#sugar test in kolkata
prerna-razobyte · 26 days
Affordable and Accurate Sugar Test in Kolkata - Book Your Test Today!
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Blood sugar levels is essential for managing and preventing diabetes. Modern Diagnostic & Research Centre in Kolkata offers you the test of sugar to diagnose the diabetes in advance at initial stage. Sugar tests include diabetes monitoring panel, diabetes profile basic, diabetes profile-I, diabetes profile-II at Modern Diagnostic & Research Centre in Kolkata.
Diabetes is a concern, and regular tests of sugar helps in early diagnose and effective planning of the condition. Kolkata hosts various facilities with modern technology to provide accurate results. These centres offer different types of sugar tests, including fasting blood sugar and HbA1c tests.
Modern diagnostic in Kolkata provide to patient’s comfort and convenience, offering options like home sample collection, online booking, and quick report delivery through email or mobile apps or on website or WhatsApp. These services make sure you that it is easy to manage your health.
Affordability is also a key point; the centre provider offers best prices without neglects the quality. Special packages and discounts are often available for regular check-ups, making it easier for individuals to keep track of their health.
Free consults with the experts, make sure accuracy and reliability. Post-test consultations are available to help you understand your results and take important steps if your sugar levels are not normal range.
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Thyroid test in Delhi, Thyroid test in Noida, Thyroid test in Amritsar, Thyroid test in Gurgaon, Thyroid test in Kolkata, Thyroid test in Guwahati, Thyroid test in Srinagar, Thyroid test in Bhiwadi, Thyroid test in Bareilly, Thyroid test in Gorakhpur, Thyroid test in Yamunanagar, Thyroid test in Karnal, Thyroid test in Panipat, Thyroid test in Kurukshetra
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New Modern High School, P-49, CIT Rd, Subhas Sarobar Park, Phool Bagan, Beleghata, Kolkata, West Bengal 700010
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sameerrazobyte · 5 days
Get a complete blood checkup in Guwahati: stay informed about your health.
 A complete blood checkup involves a test series to examine various components of your blood—the level of different blood cells, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets— which is the best way to get a complete blood checkup in Guwahati. Like a sugar blood test, complete blood count, liver function test, and kidney function test it helps to identify your blood disease and modern diagnostics provide reasonable prices for full blood checkups in Guwahati.
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 Full blood checkup in Delhi
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Full blood checkup in Jaipur
Full blood checkup in Kolkata
Full blood checkup in Srinagar
Full blood checkup in Bhiwadi
Full blood checkup in Bareilly
Full blood checkup in Yamunanagar
Full blood checkup in Gorakhpur
Full blood checkup in Karnal
Full blood checkup in Panipat
Full blood checkup in Kurukshetra  
📍 Reach Us
2nd Floor, P.B. Chaudhary Mansion, Near Ulubari Flyover, B.K. Kakoti Road, Ulubari, Guwahati, Assam 781007
📞 82875 13173
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aditi-posts · 2 months
Full Body Health Checkup Packages Near You in Srinagar, Starting @499! | Modern Diagnostic
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Full Body Health Checkups in Srinagar, by Modern Diagnostic, facilitate a detailed overview of an individual's health status. Modern Diagnostic provides a wide range of tests and parameters from vital imaging to blood tests under full body checkups. It contains nine unique packages of different prices ranging from ₹499 to ₹6,500. These include four Modern Nirmaya Packages for men and women, Thyroid Profile packages, Allergy Panel Inhalation-Asthma package, and Food Intolerance-Overall package. The tests have an average of 61 tests and parameters under each unique package.
Can Health Issues Really be Prevented from Regular Health Checkups?
Regularly people very often tend to miss or overlook symptoms or signs of major diseases due to ignorance. A regular health checkup can help find out the early stages of a major disease or illness. Regular full-body health checkups allow us to not miss any minor symptoms that may be the cause of a major disease. Health checkups should be done at least once a year to ensure the comprehensive well-being of our bodies.
What are the Most Important Tests Under Full body Health Checkup?
2. Diabetes
3. Lipid
4. Urinalysis
5. Kidney function
6. Vitamins
7. Blood sugar fasting
8. Electrolyte imbalance
9. LDL cholesterol
10. Iron profile
11. Abdomen scans
12. Albumin
13. Bone health
14. Creatinine
15. Globulin
16. Heart health
17. Liver panel
18. Proteins
19. Basophils
20. Blood
21. Eosinophils
22. Glucose
23. Haemoglobin
24. HDL cholesterol
What Preparations Should be Done Before a Full Body Checkup?
Before going for a full body checkup, it is important to keep certain points in mind. The most crucial ones are listed below.
1. Fasting: It is advised that nothing except water should be consumed 8 to 10 hours before the checkup. This is done in order to ensure.
2. Carry previous health records: This helps the doctors in a detailed analysis of your body. Your doctor should know about your chronic and acute diseases.
3. Abstain from Alcohol: As alcohol can affect kidney, blood and liver results, it is advised not to consume alcohol 24 hours before the checkup.
4. Comfortable and loose clothing: Comfortable and loose clothing will allow your body and body parts to move freely. It can also assist when your arm needs to be uncovered for blood sample collection.
5. Adequate sleep schedule: Adequate and sufficient sleep helps in many factors during the full body checkup such as blood flow, body temperature, blood pressure, and muscle function.
6. Refrain from intense workouts: It should be made sure that heavy workouts like weightlifting and extensively exhaustive cardio should be avoided for doctors to record usual and normal heart rates.
7. Avoid during menstruation(for women): Menstruation may affect the urine samples which is why it is advisable to schedule health checkups after menstruation.
In conclusion, regular full-body health checkups play a pivotal role in preventive healthcare, enabling the early detection of potential health issues and illnesses. Together, the combination of comprehensive testing and meticulous preparation lays the foundation for proactive healthcare, facilitating the early detection and prevention of health issues, and ultimately supporting long-term well-being and a healthier lifestyle.
Our Other City Services
Full body checkup in Delhi Full body checkup in Noida Full body checkup in Amritsar Full body checkup in Kolkata Full body checkup in Guwahati Full body checkup in Gurgaon Full body checkup in Bhiwadi Full body checkup in Bareilly Full body checkup in Gorakhpur Full body checkup in Yamunanagar Full body checkup in Karnal Full body checkup in Panipat Full body checkup in Kurukshetra
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📍Reach Us
Modern Diagnostic and Research Centre, Srinagar
1st Floor, Hotel New Al Humza Building Iqbal Market, Karan Nagar Jehangir Chowk Rd, near Mughal Darbar, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir 190010
📞Call: 095998 15370
Full Body Check Up
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medionn · 8 months
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neotiamediplus · 8 months
How Does Home Blood Collection Work in Kolkata?
Convenience and Care: A Guide to Home Blood Collection in Kolkata
Home blood collection services are becoming increasingly popular for their convenience and accessibility, especially in busy urban areas like Kolkata. But how does home blood collection work in Kolkata, and what should you know if you're considering this option for your healthcare needs? Let's delve into the details.
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The Rise of Home Blood Collection Services
Home blood collection services have gained prominence due to their ability to bring healthcare to your doorstep. These services cater to individuals who may have mobility issues, busy schedules, or a preference for receiving medical care in the comfort of their homes.
Scheduling a Home Blood Collection
Scheduling a home blood collection in Kolkata is a straightforward process:
Contact a Service Provider: Reach out to a reputable home blood collection service provider in Kolkata. These providers are often accessible through phone calls or online platforms.
Appointment Booking: Discuss your requirements and book an appointment for the home blood collection at a date and time that suits you.
Sample Collection: On the scheduled day, a trained phlebotomist or technician will arrive at your home with the necessary equipment. They will collect the required blood samples, following all safety and hygiene protocols.
Advantages of Home Blood Collection
Home blood collection offers several advantages:
Convenience: It eliminates the need to travel to a clinic or hospital, saving you time and effort.
Comfort: You can have your blood collected in the comfort and familiarity of your home environment.
Accessibility: It is particularly beneficial for individuals with limited mobility or those who live in remote areas.
Time-Saving: Home collection services help you avoid long wait times at healthcare facilities.
Types of Tests Available
Home blood collection services in Kolkata typically offer a wide range of tests, including:
Routine Blood Tests: Complete blood counts (CBC), lipid profiles, and blood sugar tests.
Specialized Tests: Thyroid function tests, liver function tests, and more.
Health Check-Up Packages: Comprehensive packages tailored to different health needs and age groups.
Safety and Quality Assurance
Reputable home blood collection services prioritize safety and quality. Ensure that the service provider you choose adheres to strict hygiene standards, follows proper sample handling procedures, and employs trained professionals.
Privacy and Confidentiality
Your privacy and the confidentiality of your medical information are paramount. Reputable service providers ensure that your data is handled securely and remains confidential.
In conclusion, home blood collection services offer a convenient and accessible way to access healthcare in Kolkata. By understanding the process, advantages, types of tests available, safety measures, and the importance of privacy, you can make an informed decision and take advantage of this convenient healthcare option in the city. Your health and well-being deserve the utmost care and convenience.
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Different Types Of Respiratory Care Devices You Can Buy Online
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A trend that started in the 2020s is still very much on! The COVID-19 pandemic shifted our focus to some respiratory care equipment that we should keep at home always to ward off emergency health situations. Masks, pulse oximeters, spirometers, inhalers, and breathing circuits among others have taken the front seat in the category of essential medical equipment to be kept at home. If you have little idea regarding their importance, this is the right place to gain some. Scroll on!
Now, almost everybody is aware of the importance of masks, thanks to the pandemic that dominated our lives for two years. Although COVID-19 is almost gone for good, the importance of keeping disposable/non-disposable masks at home has not ceased. One can still use these masks to ward off disease-causing droplets in the air or from another person in public places. And well, these masks also offer excellent protection against pollution. So keep a regular supply of masks at home to prevent falling sick. Your family, especially children will also stay protected that way. Like in the pandemic days, you can always buy these masks online. But it is best to choose a reputable online pharmacy store to get high-quality products.
It is one of the essential respiratory care devices that can help determine how well your lungs are working. It measures the amount of airflow in and out of the lungs, as you take deep breaths inside the device. Doctors prescribe spirometry tests for people having breathing issues. The tool is quite effective in identifying chronic lung conditions, like Asthma, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), Pulmonary Fibrosis, or Cystic Fibrosis. Keeping the device at home turns out to be very useful for senior citizens and people with mobility issues as they can become self-sufficient in handling their medical conditions. Of course, the physician should be the one to diagnose a problem if any.
Pulse Oximeters
The pulse oximeters also gained a lot of attention during the COVID-19 days. It helps check your oxygen level from the pulse. Like a blood sugar measuring device, you have to clip your finger inside the pulse oximeters, which then measure the amount of oxygen or haemoglobin in your blood. If oxygen is deficient, you can seek immediate medical help. Battery-run and portable, this cute little device is a must-have at home to ensure respiratory health.
Originally meant for Asthmatic patients or patients with breathing difficulties, the inhaler is also useful for certain diseases that result in shortness of breath. It helps open the airways so that you can inhale more air into your respiratory system. For asthmatic patients, it is mandatory to keep an inhaler with them at all times. For other people, however, it needs to be prescribed by a doctor for domestic use. You can get inhalers from online medical stores besides regular brick and mortars.
What if you can get all these devices under a single roof? Wouldn’t it be just amazing? And if you can buy them online, well, that will be something! No standing in long queues to hear that the stocks have been exhausted! And no more late office arrivals to buy these essential respiratory care equipment for your loved ones! With pharmaceutical companies developing eCommerce stores for all their products, you can expect fast deliveries of such equipment at home itself.
What would be our lives without eCommerce? Only God knows!
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bdminternational · 10 months
Promoting Healthy Eating Habits in School: Teaching Nutrition and Encouraging Balanced Meals
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The importance of healthy eating habits cannot be overstated, especially in today's fast-paced world where processed foods and sugary snacks often take precedence over nutritious meals. In India, where a diverse range of culinary traditions thrives, instilling healthy eating habits from a young age is important to combat rising rates of diet-related health issues. Schools play a pivotal role in shaping children's behaviours and attitudes, making them an ideal setting for promoting nutrition education and encouraging balanced meals. The best school in Kolkata emphasizes the significance of promoting healthy eating habits in school, the role of nutrition education, and strategies to encourage students to adopt balanced meal choices.
The Growing Concern: Diet-Related Health Issues in India
In recent years, India has witnessed a disturbing increase in diet-related health issues such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. These issues are often linked to poor dietary choices, which include excessive consumption of unhealthy fats, sugars, and processed foods. The problem is exacerbated by changing lifestyles, urbanization, and the availability of convenience foods. While these challenges are daunting, they also present an opportunity for top CBSE schools Kolkata to become agents of change by fostering healthy eating habits in their students.
The Role of Schools in Promoting Healthy Eating Habits
Schools are more than just centres of academic learning; they also serve as platforms for imparting life skills, including the importance of making healthy choices. Educating children about nutrition and fostering a positive relationship with food can have a lasting impact on their overall well-being. By promoting healthy eating habits, the English medium schools near Garia empowers students to make informed decisions about their diet, both now and in the future.
Nutrition Education: The Foundation for Healthy Choices
At the heart of promoting healthy eating habits in schools is nutrition education. Incorporating nutrition education into the curriculum equips students from the best school in Kolkata with the knowledge and skills needed to understand the nutritional value of foods, interpret food labels, and distinguish between healthy and unhealthy options. Through engaging and age-appropriate lessons, students can learn about the essential nutrients their bodies require and how these nutrients contribute to their growth, development, and overall health.
Introducing nutrition education in schools also addresses myths and misconceptions surrounding food. For instance, the concept of "good" and "bad" foods can be replaced with an emphasis on moderation and balance. This helps prevent the development of unhealthy attitudes towards certain foods and encourages students to approach eating in a holistic and mindful manner.
Strategies for Encouraging Balanced Meals
Incorporating nutrition education into the curriculum is a significant step, but it must be complemented by practical strategies that encourage students to choose balanced meals. Here are some effective approaches:
Nutrition-Focused Activities: Organize cooking classes, gardening projects, and interactive workshops that allow students to connect with their food. Teaching them how to prepare simple, nutritious meals empowers them to make healthier choices even outside of school.
Healthy Cafeteria Options: Collaborate with school cafeterias to offer a variety of wholesome, nutrient-dense meals. Ensure that these options are appealing, culturally diverse, and affordably priced to encourage students to opt for balanced meals.
Nutrition Campaigns and Challenges: Launch fun and engaging nutrition campaigns or challenges that highlight the benefits of balanced eating. This could involve creating posters, conducting taste tests, or organizing competitions centred around nutritious foods.
Peer Education: Empower students to become nutrition ambassadors. Peer-led initiatives, such as nutrition clubs, can provide a platform for students to share their knowledge and enthusiasm for healthy eating with their peers.
Incorporate Traditional Foods: Celebrate India's rich culinary heritage by incorporating traditional and regional foods into school meals. This not only adds diversity to the diet but also promotes an appreciation for local ingredients and cooking techniques.
Parental Involvement: Extend the promotion of healthy eating habits beyond the school gates by involving parents. Host workshops, seminars, or cooking demonstrations that educate parents about nutrition and empower them to create balanced meals at home.
Collaborations with Health Professionals: Partner with nutritionists, dietitians, and healthcare experts to provide guidance and support in promoting healthy eating habits. Their expertise can enhance the effectiveness of nutrition education initiatives.
Measuring Impact and Ensuring Sustainability
To gauge the effectiveness of efforts to promote healthy eating habits in schools, it is essential to establish measurable goals and regularly assess progress. This can be done through surveys, tracking cafeteria choices, monitoring changes in student health indicators, and seeking feedback from students, parents, and teachers. Adjustments can be made based on the results to ensure that initiatives remain relevant and impactful.
Moreover, sustainability is key. The top CBSE schools Kolkata integrate nutrition education and healthy eating initiatives into the school's long-term plans and policies. By embedding these practices into the school culture, future generations of students can continue to benefit from a holistic approach to nutrition and well-being.
Promoting healthy eating habits in Indian schools is a multifaceted endeavour that requires the collective efforts of educators, parents, healthcare professionals, and policymakers. By imparting nutrition education, fostering a positive relationship with food, and implementing practical strategies, one of the best English medium schools near Garia empowers students to make informed and balanced food choices. As these young learners grow into responsible adults, they will carry forward the valuable lessons learned in school, contributing to a healthier and more vibrant India.
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cdeasia · 1 year
CDE Asia takes a step towards disease awareness with health camp initiatives at Kolkata Headquarters
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21 May 2023
 CDE Asia's Health Awareness camp empowers individuals to tackle chronic diseases head-on through prevention and cure, offering valuable insights and resources.
In collaboration with Desun Hospital, CDE Asia took the initiative to organize two health awareness camps on May 11th and May 20th, 2023. These camps were held at CDE Asia's headquarters at Ecospace, Kolkata, and its factory in Howrah. The primary objective of these camps was to raise awareness about chronic health conditions and offer free medical testing with doctor consultations, aiming to empower individuals and enhance their understanding of these ailments.
The camps were organised to equip the employees with knowledge, resources, and medical support to effectively tackle chronic health conditions. The primary objective of these camps was to raise awareness about chronic diseases and highlight the importance of prevention and cure. The event proved to be a dynamic platform for individuals to gain valuable insights and resources, empowering them to take proactive measures in combating these ailments.
According to a recent study conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO), India holds the unfortunate distinction of having the highest number of people affected by chronic and 'silent killer' diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart ailments.
The prevalence of chronic diseases in India is reaching critical levels, with millions of individuals trapped in the vicious cycle of these ailments. However, what is even more concerning is the lack of awareness among those who have not yet been affected. Many are unaware of the necessary steps to prevent the onset of such diseases, leaving them vulnerable to their debilitating consequences.
The camps had provisions to check vital health parameters such as weight, blood pressure, eye consultations, random blood sugar, and ECG (as advised by doctors), apart from free doctor consultations.
Mr. Anirban Sarkar, Deputy Manager-Growth & Development Officer at Desun Hospital, commended CDE Asia's initiative, stating, "The health awareness and medical testing camps organized by CDE Asia are truly commendable. It provides employees with invaluable access to specialized medical services and testing, enabling them to proactively plan their treatment and take control of their health. Kudos to CDE Asia for prioritizing the well-being of their employees.”
By addressing the root causes and promoting awareness, CDE Asia envisions a future where individuals are well-informed, empowered, and equipped to prevent chronic diseases.
For more information please visit us : https://cdeasia.com/news/2023/may/cde-asia-takes-a-step-towards-disease-awareness-with-health-camp-initiatives-at-kolkata-headquarters .
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Company Name: CDE Asia Limited
Address: Ecospace Business Park Block 4A/Floor 6, Action Area II New Town Rajarhat Kolkata 700 160 India
Phone: +91 33 3029 3800
Fax: +91 33 3029 3802
Url: https://cdeasia.com/                              
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phoenixdiagnostic · 1 year
Going by the name, if you are diagnosed with a blood glucose test, it basically determines the amount of sugar present in your blood. On a usual basis, a fasting blood sugar test is done with one aim. Monitoring if you are suffering from underlying conditions such as diabetes. If you are looking to visit the right kind of diagnostic center, make sure to visit us at the Phoenix Diagnostic clinic today, regarded as the Best Diagnostic Center in Kolkata. 
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prerna-razobyte · 8 days
Full Body Checkup – Get Confirmed to Live a Healthy Life with the Help of Modern Diagnostic Centre Kolkata
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Protecting and enhancing human life chances: Are you active in your health promotion? No need to worry, be the master of your own health by opting for Full Body Checkup at the Modern Diagnostic Centre in Kolkata! They are equipped with the best facility and the medical practitioners to ensure the patient receives ample examination and probably the best diagnosis about his or her health state. How Can MDI Satisfy Customer Needs?: Because we will always prioritize the needs and preferences of our customers, we will ensure that we offer the following reasons to our customers in order to make them choose Modern Diagnostic Centre; Cutting-Edge Technology: We embrace the most advanced equipment for diagnosing different tests so that you get the right measures of a healthier status. Experienced Medical Team: Here in our organization, we have well-trained medical doctors, radiologists, and other qualified laboratory technicians to ensure excellent work and reporting. Holistic Health Evaluation: Our Full Body Checkup includes almost all ranges of general test, blood tests, imaging studies, cardiac tests, and many more, giving a complete body check and guidance. Personalized Reports: Far more detailed real-time daily reports with links to related articles, studies, pictures/illustrations etc., which would help you and your doctor decide on what you want done. Convenient Location: Located in the central business district of Kolkata, we are well placed and have easy access so, every patient who comes here to seek our services does not experience any difficulty. This article will focus on identifying the major components included in full body checkup. Blood Tests: Basic Blood Test include Complete Blood Count (CBC), Blood sugar levels, Lipid profile, Liver Function Tests, Kidney Function Test, Thyroid profile and many more. Imaging Studies: X-ray, Ultrasound and ECG referred to as Electrocardiogram or Electrocardiogram to check the health of internal organs and cardiovascular system. Physical Examination: The fundamental process of consulting your health status with our qualified medical professionals to establish the presence of imperfections. Urine and Stool Analysis: Pullover, blood, and other tests that can help pinpoint infections, metabolism problems, and other diseases. Specialized Tests: Further tests includes Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, and calcium level depending on your physical health status. Why not take advantage of the current package deal of a full body check-up? Take care of your own health and well-being as well as your own sanity. Share your experience and book your Full Body Checkup in Kolkata     at Modern Diagnostic Centre today to start the journey towards a better tomorrow. You can contact us at the phone number provided above or make a booking online through our website found on our top side bar: www.mdrcindia.com Safety first always!
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sameerrazobyte · 11 days
Diabetes test package in Guwahati: detect and manage diabetes early.
 A diabetes test package includes various tests that provide a complete picture of your blood sugar levels and overall health. And include fasting blood sugar (FBS), postprandial blood sugar (PPBS), and sometimes urine tests doctor analyze blood samples that can help to determine if you have diabetes or if your diabetes is well-controlled some even provide a home blood sample to take and gives you the accurate result. Modern diagnostics provide the best diabetes test results at an affordable price in Guwahati.  
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Other City Services
 Diabetes test in Delhi
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 Diabetes test in Jaipur
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 Diabetes test in Srinagar
 Diabetes test in Bhiwadi
 Diabetes test in Bareilly
 Diabetes test in Yamunanagar
 Diabetes test in Gorakhpur
 Diabetes test in Karnal
 Diabetes test in Panipat
 Diabetes test in Kurukshetra  
📍 Reach Us
2nd Floor, P.B. Chaudhary Mansion, Near Ulubari Flyover, B.K. Kakoti Road, Ulubari, Guwahati, Assam 781007
📞 82875 13173
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adeadiabetes · 2 years
What Are The 2 Major Causes Of Diabetes?
Diabetes is a common disease among everyone. Diabetes affects your body’s blood sugar, glucose of your body. I think now you can guess how much it is important to manage your sugar level. Glucose keeps you active throughout the day and it works as the source of fuel for your brain. There are basically two types. These are called type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Both interrupt the sugar level of your body. High sugar levels can cause some serious damage to your body, and also affect your multiple body parts gradually. If your primary care suspects any symptoms of diabetes, then you must search look for the best endocrinologist in Kolkata and confirm a consultation.
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Welcome to the blog. My readers here you’ll get to know about the 2 main causes of diabetes.
A.  If You Have Any Family History:-
It is one of the common causes of both types of diabetes so far. There are several studies that have shown the reasons and also doctors consider the reasons seriously. If you have a family history, like if your parents or siblings have any type of diabetes, then you may also suffer from the disease. In such cases, you need to be more careful and should take some tests too. You can also consult the best endocrinologists in Kolkata.
B.  Being Overweight:-
Generally, people suffer from diabetes after the age of 20. After you reach that age, one should always maintain an active schedule throughout the day. Other than these , yoga and exercise, especially doing some cardio every day. It helps insulin to work more efficiently in your body.
 Ending Up
These two are one of the most common reasons that people should know and make themselves themselves aware of such conditions. Hope the blog was able to solve your doubts.  
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Homemade Pizza: No More Having To Go To Restaurants To Eat Pizza, Make Delicious Pizza At Home
Homemade Pizza: No more having to go to restaurants to eat pizza, make delicious pizza at home.
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Web Desk, Trending News Fox, Kolkata: Pizza is no longer a specialty in Italy, thanks to globalization. It is easily available in almost all restaurants. In terms of popularity and demand, pizza is undoubtedly one of the first positions. But at the end of the day, it's still foreign food, when guests come home or want to eat pizza on holidays we still think of the store. This time you don't have to run to the restaurant to eat your favorite food. You will not take the help of any app. Find out the easy way to make pizza at home.
Also, Read India Win Lords Test By 151 Runs, Joy Ho Team India! Materials Requirement for Homemade Pizza:
Tomato sauce: 100 mg
Tomatoes: 1 pcs
Onion: 2 pcs
Chili Flakes: 1 tbsp
Baking powder: 1 tbsp
Sugar: 1 tablespoon
Processed cheese: 100 grams
Mushrooms: 4 pcs
Capsicum: 1/2 pcs
Oregano: 1 teaspoon
Mozzarella cheese: 1/2 cup
Dry yeast: 1 teaspoon
Water: Like quantity
Homemade Pizza Preparation Method:
First, you have to make pizza bread (pizza base). It will be made in two containers. In a bowl, whisk together the flour, salt, and baking powder. Pour a teaspoon of oil into a small space in the middle of this mixture. Then pour yeast and sugar in lukewarm water in another pot and mix well. Once the mixture is ready, set it aside for 15 minutes. When the yeast is ready, add water to the flour in the previous pot.
Also, Read SC East Bengal: On The Way To Overcome The Contract Crisis, Shree Cement Sent The Contract To The Club
This time after leaving it for 4-6 hours, apply it once more like the last time. This time preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Make a round base from the dough and bake for 10 minutes in a preheated oven. Make your pizza base. Then cut the capsicum, tomato, onion, and mushroom (you can also choose other vegetables if you want) into separate containers.
Grate the processed and mozzarella cheese in two separate bowls. Spread tomato ketchup on your pizza base and spread processed cheese on it. Then cut the vegetables one by one. Pour another layer of mozzarella cheese over it. In the last step, bake this pizza base in the oven for 10 minutes at 250 degrees Celsius. Make your pizza. Sprinkle the oregano and chili flakes on top and serve hot.
#Pizza, #Easy Recipes #pizzalover #pizzatime #pizzas #pizzaria
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ilshospitals · 5 years
Dr Ghanshyam Goyal is a Consultant Diabetologist and Diabetic Foot Specialist at ILS Hospital Salt Lake, Kolkata. People with diabetes are prone to develop foot problems due to prolonged periods of high blood sugar levels. There are several tests and different kinds of footwer for the assessment and recovery of diabetic foot.
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Different Types Of Respiratory Care Devices You Can Buy Online
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A trend that started in the 2020s is still very much on! The COVID-19 pandemic shifted our focus to some respiratory care equipment that we should keep at home always to ward off emergency health situations. Masks, pulse oximeters, spirometers, inhalers, and breathing circuits among others have taken the front seat in the category of essential medical equipment to be kept at home. If you have little idea regarding their importance, this is the right place to gain some. Scroll on!
Now, almost everybody is aware of the importance of masks, thanks to the pandemic that dominated our lives for two years. Although COVID-19 is almost gone for good, the importance of keeping disposable/non-disposable masks at home has not ceased. One can still use these masks to ward off disease-causing droplets in the air or from another person in public places. And well, these masks also offer excellent protection against pollution. So keep a regular supply of masks at home to prevent falling sick. Your family, especially children will also stay protected that way. Like in the pandemic days, you can always buy these masks online. But it is best to choose a reputable online pharmacy store to get high-quality products.
It is one of the essential respiratory care devices that can help determine how well your lungs are working. It measures the amount of airflow in and out of the lungs, as you take deep breaths inside the device. Doctors prescribe spirometry tests for people having breathing issues. The tool is quite effective in identifying chronic lung conditions, like Asthma, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), Pulmonary Fibrosis, or Cystic Fibrosis. Keeping the device at home turns out to be very useful for senior citizens and people with mobility issues as they can become self-sufficient in handling their medical conditions. Of course, the physician should be the one to diagnose a problem if any.
Pulse Oximeters
The pulse oximeters also gained a lot of attention during the COVID-19 days. It helps check your oxygen level from the pulse. Like a blood sugar measuring device, you have to clip your finger inside the pulse oximeters, which then measure the amount of oxygen or hemoglobin in your blood. If oxygen is deficient, you can seek immediate medical help. Battery-run and portable, this cute little device is a must-have at home to ensure respiratory health.
Originally meant for Asthmatic patients or patients with breathing difficulties, the inhaler is also useful for certain diseases that result in shortness of breath. It helps open the airways so that you can inhale more air into your respiratory system. For asthmatic patients, it is mandatory to keep an inhaler with them at all times. For other people, however, it needs to be prescribed by a doctor for domestic use. You can get inhalers from online medical stores besides regular brick and mortars.
What if you can get all these devices under a single roof? Wouldn’t it be just amazing? And if you can buy them online, well, that will be something! No standing in long queues to hear that the stocks have been exhausted! And no more late office arrivals to buy these essential respiratory care equipment for your loved ones! With pharmaceutical companies developing eCommerce stores for all their products, you can expect fast deliveries of such equipment at home itself.
What would be our lives without e Commerce? Only God knows!
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nhclab-blog · 5 years
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