deceitful-darlings · 3 years
The Hunt [NSFW]
Commissioned by @sugarandmelody
Yandere!Rook Hunt x Yandere!YanYu
Worried about how little she gives to Rook, YanYu decides to indulge his biggest interest. If only she’d realised when she offered exactly what she was getting herself in for.
Length: 6k
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The past few months had been some of the happiest of YanYu’s short life. She couldn’t believe how lucky she had been in all honesty, she didn’t know how everything had managed to turn out so perfectly for her despite the situation she found herself in. Getting thrown across universes wasn’t what she had expected to happen to her, not something she’d even in her wildest dreams, but it had happened and in the end it all seemed to have worked out in her favour. She hadn’t been particularly attached to her world to begin with. While her start in the world of Twisted Wonderland had not been without its bumps and trials, she had found herself settling into Night Raven College comfortably, finding her place in the school among the other students, making friends, and somehow even finding herself a boyfriend. She couldn’t believe it even now, Rook Hunt, her boyfriend. Saying it to herself made her wonder if perhaps she would wake up shortly to find herself back to being single and pining for him at a distance, but whenever she opened her eyes it didn’t change, any pinch she gave herself hurt, and every day Rook greeted her with a smile and a shower of compliments. She was beyond lucky to be able to spend time with him, let alone date him, so she had to do something for him in return for being so kind and accepting of her and all of her oddities. So after thinking for days on end, while the two were sat at lunch, the thoughts that had been swarming inside her head finally came to light.
“Would you like to go hunting with me?”
The words burst from her lips before she could think again about the offer she was trying to make. Not that with thinking more her decision would’ve ended up much different, she couldn’t help but ask when her insecurities reared their heads about their relationship. She couldn’t help but wonder sometimes if she were truly enough for Rook, would she ever be? He was so kind and generous, so loving and wholly perfect, how could she ever compare to him? It didn’t feel like she could give him the level of joy and contentment that he gave her, that she could ever compare to him or be enough to stand by him, and it was that thought that had been circling her mind for the past few days that had led her to this situation.
Of course she felt nervous making the offer, even with their relationship going as well as it was, she couldn’t help but worry that her perception of things was rose-tinted and that Rook would turn her down, that for him this wasn’t something he didn’t want to do with her, what would she do if he said no?
“Do you mean that, mon amour?”
“Yes, I think it would be fun! A nice thing for the two of us to experience together, you know?” She glanced at the floor for a moment before looking back to his face. Her hands that had been clenched together with subconscious worry soon loosened when she saw the brilliant smile that had graced his features, hope swelling within her again as he took her hands in his own.
“Ah, how lucky I am to be blessed with such a selfless lover! To think you’ll allow me the opportunity to show you the beauty of the hunt, the passion I feel for it! I can’t think of a more joyous way to spend the evening!”
He raised her hands to his lips, placing a light kiss against her fingers, and at the expression of happiness and expectation on his face, she could only feel reassured in her decision, and with that it made her next words easier to say.
“Then, what about a different type of hunting?” At her question, his brow raised ever so slightly, unable to hide the curiosity in his eyes and he lowered her hands still grasped in his own.
“Oh? And what type of hunting might this be?” She took a deep breath.
“What about me?”
“You, ma chérie?”
“Yes.” She nodded, more determined than she had ever felt in her life. “Me. It would be a fun game, don’t you think? You could hunt me-“
Before she could say any more his finger found her lip, blocking her from uttering another word. For a second, she worried that she had perhaps been too presumptuous in her request, at least until she looked into his eyes. There was a darkness in them that she could only liken to a predator finally being given the chance to hunt its prey after weeks of starvation, it sent an instinctually chill up her spine, but she soon shook it off, did his reasoning for being so excited even matter when he was so excited? He didn’t question her reasoning, the excuses she had made for her decision were not needed, and she could feel her own giddiness build in response to his.
As the two arranged the time of their outing, which they decided to do that evening after classes had ended for the day, she had to try to suppress the grin that was trying to break out on her face, at least until the two had parted ways of course, at which point she let it spread across her lips. The mere thought of her and Rook being together for a whole evening, with his attention focused on nothing but her and her alone, was enough to have her buzzing, barely able to focus as she floated through the rest of the day and lessons on cloud nine to the point even the oblivious Ace and Deuce noticed her behaviour.
“YanYu, are you coming over to Heartslabyul today?”
“Jeez, you’ve been out of it all day!” Ace sighed, coming up to smack her lightly on the back of her head, to which she yelped, rubbing the area and giggling.
“What’s been up with you?”
“It’s nothing bad, I promise! I’ve just been a little distracted I guess, so could you repeat the question.”
“We just wanted to know if you’re coming to our dorm tonight.” Deuce smiled. “Trey’s been baking again, so it’s a good day to visit!”
“Oh, no. Not tonight, I’ve got plans for tonight.”
“What kind of plans could you possibly have-“ His words were cut off by Deuce’s elbow meeting his ribs.
“Don’t worry about us YanYu, you go ahead with your plans, I’m sure we can have you around another evening.”
“Sure! We can arrange tomorrow!” She called over her shoulder, too excited to even wait for their response as she headed back towards Ramshackle, throwing on the best clothes she could find for a hunt, which was just a pair of trousers, a shirt and jumper, and a pair of trainers, probably not the best ensemble however her lack of clothing in general wasn’t helped by her preference for dresses and skirts, meaning she wasn’t prepared for situations like this. But she could only shrug off her lack of preparation, not worrying too much about how her clothes would likely get dirty considering how she was going to be able to spend time one on one with Rook!
Deciding there was little more she could do in the way of clothes, and too excited about what she was about to do to check anyway, she closed her wardrobe and headed out towards mountains beyond The Hall of Mirrors, soon leaving the smooth paving behind as she made her way up the only rugged path that lead to their destination. The journey there felt like a hike in itself, especially with there soles of her shoes not providing the greatest support for her feet or ankles while walking up the path to the mountains, but soon enough she was able to see Rook in the distance, standing at the tree line waiting for her already despite being early herself.
Not wanting to keep him waiting any longer than he already had, she picked up her pace, jogging over to meet him with a smile that he returned in full.
“Rook! I’m so sorry, was I late? Did I not get our meeting time right?” She was sure she had, but perhaps she had been too caught up in the simple fact they were talking to notice? If that was the case, she had to make sure to pay extra attention to any future conversations they had-!
“Non, don’t worry ma chérie, it was my fault! I was simply too excited for our little game that I couldn’t help but rush over the moment I could!”
At those words, she felt the blood rushing to her cheeks, she could barely believe her ears, it felt like a dream that he would look forward to spending time alone with her to such an extent. Not that she felt his emotions could ever compare to hers, not because of his lack of love, instead because of how strong her own feelings were towards him. She would give up every waking hour for his benefit, spare a thought for nothing else in the world if he insisted, but unsure if he would ever want such pushiness, she could only settle for planning how to spend time together and other, smaller things she could do to please him. Did the fact that he, by his own omission, rushed over to their meeting place mean that she was proving herself to him?
As her thoughts began to snowball, it was only Rook stepping forward that snapped her out of it, but before she could ask him what was wrong, the back of his gloved hand came up to rest against her cheek. The mere contact had her voice stuck in her throat, the confusion probably showing in her eyes as she looked up at him since he chuckled.
“Are those your sports shoes?”
“Yes...I know they’re not great, but they’re the only ones I have that are even remotely suitable for this, are they ok?”
“They may make things difficult for you, but I had foreseen such problems-“ He pulled a pair of shoes from behind him. “-and prepared beforehand. Please, sit.”
She did as she was asked, plopping herself on the dusty floor, Rook immediately dropping to his knees before her, removing her shoes for her and placing a kiss on them before slipping the new shoes on her. When he was finished, he stood and offered his hand to her, which she took, standing and taking a few steps in her new shoes. The size was perfect, strong support for her ankles and with thick soles, almost as if they’d been custom made for her.
“They’re perfect Rook, thank you! How much did you spend on them?” He raised a finger to his lip with a smile.
“The price is inconsequential compared to the safety of my darling!”
“But there has to be some way I can pay you back-“ the finger that was pressed to his own lips was then pressed against her own.
“Shush, spending time this time with you is payment enough for me. Speaking of which, shall we start the hunt?”
“Do you want to?”
“There’s nothing I’m looking forward to more at this moment.”
“Alright, then should I go?”
“I’ll give you a ten minute head start, and I shall limit myself, my unique magic is not to be used. It would be no fun if I were to catch you too quickly after all. Do you agree?”
“Yeah, that sounds like it’ll be more fun!”
“Then, let the hunt begin, mon lapin.”
At his prompting, she immediately dashed up the mountain, moving herself behind the trees as soon as she could. She knew there was no way she was actually going to win this game, Rook was just too good at what he did for her to stand a chance, but she at the very least wanted to put in enough effort to be as difficult to find and catch as possible.
Trying to find a balance between speed and stealth wasn’t easy, especially with the weight of her new shoes. The support made it easier for her to deal with the rocky terrain, but the thick rubber soles made it harder to judge how much pressure it would take to leave marks. She knew that a snapped twig or even a hint of a footprint wouldn’t escape Rook’s eyes when the ten minutes were up and he began the chase, the slightest abnormality in the environment wouldn’t be enough to point him in her direction, and from there it wouldn’t take him long to find her no matter her distance.
Even with it being a game, she couldn’t help but be alert, her senses heightened simply in the knowledge that soon she was going to be hunted, it hung at the back of her mind, triggering her instinctual need to get to safety no matter how little danger she was actually in. The wind was blowing gently by her face as the trees continued to thicken. She was a decent distance from the starting point, or at least it felt like she was, and climbing this mountain wasn’t an easy task, so she decided to start to look for a hiding place nearby.
But she didn’t get long to consider where she might conceal herself. It felt different suddenly, quiet, too quiet, so she froze, hoping that whatever it was would pass by without so much as a sound, she held her breath, quietly and slowly turning around when-
She fell backwards, the loud noise having come from in front of her, her head snapped back to look, only to find an arrow sticking out of the now splintered wood of the tree she had been heading towards. Her heart was in her throat, she hadn’t even heard the arrow until it hit the bark, had Rook been hunting her properly… the mere thought sent shivers down her spine. But another arrow smashed into the tree again, shocking her out of her daze. The warmth that radiated from her arm was soon followed by dull stinging...had he...actually shot her? Was he...really not going to hurt her? The mere thought had her jumping to her feet, her instincts kicked into overdrive, she dashed further into the trees.
Her heart was thumping in her chest, she still hadn’t recovered from her first stretch of running, how had he found her so quickly?! She needed speed she didn’t have, she couldn’t let herself slow down, another arrow whizzed by her, burying itself in the ground next to her foot, followed by another slicing into the side of her neck. It was fear and adrenaline that had her running so fast, even as she tripped over the arrow in the ground, she forced herself forward. The wind got stronger as she climbed higher, battering against her face. She couldn’t see Rook, she had no idea where he was hiding, she had no idea when the next arrow would come, every breath felt like it was burning her throat, her lungs felt like they were about to explode, her heart felt like it would hammer out of her chest. She glanced over her shoulder, and for a moment she could see a streak of blonde through the tree branches. Her feet were hammering against the ground, branches cracking under her harsh steps as she ran.
She had to try and lose him, this didn’t feel like a game anymore and she needed to get away from him, her thoughts were racing as she tried to come up with a solution, now that he was so close there was no way for her to find a hiding place without him knowing, but there were still some sections of the forest that had older, larger trees mixed with younger ones. In such sections they were more tightly packed together, thicker leaves that would probably give her some cover from his vantage in the trees.
She wove through them, tearing a small bit of material from her damaged sleeve and throwing it on a branch before pulling off her shoes and dashing in the opposite direction. She couldn’t be worried about comfort now, all she could think about was getting away from the immediate threat Rook could pose to her, she expected to soon be caught, but nothing came.
For a few more minutes she ran as fast as her legs would carry her, but when she saw and heard no more signs of the hunter, her shaky legs finally slowed before she leant up against the nearest tree, gasping for breath. Had her terrible plan actually worked? Somehow thrown him off her scent? If that was the case, all she could do was thank the Sevens that it had, but that didn’t mean she had time to be sitting down, even as the nerves left her. She could only flinch as she pushed herself to her feet again, she hadn’t noticed in the chase, but she’d been running through foliage and rocks. Was he enjoying this? She couldn’t lie and say that she didn’t want him to, but for him to have shot three arrows so close to her the way he had, could she genuinely say that he wasn’t going to aim that bit closer to her?
Knowing his ridiculously good abilities to hunt anything, she knew she didn’t have time until he realised what she’d done so she had to catch her third wind quickly. Now barefoot, it would mean she would be even slower when she had barely been able to outrun him that time. Coming to her decision despite her sore muscles, she nodded her head to herself as if to solidify her decision.
“Right, I need to get going.” The burning in her legs reignited as she stood, protesting her movements when she’d been in such a solid sprint for far longer than she was used to, and for a moment she absentmindedly thought to herself that she should take gym more seriously if she and Rook would be ‘playing’ together more often, but her thoughts were dashed only seconds later. Only a few steps later and her body went crashing to the ground, throwing up dust that sent her into a coughing fit, robbing her of the air she’d only just caught, and it didn’t take long for her body to register why. Her ankle felt like it was on fire, with sharper twinges of pain that surged through her leg the moment she tried to move it, bringing tears to her eyes as her sore lung and throat expelled the last of the dust she had inhaled.
As she blinked the grit from her wet eyes, she glanced down, to be greeted with a small pool of blood gathering around her ankle, an arrow she hadn’t even heard buried in the ground, so close to her ankle still that there wasn’t a visible gap between the two. Realising what that meant, she tried desperately to push herself back to her feet, but her short rest had relaxed her muscles to the point that they didn’t have the strength to support her after her fall, even without the injury, but even now she didn’t want to stop, she couldn’t stop, tears pricking in her eyes in both fear and frustration as she dug her fingers into the floor, doing her best to pull the entirety of her body weight along by her fingertips alone. How far was Rook going to take this?
She didn’t need to wait long to find her answer. Only a moment passed before she could hear the distinct crunch of footsteps on the dusty ground. Her panic rose once more, her scrabbling at the ground for some kind of support to put her back on her feet, but it was in vain. She didn’t even need to look up to know he had reached her, she could feel his presence looming over her, and it sent a shiver down her spine.
“Ah, seeing you struggle on is magnifique! Even now you try to run! Such a sight lights a fire in my heart!”
His words didn’t ease her panic, he sounded far too happy with the situation for her to calm down. The fact her instincts were able to make her so fearful of Rook was distressing enough, but her slight pain made it exponentially worse, to the point where she barely even registered the ripping of her shirt until he rolled her onto her back, and she was met with his smiling face.
“Now, I believe that since I won our little game, it’s time for me to enjoy the prize, non?” He leant closer,  his knee coming to rest one side of her as he hooked the arrow that had ended their chase under her loosened shirt. Sharp eyes watched on with interest as the fabric strained against the blade, trying to hold its form, but it soon gave in, the blade slicing through the shirt with ease, the tear soon extending as it was dragged up her stomach all the way to collar, the material separating and falling against her body as the last show of modesty.
It didn’t take long after that from him to cut through the tougher material of her bra, at which point he pushed them to the side, revealing her to him fully. Still, she scrabbled fruitlessly against the ground, as if she would somehow be able to pull herself away from his weight in the position they were in, which soon became even more compromised when Rook hooked his fingers under the jeans she had worn, easily undoing the button with deft fingers before tugging them off her harshly, easily slipping them over her bare feet. Once again she tried to drag herself away, only, but seeming to predict her move, his hand wrapped around her good ankle, holding it tightly. She could only look on with tear filled eyes as he dropped a kiss to it, before smiling down at her with an eyes that sent shivers down her spine once more.
“I think it’s time I enjoy the taste of ma proie.”
With that, it seemed he could no longer control his own urges, his lips once again kissing her ankle, before they worked their way upwards, dropping his lips against her shin, ghosting them upwards, to her inner thigh quickly. The hunt in itself has made him less patient, his actions were harsher than normal, lifting her hips from the ground with just one hand, slipping her panties from her with the other in quick succession.
Her nerves were already shot, the adrenaline had made her very aware of her own body, but she was caught behind the panic of her racing thoughts and could barely register what he was doing, so when his hand fell upon her core, the choked yelp that left her was unrestrained. The leather of his hunting gloves was rough against her, the coolness of the material was almost painful as he dragged his fingers teasingly along her slit, going back and forth against her entrance a few times before swiping across her clit before he began to work the bud with deft fingers, a grin on his face at the small noises that began to slip from her lips. The heaving breaths that she had been taking were soon overtaken by whimpers, energy already sapped from the chase, she didn’t have anything left in her to hold back the sounds she was starting to make, voice already hoarse from her heightened emotions, it soon became a mixture of whimpers and sobs as fear and pleasure became a confusing mixture in her mind.
His ministrations were still slow, eyes boring into her, as if taking them off her for a single moment would end his life, drinking in every move, the smallest of tremors not missed by his keen gaze, so it didn’t take long for the small hitches in her breath to be noticed, nor for the friction of his gloves to lessened under her slick, things that were more important to him than the tears that tracked down her cheeks. But soon that friction was gone, her eyes that had closed without her even registering slid open, the slick between her legs soon cooled against the evening air, leaving her shivering as she watched him run his tongue against the leather, his eyes narrowing as he met her eye.
“Délicieux.” The smile he gave her sent shivers down her spine, predatory, it felt as if any moment he might still snatch up the discarded arrow and harm her, but she was soon snapped out of her spiralling thought by the sigh that he released. “Ahhh, forgive me, mon lapin.” He leant further over her. “I simply don’t have the patience to hold back a moment longer!” His hands were deft and swift, the only hint she got that he had even reached his hand down was the telltale sound of a zipper.
Before she could say anything, she choked on her breath as he pushed forward, sheathing himself in her with no resistance. He curled over form, a sigh of contentment leaving him as the warmth engulfed him. The heat was a sheer starkness against the cooling air of the forest, not that YanYu would know with Rook’s frame blanketing her body with heat.
Her quivering breaths soon dissolved into small moans where he pulled out of her, plunging back into her lacking his usual gentleness but somehow still controlled. But that lack of control made him no less precise in what he was doing, something she came to realise when his hands wandered downwards, gloves discarded so that smooth fingertips pressed into her clit again. The stimulation felt overwhelming, every part of her body pulsing with an uncontrollable heat that emanated from her core as his cock pressed into her, finding the spot that made her mind go blank with ease, his sharp eyes not missing the way her back arched as he focused on that, making sure to hit that sweet spot with every thrust. The stretch of her walls around him was a delicious feeling she had never experienced before, and the drag of his cock against the sensitive walls had her shuddering, already curling in on herself from the unfamiliar sensations that her foggy brain was still trying to comprehend. Her voice, already horse from her tears, found itself slipping from her lips in moans, rising even further as the pressure built.
“Hah, tu es parfait pour moi, mon amour. The way your velvet walls clench around me-“ He sighed “-is divine!”
The tingling tingling sensation that built in her core had her hips beginning to twitch, her body seeking out its own pleasure, the two starting to move in tandem with each other as they worked each other higher, the sound of skin meeting skin echoing through the woods. Her voice, once spent, was still rough from tears as she began to whimper.
“Does it feel good?” She nodded, biting her bottom lip to try and hold in the moans that were trying to break free, and he only chuckled in response. “Still so self conscious, mon lapin, but I wish to hear your beautiful voice.” With an uncharacteristic smirk, he lowered his face, and she couldn’t help but yelp when his teeth nipped at her throat. “That’s it, fill the forest with the sounds of your pleasure! Let every creature here know of our love!”  With his encouragement and the stimulation, the voice she had been trying to hold back leaked through, soft whimpers and whines joining the lewd sounds of their bodies joining where Rook continued to thrust into her with little restraint, eyes still burning with that predatory gaze, lips surging forward to capture her own in a dominating kiss. His tongue parted her slack lips easily, pressing into her mouth to intertwine with her own, swallowing her whimper of disappointment when he fingers left her clit, trailing up her body until they caught against her breast, her breath hitching when it came to cup one, kneading lightly at the skin before they ghosted against her hardened nipples, only for her to rip away from the kiss with a loud keen when he pinched the sensitive skin harshly between his fingertips.
“Rook, oh god oh god oh god-“
“What do you want, mon amour?”
“More, deeper, please please please!” She forced the heavy words past her lips, her throat still burning from her sobs and the dust as she dissolved back into moans and whines, her arms coming up to clamp around his neck, pulling him closer as he continued to grind into her g-spot. The fear that had dominated her was overtaken by lust, driven by the sensations and the heat that had sweat forming between them, the wet sounds of their bodies meeting filled the space alongside the hum of the wildlife and trees in a symphony. Let him take, give him whatever he wanted, keep him close, don’t let him go, the thoughts spiralled in her cloudy mind, shivers racing down her spine and he drove into her more harshly than before, his head falling to her shoulder, the searing heat of his breathes fanning against her neck and collar as he repeated “mon amour“ against her skin like a mantra, returned in her calling his name. Her head dropped back against the ground, her muscles taut yet too weak to support it as she felt herself tense to the point she didn’t think she take anymore. Everything was on fire, the very blood in her veins, the sounds and feelings and sensations all crashing together almost painfully in her mind to the point she couldn’t think anymore, unable to do more than babble out pleas, for what she wasn’t sure. But Rook gave her no rest, instead his tongue slid against her throat before his teeth sank into her more deeply than before, and the hand at her breast returned to her core, pinching her throbbing clit harshly, and that extra stimulation was enough to send her tumbling over the edge. The coil in her core snapped, breathless moans falling unabashedly from her lips as she clung to Rook even more than she had been, digging her nails into that material over his shoulder blades with a wail of his name. It didn’t take long after her for Rook to find his own climax in the fluttering walls of her core, French praises filling her ears as he gave one final deep thrust inside of her.
For a moment, the two basked in the afterglow, allowing their minds to slowly come back to them, the breeze against their skin that had been glimmering with sweat already cooling their bodies considerably, and when the haze of her release finally cleared, YanYu couldn’t help the worry that immediately overtook her mind, the panic forcing her muscles upwards as Rook began to remove himself from her.
“Was...was that ok?”
“What could you possibly mean, mon lapin?”
“I mean did you…did you…” with the memories fresh in her mind, she couldn’t help the flush that came to her skin when she thought about it “...enjoy it?” At her searching eyes and furrowed brow, his hand came to pat soothingly against the crown of her head, leaning her body against his own as he sat, relishing in the closeness of their bodies.
“Need you even ask? The thrill of the hunt is always wonderful, the adrenaline and focus of hunting such a valuable prey had me even more focused on my task than normal.” He dipped, planting a tender kiss against her hair. “And my prize? I have never experienced such a n amazing victory, to have you splayed beneath me, exposed in all your beauty! Ah, to even think about your curves pressed against me as we embraced, as natural as the forest itself!”
At his impassioned speech, the embarrassment she had been able to forget cake bubbling back to the surface, and all she could think to do was to bury her face in his shoulder to hide the shameful blush that felt hot enough to light the tips of her ears. But his soft hum and arms that wrapped around her, hands stroking down her back had her body relaxing, slumping against him with a sigh of relief. With the release of that tension, it didn’t take long for the cool air to settle against her skin, the sun nearly disappearing over the horizon and taking the warmth of the day with it, she snuggled into Rook’s hold even more.
“Are you cold?”
“A little.” Was all she could say as she tried to hold together the split fabric of her shirt as she reached for her discarded clothes, tugging them towards her and brushing off as much of the dust that had collected on them as she could, doing her best to shield herself from view as she pulled her underwear back on, shivering as the thin material soon felt damp with the mix of their releases seeping into them. Her jeans were no better with the slick still clinging to her thighs, the denim sliding over the areas and helping an uncomfortable cold feeling settle into the skin.
Moving back slightly to allow her space to move, Rook watched her every move without shame, studying every bend of her joints, the stretch of every muscle as if trying to commit every line and curve to his memory. Before too long she was pulling her shoes back on, brows furrowed again.
“Whatever is causing such an expression to cloud your lovely face?”
“Huh?” Her head snapped up at his words, realisation drawing on her face after a few moments. “Oh, it’s nothing...it’s just that...we didn’t...you know.” She shifted slightly, eyes glancing down her own body before she murmured. “Use protection.” There was silence for a moment before she glanced up, catching the small smile on Rook's face that she couldn’t quite figure out, but soon she was focused on his words once more.
“Ah, to think there’s the chance of another flower blooming from our love, the thought alone is magnifique! But if you wish for your flower of youth to continue flourishing by itself, then I can take care of the issue for you in your stead.”
“Could you really?”
“Why of course! Monsieur Sam can obtain anything a student could desire, a solution to this predicament he could obtain easily, and he’s known for his discretion.” When YanYu looked down at her feet, avoiding his gaze, she missed the smile that crept over his face at her apparent indecision. “There’s no need to fret, mon lapin, be patient as a hunter must be, take your time and consider the options before you. Your answer will come to you with time. A few more moments and she nodded, the gesture slow as she blinked up at him with unfocused eyes, and Rook chuckled at her expression.
“It seems that sleep is drawing you into its hold, mon amour.”
“‘m sorry.” She slurred slightly, blinking more firmly as if to try and force herself to stay awake. “I guess I’m tired.”
“If that’s the case, then allow yourself to rest. I shall carry you back to your dormitory.”
“I can’t let you do that for me Rook, I’ll walk-“ but before she could finish her sentence she found his hunting jacket draped over her barely covered torso, the hunter’s arms finding their way under her back and knees to lift her, letting her rest her head against his shoulder as she began to drift to sleep in his warm arms.
“ Let me do this for you, ma chérie. You spent so long thinking about today for me, non? Merci for such a beautiful day.”
And with his words of thanks ringing in her ears, she allowed herself to slip from consciousness with a smile on her face.
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mpfuro-station · 3 years
Not a Useless Marble
Here it is! Young Silas and Furo duking it out! This was really fun to write, and I hope I wrote Silas well.
TW: violence, blood and swearing
               A 7-year-old M.P. Furo was walking down the bustling streets of the Afterglow Savanah. They swung their entwined hand with their teenage brother. In their free hand, they had a bag of miscellaneous trinkets that jangled as they walked.
               “V.P!” Furo chirped to get the older boy’s attention.
               “M.P!” he responded in the same manner.
               “Can we get pretzels from the nice Auntie today?”
               “Hmm,” V.P. tapped his chin comedically. “If you wait on the bench while I go in and get what Mama ordered from Mr. Abir, we might be able to swing by Miss Tiki’s for some pretzels.”
               “With cheese?!” Furo began hopping in place, their curly hair bouncing.
               Their brother chuckled, “Yeah, with cheese. But!” He picked them up and plopped them on a bench outside a small butcher shop. “You have to be good. Get it?”
               Furo nodded, “Got it!”
               “Good,” V.P. ruffled their hair and went in.
               Furo swung their legs as they watched people of all types walk by. The waved to some that said hi. Then they saw a boy with leopard features kick a pebble on the other side of the street. When he looked up, their eyes met. Furo waved, but he just sat in the dirt without even giving a nod. Furo gave a huff at his behavior. They peeked into the butcher’s shop to see their brother stuck in what seemed like a one-sided conversation. With the butcher.
               Furo jumped clumsily off the bench, still holding the bag of trinkets. They looked both ways before running to where he was. As they got closer, he looked to be around the same age but covered in old bruises and scars. “Hi.” Furo waved again. No response. “My name’s Mustela, but my family calls me M.P. You can call me that too if Mustela’s too hard. What’s your name?”
               He looked at them through squinted green eyes. He opened his mouth to speak but closed it. Then he turned away from Furo and hissed, “F**k off.”
               Furo was caught off guard. They gave a tut of their tongue. “That’s a bad word. You shouldn’t say that.” Furo leaned closer and whispered, “I won’t tell anybody though.” Furo motioned themselves zipping their lips.
               At the lack of reaction, Furo tilted their head. They reached into the pouch and shuffled through it. They passed over rocks of various shape, size, and color. They looked past some twigs. When they pulled their hand back out, a shiny dark blue marble with a yellow star in the center. They held it out to him. “I’ll give you this shiny marble if you tell me your name.”
               He swatted it out of Furo’s hand harshly. It rolled into the middle of the road. “I don’t want your useless s**t.”
               “Excuse you?!” Furo clenched their fist. “That was a special marble! I got it from one of my daddy’s students at the VDC! You could’ve just said no, you- you HEAD-OF-A-PIN!!”
              “Well go get it then, you pampered pet,” he groaned. “Now piss off, before I beat you up.”
              “Me? Piss off?” Furo sassed him. They put their bag of treasures to the side. “Nah, I ain’t gonna ‘piss off’, because I am pissed off. NOW GO GET MY MARBLE BACK!”
              The boy stood up. Ge was just a hair taller and glared at Furo. “I’m not getting your stupid marble. SCRAM!” He shoved them back.
              “You really think you can beat me in a fight, boy?” Furo pushed through gritted teeth.
              “Yeah, you may be a girl, but I’m still a beastman and you’re just a human,” he pushed a finger into their chest.
               Furo grabbed his finger and twisted it, causing him to buckle and wince. Furo snarled with a wildness to their eyes. “Even if I am a human, I will whoop your head to a fare-the-well. I’ll give you a beating that’s rough and something else. You think you’re king of the jungle? HA! Ain’t that some stuffing. You overgrown pussy-cat; DON’T YOU ROAR!” Furo shoved him on the ground and looked down at him. “Or I’ll come down there and whoop you some more.”
              The boy did roar and pounced at Furo. His long nails clawed at their face. Blood dripped from Furo’s cheek as they put their hands up. Furo punched him in the face.
               When he reeled back, blood was dripping from his now crooked nose. Furo went in and grabbed his small leopard ears. They pulled him forward and kneed his gut.
                “Gah! You b***h!” he hissed.
                “Don’t call me a bad word!” Furo screeched. They were tackled into a wall. The boy kept slamming Furo into the wall as they punched his back. Furo started to cough heavily and decided to grab his tail. They yanked it hard up to them. The boy screamed, but the scream got louder when Furo bit into it.
                They were thrown to the ground. The boy started punching their face. Furo brought their arms up to block him. They grabbed one of his wrists and bit into his arm until they tasted blood. When the boy pulled his arm back, Furo flipped him so that they were on top of the boy. They landed punched after punch with accuracy.
                “M.P!!” their older brother yelled. He pried his younger sibling off but they still tried to get at him. “MUSTELA, STOP IT! WHAT THE CRAP HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU!?!”
                “HE THREW MY MAGIC MARBLE IN THE STREET, SHOVED ME, CALLED ME A BAD WORD-,” Furo cried as tears started to mix with the blood on their face. Their one eye was already starting well as their glasses were cracked. “HE STARTED SO I FINISHED IT!! I JUST WANTED TO BE FRIENDS!! WAAAAHH!! VORMEL!!”
               “When Daddy said to know how to finish fights, this isn’t what he meant…” Vormel sighed as he brought his wailing younger sibling close for comfort. He spotted their pouch and picked it up. He looked down at the boy, “Sorry about my kid sibling, but you shouldn’t go picking fights either, bud.”
                Vormel started to walk back to the butcher. He paused in the road and crouched down. He picked up a dusty marble and jogged the rest of the way.
                Sometime later, the boy was sitting in a nearby alley wincing at his wounds. Blood was still pooling around the teeth marks on his arm. Then a familiar shadow loomed over him.
                Furo had a pout on their face as they had a basket of first-aid supplies. They didn’t say anything. Furo sat down next to him, and he scooted away with a scowl. Furo scooted closer and grabbed his bleeding arm. They pulled it closer and got a wet rag out. They squeezed water over his arm to clean the blood off. The, they got a cotton ball and a bottle of something.
               “This is gonna sting,” Furo whispered. They started awkwardly dabbing the teeth mark. The boy winced and tried to pull away, but Furo had a tight hold on his elbow.
               There was no talking after that. The bustle of the Afterglow Savanah was all there is. Furo sniffled at some points. Tears fell randomly from them. They had a black eye and a bandage on their cheek. Their glasses had a long crack through the one lens. The boy looked worse. Fresh bruises littered his body. He had a busted lip, a broken nose, a kink in his tail, and newly cleaned puncture wounds in his arm.
              Furo put a witch-hazel and cocoa-butter salve on the bruises they saw, both old and new. When they were done, Furo got up and began to walk away. Before they left the alley, a grumbled hiss followed.
              “Hey,” the boy didn’t even look at them. “My name is Silas.”
              Furo nodded but didn’t look back at him. “Bye then, Silas.”
              When Silas looked at where Furo had been seated, long after they left, he saw a cleaned, dark blue marble with a yellow star inside.
               “SILAS!!” Furo stomped into the Savanaclaw dorm.
               “S**t…” the leopard beastman cursed under his breath.
               “Why the hell is the weasel here?” Leona grumbled.
               “Uh, Furo? You need something?” Ruggie walked up questionably.
               “Where is that LEOPARD PUNK?!” Furo asked aggressively. A worried Pip tried catching up.
               “Furo-senpai, please, stop. I was in the wrong~” Pip plead.
               “Pip, sweetie, I know. I’ll get to you later. First, let me handle this,” Furo calmly, yet firmly, reprimanded. “SILAS!”
               “What do you want, b***h?” Silas growled as he waltzed over.
               “You and that vulgar mouth of yours,” Furo hissed. “Did you hurt my underclassman?”
               “So what? She tried to touch my f***ing ears,” he crossed his arms.
“You don’t choke someone for it!!”
“Hah,” Silas smirked. He now easily towered over them now. “And what are you gonna do about it? I doubt you could get even a nip on my ear now, Mu. Stel. A.”
               Furo turned their glare at Leona. “You either teach him a lesson, or I do.”
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Bonus: at one of Silas’ games
Furo: Kick their butts, Silas!! You got this!
Silas: S-shut up! Scram already!
Furo: Let me support you, you punk!
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Please send some love to sugarmelody? They’re so sweet! ☺️
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--Mod Mac tíre 🐺
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moonprincessmimi · 5 years
I love this scene from last week. I can't believe we are at an all star series of #aikatsu #aikatsuonparade #aikatsufriends #aikatsustars #originalaikatsu #anime #animegirl #animegirls #shoujo #shoujoanime #animeidols #animeidol #idol #idols #premiumrarecoord #rainbowberryparfait #sugarmelody #materialcolor https://www.instagram.com/p/B3X6ue6guOB/?igshid=1cgm20v7926r0
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omi-0mi · 6 years
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sO- Me and @sugarmelody started accidentally shipping Dotho and/or Dotus (?) because we were ropeplaying (no not sin i just made a typo) as them in the amino, and then she made ship art- we made sure to ask both Kekos-senpai and Neko-senpai if they were okay with the ship, soo- yAY??
Ahem- so does everyone remember my drawing of Dante with a flower crown? No? Oh- well, I drew Lotus thinking Dante was cute in it- *ch oking* I thought of this at literally 2 am so don’t blame me-
Lotus by @nekophy Dante by @kekos-2ndlair Art by me
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lasserbatsu · 7 years
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I’m very sorry for troubling you ! I just wanted to wish you a merry Christmas, and I also wanted to tell you how I’m very thankful to both nekophy san and you for helping me resolve hindraces in life more lively. This is probably getting long and I might be bothering you so Merry late Christmas !
Angexci san: @angexci Nekophy san: @nekophy
Trash by @sugarmelody
This is extremely cute !!! Thank you!! sadghjbgkljh I know that I'm not really helpful but ... I'm glad to know that I can do something good for someone, thank you very much ❤
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lottystuff · 7 years
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Happy Valentine's Day!!! Bluinse belong to me Hue belongs to @sugarmelody
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dmevans2019 · 5 years
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The Archies Sugar Sugar/Melody Hill | Etsy https://www.etsy.com/listing/697482534/the-archies-sugar-sugarmelody-hill https://www.instagram.com/p/BykyimrAO3n/?igshid=x31uvk7qv6sp
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remade123 · 5 years
the sugarmelody max & ruby post is tagged "agere"... just a lil heads up
im not sure if its specifically weird to rb agere onto my blog in this context. unless op turns out to be shady or w/e i think it shld be fine but ty for letting me know ❤
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mpfuro-station · 3 years
👄 Do you kiss on the first date?
💍 Do you ever want to get married?
To Furo! 💕
Furo froze at the first question. They tapped their fingertips together as they felt their face heat up.
"K-kiss? No, I- That's such an...in-intimate thing! I could never do that on the first date!" Furo covered their mouth to whisper, "B-but...maybe on the second or third..."
They took a few deep breaths. "But yes, I would love to get married someday! While it isn't necessary to proclaim one's love, it really is a romantic way to forge a connection with them! Seeing whom you cherish walk down the aisle, exchanging vows, swapping thimbles..."
Furo swoons at the thought. There is a moment they forget they were answering someone's question. When they recalled their presence, they nervously tapped their fingers again. "Uh, yeah. That's it!"
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moonprincessmimi · 5 years
Would you ever get tired of #transformation scenes? Not me 😉 #ainechan and her transformation scene. I love how she now gives a little kiss to her cards. #cardsarefriends #aikatsu #aikatsufriends #anime #animegirl #animegirls #shoujo #shoujoanime #animeidols #animeidol #idol #idols #sugarmelody #happinessgiftcoord #cutecoord #cutestyle #cutebrand #cutemotif https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwr0lywlsIt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3qh168vzrr7o
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moonprincessmimi · 5 years
#ainechan was able to ger her #jewelryrarecard #melodydiamondcoord It was inspiring to see Aine-chan finally understanding what her strengths are. Her new song #openyourheart is pretty cute too. #aikatsu #aikatsufriends #anime #animegirl #animegirls #shoujo #shoujoanime #animeidols #animeidol #idol #idols #jewelcoord #diamondcoord #sugarmelody #kagayakinojewel #roadtojewelcoord #happinessgiftcoord #cutecoord #cutestyle #cutemotif #cutebrand https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwrf1pWFPfv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dvgbk9f42l5x
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moonprincessmimi · 6 years
New #sugarmelody #premiumrarecoord #happinessgiftcoord
Such a cute dress with a really strong character growth episode. We finally see Aine-chan's full potential. As you can see, its #purepalette inspired. They gave her aura Mio-chan's bubbles! Those two are totally sync now. #aikatsu #aikatsufriends #anime #animegirl #animegirls #shoujo #shoujoanime #animeidols #animeidol #idol #idols #cutestyle #cutemotif #cutebrand #cutecoord #ainechan #thankyou🔁itllbealright https://www.instagram.com/p/BqxKLKRFjHr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=145xvbkmgfp62
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moonprincessmimi · 6 years
We finally got Karen-chan's solo #performance with her brand #classicalange with her #premiumrarecoord #bouquetdefleurs Personally I usually like #cutecoord more but this brand does not stand out to me... for #aikatsufriends I am more in favor of #sugarmelody Although #angelysugar and #rainbowberryparfait is my favorite #cutebrand #aikatsu #aikatsufriends #anime #animegirl #animegirls #shoujo #shoujoanime #animeidols #animeidol #idol #idols #overflowingwithlove #cutestyle #lovelycoord #lovemetear #karenchan
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moonprincessmimi · 6 years
Aine-chan's #transformation I love the story behind the making of #sugarmelody It almost reminds me of the making of #dreamycrown #ainechan #aine #aikatsu #aikatsufriends #anime #animegirl #animegirls #shoujo #shoujoanime #animeidols #idolduo #animeidol #idol #idols #thankyou🔁itllbealright #cutecoord #cutestyle #cutebrand #bestfriends
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moonprincessmimi · 6 years
Kyaa! I love Aine-chan's dress! I wish there would be a dress like this in real life.... #aikatsu #aikatsufriends #anime #animegirl #animegirls #shoujo #shoujoanime #animeidols #animeidol #idol #idols #idolduo #idolaura #ainechan #miraichan #milkyjoker #sugarmelody #happyhalloween #halloween #halloweendress #halloweencostume #treatholiccoord #wonderouspumpkincoord #cutecoord #popcoord #cutebrand #popmotif https://www.instagram.com/p/BpnZAqgFeRH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=j6lds0p89xrq
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