you away that I didn’t realise I was the one to push you away. Please forgive me.’ Riley begged through the phone, just as she finished her sentence, Maya was running up to her and hanging up, hugging her in the process. 
‘NO. It’s my fault, I didn’t consider how you would, me leaving you for your uncle, I never meant to do that, you and me forever Riles. I’m so sorry.’ She mumbled into Riley’s hair. 
‘Truce.’ They both said at the same time still hugging each other tight. After another moment Riley pulled away and looked at Maya.
‘So there’s this guy….’ 
I hope you liked this, I went for a bit of a different ending cause I didn’t want it to be too cliche. Let me know what you think
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