#sumeru act iii
silversnowblossom · 2 years
Excerpted from Act III: Dreams, Emptiness, Deception:
Alhaitham: After all, the promised reward was so great that hardly any scholar could have refused. The sage told me, "Once you've completed this assignment, I can give you a glimpse of divine knowledge."
Cyno: A most enticing offer.
Alhaitham: Unfortunately, those academics don't know me at all.
Alhaitham: Their words contained one key piece of information, namely that "Divine Knowledge" indeed exists. That gave me all I needed to know.
Alhaitham: From my perspective, the sages are far from trustworthy. Think about it: Isn't it a little strange that they're so willing to share Divine Knowledge with anyone, even as a reward?
Alhaitham: So, I began my own investigation following the lead of the Divine Knowledge Capsule. In the end, I realized my wisdom in committing to this rather than collaborating with the sages.
Alhaitham: Had I been less guarded, I probably would have ended up like that Ayn Al-Ahmar mercenary, incapable of remaining sane for long enough to hold a conversation.
Cyno: You mean that the sages originally planned to dispose of you using one of those capsules that drive people insane?
Why is no one talking about how the sages attempted to all but assassinate Alhaitham? I definitely feel like for Kaveh, this, even more so than Alhaitham’s crazy plan on Jnagarbha day with the whole pretending-to-use-the-divine-knowledge-capsule-as-a-distraction thing, would be what stands out to him. 
The sages’ arrogance in attempting to create a new god and the way they treated the Dendro Archon is one thing—of course, it’s an injustice, and the Sages probably deserve worse than their current punishment for it, but like Alhaitham, I don’t see Kaveh giving his full devotion, his fealty, to a god just because, and he doesn’t know Lord Kusanali, not really. But this—trying to unceremoniously dispose of Alhaitham, like it’s nothing, like Alhaitham’s life, his mind, is something they can just throw away on a whim—
That would have Kaveh furious. 
If Alhaitham was an ounce less willful, less cautious, an ounce less Alhaitham and more like other people—Kaveh could have lost him. To the Sages and their whims. 
… Of course, Kaveh would probably have had to find this out from Cyno, since we all know Alhaitham’s not going to tell him anything. Alhaitham probably honestly wouldn’t even find it worth mentioning.
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genshintrashgoblin · 2 years
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You literally have the fandom by the throat, you got all the followers you need 🤣🤣
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inavagrant-a · 2 years
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"..." He is pondering, wondering, how to apologize to his girlfriend(?) properly without pissing her off some more.
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draconic-desire · 6 months
A Dance With the Dragon IV — Escape
Yandere Neuvillette x Reader
[Part I] [Part II] [Part III] Part IV — You are here]
After four hundred years, the chance for escape finally presents itself—what will you choose?
Warnings: Yandere behavior, brief mentions of NSFW thoughts and past events, feral dragon Neuvillette
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Your opportunity for escape came on a gray and dismal day.
The past week had been particularly grueling for the Chief Justice—or so he had panted into your ear while he pinned you to the bed, skin slick with sweat and his cock buried to the hilt inside you.
You’d initially took it as a thinly veiled excuse for the dragon to lash out, for him to lay claim to you once again, but you soon noticed his focus actually wavering. Just enough for it to slip his mind to tell your Melusine guards (or guides, as Neuvillette would insist) not to bring you to his office for your regular afternoon tea with him. Furina had insisted on his last-minute presence at the meeting between her and certain Snezhnayan diplomats, and his unwavering sense of responsibility to Fontaine prevented him from rejecting the order.
That was how you found yourself sitting alone in his office.
You were quite confused. Neuvillette never skipped tea with you. In fact, as the busiest man in Fontaine, he insisted on it. It was a new development, one he thought might bring the two of you closer and outside of a purely domestic setting.
You’d be grateful for the change of scenery if you didn’t end up bent over his desk half the time.
In the beginning you had fought him on it, but as time in his captivity stretched on you soon realized this was one of the only chances allotted to you beyond your shared abode, especially now that the Opera was off limits. You even got to chat with the Melusines who acted as your sweet, naive guards. They reminded you of Carole and your previous life, a bittersweet memory that you held onto like a fleeting dream.
Now, you couldn’t help but start to fidget in your seat. When one minute became two, and two became five, and five became ten, you couldn’t help the anxious tapping of your nails against his desk. Where was he? Had something happened to him? You knew the Chief Justice would never commit a crime, but the notion of him imprisoned forever in the Fortress or Meropide was one that brought you comfort during your unrequited relationship.
Particularly on nights he would remind you of whose sentence you were under, whose wife and mate you were.
Pushing both hands against the desk, you rose to your feet and stormed towards the door. You wouldn’t sit idly to stew in your own thoughts. You raised a fist, preparing to knock harshly to alert any Melusine or the Iudex himself whose inhuman perspectives misinterpreted this as some sort of sick joke—
Except the slightest force sent the door ajar, presenting you with an empty hallway.
It was unlocked.
You couldn’t help the quickening of your heart rate. It invaded your senses, your hearing, your feeling, until it drowned out all of your thoughts but one.
You could leave.
The absence of any other individual was unheard of. Logically, it didn’t make sense; there should have been a guard if Neuvillette expected to be late, or others working in the main office if they hadn’t been dismissed for break as usual (though you knew it was only to spare them of any ungentlemanly sounds that might be coming from his office after you entered).
It was then you realized: Neuvillette had made a mistake.
You didn’t spare a single glance back as you strode out the doors of the Palais Mermonia and onto the streets of Fontaine.
Navigating your way out of the Court was easier than expected. Although there was no mistaking who you were when Neuvillette dragged you out in public—whom else’s waist would he retain an iron grip on throughout an entire opera if not his loving partner—without him by your side, you appeared like any other resident.
Obtaining Mora for the ferry ride to Sumeru was also a breeze. You had no moral objections to pocketing a few coins from unsuspecting citizens along the docks. Why would you, when you had been serving a lifetime sentence of imprisonment anyway?
The ship wasn’t anything fancy and was mostly filled with traveling salesmen and local fishermen, but after centuries of being doted on and monitored constantly, you savored the feeling of being normal, of feigning the role of a traveling merchant. You truly never thought that pretending to be an average worker would feel so freeing.
Suddenly, the skin of your arm began to crawl, feeling like a thousand pinpricks were digging their claws under your skin. You hissed at the sharp pain, gasping at the brief flash of your draconic tattoo, and then…nothing. You could almost always feel it, but it seems that upon crossing a certain distance the leviathan decided to lie dormant. You thanked Barbados for your luck; in your certainty of escaping, you hadn’t even thought of the physical tie between you and Neuvillette.
As the boat pulled out of the dock, relief washed over you like the serenity after a storm. After months of the Iudex, the supposed upholder of Justice, violating every rule against you, you were finally free.
As you watched Fontaine’s massive cliffs fade into the waves, you briefly mourned your choice to leave your Hydro Vision behind; however, you reasoned that the risk in going back for it and wasting precious time was too great. Not to mention the fact that you were sure you’d never get away with slipping it out of Neuvillette’s grasp, and you certainly didn’t want to squander this chance by running back into his arms. Although you knew the rumors of what happened to bearers who lost their Visions, you were willing to take your chances if it meant securing your freedom.
A sudden splash against your cheek jerked you from your thoughts. Upon looking up, you found the previously azure sky to have darkened. Rain began steadily falling, soon fully soaking your frilly dress (another insistence of Neuvillette’s, that you always wear dresses for teatime…never again!). Thunder rolled across the waters, bringing a taste of pain, anger, and betrayal with it.
Ah, so he’s realized your absence. Good—let him rage. Let him experience the heartbreak of losing what you hold most dear.
Maybe that will serve as his atonement for his sins against you.
You noticed then that, like your draconic captor, you too were crying. Though not of sadness—no, yours were tears of joy.
Although you had originally planned to journey back to your homeland in the City of Wind—not that you had anyone left there to return to, it was more for your own comfort—you found Sumeru to be to your liking. It was Fontaine’s foil—hot, dry, intellectually driven yet full of untamed wilderness. Full of real, thriving flora and fauna that cold, inorganic meka could never match.
The presence of the Akademiya and Port Ormos even offered you a line to continue your photography and research. Due to the dark room Neuvillette had installed in the library, your skills with a camera hadn’t grown too rusty over the centuries. Now, you finally were able to photograph your true passions again—nature, the water, the animals around you. Their harmony and beauty together, their freedom.
It may seem as if you hadn’t gotten far, but with how vast the Nation of Wisdom was, you felt safe to start anew. For the first time in four hundred years, you felt at home.
Three months had passed since your escape, with no indication that the Iudex was on your trail. After enrolling in the Akademiya (which had required you to change your name, since posing as a four hundred year old would probably not go over well), you even found a group of fellow students that you worked and resided with in the city. You were still careful, of course—you never traveled alone, avoided looking flashy in public, and even altered your look by cutting your hair to suit the arid climate.
That is, until you weren’t.
Your advisor appointed you to join an exclusive research project on the wildlife transition along the Sumeru/Fontaine border. Having experience with Fontaine’s biology, you were the clear candidate. Your initial trepidation almost won out, but you finally conceded at the encouragement of your peers. You’d even be traveling with your advisor and two of your roommates, so you chalked your nerves up to not having set foot in the direction of Fontaine in months. After all, you’d been meaning to explore the desert and its ecology—you just needed to take the plunge and face your fears.
Water was a rarity in the desert, after all.
Which is why, as your party was ascending the final dunes of the Desert of Hadramaveth, you believed the tall, blue-adorned figure approaching was a mirage. A result of dehydration after days of travel in these harsh conditions, a trick of the mind—
“Of all the places you could have escaped to, was it necessary to choose such a dry and barren place as this?” The last part was mumbled under his breath, his tone taking on a low growl, “I cannot help but feel that you bringing me here is some form of an assassination attempt…”
At the sound of his voice, just as deep and commanding as you remembered, your entire being came to a standstill. You despised how you had been conditioned for that tone to send a pangs of trepidation to your core.
Yet despite the Chief Justice’s presence right before you, a part of your brain refused to process it. He was the Hydro dragon, for Archon’s sake. What in all of Teyvat could drag him to the farthest place from the sea?
You, apparently.
At your silence, Neuvillette’s lips tightened. His expression was near unreadable, but you recognized the tumultuous mix of anger and longing storming under that stoic facade.
The other members of your group appeared confused and uneasy. Apparently Neuvillette’s reputation preceded him, even outside of Fontaine, for the common mumbling you picked up on was speculations of his role here.
“Is that the Chief Justice of Fontaine?” a professor whispered to your advisor nervously. “What is he doing here? Surely none of us have offended the court…” Her eyes flickered to you briefly. Due to the nature of the research, it was common knowledge among the group that you were the one with connections to Fontaine.
Said Justice took a step towards you, spurring you to take a larger step back. You knew running wasn’t an option, but you reasoned that he couldn’t just take you clawing and spitting for all your colleagues to witness. No, he would have to convince them of your guilt before he could act.
Well, two could play at that game; you lived with Neuvillette long enough to learn some of his ticks and tells, especially when it came to you. This would be a game of negotiation, a chess match of wits. Neuvillette’s intellect was near unmatched, but if you played your cards right, you could win.
The tide that is Fontaine’s Iudex may one day sweep you under his control, but it is not this day.
“Madame (L/n), by the authority of the Court of Fontaine and the Nation of Justice, I hereby place you under my custody for immediate detainment.”
Or not.
A few of the researchers around you gasped, tittering about your supposed false identity. The professor from earlier backed away from you with a sneer. Looking around, you noted that even your friends were eyeing you warily like some stranger.
All logic left you at the dragon’s announcement. The terror gripping your heart was replaced by blinding, bubbling rage. You would not concede to the man who took everything from you and would take it all again, washing away the life you had built again like a house of sand.
You practically hissed in response. Now this was familiar. “Under what charges?”
Lifting his cane, Neuvillette summoned a levitating tome from which he read, “Multiple accounts of theft, use of a fraudulent identity, desertion in court to be tried for said charges, and emotional damages to the residents of Fontaine affected by your careless and selfish actions.”
You scoffed, your lip curling in a snarl. “And I suppose that last ‘charge’ applies specifically to you?”
The draconic man merely narrowed his piercing purple eyes. Unlike your own, Neuvillette’s demeanor did not falter. He wanted you to lash out, to validate the accusations against you in front of the Sumerian researchers. His objective was solely to retrieve you—quelling your anger would come later.
The day you left Fontaine, Neuvillette had felt a piece of his soul shatter.
He could feel the very moment you crossed the border, when the draconic bond between mates and lovers was severed. It was a guillotine to his head, a rope around his neck, a bullet to his temple. Pain, raw and agonizing, enveloped his very being. The dragon beneath his skin raged, begging Neuvillette to fly to you and sink his claws so deep you could never leave again. The all-consuming panic over your loss, over your safety now that you were outside of his sight, had threatened to rise up and smother him, to drown him and sweep the fractured pieces away until he was nothing.
It had rained for weeks straight, so much so that the citizens of Fontaine brought back the old adage—Hydro Dragon, Hydro Dragon, don’t cry.
As much as he wanted, needed to find you, the Chief Justice could not simply abandon his post and his people. Going against his very nature, he quelled the dragon and settled on deploying Gardemeks to Sumeru and Liyue to search for you. It had been easy enough to program them with your photo and statement of your status as a fugitive. Surely you couldn’t have gotten any farther than the regions bordering Fontaine, and if so, the mekas would signal your location to him in no time.
So, after weeks on end of the Garde failing to locate you, Neuvillette’s anxiety swelled from a shower to a tempest, a storm of violent wind and flurrying emotion. He found himself in the library he had built you, clawed fingers clutching his face with labored breaths. Black danced across his vision.
Was he not enough for you? Had he not given you anything and everything you could desire? Had he not kept his mate safe?
Why did you abandon me, (Y/n)?
When he had come to, the room was in tatters, the carpet shredded with claw marks and the walls smoldering with blue energy.
Neuvillette decided then that he could not wait any longer.
Tracking you only fueled the dragon. It could sense you, the pull of your tattoo awakening with each step Neuvillette took to close the gap. It was one mate beckoning another, like the pull of the moon on the tide. Your light guided him straight into your path.
And when Neuvillette finally saw your figure, illuminated by the hottest desert sun, he had nearly fallen to his knees and wept in relief. You were so beautiful, yet the look of terror on your face ripped his soul apart all over again. Even now, even here, you wanted to reject him. Could you not see how far he would travel for you, how long his reach would extend just to keep you safe?
In that moment, the dragon roared, and Neuvillette listened.
After seemingly endless hours, days, and months to think about the reasons you left him, he realized that he must have been too lenient with you. He practically was the law in Fontaine, yet he had dismissed your transgressions time and time again, thinking your outbursts were simply a temporary response to your new life with him. Yes, the transition had been sudden and the charges against you quite ridiculous, but he truly believed you would fall for him as he did you.
He would tolerate your backlash no more. No longer would he spoil you with gifts, hoping, praying to every member of the Seven just for you to smile at him. Never again would he sigh in defeat when you spurned his touch, leaving him to fuck his hand to the mere idea of you initiating physical intimacy.
No, just like any other criminal in Fontaine, you would have to be imprisoned until you learned your place—in your case, by his side. And he would be lying if he said the idea of punishing you for your offenses, for leaving him, didn’t cause his cock to twitch in anticipation.
The dragon demanded to be satisfied, and it would have its fill.
“We have numerous reports of you stealing Mora from unsuspecting individuals, as well as the testimony from the ship’s captain that you claimed to be a merchant immigrating to Sumeru. Then, of course, comes the addition consequences for violating the authority of the court by leaving Fontaine. The latter makes you a fugitive.”
“That’s insane! I only had to commit those so-called ‘crimes’ because you—”
“Ah, so you plead guilty.”
You blanched. No, not this again. He was riling you up, making you fumble with your argument like a child, just like your initial confrontation with him in the Opera Epiclese. But that was how he viewed you, wasn’t it? His centuries of experience would always trump your own.
“You know that’s not what I meant—
The sound of your advisor clearing his throat momentarily saved you. “Sir, with all due respect, we do not know whomever this Miss (L/n) you are referring to. This young lady here is Miss (Fake name), and she is one of my finest students. I highly doubt she is the one to have committed these acts.”
Neuvillete’s eyes flashed dangerously towards the researcher. He loomed over your advisor, casting them in shadow. “Shall I arrest you as well for conspiring with a criminal?”
You never thought silence could be so deafening.
The Iudex released a huff. “I didn’t think so.” With a flick of his hand, your wrists became bound together with bands of pure hydro. Your protestations did nothing to deter him as he motioned forward, causing you to be forcibly dragged forwards by an invisible force. You were no stranger to this procedure; Neuvillette had used his powers on you more than once in bed. Now that he had his hydro around you, he held all the authority.
Without the ability to control your movements, you tumbled into Neuvillette’s broad chest. To the others it appeared as if he were securing your bindings, but you shivered as he buried his nose in your hair. Softly, in a voice only meant for you, he sighed, “Oh, how I dreamed of this moment, my darling (Y/n). A valiant effort, to be sure, though your pursuit was always in vain. There is nowhere in all of Teyvat I won’t find you.” His hand ran down the length of your arm, where you knew your draconic tattoo was once more glowing under your tunic. “You are marked as mine, my wife. My mate.”
You jerked your head away despite his scent invading your being. “I will never stop running from you, husband,” you growled, voice dripping with sarcasm. “Dissolving into the Primordial Sea is preferable to lifetime with you.”
To your surprise, a low chuckle escaped the Chief Justice’s lips. “I think you’ll soon find that I can be quite persuasive.” He stood to his full height, face reverting to his usually stoicism. “I shall be taking my leave with the prisoner, then. If any of you wish to object to this ruling, you may submit a false claim report to the Court, and I will attend to it personally.”
Glancing around at your peers, those you believed to be your friends and colleagues, you knew that none of them would fight for you. News of your detainment would be spread through the Akademiya, forever tarnishing your reputation. It was over, and Neuvillette had emerged victorious once again.
The Iudex motioned you forward with a tip of his cane and an ominous spark in his eyes. “Come, my beloved. Let us return home.”
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euthymiya · 2 months
the commissioner who loved me — ft. kamisato ayato
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kamisato ayato has a goal—to restore his clan to its former glory. your family has its own goal—to expand its knowledge of other nations for the sake of your kingdom. following his engagement to your older sister, you’re unable to accept him as a suitable husband, and he’s unable to keep your headstrong attitude off of his mind despite being betrothed. the one thing you both have in common is always running into each other
before you read: mature content, intended for 18+ audiences ; bridgerton inspired au ; fem royalty reader (from sumeru) ; reader has a father, mother, and sister ; reader’s family uses the surname kusanali (familial relations to nahida) ; arranged marriages (not to reader) ; forbidden love ; light enemies to lovers ; eventual smut ; references to ayato’s lore (i make some plot driven changes though) ; light angst ; happy endings ; more warnings will be added to each chapter as i go (please read them beforehand)
updates: fridays, every other week ; word count: tba
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property of euthymiya — all rights reserved. do not redistribute, recommend or translate to any other platforms
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arimanhwa · 4 months
Pairings: Alhaitham x reader
Summary: Alhaitham thought having a soft spot for her was a bad thing.
Warnings: implied pining mentioned (?), grammar errors, more
A/n : my first time writing this man, so I apologize if his ooc and also for kaveh ( omg kaveh cupid era??!!)
Note ; I'm sorry this took long 😭 and dividers by @/cafekitsune
You're here | II. | III.
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He knew having a soft spot for her was a bad idea, but he often found himself diverted by her presence. The prideful Haravatat scholar was absolutely smitten by her yet he was too afraid to approach. The scribe's roommate, Kaveh was witnessing the ever prideful alhaitham being deeply lovesick for the girl who stole his heart ever since the day they meet.
Alhaitham, akademiya's grand scribe was too afraid to approach [name]. Kaveh took the matter in his own hands and friended her, which to the scribe's dismay, he would tease him every single day whenever he saw how puppy dog the 'stoic scribe' can be. As always them arguing back and forth, "Oh pls, don't act how smitten you look around her." Kaveh gaze at him with disbelief look but alhaitham seems unfazed by the look given towards him. "It's none of your business, kaveh." Sumeru's renowned architect just tsk'd and look away from him. Other than that, [name] [L/n], under Vahuma, architect's friend Wonders why the Kshahrewar male wanted to be friends with her.
A few days ago, [name] doing her presentation for history outside the akademiya too concentrated to notice kaveh approaching. "Boo." Whispered her senior in her ears, causing her to startle while it made the presentation fall on the ground, She lift the project from the dirty ground and gaze at a senior who step away after he did a scare.
A little curiosity could be seen on his junior's face, even minutes pass by, both stared at each other. Not saying a single world until kaveh finally spoke cutting off the awkwardness.
"do you need anything, kaveh-san?"
"Maybe a certain scholar does, but this guy is afraid to approach, what a coward. Hmph." Kaveh Mumbles the last part. "But anyways, do you wanna be friends?"
[Name] blinks, processing what was said. Then regained herself after and respond back, "Oh I see, alright, is that all?" She asked him in questioning manner that he nods. "And I would be glad to be your friend."
That made kaveh grin and wave a goodbye.
She sighs, continuing where she left on, which is studying for history. Meanwhile on the other side of the akademiya sits alhaitham reading a book alongside him is the senior kshahrewar. "So when is this pining of yours gonna work or when will you start" he sighs. "You know, if you don't act now. Someone is gonna steal [name] from you."kaveh look at the man who was reading.
Yet clearly, he was listening to what the blonde male said in silence.
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© Arimanhwa , ✩ !! - All rights reserved.
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tamrielic · 5 months
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pairing – scaramouche | wanderer × f!reader
fandom | media – genshin impact
word count – 4,659・AO3
summary – you’ve been avoiding him, and he needs to know why.
tags﹠warnings – smut・porn with plot・degradation・dirty talk・angst・hurt/comfort・fluff・scaramouche being scaramouche・scaramouche is his own warning honestly・vulnerable scaramouche・emotional reader・reader is very subtly implied to be plus-sized・reader has afab!genitalia
originally posted on – 11/07/2022
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author’s note (11/07/2022) – if you’d told me a month or so ago that i’d write an almost 5,000 word smutfic featuring scaramouche, i would’ve laughed in your face... but here we are! i dedicate this fic to one of my most beloved and beautiful besties, gen aka getousimp aka gixxie, because she’s absolutely amazing and is the #1 scaramouche fan!!! i really hope that i did him justice, and i hope y’all enjoy – this is only my second ever smutfic that i’ve written and/or posted online! ALSO – i wrote this entire thing before the archon quest that features him (archon quest interlude chapter: act iii – inversion of genesis) and before he was (finally) released as a playable character, so... his characterization is questionable!
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The smell of incense and the crackling of the fire in the large marble fireplace greet you as you step inside the mansion in the adepti teapot realm you call home, shutting the doors as quietly as possible behind you and releasing a soft sigh of relief when there is no noise to imply you’ve been heard.
Slowly, you make your way across the main area of the house to the room that was designated as the library and office, slipping inside silently and quickly sliding the doors shut behind you.
Inhaling deeply, you march over to the desk to begin sorting through the large pile of letters that had accumulated during your absence.
You’ve been traveling with Paimon, helping the Aranara in Sumeru and avoiding… well, avoiding multiple things. Searching for your brother, your various promises and responsibilities, and most importantly a certain short-tempered Anemo wielder.
Coming out of the haze of your thoughts, you notice the messy stack of books that had undoubtedly been made by some of your numerous guests and you huff as you grab them and go to put them away.
It wasn’t that Scaramouche had done anything wrong per se, it was more the issue of you being so naturally affectionate and showing it via physical touch and honest words… and worrying that it was becoming too much for him, or too annoying. Or both.
It hasn’t been that long since he’s joined your group of friends… only about two months, though could you honestly say that the two of you were friends?
He was so hot and cold, at times he was standoffish and rude, snapping at everyone and everything and it was during those times that you swore he hated you… but then the next time you’d come across him or have him join you while adventuring, he’d look at you with an unreadable expression and allow you to touch him without bristling, especially when you two were alone, and the back and forth of it confused you.
You’ve been oddly drawn to him ever since you had first met him in Inazuma, his voice sticking in your head and repeating his taunting words and the vision of him sauntering towards you with that insufferable smirk wouldn’t leave your mind…
In truth, your feelings have only gotten stronger as time had passed, especially after he’d reluctantly joined your adventuring team and you’d inevitably gotten to know him better.
If you are being honest, the sexual tension between you two could likely be cut with a knife and served on a platter… in addition to there being purer, deeper romantic feelings present.
It’s far too early to call it “love”, but it is certainly well on its way to becoming that dreaded word… on your end, at least.
You can feel your face heat up in response to the direction your thoughts have gone and as you shove the last book onto the bookshelf you lean forward and bonk your forehead against the hardwood in an effort to clear your mind.
In your distraction you haven’t noticed that the subject of your thoughts has snuck into the room and is moving towards you with purpose.
A pale hand suddenly slams down to grasp onto the shelf right behind you, the other hand gripping your waist and spinning you to face the intruder.
Purple eyes meet yours, anger making them almost burn from their intensity as he leans in so his face is mere inches away from yours.
Gasping, you shrank back against the bookshelf. “Scaramouche? What–?”
“You’ve been avoiding me. Why?” He bites out, eyes narrowing slightly and the fingers at your waist twitching in what you assumed to be frustration.
Blinking at him while you try to gather your thoughts, you can’t help but notice that he isn’t wearing his usual amount of layers – just the tight black high-collared shirt and his shorts and sandals rather than his familiar complex ensemble – and your face heats at the realization that so much of his skin was now visible to you.
Swallowing to try and moisten your suddenly dry mouth, you’re sure that your face openly shows how flustered you are.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’ve been busy but I haven’t been–”
“Cut the bullshit. Do you think I’m an idiot? It’s not like you’ve been subtle about it, and it’s pissing me off,” he scoffs, rolling his eyes as he moves the hand that has been pinning you to the bookshelf to grasp the back of your neck, his thumb brushing against the sensitive skin of your nape.
Eyes widening at his actions and words, you clear your throat and square your shoulders.
“I’m sorry that you feel that way, Scaramouche, but–”
“Why are you calling me that?” He snaps, scowling at you with narrowed eyes.
“Calling you what? Your name?” You reply, eyes darting away from his prying gaze.
It was true that you haven’t necessarily been subtle, but you had assumed that he wouldn’t take much notice of the lack of attention and affection that he seemed to find barely tolerable – this vehement reaction was very unexpected and it was leaving you reeling.
He lets out an angry sigh before his fingers grasp your chin and force you to meet his eyes.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He demands, eyes flickering over your face as his lips turn down into a slight pout.
Glancing down at his mouth, you unconsciously wet your lips and his gaze immediately hones in on it.
Gasping softly, your mouth gapes a bit in surprise as you observe how his burning purple eyes darken as he focuses on your mouth, leaning ever so slightly closer and tilting his head as if entranced.
Lips pressing to yours cut you off, a low groan escaping him when you immediately reciprocate.
Eyes fluttering shut as you breathe him in, you bring your hands up to scratch your fingers through the coarse hair of his undercut.
Scaramouche growls then, shoving you up against the bookshelf as he presses as much of his body as he can to your own, the hand on your waist now groping at your soft skin.
Whimpering, your eyes shoot open and you tear your mouth from his to gasp for air as he starts roughly kissing down your jaw.
“Don’t lie, you were avoiding me. Because of this?” He whispers, lips and warm breath brushing the shell of your ear.
Exhaling with a whine, you nod before his lips press to your own again for a brief moment before he pulls away, nipping at your bottom lip.
He smirks at your dumb expression, tugging you over to the table in the middle of the room and reminding you that he was much stronger than he looked by easily lifting you up to sit on the edge, pushing the letters off and out of the way.
Gasping indignantly, you open your mouth to reprimand him but he takes the opportunity to kiss you again, sliding his tongue in your mouth with a muffled groan.
You can’t help but to close your eyes as your tongue glides against his, feeling that insufferable smirk of his against your lips.
Sliding his hands down to your thighs, he roughly pulls them apart so he can step between them and press his body to yours once again.
He chuckles at your resulting moan, slowly pulling back and licking his lips as if savoring the taste of you.
Your eyes flutter open as you unconsciously follow after him to chase his lips, his smirk growing at your resulting frustrated pout.
“You wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid,” he teases, chuckling at your resulting scowl – but you didn’t deny it.
Before you could formulate a response, he grasps your hips and slides them towards him, making you yelp and slam your hands down on the table behind you to keep from collapsing.
Keeping his dark eyes locked with yours, he leans over you and slides his fingers under the waistband of your pants, tilting his head and tugging ever so slightly in question.
Biting your lip, you lift your hips in response, wiggling a little in impatience.
Inclining his head towards you, he pulls your pants off roughly and your arms give out as you collapse back down on the edge of the table, panting.
His hands tug at the hem of your shirt next as he bends over you, lips pressing bruising kisses to your neck as he slowly lifts it, fingertips tickling along the soft skin of your stomach.
Gasping, you reach between you and nudge his hands aside, practically tearing your shirt up and over your head to get rid of the offending garment.
“Eager, aren’t we?” He murmurs, chuckling lowly as he goes back to mouthing at your neck.
You whine and grab at his back as he bites down on your collarbone, his muscles flexing in response to the feeling of your fingernails digging into his skin as you jolt and cry out.
Groaning, he tears himself away from you to do a slow perusal of the skin that’s been bared to him.
You feel like you’re going to implode, the way his eyes manage to get even darker and his expression more severe in its blatant lust, and you jerk your hips up uncontrollably in response.
His eyes immediately flick down to where you’re soaked and burning for him and his throat bobs with a swallow before he looms over you, skimming his hand slowly down the curve of your waist before sliding a finger against the wetness of the fabric concealing you from him.
“Look at you, look at how wet you are – is this all for me?” He questions, voice gone rough from arousal.
Nodding and biting your lip, you can’t help but to grind up into his fingers.
“So needy,” he grunts, crouching down to nip at your inner thigh.
“Scara, I–!”
“Oh, we’re back to Scara now, hm?” He laughs harshly, making quick work of tugging your panties down and off your legs as he shakes his head at you.
“Scara, I’m sorry–!”
“You should be,” he interrupts you again, glaring up at you from between your legs.
You’re a desperate whimpering mess at this point, and you don’t manage to form a response before he runs his fingers up your inner thighs and jerks them open as much as your body will allow.
“Now be a good girl and say “please” and maybe I’ll give you what you want,“ he growls, brushing the tip a finger through your wetness.
“Please, Scara, I need you!” You whine, embarrassed at how needy you sound but also so turned on that you can’t bring yourself to care.
Smirking, he finally takes mercy on you and slowly slides a finger into you, eyes widening at the feel of your slick warmth.
You keen and writhe against the table when he slowly adds another finger and crooks them, expertly massaging a spot on your inner walls that makes you see stars and causes more heat to pool between your thighs.
“Look at you, getting all worked up over nothing! Your pretty pussy can barely handle my fingers – what a pathetic little thing you are,” he laughs mockingly, thrusting his fingers into you roughly.
Panting, you bite your lip and glance down to meet his eyes, silently begging him for more as your thighs tremble and your back arches.
Breath hitching at your desperation, he suddenly shoves his head between your thighs and licks a broad stroke through your folds, swirling his tongue around your clit before lightly grazing his teeth against it.
You wail, your walls contracting around his fingers as you feel like you’ve been hit by lightning as the tension snaps, little whines escaping you as your hips shudder and grind against his face.
Chuckling, he laps up your release as you ride out your high before getting up and looming over you, smirking at your fucked out expression.
“We’ve barely gotten started and already you’re being such a good little slut for me,” he murmurs, licking his lips suggestively when your eyes flutter open to blearily look at him.
You want to pinch yourself because you swear this has to be a dream, it is all happening so quickly and you’ve just had one of the best orgasms of your entire life but are somehow still so unbelievably horny for him.
His face is flushed and he still has some of your juices on his chin, but his eyes burn with the depth of his want for you as your gazes meet and he smirks, smug about having made you cum.
Glancing down and seeing the tented fabric of his shorts, you lift your still shaking legs to wrap around his waist and pull him into you, rolling your hips against his clothed cock and watching his face intently.
His eyes flutter closed and he lets out a strangled moan, back bowing and lips hovering over your own as he clutches at your hips and ruts into the warmth between your legs.
“Scara, I’m all yours – take me,” you whisper, reaching up to cup his cheeks and pull his head down to kiss him.
Jolting his head back just as your lips brush his, his eyes shoot open and he pants while looking at you incredulously.
You furrow your brows at his sudden change in attitude, your thumbs lightly brushing his cheekbones and you bite your lip, suddenly afraid that you’ve said the wrong thing.
After a moment of his eyes frantically scanning your expression – looking for what exactly, you weren’t sure – his hands slam down on either side of your head.
“Always so honest about your emotions,” he hisses, eyes becoming unreadable as he nips at your lips yet refuses to let you close the gap. “It’s really fucking infuriating, you know that?”
Huffing in exasperation to hide how his seemingly indignant response hurts your feelings, you glare up at him.
“Fine, then – can you just fuck me already, Kunikuzushi?”
He pulls back, smoldering eyes glaring into your own as he releases a shattered breath in response to you calling him that name.
“Oh, now you’re making demands of me?” He rasps, regaining his composure with a harsh thrust against your cunt.
Suddenly hit with a wave of irritation and frustration, you push your hands against his chest in an attempt to get him off of you.
“If you don’t want to, then nevermind,” you mutter, turning your head away to hide the “if you don’t want me” implied from your tone and expression.
Lunging to press your wrists down into the table above your head with one hand, he turns your head back towards him with the other, a deep scowl on his face.
“Why are you putting words into my mouth? What gives you the right to assume what I do or don’t want?”
You glare at him, trying to jerk your face out of his harsh grip which only makes his fingers dig into your jaw harder as he crowds you against the table with his body.
“Stop being such a fucking brat,” he growls as he presses quick, bruising kisses against your lips.
“Make me!” You snarl back at him, body writhing under his own.
He chuckles lowly before it morphs into him laughing loudly and mockingly as he observes your struggles.
Letting go of your face to swiftly pull down his shorts just enough to free his erection, he groans as he slides it between your folds.
“Fuck… this is my pussy, it belongs to me and only me, doesn’t it?”
Whimpering and nodding in response, your hands struggle to escape his grasp as you grind your hips against the tip of his cock, trying miserably to get it to catch in your soaking wet opening.
He shudders against you, grabbing your hip with his free hand to hold you still.
“No, no,” he chides, his signature smirk back on his lips. “Only good girls get rewarded, and you’ve been such a brat.”
“Scara, fuck, just take me!” You keen, so overwhelmed with frustration and pleasure that there are tears gathering in your eyes.
Scaramouche laughs, one that borders on a cackle, before he presses his lips against your temple.
“Are you crying? You want me that bad, huh? You’re so fucking pathetic, you did this to yourself you know,” he whispers roughly, tongue flicking out to run along the shell of your ear.
“But don’t worry, I’ll take pity on you.”
He suddenly thrusts into you, bottoming out and leaving you a moaning and babbling mess as he holds himself still to allow you to adjust to his size.
“Oh Archons, please–!”
“Don’t pray to them, they can’t help you, pray to me,” he snarls, pulling out of you just enough for you to whine at the loss before roughly thrusting back inside and making your eyes roll to the back of your head.
“Scara, Kuni, please – fuck – more, faster!”
He grants your request with a strangled moan, hips slamming into your own at such a desperate and brutal pace that you know there’s going to be bruises.
Leaning down so your foreheads are pressed together, you stare into each other’s eyes and pant as the sound of his hips slapping against yours fills the air.
The hand that has been keeping your wrists bound lets go, fingers instead curling into the sheets as he continues his merciless thrusts – eyes observing your every reaction hungrily.
“Kuni, feels s’good!” You sob, your now free arms reaching up to wrap around his neck and your legs tightening around his hips.
“F-fuck!” He whimpers, cock twitching against your walls and hips stuttering against you.
Your body feels like it’s melting, fingers carding through his hair to shakily push it out of his face so you can view the way his brow furrows as he grits his teeth.
“Say it,” he commands shakily, jerking your face up so he can stare into your eyes. “Say that you’re mine. My slut, my whore, my everything.”
“Anything and everything that I am is yours, Kunikuzushi,” you choke out with a sob, following up your declaration by tilting your hips and pressing your lips to his, gliding your tongue in and tasting him as he groans at the feeling of your walls fluttering around his cock.
His thrusts grow even more frantic and deep and you roll your hips up to meet his movements, your sweaty bodies writhing together as you fully succumb to each other.
“I’m gonna paint your insides,” he gasps into your mouth, sliding a hand down to rub your swollen clit. “I’m gonna fill you up–!”
Those words and the added stimulation flood your body with overwhelming heat and you wail as you are thrown over the edge, gushing around his cock as he delivers one last powerful thrust before spilling into you with a choked moan.
His trembling body slumps over yours and he buries his head in your shoulder, gasping for air as your bodies continue to twitch with the aftershocks.
After a few moments pass, Scaramouche slowly peels himself away from you, his eyes darting away from your unintentionally open, loving gaze as he slowly slides out of you with a quiet grunt.
Sighing at the loss of him, you inelegantly scoot forward to hop off the table, squeezing your legs together to keep his cum from trickling down your legs.
He snatches the clothes from where they are strewn on the floor and puts his shorts back on before turning to you and holding out your panties and trousers with a blank expression.
Your face feels hot from embarrassment at how drastically his attitude has changed from just a few moments ago and you reach out to grab your clothing, eyes searching him for a sign of… anything, but finding him to be totally unreadable.
Mortified, you turn to the side and shake out your pants, the realization of what had just happened finally hitting you. You haven’t even fully undressed, too engrossed and desperate for each other that you just… went at it like animals in heat.
You don’t notice when he turns and goes to the desk in the corner to grab the box of tissues and bring it to you, clearing his throat as his eyes drift to where your combined fluids were beginning to slowly trickle down your inner thighs.
Flinching at being torn from your downward spiral of second-guessing everything that has happened within the past hour, you look up and slowly reach out to take the box from him, being careful to not brush your fingers together – you aren’t sure where his mind is at and you don’t want to scare him off by being clingy.
“Thank you,” you breathe, pulling his gaze back up to your face and flashing him a quick smile before you turn away to clean yourself up as much as you can.
He turns and walks over to stand in front of the window to give you privacy, which you find very amusing considering what you had just been doing, but you can’t help but watch him out of the corner of your eye as he crosses his arms and seemingly becomes lost in though, his hair mussed and his lips still flushed from the plethora of bruising kisses.
Finding him attractive obviously wasn’t a new development, but it suddenly hits you with the beam of sunlight shining in through the window that was illuminating him just how… beautiful he is.
Shaking your head to clear your thoughts and hurrying to pull your clothes back on, you take a deep breath and summon all the courage you possess.
He turns to look at you as you come to stand next to him, and you were hit once again by how pretty he is; the slope of his nose, his eyelashes, his–
“What are you looking at?” His voice, still a little rough from your activities, snaps you out of your admiration and you blink at him.
He’s staring at you with his brow raised, lips ever so slightly turned down.
“So pretty,” you whisper, eyes widening in panic when you realize that you’ve spoken your inner thoughts aloud.
Scaramouche blinks at you in disbelief, processing your words before letting out a short, humorless laugh.
“I can’t believe it, I actually fucked you dumb!” He snickers, but the smirk on his lips doesn’t reach his eyes.
You gape at him, mouth opening and closing as you try to figure out how to respond to his dismissive attitude.
He grasps your chin in his hand, making the decision of closing your mouth for you, and rolls his eyes.
Grabbing the hand holding your chin, you place soft kisses on his palm, staring into his eyes and pleading for him to understand how truthful you’re being.
Scowling, he wrenches his hand away from you, taking a step back and shaking his head.
“Scara, we need to talk ab–”
“Do we? I disagree,” he snaps, turning and stalking towards the door.
“Kunikuzushi,” you whisper in desperation, and he freezes in place as he’s reaching for the door handle.
“This whole situation started because I was avoiding you, and it made you angry and upset. And yet you’re about to go and do the exact same thing to me. How is that fair?” You demand, voice shaking from all of the emotions you’re trying to keep in check.
He slowly turns to face you, eyes narrowing.
“Life isn’t fair – what do you want from me?”
It’s like you’re talking to a different person, the man in front of you is not the man that railed you into oblivion and ruined you for all others just a minute ago. This man reminds you of a feral cat – suspicious, mistrustful, insecure…
Your hands are shaking, the anxiety over bearing your heart to him causing you to hesitate briefly.
“What do you want from me?” You snap back. “Is this what you wanted? Just a quick fuck? Is that really all I am to you? Some poor, pathetic sap who’s attention and affection makes you feel good about yourself?”
Scaramouche stood there staring at you, unmoving and unblinking, for what felt like ages.
“Okay, you know what – nevermind! You’re free to go, but honestly at this point I almost hope that you just never come back,” you scoff, eyes watering, throwing your hands up in the air and turning away so he can’t see you cry and so you don’t have to look at his stupid perfect face anymore.
All you hear is a faint whisper of fabric before he spins you around and cups your face in his hands, his mouth pressing a desperate, bruising kiss to your lips.
Gasping, you put your hands on his chest and shove him back, your embarrassment making you feel fragile and hostile.
“That isn’t an answer, Scara, and I’m not a mind reader so I can’t–”
“Everything,” he rasps, closing his eyes and nudging his forehead against yours.
“... what?” You furrow your brow, confused.
“You asked what I wanted from you. I answered. Everything. I want everything from you. I want you to be mine,” he whispers, warm breath brushing your lips when he follows up his statement with a shaking sigh.
Your bottom lip trembles as you try to keep your voice from cracking with emotion.
“If I am yours, then you have to be mine. I want everything from you, too. I want to kiss you, touch you, hold you, love you.”
He inhales shakily, opening his eyes.
“If you can’t tell that I’m already yours, that I’ve been yours since you aimed that fucking smile of yours towards me, then you’re an absolute fucking idiot.”
“It’s kind of hard to tell when you’re always so wishy-washy on whether you tolerate me or not, Scaramouche,” you respond, blinking at him innocently, his sudden reveal of his feelings giving you courage.
“What did I say about calling me that?” He growls, stepping closer to press himself against you.
“Oh, I’m sorry, sir – is Kunikuzushi acceptable then?” You simper, mimicking his usual smirk to the best of your ability.
His eyes widen and his cheeks and ears flush a faint pink as he grumbles, dropping his arms to wrap them around your waist.
“Keep it up and I’ll have to drag you to your bedroom and teach you a lesson, brat,” he growls, pressing his mouth to your ear.
You turn your head to press a kiss to his neck, grinning uncontrollably now as you both shift seamlessly back into the dynamic that had been created when he had gotten settled in your group – the usual snarky banter and the easy affection you give him comforting after the unsureness that was present just now.
“Is that a threat or a promise? Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
He huffs and rolls his eyes, pulling away to grasp your arm and drag you out of the room.
“Wait, what–?” You stammer, following him gracelessly.
“It seems that I still have to teach you some fucking manners, slut.”
Glancing back at you as he leads you through the door, the look in his eyes and his smirk makes your face heat.
“But you’ll be a good girl and cooperate with me, won’t you?”
You swallow, overwhelmed with all of the filthy thoughts that run through your mind before you shake your head to ground yourself.
It had required a lot of vulnerability and a rollercoaster of emotions, but you finally know your feelings are reciprocated… and as you let him take you to your room you realized that Scaramouche was about to show you just how much in long, excruciatingly wonderful detail.
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yuan4i · 2 years
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CULT OF DIONYSUS al haitham x reader x kaveh
SYNOPSIS kaveh, al haitham and you are close friends and went to the same high school. but after your junior year, you left them and sumeru behind for liyue’s 2 year med school exchange program. now you’re back in sumeru for a class reunion and attending sumeru akademiya. 
STATUS 01/14/23, on going, slow updates
GENRE social media au, modern au, college au 
CONTENT WARNINGS childhood friends to lovers, love triangle, angst, suggestive, implied afab reader (they/them prns), unhealthy behaviors, written before kaveh's in game release & pre 3.4 version release, messy timestamps, will add more later! (✿) = written chapters
TAGLIST closed! please let me know if you changed your username.
CHARACTERS 4LYFERS | overwork no sleep
01 . still sleeping ? 02 . packing 03 . reunion message?? 04 . bitch this you? 05 . i'll try to miss you ✿ 06 . bro's down bad fr 07 . 10/10 08 . reunion day ✿ 09. what's his problem? 10 . pretty boy 11 . asked them out 12 . why r u here? ✿ 13 . his text 14 . lying to me? 15 . you? upset? 16 . call me if u get lost
17. is it too late to switch majors?? ✿ 18. third wheeling? 19. tall, blonde and gorgeous ✿ 20. cuddles on the couch 21. do you like him? 22. wingman !? 23. tickets (and backstage) 24. welcome to the renaissance ✿ 25. you guys knew?? ✿ 26. get drunk 27. sober up, bitch 28. cruel summer ✿ 29. can i kiss you? ✿ 30. good for them. | 30.5 cult of dionysus notes ✿
31. hello panda cookies 32. man wtf ✿ 33. get me out 34. homophobia arc 35. fuck this 36. exams 37. fool ✿ 38. brunch cafe! 39. ch*lde 40. miss u 41. ate that 42. operation cute guy.. ✿ 43. consider it a date 44. rough patch? 45. dinner date (double date) 46. we literally dating but ok 47. tba...
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TAGLIST @yelshin @alizaneth @red-chester @rhaitanis @sunsinrinn @achy-boo @cerisearan @ceylestia @afoxesgreed @im-bili @pyrrhicgaze @victoria1676 @akagism2 @kokxm1 @rifran @squishychongyun @sharkiestory @cafezjjn @gautier-lei @scaramouche-slut @hangecanweholdhands @aixaingela @kay-stryker @giggles8899 @imma-too-many-fandoms @starryeyedkoko @awritingotaku @ittosoneandoniwife @sukunasrealgf @crowbird @jaeminbabygirl @rainbowsaz @h4chi @myaaones @prettypei @jiminscarmex @istgnature @vvasant @dreamingkace @sunsethw4 @aludicpoet @just-simping-over-genshin @scarlet-kazuha @icedmocha1 @kittycasie @hydration-is-for-weenies @jayvolans @angelkazusstuff @ky-uuu @vanitasbrainrot @temshouineichi @kaoyamamegami @serenareiss @lordbugs @lez-zuha @boxdisappeared @tamikahoshiko @makimakimi @yuminako @minty-vxnilla @eunchaeluvr @sukunasin @screechingxiaolover @ragnvdnr @cicato @letthewindlead @jkbubbs @simp4bakuh03 @kunikuzi @mochicurls21 @celestair @amaruthine @spadecentral @kitsunechan707 @jjkclub @younganarchist @kokoscutie @warcelia @tinandabin @pomeiu @annoying-and-upset @twstmemebox @ashhh-14 @wonderland-fan @cartoon-obsessed-aroacelesbian @sunnyskiesv2 @anteroz @bloombb @teapartyspilled @butterflyqueen234 @cindywasneverhere @parcqq @randomidk-123 @crazydreamcat @wateredfay @h-8chi @Imgayandshesanime @sweetkyojuro @thegalaxyisunfolding @tikitsune @yae-lover @aerisellesuchi @emiliona @kaoyamamegami @kemireads19 @novasstar @3cst4syy @cherrybb-ily @tighnariskobi @whoskaikai @lamcos @ganertys @bananasquash @frosted-hyacinth @fallenisded @manhdayyyy @mccnology @lulumallow @siomairice135 @samyayaya @matchablossomsss @mccnology @lulumallow @siomairice135 @matchablossomsss @ciel-solar
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©yuan4i 2023/2024. all rights reserved. do not repost, modify, steal, plagiarize, or translate any of my work without my consent.
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"Two Worlds Aflame, the Crimson Night Fades" Version 4.6 Update Details
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Dear Travelers,
Below are the details of the Version 4.6 update "Two Worlds Aflame, the Crimson Night Fades" and the update compensation.
〓Compensation Details〓
Maintenance Compensation: Primogems ×300 (60 Primogems per hour the servers are down)
Issue Fix Compensation: Primogems ×300 (please refer to the relevant compensation mail for more details)
〓Scope of Compensation〓
Maintenance Compensation: Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 5 or above by 2024/04/24 06:00 (UTC+8).
Compensation must be claimed before the end of Version 4.6.
Issue Fix Compensation: Travelers who reach Adventure Rank 5 or above by 2024/04/24 06:00 (UTC+8).
Please log in and claim your compensation before 2024/04/27 06:00 (UTC+8).
Our developers will distribute compensation to Travelers via in-game mail within 5 hours after the update maintenance is finished. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don't forget to claim the attached compensation in time.
〓Update Schedule〓
Update maintenance begins 2024/04/24 06:00 (UTC+8) and is estimated to take 5 hours.
〓How to Update Game Client〓
PC: Close the game, open the Genshin Impact Launcher, and click Update.
iOS: Open the App Store and tap Update.
Android: Open the game and follow the directions on-screen.
PS5™ and PS4™: Highlight Genshin Impact from the Home Screen, press the OPTIONS button and select "Check for Update."
Please do not hesitate to contact Customer Service if you encounter any issues installing the new version. We will do our very best to resolve the issue.
〓Update Details〓
I. New Areas
New Areas Now Available
◇ In Version 4.6, the following areas in Fontaine will become available: Nostoi Region and Sea of Bygone Eras.
※ As long as you have completed Archon Quest Prologue: Act III "Song of the Dragon and Freedom," a Teleport Waypoint will be automatically unlocked near Fontaine's Petrichor (If you have already completed this Archon Quest, the Teleport Waypoint will be unlocked after the update). You'll also receive the Primogem reward for this Teleport Waypoint when it unlocks automatically.
There will be new Fishing Points and "Radiant Spincrystals" in Fontaine.
In addition, the new area "Bayda Harbor" will be added to Lokapala Jungle in Sumeru.
II. New Character
5-Star Character "Dire Balemoon" Arlecchino (Pyro)
◇ Vision: Pyro
◇ Weapon: Polearm
◇ "The Knave," Fourth of the Fatui Harbingers. A poised, ruthless diplomat. To the children in the House of the Hearth, she is their feared yet dependable "Father."
◆ Arlecchino can utilize her Bond of Life to enhance her Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks, dealing Pyro DMG.
◆ Elemental Skill "All Is Ash"
◆ Deals Pyro DMG to multiple nearby opponents and applies Blood-Debt Directives to them. Blood-Debt Directives deal Pyro DMG to opponents at regular intervals. When Arlecchino uses a Charged Attack or her Elemental Burst "Balemoon Rising," she will absorb Blood-Debt Directives, which grants her a certain amount of Bond of Life.
◆ Elemental Burst "Balemoon Rising"
◆ Arlecchino's great wing of Balemoon Bloodfire beats as she absorbs and clears Blood-Debt Directives applied to opponents around her. She deals AoE Pyro DMG before clearing the CD of All Is Ash and healing herself. The healing is based on her Bond of Life value and ATK.
III. New Equipment
1. New Weapon (Examples based on Refinement Rank 1)
Crimson Moon's Semblance (5-Star Polearm)
Grants a Bond of Life equal to 25% of Max HP when a Charged Attack hits an opponent. This effect can be triggered up to once every 14s. In addition, when the equipping character has a Bond of Life, they gain a 12% DMG Bonus; if the value of the Bond of Life is greater than or equal to 30% of Max HP, then gain an additional 24% DMG Bonus.
◆ During the event wish "Epitome Invocation," the event-exclusive 5-star weapon Crimson Moon's Semblance (Polearm) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
2. New Artifact Sets
Unfinished Reverie (4-Star and 5-Star)
◇ 2-Piece Set: ATK +18%.
◇ 4-Piece Set: After leaving combat for 3s, DMG dealt increased by 50%. In combat, if no Burning opponents are nearby for more than 6s, this DMG Bonus will decrease by 10% per second until it reaches 0%. When a Burning opponent exists, it will increase by 10% instead until it reaches 50%. This effect still triggers if the equipping character is off-field.
Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy (4-Star and 5-Star)
◇ 2-Piece Set: ATK +18%.
◇ 4-Piece Set: When the value of a Bond of Life increases or decreases, this character deals 18% increased DMG for 6s. Max 3 stacks.
IV. New Domain
Domain of Blessing: Faded Theater
◇ Under the direction of an immortal musician, a certain ancient troupe once performed the elegies of an ancient civilization. With the passage of time, the ancient plays became legend. Legend became myth. ...Until one day, by chance, it was deliberately picked up once more, and became the prelude to a new dream.
◇ Unlock Criteria (satisfy any one of the criteria below to unlock):
• Reach Adventure Rank 22 or above
• Complete Archon Quest Prologue: Act III "Song of the Dragon and Freedom"
◆ Challenge the Domain to obtain artifacts in the "Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy" and "Unfinished Reverie" sets.
V. New Main Story
1. New Story Quests
Arlecchino's Story Quest - Ignis Purgatorius Chapter: Act I "When the Hearth-Flame Goes Out"
Permanently available after the Version 4.6 update
◆ Quest Unlock Criteria:
• Reach Adventure Rank 40 or above
• Complete Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act V "Masquerade of the Guilty"
Cyno's Story Quest - Lupus Aureus Chapter: Act II "Oathkeeper"
Permanently available after 2024/05/14 18:00
◆ Quest Unlock Criteria:
• Reach Adventure Rank 40 or above
• Complete Archon Quest Chapter III: Act V "Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises"
• Complete Cyno's Story Quest - Lupus Aureus Chapter: Act I "Sands of Solitude"
2. New World Quests
New World Quests
"Canticles of Harmony" Quest Chain, "For Yesterday and Tomorrow," "Latecoming Homecoming," "Where His Life Lies," "Daydreams Beyond Space and Time," etc.
VI. New Enemies
"The Knave"
◇ Fourth of the Fatui Harbingers.
The Knave will apply Bonds of Life to characters. After clearing a Bond of Life, characters in your party will unleash a Scarlet Nighttide the next time one of their Charged Attacks hit The Knave. This attack can interrupt some of The Knave's attacks, including Bloodtide Banquet. Some of The Knave's attacks will consume her own HP, and when these attacks hit a character, they will restore her own HP and apply a Bond of Life to the character; if the character hit already has a Bond of Life, the DMG dealt by the attack will be increased yet more.
Located in the Liffey Region
Legatus Golem
◇ This ancient Legatus Golem uses its sturdy marble body to defend against attack while using music and searing flames to obliterate its foes.
Use methods suited to dealing with Geo to break through its defenses. Apart from this, it will also set up resonators in combat that will assist its attacks. Destroy these resonators to deplete its shielding effectively.
Located in the Nostoi Region
Praetorian Golem
◇ An ancient golem infused with will that uses its resilient marble body in battle.
Use methods suited to dealing with Geo to effectively defeat its defenses.
New Recipe:
○ Café Lutece, Fontaine: Bulle Souffle
New Character Specialty Dish:
○ Arlecchino's specialty: "Hearthfire's Trail"
Adds new "Rhapsodia in the Ancient Sea" and "Challenger: Series IX" Achievement categories, and adds new Achievements to the "Wonders of the World" category.
Adds Set 31 of "Paimon's Paintings" chat emojis.
Adds some prompts for loading screens.
New Namecards:
"Arlecchino: Edict": Reward for reaching Friendship Lv. 10 with Arlecchino
"Fontaine: Attunement": Reward for completing all achievements under "Rhapsodia in the Ancient Sea"
"Achievement: Whalewrangler": Reward for completing all achievements under "Challenger: Series IX"
"Fontaine: Lucine": Reward for reaching Fountain of Lucine Favor Level 48
"Travel Notes: The Realms Rocked": Reward obtained via the BP system
Adds 17 World Quest-related avatars that will be unlocked after completing World Quests in accordance with the corresponding unlock criteria (Refer to "Paimon Menu > Change Avatar" in-game for the specific unlock criteria. For Travelers who have already completed the corresponding World Quests before the version update, the corresponding avatars will be automatically unlocked after the version update.)
Fountain of Lucine: Increase in the Level Cap of Fountain of Lucine to Level 50. After the Fountain of Lucine reaches its maximum level, Hydro Sigils can be exchanged with Mequignon at Bertin's House of Curiosities.
Adds the "Focused Experience Mode" function:
(1) This function can be enabled for certain quests in the "Quest" menu. Once enabled, Travelers can prevent locations and characters involved in said quest from being occupied by other quests, which improves the experience of the current quest.
(2) Function Access Unlock Criteria: Complete Archon Quest Prologue: Act III "Song of the Dragon and Freedom"
(3) In Version 4.6, the "Focused Experience Mode" function will be available for Arlecchino's Story Quest - Ignis Purgatorius Chapter: Act I "When the Hearth-Flame Goes Out." The "Focused Experience Mode" function will gradually be made available for more quests in subsequent versions.
"Genius Invokation TCG" Gameplay Update:
New Character Cards: Kuki Shinobu, Faruzan, and their corresponding Talent cards. Corresponding invitation duels and guest challenges have been added to the Player List.
New Character Cards: Emperor of Fire and Iron, Abyss Herald: Wicked Torrents, and the corresponding Talent Cards. The Tavern Challenge has also been added.
New Action Cards: "Rightful Reward," "Amethyst Crown," "Taroumaru," "The White Glove and the Fisherman," "Seirai Island," "Rainbow Macarons," and "Underwater Treasure Hunt" can be purchased from Prince at The Cat's Tail.
The Forge Realm's Temper is once again available. The theme of this edition is "The Forge Realm's Temper: Game of Wits":
(1) During The Forge Realm's Temper: Game of Wits, some stages will have special victory and defeat conditions. Adeptly adapt your tactics to complete the challenge and avoid the conditions for defeat!
(2) Within The Forge Realm's Temper: Game of Wits event stages, there will also be special rules that can easily exert influence on the tempo of the match. Fully utilizing these special rules will contribute greatly to your success.
Spiral Abyss
Floor 11 Ley Line Disorder changed to:
• All party members receive a 75% Pyro DMG Bonus.
Updated the monster lineup on Floors 11 – 12 of the Spiral Abyss.
Starting from the first time that the Lunar Phase refreshes after updating to Version 4.6, the three Lunar Phases will be as follows:
Phase I:
Flame-Fanning Moon
When a character triggers Vaporize, Overloaded, Melt, Burning, Burgeon, Pyro Swirl, or Pyro Crystallize reactions on an opponent, the opponent's All Elemental RES and Physical RES is reduced by 30% for 4s.
Phase II:
Valorous Moon
When a character receives healing, the character's ATK increases by 50% for 3s.
Phase III:
Tactical Moon
When a character's HP value increases or decreases, that character gains a 16% increased All Elemental and Physical DMG Bonus for 8s. This effect can stack up to 3 times, and the duration of each stack is counted independently.
〓Adjustments & Optimizations〓
● Exploration
On the Tutorials screen, adventure tutorials related to the current area will be displayed nearer to the top.
Optimizes the performance of the Treasure Compass feature: Nearby treasure chests will now be marked on the map after using the Treasure Compass, and opening treasure chests marked out on the map during the Treasure Compass's cooldown time will reset its cooldown.
● Map
Combines the "Domains only" and "Search for Players" options under the "Map Settings" button on the map interface.
Adds the "Custom Markers," "Controller > Cursor Sensitivity," and "Controller > Marker Sensitivity Range" settings under the "Map Settings" button on the map interface.
Optimizes the design of the buttons for switching between different regions on the map interface.
● Quests
Adds another button for important quest items related to certain quests in the Quest Menu.
When you are navigating to a quest objective, an icon for important quest items related to the current quest will now be displayed within the Inventory.
Updates the icon for Requests in the Quest Menu.
● Adventurer Handbook
Adjusts the criteria for unlocking different chapters in "Adventurer Handbook > Experience": Simply reach a certain Adventure Rank to unlock the next chapter. You no longer need to complete the previous chapter.
Adds missions for enhancing Prototype Rancour and Favonius Warbow to Lv. 60 in "Adventurer Handbook > Embattle."
Adds missions related to enhancing Artifacts in "Adventurer Handbook > Embattle."
● Serenitea Pot
Adds the "Quick Obtain" function on the Replica > Preview screen as well as the Furnishing Set screen in Editing Mode: You can use this function to quickly purchase the Furnishings/Furnishing Blueprints that you need from the Realm Depot, or add the Furnishings that need to be created to the "Queued List."
Adds the "Queued List" function on the Create Furnishing > Creation Queue screen. This will record your Furnishing creation requests from using "Quick Obtain" and tell you which materials they require. It can also be used to quickly add Furnishings that are waiting to be made to the Creation Queue.
Adds the "Obtain All" function on the Create Furnishing > Creation Queue screen. You can use this function to obtain all the Furnishings created in one go. After you click it, you can also choose to use Vials of Adeptal Speed to speed up production of all Furnishings that haven't been completed yet with a single click.
Adjusts the upper limit of the Creation Queue in Create Furnishing from 5 to 10.
Adds Filter and Search functions to the Furnishings and Furnishing Blueprints tabs of the Realm Depot.
Displays category-related information in the text descriptions for Furnishings and Furnishing Blueprints.
Optimizes the layout of the Realm Music screen, adding serial numbers and no longer showing a second confirmation pop-up when unlocking tracks.
After Trust Rank reaches Level 10, the purchase limit of all products in Realm Depot > Furnishings (except Vial of Adeptal Speed) will be raised from 6 to 20.
Furnishings and Furnishing Blueprints introduced from Version 1.5 to 2.8 will be permanently sold at a discount in the Realm Depot.
● Genius Invokation TCG
Updates the icon of the Event Card "Falls and Fortune."
Optimizes the text description for the Normal Attack of the Character Card "Neuvillette" (the actual effect remains the same).
● Other
Optimizes the "compiling shaders" loading time when logging in on an Android device for the first time after version update.
Adds support for displaying friend nicknames on the Serenitea Pot > Create Furnishing > Guest Assistance screen, as well as on various screens related to Co-Op Mode.
Adjusts the position of the stone pillars on Floors 11 and 12 of the Spiral Abyss: Now, the stone pillars will be placed outside the barrier.
After the version update, on some PC devices that use integrated graphics cards, the default "Graphics > Graphics Quality" setting will be adjusted to "Lowest" (only the correspondence between the options and the default values is changed, the actual settings remain unchanged).
Due to the addition of new regions and Teleport Waypoints, the number of Teleport Waypoints required to unlock the achievement "Forest Roamer" has been adjusted. The original total number of Teleport Waypoints that needed to be unlocked was 46, and this has now been adjusted to 47 (if the achievement has been completed, the completion status of the achievement remains unchanged).
Increases the Inventory's capacity for the Weapon Enhancement Materials "Mystic Enhancement Ore," "Fine Enhancement Ore," and "Enhancement Ore" from 9,999 to 99,999.
〓Genius Invokation TCG Balance Adjustment〓
Adjusts the effect of the status "Fiery Rebirth" of the Character Card "Abyss Lector: Fathomless Flames": "When the character to which this is attached would be defeated: Remove this effect, ensure the character will not be defeated, and heal them to 4 HP. After this effect is triggered, this character deals +1 Pyro DMG."
Adjusts the effect of "Aegis of Abyssal Flame" applied by the Talent Card "Embers Rekindled" of the Character Card "Abyss Lector: Fathomless Flames": "Provide 2 Shield points to the character to which this card is attached. After said Shield points are depleted: Deal 1 Piercing DMG to all opposing characters."
Adjusts the casting logic of the Elemental Skills of the Character Cards "Candace" and "Beidou": After the adjustment, the character that cast the Elemental Skill gains a shield and then prepares the skill (i.e. generating the shield and preparing the skill are split into two separate actions, so that if the shield is removed by certain effects, this will not result in the skill's preparation being canceled too).
Adjusts the effect of the Support Card "Yayoi Nanatsuki": "For each of your characters already equipped with an Artifact on the field, you spend 1 less Elemental Die (once per Round)." has been adjusted to "If two of your characters on the field already have an equipped Artifact, you additionally spend 1 less Elemental Die (once per Round)."
Adjusts the trigger condition for the effect of the Support Card "Seed Dispensary": The trigger condition "When you play an Equipment or Support Card with an original cost of 1 Elemental Die: ..." has been adjusted to "When you play a Support Card with an original cost of at least 2 Elemental Dice: ..."
Adjusts the number of Elemental Dice required and effect of the Support Card "Jeht": The Elemental Dice cost required has been adjusted from 2 Dice of any element to 1. The effect "If this card has recorded at least 5 Sophistication points, discard this card and generate Omni Element equal to the number of Sophistication points minus 2." has been adjusted to "If this card has recorded at least 6 Sophistication points, discard this card and attach Sand and Dreams to your active character." (The effect of "Sand and Dreams" is: "When you play a Talent card or a Character uses a Skill: Spend 3 less Elemental Dice.")
Note: The effect of the Event Card "Nature and Wisdom" will not result in the deck being shuffled. All "draw a random card of any certain type from your deck" effects will also not result in the deck being shuffled, but instead will result in 1 random card of the corresponding type being drawn and added to your hand.
〓Bug Fixes〓
● Character
Fixes an issue whereby, when certain Polearm-wielding characters performed Plunging Attacks, the position of the attack's special effect would be abnormal in certain situations (the actual DMG AoE works as intended).
Fixes an issue whereby after Xianyun's second Constellation was unlocked, the special effect on the tails of her outfit would abnormally disappear under certain circumstances.
● System
Fixes an issue whereby there were errors with certain key names on the Settings > Key Bindings screen when playing on a PC in German or French.
Fixes an issue whereby, after switching a character's outfit from the "Party Setup" menu, the corresponding character could not be switched to and deployed in certain situations.
Fixes an issue whereby, when challenging the Millennial Pearl Seahorse, the game camera couldn't be restored to the original angle after zooming out in certain situations.
● Genius Invokation TCG
Fixes an issue whereby when "Fontemer Pearl" was attached to the Character Card "Millennial Pearl Seahorse," casting its Elemental Skill would abnormally reset the Fontemer Pearl's once-per-round effect ("Usage(s) will not be used when negating DMG from Summons").
● Audio
Fixes an issue whereby there was a chance that the effect of Freminet's skill voice line would be abnormal in certain situations.
Fixes an issue whereby, when Chiori used her Elemental Skill to enter combat, there was a chance that the Elemental Skill sound effect would be abnormal.
● Other
Fixes an issue whereby there was a small probability that the model of the currently controlled character would disappear abnormally under certain circumstances when playing through Lynette's Hangout Event on mobile devices.
Fixes an issue whereby if a character unequipped and then re-equipped the weapon "Amenoma Kageuchi," after triggering the weapon's effect to obtain Succession Seeds, Succession Seeds' duration would be abnormal under certain circumstances.
Fixes an issue whereby some buildings in Mondstadt were overlapping abnormally, which was preventing characters from climbing upwards.
Fixes some text errors in certain languages and optimizes text. (Note: Related in-game functions have not changed. Travelers can view the changes in different languages by going to the Paimon Menu > Settings > Language and changing the Game Language.)
Text-related fixes and optimizations in English include:
◆ Optimizes certain English translations.
*This is a work of fiction and is not related to any actual people, events, groups, or organizations.
"PlayStation", "PS5", "PS4", "DualSense", "DUALSHOCK" are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.
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intothegenshinworld · 2 years
'Goodnight World' III
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Summary: After the Aranara brings Aether to the World he finds out that The Creator is unable to wake up. Note: Not proofread!  WC: 1.4k
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“So…” Paimon wonders out loud, 
“Did you really think they were the Creator?” 
“It sure seemed like it.” Aether answers dismissively. 
The two had made their way out of Varanara a while ago. Without a boat to bring them back to Sumeru city, it had taken longer than the two had originally planned. And with this newfound extra time, Aether had been stuck in his head – his thoughts all revolving around the Creator.
Because.. if it really is what it seems, – he might be able to unravel Teyvat’s mysteries in one quick move. 
And Aether wasn’t sure if he was ready for that.
“Ohh! Do you think we can get something to eat before we go to find Nahida?” Paimon hovers closer to Aether. Her small feet kick in the air with excitement after the thought of food. 
Aether looks at the pixie with amusement. Somehow world problems never seem to bother her. For a good moment he has to stop himself from smiling at her unprompted need for food.
Instead of giving her the satisfaction of a smile, he lifts an eyebrow in a teasing manner, 
“Are you really more interested in food rather than helping the Creator of Teyvat?”
A loud gasp is heard beside him. “Paimon didn’t say that!” 
The pixie huffs and crosses her arms, all while continuing to float forwards. “Paimon is very curious, but it’s been so long since we last had anything else than boar meat.” She sulks. 
“I’m sure we’ll have time to visit a city tavern while we’re there. But – I would really want to see Nahida before we do.”
“Paimon understands!”
Aether looks at his companion, urging her to continue.
“Well… Paimon thinks it has to do with your sibling right?”
Aether moves his eyes back in front of him. At the mention of his sibling, words die in his throat.
He chooses to nods silently.
“Then it’s settled!” Paimon giggles and throws her hands in the air. “First we’ll find Nahida, and then you’ll buy Paimon loooots of food!”
“As if I don’t normally buy your food.” 
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Aether looks around him. 
The two had finally arrived at their destination. And without much observation, Aether was able to notice that Sumeru city had gotten busier than before. 
It seems that after the Dendro Archon got back in business, the citizens of Sumer have started to pick up a new daily routine. On one hand, with no sages left to guide them the scholars seemed to slow down their work in favour of waiting for a new one to take over. And on the other, new knowledge was shared without the old sages limiting things.
But, perhaps it was mostly due to the Akasha being shut down. 
Aether notices a group of scholars carrying stacks of books in their arms. 
Before, it had been effortless to get common knowledge. The Akasha would immediately bring it up for its user to see without them having to check in to lend books and whatnot. But now that they lost that, they had to manually search up knowledge relevant to their studies. 
It would only be natural that the streets would get busier with scholars needing to find that knowledge.
And amongst these students there should be a young Archon wandering around. 
Aether had already checked the Sanctuary of Surasthana, but she had been nowhere to be seen. Then, as he made his way to the Akademiya in hopes of asking the Acting Grand Sage about Nahida, he heard scholars talking about the very Archon he was searching for. 
So somewhere nearby, –
“Nahida, Nahida!” 
Paimon waves her hand with excitement when she sees the young Archon appear from the crowd.
The Dendro Archon already seems to have noticed both and Aether can see Nahida smile as she comes closer.
“Hmm? Paimon and the Traveller?” She laughs for a moment, “I didn’t expect to see you here so soon. Have you been enjoying your travels?”
“Yes! – uhh… No?”
Paimon puts her hands to her head in confusion. She sends Aether a look before visibly deflating, “Ugh… Paimon doesn’t know anymore.”
The Archon looks between the two with curiosity. “Did something happen? You seem… stressed perhaps?”
As always, Nahida seems to be able to sense that something is off. Yet it worries Aether that the Young Archon had never mentioned the Creator before. 
Does she really not know…?
Paimon whines, “Yes, something is probably wrong. That’s why we wanted to talk to you.”
“Oh?” Nahida turns her head to the side in a curious manner.
“You see…”
Paimon turns to Aether for help. Within a few words he’s able to summarise the whole problem; “We saw the Creator.”
Nahida makes a weird expression. It starts with something similar to shock which then turns into confusion. 
For a moment it’s silent. When Aether looks down at the Archon he can see her thinking about his words. Her hand is holding her chin and her eyebrows are slightly furrowed.
“Paimon will explain! When we visited Varanara, an Aranara led us to this giant open space underground and we saw the Creator asleep!” The little pixie floats wildly in the air as she makes gestures with her hands and puts emphasis on her words. 
“They even talked to us in our minds!”
Nahida lets out a warm laugh after that. 
Her eyes close and she seems to be genuinely enjoying the moment.
“I must say. Your jokes have elevated in a way I could not predict them anymore. For a moment I thought you actually met the Creator.” 
A small giggle escapes her lips again before she continues, “It would be a funny joke if I wasn’t one of the few people still alive to have born witness to Their Grace’s disappearance.” The smile on Nahida’s face remains. It’s evident she thinks about the Creator in a positive light.
Aether furrows his eyebrows together. Wouldn’t Nahida have been born after the Creator’s disappearance? While he can’t fully confirm it, he assumes this must be Irminsul filling in the hole that’s been left behind after Nahida removed Rukkhadevata from Teyvat.
Nahida puts a hand to her chest in a solemn way. “To be completely honest, the Creator’s disappearance was something none of the Archons had suspected to be possible. The Creator of Teyvat, – leaving its world to fend on its own.”
“For as long as the Cataclysm of 500 years ago lasted, we believed it would be the end of an era. The end of Teyvat.” Nahida lets her arms dangle next to her sides again. While she’s obviously fond of the Creator, these thoughts seem to bring up bad memories as well.
Paimon looks between Aether and Nahida. “But…” 
The traveller fills in the words in his head; if The Creator is truely gone, who did we see?
As the pixie trails off, Nahida continues. “If the Creator truly was in Sumeru, I would’ve known. But the last time I checked Irminsul, all traces of the Creator were broken off 500 years ago. Right after the cataclysm spread over Teyvat.”
Aether thinks for a moment. 
As an outlander he’s the only one here not affected by Irminsul. Could it be that someone or something removed the Creator’s existence from the tree 500 years ago for some reason? 
Perhaps he should find out why the Creator disappeared that long ago…
“What if someone did find the Creator?” 
“Then you’d save the world.” Nahida replies to Aether without missing a beat
“When the Creator left, they left behind many unstable energies that would cause a catastrophe later on, such as leylines. Adventurers might be able to fight the effects of these unstable energies, but it’d eventually take its toll on Teyvat. I’m sure this is something many Archons and citizens alike have thought about.”
“But most importantly, Their Grace will be able to cast light in the dark. Hope where people feel lost.”
“After all, fear is rarely a good adviser.” 
Aether shares a look with Paimon before returning his attention to Nahida. Her green eyes seem to be filled with joy at the mere thought of the Creator returning.
“Aether, if it were truly the Creator you saw, then you might restore Teyvat as it once was.”
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kararisa · 1 year
the taste of nectar
— but the heart of a man is a simple one. small and soft, flesh and blood.
— alhaitham x gn!reader
— author's notes: title and the quote are from epic iii from the hadestown live album
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While Sumeru is known for its variety of lush flora and fauna, perhaps it could be better said that Sumeru is known for the Akademiya’s cutthroat academic environment.
In the midst of the unrest after the removal of the sages, Alhaitham has had his fair share of work. Work that he certainly hadn’t signed up for when he accepted the job of Scribe all those years ago.
(I mean the entire point of him accepting that role was to live a cushy life. Who in the world would take being the Acting Grand Sage over that?)
The never-ending stack of papers on his desk somehow seemed to double the past week, though it’s surprisingly less work than when he was the Acting Grand Sage. 
But as the sun sets, and the work day is over, he finds himself on a path that leads to the outskirts of Sumeru City.
His footsteps were a concrete rhythm he had grown familiar with over the years. With each step, the hubbub of the city turned into the birds’ chirping, the smell of food and spices from various shops in the marketplace became the smell of wet grass, and the sprawling greens from buildings’ rooftops turned into the greenery of nature.
In the distance, Alhaitham's keen eyes catch sight of the familiar gardens that have become a sanctuary amidst the chaos of the city. Their blooming flowers and lush vegetation beckon to him, offering solace and respite from the demands of the everyday. And there, amidst the vibrant tapestry of colors and textures, he sees you.
He settles beneath the tree where the two of you usually sit, your Dendro Vision aglow while you tend to the plants, the grass curling towards your feet and the Sumeru Roses blooming larger. As one of the city's main suppliers, you've been working yourself to the bone trying to keep up with the demand. With eremite attacks growing more rampant, the demands of the people have pushed you to the limits of your physical and mental endurance. Yet, in the face of this ceaseless task, you remain steadfast, pouring your heart and soul into the care of each precious plant, ensuring that the city's needs are consistently met. You kneel in the grass, inspecting the petals of a nearby Padisarah.
In that moment, your head turns towards him. Alhaitham's breath catches in his chest, his heartbeat quickening imperceptibly. The intensity of your gaze, now locking with his, holds a power that leaves him captivated. And then, like a sunbeam breaking through the clouds after a storm, a smile graces your lips, illuminating your face with a warmth that reaches the depths of his being. 
After a few moments of delicately tending to the vibrant blossoms, you gracefully rise from your kneeling position and settle yourself next to Alhaitham beneath the ancient tree. His eyes follow your every movement as you delicately twirl a Sumeru Rose in your hand, its petals brushing against your fingertips like the softest silk. A tender smile graces his lips as you press close to his side, the warmth of your presence radiating against his arm.
Feeling his touch, you lean your head gently on his shoulder, finding solace in his embrace. Alhaitham's hand instinctively finds its place on your side, his fingers intertwining with the fabric of your clothing as if trying to draw you impossibly closer. You adjust your positions together, finding a comfortable nook amidst the lush grass, its gentle blades whispering against your garments, a soft reminder of nature's embrace.
As you settle into this shared space of tranquility, the air filled with the intoxicating scent of blooming flowers, a peaceful silence envelops you both. The world beyond seems to fade away, leaving only the two of you and the earth and the connection that binds you.
No words need to be exchanged between the two of you. It’s in this quiet haven, amidst the beauty of nature, that Alhaitham finds his peace.
Among the flowers’ nectarine embrace, he can let the world fall away.
With you, he is simply Alhaitham.
And that’s all he ever needs to be.
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lorelune · 1 year
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part o - part iii
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|| diluc ragnvindr x f! reader || E/18+ || hurt/comfort, fluff, post-trauma || wc: 16.2k  || ao3 || masterlist || NEXT →
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You return to Mondstadt after many years away, sick, with an feeling that's all-too familiar and unwelcome.
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❁ my heart, your song - @firein-thesky ❁
minors & ageless blogs dni
a/n: AH!! here it is :'^) the diluc fic!!!! thank you so much to @itoshisoup for beta reading (along with my non-tumblr pals han & ennis as well!!) this section contains four chapters, separated by partitions. if you'd prefer to read this fic with the chapters/parts separated, it will be posted as such on ao3!
this fic is a collab with the lovely cielo (@firein-thesky)!! our fics share a mostly canon compliant universe :3c give it a read!! it's linked above!!!
tags: alcohol use, descriptions of vomiting, reader with chronic injury, reader is referred to as 'little sister' by kaeya (not related), unreliable narrator/reader, soggy soggy SOGGY diluc, protective diluc, diluc and reader were childhood friends to lovers, reader is a healer
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PART o: kismet
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Once, on one of your several trips to Sumeru, you visited the Akademiya. You only went to poke at dusty books and sit in on a few lectures as a wanderer who liked a good story and a bit of learning. There, you met a scholar whose name didn’t stick with you, from the Rtawahist darshan.
They had the far-off look in their eye of someone who had seen a bit too much, for who they were. You knew that some scholars went mad in their pursuit of knowledge. Saw things that they couldn’t cope with even if they tried. Your new friend looked to be close to such a threshold.
Perhaps, in an act of pity, you took this scholar out for a drink. Or two. Or seven. The exact number of cups and goblets escapes you now. But what you do remember, as you sat together on a terrace high above Yazaha pool, legs swinging, was their ramblings. 
“There’s a map of everything, up there.” They gestured wildly to the sky, twinkling and bright, with the moon as company. “Deciphering it... Well. That’s another thing. But it’s there. And if we figure it out, fate will be in our hands to know.”
They continued, stretching their hands to the cosmos above them, as if their fingertips could decipher the orchestration of the Gods with nothing but passion, wine, and will. It was admirable, in your drunken state. Perhaps foolish to your sober mind. 
Nonetheless, such an idea stuck with you. Even after you departed from your bygone friend, and continue your wanderings, you think about it. You laid on your bedroll more than once, staring upward, and wondering—
Why did the gods mosaic the sky? 
You are just a mortal, how are you to know? You tried not to dwell on that specific thought. The one you find yourself coming back to, in your worst nights—
(If I could read the stars, and foresee a tragedy, is there any way for a calamity to be stopped? If you knew fate’s charted course, the crest of its fortune and the wake of its tragedies— could you circumvent them?)
(Could you have stopped your calamity?)
It was a self-deprecating thought, and it dragged you back to a place and time that was both unpleasant and unnecessary to recall. 
There’s no way to change the past, you reminded yourself. You could only move forward. Never back. You only balked at the stars in your weakest moments and pondered such ideas like fate and destiny. You could live in the illusion of carving your own destiny as you traversed Teyvat. One where you wrapped gauze around wounds after the disaster had passed. Heal sullied ground. You could do everything you could to help people. That was enough, you decided early on in your travels. 
You’d help people (and avoid the nation Mondstadt). Simple enough.
One foot in front of the other.
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PART i: there’s a puzzle we crafted
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You’re tired. 
So tired. 
It’s a merciless type of exhaustion that you rarely, if ever, let yourself slip into. To wander Liyue’s peak and narrow paths in such a condition is dangerous, even if the Millelith and Guild did a decent job keeping settlements of Hilichurls suppressed. In general, you can take down slimes on your own— except when you find yourself this deliriously tired. 
Normally, you don’t even bother traveling in this state. You would drag yourself to the nearest village, throw some mora at a layperson and set up shop wherever they had space. Be that an inn, back room, or stable— you aren’t picky. As long as you could rest for a few days, perhaps help out the village in your spare time. 
Your most recent wanderings, however, took you far onto the Yaoguang Shoals for several days, and by the time you returned to solid, proper earth, you were desperately low on essentials. Your nearest respite was an old village crawling with Hilichurls. Your next best option would be a miniature expedition onto the shores of Dragonspine and hope the cold wouldn’t kill you before you could find shelter and stoke a fire.
So, you keep going.  
All the way past Stonegate and the quarries beyond it. You’re only half-lucid as you wander into Mondstadt for the first time in years. 
You roost in an abandoned cottage some ways down the road. Finally resting for the first time in days. Never mind your still-damp bedroll or the structural unsoundness of the ruin. You practically fall to your knees and pass out, given your state.
(Running has made you tired, hasn’t it?)
When you awaken, you ache. (Familiar). You nibble on the last of your rations and it hits you��
You’re back in Mond, aren’t you?
You should leave, really. It’s your first thought when you realize where you are. You shouldn’t be here. You’re not even near the city proper, but a panic unfurls in your chest like you’ve been struck. You immediately begin to pack up your things—
Two things hit you then:
One: You’re far lower on supplies than you had thought. 
This isn’t a new development, however. It’s just far worse than you thought. You paw at the contents of your bag, realizing that the dried zaytun peaches and jerky you had for breakfast were the last of your rations. The weather had been poor across Liyue in the past weeks, and many of the normal markets you would’ve run into were shuttered because of it. Regardless, you didn’t think you were on your last fucking morsels. 
Deep in your bag, all you have is a torn, unusable tarp and a pitiful handful of the crystalline shards you used to purify water. 
You don’t even need to look at your medicine kit to know the paltry state it’s in. Far too many empties. 
Two:  A burning sensation that splits you wide open and threatens to eat you alive. 
You barely twist your foot the wrong way. Hardly at all. Regardless, something like liquid electro shoots from the twisted (broken, mutilated—) parts of your right foot, up your thigh, and shakes you down to your bones. 
You stumble, using the wall for support and keeping your weight off the injury. It shouldn’t be aggravated this early in the day. You shake it off from your ankle, lowering yourself to the dirt floor to massage out any of the tension and subsequent pain that you can. You’ll be able to walk, surely, but it’s getting harder and harder to deny that the old injury isn’t worsening over time. 
You remember, vaguely, hearing tell that there was a skilled healer in Mond once again. Younger, a Vision-bearer in the Church, maybe? 
You know enough about the Church of Favonius that they would at least look at your injury, if this half-remembered healer really does exist and is affiliated with them. 
You hate that Mondstadt seemed like the best option. 
(Later, you’ll realize it’s all a bit like fate, pushing you toward that stupid city.)
You find yourself at a loss, shake your head, and sigh, “... I guess it wouldn’t... really be so bad to visit.”
You’ll just stay for a day or two.
Mondstadt’s front gate is so familiar it nearly hurts. The guards have different faces than the ones you remember from your youth. Their demeanor is the same— kind, open, like how people from Mond tend to be. They don’t hound you too much as you pass, and you enter the city without issue. 
Midday sun lights Mondstadt proper when you arrive (your journey from the quarries took a bit longer than necessary, considering your route went wide around a particular plot of land that you refused to go near.)
The city bustles with noise and activity. Merchants line the streets, carts and stalls overflowing. Seafoam banners and floral wreaths hang along the stone arches and walls, while garlands of fresh flowers stretch from building to building. The scent of fresh flowers, baking bread, and sweet wine envelopes you.
Windblume, you remember. It is spring, after all.
You hope the crowds of the festival will help you blend in as you meander through the city. You keep your head down, counting cobblestones and being quick with your purchases. Better to get in and out, probably. If you can snag a new tarp and bedroll, you could set up across the bridge for the night, and be gone by morning if you could track down that healer within the afternoon too. 
As you walk up the main run of Mond proper, toward the fountain and the smell of warm spiced meat, someone, archons, gasps from behind you and says your name.
(Later, you’ll recall this moment. Perhaps kismet turned on its axis for you to still and—)
You freeze, going stiff. You’d know that voice anywhere. Sweet and teasing, curling down your spine in a way that feels both ambiently flirtatious and horribly familiar. 
Part of you screams to ignore her. Let her think she has the wrong person and continue your journey in Mond unimpeded by an old specter. You could be out the gates in a number of hours, if not minutes if you really need to (run, run, run).
But, there’s a temptation. It breathes itself alive, from the back of your mind to the front, entirely unavoidable. 
(How long has it been since you’ve seen a familiar face? One that you know instead of just recognizing?)
You turn slowly. “... Hi, Lisa.”
And, somehow, you end up in the Knight’s of Favonius headquarters, with a perfectly warm cup of tea in your hands, nestled in a library you hadn’t been inside for nearly a decade. It smells of old parchment and leather. Steam rises from your cup, fragrant with Sumeru rose and Guili cinnamon stick with black tea leaves. You recall the scholars of the Spantamad darshan favored this blend; you shared more than a cup or two during your visits to the Akademiya. 
Lisa settles in the seat across from you, with a small box of pastries that look sticky and sweet. Your mouth waters. 
“How have you been, dear?” Lisa gives you a soft look. “It’s been so long.”
So long, you add to yourself. Sitting across from Lisa is giving you a gut-twisting sense of deja vu that has your palms sweating.
“I’ve been well,” you say, gently. “Travelling, still.”
“Oh, how exciting.” Lisa smiles and lays her cheek on her palm. “What was your most recent destination?”
You hummed. “I recently went to Natlan’s capital, just for a few months. I ended up staying with a smith who gave me odd jobs in exchange for housing.”
“Oh, wow,” Lisa preens for you. “And before that? I apologize, dear, I’m not caught up with your journeys.”
Ah, the lack of letters.
“I apologize.” You rub your forehead. “I haven’t been writing lately. It’s been... hard to keep track of things, though it’s not an excuse.”
“I would disagree.” She flashes you a sympathetic smile. “You’ve been crisscrossing Teyvat; it makes perfect sense why you would struggle to keep in touch with folks. I’m sure you’ve met plenty of friends on your travels, too. I imagine you have lots to juggle.”
Lisa is partially correct, you suppose.
“You continue to give me so much amnesty— too kind,” you laugh, and lean back in your chair. 
Lisa looks a bit wistful as she puts down her cup in exchange for one of the pastries. You recognize the expression on her. You’ve only seen her wear it once before.
“How long are you staying in Mond?” Lisa asks, nodding down to the box. You leave the treats untouched.
“Not long.” You refuse to look at her as you answer, “Just for the day. I needed some supplies and Mondstadt was the most convenient.”
It’s a clinical answer. One you say intentionally, perfectly, so she can’t poke holes in your logic. You hope, pray, she doesn’t push back on your short visit. Any longer, and you might accidentally run into more faces you don’t wish to see. Lisa was tangentially related to... everything, but she was the least obtrusive person you could have run into. Still, you’re in the lion’s den, in the Ordo’s HQ, for a cup of tea, praying that you can slip in and out undetected outside of Lisa.
(It’s easier like this, you tell yourself. You can’t get twisted up in this place again.)
Lisa examines you, tracing you up and down with her gaze in a way that’s horribly disarming. If it was from anyone else, you’d think they were checking you out, especially with the sweet, upward quirk of her lips. But, this is Lisa, and you had forgotten how astute she is.
“Only a day? That’s a shame.” She sighs, sitting back and stirring the tiny spoon perched in her teacup. “It's Windblume. You should stay.”
“I could,” you muse and give her a sympathetic smile. “But, I don’t think it would be wise. It would be better if I got on my way quickly.”
She raises an eyebrow. “How far back would a few days in Mondstadt put you on your travel plans?” 
You nearly bark out a laugh, but you keep it lodged in your throat. 
“Not terribly far, but I... I don’t want to stay, Lisa.” You reach across the table and squeeze her free hand. “It isn’t good for me to linger here.”
The look she gives you breaks your heart. Her brows wilt, her eyes get a little sadder, and she grips your hand unyieldingly. “... Are you sure, sweetheart? I’m sure the Knights could put together some lodging for you—”
She presses, and you hate the feeling of it. You know her kindness is not misplaced, but it makes you roll around in your skin regardless. Archons. You interrupt her with a tight smile, “Truly, Lisa, I am grateful for the offer, but I will be on my way come tomorrow morning. Perhaps another year.”
You sip your tea in silence for a moment. You stew, barely, not at her specifically but circumstance. It boils just underneath your skin, just as it has been since you entered Mond’s border. Speaking to Lisa has only made the feeling grow and burn. 
You can’t meet her gaze— you can’t. You can feel it on you regardless. You know you’ll see more pity and maybe that familiar bite of anger she wields so well. 
“Why don’t you tell me when and how you got that Vision then?” She nods low, down to your waist. Your dendro Vision hums there, tied to you with a fraying, braided string that desperately needs replacing. 
There isn’t a problem with indulging a bit of... this, is there? You’re only sitting to chat. Drinking some tea. You can hunt for that healer and duck out of Mond’s walls by sundown. Easy. You pluck one of the buttery-looking pastries from the box and plop it on your plate. 
“Sure, but only if I can get a refill on this tea.” You smile and raise your cup.
You lose track of time, talking to Lisa. 
You do tell her how you obtained your Vision, and of your subsequent journey through Snezhnaya to its port following your graduation. She tells you some of the new gossip of Ordo Favonius, and that she’s been thinking about picking out a ring to give to Jean (though, she has a hunch the other already has one in mind. Lisa thinks it'll be fun to meddle with whatever precise plan the Acting Grand Master (nice) has in place.)
She continues to pour you tea and push more baked goods onto your plate. You enjoy them, and her company. It’s a rare treat to sit down for so long with nothing more than chatting on your mind. 
“How was studying in Snezhnaya?” Lisa asked, eyeing your various bags. “Cold, I imagine?”
“Very.” You grimace, fishing around in your satchel. “But, worth it.” 
You pull forth a palm-sized metal insignia. You keep it tucked away, most of the time, only flashing the thing when necessary. You only need legitimacy every so often.
“Oh, wow.” Lisa gawks a bit. “May I see?”
You hand it to her. “Be my guest.”
She studies the metal, running her fingertips along the edges where the different colors meet. Vibrant blues meet greens and whites, with pink and purple flowers cast around the bottom edge. The shape resembles something between a shield and wheel, with each one of its seven portions having some meaning for the institution. They escape you now. 
“I’ve heard that the Tselostnyy School is quite the place,” Lisa says. “No one at the Akademiya seemed fond of them, but I imagine it was out of some sort of insecurity.”
You snort. “Probably. Folks at Tselostnyy actually teach healing— not just study the human body for the sake of some academic pursuit. The two schools have opposing goals.”
It was one of the main reasons you declined to apply to the Akademiya at all. 
“I’m glad you found a place to study— I know it was hard, after Teacher passed away.” Lisa reaches out as she speaks, going for your hand. 
You withdrew your own from the tabletop, hiding it in your lap. “It was. But I managed.”
Lisa gives you a look that drips pity. She looks as though she’s going to reply, just as the door to enter the library clicks open. 
Your gut drops to the floor and your shoulders stiffen. 
“Lisa? Could you proofread this draft for me? I’m afraid I sound too formal again—” It’s Jean, it’s Jean.
It’s her voice, the distantly familiar click of her hard heels against the wood flooring. You bunch the fabric of your trousers in your fist, forcibly reminding yourself to breathe. Jean walks from behind you, rounds the table, stops at Lisa’s side and looks at you. 
Jean’s eyes widen.
“Oh, sorry sweetheart— I’m a bit busy with a friend right now,” Lisa says easily, oblivious (seemingly, probably not.) She gestures to you and winks. “I can take a look after lunch, if you can take a break with me.” 
Jean says your name— gasping it more or less, tightening her grip on the document in her hands. 
“... Hi, Jean.” You give her a little wave. “How have you been?”
It’s bittersweet, the feeling that curls and grows in your chest as she brightens and pulls up a chair next to Lisa. It’s familiar and rotten, all the same.
The commotion in the library brings other visitors.
Lisa wears a smitten smile as other knights make their way into the library. Aramia and Flyn— they look older, long grown out of their adolescence and more into their skin. Hertha has crinkles around her eyes that grow tight when she recognizes who you are. 
The Spark Knight barrels in the room being lazily chased by—
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck— 
He scoops up the little knight and turns to the tea table, now surrounded by familiar faces, and you can see he has his lips pursed for some sort of teasing quip. Probably at the expense of the Ordo’s acting Grand Master and Librarian.
Then, Kaeya sees you. 
You watch his jaw snap shut. Whatever clever thing he had to say dies on his tongue and you watch it. It’s a little satisfying after all this time. You’ll cherish this moment, you think. The split second of confusion, the realization, the shock and— the guilt.
He wipes the expression off his face easily, as if it were never there to begin with. But you’ll revel in his discomfort. Your own little revenge, several years too late.
“Oh, wow—” Kaeya whistles, clicking closer and settling Klee on his hip with a bounce. He says your name almost breathlessly. “Little sister, it’s been quite some time. We’ve missed you.”
“Did you?” You tilt your head. “That’s surprising.”
You hold your tongue. You dig your teeth into the sides of it, forcing yourself quiet. The feeling that’s boiling in your chest won’t be extinguished by verbally thrashing Kaeya in the middle of the Knight’s HQ— but, Archons—
It’s tempting.
“‘Sister’?” The little knight’s nose scrunches. “Mister Kaeya, you said you only had Diluc, who’s only kinda your brother. No sisters!”
“He’s teasing me,” you placate her, voice sweetening. The little knight looks at you with wide eyes, a little awed. “‘Mister Kaeya’ is an old friend of mine, we played together lots when we were little like you.”
An oversimplification, of course. Little Klee doesn’t need to know what happened after the sun-swept days of sword fighting and house ended at the winery. Kaeya’s air quickly fades as Klee squirms down and asks kindly for a hug. You don’t think she can remember you— you only held her once, when she was so small— but you know her kind age and remember so differently from your own.
“Why are you in town?” Kaeya asks. “I thought I’d never seen you within city limits again. Color me surprised.”
You lock your jaw, as Klee bounds away from you and wrestles her way onto Jean’s lap, “Passing through, is all. I’ll be gone by morning.”
“... So, you’re not staying for Windblume?” Kaeya sits, pouring himself a cup of tea. You think you might hate him. “That’s a shame.” 
“I’m not,” you clarify and roll your eyes. “Though everyone is insisting that I do.”
“You really should.” Lisa takes the opening and insists, “It would be lovely to have you.”
Of the group that has congested in the library, you only hear agreement. Jean has a bright look in her eye that makes you shy away. 
“I... I really shouldn’t.” 
“Why not?” Kaeya grins, foxlike. You think he just likes making you squirm.
“Do you have somewhere to be?” Jean inquires, setting her chin on her fist.
“Well, no—” There’s always somewhere for you to be. You can’t stay. You shouldn’t even be here now. 
“Then, stay.” Eula leans against the doorframe, entered at some point. 
You’re being thoroughly peer-pressured, it seems. 
“...I’m being bullied into staying for Windblume, aren’t I?”
“Perhaps.” Jean gives you a sheepish grin. “You’re missed, Windblume is just an excuse.”
You ache. 
“Stay in the city, enjoy some wine,” Lisa insists. “Catch up with folks. I’d love to see more of you while you’re here. I’m sure you have stories to share of your travels.”’
You barter, “... If I do stay, I need to find a healer. I heard that there’s a skilled one, living in Mond. A Vision holder.”
Jean opens her mouth, but Kaeya speaks first. “Done.”
You consider. 
You’re fully aware that your arm is being horribly twisted into staying for Windblume. You know this is unwise. But—
(There’s something to it. Something you can’t admit it to, not aloud, not yet— but being in a room full of people who do not see you as a stranger, but rather an old friend. They know your name, and you know theirs. There’s something to knowing the streets you will walk if you stay. Familiarity is a wretched comfort.)
“If you need lodging, the knights could easily put you up in the dormitories,” Jean offers.
“No, I—” You sigh, scrubbing a hand down your cheeks. “I appreciate the gesture, but if I do stay I’ll camp outside the city.”
“So you’re staying?” Klee’s eyes shine. 
“In that case, come out for drinks tonight,” Kaeya insists with a sly smile that makes you want to eat glass. “I’ll buy a round.”
“Angel’s Share does bring out its Windblume vintage tonight—” Lisa says enticingly. 
“Absolutely not.” You smack your hand on the table, far louder than you intend. 
Kaeya cocks his head, amused. Lisa and Jean share a look, and the rest of the knights look a bit bewildered. You hate to raise your voice, but Archons, this crowd can be pushy.
“I’ll stay. But I’m not going to Angel’s Share.” Never ever again.
Lisa does seem to notice her error in suggesting it and gives you an apologetic smile. She reaches for your hand and squeezes. You feel a bit lighter.
“Diluc won’t be there,” Kaeya states. On the nose. “He doesn’t bartend on weeknights, even during Windblume.”
“... Really?”
“He doesn’t,” Eula corroborates. “I have knowledge as well that he is in the middle of merchant deals with a group from Natlan. There is no reason to think he’d be at Angel’s Share this evening, if that’s your concern.”
You pick at the skin around your nails. 
“I’ll think about it.”
(You agree, by the time you leave Ordo HQ. After many other promises of free wine and dancing, you find it hard to refuse. It doesn’t hurt that you confirm with multiple others that Diluc doesn’t bartend on weeknights. That he’s been caught up in business, and hasn’t been in the city much at all.)
You had enough mora for a few nights of lodging. You figured that Goth may have even given you a discount, as an old friend of his. Archons know how many times you worked odd jobs for him and his sons, patching up walls and the occasion twisted ankle or jammed finger. 
After some searching, you find Goth in one of the many gardens of Mond proper. As happy as he is to see you, he regretfully informs you that he has no free lodging. 
“Windblume has booked out all of my short-term properties,” Goth sighs. “Unless you’re looking for a minimum six-month lease, I don’t have any rooms available.”
(Goth explains to you that the goddamn Fatui has rented out the entirety of his hotel... indefinitely? Upfront? Hence the lack of a room.)
You tell him it’s no trouble, wave off his concern. You don’t mind a few more nights of camping. The only allure of an inn or hotel was the possibility of consistently bathing and a soft mattress. 
You pick a spot outside of Mondstadt proper to set up your camp. There are many tents already set up— travelers, like yourself, here for the festival. You recognize colors and fabrics from all over Teyvat. It warms something in you, that you aren’t alone in being an outsider here.
(Such a thought feels wrong, because it is, isn’t it? You aren’t an outsider at all. This is your home. The only place you’re not an outsider.) 
You struggle to set up your tent, and decide to leave it for later. Wandering around Mond for the afternoon aggravated your injury, and you instead take the time to poke around in your medicine kit for a quick tincture. Something to settle the—
(Burning, screeching pain that tracks up your leg. You’re grateful the other travelers aren’t watching how you collapse against a pile of discarded crates, barely holding back a hiss of pain.)
(It’s getting worse, isn’t it?)
Teacher always said that nothing was harder on sickness and wounds than stress. It was a wisdom you remembered but barely heeded.
You use the dropper and place the tincture under your tongue. It tastes bitter and coats your throat as you swallow. 
The sun rains gold on Mond as you meander toward the Angel’s Share. Liquid amber that coats the buildings and cobblestones. It’s nostalgic in too many ways, and it makes something behind your ribs ache.
(You’re hit with the distinct urge to run. To turn tail and leave Mondstadt forever, again.)
You shove it down, swallow it whole, and bear it. Bear it. Not forever, just for a few days. You can catch up with some old friends, leave any old scores unsettled and untouched (undisturbed, unthought about—), and depart. Maybe even fix up your foot in the process.
You hesitate outside of Angel’s share.
It looks different than you remember. The door and its frame have been replaced, the door and its frame hardly ached. There’s a message board outside that you can’t recall being there previously. A wreath hangs on the door, woven with blue and white flowers for Windblume.
You want it to be different. You do. Because if things are different, walking into Angel’s Share wouldn’t feel so daunting. You could pretend that this horribly familiar tavern was someplace else entirely. Maybe even delude yourself into thinking that this little building was its own, unique, carved-out square during one of your travels. A fantasy where you’ve never been here before.
(The warmth under your disgust wouldn’t feel so misplaced then.)
You enter.
It’s lively, bustling with patrons of all types with the festival beginning so soon. You recognize clothes and people from all corners of Teyvat, and it comforts you once more. You blend in easily, lingering near the door, and peek at the bar.
Diluc is nowhere to be seen. Another barkeep mans the kegs, barrels, and bottles. You don’t recognize him— which brings you some relief. 
It would be easy. To be delusional about this whole thing. That Angel’s Share could be just a tavern in the middle of nowhere and the faces that are around you have no chance of being familiar. You’re in a sea of folks who are travelers, just like, or mostly unfamiliar. You could, couldn’t you? Tell yourself that this isn’t a place where—
(You had your first drink. Learned how to mix cocktails with Crepus. Play fought Diluc and Kaeya in the rafters on the third floor. Where you last saw Diluc—)
You clutch a hand to your chest. Who knew that emotional pain could be so violently physical? 
Jean calls your name from across the room, pulling you from your stupor. You meet her eyes, and the smile you force to meet your eyes feels a little more genuine.
With the call of your name, several other patrons look up and gawk for a moment. You get a few more ‘oh hello!’s and ‘I didn’t know you were in town!’ thrown your way and you give them all sheepish smiles. Faces you can’t place very well. Features and familiar expressions mutilated by time and a botched memory. It makes you feel sick to your stomach— archons, and you haven’t even sampled this year’s selection of thousand-wind’s wine, have you? 
Jean flashes you a sympathetic look when you finally make it to their table. The table is flushed full— intimidatingly so. The knights have come out tonight. Lisa and Jean cozy up on the same bench seat, while Kaeya (die) and Albedo sit across from the two. You offer the alchemist a timid wave, which he returns in kind. Some of the other knights have spilled out to the tables around you, chattering away with wine-stained lips.
And the night’s still young.
“I wasn’t sure if you’d show,” Kaeya practically purrs (choke) and leans closer to you on an elbow. “Were you able to find some lodging for the festival?”
“Yeah, I found something that will work.” It’s not technically a lie. Besides, they don’t need to know where you’re sleeping.
Kaeya raises an eyebrow and Albedo elbows him politely in the ribs. You make a note to buy him a drink later.
“I’ll get this round,” Lisa says, standing and grabbing you by the arm. “My treat. A welcome home present.”
You let her tug you through the crowd.
You end up seated properly at a barstool while Lisa orders. She wove her way through the crowd and up to the bar so easily, like liquid. You hardly have to wait at all before a drink is passed to you across the bar top.
You gulp half the glass down, greedily.
You, notably, have chosen not to cessate from dandelion wine in your absence. It was a rare treat to come across outside of Mond and Liyue, so when you could get your hands on glass, you let yourself partake. Whatever melancholy it brought with it could be tempered with more of it anyways.
It goes down easy— it always does. Thicker than other wines, sweet but bodied, with some type of nutty and berry note to it. You never understood the process of winemaking, despite so many years spent at the winery. When Crepus or Diluc or one of the staff attempted to explain, it all easily went over your head. 
The tannins sour your cheeks. You swallow down another mouthful, greedy, and slam down your empty goblet. Lisa looks at you wide-eyed.
“I don’t recall that you were ever much of a drinker,” Lisa remarks as she flags down another glass for you. She sips her own, mischief in her eyes. 
You shrug, nodding to the barkeep who fills your cup. “I indulge, occasionally. Forgive me for needing a drink in this environment.”
You gesture to the carousing around you. A lyre and fiddle play in the corner, and you distinctly hear two different bard songs. One is significantly better than the other, and you may have even enjoyed it if you could hear it fully. 
Being near the bar forces you to see changes. They’re hard to not notice. The signage behind the bar has changed. An old menu and drink list have been changed out for something sleeker. Paintings and their frames replaced. The glass you’re drinking out must be new, along with the tankards that the barkeep washes whenever he has a free moment.
There are still ghosts in the corners.
“Gods, you look like a wet towel.” Kaeya’s shouts, nearly in your goddamn ear, as he slips into the empty seat next to you. He drapes an arm over your shoulders like you’re old friends and not the byproducts of a dissolved relationship. You think about shrugging his arm off, but decide against it. 
You throw back the rest of whatever is in your glass and shout for another.
Kaeya catches your eye for a moment with a nearly unreadable expression. You recognize it (and concur that you need to be far more drunk than you currently are in order to survive the evening.) His brow lays smooth, lips in a not-quite smile, and his posture is a bit too rigid. You know he’s picking you apart, albeit quietly.
The expression disappears a moment later, and he has a new bottle of wine in his hands (“For you, little sister.”) Your cup fills yet again, and you drink.
The world begins to feel fuzzier, easier, and the pain in your foot and leg dulls. God, you try not to indulge in drinking too often (it’s simply a recipe for reliance, given your condition. Regardless, you're a physician who knows better than to turn to the bottle rather than medicine), but you feel the temptation of it occasionally. 
It’s an easy friend to indulge in under these circumstances.
One of the bards, the one with loose braids, strikes up a conversation with Kaeya, looping you in with an exchange of introduction. Your cheeks warm when you notice the slur of your words, sipping your cup to disguise any embarrassment. The bard must be drunk, with how much sweet wine he drinks, but he hardly acts it. Poised.
Lisa pats you on your back after your fourth glass, seemingly pitying you in your stupor. 
The good bard, at some point, leaves Kaeya’s side. Kaeya’s back to leaning into yours, the furs of his outfit prickling your nose. If you were sober, you’d be spewing curses at him. But in your drunken mind... it was fine. Fine. Maybe the warmth of him against your side wasn’t entirely unwelcome either.
You loosen up, whether you want to or not. 
Lisa drags you out of your stool after your fifth drink, to take pulls off a pipe a traveler offers and to dance with her in the main room of the tavern. The bards play a duet now, in tune, though the good bard from earlier carries the performance.
You laugh as she twirls you, dipping you near the floor. Some of the patrons cheer and whistle at the move, and you let loose a giggle that never would’ve left you in your right mind. Her face swims before you. Your insides are warm. Things are okay, maybe. For now.
So, you dance.
You dance with Jean and Kaeya, even dragging Hertha in for a round. Eula refuses, though apologetically. She’s a bit too drunk herself, and Amber insists on staying by her side to nurse her with water and pyro-warmed pets to the back of her neck.
(Do you envy them? Maybe. The skinship of it seems nice. They’re so familiar with each other, even from a distance. So lax and tender with each other even within such a setting. You cannot imagine receiving such treatment.)
Kaeya spins you back to the bar and buys you another glass.
“You dance better than you used to,” he croons in your ear. “even with that dreadful limp of yours.”
You bark out a laugh and punch him in the arm with hardly any force (you’ll regret not making it hurt more, later). “Wow, and here I thought wine curbed your silver tongue.”
“Unlike some, I can hold my liquor just fine.” He shrugs and sips.
You, on the other hand, turn the corner from ‘tipsy’ to ‘blasted’ as you hit the bottom of your goblet. Your stomach churns, spelling a hangover that will rot your stomach and the space between your eyes come the morning. The room doesn’t spin, not quite yet. 
You lay your forehead on the bartop. 
“Aw, had a bit too much?” Kaeya tsks. “How unfortunate of you, to not know your limits, even after all this time.”
You grumble something unintelligible. 
He sets a cold hand on the nape of your neck and your ground yourself on it.
(You can regret it in the morning.)
You have absolutely no idea what time it is, though the tavern is still rowdy. You imagine late, at least near the high moon if not into the early morning. Windblume was a celebration of drinking after all. Angel’s Share stays lively, despite the hour, though the drone of voices and folk songs becomes lost on you as your eyes slip shut.
Amongst the din, there’s a firm thud— the sound of wood on wood. Another sounds just after, though much closer and more shallow. You only make out the sound because of its old familiarity. The sound of the counter flap falling and straining its hinges. It must be one of the only pieces of original hardware from the old Angel’s share— the sound is identical to the one in your memory (maybe, you’re drunk, you may just be nostalgic—)
The barkeep (Charles, he told you his name though you didn’t give him yours) shuffles away, maybe, based on the thump of feet amongst the roar of the tavern. A shift change.
“I wasn’t sure if you’d show.” Kaeya’s hand leaves you. You can hear the grin in his voice.
There’s a huff from behind the bar. The clink of a glass. A squeak as it’s dried and shined with a rag.
“Do you think I’m unreliable?” 
Your eyes stretch open, wide, in a flash. Horrible, wretched familiarity (with the way a voice can bring you so much anguish and warmth in tandem.) You don’t look up. You stare down at the floorboards, count the grains and notches in the wood. Steady your breathing. 
You know that voice.
You look up, slowly, against all better judgment. If you were sober (Archons, if you were fucking sober—) you would’ve turned, held your eyes shut and ran out of the bar without looking back. You would’ve never dared to peak and pull the thread that dangled in front of you.
He’s blurry, but he’s there. A trim waist that leads up to broad shoulders, arms that bulge more than you remember, scarlet hair that falls in waves from a high-tied ribbon. Scarlet eyes, cut and polished like rubies. 
It’s Diluc, who meets your gaze for the first time in almost a decade. Just as shocked and wide-eyed as you are. 
The glass slips from his hands and shatters.
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PART iii: the World (born)
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You met Diluc Ragnvindr when you were just children, doing what children do best— playing while the adults talked.
Your parents— traveling merchants— and Crepus Ragnvindr sat down for wine and sweet rum after a lavish supper. Your parents shooed you off. They didn’t need you clinging to their legs while trying to discuss the intricacies of a potential (and lucrative) contract with Dawn Winery and its splendid dandelion wine.
Crepus takes you under his wing a bit, showing your parents to a fine vintage and you to his two boys.
“They like to play in the vineyard this time of day,” Crepus says, a bit wistful. He leads you by the hand. “The crystalflies soar lower when the sun dips beyond the hills, and the fireflies come out.”
You like fireflies.
He shows you out to the courtyard, and you catch sight of two boys scampering around amongst the greenery. Crepus calls them and they both dutifully bound over, the way young boys do, enthusiastic and fast. The one with the pretty blue hair follows the one with the pretty red hair.
Crepus introduces you. Kaeya. Diluc.
Diluc has round cheeks and a soft jaw. He carries baby fat still, pudgy in his arms and legs and round in his belly. His cheeks are flushed with the late summer’s heat and a day of play. He has a brush of freckles over the bridge of his nose and cheeks. His hair is shorter than it will become, but long enough that you think your mother would envy him.
His eyes widen when he sees you. You’ll never be sure why.
(Kismet turned for him earlier, maybe. All it took was you.)
You spend the evening with your side wedged into Diluc's, watching the lazy flight of anemo crystalflies by the water. You tell the boys about the constellations you know, and make up a few that you don’t. You trace them in the sky with the tip of your pointer finger. You ask to braid Diluc’s hair and he lets you. 
Crepus finds you all, just after dusk, dozing as the fireflies begin to dance.
Your family visits the winery several times each year. You enjoy the visits immensely. You’ve grown quite close to the Ragnvindr’s, and Kaeya too. You always barrel off your family’s wagon, running ahead of them to greet the boys, who are always waiting for you too.
You play swords with them, though you aren’t any good at it. You always bring them trinkets from wherever you and your family have been. You like to gift Crepus a book or two as well, though you don’t know what they’re about. You choose them based on the covers.
Diluc lights up when you hand him a little shell from Liyue’s shore. You tell him about the cliffs where you found it, and how you’ll go there together some day. You’ll show him the geometric columns of stone that seem to climb all the way to Celestia. You will show him where the sand bars become one with the sea, and how to dig for crabs and shells with your bare hands. 
Diluc likes you, you think. He always lets you slip into his room after the manor has fallen asleep. You sit across from one another on the velvet window bench. You hug a pillow while he tells you about how he’ll start training as a knight soon. He holds a vision now— he pats it with pride. 
(He tells you how he obtained his vision in your absence. The first time he picked up a sword against an adversary, it appeared to him. It’s a grand thing, brave. He was protecting one of his favorite stray winery kittens from a boar near the edge of the property. He raised his rubber training sword and he was granted Celestia’s blessing.)
You think he’s lovely.
The boys start training with Ordo Favonius. They practice with the Gunnhildr girl, the older one, who wears a ribbon in her hair and has eyes like midday sky. She’s a few years older than you, and intimidates you with her maturity, but she’s kind. 
The older knights let you watch their training when your family visits. You post up during their drills, watch their forms, their blunders, and their successes. A knight named Varka always takes Diluc aside to teach him how to best wield his vision with his weapon of choice. 
(A greatsword. A claymore. It’s almost your size, probably. The one Diluc uses during training is Favonius issued, smithed with their crest near the base of the blade. You know the one he’ll really use. A family relic that Crepus brought up from storage for him— a rectangular blade, metal cast in black and red, with an elaborate furl stretching from the hilt. Crepus asks Diluc to wield it when he’s ready.)
Kaeya offers you his sword, one day, at the end of training. The junior knights soak in their own sweat as you take the blade from Kaeya. The knights make it look so effortless to wield such weaponry. They carry it at the hip like it's an accessory and not carved metal. When you wrap your hand around it, the weight shocks you. You barely heft it up, struggling with the balance of it. The trainees rib you a bit for it, and it makes you blush hot and hard.
Diluc scolds Kaeya, taking the blade from you when it's clear that brandishing it one-handed as intended is close to impossible for you. You feel some relief when Kaeya takes it back and shrugs. 
“You won’t have to worry about wielding a weapon like that— ever.” Diluc says on your way home (home, home, home, it’s becoming your home—) that day. “Especially a sword.”
“Why?” You ask.
“I’ll make sure you never have to.”
“Hm... what if I want to?” You try to be cheeky with him.
He gives you a playful shove and you bump into Kaeya. The latter groans and makes a choking sound.
“You don’t,” Diluc replies, flashing you a smile. “If you did, you would’ve played swords with Kaeya and I more when we were little. You always liked to watch.”
“It’s more fun that way!” You hip check him. “It’s interesting to see all of it, rather than participate.”
“Yeah, sure,” Kaeya chimes in. “I’m sure it has nothing to do with how weak your arms are.” 
He squeezes your bicep and you shriek at him, chasing him ahead down the path. You squabble all the way home (home, home, home), rolling down the hills back into the Winery’s valley. You belly laugh together, tears in your eyes. It’s good. 
You only go silent when you notice your family’s wagon, packed and ready for departure, idling in front of the winery. 
You don’t travel well, you never have. 
Your parents had informed Crepus of this during your first visit (“Never well, even when my wife my pregnant— the little thing gave her the hardest time on the road.”) Despite this, you had always meandered with your family on their circuit from Liyue to Mond. 
One of your visits to the winery, just around the turn of your childhood to adolescence, you fall ill.
Your parents brush off your complaints upon arrival. Chills, aches, and a cough— “It’s from the rain. Your clothes are still damp.”. Your usually lively arrival was dulled. You barely touched the dinner Crepus provided before retiring to your favored room.
You hate being sick. You hate how your gut churns and you feel so cold, despite the fire one of the maid’s stoked in the big fireplace. You sniffle and snot over the back of your hand, fighting tears. You fall ill so frequently, but it doesn’t make it easier. Even your softest clothes feel scratchy against your tender skin— you feel horribly breakable. 
There’s a gentle knock on your door before it opens. Diluc joins you by your bedside, kneeling, watching you with wide ruby eyes.
“My father told me you’re sick,” he says gently. “You don’t look well.”
You give him a wilted look. “It happens.”
“... It shouldn’t,” Diluc says with a conviction that your fever forces you to miss. “He says that you get sick often.”
“I don’t travel well.” You parrot what you heard your parents say a thousand times, to innkeepers and merchant-folk alike. “It’s alright, Diluc. I’ll be well in a few days.”
Your teeth chatter. You bury yourself deeper in the covers.
Diluc looks unconvinced. He disrobes as much as is proper, and asks quietly if he can join you. He’s warm, from his pyro vision, he tells you. He can see how cold you feel.
Whether he had such a vision or not, you would’ve said yes.
You pull away the duvet, inviting Diluc closer. It’s innocent, a sharing of heat. You press your forehead to his chest and he lets his arms fall naturally to your waist. It cages you. It feels safe and warm, and you don’t think you’ve felt that before.
You give him the smallest ‘thank you’, voice burnt and charred with fever. Diluc chases off the chill and embers alike, replaces them with the hearth that he will become to you, and you think that kismet might’ve shifted for you then, too. 
You leave, a few days later, still sick. 
You return, several months later, still sick.
Whatever cold you had during your last visit had metastasized— or so your parents say. They seem moderately unconcerned as they sort through the inventory they’ll be taking for their run.
Crepus doesn’t look convinced. 
Diluc helps you inside. You barely hold yourself on two feet, and need to stop and catch your breath several times. Kaeya loops his arm over your neck and Diluc hoists you by the waist, and the two nearly drag you to your room. 
A doctor is called, a healer from Mond that knows the Ragnvindr’s well. Diluc and Kaeya stay by your side as the healer draws up tincture and grinds down herbs and oils into a soft balm to slather on your chest. 
Diluc lays with you in bed again that night, over the covers, not daring to touch you. You seem so fragile, only half-there in the room with him. He resents your parents horribly for allowing you to carelessly decline in such a state. It shows in the way his expression twists into a scowl whenever they’re within his vicinity.
Crepus offers his home to you— no, rather he insists.
You’re still ill, lungs gunky and fever hardly waned, by the time your family deigns it time to leave. They plan to cart you along, never mind your condition. Diluc, if he had less restraint, would’ve cursed them out in the winery’s foyer. 
(The wet sound of your breathing. The little whimpers when your fever spiked, signaling that it was time for more of the tincture the healer left behind. The way you balled your fist in his nightshirt during the worst of it.)
Crepus says it’ll be no trouble to house you, for however long you need. You’ve always taken to the winery easily, and clearly need a stable place to recover from your illness. He enjoys taking in a stray or two. One more, especially one he thinks so fondly of and that he knows his boys adore, is simply a blessing, not a burden.
Diluc ascends to cavalry captain of the Knights of Favonius just around the time that you make a full recovery. 
It takes months— for both of you. Diluc patrols and trains with the knights when he’s not by your side. He’s incredibly well-regarded by Mond, beloved by his fellow knights and the townsfolk as well. He has ample support from all around, and his father glows with pride. 
(Diluc bears the weight of his father’s expectations well. You don’t even notice Diluc squirm under the pressure of it. It all seems to come naturally to him— being a hero.)
You see your healer every few days, drink your teas and diligently rest while you recover. The illness sticks in your lungs and you take to reading up on medicinal plants and potential treatments. It gives you some understanding of the remedies that your healer makes for you. Your healer finds you promising, despite your sickly state, and offers you an apprenticeship, if you choose to pursue such a profession.
It’s success after success, a time bathed in thick gold sun that feels as warm as it tastes.
You and Diluc dance at his ascension celebration. He holds you by the waist, clumsy like the young man he is, but you don’t mind. You loop your arms over his shoulders, memorizing the blush that paints his cheeks, and the dimples that carve them. You twirl him under your arm and laugh up to the sun and moon alike. You pull the ribbon from his hair so it unfurls over his shoulder. You run your hands through it without a care.
(Diluc looks at you, when you’re not looking at him, with such a reverence. You can’t see it yet, but it’s a burgeoning thing. Love and devotion caramelized by innocence, by want and need intertwined. He doesn’t know how to say how he feels, not yet; the feelings are still loose and undefined. But smoldering kindling he is.)
Crepus offers his home to you, permanently. You have taken to it so well, and his boys— his boys adore you. The staff does. You have so much growing for you in Mond, it seems silly to pack up your belongings small and tight so you can ride out on merchants circuit once more. Only to return sick once more.
You accept, hesitant at first. It’s a scary thing to give up the life you’ve known, even if the one Crepus extends to you is far more comfortable. Your parents have no qualms. You think they enjoyed your absence too much. They seem content to leave you at Dawn Winery, promising to continue their circuit, so you’d see them a few times a year.
It makes something in your ache and cry, but there’s many things to balm it in the manor. A warm fire and Adelinde’s recipes, along with whatever new tarts and sweets Crepus brings home from Mondstadt proper— they all make it easier. Good company too. Kaeya always has new ideas for schemes and little adventures. Crepus brings you gifts and makes sure you’re settling in well to your new space. Diluc is ever-dutifully at your side, whatever the circumstance, and you at his. 
You still sneak into Diluc’s room in the late night. You nestle up, side by side, on his plush window bench. You link pinkies and talk about everything.
“I thought this one was a bit boring.” You look up to Diluc, backwards, craning your neck. “The love interest was a bit shallow for me.”
“I agree,” Diluc answers from above you. He shuts the book deftly with one hand. “This author’s pieces usually have a bit more depth to them. This one was a bit flat.”
You tend to come to the same conclusion on the stories you share.
The Small Study (ow, ow, ow, ow) is a room most near Crepus’ wing of the manor. It’s exactly as it sounds— a small study. Something Diluc’s mother made sure was constructed for him, prior to her leaving. Floor to ceiling bookshelves line the walls, with a long table slicing the room in two. When you were young, very young, you, Diluc, and Kaeya would sit at the table and write your own stories. Color with paints that Crepus bought for you from Snezhnaya on recycled receipts and old ledgers. 
These days, the table is mostly bare and a bit dusty. You use it more than Diluc, though most of your studying with your teacher happens at their cottage, in Mond proper. Diluc and Kaeya have a training room a few doors down, one that Crepus constructed, with mats and straw targets, and more armaments than Ordo Favonius probably knows about. 
Most of your time in the Small Study is spent in the corner, tucked close to each other. You have amassed an impressive number of spare sheets, pillows, and blankets, and have constructed what could only be called a nest. You and Diluc take to lounging on it in the mornings and evenings, when you both have the time. You read together. Sometimes you aloud to him, and sometimes him aloud to you.  
Diluc’s voice has taken to breaking lately. You find it adorable and can’t help teasing him about it.
“I’ll have to hunt for a new novel at the markets today.” You sigh. The sun is rising above the cliffs, bathing the shelves and columns of dust ichor gold. You throw your hand up, watching the beam soak your skin warm.
Diluc catches your wrist and brings the back of your hand to his lips. 
Little things, skinship, he likes. He never says anything much about it, only asks quietly if it's alright that he keeps such proximity to you. You eat it up, his heat, his presence— you want all of it. You’re gluttonous in your youth (you have yet to know starvation.)
“Be careful on patrol today, okay? I’m helping Adelinde make that sweet bread you like before I visit Teacher.” You huff, maneuvering to you’re at his eye level. You tug his cheek, still soft with baby fat. “You better not have any extra bruises when I pick you up today.”
“I’ll try.” He rolls his eyes. “Even if I do, you’ll patch me up, won’t you?” 
“I could have Teacher do it,” you huff. “I know you don’t like how rough they can get with you.”
Diluc scoffs, “They don’t like me—”
“They like you plenty—” 
You squabble, soft in your chests, because it's all easy and slow. The romance novel gets tucked away into an overflowing shelf, bulging with others that you’ve already finished. 
Kaeya is shining his blade in the armory, and you collect him before heading to Mondstadt proper. It’s a routine, each day, one that you enjoy and cling to. You enjoy your training and you feel only pride seeing your boys bud and grow in their strength. You fight, like young ones of your age do, but it's all in jest. Simple. Your squabbles get settled with wrestling by the river or when Crepus intervenes and fathers the three of you.
It’s good and you never want it to end.
Diluc grows into himself. He’s gangly in his teen years— long arms and bulging shoulder blades he’s yet to grow into. The pudge he’d had around his belly has disappeared, sucked away by a growth spurt or two. He grows a bit more into his frame, each year closer to adulthood that he gets. Muscle building on muscle. 
Teacher says you’re doing well with your studies. You pour over books on medicinal herbs and medical techniques during the day, and watch Teacher heal when patients are around. You become adept enough to see patients on your own, for small injuries. 
You fix up Diluc whenever he comes home to you. Cuts. Bruises. The odd fracture or two. He’s the person you ever stitch a wound together for. He doesn’t flinch. So trusting.
Crepus gets odd, at some point. You’re almost old enough to be considered an adult. He starts asking you questions you know the answer to, but it seems like he’s seeking something other than the truth. Sentiments that he wants to squeeze out of you, to satiate something in him that you can clearly see, but don’t know how to name.
(He’s a businessman— is it in his nature to be greedy—?)
(Forget. Forget. Forget.)
You wish it had stayed so kind and good for longer. You wish you appreciated it more, but you didn’t fully understand the goodness laid before you until it was so brutally ripped away from you. 
The night Diluc turns eighteen, your world shatters. Burns. Immolates while you lay drunkenly dozing in a friend's warm bed. You don’t greet the wreckage until you awaken. Alone, drowning and with a new pang in your stomach.
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PART iii: the stitch the wound the burning
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You instantly slam your hands on the bartop. You whip your head around to Kaeya. He wears a wide, awful grin. So fucking smitten with himself.
You hate him. 
“Fuck you,”  you snap. 
You push up, knocking the bar stool over with a bang. You turn on a heel and run from the tavern. Wordless.
(You run. You should’ve run. You should’ve never come back. Ever.)
You know the display caused enough of a ruckus that Angel’s Share fell nearly silent as you left. You know that your vision shuddered out of your control, sending dendro to liven the flowers around the tavern. It felt sick. To know that the blooms would be wider and more beautiful while you ran. Running, running, running. 
Lisa and Jean, maybe, shout your name as you sprint away. You ignore them— you have to. The temptation to turn back and face them drowns in the wine that churns in your stomach. Your breath feels too hot and heavy in your lungs, like lead and steam. You feel like you might die.
(Diluc in the same room as you. Diluc in front of you.  Not a ghost, a breathing body. Flesh. He would’ve been a bit too warm, to the touch. You know him to be. He’d grown so much— how much had you missed? Archons, you miss him—)
You barely get out of Mondstadt proper before you bracing yourself on one its outer walls, forcing your finger down your throat, and heaving your guts out onto the high grass. All of the splendid wine you sampled color the ground blood red, surely staining your lips. Tears drip from your lash line. You feel sticky as you draw your fingers from your throat, spit and dribble sliding down your wrist. 
You curse and shake. 
You wipe your hands down on your trousers and scrub at your lips with the edge of your sleeve. You spit pretty scarlet and nearly hurl again.
The sun has set, and the dark is a comfort. It cloaks you, allowing you to duck easily between shadows and firelight that other travelers warm themselves by. No one looks at you twice. You’re sure you seem like a drunkard, not— Not whatever you are. You drag yourself back to your campsite.
You fall to the ground, drawing up your good leg by the knee and press your forehead to it.
Fuck the healer. Fuck Windblume. Fuck seeing any friends or familiar faces. You discard the plans, crushing them down until you decide they’re not worth it. None of this was worth it. If you’d only ducked in and out of Mondstadt’s market, you wouldn’t have met Lisa. Gotten twisted up with Kaeya. Dared to enter Angel’s Share. Seen Diluc.
You knew the mere sight of him would send you. You knew. You feel foolish. Stupid. If you were a fraction more sober, you would’ve dragged yourself out of self pity and set up camp for the night. Instead you stew. You swallow back dread and bile and clutch your shoulders.
(You always knew this was a risk, coming back here, didn’t you? That’s why you never dared to even get near Mondstadt’s borders. Now you’ve done it.)
You certainly have.
You rub your eyes again, grimacing at the taste in your mouth. Forcing yourself up is a task, especially trying to keep weight off of your (now very) bad foot. You struggle to balance, propping yourself up on a pile of discarded crates and get to work setting up your campsite for the night. You resolve to sleep until dawn, pack up, and be on your way. You’ll head back to Liyue and catch a boat out of the harbor. You’ll go anywhere. Do anything. 
(To be far away from here.)
You struggle with your tent and tarp. It’s infinitely harder to set up your sleeping arrangements when you’re hobbling around on one leg. Emptying your stomach of its content has made you lightheaded (or, it's the panic that is thick and porous in your blood. Burrowing into your flesh. Will you even be able to sleep tonight?) You fight to keep your breath steady as you struggle to stake the tarp into the dirt.
Someone says your name from behind you. Breathes it like it's lighter than air, weighted like a gospel.
You turn, for the second time, against better judgment.
Diluc stands above you, wearing the same shocked expression he had in Angel’s Share. 
Your lips twist, your brow falls. You feel yourself sink. It’s the same feeling you get in your stomach when you’re put toe-to-toe with an adversary out in the wilderness. It’s the feeling you get when you get a patient a little too late and can’t be sure if you’ll be able to drag them back from the brink.
You breathe his name right back.
“... You’re here,” he says. His voice has evened out. Deeper than you remember, and rougher, but barely.
“I am,” you answer as neutrally as you can. You school your expression and turn back to your tarp. “Please leave.”
Diluc doesn’t answer. He’s frozen above you, so close that you swear you can feel the heat coming off of him. 
“Don’t ask me to do that,” Diluc says, like a demand and not a request.
You bristle.
“I’m setting up my camp for the night,” you state plainly. “Then I will be sleeping. I will be gone by dawn tomorrow. I apologize for any disruption I caused at... at Angel’s Share.”
You press your hands over the top of a nail. The iron digs into your palms. You shove at it anyway, until it’s snug against the earth.
“I don’t care about that,” Diluc replies with an edge to his voice that’s unfamiliar. “That’s not of consequence.”
“... Then why are you here?” You crawl across the ground, brace yourself on a crate, and stand. Your weak foot hovers just off the ground. “Why follow me, Diluc? I’m sure you have better things to do.”
You say his name like it's a curse and face him.
(And it’s like coming home.)
(If you had any less of yourself, you would’ve sank into the earth and wept.)
“I don’t,” he says. Arms crossed. Shoulders square. You see him struggle with his words, chewing on the inside of his cheek, just like he used to. “You left so quickly, and Kaeya—”
“Bastard,” you spit. 
Diluc muffles a laugh (a full sound so lovely— you used to do anything to hear it). “He didn’t tell you I would be bartending, I’m assuming?”
“He told me, expressly, that you would not be bartending.” 
“... It is my tavern. Windblume is the busiest time of the year.” He looks a bit wounded. You can’t tell if you’re imagining it. “Kaeya sent word that Ordo would be at Angel’s Share in full force this evening. My presence was called.”
You scowl, “I realize that now.”
Diluc sighs, deep and hard and full, “You left so quickly, and Kaeya told me you were most likely staying outside of the city. I was... worried.”
You let out a breath through your teeth, maybe a laugh, some unholy thing and you shake your head. You can’t bear to look at him for too long, “Well, I’m fine. Promise. I just wasn’t expecting to see you.”
“And you weren’t expecting to see me?”
“No.” Diluc sighs. “I... No. I wasn’t.”
You don’t know what else to say to him. 
“Go.” You shoo him off. “I need to finish setting up and get some sleep. Sorry again for causing any trouble.”
You turn away, going to reach for your tent—
Diluc grabs your upper arm. He keeps you steady and upright.
“You didn’t.”
The contact burns. Sears through you like you’re just gossamer and old silk. You tense with it. When did his heat become unfamiliar?
You open your mouth, part your lips just barely, but nothing comes out. Your mind empties.
“Come back to the winery.”
His words cut you from any of your reverie. Your grief forces itself up in plumes, from the base of your spine to the corners of your damp eyes.
“Absolutely fucking not.” You tear away from him. 
He lets you go. (You suffocate the part of you that mourns the loss.) 
“It’s not safe outside the walls.” He takes a step back. Breathing room. “There’s no lodging available in the city, I’m sure you found.”
“I did, and I’m fine out here, Diluc. I can protect myself just fine.” You pat the dendro Vision on your hip. Your weapon remains unsummoned and out of sight.
“It’s going to rain.” Diluc frowns. “And, your tent is torn.”
He gestures behind you, and sure enough, a massive tear runs through an entire side of your tent. You hadn’t noticed. 
(If you will not go where you are supposed to be, perhaps fate will push you there? Align the stars and cosmos just right—)
“I recall that you never enjoyed camping,” Diluc says and it's like a knife to the chest. The idea that he remembers anything about you. “You’ll have a bed for as long as you’d like.”
“Diluc—” You’re near to cursing him out, let the Archons, Celestia and the damn Stars hear it—
“I’m sure Adelinde would love you to see you too.”
Oh— Adelinde. When was the last time you sent her a letter? Or read one of hers? You have a stack of them, sealed with purple wax and bound in twine, shoved in your bag. Among your most prized possessions. You’ve hardly let the ink smudge, despite time and condition.
“... She still works for you?”
“Of course.” Diluc’s voice sounds strained. 
“Elzer too?” You ask.
“Yes, he’s been at my side since—”
“Since you came back to Mondstadt,” you answer for him. “Since you returned to the winery.”
Elzer had been at your side too, when you were running the winery in Diluc’s absence. Same with Adelinde.
Archons, you miss them. 
“I’ll stay at the winery,” you say after a beat. “So I can see them.”
Diluc lets out a sigh, shaky and short. He flexes his hands, open and closed. Relieved. The moment of vulnerability passes.
“Will you be able to walk there with—” He gestures to your foot.
“Yes, I’ll be fine.” You put weight on it, swallowing down any pain. You can bear it. 
Diluc offers his arm, and you refuse it, striding past him. 
You walk side by side back to Dawn Winery.
It does begin to drizzle, eventually. Nothing close to proper rain, but a thick mist that dampens your hair and clothes. The chill of it sinks into you, unpleasant but not unbearable. You cling to the discomfort of it. You and Diluc do not speak to each on the way back, other than the time or two you announce you need a short rest for your foot.
Fatigue hits you as you stumble down the valley paths leading into the winery’s main grounds. 
You blame the wine. 
The front door looks almost the same, perhaps the wood refinished. Diluc pulls forth a shining brass key (different, than the one that you had during your tenure as ‘master’ of Dawn Winery. That key was thick, old iron. Rusting at its corners. It always felt cold and heavy. An entire year it was tied to you. Tethered to your waist on the very same belt that now holds your vision.)
The lock was replaced.
The interior of the winery is different too, you find. It makes stepping inside less jarring— the floors, once dark, long-planked hardwood, has been redone to intricate patterns of lighter, warm-toned wood. Less candles, more electro-powered fixtures set into the walls and ceiling. The couches look different, brighter and fluffier with fresh cushions. Even the grand carpet that covers the main room, bearing the Ragnvindr crest, appears to have been freshened. Maybe even re-tuffed. It’s generally brighter.
“You’ve... updated things.” Your voice trails off as you shrug off your cloak and hang it on your arm. 
Diluc follows your line of sight to a new tapestry on the east-wall. Not of the family crest, but the vineyard. It’s far more ornate than any you remember; you can see the metallic gold weavings shine, even in the lowlight. The tapestry is ringed by paintings, portraits and some landscapes. You recall Crepus commissioning many of them, or creating them himself. There’s a number of new photographs as well.
“I have over the years,” Diluc replies. “It was necessary.”
You hum, pausing. “... I like it. It’s nice.”
It’s nice because it doesn’t feel quite as much like you’re walking into a still-breathing cadaver. You expected to be greeted with an interior you had seared in your memory. Corners you’d still see ghosts in, picture frames that were askew that you hadn’t been able to bring yourself to fix. You know which floorboards were creaky and which windows had the worst draft. 
This version of Dawn Winery from your memory doesn’t exist anymore, in any way or facet. What’s left certainly isn’t blank or void, but it’s more unfamiliar than you expected. It smells like rose oil and beeswax rather than cedar and tobacco. 
“Master Diluc? You’re back earlier than expected.”
Adelinde breaks you from your stupor. 
She looks much the same— the same uniform, though perhaps her hair’s a bit shorter? There’s new wrinkles around the corners of her eyes, sun spots around her forehead and the bridge of her nose. Her eyes are still kind. They go wide when she sees you, and the mug she’s holding nearly slips from her grip.
Your chest tightens.
She says your name and it’s like you’ve been cut through. Flesh parting around a sharp blade. 
“Hi.” Your voice sounds soft and so much more broken than you can accept it is. 
“Welcome home.” She smiles, all the way up to her eyes.
If you were a little more weak, perhaps a few months more weathered— you would’ve broken then. You would’ve fallen apart in the foyer of Dawn Winery, drowning and hungry and soaked to the bone in something colder than rain water. You hold yourself together, barely, thin threads wound around you to the point of constricting keep you upright. Sure-footed. Almost-whole.
But, Adelinde knows... doesn’t she? She must. She has an uncanny ability for these things. It’s because she watched you grow, watched your toils and supported you. Mothered you when needed. You counseled and consoled each other, during the worst of it.
It makes you feel less guilty, less ashamed, when you nearly throw yourself at her. You wrap your arms around her shoulders and smother your face in her shoulder.
Adelinde hugs you in kind. She still smells like pine-cleaner and that jasmine perfume she imports. She wraps you, in herself, squeezing so hard you’re afraid she’ll undo the strings binding your heart together. 
“H-How have you been?” you ask. Tears sting your eyes.
She strokes the back of your head, through your hair. “I’ve been well. And you?”
You smush your face into her shoulder. You don’t know what to say to her. Instinctual honesty climbs up in your throat— you suppress it. 
“I’ve been better,” you say, softly. You hope only she can hear. “Excited to sleep in a real bed. Take a bath.”
Adelinde goes still, slack— then she almost crushes you. You feel her heartbeat and your lip wobbles.
“I’m glad you’re home, then. Let me fetch you a cup of tea. I’ll make sweet bread in the morning.”
“T-That sounds nice. Thank you.”
Diluc, who has been silent and watchful, clears his throat. “They can take whichever room they like.”
“I’ll prepare the west wing guest room.” (Far from your old bedroom.) She whispers to you. “There was a Fontainisian merchant we were hosting— she left all of her luxury skincare and bath supplies here.”
You pull away, narrowing your eyes, “Are you implying something?”
“Not at all.” She gives you a good-natured smile. “They’re yours. Let’s get you settled.”
You nod and she guides you with a hand on your lower back, up the stairs, to the west wing. Diluc has made himself scarce, seemingly disappearing into thin air to the northern wing of the manor. You only half notice.
Archons, you’re tired.
Adelinde helps you settle in. She sets your bag on a vanity stool, shows you a newly renovated bathroom with a tub that could easily fit you and a Rishboland tiger in it. The rest of the details of the room fade. Something stickier and older than fatigue works its way up through your bone marrow, leaving your body as a yawn.
Adelinde gives you a sympathetic smile when she brings you a cup of lavender and chamomile tea. 
The world is blurry when you crash into the pillows. They smell like the herbal detergent you suckered Crepus into buying during your teen years. Diluc liked it. Whatever potential revulsion you could have has wilted with your exhaustion. Instead, something warm brews in you. You shove your nose into the silken case. The feeling is good. You don’t mind it. 
(Fuck, maybe you even need it.)  
You sleep for three days. 
You don’t mean to, and it’s not continuous. You rise for your promised sweet bread, tea, and a much-need, thorough bath. You’ve spent the past few months using communal bath houses or washing in rivers and lakes, quick and rarely relaxing. You indulge in the massive, stone tub for a private soak that leaves you pruney and smelling like rose oil and Natlani bright grass. 
The position of the sun feels arbitrary. You just sleep. Like the fucking dead. No dreams, thank the gods. Thick curtains keep your room dark and you relish every moment. You hadn’t realized how deeply fatigue had woven itself into you. You’d become so acclimated to exhaustion, it only hit you when you finally had a (safe and) quiet place to sleep with no end date. 
Adelinde brings an armful of clothes at some point. (“We put these in storage, when you left. I’m sure some still fit.”) Some do, thankfully, and you’re grateful to have more than four garments, especially when they go together. It’s nostalgic to slip into skirts and trousers you haven’t worn in so long, and you decide they’ll suffice. Unideal, but comfortable. 
The tiredness is an odd blessing. You feel too blurry and foggy to really pick apart your feelings. All of them. You’re aware of the knot that’s formed somewhere between your ribs and gut (or rather, revealed itself), and you ignore it for as long as you are able to. No one comes to you except Adelinde, who never presses you. 
(You don’t know what you would do if she did. Adelinde knows discretion, she knows wounds and scrapes and bruises, and knew yours once. Well and thoroughly. You think she can see all of your ills now too.)
(You’re glad she doesn't pry at you. In your moments between wakefulness and sleep, you tend to dream more loosely. You imagine what you might say to Diluc, had you... the opportunity without damage. What would you say to him? The you that’s mostly a dream screams at him sometimes. Enraged. Sometimes you cry, asking questions that neither your sleeping or waking mind has answers for. They’re not... unfamiliar dreams, but they’re unwelcome. They’re more vivid now that you’re staying in the Winery.)
They feel more real. Diluc is only rooms away at any given time.
(He’s not a specter.)
On the third day, you awake midday to a frantic knock on your door. Adelinde, you assume. Stumbling from bed, and pull on a dressing gown and nothing more, and pull open the heavy oak door—
It’s Diluc. Of course it is. In working trousers and a loose, white top. Dirt stains his knees and the tips of his fingers. Pretty red hair spills from its loose tie, bouncy with a fresh wash. He tenses, when he sees you. Fists balling at his sides and shoulders going rigid.
Your jaw locks and the air in your lungs suddenly feels heavy and too hot. Your throat bobs with a swallow, and you gather up the satin of your robe before it has a chance to slip down to the crook of your elbow. 
(Just seeing him sends you. Into a rage. Into a fit of grief. The visage of him forces you to reckon with something more awful and sticky and molten than you know what to do with.)
(You wish it was more avoidable.)
You freeze.
Your several days of rest afforded you the time to... ignore Diluc. Hide from him, and the knot that you desperately don’t want to unravel. Despite sleeping in one of his beds and eating his food, you need distance. It feels like you’ll explode if you don’t have it.
“The child of one of the vineyard workers is injured,” Diluc says, maybe a little out of breath. “Can you take a look?”
“Of course,” you reply without hesitation. A hurt child takes precedence over most things.
The child and his mother sit in Diluc’s foyer, you can hear them as you approach. The girl sniffles and clings to her mothers sleeve with one hand, the other limp in her lap. One of her legs splays the wrong way, equally limp. 
You approach easily, introducing yourself. The air has an edge of crisis to it, but you wade through it easily. If anything, it’s comfortingly familiar. To be calm and confident in the face of serious injury or illness is often medicine in and of itself. 
You set your large, leather-bound caboodle beside you and take to the floor. Your Tselostnyy insignia is pinned to the outside. The mother’s eyes dart to it as she pets over her daughter’s hair, and she relaxes at the sight of it. A qualified stranger, you are.
The mother is younger, someone before your time as the Winery’s temporary master which is a relief. Diluc lingers behind you, watching you work, probably.  You attempt not to care.
You scooch forward, on your knees, knitting your fingers together and hover them over your patient. You focus on the spiral of dendro through muscle and bone, reading the injury:
Two clean breaks. Closed fracture of the left ulna. Closed fracture of the left femur.
It’s a miracle that the child isn’t shrieking in her mother’s lap. 
“How did you get hurt?” you ask the child directly. 
She sniffles. “I f-fell outta’ the big tree by the water. I was trying to climb it.”
Her mother almost scolds her, but you beat her to speaking. “That’s a hard tree to climb. The oaks by the stables are much easier.”
It’s just a slip of the tongue, to be so familiar.
You turn to the child and school a smile on your lips. “I’ll be able to heal your injuries with my Vision. You’ll get some medicine as well, and it needs to be stirred into juice. Do you have a favorite kind?”
The child looks unsure, and her mother answers for her: “She likes apple best.”
“Apple, master of the house.” You wave a hand behind you. “Can you fetch some?”
“Of course,” Diluc answers without missing a beat and you hasten him away.
Knitting your fingers together once more, you begin to work on her injuries. The child is holding up quite well, despite the immense pain she must be in. You work quickly regardless, but keep in mind you do have the luxury of time. There’s no one more broken or more sick just beyond her who needs to be treated as well.
Dendro sews together her bones. Encourages new flesh and muscle to grow where it is needed. 
When Diluc returns, you instruct him further, gaze never straying from the knitting bones, “Take the third vial from the right on the top row of oils, will you? Stir half a dropper into the juice and stir for a minute. If you see oil on the top, keep going.”
“What’s the medicine for?” The girl asks. 
“Relaxation and sleep,” You reply softly. “This type of healing is very effective, but it takes a lot of energy out of the person who is being healed. You’ll be tired once I’m all done, but you may have trouble resting since your body is still reacting to the shock of your injuries.”
The mother lets out a sigh of relief. Perhaps too wordy of an explanation for a child, but her mother seems grateful for it. 
When the child’s healed into proper pieces again, you unknit your fingers and fall back on your heels. Diluc wordlessly passes the goblet of well-mixed apple juice to the child, who shakily gulps it town. The medicine doesn’t have much of a taste, more of an oily texture to it that requires it to be drunk quickly after being mixed. The juice must be from one of Diluc’s best stashes because the child beams after chugging it.
“... That’s it?” She asks. 
You nod and crack your knuckles, now stiff. “That’s it.”
“... Nothing else?” 
“Nope.” You crack your neck. “Other than the fatigue, but a few extra hours of sleep should remedy that. She’ll be back to normal after a nap.”
“Thank you,” The mother says and your chest feels sticky and warm. “I know that Barbara from the Church has similar skills with her Vision, but I’ve never seen healing like yours. Mondstadt could use a physician like you, you know.”
The feeling goes cold, but you keep your smile. Bear it.
“I’m sure they do.” Teacher’s shoes hadn’t been filled, apparently. And you’d departed to the Tselostnyy School and never returned. 
The mother and her child give more thanks before leaving and you keep your facade up until they’re out the door. The girl’s no doubt ruffled still, even with the light sedative. The mother frazzled. The last thing you’d want to do is burden them with your own misplaced ire. They can’t know. They wouldn’t know.
Diluc, however—
He’s been the silent spectator to this whole affair. He idles by the couches and the hearth, arms crossed, still-dirtied from whatever vineyard work he’d been doing prior to fetching you. You’re sure he was working in the fields, heard the child shriek, and rushed to their aid. Typical.
Diluc stares at you like he could immolate you alive.
“You’re incredible.” He says it like it’s the simplest thing in the world. Like the sentence doesn’t implode something in you. 
Your fists shake at your sides. “Hardly. It’s just my profession.”
Diluc works his jaw and considers his words. You note the way he looks stumped and lost. It’s not intentional, if you’re being honest— so there’s no harm in enjoying the way he stumbles to speak around you, is there?
(It’s only fair. Diluc had always been so sure-footed and sturdy with his words. To see him flounder now reminds you that he’s changed too. Something in him has paled and been mutilated, just like you. Two wounded. His suffering isn’t what you revel in, but the knowledge that he’s affected. Neither of you came out unscathed and you’ve spent the last years refusing to imagine how Diluc might’ve coped.)
“Will you have tea with me?” Diluc asks, the words ringing off the glass chandelier in minor key. “You don’t have to if you don’t want—”
“I will.” 
Adelinde kindly brings you both tea, by the hearth and its embers. It’s served with a few small cakes and rounds of steaming sweet bread. Diluc takes his tea just as he did when he was young— a heavy dash of cream and a spoon and a half of sugar (“the half is very important” he had always said). Adeline leaves you a carafe of coffee and shoots you a gentle smile before leaving the two of you be.
You rest on one of the couches, leg pulled up beneath you and blow over the rim of your mug.
Diluc sits adjacent from you, in a resplendent mid-morning sun beam. The chair is high-backed, upholstered with the red and gold pattern of the Ragnvindr clan. He looks regal, like a king from the stories you used to read together. Sunlight halos the frizz in his hair and the dust that shifts around him.
He sits with one heel propped up on the opposite knee, cupping the tea cup from the bottom, unbothered by its heat.
(He’s pretty, just as beautiful as you remember. Maybe more so.)
It makes something in you feel rotten. You pick at your nails and curl over your core. 
He glances at you and you look away into the hearth, into the small flames that eat at the last of a birch log. 
Having Diluc in front of you is uncomfortable. Maybe worse than uncomfortable, as discomfort is bearable and the sensation crawling up from the back of your throat isn’t. It makes your skin itch and feel too tight. Your palms sweat. Maybe you want to puke.
(It’s dread, or something like it. Like just seeing him put you on a precipice you had convinced yourself didn’t exist.)
“When did you start drinking coffee?” Diluc asks, breaking you from your spiral. “If I recall correctly, you hated it. Too bitter for your palate, or something like that.”
“In your absence. In the year I stayed here, when you left.” It’s the truth. “ Lots of paperwork. I got used to the flavor after a while.”
(You used to prefer tea, favoring some black variety that Crepus painstakingly imported from Natlan’s volcanic cliffs. The first time you tried to drink it following his passing, you retched it back into your cup.)
You both shift uncomfortably. 
“I see.” 
You pretend not to notice the way Diluc’s grip goes white-knuckled for a moment. Your chest feels tight, too tight, and you squirm under your skin. 
“I don’t know how to face you,” you blurt out. 
(You never thought you would have to.) 
Diluc looks away from you, into the fire. “If you don’t wish to ‘face me’, then you don’t have to.”
“Are you suggesting I simply ignore you?”
“If that’s what you would wish to do.”
“That’s not what I asked.” You frown, something burning between your ribs. 
Diluc chews on his words for a moment. “Allow me to clarify. I have no expectations of you while you’re staying within the Winery.”
“So, if I simply ate your food and slept in one of your beds, ignoring you, you’d be alright with that?”
“If that’s what you wish, then yes.”
(The answer hurts to hear. You refuse to think about why.)
“Alright.” You take a long sip of your coffee. You’re not sure when your stomach began to ache.
“You’re unsatisfied with that answer,” Diluc guesses.
“Entirely,” you reply. “You’re basing your wants off of mine. It’s bothersome.”
“It’s the truth. As I said—“
“You ‘have no expectations of me’,” you parrot. “Would you truly be satisfied if I didn’t speak to you at all while I’m here?”
Diluc chews the inside of his cheek (a new habit you don’t recognize). “My satisfaction isn’t of consequence.”
“Idiot,” You snap— you don’t mean to. “Of course it is. I don’t want to make this any more unbearable than it already is.”
“Do you think this is unbearable for me?” 
“… Yes?” You feel yourself shaking. “Maybe? I don’t know.”
(It’s worse than unbearable. The feeling in your chest is blooming, radiating out into your arms and legs, down to your hands. There’s a buzzing in the base of your skull.)
“I understand that it’s difficult for you to be here,” Diluc grits out. “I do not want to make that any worse by some expectation or assumption you think that I carry. If you wish to enjoy the festival and ignore me, that’s more than fine. If it would be easier for you to stay here and think of me as only some type of… concierge, I wouldn’t resent you for it.”
(You hate it. You hate him. You hate Diluc Ragnvindr endlessly, perhaps. You want to burn Dawn Winery to the ground.)
“Do you really think I could ever think of you as anything other than yourself?” You spit, intending to. “It’s insulting— a fucking affront to think that I could view you in such a way.”
“I don’t know how you view me.” Diluc’s voice wavers with what you can only assume to be anger. “I’m trying to make this easier for you.”
“In what way?!” You stand. “Do you think ignoring you would be easier for me?”
“I am making a well-intended inference based on the fact that you haven’t returned to Mondstadt for years.” Diluc stares at you like he wants to— “I am assuming you’d like to continue to ignore me, given that you’ve never given any indication otherwise.”
“… You’re the one who left first.” You spit the words, like how a sword cuts through air. “You’re the one who left and gave no ‘ indication’ of returning.”
Diluc swallows, thick and hard with a bob of his throat and he rises to his feet. You instinctively take a step back. He opens his mouth, then closes it with a snap of his teeth. The fire cracks and a log loses its structure, tumbling in the hearth with a flurry of embers.
He looks lost for words. You let loose a laugh, something awful and torn that you wish you could stuff back down your throat.
“Nothing to say?”
“It was a long time ago—“
“Ah, it’s irrelevant to you. I see.” Archons, you don’t want this. You should’ve never come back. It can’t be worth it, can it? It feels like your ribs are being broken, one by one. 
(How wretched it is, for him to have such a power over you.)
“Don’t twist my words.” Diluc rises, taking a step toward you. “I only meant to say—“
“I am well-aware of what you meant to say.” You want to vomit, maybe. “It was so long ago, so it’s easier, right? If I view you as nothing more than a doorman with a familiar face, and if you view me as a guest to be treated with pleasantries.”
(Let’s forget all the history. Etch a lie onto a slate that’s already been shattered beyond repair.)
Diluc’s expression twists. Your hands shake and you cross them over yourself, wrapping your arms over your own shoulders and squeezing. He looks… hurt. Gutted. 
“Do you think me cruel enough to ever think of you in such a way?”
“Yes, actually.” You laugh with a shake of your head. “Not even a letter, Diluc? Couldn’t even spare me a thought, could you?”
(Meanwhile, you clung to the hope that he’d arrive home through the front door of the Winery for months. How many did you sit in front of this very same hearth, wrapped in his old blankets and left-behind clothes and pray to any God who’d listen that Diluc would return?)
The admission guts Diluc. You can see it in his face, the way his expression tears open and he balls his fist and he almost seems to shake with it.
(Despite everything, it hurts to see him hurt.)
You step away, almost toppling into the couch. Diluc catches you by the arm with a lurch and keeps you upright. The contact burns like you’re too close to a roaring fire. You feel singed. 
“I can’t forget, Diluc.” You laugh, shudder in his grip and you feel the bits of you fray even further. “I— I don’t know. I’m sorry. I resent you. I hate you. I look at you and I’m struck by the feeling that I’m looking at a ghost.”
You watch Diluc’s jaw lock. “Pot, kettle.”
“You left Mond as well, dear.” Diluc says the pet name and then flushes. An old habit, unearthed by sparring. You maybe would swoon if you weren’t feeling light-headed. “You’re a ghost to me as well. Maybe something worse.”
“... Am I? ” you spit, writhing in your skin. 
His expression tightens and you see the hurt. A crack. His lip twitches and he stands. He has to look down at you and you feel the height. 
“Do you think I haven’t been haunted by you?”
Oh, it’s like being punched in the gut. You’re being flayed, surely, on his great room floor. If you’re not careful, your entrails will spill and you’ll die here. You’re sure. 
“Don’t lie to me.” 
“You’re impossible,” Diluc says, grip almost bruising. “Do you truly think I’m lying?”
(You don’t.)
You swallow and step away from him. The moment you pull against him, Diluc lets you go, and you stumble back. 
(You’re too frayed for this. Burnt. Cinders at a masquerade.)
“I need some time,” you say, fire in your voice is gone. You burn down so easily. “I’m sorry.”
Diluc stays silent for a moment. You can’t be sure what he’s thinking.
“Take all the time you need,” he says, before striding past you to his office. You hear the door nearly slam. 
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200 notes · View notes
genshintrashgoblin · 2 years
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Everyone together again 🥰🥰🥰
3 notes · View notes
apotatouwu · 2 years
ok ok so, I'm going to stray SO FAR away from canon right now but hear me out skhddbvd
warnings: violence, sumeru chapter act iii quest spoilers, scaramouche lore but I messed it up a bit, scaramouche himself, can be seen as either platonic or romantic, and the reader's gender isnt specified (i hope), but you do work as a shrine maiden and i don't know if that counts as gn!reader
edit: forgot to mention that this wasn't proofread so there will be grammar mistakes
edit edit: nvm was just told that this does not count as gn!reader, sorry D:
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imagine being a puppet created by Yae for the sole purpose of protecting. To protect what? you don't know.
So when your creator leads you to a young boy in front of an entrance that you know nothing about, you piece together your pupose, and that is to protect that boy.
more utc!
When he wakes up after a few days, you greet him as best you can with no knowledge of outside communication; a smile while towering over him at his side.
He asks many questions, most of which you do not have the answers to. You only tell him how you were brought here by your creator with a purpose, and that you were a puppet like him.
You two begin to travel after that, until you meet a yoriki with whom your friend had befriended. You were sure that your friend would be safe, so you began to make your way to the Grand Narukami Shrine to visit your creator.
From that day on, you would journey between (what you think is called) Tatarasuna and Narukami Island, working as one of the shrine maidens. As a fox envoy like your creator, your other form made travelling much easier.
It was only until a certain event occured at where your friend stayed that changed everything. This caused him to make his way to Narukami Island to get help, and for reassurance from you. He made his way, encountering a young child that reminded him of you in the meantime, and spoke with both you and Yae Miko. Yae promised him of gathering help, while you followed your friend back to offer your own assistance.
You two returned to a forgery in chaos, the man who led the swordsmiths threatening to rid of you both out of fear. You drew your own blade and ran with your friend out of self-defence. He cried as you held him in your arms, with mutters of "why?" and "he betrayed us." being heard.
You two wandered again after a while, staying far away from Tatarasuna after such events. It was when you met with a sickly boy that you two halted your travels.
Now it was back to your old routine of travelling between Narukami Island and (what you believe it is called) Serai island. The help offered by Guuji Yae was thought to have "been ambushed" she said, while you were saddened by the fact that you and your friend fled the conflict.
Your world changed once again when you came across your friend returning to his and the younger boy's house at the time with lavender melons in his arms. You two greet each other after the temporary separation and walked back together, talking about what you had encountered so far.
He stopped his tracks as he opened the door however, as the sight he witnessed caused him to still as if he were eternity himself. You understood why he was like that though as you saw the view yourself.
The sickly boy you two met long ago was now laying on a bed of sakura petals.
You fought with your friend for the first time now. Him uttering "betrayal", "he promised!", whether it was at you or himself, you didn't know.
You eventually surrendered when he dropped a lit candle on the ground.
This "betrayal" led to your friend naming himself "Kunikuzushi" and this began the worse era of your life.
Too ashamed at your lack of strength to prevent the fire, you dragged yourself to follow Kunikuzushi instead of returning to the shrine you loved to work at. You had forsakened your creator and the purpose given to you the moment Kunikuzushi went mad.
It was when you first met with the so–called "Fatui" that you found your real purpose, and that was to protect others from Kunikuzushi. You were shocked at the news of locked power within your old friend, but to fulfil your motivation, you followed him into the Snezhnayan organization's ranks.
What you didn't know then was that this very decision would lead to your possible downfall.
As Kunikuzushi turned into Scaramouche, and in turn "the Balladeer", the Sixth of the Eleven Fatui harbingers, you became his most trusted assistant.
It doesn't sound that bad, you get to stay right by his side right?
While that statement is true, it WAS bad.
You two had recently returned from a failed mission, and currently kneeled down as you spoke with the Tsaritsa. You don't remember what she said, but you did hear a "your assistant will be replaced with one suited for your level" before being grabbed by the arm and dragged away to who knows where.
Scared to death in a nation where all you could see is snow, you only pleaded with the one person (or being? seing as he abandoned you.) you were the closest to for help. You only saw clenched eyes as you turned a corner.
The door shut, and you met with several scientists who will later lock you in a giant glass container for the rest of your immortal existence.
Scaramouche only felt a hollow feeling is his chest. He didn't understand why it was there since he had no heart to begin with. "I had nothing to lose" he said to himself over and over again. It was only when you passed by him in a hallway, not even saying a simple "hello." It was only then where a sense of pity grew in him. He abandoned you, and he only realized that.
But what he didn't know was that that... "person" wasn't you, but was a mere copy of your now withering body.
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this turned into a fic now lmao I'll try to make it a full on fic once I have the time after 3.2 or 3.3 come out since I am just hooked on this little au(?) of mine akdhdndv
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strxnged · 1 year
TIGHNARI: # poison tree.
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word count. 0.7k. genre. hurt/comfort for traveller!reader's existential crisis.
song request by @howdyfriend: poison tree — grouper.
warnings. major spoilers for sumeru archon quest & interlude act III.
✧ join my event, tuned to the world's sounds. send me a character and a song and i'll write for you. requests wide open until june 30. ✧
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“Thanks to your kind efforts, traveller,” Tighnari was saying, “the forest rangers are no longer overwhelmed by withering zones. We can focus on revitalizing the affected areas and reintroducing indigenous species where they belong. Don’t you dare deprecate your efforts. You’re saving the forest, you know.”
You only sighed. You were standing at the south end of Tighnari’s hut, absently studying his organized butterfly pins on the wall.
Tighnari’s adamance about your value to Sumeru’s forest was thoughtful, but it did not help in the way he thought it might. You had already been in Teyvat for years, somehow; you had been accumulating power and journeying the land long enough that you ought to feel at home. Many worlds before had been unwelcoming and you and your twin had still achieved comfort. Many worlds had taken you two in as one of their own.
Teyvat was different. 
Although you knew part of your dissociative feelings around it were because you missed your sibling, there was more that was unsettling you recently, and you knew it had to do with Greater Lord Rukkhadevata and the Baladeer’s historical disappearance. In this world, knowledge existed as memories of Irminsul. But you did not. You did not exist, and you knew more than the world tree wanted you to. You knew things you never wanted to forget, but wished you did not have to carry the memories alone.
You could tell Tighnari none of this.
In a way, it felt that your tongue could spark withering zones to spread like wildfire. A single word about the former archon, a single word about the Wanderer’s past, and you could cause chaos. You were not allowed to be honest with someone you cared about as much as the General Watchleader of the Forest Rangers.
“Hmm… Something else is bothering you, isn’t it, friend?” he said, standing from the chair at his desk. He was always too attentive for his own good. 
He approached you. You felt his hand lightly rest on your shoulder and you closed your eyes, brows furrowed. “There isn’t anything you can do.”
“I may not be able to do anything, but won’t you give me the opportunity to try?”
You turned your face to him. And oh, he knew nothing. Tighnari’s hazel eyes were searching yours, earnestly hoping and insisting to offer his assistance. He was the sort of friend you would do anything for if he asked it of you, because his heart was so good and his work was so ardent. He concerned himself with those in need; namely, Collei, the forest, and you.
You opened your mouth but you didn’t know what to say, still.
“I know that there are things you cannot speak of,” he said, filling the silence. “I understand it. I see it in your eyes.” His ears pressed back as his tone became more resolute. “But do not think that that alienates you from me. I believe—I believe quite strongly that whether or not you think you belong, you were still meant to arrive here, and are fated to meet those that you do. It is foolish to believe in mistakes.”
You turned your head away, feeling tears sting at your eyes. You knew what to say now, though you were quite aware its acceptance would be in vain should fate ever turn sour. “I have one request, Tighnari.”
“Don’t forget me, no matter what.”
He didn’t say anything, and you turned nervously to see him ungloving his right hand. He offered it to you. “Let’s shake on it.”
Relieved, you smiled and took his bare hand in a steady handshake.
“Though I see no risk for it,” he said, “I will do my duty as your friend to never forget you for as long as I live.”
If the world was destined to never truly remember you, then he was destined to break his promise. And yet you could not help but pray to Irminsul that that day would never come.
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please reblog if you enjoyed!
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chickenparm · 2 years
By Choice or By Accident (Wanderer/Reader)
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Spoilers for Interlude Chapter: Act III Inversion of Genesis
i made the executive decision that the traveler fucks around a bit and takes a good while longer to decipher what scara changed with irminsul and wow, that's a convenient amount of time for him to get real soft on someone huh-
(also i believe scara says he doesn't like sweets only because ei DOES like sweets and he secretly loves them you cannot change my mind, back off)
5,258 Words - SFW
Nothing heinous. Fluff, 2 seconds of Angst, meandering narrative, skipping time a little bit, Reader is a candy maker. Very indulgent, don't take this seriously.
Despite its status as a hub of commerce, it’s rather obvious when a new face arrives in the Grand Bazaar. Even more so when they’re dressed like that - soft blues against striking azure, a wide hat and carefully placed body armor to show martial skill. 
When the grocer across the way brings home a straggler, your initial thought is to be wary. There’s an unsettled quiet around him as he keeps his head ducked low and his face carefully hidden. The protection on his arms and shins suggests some martial skill, yet there’s no vision to be seen on his person. 
In the beginning, you’re wary - and rightfully so. Then his head lifts and his eyes move around the bazaar before he realizes you’re staring, and something fundamental changes in that split second. The air around him shifts, the guarded expression in his eyes bleeds away, and you’re left staring at excited eyes and a smile that shines with both anticipation and trepidation. 
The grocer’s new stray becomes a fixture. One that you quietly watch from your stall of handmade sweets, your gaze occasionally broken by the excited child or curious adult, all of whom are the sources of your livelihood here. But even your regulars find it hard to keep your attention when something so interesting is just across the way. 
Initially, the first word you’d use to describe him is untouchable. Like something priceless to be placed on a shelf. Only to look at, never to hold in your hands and sully it with your touch. Even as he works diligently at the grocer and displays less than fragile tendencies, you still can’t keep yourself from marveling at the otherworldly sort of perfection. 
Then, just like that, it’s swept away in the span of a short interaction. 
While you’ve overheard his quiet arguments with the grocer about not accepting pay, you know for certain he’s been tipped on deliveries to their customers. It’s what gives him the means to tentatively cross the walkway to your stall, stand a respectful distance away, and let pretty violet eyes wander over what you have on display for the day. 
And they are pretty. A color you’ve never seen before, even in a city like Sumeru where fabrics in all manner of hues are commonplace. You’re not entirely sure that someone could accurately recreate such a shade of purple. 
Quietly, as if to keep from imposing on you, he steps a little closer and squeezes the pouch of mora in front of him with a grip so tight his knuckles turn just a little lighter than the rest of his pale skin. It’s painfully obvious that he’s nervous, but his chin lifts and his chest expands with an inhale, and you’re impressed with the bravery he’s showing to simply peruse a candy stall. 
“Please recommend something to me!”
He says it like he’s about to run into battle - and your heart that was wary at first melts. Any caution is thrown to the wind as your shoulders relax, and a smile spreads across your face, and you ask, “What do you like?”
To your surprise, he clams up for a moment, twisting at the ties of the mora pouch until you’re certain the ropes are going to unravel. The last thing you expect is a quiet, “...I’m not sure.”
Okay. You can handle that, as strange as it is. Going into your usual sales pitch with gusto, you try your hardest not to be distracted by the way he cocks his head and leans in, listening with rapt attention as you point out each little piece, which were handmade and which you had brought him, which were your favorites and which ones most people seemed to gravitate toward. 
“These ones aren’t popular, but I like them. They’re sour, but once you get to the middle, there’s a sweetness that chases it away. Just don’t eat too many, they’ll make your mouth sore!”
“It’s sour, but you say they’re good?” His fingers pinch his chin in thought as he looks at each flavor you have of the small selection. It’s no use keeping a large stock when its audience is few and far between. “Sour on the outside, sweet on the inside, huh?”
“It makes the sweetness that much nicer if you can make it through the tough bit. It’s kind of like life, isn’t it? Once you make it through the difficult parts, the moments that are softer are that much better when you’re in them.”
Violet eyes watch you in wonder, lips gently parted as he mulls over your impromptu advice. With warm cheeks, you busy yourself with straightening the rows, the smallest bit of embarrassment making your fingers shake. They don’t look any neater when you’ve finished.
He picks one of everything you indicate as your preference, carefully counting out the coins and giving a little extra that you try to place back in his hand. But he grasps your wrist until your palm is up, pushing the extra coins there and using his free hand to curl your fingers around them securely. The smile on his face is wider than any you’ve seen, cutting into his cheeks and making the corners of his eyes squint in its wake. 
“Just for being kind, that’s all.” And his touch lingers for a moment long enough to make your heart skip, your fingers itching to grasp at his own so he could stay just a little longer. “Can I come back tomorrow?”
“I don’t think you’ll get through all that candy in a night.” Or he could, you’re in no place to judge him for it. Certainly, children much smaller than him have performed that feat before. 
In return, he smiles sheepishly and focuses on his hands holding yours, his thumb pressing against the pulse point of your wrist. There’s no doubt he can feel your heart racing from his touch and his presence, his soft grin and the slight flush on the apples of his cheeks. “Maybe not. But… just to talk to you? I’d like to know you if you’d let me.”
If he notices your persistent giddiness for the remainder of the bazaar’s open hours, he mercifully doesn’t make any comment on it. He simply returns the next day with praises over what you’d sold him the day before, exclaiming that the sour candies were his favorite, and an earnest question. 
“Could you teach me how to make this?”
And how could you say no? When his hands were fisted at his sides to hide how they shake at the prospect of such a simple question, there’s no way you could deny something so… sweet.
That evening, after he closes up with the grocer, he crosses the pathway that separates you and offers to help you carry your goods home for the day. It’s with great pleasure you gesture to a house just two doors down - your home and workshop all in one. He doesn’t let you carry your goods, anyway.
“It must be nice, living so close. I’m glad to see it.”
“Glad?” You ask, watching carefully at how he carries a box with one arm that you often have to drag across the ground on a nightly basis. He must be deceptively strong. The hat he wears is tucked beneath his other arm, leaving his smooth hair a little mussed after a day of wearing it. 
His head bobs as he watches you unlock the door with a key from your pocket, the hinges groaning as you step inside and urge him to follow as you work to light the lamps. The answer you asked for comes as the room illuminates. “I’d hate for you to have to walk so far at night. It’s not very safe.”
“True, but the bazaar is one of the safest places in the city. And I’ve lived here all my life.”
“Spending your life somewhere doesn’t always make it safe,” he pauses, just long enough to set the box of goods down on the table that dominates the center of your home, “but it’s not really my place to be overbearing about your safety. I’m sorry if that was too much.”
“No! It was… nice. Thank you for caring.” The words strike him into stillness, his hand resting on the lid of the box, thumb curling around the edge to press into the wood. His other hand rubs over his chest, just beneath the dangling ornament and pinion that jingle slightly in the comfortable silence. 
The swallow he makes is audible, a show of that nervousness that comes when he seems to be faced with sincerity he doesn’t know what to do with. To his credit, his voice doesn’t waver, even a little. “You’ve been nothing but nice to me. Of course I’d care, even a little.” And that endearing pink comes back again, barely visible in the lights that are just beginning to grow stronger as the flame catches the wicks.
“You’ve been nice, too. Give yourself a little credit.” 
Outside, other merchants are making their way home. The sound of carts and laughter trickles into the room, breaking the tension that’s somehow formed despite such an innocuous topic. Clearing your throat, you ask, “You know, I don’t actually know your name. You’ve never told me.”
While the tension is gone for you, it doubles down on him as his shoulders clench, and he pointedly looks away. The far corner of the room suddenly becomes impossibly interesting to him, at least compared to how you begin to move closer to unpack the box. 
“That’s because… I don’t have one. I’m just a wanderer. Any name I might’ve had, I don’t remember it anymore.”
“Do you not remember by choice, or by accident?”
You don’t miss the way his eyes follow your movements as you bring the sour candies out. Pointedly, you pull a few from their bag and push them across the table to him. As if he were afraid they’d disappear, his fingers wrap around them and drag them closer. One pops in his mouth, and he waits until the sweetness makes itself known before he finally answers.
“A little of both, I think.” The candy clacks against his teeth, running along his molars from one side to the other, as if he’s preventing a single spot from being scoured by the sourness. Perhaps it’s also a tactic to delay what comes next, something you only realize when he says it. “You should know… I’m not exactly human. I’m-... I’m a puppet.”
Giving him time to ruminate over that, you finish unloading the box before stowing it away beneath the table. It gives you enough time to formulate a tactful response. Palms on the table, you lean to get the weight off your feet from standing all day, and explain yourself. “That doesn’t change anything. I still like you, I’ll still teach you. You must’ve lived a long time then, huh?”
He doesn’t give you a number, and you don’t exactly ask, but the way he exhales until his lungs are empty tells you that in his mind, it might have been a few too many years to walk through. Has he wandered all that time? Alone? It doesn’t feel right to ask - so you don’t. 
Instead, as you begin to lay out supplies for tomorrow’s stock, you quietly make a promise to yourself that if you can help it, perhaps he won’t need to use the term lonely to describe himself ever again. 
When you first opened your stall, it was commonplace for you to grow sick after contacting so many people on a daily basis. It was just expected, it came with the territory, and you only needed a handful of months for your body to grow used to it. Nowadays, you hardly find yourself feeling ill at all.
Then there were days like today, where the world is too bright, and your skin feels too hot and too cold, uncomfortable no matter your position. The softness of your bed curls around you, cradling your aching joints as you struggle to maintain a comfortable body temperature. The windows facing the street show that the sun is already risen, though at this time of day, not as much of it makes it down to the bazaar, even at the outskirts as you are.
Wrapped in your blankets in the throes of a cold chill is how the wanderer finds you. His steps into your home are tentative - you’d given him a key, and you thank yourself for the foresight. Looking into your bedroom, his expression goes from curiosity to something that couldn’t be mistaken for anything other than fear.
“What’s wrong? Look at me-”
“I’m okay.” Talking makes your head feel thick and muddled, stuffed too full of the meager thoughts it requires to get words out. But he’s kneeling next to your head now, hands hovering over you but not quite touching, like he’s unsure of what to do next. It lightens your mood a little, seeing him fret like this. “Just a little sick - it goes around this time of year.”
“What do you need me to do? Do you need food? Have you had anything to drink today? Hang on, let me get a washcloth.”
And he’s on his feet, moving to your kitchen and out of your ability to call him back. A quiet laugh leaves you as you roll onto your back, snuggling beneath blankets and listening as he sifts through your cabinets to find a bowl, then fill it with cool water to bring back to you. His eyes are more focused on the bowl as he enters, determined not to spill it until he’s able to set it down on your bedside table. 
Before you can say a word, the back of his fingers press to your forehead, and he hisses through his teeth. There’s no need to say that you’re burning up, not with how he hurriedly wrings out the cloth and folds it delicately on your forehead. Even chilled as you are, it feels like heaven, and you all but melt into the blankets as the fingers of his hand linger along your brow. 
“Mm… yes, thank you.”
“Okay. It’s okay.” He sounds more like he’s reassuring himself, rather than you. There’s something haunted in his eyes, something that’s clawing at the back of his mind. Far be it from your place to ask, but the fever has lowered your inhibitions, and you can’t help but lick the chapped dryness of your lips before asking what you wish to know. 
“Why are you afraid? Look at you, you’re terrified.”
The answer is immediate, maybe even instinctual. “I don’t know.” His eyes linger over your face, trailing over the dark circles beneath your eyes and the weariness that lingers. “My mind is telling me terrible things, almost like I’ve… lost someone like this. But I’ve never-... I haven’t been around anyone long enough to care. Not like this.”
He cares. About you. Sure, that was obvious enough at this point, but the fact that he puts it into words so candidly makes your heart flutter nervously. It’s been a long time since anyone would go to these lengths for you in your time of need, and for it to be him… It makes you feel leagues better already.
“I’m… I’ll make you something to eat. And get you something to drink. I’ll be back.”
The words tumble out of him, one after another, with little control. He’s nearly out the door by the time you comprehend that he’d been pink in the cheeks, fingers nervously twirling the golden feather on his chest. He cares. What a novel thought.
It doesn’t take him terribly long to return. Just long enough for your eyes to droop closed and your mind to wander off into dreams of pretty violet eyes and the faint scent of flowers that you’ve never come across before. Soft smiles, a hand running down your arm, a thumb across your cheek as a familiar voice urges you to reawaken. 
“Just a few bites, then you can sleep.”
Easy enough, when the spoon finds its way to your mouth of its own accord. Yet it’s not sentient - it’s held by lithe fingers that guide it steadily. At your back is his arm, helping you sit up so you don’t spill over your sheets. Quietly, you shift a little closer and bask in that faint floral smell that’s like nothing in Sumeru. The only way you can explain it is if you were describing the wanderer himself.
Drinking is an easy affair, thanks to the straw he’d somehow found you, and once he’s satisfied you’ve completed the tasks he’s laid out, so too does he lay you back on your bed. With distance comes a stark loneliness, and you reach for his hand as he stands from where he’d been kneeling. “Stay? Please?”
“Let me grab a chair at least. Your floor hurts.”
You want to tell him to just climb in your bed. To let you curl around him for all the comfort he can offer, greedily taking and taking because he’s always so willing to give. But the last bit of your self-control pulls you back in, releasing your grip to allow him to drag a chair across the floor to sit at your bedside with an exasperated smile. 
“Sleep now. I’ll be here when you wake.”
“Hm… Promise?”
“I swear it on my life. I’m not going anywhere.”
The last thought before you drift off is a quiet murmur of your heart repeating that he cares. About you, about your wellbeing. He’ll be here when your eyes open, hopefully with less of that fear he’s still holding onto. The washcloth on your forehead is changed, slim fingers wipe away stray water droplets, and all the while he hums a tune under his breath that sounds like the sweetest song.
The wanderer has only one devastating, debilitating flaw - he’s a worrier. 
Whether it’s after a long day and you’re bone tired, or you were too busy to eat lunch, or even if you’re just feeling a little ill, he has an incessant need to coddle. On anyone else, it wouldn’t be a good look. You’re a grown adult, you can take care of yourself, keep yourself safe and cared for. 
But something about the way he does it soothes any outrage you could possibly feel. Insistent, quiet, offered with a smile that seems almost pleading. And you know that while he’s making you dinner and taking on the duty of meticulously creating fruit-shaped candies for tomorrow’s weekend sale, it’s for his own sake as much as it is yours. 
And so, if it keeps him smiling as he carefully pours soup into a bowl for you, you’re more than willing to let him get away with it. 
Chin propped on your hand, elbow on the table, you let your eyes drift closed as the weariness of the day catches up to you. The festival over the weekend was one of the biggest in a long time, and your preparations were wearing you impossibly thin. It meant longer evenings to finish creating stock, longer days to account for new tourists, and all the stress that comes with it. 
Not to mention the last straggling bits of your illness that had kept you homebound for days, still lingering after two long weeks. Your muscles still felt weak, your head still fuzzy.
But the wanderer had been a huge help, especially as the grocer had all but kicked him out of his stall to send over to yours. The grocer had been trying to foist him off on you for weeks now, and he hadn’t really needed to try that hard at all. 
The sound of ceramic sliding across the table in front of you is the indication he’s dropped your food off, and you crack your eyes open just in time to see the golden pinion of his ornament dangling in front of your face as he presses a kiss to the crown of your head. 
Both of you freeze. 
But he doesn’t pull away, and neither do you. Instead, you reach with a shaking hand to the golden feather, grasping it lightly with your fingertips and rubbing your thumb along the subtle ridges. Your curiosity serves an alternate purpose; it keeps him close, prevents him from backing away from you. 
A sigh breezes along your scalp, humid from his breath, and a shiver from you breaks you both out of the odd trance. 
“I’m so sorry-”
“It’s okay.” You cut him off, already anticipating the unwarranted apology for something you desperately wanted him to do again. Even standing above you, he looks incredibly small as his hands clutch at the opening of his kimono, worrying at the edges without a care for the wrinkles he’s creating. 
Letting the feather drop back to his chest, you reach for one of his fretting hands and hold it tight enough in your own that you can’t tell if the tremors come from you or him. It could even be both. Suddenly you’re filled with anticipation so strong it makes your stomach turn painfully. 
But it’s not bad. It’s welcomed, wanted. The only relief you know of is sought after with a simple question. “Could you do it again?”
“If you’d like to. If it wasn’t a regretful accident.”
His lower lip disappears between his teeth for a moment, then pops out with a pink hue from the abuse. You’re only allowed a second to admire the shade before the only thing you can see is alabaster and violet, your view of the world cut off as he presses his lips to yours with a clumsiness that is borne from inexperience. 
A thud rocks the table from his palm hitting it, an attempt to brace himself as he leans further into you until he’s nearly climbed into your lap. A whine brushes across your cheek through his nose - a high-pitched, cracking sort of sound that’s sweeter to your ears than any song could be, any candy could taste. 
That evening, the wanderer becomes your wanderer. 
And the world seems more vibrant, the music of the festival is more joyous than anything you’ve ever heard. Your wanderer closes your stall and guides you to the theatre to watch Nilou spin and sway. Her movements are nothing short of hypnotic, but hardly enough to catch your attention as you lean against him and let your eyes follow the cut of his jawline, the brush of his hair against his ear, the subtle pink of his blush as he catches you staring from the corner of his eye. 
For an evening, the entirety of Teyvat feels like it’s in harmony. He smiles down at you, and the stars above shine just a little bit brighter. An arm winds around your waist to hold you closer, and the lyrics to the music lose their meaning, the tune grows meandering and unimportant compared to how he smiles so, so gently. 
If asked, you’re not sure that you’d be able to think of a single thing you wouldn’t give up to recklessly chase after this feeling with him. Safe, warm, loved. It’d been there from the beginning, quietly growing subtle roots until it ingrained itself too deep to remove - as if you’d want to. 
That night, you nearly tell him you love him. Something stays your tongue, but you’re not quite sure what it might have been. Tomorrow, you promise yourself as he brings you to your door and kisses you so sweetly that you can do nothing but melt in his hold. Tomorrow, you resolve as you watch him backpedal down the street, giving you that smile you favor so much. 
Tomorrow, you promise the following day as the market quiets following such a busy event, unwilling to break the peace for a confession you’re not entirely confident he’s ready for. Instead, you prop your elbow on your stall’s counter and watch as he smiles at the grocer. As he squats to the level of a child that’s examining fruits, and offers one of the familiar candies from your stall to him. 
Over the child’s head, he catches your eye, and the placating smile turns to one that’s teeth and pink cheeks, embarrassment at having been caught with such softness but not ashamed enough to stop. In the heat of the afternoon, the quiet murmur of the bazaar, the daylight stretching the shadows long as the sun crosses its apex and begins to descend, everything feels the closest to perfection you could ever achieve.
Tomorrow doesn’t come. 
Or rather, it does, but he’s missing. The grocer mentions he’d stepped out of the city to make a run for sunsettias, then left on an errand with a golden-haired newcomer and their floating companion. The Traveler, you recognize vaguely from gossip through the grapevine. They’d keep him safe, surely, but you can’t help but feel a looming sense of dread when he doesn’t return that evening. 
For the first time in months, you eat your dinner alone. 
The tables are turned, for once. It’s you that worries over his well-being, so much so that you close your stand for the day and pace around your home like a caged animal. Certainly he must be fine, but he would’ve mentioned it to you if he were leaving, wouldn’t he? It feels wrong to not be aware of his presence, to not simply turn your head and have him at the corner of your vision as a steady presence. 
The grocer stops by to drop a few pieces of produce off, an attempt to check on you and reassure you of the wanderer’s safety with the Traveler. It does little to assuage your fears - nothing does, until the door opens and it’s filled with a familiar silhouette.
Except it’s… not. 
There’s a different set to his shoulders. A tension that lingers for a moment too long before it bleeds away at the sight of you. But his eyes are still the same, taking you in with immeasurable reverence that doesn’t fade even as he steps into your home that’s dimmer than the midday market outside. One, two, three long strides bring him to you, close enough to yank you to his chest and hold you impossibly tight with both arms. 
“I’m sorry.”
Even the tone is different. It’s lower, more tentative, almost as if he expects you to refuse him. Adamant, you wrap your arms tight around his waist and link your hands together, squeezing with everything you can muster as you mumble into the fabric over his chest. “You should be. You had me so worried.”
“That’s… I’m sorry for that, too.”
“You’re sorry for something else?” Pulling your head back, you look up at him. Nothing could have prepared you for the way his face falls, his lip drawing between his teeth as he takes in the sight of your confusion and weariness. 
There is no stalling further. His hand comes to the back of your head, bringing you back close again as he speaks over your shoulder. “I need to ask you something. Don’t be afraid to tell me the truth. Even if you think it will hurt me.”
“And if it will hurt me?”
“It’ll hurt more if I don’t ask it at all.” His chest beneath your cheek shudders with his exhalation, its wavering shaking you to your core as you realize it’s tinged with tears once he continues. “If someone walked in here that looked and sounded just like me, but they were inarguably an evil person… would you still want to stay with them?”
“Looks and sounds like you…?”
“If you couldn’t tell the difference, beyond the knowledge that for the entirety of their existence, so many of the actions they’d taken were for horrible, inexcusable reasons.”
It shouldn’t be a simple answer. The question he’s posed to you has so many layers despite its surface-level simplicity. But with the way he looks at you - wild, desperate, clinging to the hope for an answer that lets him stay close to you - it only takes you a moment to come to a conclusion that settles into place like a key turning a lock. Smooth, easy, with a satisfying click.
“Whoever that person might’ve been… they’re not who you are now.” His breath hitches, stilling under where you rest your head. Whether that’s the right answer or the wrong, you’re unsure, but you’re too far to backtrack now. “I know who you are. People are allowed to change, that’s just what humans do.”
“I’m not human.”
He’s not. He’s told you so himself that he was created, not born. But it’s easy enough to forget that fact when he’s here in front of you, trembling in your arms and clinging desperately to the normalcy you’ve unknowingly provided. The front he puts up is so convincing that you’re not sure it’s even false anymore - he’s experienced all there is to being a human.
“But you’re close enough, aren’t you? You laugh, and you hurt. You’re hurting right now. And the most important part of being a human is love.” Pulling back enough to look at him, to note the shine of tears and the harshness of his bite on his bottom lip to hide its quivering, you ask, “Do you feel love?”
“Yes. So much, it’s killing me.”
“Ah, you just need to let it out then. Of course, I’d stay with you. If it’s like you say, then there’s a long road ahead, and I’m happy to walk it with you, if you’ll let me.”
Choked laughter leaves him, high-pitched and disbelieving. It signals the floodgates of his tears falling, and he releases one arm from you to rub at his eyes to catch them before they fall. It’s a futile effort, one you’re happy to see, even as he surges forward to kiss you, wetting your cheeks with his own. 
Against your lips he murmurs, muffled and sloppy, “Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou-”
As if you would have left him after coming to know him like this. It only hurts for a second that the thought had even crossed his mind to doubt - and perhaps that doubt will creep back in over the coming days. When things are difficult or when stirrings of a life past-lived come back to rear its head, threatening the tenuous peace he’s found. 
There are times that he looks at you with eyes that aren’t as familiar. They’re darker, edged sharply, but it’s still him. A different facet shining in the light, but if you tilt your head, you can see the core of him that lies beneath. Still the same, no matter how he refracts it. As he comes and goes, it feels as if a new page turns each time - some new, some old. A wildness exists that seeps through, visible only when he holds you a little too tight, kisses you a little too hard. 
Unsteadiness is something he’s worn since the first day you’ve met him, and with the return of memories he’d lost, it doesn’t settle over him as often as it once had. Only when you notice the shift does he avoid your gaze, the sheepish little smile lifting the weight on your heart, and his in turn.
He’s trying. That’s enough, you think.
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