unstablelover · 1 year
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Disclaimer: All info posted here comes from their respective creator itself so yes, its legit and not just part of my imagination 💯
Interview Rules:
The interviewer can only ask 10 questions.
The interviewer cannot force an answer out of anyone.
The participant has the right not to elaborate their answer.
CW: Long post ahead / Interviewer being a Ketamine simp / Gavin's surprise cameo
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Interviewer: Hi Guys! I hope you're doing well today. Thank you for participating on this social experi- *coughs* interview. Btw, you can call me CC, I'm your interrogator today sent by your beloved MC, so please cooperate :) Are we ready? Lets start:
Question No 1: Aside for being a yandere, whats your dream job/profession?
❤️ Casanova: I wanted to be a chef for the longest time, but i’m happy with my job as an organ harvester!
🕊️ Krow: I-I actually like m-my job as a f-forensics cleaner but... I-I'd love to b-be a stay at home s-spouse a-and just do a-art.
🔪 Ezra: I actually really enjoy my current job. I've had it for going on... 7 years now? Almost 8. (Interviewer: Can we ask what your job is? No? Okay. *thumbs up* bish i value my life more)
🔥 Harper: Hmm, if I had to pick any kind of job, maybe a pyrotechnic?
💐 Keith: To become a plant biologist.
🎮 Tenebris: Be a musician.
🖥️ Virgil: My dream profession is to be Game Developer, I enjoy video games and I have always wanted to make a game for others to enjoy, and so that’s why I’m taking classes of game development.
🎤 Adam: I already have my dream job. Although, I did often think about becoming a vet as a kid. Sometimes I wonder how life would've turned out had I pursued that career instead of singing.
🐕 Henry: I’m not sure! I’ll probably do whatever Buttercup ends up doing!
Interviewer: Atleast some of you love their job *sigh* Me? I just want to be a cat, no work, just meow meow *defeated sigh* Back to the topic at hand:
Question No 2: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? (Vacation or permanently)
❤️ Casanova: Barcelona, that’s where i was born and it’s really pretty there
🕊️ Krow: Ah! I-India! I-I'm Indian but... I-I actually don't know m-much about my heritage. I... w-wanna go s-see the land of m-my culture. W-with Dove too o-of course!
🔪 Ezra: Hmm... Anywhere with my Sugarsnap? If that's not too cheesy I suppose. But outside of that I'd like to visit Blaire's extended family in Vietnam.
🔥 Harper: I’m definitely more a big city kind of guy, so I’m pretty happy living where I am… To visit though? Hmm… Somewhere with some snowy mountains maybe, do some snowboarding, chill by a fire with some hot cocoa? Yeah, that sounds nice..
💐 Keith: It will be Kristenbosh National Botanical Garden.
🎮 Tenebris: My old home probably.
🖥️ Virgil: I’ve always wanted to go Iceland for vacation
🎤 Adam: As long as I'm by your (MC) side, it doesn't matter where I'm at~
🐕 Henry: Anywhere where Buttercup is good with me! But if we could both go somewhere, Disneyland might be fun!
Interviewer: So if MC just dissapear out of nowhere, thats the list of places where we can found them? Hmm ..
Question No 3: Song that you will sing to MC if given a chance.
❤️ Casanova: baby - eslabon armado
🕊️ Krow: Uhhh... uhhh... I-I guess... T-Together Forever would be c-cute...
🔪 Ezra: A few different songs, most notably... We'll never have sex by Leith Ross, Let you break my heart again by Laufey & Philharmonia or Habits by Genevieve Stokes. I just want sugar to know I want them for more than... anything. I love their heart and soul, it's not physical for me. Though I do find them incredibly attractive.
🔥 Harper: Actually sing myself?... Umm.. Maybe either Day 1 or No Song Without You, both by Honne?
💐 Keith: Can't Help Falling in Love
🎮 Tenebris: Trust by 7 Seconds
🖥️ Virgil: Rises the Moon, it’s a comfort song of mine, my mum sings this to me and my younger siblings when we were little, by then whenever my mother is busy, I sing the song to my siblings. And Hopefully, I can sing it to my beloved, as a way to help them if they need comfort.
🎤 Adam: *fidgeting because he's written one song in particular that he'd love for MC to hear but is worried that MC will wind up hating it*
🐕 Henry: The Promise by When in Rome! It’s our song!
Interviewer: *secretly adding all the songs to their playlist*
Question No 4: Name one food that you will never ever eat.
❤️ Casanova: Mac and cheese, i fucking hate mac and cheese.
🕊️ Krow: I-I'm never... eating b-bland... white people c-cooking EVER a-again.
🔪 Ezra: Beans on toast. I just don't particularly like beans. Or sweet potatoes.
🔥 Harper: Ugh… Raisins
💐 Keith: Rabbit meat.
🎮 Tenebris: Anything with bugs.
🖥️ Virgil: Anything fish related, I do not like fish, but if someone ever served me, I would just suck it up and eat.
🎤 Adam: *doing 5 stages of disgusted face known to humankind* Anything from Saffrons freezer. (Interviewer: Time to raid Saffron's freezer hehehe)
🐕 Henry: I can’t bring myself to eat cauliflower. It's so bland!
Interviewer: *proceed to eat Mac & Cheese to spite Nova* I dont trust people who hates Mac & Cheese.
Question No 5: This would be a little bit of personal, so you have a choice not to answer this okay? Whats your most treasured possession?
❤️ Casanova: Mi vida’s house key, of course! it’s a little mangled bc i keep chewing on it though.
🕊️ Krow: Oh... w-well... t-this pendant is... p-precious but... well... I-I actually don't have m-many possessions. S-so... everything I have has m-meaning. (Interviewer: I can be your possession Krow)
🔪 Ezra: Eliana gave me a tie she made back in elementary school. Neither of our dads are in the picture so she gave it to me instead. I still wear it to work sometimes. (Interviewer: *starts crying bc this answer is so precious*)
🔥 Harper: This lighter here, we have a bit of history together~
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💐 Keith: A bonsai tree I got from my father and I had for 7 years.
🎮 Tenebris: My guitar.
🖥️ Virgil: My necklace, it’s a gift from my dad.
🎤 Adam: You (MC). But if we're talking about an item...*he tugs on his earring*
🐕 Henry: A picture / polaroid of me + Buttercup as kids! (though, I do have more updated ones too…)
Interviewer: I am suprised no one answered MC's nose hair or whatever. Hmm.. Im not fully convinced but I will trust you on this one.
Question No 6: Nosy ask, whats your phone wallpaper right now?
❤️ Casanova: a photo of mi vida in the middle of taking their meds!
🕊️ Krow: D-Dove let us t-take a selfie! I-it's so cute aaaa--
🔪 Ezra: I managed to snap a photo of Sugar and Ellie cuddled up on the couch after a movie night once. I've never before felt so much love swelling in my chest. It almost hurt.
🔥 Harper: *proudly present his phone* 1st is my lockscreen and 2nd is my Homescreen. I took it myself..
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💐 Keith: A pair of white lilies (Why is this the most normal answer on this whole interview?)
🎮 Tenebris: We share the same phone, so a pair of white lillies also.
🖥️ Virgil: Pixel art of my beloved Galaxy and my puppy Scott, aren’t they so cute in pixel form? (Interviewer: Scotty baby *coos at the phone* )
🎤 Adam: My home screen is of YOU (MC). My lock screen is of a stray kitten I found on my way to the studio that Ethans younger brother ended up taking in. (Interviewer: Do you have any other pics of the kitten? *cat lady vibes intensifies*)
🐕 Henry: A picture of Buttercup sleeping! How’d I get it? (Note: Its in a modern Au bc mobile phone with camera is not yet invented on Henry's time)
Interviewer: MC supremacy yass! If only some surgeon named Ketamine Yetrovzski use my photo as his wallpaper *coughs* (Ketamine shouting "NO" can be heard in the background but still here supporting the interviewer, this fuckin tsundere)
Question No 7: If you could appear in any popular movie/anime/book, which one would you choose?
❤️ Casanova: hmm, i would say the hp lovecraft series! hate the guy but i’m a major monster fucker
🕊️ Krow: Umm... I... I-I wanna be in a Jane A-Austen book. As a p-protagonist. N-no matter what... t-they marry happily in t-the end.
🔪 Ezra: Well... I guess... I'm not sure. I've never really thought about it. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I can't imagine my life without Eliana and I don't want to be anywhere without my sugarcube.
🔥 Harper: Ah.. thats a hard one.. If I get powers n shit and I’m not just a normal person maybe Jujutsu Kaisen?... Tbh I play more games than I do watch or read anything haha..
💐 Keith: Sherlock Holmes, because solving murder cases looks like fun. So does creating the perfect murder. *a sudden smoke appear near Keith for dramatic effect*
🎮 Tenebris: Inuyasha. I really want a Kagome. (Interviewer putting their Kagome costume)
🖥️ Virgil: Hmmmm that’s a tough one… Haha I couldn’t think of anything right now.
🎤 Adam: Death note, the anime. I think I could do a lot better with that notebook than light Yagami did. (Hermit, the creator, rolls their eyes behind the scenes and Adam glaring daggers to Hermit)
🐕 Henry: The Princess Bride! That movie is practically about me + Buttercup.
Interviewer: Im with Harper on this one. JJK so I cant prevent Nanami and Nobara Shibuya Arc huhuhu.
Question No 8 : What are some habits you have? Any strange ones?
❤️ Casanova: I tend to scratch at my braces when i’m trying to focus, often i’d end up chewing on my fingers.
🕊️ Krow: Uhh.... I... bite my h-hands... a lot. It's... a comfort t-thing. S-sometimes my forearms too. I-I guess I also make the same expression a-as to what I'm d-drawing.
🔪 Ezra: When eating food like burgers or sandwiches I eat around the edge and then eat the center last. Um... I also tend to rub things with my fingertips when I don't know what to do with my hands. I'm almost always touching my nails absent-mindedly.
🔥 Harper: I have a habit of scratching my fingertips, especially when I’m nervous… Its kinda a bad habit, sometimes I scratch em a little raw.
💐 Keith: Buttoning and unbuttoning my shirt sleeve when Im bored or nervous.
🎮 Tenebris: Leaving my things all over the bed
🖥️ Virgil: Hmmmm, whenever I play a video game that has levels right? And I messed up one thing, I restart the level. Don’t know why, I just like to go through the levels smoothly. It’s pretty frustrating if you ask me ahaha
🎤 Adam: I don't have any strange habits. I'm just a normal guy. (Someone shouts LIAR and its not Hermit, i swear. Or maybe?)
🐕 Henry: Hmmm…I have really bad sleeping habits if I’m being honest! I’m lucky if I can get 3 hours of sleep at night. As for strange ones, nope, I’m perfectly normal! (now the interviewer is also shouting LIAR)
Interviewer: That was the biggest lie Ive ever heard in my entire life Henry. *headache incoming* No one is normal here. Im not even normal smh.
Question No 9: This question was submitted by Gavin Hyeon of Camp Willlow Peak. Its time to test your flirting skill, give me one pick up line that you will probably use when flirting with MC. Gavin said he is watching you right now.
❤️ Casanova: if you were a heart i’d eat you out!
🕊️ Krow: N-no wonder i-it's overcast t-today. All t-the colors are in y-your eyes.
🔪 Ezra: Sometimes I wonder what good deed I did to deserve such a perfect soul like you to enter my life.
🔥 Harper: Pickup lines really aren’t my thing… Gavin did write down this one for me once though… Lets see it’s here somewhere…” *digs through his pockets and pulls out a piece of scrap paper* “Here it is… ‘Hey baby… You got any Italian in you?.. No?... Do you want some?’ …… I don’t get it 😐 *Gavin cheering in the background*
💐 Keith: Im really not a fan of pickup lines, but okay, "You're sweet enough to give me diabetes".
🎮 Tenebris: Tie your shoelaces, I don't want you falling for someone else!" (Legend says that until now, Tenebris is still waiting for MC to wear shoelaces and for them to be untied.)
🖥️ Virgil: Hmmm let me go grab my telescope, so I can admire the beautiful star.
🎤 Adam: *combusts into one giant human blush* (Hermit doing a voice over: He can only flirt on the fly. If he has to think his actions through he'll get self conscious and overheat from overthinking it)
🐕 Henry: If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put ‘U’ and ‘I’ together!
Interviewer: *currently helping Gavin to write his will of testament before he becomes Gavin Flavored Toasted Marshmallow, recipe by Harper*
Question No 10: This would be the last question, and I want to thank you again for giving me a chance to interview you. Before we end this, do you have anything you want to say to the people reading this?
❤️ Casanova: if you ever need fresh organs without having to do it yourself contact valentine’s anatomy distribution! we have a wide selection available, and if you’re a fellow yandere homie you get a discount!
🕊️ Krow: Uhh, well? I-I guess... t-thank you for... f-finding me interesting.
🔪 Ezra: Not particularly. I'm not sure why Lilith arranged the interview but I don't mind answering questions. I should probably head back into work soon though... Oh, I will say this. Thank you for coming into my life Sugar, I didn't think I could love someone like I love you.
🔥 Harper: .. Unshrimp your fucking backs, love you~
💐 Keith: Um, hello. I hope my answers weren't too boring.
🎮 Tenebris: No? I don't know 'em.
🖥️ Virgil: Hello everyone, I hope all of you have a wonderful day, afternoon, or night, make sure to take care of yourselves or else I will if you don’t mind hehe~
🎤 Adam: Is...YOU (MC) reading this? Because if you are, I hope to see you again really soon~
🐕 Henry: You guys are kinda weird for wanting an interview! I’m not quite sure what else to say though!
Interviewer: And that would be all. Thank you to our lovely guests for joining us today. And here is the bribe. List of all 2d characters MC currently simping for. Do what you want with that info.
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Interviewer: Hi Hi guys! Again, CC here. Thank you again for entertaining this interview. To end this, may we ask for a few advices you can give for those aspiring artist out there or those who want to create their own vn.
NOVA belongs to @cannibalsweetheart : if you’re starting a project don’t feel unmotivated if you don’t get a lot of traction in the first few weeks, building a platform takes time, but soon enough you’ll gain an audience! (Demo link here)
Krow belongs to @thekrows-nest : While I don't have immediate plans for a VN (despite folks begging for it), for artist stuff, keep experimenting and trying out things. Don't be afraid to go to friends for advice. (:
Ezra belongs to @restartheartvn : lshdfksdfhj okay for my answer! My advice? Don't make something for other people. Make what YOU want to see. Make something that YOU are interested in. If you like... make something that you don't love and enjoy making people can tell. It doesn't come off as genuine and you'll burn out that way. Don't think about numbers or anything like that. Make stuff because it makes you happy. I make Restart Heart because I love my little passion project. I love it so much I get my nails done to match my game and spend most of the day thinking about it. I would still be making Restart Heart if no one played. Make something that you would want to make even if no one saw. Even if you were the only person in the world who loves it, make it because it brings you happiness. Sorry if that's cheesy or like super standard but it's genuine. (Demo link here)
Harper belongs to @campwillowpeak : Hmmm, other than the good ol’ practice practice practice?…Try and remember to have fun yeah? Don’t focus on numbers, yeah everyone wants more eyes on their work, thats normal, but if you focus only on how big you are you’re gonna burn out and get discouraged, stuff like that takes time, consistency, and a little bit of luck. In the meantime just have fun and make friends! Besides, people can tell if you’re trying to force it, an audience’ll more often stay if they can tell you’re legitimately having fun! And never just look at where you are now… Look at how far you’ve come from too!~
Keith & Tenebris belongs to @dualityvn : Make sure you set realistic goals for yourself. Taking on too many tasks and planning a project that is bigger than what you can currently manage can be your downfall. Stay positive and always create the things you yourself love! (Demo link here)
Virgil belongs to @wouldyoustayvn : Take your time! There’s no need to rush to make the game quickly! Make sure to take breaks!))
Adam belongs to @unknownhermit : Please get a good chair. It'll help in the long run when you're often crouched over your desk for hours on end. Don't be like me who hovers over my desk like a hermit crab shell.😅 Second thing is to just have fun creating and don't worry about what others think! I used to obsessively worry if my work was good enough and wound up never releasing it because I got self conscious. It wasn't until YOU and HIM that I actually had fun with what I was doing and I think that translated into my work. Create to create for yourself. Don't worry about what anyone else thinks because it's important to create what you love and are passionate about. And I'm sure a lot of us would love to see what sorts of things you'll come up with. 💙 (Demo link here)
Henry belongs to @homecomingvn : Ahh, I’m a really bad person to ask for advice if I’m being honest! I guess all I can really say is that no matter how silly you think your idea is, there will be an audience for it! It can be scary to put yourself out there, but honestly, this community is so incredibly supportive + I’ve met some amazing people here! Also, I’d recommend keeping various docs about your project! It’s nice to have it all in one (or 3 + a google slides in my case) place so you can have a clear idea about your wip + its characters. And lastly, be prepared for people to be horny! ^^ (okay, you dont have to call me out >…< will still send horny ask bc someone needs to 😙)
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Just a little self indulgent ramblings. I dont know if anyone already know about this game, but one of my moots recommended this, its DONT LOOK VN and I tell you, its so good. The story premise, the creepy atmosphere and the voice acting are all on point. They have on going Kickstarter and they only have 8 days left to reach the goal. This is my way of helping since im unable to pledge bc the banks here in the country im currently residing are shitty and they keep declining, so please if you have means to support, please do. Lets help them to reach their goals.
Here is the link of the demo also and their socials:
Kickstarter | Demo | Twitter | Tumblr
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alphashley14 · 9 months
Saw this game played elsewhere on Tumblr and figured I’d play.
Consider this a sneak peek at ‘One of Us’ Chapter 21!
Heads Up Seven Up!
Post the last seven lines you wrote and tag seven mutuals!
@sillydeafwitch @lesbian-duck-lord @orithereticent @sugarsnap-caely @glitzy-dynamite @otakuwithapen @spiraleel-blog
(I have so many amazing mutuals it was so hard to choose. Just know that if I didn’t tag you, I still appreciate all of you! ❤️)
Seven lines under the “
And honestly, Ricky felt the same way to an extent. She was alive. It was a miracle, almost too good to be true. But there was an explanation for everything, rational or supernatural. Whatever had happened to allow her to remain alive on the same Earth as him, he was grateful for it.
And yet, he still needed to know: how?
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unstablelover · 1 year
you aren't just like a god to me, you ARE my god. i am at your beck and call, your words are my scripture and i live to serve you.
i would sacrifice everything to show you my devotion, i give all i have to you, my time, my wealth, my soul, all of them are yours for the taking.
you are the light that guides me, i ascend when i am in your presence for to me, being with you is my heaven.
i will give you my all until it consumes me, until you consume me, until there is nothing left.
161 notes · View notes
unstablelover · 1 year
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unstablelover · 1 year
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unstablelover · 1 year
i hear your heart beating under the floorboards
the walls are bleeding your blood
i love living inside of you
we're slowly becoming one
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unstablelover · 2 years
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unstablelover · 2 years
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make me feel small and powerless... i want to be yours to own and control.
won't you please lock me up, darling? ♡
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unstablelover · 2 years
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unstablelover · 2 years
♡ hold me captive and never set me free ♡
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unstablelover · 2 years
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unstablelover · 2 years
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you're so sweet it rots my teeth! ˖◛⁺⑅♡
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unstablelover · 2 years
have you ever noticed how vulnerable you are when you're sleeping?
because i have.
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unstablelover · 2 years
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unstablelover · 2 years
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my mind is getting dark again...
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