#suho fan fiction
kfans-writerblog · 5 months
Whispers of Stardust
Pt 1
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In the quiet corners of Seoul’s grand library, where ancient tomes whispered forgotten secrets, Suho found solace. His silver-rimmed glasses perched on his nose, he delved into history, lost in the scent of old parchment. As the leader of EXO, he was used to bright lights and screaming fans, but here, he was just Junmyeon—a lover of words.
And then he saw her.
Yuna, with oversized glasses and a stack of science fiction novels, stumbled into his aisle. Her hair was perpetually in a messy bun, and her eyes sparkled with curiosity. She wore a T-shirt adorned with binary code—a secret language only nerds understood.
Excuse me,” she said, her voice soft as moonlight. “Do you know where the astrophysics section is?”
Suho’s heart skipped a beat. “Third floor,” he replied, his fingers brushing hers as he pointed. “I’m Junmyeon.”
“I’m Y/n,” she said, her cheeks dusted with pink. “Thanks.”
And so, their library encounters became a ritual. Suho explained quarks and black holes, while Yuna introduced him to time-traveling cyborgs and alien romances. They laughed over coffee-stained pages and debated the existence of parallel universes.
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omyeol · 4 years
chances - 03 | kjm
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word count: 2,400+ words
genre: angst, fluff, but mainly angst
<< writing masterlist >> | << story masterlist >>
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Junmyeon didn’t remember when and how he managed to fall asleep. He remembered staying in bed with his dear girlfriend and watching a rerun of some variety show on TV. He could distinctly remember the feeling of Minhyo’s feather-like touches on his hair; how relaxing it felt to have her fingers running through his hair. It seemed like every caress drove him deeper until he really fell asleep.
What’s weird was not having Minhyo right next to him when he woke up. Her space was empty, even though the blanket was a bit rumpled on her side—signaling that she was still there a few moments ago. Patting her side of the bed a few times, he figured out that it was still a bit warm. At the conclusion, he rose up from the bed and snatched his glasses from the bedside table before going out of the bedroom to search for Minhyo. Putting on his glasses, he had to blink his eyes a few times and tried to adjust his eyes with the glasses. He really had to stop wearing his lenses too often, he thought.
The bathroom was the only place he overlooked. He knew she wasn’t there because there was no sound of water running from the faucet or the shower. Also because he stood in front of the bathroom door for a moment and didn’t hear a sign of living from inside.
His gut told him to check on the living room, so that’s where he went.
The lights in the living room were off. The only source of light was the light from the standing lamp in the corner of the room. Although it was dim, it was enough for him to make out the sleeping figure on the couch. Slowly, he approached her, being very careful to not make any loud movements that could startle her.
When he sat cross-legged in front of Minhyo on the carpeted floor, he realized that she was awake. She seemed like she had been awake for too long, even though it’s almost 3 in the morning. It confused him, why she was awake at this hour. Minhyo was the type of person who treasured her sleep. He knew that she wouldn’t be awake at this hour unless she had just finished a schedule or was woken up from her sleep to go to the bathroom.
What caused a warning bell ringing in his brain was how she didn’t make any movement that told him she knew he was there, kneeling in front of her. There was a crease between her eyebrows that he wanted so desperately to smooth down and the look in her eyes was… empty. Truth to be told, it scared him; even though it was painful for him to admit it.
So, he brought up his hand to her head and caressed her hair softly. With bated breath, he waited for a moment, keeping his eyes on her face carefully. Afraid that she was too deep in her head, he decided to talk. “Minhyo-yah, why are you still awake, hmm?” She still didn’t budge for a while, still blinking her eyes slowly and keeping her focus somewhere far away.
Junmyeon didn’t give up. He trailed his hand down from her hair to her cheek; the cheek that he loved to caress and kiss so much, the one that easily gave away how she felt. He called her name softly a few times until he watched her eyes blinked rapidly a few times and the focus in her eyes was brought back. He kept caressing her cheek softly and managed to crack a small smile once her eyes were finally on him.
“Hey, wanna move to the bed?” He asked softly to which she responded with a nod. Letting out a soft sigh, he stood up from the floor and helped Minhyo sit up on the couch. He waited patiently until she stood up, wrapping his arm around her as he guided her back to the bedroom where their comfy bed awaited.
He didn’t say anything, only helped her to the bed, and made sure that she was warm under the blanket. Even when he pulled her close to him, hugging her close with her back to his chest, he still couldn’t find it in him to say anything.
That was until five minutes later and he could still feel her tense. “Why are you still awake?” Under the blanket, he reached her hand that she kept on the side and held it tightly.
“I don’t know. I just… feel so lonely suddenly.” Her voice was almost inaudible, but he could still hear it clearly. “I already have you, though, but why am I still feeling like this?” The question was probably rhetorical, but it still felt a bit like a blow to his gut. His brain picked the wrong side and decided to repeat that question inside his head which did nothing to lessen the blow.
“I’m sorry.” He ended up saying, hoping that it might comfort her and ease her mind.
“Don’t be. It’s not your fault.” It might be not his fault, but he still felt guilty nonetheless. Guilt crept out of its little hole that he had closed in the past and made a camp in the front lobe of his brain, clouding his already clouded judgment for the night. In retaliation, he shut his eyes and moved his head so he laid it on the same pillow as she was. Pressing a kiss on the back of her head and squeezing her hand once more, he hoped what he did was enough to help her for the night.
Junmyeon used to think that people were exaggerating when they said that they had a difficult time adjusting back to their life after being discharged from the military. He used to think that he would be different and it would be a breeze for him to get back to his usual routines before his military life. Even when it was still a week away from his discharge, he already made a list of the things he wanted to do—visiting the coffee shop near his apartment building that he frequented to and hanging out with his group of friends.
(There was also another thing that he had been dying to do, but he knew the timing wasn’t right, so he shoved that thought away to the back of his mind.)
The day when he was discharged, though, he ended up only staying in his own apartment. Along with his manager, Yongmin, they both tidied up Junmyeon’s apartment—it wasn’t in a bad condition or anything since he still liked to go to his own apartment when he got some days off—and ended the day with ordering in some Chinese food for dinner.
“Remember that you have a meeting on Wednesday.” Yongmin didn’t have to remind him, though. The meeting was the only schedule he had so far. It was the only thing he could see when he saw his calendar on his phone.
His calendar used to be full, but not only by his own schedules. Back then, every time he looked into the calendar, he found it marked with many different schedules on many dates; whether it was for a meeting, radio show, rehearsal, or shooting for a drama or something else. It was exhilarating yet exhausting at the same time, and the moment he looked forward to was when he took a look at the calendar and found an unmarked day.
It used to bring him so much joy to see an unmarked day; because it meant a day-off where he could spend it by himself or with his loved ones. Mostly, he spent it with Minhyo, though; that could only happen when their day-off fell on the same day. Lounging around in the safety of his (or her) apartment with no one watching their movement was a time he cherished the most.
This time, though, those unmarked days didn’t bring him the same joy he used to feel.
He just felt empty which was ironically fitting to how the calendar looked. It was a feeling that he had anticipated but not unwelcome. It was a feeling that had frequently visited him over the past two years and he had gotten used to it. It wasn’t anything new.
“Junmyeon.” A call of his name pulled him back to the present. Junmyeon looked up from his half-eaten meal to see the unreadable expression on his manager’s face. “Do you know that Minhyo is back already?”
“Yeah.” He easily nodded; although he wasn’t feeling at ease at all. “She texted me a while ago.” This time, it was his manager’s turn to nod. Junmyeon knew that his manager knew better than to ask questions about Minhyo. He couldn’t see how Junmyeon might feel about the whole ‘situation’, so whatever questions he had in his brain, he decided to not ask them at all.
The rest of dinner went on smoothly; the time passing by with conversing about what Junmyeon desired to do career-wise. Talking about his job was always a safe option and Junmyeon was glad of that. He thought he needed a moment to himself before he could talk about Minhyo again.
It’s not like he hadn’t moved on. Junmyeon felt like there was always something nagging inside of him whether the topic of Minhyo came out. It felt like an unresolved issue. Sometimes, it could also feel like an old wound that was still in the process of healing (even though it had been two years). That’s why he always felt like he needed time to gather his thoughts first before that topic came out.
Junmyeon finally had the alone time he had desired when his manager left not long after finishing dinner. The first thing he did once he was left alone was taking his sweet time at showering and lying on his too-big bed, clad in his comfiest pajamas. The particular pajamas that he used to keep in some closet in a particular apartment a few blocks away from his.
For a moment, he wondered what would happen if the situation was different; if what happened two years ago didn’t happen. He thought it might have been nice if he wasn’t alone and if he had someone special who actually waited for him when he arrived home. That someone probably had at least prepared something for him and he probably would be lying side by side with that someone.
“When I go, will you wait for me?” Junmyeon had asked one night. It was one of the sleepless nights that he spent lying on the bed with his loved one and stared at the bare ceiling.
“Of course, I will.” It didn’t even take a single second for Minhyo to answer that question. She did that in a heartbeat as if she didn’t even have to think about it anymore because she was sure that it would be something she’d do. “When that day comes, I probably won’t be able to pick you up, but I’ll be waiting here at home. We can have samgyetang together and also lots of cuddles afterward. Lots of cuddles and kisses, too. Because you’d be so deprived of it from not seeing me daily.”
It didn’t happen. What he pictured didn’t happen because the situation was different this time, but it was okay. He was okay. He understood. It would be wrong to dwell on it too. He had other things he could do other than dwelling on the past.
So, Junmyeon did the second thing he wanted to do since he had a piece of freedom back.
Junmyeon [21:57]: Busy tomorrow?
Knowing that the person he chatted wouldn’t immediately reply, he killed some time by scrolling through his Instagram timeline. It had been a while since he had this much leisure time that he could use by scrolling through his social media timeline mindlessly. Liking a few pictures of his friends’, he hesitated upon seeing a new photo posted by Minhyo.
It was the first photo of herself that she posted after taking a completely necessary break out of the toxic social media. He knew that during the time she was away, she only posted pictures of plants, animals, libraries that she visited, and everything but a picture of herself; and she never included a caption too. Gone was the lengthy, heartfelt caption that she had always included before. To the public, it felt like Minhyo had changed drastically; like the once bubbly, energetic Kim Minhyo had transformed into someone so timid that she didn’t want to even show her face anymore.
Unlike the public, he knew better, though—at least he and four other people that mattered to her. He knew she was being careful; borderline almost too careful of her actions. He wasn’t blind, too, to the speculations she received—they received—but being silent was the best thing they could do at that time. The rumor mill kept on spinning for days and months, but they decided to turn a blind eye on it.
A pop-up notification of his chat being replied pulled him back before he could do and think too much. Letting out a sigh, he tapped on it and was brought back to the chat room he had temporarily forgotten for a few minutes.
Sehun [22:04]: For you? Never, hyung~
Junmyeon [22:04]: Let’s meet up for lunch tomorrow
Sehun [22:05]: Your treat?
Junmyeon [22:05]: Isn’t it always my treat?
Junmyeon [22:05]: I’ll let you know the place tomorrow, okay? See you~
Sehun [22:06]: Okay, hyung~
Once it was done and the plan was all set, he closed the app and found himself looking at the picture Minhyo just posted again.
It felt like a breath of fresh air to him—even though he only saw her face through his phone screen. That picture was like a confirmation for himself that even though it had been years since he saw her last, she didn’t really change that much—at least physically. Although, he could sense how her smile seemed lighter and her eyes seemed brighter. It felt like she regained back the spark in her eyes that were dimmed with time and the weight on her shoulders lessened.
Without thinking way too much about it, he double-tapped on the picture and closed the app. If the rumor mill would spin again because that mere act of liking her newest post, then so be it. He couldn’t care less about what people would say about it this time.
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fanficsofmine · 7 years
Suho Masterlist
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* - Means Smut
Fics: Toxicity
New Girl
The Bet
Fighting for Love (This one ISN’T ours, but it was inspired by one of our text series, so we wanted to share the love to this awesome writer! Go check out @goldenjunmyeon)
The Break Up
Library Date
The Ex
More Of That
Beside You
Yes, Sir*
Let’s Not Fall In Love*
Bad Day
Have Dinner With Me?
Prompt 31/54*
Prompt 84*
Pull Over*
In the Cards Pt. 1 Pt. 2
Moodboards: Suhun Threesome*
Van Gogh
Winter Getaway
Purple Aesthetic
Ever Since NY
The Break Up
Sugar Daddy*
Library Date
Chasing Ghosts
Pink Hair
Yes To All
Moulin Rouge
Birthday Moodboard
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kpopmunhaelyeog · 7 years
Love in Translation (SuhoxYou) - Part Two
Title: Love in Translation Group: EXO Pairing: Suho x You Description: Your first trip to Korea started out as a complete hell until a stranger crossed your path and made it his mission to give you the best experience you’d ever have. Authors note: Sorry it took so long to update this, I have written a few chapters ahead of time so updates will be more frequent.
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Honestly, your decision to go with the random stranger was the perfect set up to one of two scenarios often seen in movies and dramas. Either this kind stranger was the hero you needed at that very moment, or this man had ulterior motives that would only end up in misfortune. You hoped for the first, though. 
You kept your eyes on the ground as you followed the pace of the young man who escorted you with his umbrella shielding both of you from the rain. For the most part, you were willing yourself to stop shivering as the cold and exhaustion was coursing through every muscle of your body, adding to the nerves that the stranger caused you and the sadness you had expressed with tears earlier made you feel like a complete mess. 
Suho had made sure to keep the umbrella up to cover you from the rain completely, adjusting his step to match yours for comfort as he stole secret glances from time to time. He took quite a risk, he realized that. What if someone did recognize him, took pictures and aired it on social media? Any news outlet would pay good money for a scandal involving any of the members after all. He wasn't even sure if you were really just a lost tourist or a fan who took this change to spent time with their idol, with an ulterior motive obviously. So far you hadn't responded like someone with the latter's mindset would, which came as a relief. 
He observed your side profile for as much as possible, though you had your eyes fixated on the ground in front of you, he could clearly tell you had been crying for a while before he found you. There was a lot of emotion you had tried to hide, he recognized it though he couldn't quite place what. The streetlights were reflecting off your skin, almost illuminating it like pure silk. 
As you reached the coffee shop, Suho reached out to hold the door open for you, still keeping the umbrella above your head even though this meant rain was now soaking up his shoulder. You have him a timid nod in thanks before passing him inside, the warmth a welcome gift against your skin as the aroma of freshly ground coffee beans filled your senses. Suho followed after you, disposing of the umbrella by the door before leading the way to a table in the back. 
"Do you like coffee?" He asked as he reached into his pocket to get his card, "It's my treat." 
Coffee wasn't necessarily your favorite hot beverage but you didn't hate it either. Honestly, at this point, anything would do you good as long as it helped warm up your body. But before you could answer, he already snapped his fingers as an idea came to mind.
"No, wait here. I have a better idea!" Though you couldn't see it, Suho had a wide smile underneath his face mask as he quickly made his way over to the counter to place his order.
Letting out a soft and shaky sigh, you pulled out your phone and pressed the power button, praying that some miracle would turn it on but no such luck. You were just hoping your phone had just run out of battery and needed to be charged to be able to work again.
Suho returned with the buzzer in hand, taking a seat opposite of you. His eyes scanned the area for a moment before finally deciding to take off his mask and hat, running his finger through his darkened hair, there were still hints of hairspray left behind from the performance earlier that day.
You stared at him for a moment, with the lighting of the coffee shop you had a perfect view of his appearance. His eyes seemed even kinder and brighter than they did before, his roundish yet prominent jawline now finally revealed, his lips curled into a familiar smile. It took you a few moments to realize who this kind stranger really was, but the moment you did only make you feel less comfortable. What luck you had to cross paths with the one and only Kim Junmyeon - better known as Suho - the leader of the idol group EXO. 
There was a moment where you mentally scolded yourself for not recognizing him earlier, you were no stranger to the KPOP scene and you had to have been living under a rock if you didn't know who EXO was. People would die for a chance to meet even one of them and here you were, sitting across from him looking like an absolute mess after making a fool out of yourself by crying like a little kid. 
Suho took note of your reaction as he took off his disguise, his breath stopping for a moment wondering if you had recognized him and wondering how you were going to react next. But he couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle as he noticed the color flushing on your cheeks. He cleared his throat softly before holding out his hand towards you. "Ah... I suppose I should introduce myself, right? My name is Junmyeon."
You kept staring at him, the fact that he introduced himself with his real name felt strange. You figured he probably wanted to avoid drawing attention, it did explain why he had disguised himself in the first place. Or maybe he wanted to make you feel comfortable by continuing on first - real - name basis. Realizing how stupid you must have looked and how uncomfortable you must have made him by staring, you finally reached out to shake his hand. "M-my name is (Y/N)... "
"(Y/N)?" He repeated, the sound of your name had never been as beautiful as the moment it came out of his mouth. Again his lips curled into a kind smile as he let out a soft hum. "That's a beautiful name."
"Thank you, my parents picked it." You blurted out, it was somewhat of an automated defense mechanism you used whenever boys tried to pick you up with lame pick up lines. Biting your lip, you glanced aside in embarrassment as you scolded yourself mentally once more.
A soft chuckle escaped his lips, he appreciated the lameness of your comment as it fell right into his genre of humor that unfortunately not a lot of people shared. A soft buzzing sound broke the awkward silence as the buzzer in his hand started flashing, indicating that his order was ready to pick up. He excused himself as he headed to the front.
"My parents picked it?" You repeated to yourself in a sneer, reaching up to pat your cheeks with both your hands. As if you hadn't been making a fool out of yourself enough, you had to go and say something stupid while a simple thank you would have been enough. "Idiot..."
"Ahhh, here we go..." Suho's cheerful voice drew your attention back as he returned with two giant cups of hot chocolate and whipped cream, looking extra proud as he placed one of them in front of you before taking a seat. "Nothing better to warm you up, right?" 
"A-ah... Thank you, Junmyeon-shi..." You nodded your head humbly as your hands wrapped around the cup, welcoming the warmth it radiated. Another awkward silence filled the space between you two as you just stared at your beverage, what was a person supposed to say in such a situation?  
"So... if you don't mind me asking..." Suho finally spoke up, though he sounded hesitant. "Why were you out there in the rain all by yourself?" He chose not to add the detail of you crying since he didn't feel like prying too much and he assumed it was only going to make you feel uncomfortable if he did. He didn't want to ask at all at first, believing that it was none of his business and feeling that by escorting you to a warm and dry place and paying for a drink was enough generous meddling since the two of you were still strangers, but he couldn't help but wonder the reason why. 
"I... Got lost..." You muttered softly, glancing up at him briefly before turning back to the hot chocolate in front of you, your lips curling into a soft pout without realizing it. "And then I panicked and got lost even more..."
There was something endearing about the way you answered his question, the way your lips curled into that childlike pout and the way your voice danced with the words, the vocalisation still sharp as your accent shone through, your knowledge of the language had returned for the most part and he hadn't even realized the two of you had continued your conversation in Korean, and  Suho couldn't help himself but smile as he stared at you. As you were seemingly absorbed in thought, he continued to take in your appearance. Though your eyes were puffy from crying, your hair messy due to the rain and whatever stress you had been under, it only added to the beauty of your somewhat exotic appearance which entranced him. "Cute..."
Your eyes shot up as you glanced at him, staring at him with a doe-like expression wondering if you heard him correctly. 
He quickly cleared his throat, "I mean... Was that why you were crying?"
"No." You replied promptly. At least, that wasn't the only reason you were crying, you might have felt lost and hopeless at that moment but it was just every odd stacking against you that pushed you over the edge. If anything, the reason you were crying out of misery was due to the disappointment - regret even. "I just... realized I should never have come here..."
"To the river?"
"To Korea."
Suho's smile dropped as he fixated his gaze on you, curious to figure out why. Living in the country for all of his life, he was proud of South Korea. Though like all natives in every country, he couldn't really see the charm of ordinary daily things as much as visitors did, he knew it was a very popular place to visit so it surprised him to hear you say your had regrets coming over."How come?"
"It's nothing like I imagined it to be... Everyone I have met so far has been very unkind towards me and I feel so uncomfortable and alone... People pushing and pulling and laughing... Ah.... I guess I am just disappointed." It wasn't like you had expected to be like in the Korean drama's, you didn't expect it to be a perfect country filled with happiness and beauty. Every country had their downsides and you were realistic in realizing you would have a hard time fitting in as a foreigner, but never had you expected something you admired and loved to bite you in the butt as much as it did.
You glanced up to meet his pensive frown before lifting up your cup and taking a sip of the hot chocolate, welcoming the sweet and warm liquid dancing over your taste buds before swallowing it down. You made sure not to make a mess of yourself with the whipped cream to avoid even further awkwardness. 
"I'm sorry to hear that... I wish your experience would have been better..." He meant that from the bottom of his heart. He knew how exciting visiting new places was, especially after dreaming about visiting, so to be left empty-handed and disappointed was painful. "Did you come here alone?"
"I did... Like an idiot."
"You're not an idiot."
"Easy for you to say, you don't even know me." Again you bit your tone as your remark came out more bitter than you had intended. Here you were, accompanied by one of the industry's leading idols who was sacrificing his time to comfort you and trying his best to make you feel better and you just snapped at him for no reason.
"I'd like to..." He muttered softly before taking a sip of his hot chocolate. He still wasn't sure if you had recognized him fully, though your first reaction had given him a pretty good idea that you did. But you didn't seem like a crazy fangirl and that made him feel a lot more comfortable. There was something about you that kept him interested, that wanted to know more about you and made him forget about all of the frustrations he felt earlier. "Why don't you tell me more about yourself?"
"I... I don't want to waste your time, I'm really not that interesting..." Like someone like him would really be interested in getting to know such a foreign mess such as yourself. You had already stolen enough of his time as was. "You seem like an interesting person to me... I'd like to--" His words got cut off by the sound of a phone ringing, you noticed his jaw clenching as he reached for his phone and checked the caller ID. "Excuse me..."
It had been Kyungsoo calling him, he had been gone for a good while now after storming out of the van and he was starting to get worried. It was unlike Suho to express his frustration in the way that he did and even less like him to just run off in that way. It probably was time he headed back to the dorm, anyway.
You finished your hot chocolate by the time Suho got back from his phone call and hoped he had forgotten about you telling more about yourself. You couldn't help but feel your heart drop slightly as he explained he had to go home but not before he made sure you found your way back. You told him where you were staying, which was closer to your location than you had originally realized but since it was still raining you only asked him to point you to the nearest subway station.
"Maybe it's better to take a taxi there," Suho decided, not even waiting for you to answer as he hailed the first vacant taxi that passed you as the two of you were now standing outside huddled under the umbrella. 
"Oh, that's okay... I-I can just take the subway."
"It's fine, I need to pass that way to get home anyway so might as well share a ride, right?" Again, there was a gentleness in his words as he flashed you a bright smile. The taxi had already stopped in front of you and he opened the door like a gentleman. Your cheeks flushed slightly, as you once again nodded your head in gratitude before sliding into the car.
The road to your guesthouse was awkward, though the driver had turned on the radio, there wasn't a sound loud enough to break the awkward silence between the two of you. Suho wasn't quite sure what to talk about since he barely knew you and exhaustion was slowly taking over your mind, the only thing you could think about was the comfort of your bed. 
As the taxi came to a stop, you reached for your wallet to pay for your fair up until this point but Suho was quick to shake his head. "Don't worry about it, I'll pay."
"No, that's okay. How much is it."
"(Y/N)-sshi..." Suho repeated in the same tone of voice you just spoke to him, teasing you slightly as he refused to let you pay for the ride.
You stubbornly turned to the driver, "Excuse me, how much is it up to this point?"
"Zero." Suho quickly spoke before the driver could, glaring towards the man in the front seat who quickly turned around without a single word.
You let out a soft, frustrated sigh. Though you appreciated the generosity and knew paying for the ride would barely scratch his bank account seeing as he was rumored to be quite a rich person, you still felt bad for having a basically total stranger pay for you.
"Fine... Thank you very much for your generosity, I don't know how I would be able to repay you for your kindness." You bowed your head towards him politely.
"It's no problem at all, (Y/N)-sshi..." He smiled back, nodding his head in acknowledgment. "I hope you'll get to make some fond memories during your stay."
"I hope so too..." You replied before getting out of the car, shutting the door behind you and watching as the taxi drove off, waving them goodbye before heading for your guesthouse.
You made your way to your room almost immediately, barely taking the time to greet the keepers of the guesthouse. Your entire body was aching, screaming for warmth and comfort, debating whether to take a hot shower first but ultimately deciding to just crash for the night as you never felt this drained in your life. Speaking of drained, now that you were back in your room you could finally charge your phone and hope it would-- 
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exosmuttytalk · 7 years
Burn - Exo Suho One Shot
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Characters: Kim Junmyeon/OC/You
Summary: If you play with fire...
Genre: Smut
Warning: The summary is so shitty, it can’t even be considered a summary. I feel that appart from dom/sub relationship, every other kink has made its way into this story. Including, but not limited to: slight cuckholding, oral sex, orgasm denial, dirty talk, etc, etc. If you happen to have any doubts about any of those things and don’t feel like looking up straight up porn, ask Wikipedia or me.
Appart from all that, this is a mess. Enjoy!~~
Chugging down what was left of your drink, you stared at the standing figure of your boyfriend Junmyeon, who had been sharing a seemingly enthralling conversation about stock markets and other financial stuff you didn’t quite understand past the basic everyday level with their co-workers for the past half hour.
It was the third anniversary of the company he had been managing since the beginning and the executive team liked to throw a fancy party every time the occasion came, to celebrate the company’s good health with their employees and as a social gathering with possible future investors or contributors as well.
Contrary to what seemed popular, according to the conversations you had shared with whoever wanted to approach you, Junmyeon and you hadn’t met at work, but in a coincidental encounter at the hospital where you worked. He had incidentally sliced his palm open with a knife and you were the one who stitched him up and took care of his wound. Skipping all conventions regarding that aspect and after observing you closely as you worked on his hand, he had asked you out on a date, without any other formalities. Skipping all your usual preventions, you had accepted.
Four years later, there you were, bored to death in an environment where you didn’t feel comfortable, along with a boyfriend who hadn’t taken a look at you for the past hour. The last years, you had managed to skip as many social events regarding his job as possible, but this year, he had been especially insistent.
“But why do you need me to be there? I have nothing to do with all of that and I don’t know anyone!”
“You do know some of my colleagues,” he answered.
“Yeah, and in the times we’ve met, you have started talking about money stuff and I have been left to stare at the ceiling.”
“Please, babe, just come with me,” he sighed. “I’m one of the top managers of the company and the only one who hasn’t properly introduced their partner. I want you to be my first lady. Do you think you could do that for me, please?”
“This is the 21st century, Junmyeon. No man or woman should need to bring their partner along to be better considered. But I’ll do it for you.”
But you’d do it your way.
The evening leading to the party, you had made sure to strut around the house in your best underwear as you got ready, flaunting your body shamelessly but refusing any advances your boyfriend played on you, before making it disappear under his favourite dress of yours, an elegant, dark blue, body-hugging dress, that showed off just the right amount and that was quite short despite the fact it was a night time party.
During the process, you had offered yourself to help him get ready in his white shirt, black tie and suit in a similar shade to your dress, looking all innocent as your hands stroked his body in a more than intentional way. When you finished adjusting the knot in his tie, you pressed yourself against him and tiptoed to kiss his neck, ever so slightly. That simple gesture and your closeness made his body react just the way you expected, and he had to stop to readjust himself inside his pants before leaving the apartment.
But as for the moment being, it seemed like none of your efforts had yielded fruits, because after introducing you to the rest of his colleagues, the top executives of the company, he had immersed himself in business stuff, as if they were still in working hours and not in a party that was supposed to be fun. Not only that, but you had to stand the glances of superiority of one of his female co-workers, who obviously knew what they were talking about and had decided to discreetly make you feel even more inadequate than you already felt.
A male voice beside you interrupted your train of thought and made you raise your eyes from the ice cubes at the bottom of your glass.
“Is this seat taken?” he smiled as he pointed at the seat next to you in the sofa.
The man was tall and fit, with wavy hair parted to the side and a beaming smile, and dressed in a dark suit; definitely attractive. Taking a last glance at your oblivious boyfriend, you smiled and invited him to keep you company with a gesture.
Jongdae, which was his name, didn’t know who you were and showed an obvious interest in you. In an attempt to avoid any compromising questions, you took the lead and learnt he hadn’t been in the company for long, that he liked his position, but he had other ambitions outside the company. He then asked about your hobbies and tried to get to know you a little bit better, he probably supposed you worked at the company as well, so what fun was there in talking about the same stuff you two dealt with every day?
You surprised yourself actually enjoying Jongdae’s company. He was charming, witty and knew how to play his cards to flirt with you in a way that made you feel flattered, but not uncomfortable. You were so invested in the conversation, you actually hadn’t checked on Junmyeon again.
With the intention of taking you to the bar to invite you to a drink, he offered his hand to help you stand up, and you accepted. Once you got there, and as you sipped on your drink, you giggled and threw some flirty looks at your companion, ignoring the voice inside your brain shouting you shouldn’t be playing with that cool guy’s hopes in such a ruthless way, but you completely brushed that thought off as your eyes wandered through the big hall and by chance, found your boyfriend fixed stare.
You didn’t know how long he had been noticing what you were doing, but after the initial shock, you decided to go on with your plan. He would have to activate his most public façade, but he was good at pretending anyway.
You moved a little bit closer to Jongdae and with the excuse that his knot looked a little loose, you worked on fixing it. You could feel his eyes all over you the moment you stepped closer; you returned his gaze with a sly smile on your lips before finishing what you were doing and going back to your drink.
After a few minutes and just in the moment when it looked like the conversation was going to lead to more personal matters, you felt a body creeping up behind you and didn’t even need to turn around to know who it belonged to.
“Hey, babe,” Junmyeon put an arm around your shoulders and kissed the top of your head. “Where have you been all this time? Are you enjoying yourself?”
“Of course, I have just been around. Do you know Kim Jongdae?”
In retrospective, you felt like such a bitch for putting poor Jongdae in such a situation, but he handled it more than professionally. Junmyeon did know him, as he actually worked in his section of the company and even though he wasn’t his direct superior, he made sure to meet all their subordinates, especially new ones. They chatted amicably about general work topics and Jongdae made sure to let him know how happy he was in the company.
“So, have you two been talking for a long time?”
“Yeah, he’s kept me good company while you were busy,” you answered nonchalantly. “He’s also been kind enough to buy me this drink.”
“That’s very nice. Thank you for taking care of my princess, Jongdae. We have to go because there’s someone I want to introduce her to, but I’ll be seeing you around in the office, alright?”
“Sure, nice to talk to you both,” Jongdae said with a wide smile painted on his handsome face, but you could’ve sworn there was resentment in his eyes as he looked at you for the last time and you couldn’t blame him.
But in that moment, Junmyeon lead you through the hall, sorting people, not going anywhere specific. He was gentle and even if he hadn’t, you knew that wasn’t the moment to put up any resistance. He had dropped the cue and you complied happily.
In the end, you both ended up walking down a corridor, and after making sure there was no one else around, he pulled you into a room that happened to be an office, probably his.
“Well, well. Aren’t you such a little brat, princess?”
You grabbed your hands in front of you, your gaze low, playing your part. He approached you and gently grabbed your chin to make you look at him.
“Aren’t you answering, princess?”
“I was bored,” you said pouting.
“I can see that. But did I tell you could go around trying to get other men’s attention?”
“No, what?”
“No, daddy.”
“That’s my baby. Do you know what happens if you don’t follow what I tell you, princess?”
“I get punished,” you answered in a whisper, almost shivering in anticipation.
“That’s it, you get punished.” You looked up at him, expecting something else to happen. “But not now. This is not the time, nor the place for scandals, princess. Take off your panties and give them to me.”
You did as he commanded and put the piece of clothing in his extended hand. He smiled when he felt the wetness at the fabric and put it away inside the pocket of his jacket.
“Good girl. Now go back there to the party. We don’t want anyone wondering, right?”
He walked past you to open the door and before you could make it out of the room, he gave your ass a squeeze that made you squirm.
The rest of the night was utter torture for you. Junmyeon was much more attentive, but his touches on you sometimes lingered in a way that left you wanting more, desiring his hands on your flesh, but that wouldn’t come soon. The tone and the names he used with you in occasions such as those minutes in his office were usually more than enough to get you flushed and almost dripping; but this time, you felt the fire creeping around your whole body and never extinguishing, as all that kept your mind busy was what would come next.
You also had time to look around and notice Jongdae wasn’t anywhere to be seen, which wasn’t completely surprising. Little by little, as the night went on, more people left the party, but it was never you. As one of the managers, Junmyeon had to play his part and stay until the end, no excuses. He progressively dedicated more time to you, talked to you, brushed a piece of hair out of your face; all of those very public-friendly moves. But his eyes were scorching as he looked at your face, in a way only you were able to see.
When finally most of the people had left, Junmyeon put a hand dangerously low on your waist and said goodbye to all of his workmates, including that other woman, who looked at the way your boyfriend touched you disapprovingly. He then led you out of the hall and into the garage where your tinted windows car waited.
You sat down without a word and shifted around to put on the seatbelt, but Junmyeon’s hand on your knee stopped you.
“Uh, uh. We’re not going anywhere for now. Open your legs, princess.”
Hesitantly, you looked around to make sure no one else was in the garage before slowly following his order.
“Are you worried someone might see you? You didn’t look very worried when you were whoring around with that guy.”
You just kept silent, waiting for the next order.
“Don’t you have anything to say, baby?”
“I’m sorry, daddy. I won’t do it again.”
“You better don’t. Now, put your hand between your legs and tell me how it feels like.”
Your hand slid down your dress up to your yearning centre, heartbeat fastening at the possibility of being caught.
“It is…wet. And warm.”
“That sounds just ideal.”
He leaned over you, making your breath halt until you realized he was only reaching around for the seat belt, which he adjusted around your body before putting his on and starting the engine.
“I want you to put two fingers inside yourself, baby. Move them in and out and get them nice and wet.”
You did just as he was telling you to and started pumping your fingers, building the need of him even more. Junmyeon meanwhile, just drove around the city aimlessly; he had missed the way for your home long ago.
“Now, take those fingers out and start circling your clit, princess. But don’t you dare to come, understood?”
You just nodded and responded with a moan as your fingers grazed the sensitive bundle of nerves.
“How do you think poor Jongdae feels?” but this time, it was a rhetorical question. “Do you think it is nice to approach a girl to realize she was only using you? I bet the guy has gone home feeling worthless, but with a nice hard on.”
He was smiling as he kept talking.
“Do you like that, princess? Do you like teasing men to like you and leave them wanting more? Do you like the idea of them touching themselves while they think of your body?”
“I like that,” you let out between moans.
“Oh, do you? What do you like exactly?”
“I like them thinking of me. I like being a tease. I like making you jealous because I’m attractive to other men and you can’t control that.”
“I see…”
By the growing bulge in his pants, you knew he liked those ideas too. He then took a turn and began driving through roads you didn’t know, until he got to a viewpoint in the hill of a mountain from where the whole city was visible. There were no streetlights in the place; the only visible lights were those of a car in the furthest point across the viewpoint, probably occupied by people doing more or less what you were doing as well.
Junmyeon engaged the handbrake and just sat there in silence, contemplating the views before him and apparently paying no attention to your moaning and writhing on the seat.
“Stop what you’re doing,” he raised his voice again after a couple of minutes.
You opened your eyes and slowly took your own hand away of the mess between your legs, screaming internally, as he had made the command just when you were really getting into it.  
“Get out of the car.”
You looked at him hesitantly.
“Did I stutter, princess?” He asked, looking at you in all seriousness.
You pulled down your dress to cover as much of your legs as the meagre cloth allowed and stepped out of the car. Shortly after and to your relief, he imitated you to then walk up to the front of the car and sat over its hood, tapping right beside him for you to do the same.
“Go on now,” he ordered as he laid back over the metal hood with his back against the front windshield, making himself comfortable with his hands behind his head as he looked at you expectantly.
“Here?” you asked in a whisper.
“You had no shame in being panty-less at a party full of people, why would it be any different here? Let’s put a good show for our friends over there,” he said making a gesture towards the other car. “Shall we?”
But you knew saying “no” wasn’t a possible answer. With your heart beating so fast you could almost hear it, you copied his position, raised the hem of your dress, although not completely, and took it back from where you’d left it. You had to admit it to yourself; the possibility of someone else watching what you were doing was completely exhilarating and was sending even more pleasurable shivers all over your body.
“You need to learn there’s times when it’s best to not go against my desires, baby,” he told you in a whisper. “It’s for your own interest.”
You let out a strangled moan as an affirmation. He moved in closer to you and rested one of his hands on top of your thigh. You squirmed around, trying to get him to touch more of your skin, but he didn’t falter.
“Now, baby, you are going to move your fingers faster and faster, okay? Just like I do when we’re home alone, watching TV and you press your butt against me.” There was a hint of laughter in his voice. “Keep going until you’re about to finish and then tell me. Don’t be afraid to be vocal, there’s no one here who can hear you.”
Following his instructions, you picked up your pace. Your mind flew off to one of those times he had just described, when his hands would roam your whole body freely as you two laid on the sofa. Your hips buckled against your own hand and you bit down hard on your lip in a vain attempt to muffle the sounds that were coming out of your mouth, despite the fact you knew Junmyeon did really enjoy them.
“I-I’m so close…” you whimpered.
In a movement so swift you didn’t even notice it, he reached around your hip and pulled your hands away from your body. You let out a frustrated scream, as you felt all the tension build up inside your body rise for the last time and then disappear into nothing, leaving you panting but completely unsatisfied. You turned your head to look at him, with a look of betrayal in your eyes, but he had a sly smile on his face.
“Did you really think I was going to let you finish, princess? What kind of a punishment is that?”
He held your hands off your body and lulled you until your breathing was back to normal and your body was all limp over the car for the lack of energy. Then, he let go of your wrists, unzipped his pants and put his arms back behind his head.
“You know what you can do now. I’d better be satisfied,” he warned before closing his eyes.
As fast as you could move, your eager hands were all over him, pulling down from the hem of his pants and boxer to let his erection out into the chilly night. You were not beating around the bush anymore and you wrapped your hand around his hardness, feeling the stiffness and the heat that had been condensing for such a long time, since you started teasing him back at home. His lips parted when he felt your skin against him and gasped when you started pumping.
Looking over your boyfriend’s laying form at the other car in the distance no movement could be seen, but the tingly sensation from doing something so risky came back. The motions you were performing at your boyfriend’s crotch became faster and harder, hoping you would be able to get him so worked up, he’ll just want to turn you around and fuck you right there on top of the car.
“Don’t you think things are a little bit too dry, babe?” He suggested before actually pushing your head down in a gentle manner.
Smiling at his demeanour, you pulled out your tongue and started teasing around the tip, the length of his shaft and his balls, and back up, before he got sick of your fooling around and pushed you harder by the head so most of his cock was engulfed by your mouth.
Junmyeon had never been one of those quiet guys during sex, so his moans and grunts started right from the moment you started bobbing your head up and down, spreading the wetness from your mouth where it was needed and using the tongue to stroke the most sensitive spots.
“Oh, baby,” he moaned in a low voice. “I love your mouth. You’re so good at this; you need to do this every day…”
His words sent a shiver of desire to the pit of your stomach, and the sensation was even greater when he reached down your back to grab the hem of your dress and pull it up, exposing the bare bottom half of your body. His hand toyed around your butt cheeks, groping them forcefully, giving some playful smack each once in a while and reaching between your legs to barely graze your wet core. Then, that same hand travelled up to your covered breasts and started teasing and caressing, making your nipples harden even though there was no direct contact, as you kept on sucking on him enthusiastically.
“Go faster,” he commanded with a voice that sounded much more authoritative and demanding than just a few moments before.
You picked up your pace, tightening your lips against his shaft, and used your free hand to cup around his balls. His moans erupted again, but he fought them back to say:
“I’m going to come. I don’t want to see a single drop landing on my body, my clothes, your face, your body or your clothes. Do you understand?”
You mustered a yes before going back to your duty so wholeheartedly Junmyeon’s tip hit and went past the back of your throat.
His hand was again on your head, leading your movements without making you feel too strangled. His breath became faster and shallower after sucking deliberately at the tip of his cock. He had almost reached the point of no return. Then, you quickened the movements of your mouth on his shaft and could feel him reaching his highest point; you made sure to fulfil his command the best way you could.
Both of you laid back on top of the car; he, with his eyes opened and staring at the sky, still enjoying the post orgasmic dizziness; you, eyes closed, grimacing at the slight pain in your gut built up due to all the unreleased tension.
When he turned his head to look at you, he was smiling as he handed you your panties from his inside pocket.
“You’ve done great, princess. But you deserved a punishment. You know what happens if you play with fire…”
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olionheartedgirlo · 4 years
What Is Love / Part 11
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Exo as Wolves Masterlist
Here is part 11 to What is Love in my Exo as Wolves series :)
Please excuse any spelling mistakes/grammar errors, I did check it over but am in a hurry and wanted to get it up :)
Some mature topics in this chapter. 
Things had become so picture perfect in your life. 
Almost too perfect. It was starting to get a little bit boring. Every day you had the same routine. You woke up with Minseok and he went to work. You went out to work on a project in the shop or sat and drew in the parlour. Then he would come home, sometimes for supper and sometimes later depending on how much he had to get done. Once he was home you would spend the night talking about his day and usually fall asleep watching a movie or a tv show.
It was all just so…mundane.
“I just need to change things up a bit.” You tried to explain. “I don’t know, maybe-“
“We both agreed that you shouldn’t get a job yet. It’s too much too quickly. I don’t want you to have any unnecessary stress.”
“I know. That isn’t what I was going to say.” Your hackles went immediately up.
“Sorry, what were you going to say?” You could tell he was trying to be sympathetic but you were past caring. Reiterations of this conversation had been happening for a few weeks now.
“I think I want to go hang out with some of my friends this weekend.” You kept eye contact with Minseok even though you felt like you wanted to turn tail and run from the conversation.
“Your friends?” 
“Yes. My friends.”
“The strippers?”
“What the fuck, Minseok?” You pushed your plate away from you, letting the stool scrape against the tiles as you pushed away from the kitchen island. “You’re such an idiot.” You scoffed out, knowing that even though you were down the hall he could still hear you.
As you made your way across the landing to your shared room with Minseok you could hear a muffled yell from the ground floor, followed by the sound of slamming kitchen cabinet doors. 
“Whats up his ass?” Jongdae laughed, closing his door behind him. 
“His own preconceived notions about strippers.” You huffed out, stomping away from Jongdae. You didn’t want contact with anyone, worried that you would take out your frustrations on the wrong person. 
You closed the bedroom door forcefully behind you, satisfied with the noise it made as it shook in the doorframe. The click of the door locking under your hand was the cherry on top. 
Stomping around the room, you pulled out clean clothes, stripping the ones you were wearing off and leaving them in a pile at the foot of the bed. 
“________!” Minseok yelled. His footsteps echoed down the hallway. “________, let’s just talk!”
“Why?” You yelled back, pulling your shirt over your head. “You clearly already have your mind set on what’s what.” You could see Minseok’s shadow under the door and tried to hold down a smile as he shook the handle. You knew it was spiteful but you didn’t care at this point.
The doorknob shook again.
“Let me in.” He said. 
“Or what?”
He didn’t even warrant that with an answer, instead opting for pulling the door off its hinges.
“Minseok!” You yelled, your pyjama pants falling out of your hands. “You broke the fucking door!”
“You didn’t really give me an option!” 
“Yea, your option was to not come in here. Seems pretty obvious to me.” 
“Why are you being so stubborn?” 
The war was on. This wasn’t the first time you and Minseok had had a screaming match and it wouldn’t be the last. His brother’s like to joke that the two of you were like a cat and a dog, and you felt like that analogy is mostly true. 
“I don’t know, Minseok! Maybe it’s because I’m just a stupid stripper!” You spit the words out, your hands starting to shake.
“You know I didn’t mean that!” 
“Then please tell me what you meant. I’m dying to know.” You wanted to sit down but you didn’t want the power to shift. At the moment you were standing two feet from Minseok, looking him in the eye. 
“I just meant-what I was trying to say was-”
“Mhmm.” You crossed your arms over your chest.
“Fine. Go see your friends. But I want to pick you up after and I don’t think you should be out really late.” He backed down, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“That’s all you're going to say? Just okay?”
“Thank you, master, for allowing me the privilege of leaving the property.” You mock curtseyed, turning away from him and grabbing your pants off the end of the bed in one fluid motion. 
“Don’t be like that.” He sighed, exasperated.
“Like what? You don’t want me to see people, and I only can if you chauffeur me around like my dad. I never leave the property unless it’s with you or one of your brother’s girlfriends to go shopping. I’m doing fine, Minseok. I’ve been clean for months. You can’t keep hiding me here like a pariah.” 
“I’m just trying to protect you.” He pulls your hand away from where it was scratching at the crook of your arm. “I just don’t want you to get around people doing bad shit and they try to make you do it…or you want to do it again.” 
“I need you to have more faith in me than that.” You let him hold your hand, his touch softening your disposition slightly. “I don’t need you to treat me like a child.”
“That’s not my intention.” He took a step closer to you, never breaking eye contact. “I love you so much. I don’t want anything to happen to you.” 
“I know.” You close the gap between the two of you, resting your head on his shoulder and your arms wrapping round his waist. You let out a sigh as he ran his fingers lightly up and down your back. 
“Do you still love me?” He asked with a slight laugh. 
You shove him away playfully. “Of course I do.” You start to put your pyjama pants on, but MInseok stops you.
“You don’t need to put those on.” He pulls you back towards him, letting you land on top of him as he falls back onto the bed. “You look so comfortable like this.” 
“Well you look a little too dressed up if this is going to be my attire for the night.” Straddling his waist, you unbutton his dress shirt slowly. “You know, I really like when you have meetings at work. You look very good in dress clothes.” 
“I think you look really good when you’re all dressed up too. But…I can think of another way you would look really good right now too.” His hand pulled your tank top strap off your shoulder. From there, Minseok moved quickly, flipping you onto your back so he was laying on top of you, your legs spread on either side of his hips. 
You felt like you stopped breathing.
Minseok’s breath was hot on your neck as he trailed kisses down towards your collarbone. A feeling that usually felt so carnal and right, was now making your stomach churn with anxiety. You had managed to avoid this for months, him being on top of you like this. Everything else you could handle, and you enjoyed, but you couldn’t shake the feeling of impending doom as you felt the weight of him hovering over you. 
His teeth grazed your skin, making you freeze, tensing up immediately. 
“What is it?” His demeanour changed instantly. He pulled himself up, holding his weight on his elbows, his face close to yours. When you didn’t answer, Minseok’s eyebrows furrowed together, a feeling of distress washing over him.
“I-I just…can you get off me?” Your breaths were short and fast, and you could feel the blood rushing to your head, making you dizzy. 
“What’s the matter, babe?” He settled back on the bed next to you, his hand stroking your cheek softly. “_________? Can you talk to me please? You’re starting to scare me.”
You tried to talk, but the words just weren’t coming out.
“Are you feeling sick? I thought things were all better.” He kissed your forehead. “Can I get you anything? I can get you some water if you want.” He started to get up from the bed, but you managed to grab his wrist in time, keeping him with you.
“Stay here.” You finally get out. “Stay here with me…it’s not from the drugs.” 
“What is it then?” He sat back down on the bed, pulling you towards him. You felt like a rag doll, letting him scoop you up onto his lap so your head was resting under his chin. 
You didn’t want to have this conversation. You never thought you were going to have this conversation with anyone and you especially didn’t want it to be with Minseok. Not with someone who loved you so much. You knew from these past few months how strong your bond was. You could tell when he wasn’t feeling good. You could always sense when something wasn’t right and you didn’t want to hurt his feelings. You couldn’t stand thinking about the potential of him feeling like this was a problem with him. 
And you really didn’t want to ruin a nice moment like this was supposed to be. Especially after the fight you had just had. 
It wasn’t fair. 
“You can talk to me, _______. You know that right?”
“I know…but I don’t want to. Not right now. It’s just too hard.” 
“Is it me?” 
Just like you had feared.
“No,” You look up at him for the first time. “It isn’t you at all. It’s me. Things have happened to me, in the past, and I just can’t forget them.” You let it all out in one breath. “When you lay on top of me…all of those feelings come back and I can’t stop them no matter how much I try to-I really am trying to let it all go.”
You watched Minseok’s eyes look over your body. 
“Did someone…hurt you?” He gulped down some air.
“I don’t want to talk about that tonight, Minseok.” You buried your face in his chest. “I’m tired and I just want to go to bed.”
“Okay.” He stood up, setting you back down before walking over to the opposite side of the bed, pulling back the covers. He came back over to the side you were sitting on, picking you up once more and placing you in the prepared spot. He motioned for you to lay down, pulling the covers over you once you were horizontal. 
You watched him take his shirt the rest of the way off, then remove his pants, folding them neatly and draping them over the arm of the chair in the corner of the room. He picked up the clothes you had left on the floor and placed those in the laundry basket. He didn’t look at you but you could tell that he was very conscious of you watching him. 
Finally, he finished tidying up, something he did nightly. Very clean compared to his brother’s varied states of cleanliness. At the same time as Minseok turned his bedside lamp on, his left hand reached up to turn the overhead light off, leaving the room in a warm comforting glow. 
He slid into bed next to you, sliding his arm under your neck for you to lean against his shoulder. 
You fell asleep just like that. 
You stayed quiet the next few days and MInseok let you, never trying to pry into what you were thinking or feeling. He knew you would let him know when you were ready to talk about it. 
In the absence of talking you had started to draw, almost obsessively, tearing through page after page of your sketchbook. The hours between when Minseok left for work and came home were all starting to blur together. 
“Hey,” He said softly, his hand resting on your shoulder as he came up behind you on the back porch. “I’m home for the night. Do you want to do anything?”
You closed your sketchbook quickly before Minseok could look at it. 
“I don’t know…whatever you want to do.” 
“Maybe we could just watch a movie?” He suggested, sitting next to you on the old sofa. “I know that I’ve been really busy the last few days and I haven’t really been around…by the time I get done with all of the phone calls and emails you’ve been asleep already.” 
You nodded solemnly as you listened to him.
“So…we can put a movie on. Whatever one you want, and maybe talk? About the other night.”
“Please, _______. I think we should really talk. You’re not acting like yourself.” 
“I think I just have to get out of this house for a night.”
“Well, then we can go somewhere-”
“I mean…I think I need to go by myself.” You breath was shaky as it left your parted lips. “I just need to tie up some loose ends I think.” 
“Tie up some loose ends?” Minseok sounded baffled. 
“Yea…I just want to see some of my friends from before.” 
“Like I said, you can go, but I really don’t think that it’s a good idea. I can still-”
“Please, just let me go on my own. I can drive myself. I will have my cellphone on the whole time and I’ll call you when I get there and text you the whole night.” 
“I-ugh…I don’t like this, ______.” He rubbed his hands over his face. “But fine. Go. I want you to have fun and start getting back to your regular self. You’ve been scaring me the past few days.”
“Thanks, Minseok.” You wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing his cheek loudly. “I love you so much. I’m going to call my friend and see when she’s off tonight.” 
“You aren’t going to go at like midnight are you?”
“Whenever she’s off is when I’ll go!” You call behind you, running up the stairs to grab your phone and get changed. 
“Now, please, remember to call me when you get to the club. And please don’t go in.” Minseok, leaned down over you as you sat in the drivers seat of his sedan, his arms resting on the hood of the car. 
“I know. I promise, I will call. And the volume on my phone is up. If you try to get a hold of me I will hear it.” You smile up at him, puckering your lips to signal for him to kiss you.
He obliges, his hand moving behind your neck and his tongue running over your lower lip. 
“Just remember that I’m here.” He whispered gruffly. “I don’t want you to forget about me.”
“I could never.”
You didn’t take your eyes off Minseok as you closed the car door and started it up. The radio was on a rock and roll station and you turned it up, blowing Minseok a kiss which he returned from his place on the front porch. 
You were off for your first night on your own in months.
“Hey, I’m here.” You said into your cellphone. “I’m just waiting outside by the backdoor. I’m in a black car.”
“I’m just running a couple minutes late. My last dance went longer than expected, just come back to the dressing room, some of the other girls would love to see you!”
“I don’t know if I should-”
“Of course you should, silly! Come on back. I’ll only be another ten minutes.” 
“Uh, okay.” You turned the car off, hanging the phone up at the same time. You took a few deep breaths before getting out and walking purposefully towards the door. 
Walking into the back hall brought back a slew of memories from before you were clean. Before Minseok, and even after Minseok. Going out to eat with him, pretending to be normal before going home to your hole of an apartment and shooting up in the bathtub. 
The lights were too bright and the noises of the club were overwhelming even in the back hall. Girls ran past you in various states of undress, some waved to you and some you didn’t recognize at all. This place always had a high turn over rate. 
“Oh, _______!” Your friend ran towards you, pulling you off your feet. “It’s so good to see you. You look so good!” She held your hand, pulling you along behind her. “Come in the dressing room. Everyone is dying to see you.”
She was right. You were greeted by a chorus of old familiar faces. 
“It’s so good to see all of you,” You said as you made your rounds hugging people. “It feels like it’s been years.”
“That’s cause you’re clean now!” One girl yells from the back, the end of a belt strap in her mouth. She let out a muffled laugh and pulled tight, shooting a needle into her arm. 
Another girl had her foot up on the counter, a needle positioned between her toes. She looked back at you and smiled. You recognized her from when you worked here. She was new then. 
She looked so different.
Your phone rang. 
“I’m sorry, I have to take this!” You ran out of the dressing room and down the hall. Not wanting to answer until you knew that MInseok wouldn’t be able to hear anything. “Hello?”
“Hey, babe…you sound out of breath, are you okay?”
“Yea, I’m fine. How are you?”
“I’m good. I was just calling to check on you…When you didn’t call me I got worried that something happened.”
“Oh, no. It’s all good. My friend just told me that she was going to be another ten minutes so I was driving around killing time. I just got to the club.” The lie came too easily.
“Okay, good. Well I love you. Let me know what’s going on tonight.” He sounded uneasy, but he was trying to cover it with a note of support.
“I love you, Minseok.” You assured him. “I’ll keep you updated.”
You hung up just in time for your friend to come barrelling through the door, a bag over each shoulder and a pair of platform heels in her hand. 
“I thought you’d never call again.” She stated as she climbed in the car. “Here, this is a bunch of stuff that you had left in your locker at the club.” 
“Oh, thanks.” You put it in the backseat to go through later. “I thought that they would have thrown it all out by now.”
“They were going to but I scooped it up just before Joey put it in the trash can.” She gave you a sincere hug. “I thought you might still want some of it.” 
“Thanks.” You held onto her for another moment. “I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you too, girl. Now, tell me all about what you have been up to the last few months. You look like you’ve filled out a bit, nice rosy tint to your cheeks that is definitely not from blush…Are you still with that guy? What was his name again? Minseong…?”
“Minseok.” You smile fondly. “Yea, I’m still with him. We’re living together.” 
“_______! I can’t believe it. In all the time I’d known you, you had never been in a relationship and now here you are, so serious with a man!” 
“I can’t believe it either.” Her laugh was infectious, making you feel like you wanted to laugh with her. “Now, where are we going?”
You got home at two thirty in the morning, but, as you had expected, as soon as your car was in sight of the house you could see Minseok’s figure on the front porch waiting for you to come in. You parked and picked the bag up from the backseat along with some leftovers from your very late second dinner, meeting him halfway between the car and the house.
“I missed you.” He said, kissing you tenderly. 
“I missed you too.” You melted into him. “I am so sleepy. I can’t even believe I lasted this late.”
“Well let’s get you into bed and you can tell me all about your night.” He linked his arm with yours, guiding you into the house and up the stairs. Once you were in your room, you pulled off your sweater and jeans, appreciating the feeling of the air on your bare skin. 
“Go brush your teeth, babe. I’ll be here when you get back.” 
You smiled at him, putting the bag your friend gave you at the end of the bed and left, feeling like the night had been a huge success. You hummed as you got ready, brushing your hair out and putting it into braids for the night. 
When you entered the bedroom again you felt the mood shift. Minseok was sitting on the chair, his elbows resting on his knees, head dropped to look at something in his hands. 
“Min-” You didn’t know what was wrong, but you could feel the anger in Minseok and around him. “What’s wrong? What is that?”
“Why the fuck do you have this in your bag?”
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Carnival ♠ Xiumin
Genre: Meet Cute 
Pairing: xiuminXreader
Word Count: 962
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It was only dusk but the carnival was at full capacity. She barely made it in when she heard security telling people to come back earlier another day. She was supposed to come with her best friend but said friend had ditched her to go on a date with her new boyfriend. New as in, they weren't even dating yesterday.  She was happy for her friend but could not deny her disappointment. It had always been a tradition to come together every year. They'd been doing it since they were 12 years old. Nonetheless, she came. She could have stayed at home and be bitter or she could enjoy the night in her own way. She opted for the latter.
Lines felt like miles long so she decided the smartest way to go about them is to choose which things she absolutely needed to do and things she'd  be okay without doing. She spotted a churros cart next to the Ferris wheel and eyed the delicious cinnamon sticks longingly. They were a must, but maybe after the line had died down some. There was at least 30 people waiting for them now.
Kicking a pebble on the ground with her shoe, she walked aimlessly through the crowds of people. It almost felt like she was the only one there alone. Scanning her surroundings, something caught the corner of her eye. She smiled at the sight. A photo-booth. No one paying mind to it. She jogged straight to it, making sure to reach it before anyone else did. She won the nonexistent race and wasted no time in entering it.
Excited to take some goofy pictures, she sits down and holds out her hands to press some buttons, but a strip of photos left on the picture slot caught her eye. Someone must have forgotten to pick them up before leaving, she thought. She pulled them out and studied them. The smile on her face slowly died on her lips. There was only one guy in the pictures and he looked as lonely and sad as she felt since she walked in the carnival. He didn't forget to pick the pictures, she realized, he just didn't need evidence of how he was feeling when he took them.
She sat there, staring at his sad eyes  for a few minutes, wondering if he had gone home after he took these.
"He could use a friend," she mused. She could use one as well, she thought as a response to herself.
Maybe she could look around and see if he was still around. No one can refuse the prospect of friendship if it comes with a churro. Right? She told herself this was the best idea she'd had all night and with a new purpose, starts exiting the small photobooth.
As she turns out of it and around to the direction of the rides, she bumps her head against someone's chest.
"I'm so so sorryy," her words come out in a rush, embarrassment bringing heat to her face and the tips of her ears. "I wasn't paying attention."
"It's quite okay. I wasn't either. We're both at fault here." His voice was soft and you could hear a smile in his voice. She had planned on running away before she embarrassed herself any longer, but curiosity made her make eye contact with him.
She stared.
The stranger smiled a little wider the more seconds passed by.
"Do I know you?" he finally asked.
She laughed nervously, realizing she was going to come off as a psycho if she kept staring. Instead she put the strip of photos that she had been clutching in her hand, closer to his face so he could see.
"Sorry, I recognized you from these."
His smile faltered slightly at what she was carrying and she kicked herself mentally.
"Ah, I was hoping I could come and get rid of them before someone else found them. Why did you take them?" he seemed genuinely curious.
She looked at her feet, suddenly feeling nervous and self conscious. "I couldn't find you and buy you a churro if I couldn't recognize you." She mumbled.
That got a laugh out of him and she looked up surprised by his reaction.
"Do I look that pitiful?" he asked, watching her with humor in his eyes.
She relaxed a little and smiled. "Just the right amount. I know from experience."
He bit his lip and glanced down at the ground, then looks up to meet her eyes once again. "So, will you let me buy you a churro?"
She shook her head, "It's kind of my thing, you can't just steal my ideas."
They had both started walking side by side, deeper into the carnival, without ever agreeing to anything. He stole a glance at her as she spoke, smiling even more now that she wasn't looking at him.
"You can buy me one next time. Let me be a gentleman for tonight," he said.
"Next time?" she looked at him now, eyebrow raised. He tried to smile as innocently as he could, shrugging a shoulder in a careless manner. A moment passed before she replied.
"I'm going to need a name if there's going to be a next time."
He turned to her, holding out his hand.
She held his hand with hers and shook it.
A/N: First One shot in like years. I'm super rusty. I AM SORRY. I promise I'll do better as I get back into it more. Let me know if you liked it and if i should write more. Feedback tends to inspire me more. :)
Also, you can make a request if you have a general idea of what you want and with which member.
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bangchanshehe · 5 years
The Orphanage (8)
Growing up in an orphanage was hard, but when three men kidnap you as collateral, you find out that your life prior to being trapped in a house with twelve men was a piece of cake. Your loved ones were more corrupt than you thought and your enemies are closer than ever.
word count: 3.2k
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The day went by smoothly as the men were gone from the house through the day. Chanyeol harassed you during the whole day to draw for him and when you finally did, he gave you a smile that lit up like a Christmas tree. And after five hours of playing around with paint and pencils you had a few new pieces that you liked and a portrait of Chanyeol that he wouldn’t let go of.
“I swear I’m going to hang this on my wall” he said as he smiled down at the canvas.
“hmm, I’m glad you like it” you responded
He looked over at you and stood up quickly. Your eyes slightly widened at his sudden movement and your heart began to race. He closed the small distance between the two of you and pulled you into a strong embrace.
“thank you” he said with his head tucked into your shoulder
You pat him on his back and hummed. It was the first time that anyone had ever responded to anything that you had done that way. You were shocked and didn’t know how to respond to him when he was like this.
“I really meant it when I said that I liked your artwork. I didn’t just say that to make you feel better, or to flatter you. I really do support everything that you do.” Chanyeol said as he pulled away to look you in the eyes “I mean I think it’s pretty obvious that we all like you and want to flatter you, and support you. But… artistically you’re my idol”
You blushed and looked away from him, unable to look him in the face after such sweet words.
“thank you Chanyeol, it means a lot” you whispered, too shy to say it any louder
He nodded his head and gave you a soft smile before his gaze slowly shifted down towards your lips. You watched as his eyes lingered there and his breath caught. He slowly began to lean forward and your eyes went wide when you realized that he was really going to kiss you.
In a panic you cleared your throat and instantaneously Chanyeol stood back up into standing straight and he averted his eyes, embarrassed. You giggled at his shy composure after almost kissing you and you smiled up at him.
“sorry” he barely muttered
You didn’t say it out loud, but he was really cute in this moment. There was something about his ears and his curly hair that made him look like a kid in times like these. You reached up and ran a hand over his hair making him pay attention to you once again. He shifted his eyes down to you and blushed.
“Don’t be. I’ve never been flattered like that before, so I didn’t know what to do.” You said with a small smile “plus imagine if I kissed someone each time that they complemented me”
Chanyeol gave you a sly grin and stepped forward “well you can start now if you’d like”
You held up a hand and he stopped in his tracks “the only thing that I want to start is getting dinner ready. I’m hungry”
Chanyeol nodded his head and grabbed your wrist to pull you into the kitchen. You followed after him and smiled at each person as you passed by more and more men in the living room and offices.
Some faces looked familiar and a few seemed to be new. You didn’t dwell on whether you knew them and continued to the kitchen behind Chanyeol.
“where is kyungsoo?” you asked not seeing him anywhere around
“he is working tonight, so we usually just cook for ourselves.” He answered
When you were finally in the kitchen Chanyeol pulled you into his chest, making you fumble into his tall lean frame. He squatted down and wrapped his arms around your waist making you squeal. He picked you up and sat you down on the kitchen countertop.
When you were finally sitting down steadily you glared at him. He was leaning forward with his hands planted on each side of your knees, framing your body. He gave you a wicked grin and you lightly slapped his arm.
“yah! Are you hurting my princess?” Baekhyun yelled at Chanyeol as he quickly came into the kitchen after hearing your squeals.
You both turned to look at the new person in the kitchen, and you pouted when Baekhyun approached you. Baekhyun looked you over and then looked down to see Chanyeol’s arms and body too close to you to his liking.
“yah!” he said pointing a finger at the taller boy “you’d better put some space between the two of you”
Chanyeol gave the older boy a pointed look and then took one step back from you. “hyung! Im not hurting her I’m trying to ask her what she wants for dinner”
Baekhyun scoffed and put his arms on his hips “and you have to be that close to someone to ask them what they want to eat?”
Chanyeol quietly cleared his throat and stepped away in defeat. He turned away towards the refrigerator and opened it up to peek at what was inside, not noticing that Baekhyun had taken his place in between your legs and forced you to place your hands over his soft locks. You giggled at the cute man and pat his head as he wished for you to do. His eyes shut and his face curved into a smile like a puppy would do.
“We have enough ingredients to practically make anything that you could want.” Chanyeol said from the fridge, not noticing that his place was already taken.
“mmm…” you hummed thinking about what you wanted for a minute “then I want cake!” you said with a wide grin, knowing that it was a childish request
“Cake?!” Baekhyun said with a grin and wide eyes is disbelief
You giggled and nodded your head
“Yah!” Chanyeol yelled now noticing that his spot had been filled “If I can’t stand there then neither can you!” Chanyeol whined, no longer caring about the topic of dinner
Baekhyun rolled his eyes and then took a step away from you not bothering to give Chanyeol an explanation or attention.
“Well if the princess wants cake then I guess we can have cake” Baekhyun said with a soft glowing smile.
You smiled back and then turned to Chanyeol as if silently pleading for his acceptance. He looked you over for half of a second and gave you an apologetic smile.
“I would make it if I knew how” Chanyeol said with a pout and a hand on the back of his neck, uncomfortable with his inability.
You hopped off of the counter and landed on your feet smoothly. You took a few steps until you found yourself shivering in front of the cold, giant refrigerator. They had everything that you could need to make almost any kind of cake that you wanted. Lemons, blueberries, strawberries, cherries. You smiled at the shelves full of food. It was impressive and gave you a satisfied feeling to know that there was food to eat, even if it wasn’t necessarily for you. College was rough and there were times when you didn’t even have a single thing other than ramen in your apartment to eat.
“I can make it” you said out loud as you looked over everything that the boys had
“you know how to make cakes?” Chanyeol asked, impressed.
You hummed “I do” you turned grabbed a few things and then turned to put them on the counter “Sometimes I bake to relieve stress, sometimes it helps me feel more creative when I’m feeling down, and sometimes I just really have a sweet tooth” you said now looking at the boys and giving them a smile “and store bought cakes just don’t taste the same as a homemade one”
Both of the boys smiled back at you and looked at what you had put down.  You could tell that they were obviously intrigued.
“what kind of cake are you going to make?” Baekhyun asked
“I want to make a chocolate cherry cake, but I don’t know if you guys have chocolate”
Chanyeol laughed loudly and looked at Baekhyun, making the older boy laugh along with him
“We have plenty of chocolate in the house, but you’ll have to go on a mission” Baekhyun said with a mischievous grin
You looked up at him intrigued and slightly concerned for yourself.
“Junmyeon only buys good chocolate and he keeps it locked up in his room” he said turning to Chanyeol
Chanyeol sighed and gave Baekhyun a slap on the shoulder “don’t make her do that, he gets upset with us when we take the chocolate! So do you think that it’s a good idea to ask her to do it?” he asked him with a frown
Beakhyun rolled his eyes “hyung already has met her…” he explained “they’ve already cuddled together and she’s showered in his room already so I’d say its safe for her to get some chocolate”
Chanyeol nodded his head along and whipped his head over towards you.  He was shocked and confused but also slightly upset. You looked back up at him and gave him a shy smile
“you’ve slept with him?” he asked with wide eyes, just a little too loudly “you! You cuddled with him?” he asked slightly quieter
“you make it sound like we had sex or something!” you accused “I just fell asleep and so did he… and It happened to be on his bed… and I just so happened to wake up with his arms on me.” you explained. You sighed and then thought to yourself, why am I explaining? “I can’t help what I do in my sleep!”
He sighed and then put a hand on his hip. “why do I feel like…. You know what, never mind.”
You raised your eyebrow and chuckled at Chanyeol’s defeated attitude. You turned towards Baekhyun and gave him a look of speculation “what happens to those who take his chocolate?”
Baekhyun laughed and then focused as if he were trying to not laugh, but take what he was about to say seriously. “Tao woke up in a casket in the woods” Baekhyun broke his silence with hysterical laughter, but you were shocked and concerned “chan- chan-“ he tried to start but was too winded by his laughter “Chanyeol was tapped to a chair and forced to watch porn for 24 hours”
You burst out in laughter and gave Chanyeol a surprised look. Your mouth was dropped open and your eyes, your sure were as wide as saucers. The poor boy looked horrified and turned away from the two of you. He was obviously embarrassed about Baekhyun exposing his punishment. You felt bad for him but not bad enough to prevent yourself from giving him a hard time about it.
“wow. 24 hours in a chair! You must have been really… stiff afterwards..” you joked
Chanyeol groaned and covered his face with his hands. Baekhyun laughed and raised his hand to you for a high-five. You obliged him in returning his high-five and you smacked Chanyeol on his arm.
“it must have been really… hard for you!” Baekhyun continued
Chanyeol grunted and gave Baekhyun a fake smile “fine! The two of you go get the chocolate. But don’t come crying to me when Hyung hangs you from a tree by your toes!”
Baekhyun chuckled and faced you, giving you a look of anticipation. You returned his look with a smile. You were sure that if you were to take some chocolate that was suho’s, he would be okay with it. You weren’t concerned that you would have a horror story like Tao or Chanyeol, if you used some of his chocolate sparingly.
Baekhyun gestured with his hand to follow him and you followed behind him quickly.  The two of you chuckled quietly as you made your way through the house. You twirled a piece of your hair around your finger nervously and made your steps lighter as you got closer and closer to his room.
The two of you stopped in front of his door and you looked up at Baekhyun who was smiling devilishly down at you. You were more scared and nervous now that you were right in front of his door and had some second thoughts about the whole thing. You had no idea where suho was but knowing that there were so many people in this house who could rat you out at any moment put more pressure on your shoulders.
“okay! Suho Hyung is out doing inspections so he isn’t home.” Baekhyun said. You let out a sigh of relief and nodded your head in relief “I don’t know where he hid the chocolate because he always keeps it somewhere different. So you’ll have to do a little looking around, but I’ll stand watch!”
“what if someone comes?” you asked a little frightened
“if someone comes then ill speak to them really loudly so that way you’ll hear it and know to hide.”
“okay” you agreed, nodding your head.
You want a cake! You want a chocolate cake! You kept trying to tell yourself to talk yourself through the nervousness. You turned to face the door knob and you softly put your hand on it. you took a deep breath before you  turned the knob and walked inside of Suho’s room quietly.
You knew that he wasn’t in his room, but it still felt too scary to walk around casually. You looked around the room thinking about where he would have hid the chocolate. You chuckled lightly to your self and put your hands on your hips.  This whole thing seemed so stupid know. Looking for chocolate? Who the hell loves his chocolate so much that he has to hide it?
You sighed and went to Suho’s desk. You tried to open all of the drawers and found that there was nothing inside, but the bottom drawer was locked. You looked down at it suspiciously and decided to move on. Suho’s bedroom was simple so you decided to go into his closet. You opened the closet door and peeked inside.
You rummaged through all of his drawers, and looked on top of all of his shelves. Nothing.
You sighed and then thought of other places where he might keep them.  you looked up at the walls and thought a brilliant thought. Or maybe a dumb one. You wondered if there was a safe or a secret nook behind the art on the walls. You had seen it in movies and shows so you decided to give it a try. You crept over to the closest art piece and carefully took it off of the wall. You definitely found something but it wasn’t chocolate. guns and knives were displayed carefully on a rack behind the art.
“wow” you whispered to yourself, before you carefully put the art back up on the wall.
You walked over to the next painting and carefully looked behind it. nothing.
You were starting to lose hope and you thought back to the drawer that was locked at suho’s desk. You walked back over and decided to look in the desk again, but this time for a key. Please, please, please. You chanted to yourself, desperate to find something instead of returning with nothing and having to change what you were eating for dinner.
You lifted files, pens, note pads, folders, and found nothing. You let out a deep sigh and looked down at the drawer again. You really wanted the chocolate but you knew that there was no way you would get your hands on it, without picking the lock.
Your eyes widened and you smiled “y/n, you fucking genious!” you whispered to yourself.
You pulled out a paper clip and a pen and attempted to open the drawer. You fumbled around for a few minutes trying to hear the clicking noises of success. But after a few more moments, you finally heard the small click and the drawer went slightly ajar.
You immediately ripped it open and bent down to dig through the mystery drawer. You found more files and a gun, but buried beneath it all is chocolate. you placed a few pieces of the chocolate on top of the desk and put the files and gun in exactly like they were. You closed the drawer and tried to do your best to put the pin back in and lock the drawer so it looks completely unsuspecting. You were breaking a sweat with your head bowed down trying your best to finish the job as quickly as possible, when you heard someone clear their throat. You jumped, dropped the paper clip and sat up immediately to see who interrupted your thought.
You gulped and a shiver went down your back when you came face to face with Suho, looking down at you with an amused smile.
You opened your mouth to explain or say sorry but you were cut off when suho aggressively ripped his tie loose from its perfect knot around his neck. He turned towards his bathroom and took the loosened tie around his neck and peeled his jacket off quickly, before returning to the couch in his room.
He sat down and began to unbutton the first few buttons of his shirt and removed the cuff-links from his sleeves. “now… do you care to explain why you are digging through my things?” he asked you
You slowly made your way around his desk and moved towards the couch, standing in front of him. You looked up at him and could tell that he was in no mood for chit chat or games. You knew that it probably wasn’t a good time to act cute, seeing how he viciously was ripping off his restraining clothes.
“i’m sorry” you said quietly
“sorry?” suho said to you with a cheeky smile “there’s nothing to be sorry about. But in return what will do you for me?” he asked
“what?” you asked confused
Suho chuckled to himself “well seeing that you intended on taking something from me I think its only fair that you do something for me in return.”
You thought about it for a second and it seemed fair. You let out a sigh of relief and let a small smile crack. “that’s fair!” you said and thought about what you could do for him in return “I’m not much use though so unless you want me to bake something for you I can’t really do much”
Suho stopped what he was doing and looked up at you through his lashes with a smile “No, no I don’t need you to bake for me. instead I’m thinking of you doing something that we’ll both enjoy.”
You raised your eyebrows and gave him a look of interest. “okay, what is it?”
Suho stood up and gave you a serious look “I want you…” he took a step closer and looked down your frame before looking back up in your eyes “to take off your clothes and lie down on the bed”
@kpop---scenarios @lovely-kpopp-blog @mrbeanknows
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dreamingofka1 · 5 years
02 - Suho
Suho poured more water onto the burning coal. It sizzled and produced a welcoming steam that clouded the room. He sat at the bench and allowed his bare muscles to relax from the tension and pain they had experienced. The exercises the guards put him through were becoming much more involved with every member that failed their simulation.
Instinctively, he passed a hand over his neck and found no collar attached to it. He enjoyed these few moments in which he was somewhat free. Without it, he knew he could use his powers but the guards were all too prepared. They forced him to consume some neutralizer before entering the sauna. Regardless, the less shackles that were on him the better.
But what would become of them when the last of them fails? What knowledge were the assistants and the Visitor after? Was it their powers? What fueled them or how they came to obtain them? Or were they actually cloning them? And if they were, for what? Where were their clones be unleased? These thoughts raced within his head.
He had felt so clueless and helpless. Three of the members were gone; failed long before him and were removed from this facility. The three who failed after him all looked to him for guidance. From their visits, their memories painted him as a leader that could motivate them and provide them with strength. But what could he do when he could not induce such feelings in himself? He was no leader. Their hope in him was misplaced but he could not bring himself to tell them.
The steam dissipated as the door to the room opened. Pulled from his thoughts he was greeted to the sight of Kai. Kai nodded and sauntered over to the coal. Unlike Suho who only donned a towel around his waist, Kai wore a bathrobe. Even after all the time they were allowed to spend together he had yet to feel comfortable.
“Chanyeol lost his match.” Kai sat next to him and rested his arms on his legs. He let his head drop to face the floor. Without the collars and with the steam covered them in a thick blanket of obscurity, they hoped it was enough to keep their conversations away from those who may be hearing.
“Already?” Suho asked. A tinge of fear began to creep up inside of him.
“Mm,” Kai softly agreed.
Suho let the silence between the two of them drag out. Fear and uncertainty filled the space between them. Suho felt a heavy weight begin to press down on his chest. It was nearly suffocating. The last member would begin his matches soon. If he couldn’t think of any sort of plan to get them out or attempt to free them, then he would be a failure in their eyes.
He inhaled deeply in the hopes it would loosen the tension. “We still have time to think of something.” The words the left his mouth felt empty and did nothing to comfort him or Kai.
In silence, Suho let his mind wonder. What were the commonalities across their experiences? Each simulation was different but the room they were taken to, the machinery they hooked them up to, and the red serum used to induce the simulation. The red serum.
The more he thought about the substance, a clearer picture began to form in his head. That was the essential part of the whole operation the assistants and the Visitor were running. Without it, they would be unable to collect the data they needed from them.
“The red serum,” he stated, the excitement in his voice startled Kai who turned to look up at him. His intense gaze twisted into confusion.
“It’s what they use on us, right? And what happens when we would win our matches?”
Kai’s brow rose pensively. “Our clones fade into red smoke.”
“And why do you think that is?” Suho asked not just Kai but himself. There was no answer from Kai who continued to watch him. “We’re expelling it from our system. Think about it, when each of us lost our matches we never got to experience anything remotely similar to that. We all woke up immediately after.”
Kai nodded slowly, an expression of understanding began to cross his face “Does that mean it’s still in us,” he asked and rose to face Suho.
“It must be,” Suho answered. It would explain the shorter periods of sleep they were given. How they were all forced into the sauna after their trainings. Surely it couldn’t have remained within him all this time, but what if it had. What if the others all still had it within their systems as well? His mind raced with endless possibilities. There was a swelling in his chest but this time it wasn’t fear. For the first time, in a long time, Suho began to feel hopeful.
“I think I have a plan,” he finally said and allowed himself to smile.
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idkyeol · 8 years
Dating Apps are Lame 3 (Suho)
Word count: 1k
The whole night after the concert was a blur. Junmyeon never let you out of his sight and the other boys were dying. They kept going on and on about how cute you guys were. After leaving the venue, you check your phone expecting a ton of texts from Nori. You had none so you put your phone away to focus on Junmyeon. The boys invited you to dinner and you agreed. They explained that they had the next week off and wanted you to show them around LA. During dinner you all talked about what they wanted to see and what they could do. Junmyeon reaches for your hand upset the table and interlocks his fingers with yours. You blush and he smiles. Once dinner is done, the boys drive you home. Junmyeon walks you to the door. “So do I get to see you tomorrow?” He asks with a smile. You laugh at him. “Of course. I just have to go to work and then I’m all yours.” He stares for a minute, then his eyes quickly drop from your eyes to your lips and back up. He leans in slowly and as soon as his lips hit yours you hear someone scream. “WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!” You both stop and turn. Nori is standing there in shock. You push her inside and kiss Junmyeon again. “See you tomorrow!” He says with a wink.
Once inside Nori is instantly on you. “Your mystery dude is Suho!!” You laugh. “Well not really. I didn’t know who he was at first.” She slaps your arm “WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME!!” She slaps you again. “Nor! I wanted to make sure he was really first.” She starts giggling and wants all the details. “And yes, you can meet them.” You say as she squeals. You spend as much time as possible with the boys over the next few days. You had grown close to all of them.
The morning of their 4th day in town you go into work prepared to ask for the week off. Your boss was more than happy to let you but before you could leave she brought up a promotion. “You would be moving to another country to starts an office there. We’ve narrowed it down to Singapore and South Korea. You’ll be visiting both for 2 weeks at a time starting next week.” You thanked her and left. Still in shock in text Kyungsoo.
You: you won’t believe what just happened. Ksoo: Try me. You: an opportunity at work to move to South Korea came up. Ksoo: NO WAY! You: keep it to yourself!
You were still in shock when you met up with the boys. You explained that Nori would be joining the group during dinner. “She is kind of a fan girl.” They all laugh and Baekhyun speaks up. “Then how did you know who we were.” You laugh. “I knew who EXO was I just didn’t know your names.” The first part of the day is amazing. You guys go shopping and just check out LA. When the boys run into fans, you pretend to be the tour guide and take pictures for the fans. Everyone has been really polite and it’s going great. Once the sun starts to set you make your way home to get ready for dinner with Junmyeon, Chanyeol, and Jongdae. The other boys went to the hotel to get ready. When you get there, Nori is waiting. As soon as she sees the boys she turns red. You’re worried at first but realize it’s because Chen is her bias. “You okay there, Nors? Your face is red.” She turns around and runs to your room. All the boys laugh. “Jongdae, you’re her bias.” He smiles. “She’s cute. Maybe she’ll Like Jongdae as much as she likes chen.” He shoots you a wink and you gag. Once you finally get Nori out of the room, you all make it to the restaurant. Before you can sit down with everyone, junmyeon pulls you aside. “I really want some alone time.” He mumbles out with a shy smile. You giggle and he looks up at you. “Okay. Let’s go.” You sneak out of the restaurant and back to your car. You decide to text Nori and tell her.
You: I’m sorry Nor, we’re bailing. Nori: I had a feeling. I put blankets in the car because I have a feeling I know where you’re taking him. You: Thank you Nori! I love you. Nori: No, thank you! I’m eating dinner with my favorite band.
You get in the car and smile at Junmyeon. “We’re good! Where would you like to go?” He grabs your hand and links your fingers with his. “Anywhere as long as you’re there.” Once you get to the car, he opens the door for you and off you go. You decided to take him to your favorite place in the whole city. It was a small private beach that very rarely had people. You park and grab the blankets. He raises an eyebrow. “You came prepared?” You laugh. “Nori put them in. She knows me well.” He giggles and you walk toward the beach. Once the blankets are laid out you both sit. The sun has begun to set and you laid your head against Junmyeon’s shoulder. He held your hand as you watched the sun set. You wanted to tell Junmyeon about your trip. He would be leaving in a couple days. “Jun? I have something to tell you.” He hums in reply. “So I’m being transferred for work. I have to visit to cities and then I get to pick.” He smiles. “That’s so exciting! What cities?” You hesitate. “Singapore and Seoul.” He visibly stiffens and then smiles. “Wait! Seriously?!” You were not expecting that reaction. “Yes. I’ll be going to Seoul next week.” He jumps up from sitting to his knees and grabs your face. You look at him shocked. “You don’t understand how happy I am. I was so scared to leave, not knowing when I’d see you again and I couldn’t deal with not seeing the woman I love.” Before you could react his lips were on yours. He pulls away and you whisper “love?” He giggles and presses his forehead to yours. He nods and you respond. “I love you, Junmyeon.”
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elementsoflovesaga · 5 years
사랑의 요소 (EXO) - #0 - Prologue
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“Where there is light, there must be darkness,” the evil witch cackled as the wind continued to howl over the barren wasteland that served as the aftermath of the battle that had just taken place. Scattered on the dry dirt were lifeless bodies, covered in blood and sud, drained from all life and magic they once possessed. The ground was dry and cracked, scorched and trembling with little earthquakes as the core so desperately tried to seek the balance. 
“I will not let you corrupt this world any further,” Amaré spoke firm, the tattered fabric of her dress fluttering in the wind, her piercing blue gaze locked on her wicked older sister. Up until now, she had always believed that there was still a bit of hope in her heart and she would give up on her jealous ambitions, but alas her heart had been corrupted and her soul had turned the deepest shade of black. 
“Fool!” Odité mocked her younger sister, the gem in her staff swirling with pools of black magic and pulsating with every tremor of the world beneath their feet. The ground was crumbling underneath the pressure of the dark magic that had started to consume it whole. “Look around you! God has forsaken you. Magic has forsaken you. Your guardians have forsaken you. Humanity has forsaken you. Paradise is no more.”
“Magic will always live on in the hearts of the pure, humanity will always be able to create a paradise of their own.” She continued, her hands now gathering in front of her as she summoned up a ball of bright white light. She had watched her older sister destroy all she loved and treasured and had enough. It was her duty to protect the sacred paradise the Gods had given civilization and failed due to her faith in her own flesh and blood. But in the aftermath of all that had happened, there was no other way but to stop this once and for all.  “But I will not allow you to corrupt those who only wish to be happy.”
“Resistance is futile, my dearest sister,” Odité cackled, her bony fingers hovering over the radiating orb on top of her magic staff, drawing magic to her fingertips anticipating the other’s next move. “You have lost. You have failed! It’s time to surrender.”
“I will never surrender to the darkness. I have sworn an oath to protect this world with my life and that oath I shall keep!” The light between her hands grew bigger and brighter, enveloping her with a piercing white veil, drawing in every last bit of magic and life energy that remained on this plane of existence. Her mind wandering off to her guardians, her friends, who had sacrificed so much for her sake. Guilt tearing through her heart realizing that she couldn’t protect them the way they had always done for her. Praying for their souls to help her in this last act to save what had been lost. 
“Then so it shall be” Odité’s thin lips curved into a satisfied smirk, drawing the power from her own magical source as dark shadows pulsated from her fingertips. 
As Odité flicked her staff forwards, commanding the dark magic towards her younger sister in a beam of pure black, the light that had collected from Amaré’s soul moved forward to meet the darkness and the magic collided mid-air as a pulse of invisible energy released from the impact, shaking the earth to its core. The air was thick and tense, the clouds against the grey sky darkening as electricity sparked the atmosphere. The ground continued to rumble and crumble as dark and light were at even odds. 
Odité pushed back against the light protruding from her younger sister, her magic growing more and more intense, swallowing the light magic inch by inch. Amité struggled to fight against the darkness, she had been exhausted from the battle and lost so much. Her sister’s hatred had grown far stronger than she had anticipated and it fueled her power even more. 
“Where are your Gods now, Amaré?!” Odité cackled, a victory so close she could taste it. All these years living in the shadows, watching as her younger sister was praised as if she were a God herself. Gifted with magic but none of them shared with her. Lifted on a pedestal, living in the center of paradise while Odité was left to fend for herself among the commoners. Stripped from her birthright, separated from her loved one, ridiculed. And now look where all that privilege had gotten them. The world was bending to her every command, the Gods had forsaken the people and now her sister - the undeserving younger sister was the only thing standing in her way of what should always have been her right. “Farewell, sister.”
There was just one last chance for Amaré to stop the madness, to save what was left of this world from succumbing to her sister’s corruption. The Gods hadn’t forsaken her, she believed they had faith in their chosen one. She could feel their warmth watching over her as she protected that which they had created. If she was going to die, she wasn’t going down alone. She couldn’t. “Sperolapis, soul of the Gods, heart of the living, please lend me your strength one last time.” With her final breath, she gathered all the power she had left, in her heart the memory of peaceful times, loving times, the memory of her friends and loved ones. And from her heart, another piercing white light emanated, cascading from her body onto the ground and into the sky, enveloping the world in a warmth it hadn’t felt in a long time, extending rapidly around them. “Let humanity be reborn and find paradise.” The creatures of shadows that had been feasting on the remains of the fallen kingdom evaporated as the light reached them. Fires were doused, cracks were filled, the ground stabilizing. Odité let out a piercing screech as the light burned at her skin, drawing the darkness from her veins before swallowing the world whole.
From the core of the illuminated planet, a beam reached up into the sky as the world below began to heal itself, restoring itself bit by bit. But not as the paradise it once was. The Gods were not as kind this time, humanity had caused a rift between good and evil and had shown their creators that they weren’t ready for paradise, they weren't deserving. They were too easily swayed to evil intentions such as lust, hate, jealousy. The Gods listened to the desperate pleas of their chosen one and intended to do just that. Let humanity be reborn and find paradise - only those able to resist the darkness and walk the straight and narrow path would be able to find their way to paradise once more. 
And as the world reset, as humanity was reborn, as life started anew, the beam shattered in thirteen orbs that scattered over the entire planet. 
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omyeol · 5 years
chances - 02 | kjm
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word count: 3,500+
genre: angst, fluff, but mostly angst tho. 
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If there was one decision that Minhyo regretted, it was the measly decision to move back into her apartment that hadn’t been lived in for two years. She couldn’t help but admit that at first, the thought of having the freedom of living alone was so appealing. The memory of watching TV only in her undergarments and having cooking experiments in her kitchen solidified her decision to move back into her old apartment. Intending to have her freedom of living alone back, she packed her things and called her brother to help her with the move.
What she didn’t expect, though, was to be hit by so many memories once she stepped into the quiet, dark apartment.
The empty shoe rack by the front door reminded her of how full it used to be with her shoes, and occasionally with her friends’ shoes when they came over for dinner and having drinks. Sometimes, the shoe rack would be so full that she didn’t even realize her friend borrowed one of her shoes until she got the text. Sometimes, the shoe rack wouldn’t only full of her shoes, but Junmyeon sometimes would leave one of his shoes and his precious slippers in there, and tell her to keep it when he’s away.
The kitchen reminded her of countless cooking experiments she had done by herself and full of laughter breakfast she used to have with Junmyeon. If she closed her eyes, she still could see her past-self sitting on the counter and watching him tried to man the stove. He would sprout out stories of him and the cast of whatever drama or movie he’s working on and she would smile and laugh when he got to the funny part.
Surrounded by so many memories about her past, she took off the white sheet of the armchair in the living room and sat there. Her gaze darted around the room, scanning every nook and cranny of her living room, trying to renew the picture she had inside her head. The vibrating phone in her grip turned her gaze away from the space on her bookshelf. Furrowing her eyebrows at the name flashed on her phone screen, she sighed and answered the call anyway.
“Have you finished unpacking your stuff yet?” She wasn’t surprised by the voice on the other side of the line, but it was his question that caught her by surprise. The crease on her forehead deepened as the clogs inside her brain worked hard trying to figure out how he knew about her decision to move back to her old apartment.
“Yah, you didn’t even properly greet me. Where are your manners, Kyungsoo?” The teasing tone she used was noticed by Kyungsoo, causing the man to let out a string of chuckles. “How did you even know about me moving back to my old apartment? Who told you?”
“I didn’t give my number to your sister for nothing, you know.” She let out a scoff at his short explanation. Of course, her little sister would be the one who outed her to him. “She texted me about it last night, telling me that you finally have the guts to move back after- how many months is it since you got back here in July? Three months?”
Shutting her eyes, she let out an agitated huff over the fact that her little sister may or may not be the spy all this time. She should’ve known that Kyungsoo was not that perceptive and it was In-hye who let him know when she lost her grip.
“What’s in it for her? To be your spy for how long is it, three years?” she pondered out loud, leaning back on her seat and staring far out the window.
Kyungsoo laughed from the other line like it was such an amusing thing to hear. “Well, I bought her chicken occasionally, and once I gave her a concert ticket.” Minhyo rolled her eyes and shook her head in pure disbelief. With bribes like that, of course, In-hye would be willing to be his spy. “You know, she just wants to look out for you. We all do.”
“Yeah, I know,” she breathed out and darted her gaze away from the window that overlooked the Han river to her lap, where her finger was busy twiddling a loose thread of her jeans. Kyungsoo didn’t say anything for a moment, giving her time to process the news and to make sense of it. Knowing her since the time where they both would stay up all night running their lines to each other and pig out on junk food, he knew that when dumped by something new that had anything to do with her, it was best to give her a moment or so to make sense of it, instead of talking about it immediately.
“So, how is it? Is it weird to be there after such a long time?” Kyungsoo finally asked after a moment. Minhyo chuckled softly and looked up, darting her gaze around the room to get a feel of it again after a long time. The last time she was in that room, sitting on that exact chair, she was crying her eyes out and pressing her hand to her chest as if the ache in her heart would stop. Looking back to that moment, this time she was in a different place.
“It’s weird, yeah,” she agreed. “But it’s a good weird, I guess. I’ll probably need some getting used to living here again after a while. By the way, how are you, though? I haven’t heard from you in a while.”
“Well, just the usual. You know how it is this time of the month with Christmas approaching and all.” It sounded vague as hell, but she thought that was how Kyungsoo always had been with his work. “Look, I’d love to talk some more, but I need to go now. Would it be fine if I swing by your place sometime this week?”
“Yeah, yeah, sure, it’d be fine. Don’t worry,” she rushed, not wanting to keep him too long. “Talk to you later, Soo-yah.”
Minhyo was, once again, wrapped up in the silence as she hung up the phone. Glancing in her wristwatch, she made up her mind to start taking all the white sheets off of the furniture. With her mask on and a random playlist playing from the Bluetooth speaker connected to her phone, she got to work.
Cleaning and tidying up the place until it looked homey and comfy enough to her liking kept her mind busy and off of the sense of weirdness that kept nudging inside herself. She forced herself to push the negative thoughts away from her brain as she moved to her bedroom, her eyes darting around her desk—where there used to be scripts and notebooks sprawled carelessly on it. Now the desk was empty, except an empty pencil holder and a stand-up 2017 calendar on it. With a sigh, she turned around and decided to check her dresser, where she still left a few pieces of her clothing in it—the clothes that had too many memories she couldn’t bring it with herself.
Sitting inside her dresser was a jeans jacket and a few other old clothes that looked oddly familiar. They weren’t her clothes, though, she knew that much. She could perfectly remember that she brought everything that she needed from her dresser—she even made In-hye helped her to do that.
With curiosity brewing inside her brain, she closed her dresser and walked out of her room to grab her phone from the kitchen counter. Ignoring the familiar ballad blasting softly from the speaker, she clicked on the messaging app and tapped on Kyungsoo’s name.
Minhyo [17: 46]: Do you know if In-hye still likes to visit my old apartment?
For someone who claimed that he had things to do and place to go, he replied rather fast, but too fast for her liking.
Kyungsoo [17: 48]: I don’t think so. I thought she doesn’t know your passcode?
Minhyo [17: 49]: Well then who left all these clothes inside my dresser?
Minhyo walked back to her room and opened her dresser again only to take a few pictures of the clothes to send it all to Kyungsoo. She didn’t know what she was expecting, but his answer was something that she would never expect ever coming out of anyone’s mouth—or in this case via message.
Kyungsoo [17: 51]: It seems like Junmyeon-hyung’s clothes?
Kyungsoo [17: 52]: He’s the only one who knows the passcode to your apartment, and you never bothered to change the passcode.
That was why those clothes looked familiar.
Racking through her mind, she remembered that there was the jacket he wore the last time she saw him. A bittersweet smile spread out on her face, reminiscing to the memories of her trying to trick him into leaving his jacket with her. It led to many playful fights, though—from him telling her that it was his favorite jacket and he’d like it to wear when he’s overseas for vacation and her telling him that she looked better in it than he was (just to rile him up and see him pout).
Shaking her head slightly to steer clear from the memories, she put the jacket back into its previous place and continued with the unpacking. Thinking about Junmyeon and how she would deal with him when the time ever came was not the right thing to do at the moment.
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“You’re unbelievable.” Minhyo looked up from the script she was reading in her desk and spun her chair around to face her boyfriend who was still lazily lounging around in bed.
“What did I do?” She asked, furrowing her eyebrows in pure confusion because she didn’t know what she did this time. It had only been two hours since she woke up and she hadn’t done anything other than making a cup of coffee and skimming through her drama script.
Junmyeon, being the dramatic man he could be sometimes, rolled out of the bed and approached her with bare feet, his slippers lying haphazardly on the floor. With a huff, he easily tugged her to her feet, causing her to let out a surprised yelp and hugged her close to his chest. Minhyo casually hugged him back and nuzzled her face to the side of his neck.
“What is it?” she prompted once again.
“You’re wearing my t-shirt,” he mumbled, nuzzling his nose to the side of her head. “It’s too early to see you wearing my shirt.” She let out a chuckle at his reason. She didn’t even realize that she was wearing his shirt. Their clothes must be mixed when she did laundry the other day.
“I didn’t even know. I just grabbed the first thing I saw in the dresser last night.” Junmyeon let out a hum at her answer. “Do you want me to change it, then?” There was a hint of tease in her words. She already knew the answer, but she just wanted to hear it herself.
“Don’t. I like it when you wear my shirt.” Junmyeon squeezed her in his hold.
They stayed hugging in the middle of the room like that for a while. The room was pretty dark since the curtains were still shielding them from the sunlight and the light from the lamp desk wasn’t even enough to light up the whole room. It felt nice to stay together like that before they faced the day waiting for them; before they went back to being ‘only friends’ in front of the public.
At some point, Junmyeon pulled back from the hug slightly to press a few kisses on Minhyo’s forehead and nuzzle his nose on hers, the action eliciting a string of giggles from her.
“It tickles,” she whined, turning her head away and leaning it on his shoulder. Junmyeon only chuckled, the sound prompting her heart to beat faster.
“Good morning, babe,” he whispered, pressing another kiss on her cheek.
“Morning,” she whispered back. “What’s your schedule today?”
“Practice for the musical,” he answered without missing a beat. “We’ll start early so I won’t be home too late, I guess.” Minhyo only nodded, brain already working to come up with food to make for dinner with him later.
“Okay. I think I’ll be home all day or I’ll go to get the groceries later.” They both finally pulled away from each other, but not without Minhyo leaning to press a kiss on his cheek. “Should we have breakfast?”
“Sure, let me wash up first.” Minhyo didn’t even bother pushing back the curtains to let the sunlight in. Instead, she left the bedroom right away and turned on the lights in the living room and the kitchen as she walked.
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In the morning, she woke up with aching muscles and dull throbbing in her head. It was expected, though, from how long she kept tossing and turning in her too-large bed for hours until she fell asleep to the soft melody of sleeping playlist she put on from her phone. It seemed like her body was still trying to get used to the bed and the room after not being on it for so long. Also, the fact that she was sleeping alone and couldn’t run off to her sister’s room couldn’t help her situation, too.
Two things that kept herself from sleeping were the jacket in the dresser, and how entirely different it was the last time she slept there.
Every time she closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep, the images of her last night on this bed crossed her mind. Of her wrapped up in Junmyeon’s arms with tears streaked cheeks and puffy eyes from crying nonstop for a while. Of her snuggling deeper into his chest with his arms wrapped around protectively as if he was trying to protect her from anything bad in this world even though he knew he was too late for that. Of them trying to savor as much time as they could with each other before they went their separate ways.
She couldn’t stop thinking of the last memories she had of this bed, it took her quite a while to fall asleep. She didn’t remember when the memories stopped clouding her brain and when she fell asleep, but she guessed she didn’t even get more than five hours of sleep. The headache was enough proof of that.
Heaving a sigh, she rolled out of the bed and walked out of her bedroom to the kitchen, not before snatching her phone from the bedside table, though. For the first time in so long, she pulled back the curtains in the living room, letting the sunlight bathe her place in bright light. Goosebumps raked through her body at the view and at how naked she felt as if people could see her from the outside. The rational part of her brain reminded her, though, that no one could see her from the outside, not with those glasses and not when her place was high up on the 10th floor.
Shaking her head before she could change her mind again, she decided to focus on making herself breakfast with few ingredients she brought the day before. It was nothing more than a simple bread with cream cheese filling, some yogurt, and a cup of tea, but that should be enough. After all, she had already planned to do some grocery shopping later.
The loud ping coming from her phone tempted her to check her phone. In the chatting app, there were almost fifty notifications that came from her friends’ group chat. Scrolling through Sehun and Chanyeol’s game-related squabble, she only started reading from when her name was brought into the conversation.
Sehun [23:44] : Minhyo-noona, welcome back~ o(^▽^)o
Chanyeol [23:46]: ?????
Sehun [23:46]: Did you not know? She’s back in Seoul tonight (✿╹◡╹)
Chanyeol [23:47]: Waahhh, welcome back, noona!! ♡♡♡
Bomi [23:52]: Enough with the emoticons, Sehun-ah. You’re going to scare Minhyo-unnie away
Bomi [23:52]: But anyway, welcome back, unnie! Now I don’t have to drive 2 hours to see you~
Sehun [23:55]: (つ﹏<。)
Kyungsoo [00:07]: Welcome back, noona!
Junmyeon [02:33]: Welcome back, Minhyo! Sleep well…
Looking at the last message sent by Junmyeon, she let out the breath she didn’t know she was holding. There was a small part inside her brain that told her how things would be so different if it wasn’t over between her and Junmyeon, how the others would easily tease you both, and how relentless Sehun’s teasing would be. Her stomach churned at the realization that she did it, that it was her fault for ruining the group’s dynamic.
Minhyo [08:58]: Thank you everyone~~ ♡♡♡
That was all she could send to the group chat. A part of her heart told her to ask if everyone was available to get together and have some dinner together, but another part of her heart was quick to shoot down the idea and was more aware that her heart wasn’t ready yet. She knew that it was impossible to invite everyone to have dinner and expect Junmyeon to not come. It would be cruel if she excluded Junmyeon out of this. Besides, they had promised each other that whatever happened between them wouldn’t change things with their group of friends.
Heaving a sigh, she locked her phone and decided to just finish her breakfast in silence. Although the silence made her cringe and more aware of her loud thoughts, she held through it. She bore it until she couldn’t anymore and drowned those thoughts by connecting her phone to the speaker set up in her room and playing a playlist set up specifically to clear her mind. It was bad to lay down after having a meal, she knew that, but it wasn’t like she had anything else to do.
Rolling around on her bed until she was so bored of it that she kept changing the songs, she decided to face the things in her closet that troubled her the previous day. Her steps were surprisingly light as if it reassured her that it would be fine. When in fact, the moment she opened her closet and her eyes zeroed on his clothes, her heart clenched painfully.
As if she was moving on instinct, she reached out to the first clothing she could reach. It was a two-tone green and brown sweater that she liked so much. The first time she saw Junmyeon wearing that sweater was during the first month of them dating and she remembered how it was the first time she hugged him so long because she couldn’t get over how warm he felt and how comfortable it was to be in his arms.
The sweater still felt as soft as it was that night in her hands. It felt like it hadn’t been worn again after she left like it was meant to be only in her closet and not worn again.
“It’s unfair how my clothes always look ten times better when you wear it.”
Still holding the sweater in her hand, she went to grab her phone from when she left it on her bed. She paused the song that was playing and opened the camera app, walking back to the closet where Junmyeon’s other clothes were stored in its little corner.
It was impulsive; the picture of the clothes she took and the message she sent. She didn’t even have time to think about it because the next thing she knew, the message was already delivered and not even five minutes later, she could see the bubble of little dots on the bottom left of the screen.
Minhyo [09:56]: [picture attached]
Minhyo [09:56]: I didn’t know you left these…
Junmyeon [10:00]: Do you want me to take them back?
Did she want him to take them back with him and leave that little corner in her closet empty like the one in her heart? Was she ready for that?
Minhyo [10:02]: It’s fine… you don’t have to do that.
Hurriedly, she closed the messaging app, along with her closet too, and decided to lay around on her bed once more. Only this time, she didn’t only keep herself occupied with the music playing from the speaker, but also the pictures in her phone gallery that she scrolled through. She kept scrolling through all those pictures and only stopped when it was noon already and the pictures she saw were mostly of her and Junmyeon or Junmyeon alone—it was the pictures she took candidly when she felt like it.
It was the sound of her stomach rumbling that what made her get out of the bed and the apartment wearing the first clothing she saw—which was Junmyeon’s sweater she was holding before. She didn’t even think much of it until she saw her reflection on her car’s window, thinking that Junmyeon was right. Maybe his clothes really looked ten times better on her.
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You’d like an exo one shot?
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thinkyoureholy · 6 years
The Game Played Right [11; End]
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a/n : hhhhh this is it y’all...I want to thank all of you for giving this series love like I was overwhelmed with the amount of love and support I got for this series I never really expected it. I want to thank the anon that requested this in the first place, I hope you liked it even a little it was so fun to write.
Pairing : Kim Junmyeon / Reader
Genre : Angst, Smut, Fluff, CEO!AU
Words : 1.7k
Pt 1. Pt 2. Pt 3. Pt 4. Pt 5. Pt 6. Pt 7. Pt 8. Pt 9. Pt 10. Pt 11.
-Junmyeon’s P.O.V-
I stood before the auditorium full of shareholders and directors alike, spotting my father sitting in the front row along with Sooyeon. I had no idea why he would bring her along but knowing her she probably begged to come along in hopes that I’d reconsider and beg for her to marry me to save the company. What she didn’t know about me is that if I say I’m going to do something then I stick by it no matter what. Especially with something this big. No matter how my life turned out after this moment there was no way in hell I’d ever regret this decision.
“Hello and thank you all for coming to this very important meeting. I know it was very last minute so I’m grateful you all decided to take some time out of your busy schedules to attend. I called you all here to share some very important news that will affect the company. Though I had hoped it wouldn’t come down to this I was left with no other choice.” I paused to take a deep breath, my eyes scanning the room before meeting a pair of eyes I have grown to love unconditionally. She gave me an encouraging smile, before nodding her head. I sighed heavily before continuing, “I have decided to step down from my position as the company’s CEO. I will no longer have anything to do with Noor.”
“What the hell are you talking about? You’re the CEO you can’t just quit!” A man yelled in outrage from his seat, others joining him.
The auditorium was filled with their malicious comments, my thoughts barely loud enough for me to hear. I knew there was going to be some backlash but I didn’t expect it to be this bad, most of them didn’t even like me in the first place. I had thought they’d all be glad to see me go but I guess they’re as two faced as always. Any time the company faced problems I was always the one that took the blame but now that the company is doing better they’re afraid that if I leave everything would go to shit once again.
“I’m not quitting.” I said in a stern voice, annoyed with their fake concern, “I was pushed out. I never thought I’d be leaving the company either but I was given no other choice. I wasn’t going to be treated like a puppet anymore and have my life become my father’s play thing.”
That was the last I said before bowing deeply to the crowd. I turned on my heel and walked off the stage, ignoring the shouts coming from them. Once outside I let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding, feeling a hand wrap around my wrist gently. I raised my head to meet Y/N’s warm gaze, the corners of her lips raising up the slightest bit. I gave her a small smile, pulling her towards me but before I could wrap her up in a hug the doors burst open again. My father stormed out of the auditorium with Sooyeon hot on his tail. I could tell this had gone further than she had anticipated by the look in her eyes. My father said nothing as he took a step closer to me, slapping me hard across the face. I heard both Sooyeon and Y/N gasp at the sight, the sound bouncing off the walls as my head turned to left at the force behind the slap. I felt Y/N try to take a step forward but I held onto her hand tightly, moving her to stand behind me. I didn’t want my father to set his sights on her. If he was angry than he should let his anger out on me and not Y/N. Knowing my father he’d have no problem going after her but I wasn’t going to let that happen any time soon.
I ground my teeth together, setting my jaw as I raised my head to look at him and opened my mouth to say something. Before I could he slapped me across the face for the second time, this time even harder than the first. I could see him raise his hand once more but saw Y/N reach out to grab his wrist in her hand tightly.
“Stop it...please.” Y/N all but pleaded with him, her voice breaking slightly.
My father just broke out of her grasp, taking a step towards her but I blocked his path. I hid Y/N behind me, my eyes meeting his as I felt my own anger rising.
“If you're going to let out your anger, let it out on me but don't you dare lay a hand-”
“Finish that sentence boy and I swear-” He cut me off but found himself unable to finish his own sentence.
He sighed heavily, “I've let you do whatever the hell you've wanted for the past twenty-seven years of your life but this is one thing I won't let you do. Are you really going to give up everything that makes you who you are for some slut like her?”
I took a step towards him at hearing him call her like that but Y/N held onto me tightly, keeping me in place. Instead I used my words, “I’ve told you before, I don’t need any of the things that supposedly make me who I am because they’re useless to me. Those things don’t make up who I am. I am not you. Unlike you if I had to choose between money and Y/N then my answer is obvious. Whether you accept my decision or not I don’t fucking care but you’re going to have to deal with it”
That was the last I said before turning my back on the old man for the last time, dragging Y/N along with me.
-Y/N’s P.O.V-
Junmyeon said nothing the whole drive back to my place, his hands gripping the steering wheel to the point his knuckles had gone white. As much as I wanted to say something I kept my mouth shut, waiting for him to calm down enough to talk. Though when he opened his mouth I was shocked to hear the words that fell from his mouth.
“I love you.”
I turned to look at him wide eyed, confused as to where this sudden confession of love came from. I could tell he was still livid but all he could say was that he loved me? I was confused to say the least. I had expected him to start cursing or rant about his father and how unfair he was being towards his only son but no...I get an I love you instead. Though I was confused with his words I couldn’t help but let a breathy laugh fall from my lips.
“Seriously? You just got slapped across the face twice...and that’s all you can think to say?”
Junmyeon cracked the smallest of smiles, glancing at me quickly before returning his gaze to the road, “I just had to say it that’s all.”
“As much as I love hearing those words I can’t help but be confused over hearing that come out of your mouth at a time like this. Come on, let everything out. I know you’re dying to.”
He simply shook his head at me, reaching over to grab my hand in his tightly, “What happened happened. Me ranting about it isn’t going to change anything and quite frankly I don’t want anything to change. I don’t regret letting go of everything. None of that ever mattered to me if you weren’t by my side.”
“I’m trying really hard not to cringe at your words but you’re just getting cheesier and cheesier.” I said jokingly, trying to get him to laugh.
I succeeded, happy to hear that laugh I adored. He lowered his head for a split second before raising it, focusing on the road. It got quiet after that as I took the time to stare at his face. I frowned at seeing the big angry red mark on his cheek, noticing how swollen is had gotten. I reached out to gingerly brush my fingers against the skin, the frown on my face deepening at the way he flinched at my touch. I sighed heavily, resting my arm on his shoulder as my fingers played with the hair on the nape of his neck.
“You have no idea how much I wanted to sucker punch that old man for even laying a finger on you.”
He chuckled at my words before he pulled over, parking the car as he turned in his seat to face me properly, “I’m fine, just another battle scar.”
I rolled my eyes at his words. Silence settled over us as we stared into each other’s eyes. Looking into his eyes I was reminded of everything we had been through. In such a small amount of time we had been through more than some people go through in a lifetime. Those same eyes I was staring into now caused me so much pain, so much heartbreak but they were the same eyes that taught me how to love. Sure I had been in love before but it was nothing compared to this. The love I felt when looking at his was like nothing I had ever experienced before. As cheesy as that sounds I felt like I finally found my true love with him, my soulmate. Everything we went through, all the trials and tribulations really made our love stronger. As I looked into his eyes I finally realized that all the tears, the fights, the harsh words exchanged, everything was all worth it.
“I love you.” I said softly after awhile of just staring into each other’s eyes.
Junmyeon grinned at hearing those words, reaching over to cup the side of my face in his hand gently as he leaned forward. He lips pressed against mine in a soft kiss. This kiss wasn’t rushed or lustful but full of love. I could feel the love he had for me in that one kiss, my heart rate skyrocketing at the feeling.
“I love you too...so so so much.” He said in a low voice, resting his forehead against mine before planting a fleeting kiss on my cheek.
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playboyseho · 6 years
It’s 3:00 AM. Junmyeon can’t sleep. He always thinks too much at this point of the night. His mind can’t rest long enough for him to actually sleep. He’s always up just thinking about anyone or anything, sometimes just little random visions in his head. He always daydreams during the night.
He always came to the same thought at some point though. The same thing that usually conquered the chaos that rambled about in his mind. Of course it was Sehun. Why won’t it be? He never leaves his thoughts anyway. It only makes sense for it all to start and end with him. It always started and ended with him.
Sehun was away sent away for something recently, leaving Junmyeon to lay in bed alone and cold with a tight chest and heavy heart. His eyes stinged and his mind only ran around more now without him in the bed. Sehun always calmed him down enough to sleep, enough so he could rest and be relieved from the held in anxiety that he always pulsed inside himself throughout the day. The nervousness that he alway hid with a fake smile and an overly acted laugh seemed to melt away once he was completely alone with the younger boy, like he finally comfortable enough to not fear rejection and judgement from the camera constantly around him. He could exhale again with Sehun near him, and that was more of a gift than the privilege of privacy.
Junmyeon laid in the bed, staring at nothing in particular. His hair was still damp from the shower, the long end tips reaching to the back of his neck. They left a cool feeling on his skin, just like the room itself. The other members turned the A/C up a great deal from the intense humidity outside. None of them could ever sleep when it was too hot. Sehun was the opposite, finding it unbearable to sleep when it was too cold. Junmyeon felt as if he could never sleep either way.
He took a few deep breath, enough to constrict the muscles in his neck when his chest slowly fell up and down. He always held in the last bit of his exhale, finding himself subconsciously suffocating him before letting go. He viewed himself doing that with a lot of things in life overall, but he didn’t want to think about that now.
He laid in the dark with the door fully closed. The only light was the changing screen savers on the TV across the room from him and the only sound was of the waves on the other side of the outer wall, mixed in with the harsh air conditioning. Junmyeon thinks of the boat trip he took years ago whenever he hears moving water, making him recall the sound of the boat ripping through the waves as it raced off. He thought of Sehun beside him during that trip and how he looked so young back then. He remembered thinking that he looked more mature back then, in that moment. But now the bags under his eyes were darker and the lines around his mouth deepen. Junmyeon only notice this because he saw it in his own face too. They were both growing old, he guess. Growing old together, like he always wanted.
Finally Junmyeon couldn’t handle the noiseless ringing inside his head anymore and reached for his phone underneath his pillow. He took it off the charger and searched for the dialing number. He put it on speaker, praying for an answer.
“I can’t sleep.”
Sehun actually laughed at him. The irony is unbelievable. Sehun could never sleep alone, and since Junmyeon was his favorite sleeping buddy, he would always get mad at him when he went away on an overnight trip. He would wine, saying that he was leaving him all alone to suffer. Junmyeon would only giggle and tell him to not be so dramatic, but he was secretly touched with the claim. He liked the idea of Sehun missing him, almost like how he was missing the younger boy now.
“Now you know how I feel. I just woke up a little while ago, and I didn’t sleep well alone.”
“Without me?”
“Of course. Who else am I going to sleep with?”
Junmyeon smiled at that. He felt special, like he was actually one of kind to him. He knew that wasn’t entirely the case, but it was late and he was lonely, so he could trick himself into believing it for now, even if he would hate the realization the morning after.
“I’m cold.”
“It’s hot over here. I’m actually wearing shorts right now. In the middle of winter.”
“Must be nice.”
“It is.”
There was a long pause between them. Junmyeon could still hear Sehun’s movements through the phone. Weird taps and random clucky shuffles that he couldn’t make out how they were made or why but he didn’t care. Sehun was here, even though he really wasn’t. Junmyeon was still cold without him here, longing for more than his voice.
“I miss you...”
There was another short pause before his voice dropped lower and deeper. Junmyeon could feel the lightest hint of hot breath of him face when he speaks.
“I miss you too.”
“Sing to me.”
Sehun chuckles at the request. It wasn’t random or odd. They usually do sing to each other sometimes, more from him than the other. Junmyeon really liked Sehun’s voice. It was a deep tener with a edgy accent to it. It was sweet sounding to him, and he just wanted to pretend Sehun was actually near him. He wanted the feeling in his chest to at least ease, if not dissolve completely.
“What do you want to hear?”
“Anything. Korean, English. I don’t care.” He tells him. “Just sing to me till I fall asleep. Please?”
Sehun lightly snickers again before a moment of thought. Then he starts humming a tune Junmyeon doesn’t entirely recognize but he doesn’t care at this point. He closes his eyes and lets Sehun’s words left him up and stimulate him into peace. His mind is at ease and focused now, mainly on remembering and trying to feel how it normally feels to have long and strong arms around his waist and torso. They usually wrap him up from behind, usually while he’s on his side. He breaths softer now. He feels warm again.
He doesn’t recall Sehun hanging up the phone call. He just wakes up to his phone completely dead.
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purplefxsh-blog · 6 years
sulay (or layho) fanfic
i wrote an angsty piece of trash, and i would appreciate it if you read it; here's the link -
✨https://archiveofourown.org/works/17512241 ✨
it's a 35,250 word one shot, so I'm sorry if you lose the track of your reading point 😭
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