generaldarius · 10 years
summonermau said: I feel like that’s kind of easy for you guys to say because you’re champions not summoner OC blogs and this leaves a lot of us at loss as to wtf we are supposed to do. ;A;
// I won't lie- it's relatively easy for me because Darius isn't fond of the Institute and I never incorporated it much in his characterization.
But Maubutt look at it this way, you can clean up, and if you don't want to change anything then you can still RP in the old universe. It's all up to you, and what you want to be.
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enforcedviolence · 10 years
summonermau replied to your post:summonermau replied to your post:summonermau...
[[Oh I see what you mean. Yeah, the tech tends to look pretty futuristic. Cait’s new gun in her splash is pretty nifty. And Steampunk clothes, yee. Ou]
[ Yup! I think for the inventors/people with more money/those who have the most influence their tech is much sleeker and nicer. Since Vi got her gauntlets from a mining rig I guess that for those industries/companies/fields their tech is average if not of a lower quality in comparison to what people like Heimer, Caitlyn, and Jayce have. ]
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34. "I don't want to get married."
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summoneralianna-blog · 10 years
[[Excuse me, but your layout is actually kind of unpleasant to look at, color-wise and I think some of the code is broken. Just thought I would let you know.]]
//Is it? Sorry, it didn't seem broken when I was looking at it when I first put it up. I'll try to fix it or get a new theme right away but I'm not very good with this sort of thing.
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explorerezreal · 10 years
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lightning-and-thunder · 10 years
AU: Secrets on Stage
He didn’t want to be there, but he had been talked into it. There was an immense sense of disinterest as the man’s silver gaze looked anywhere but the stage…until a familiar blonde color caught his eye. Mau’s jaw went slack as he turned his attention to the woman…but it wasn’t just any woman, it was someone he knew. And someone he felt should not be doing what she currently was. Unable to stand it in the least, Mau was determined enough to jump up onto the stage and tug Katianse away from the pole, his eyes narrowed as he held onto her wrist.
"Do you really think this the appropriate thing to be doing, young lady? What would your parents say?”
With Katianse dragged off the stage, red burned in her cheeks. Why was he here? How was he here? Never in a million years would she have thought Mau would come to such a place..
People were staring, she was the main event after all. Biting down on her lip, the blonde shoved Mau back into a different room. Murmurs of questions followed, but Katia was quickly replaced by another dancer and the night continued.
Once the two of them were in the back.. Katia had grabbed a robe and threw it over her stage clothes. "You weren't supposed to see that, okay? I know this looks bad.. but--it's hard to explain, okay? I don't do anything else but dance. I promise."
Her eyes were glued to the floor and she gnawed on her bottom lip. "I can't really talk about it, but.. but I can't use my account for the Institute, so.. so this was the next best thing I could think of."
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enforcedviolence · 10 years
summonermau replied to your post:summonermau replied to your post:[/laughs...
[[I think they have like a semi-modern thing with a mix of steampunk. ouo But yeah, cells and cars, for sure. Debonair Jayce has a car!]]
[ I feel like the steampunk is more evident in their fashion rather than how their tech/city looks? Like if you go by that first concept drawing of Piltover that has all the white buildings it looks more futuristic than anything.
And yeah he does! I was thinking cars more like that are present rather than sports cars, of course. ]
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"Hate me, Love me, Miss me."
"… I haven’t really found anything I disliked about you."
"I love how sweet and supportive you are. You always manage to stay by someone’s side despite whatever it is they may put you through just because you want to be there for them and not out of selfish intentions, and I respect that."
"… I would miss chatting with you daily about what Ezreal is up to and also about our lives and such. I would miss seeing your face everyday and you just being there to talk to about anything. You’ve been a great friend and even more sometimes, and I can’t thank you enough."
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summoner-tybresa · 10 years
[[I missed it cause I was messing around most of the day but Happy Birthday Tybby. ;w;
Also thank you
I still expect a bare-Booty Mau to pop up from my birthday cake though.
Covered in chocolate sauce plz.
*eyebrow wiggling intensifies*
Meanwhile Tybresa lets out a loud, pained groan of embarrassment.
"Maker, kill me now."
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explorerezreal · 10 years
[[ Continued from:[x] ]]
The sight of the soldier, as disheveled and surprised as he was, only served to make the explorer grin even wider than he already had been, and he proceeded to leap as though his legs were springs and land directly between the man's strong arms, all hesitations and expectations rightfully forgotten and left in the past where they belonged. The tense situation that had transpired a few weeks ago was a distant memory in Ezreal's head, and if he was being honest, he didn't wish to call upon any memories from his time at the Institute, instead wanting to focus on the future as it was layed out in front of him.
As he inhaled the comforting scent of wood and incense that he'd missed so much, his mind swam with the possibilities that his newfound freedom offered him. No more random summons. No more unexpected delays in plans. He could go anywhere. Do anything again. His passion for life had returned and he made no attempt to hide it as he clung to his best grind, pressing his grin into his neck so hard he wouldn't have been caught off guard to see an indentation left there.
"I'm home. It's not greyfaces. I'm home, Mau." He spoke as if reading the soldier's mind as he dug his nails into the fabric that covered his shoulders, anchoring him to the reality of his current situation in any way he could. "For good. At least, until I start travelling again, but for now, and in the coming weeks, I'm going to stay right here. In my city. With Jayce, Caitlyn, Vi. Orianna. You."
You have no idea how amazing it is to see you.
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explorerezreal · 10 years
ξzrεαŁ shits in hand and spins around like a sprinkler.
[1:06:10 AM] ξzrεαŁ: Chuggachuggachuggachugga.
[1:06:21 AM] ♏ɑυ: ♏ɑυ hazmat suit equipped
[1:07:10 AM] ξzrεαŁ: WHATS A TOILET
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explorerezreal · 10 years
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explorerezreal · 10 years
ღ [[Sort of. It's pretty broken at the moment.]]
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enforcedviolence · 10 years
summonermau replied to your post:[/laughs nervously while queueing up photos of...
[ HONESTLY, like I can't picture Piltover being anything less than what modern society is now?? if anything Piltover is ahead in terms of technology so why should the fashion/architecture/food/people/etc. be any less? I won't go so far as to assume they are FUTURISTIC but I wouldn't put it past the people of Piltover to have cell phones and nice, modern looking cars, and whatnot. ]
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explorerezreal · 10 years
Oh no...
ξzrεαŁ sniffs at.
[6:46:55 AM] ♏ɑυ: ...?
[6:47:24 AM] ξzrεαŁ: mMN...incense.
[6:47:51 AM] ξzrεαŁ: I've always loved the smell of incest, Mau.
[6:47:53 AM] ξzrεαŁ: INCENSE
[6:47:54 AM] ξzrεαŁ: REGHUERIJIEJFD
[6:48:08 AM] ♏ɑυ: i just love
[6:48:10 AM] ♏ɑυ: the smell
[6:48:12 AM] ♏ɑυ: of incest
[6:48:14 AM] ♏ɑυ: in the morning
[6:48:20 AM] ♏ɑυ: MmmMMMmM
[6:48:21 AM] ξzrεαŁ: I AM SO SORRY
[6:48:28 AM] ♏ɑυ: HHAHAHAAAHHA
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explorerezreal · 10 years
September, Come Take This Heart Away
 "I just don't understand it. You act like it's nothing but if sex is nothing to you then how can anything we do mean anything at all? Especially when you can go right from me straight to someone else? How does that make me special? How am I 'the one' when I am so easily cast aside for the attractions of others? Sex means something to me. It means a lot."
"Well, your old-fashioned ways belong in a museum, Mau, and honestly, I'm tired of hearing it, and I'm even more tired of explaining it. I'm going to do what I want, ad this attempt to guilt-trip me is mediocre at best. Though, it did accomplish one thing, I suppose..." The explorer says, his voice obviously on edge, sharpened with agitation. Gritting his teeth and narrowing his eyes, he leans down and slips his jacket up over his head and adjusts it, but then reaches into one of the inner pockets and tosses the gold compass beside the other man, the contact making a soft 'thunk' sound.
"...I'm done." 
The soldier sits up, silver eyes wide as he stares at the blonde, his heart pounding against his ribs. "It wasn't a guilt trip, it was a legitimate question." he says, trying to keep the hurt out of his voice as he looks down. Regret pools in his stomach for bringing up the topic and he raises a hand to his face the other going to cup itself over the discarded gift, his dark skin contrasting starkly against the gold.
September 6th. The date rings loud in his mind a reminder of what would never come to pass. Pain follows, but he makes no sound.
"...I just...y-you...you know...n-nevermind. If you're going to leave then just go." he whispers, fingers tightening painfully over the compass, so much so, his knuckles lighten with the action. Mau remembers putting each piece together with his love in mind... How easily words can undo what was so painstakingly built and his teeth bury into the soft flesh of his lower lip.
"...but if you're going to leave...then make sure you don't come back this time." It is almost tearfully spoken, but the soldier refuses to allow himself to break down in front of Ezreal, his breath coming out slow. "Because if you're going to say goodbye to me for good...then you better damn well mean it. If you don't love me, then tell me. Tell me and leave and never look back. Tell me you are done trying for us and walk away. But make certain...you are sure." his voice comes out a whisper, lacking the strength he had had only moments before.
Mau doesn't want him to go, but he can't stop him either.
I just wanted to know. I needed to know.
Silence rings heavy in the air between the two lovers as Ezreal stares at Mau, his head hung a bit low and reluctant tears pooling behind his ocean eyes. His lips are twisted in obvious pain, but his will and his pride is far too strong to even consider fighting against it. Slipping his hands into his pockets as if he's bored, he shakes his head, flaxen locks growing even more disheveled in the process.
"...I won't come back, then." The words are sharp and poised like a dagger ready to penetrate the soldier's weakest spots. Though Ezreal is strong on the outside, inside, he's slowly descending into turmoil.
Regret could come later.
"...look, Mau. My entire life, I've had people trying to change who I am and who I wanted to be. They've tried to will their thoughts and dreams into my head and were disappointed when they found my own wants and desires too powerful to overcome. I...didn't ever think I'd have that from you. My best friend. My closest companion...but...the fact is that, you don't accept my ways. And I don't accept yours, so..." Ezreal's gruff voice is oddly nonchalant as he shrugs, his heart dropping into his gut.
"...so it's time for me to go. And really, I do wish you the best, Relic. You deserve the best. Go find someone who won't try to change you, either. Find someone who agrees with what you want. Because it sure as hell isn't me. Just...keep the compass as a memory of all the good times we had together. Try to block out the bad ones. You've got the compass, and I've got my mind, and we all know how vibrant that is."
Holding back a choking sob as a small line of wetness drips down from the corner of his left eye, Ezreal quickly turns around and makes a beeline for the door before the soldier can call him out on his obvious weakness, but he can't afford to see those silver eyes again, filled with so much concern. His concern was unwarranted, anyway.
The fact of the matter was that Ezreal always lived for himself, and unfortunately, that wasn't going to change any time soon.
Perhaps the most ironic part is that the warmth of their previous lovemaking session was still able to be felt in his belly, and it was that lovemaking session that ultimately undid them.
Ezreal supposed there was a reason that roses had such a short lifespan.
Mau is dead silent, unable to speak or think as Ezreal talks, his heart pounding in his ribs. Not like this, is the words that keep playing over in his head.
'If only I had stayed quiet.'
'If only I had kept it to myself.'
"Why did I talk...why....why....why...'
His mind berates him for everything, the light in those silver eyes dulling to a faded grey, old and tired. It isn't what he wants. But he can't stop it. He never wanted to change his lover...he only wanted to know why and how. How was he special when he was oftentimes forgotten in the attractions of others. How could sex hold meaning for Ezreal? Was that too much to ask? His insides burn and he swears he might be sick, the words piercing what is left of the soldier's battered and broken heart.
Despite their differences, their fighting...all he wants is the explorer. All he wants is their love, their happiness.
All he wants...is the unattainable. A man reaching for something he was never meant to have.
'If you love him, set him free. If he returns he was meant to be, if he does not, he was never yours.'
'He won't come back.'
'He was never mine...'
Mau's head lowers, raven strands falling to hide his eyes as he clutches the heartfelt gift in his hands, alone in the room and bed they had shared so many times before. Alone.
Is what he always would be. Is what he was meant to be. There is no match for him, no perfect fit and all that he remembers is shades of blue framed by gold.
"...n-no...dammit...fuck....FUCK." he leans back, the first of many tears streaking over his darkly skinned cheekbones. How easy is it to walk away? Mau would never know, since he never did the walking but it always seemed that people had little trouble leaving him behind...he supposed they always had something to look forward to.
And all he had were memories that would only break his heart more and a growing loneliness that was sure to swallow him.
'I never should have let myself fall. I never should have...I never should have...if only I had stayed quiet from the beginning. If only I weren't such a fool.'
"...September 6th." he whispers, laughing painfully as he curls up on his side, the compass held to his chest right over his racing heart.
"...I should have known it could never be."
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