#sun was angel and moon was demon obv
wonderneverlandsystem · 11 months
Y'all- I'm trynna figure out who all fits as which virtue/archangel & sin/demon king (as well as other angels and such) for the Traffic Light Series and a bit of Hermitcraft. Martyn is Satan/Wrath obv obv. And I put Skizz as Jegudiel/Kindness. Scar as Mammon/Greed. Chef as Belphegor/Sloth, may he rest in peace.
To keep shit shorter while passing- Here's a read more button
And I have a few ideas for the others but. I am stuck on Scott. I dunno if I wanna put him as Asmodeus/Lust or Uriel/Chastity. I funnily enough feel like both fit. I was leaning more towards Asmodeus, but then I remember that he particularly disdains birds and water... A.K.A. Two things that Scott has big connections with lmao (Flower Husbands 'cuz Jimmy is a Canary, and Mean Gills, as well as icy stuff in Empires). But I also feel like it would be a funny and perhaps mean sense of irony if I placed him as that. Idk help-
Thinking about maybe putting Jimmy down as Leviathan/Envy? OR MAYBE- If I put Scott down as Uriel/Chastity, I could put Jimmy down as Asmodeus/Lust- He do be getting bitches like every season-
Edit 2:
This is what I've got so far. If y'all have any ideas please comment (or reblog ig). If you can't see, Grian is a Seraphim, Pearl is a Cherubim, and Xisuma is a Throne.
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Edit 3 &: Okay I went ahead. Updated.
Lucifer/Pride: Ren
Beelzebub/Gluttony: Lizzie
Leviathan/Envy: Tango
Asmodeus/Lust: Jimmy
Belphagor/Sloth: Chef (Rest in Peace)
Mammon/Greed: Scar
Satan/Wrath: Martyn [Mars-Winner]
Seraphim: Grian [Sun-Winner]
Cherubim: Pearl [Moon-Winner]
Throne: Xisuma [Void]
Raphael/Humility: Katherine
Selaphiel/Temperance: Cleo
Jegudiel/Kindness: Skizzle
Uriel/Chastity: Scott [Stars-Winner]
Gabriel/Diligence: Mumbo
Michael/Charity: Gem
Barachiel/Patience: Etho
Edit 4:
Fuck now I'm tied between Etho & Tango for Temperance & Patience... They both also kinda fit Envy-
Nvm I got it figured out-
Edit 5: I'm done for now.
Here's what I've got.
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Edit 6: Adding the 4 Horseman.
Famine: Iskall
War: False
Pestilence: Doc
Death: Cub
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sunification · 1 year
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Lunar (too lazy to draw her rn so I’ll explain the lore of this 1 oc using gacha) Part 1
I’ve been working on this oc Story for 2 years. So it all started w/ Apollo and Lucifer, they used to bang, yeah? Well they broke up, luci got angry and killed apollos new gf, then basically got kicked outa the over world aka heaven (there’s way more to their story but it’s ab lunar rn not them)
so a lil while before Lucifer got banished, solar (angel of the sun) and lunar (angel of the moon) were birthed. lunar always felt smaller then her twin sister (I mean irl yeah the moons smaller then the sun but stfu.) solar was the favorite child obv, so lunar was kinda reserved. The only person lunar liked was solar. Lunar one day started hearing voices in the walls and eventually started speaking w/ the voice (lunar was 700 billion year old, 7 years old in human years so she didn’t know much better) she began a friendship w/ the voice and had a bond of trust w/ it. The voice one day started talking about “a special gift” it had for lunar, but refused to elaborate. It would randomly bring it up during convo’s between the two and when lunar would ask about it more the voice refused to talk about it further.
Lunar one day decided she had enough of the taunting w/ the gift and said if the voice didn’t tell her what it is she would tell Apollo about the voice. The voice immediately agreed to tell her out of fear of Apollo (I bet y’all can guess who the voice was.) what lunar didn’t know was that the voice wanted to get her hyped up ab this to where she desired it over anything else. (At this point lunar was 1,600 billion years old, 16 in human years, so the voice had been taunting her w/ this for a while) The voice said “I have to show myself to give you the gift, promise me you wont be scared.” After lunar promised a black kinda misty floaty stuff seeped through the cracks in the walls revealing the now demonized Lucifer. Lunar recognized Lucifer and was struck w/ fear, stuck in place. Lucifer smiled and said “I give you the gift of freedom” then the black floaty stuff formed into the tentacle like things and shoved themselves down her mouth.
she passed out and woke up a while later and something had changed ab her. She could see small horns starting to poke through her skin and her fingers were elongating and her wings started to darken in color from their roots, the transformation had begun.
part 2 in a post tmmr
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ragingtwilight · 2 years
i had a dream au idea for fnaf where like sun and moon were the angel/devil on ur shoulder
idk if thats something yall would be interested in but it was a neat dream lol
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night-dragon937 · 3 years
c! mcyt pantheon hcs (heavily inspired by passerine and shrike by blujamas)
btw i don't watch all these people, this list was made together with help from @god-of-identity. questions and suggestions are welcome
philza- god of the skies, angel of death
if mumza was a mcyter, she'd be the goddess of death
foolish- god of the seas, god of undying (previously god of dying)
dream- god of the land
dreamXD- god of creation
drista- goddess of chaos
eret- deity of love and beauty??
technoblade- blood god, obvs
grian- god of mischief and trickery
bdubs- god of time, moon god
karl- god of time, sun god
scott- god of ice
sapnap- god of fire
george- god of nature
fundy- demigod of prophecy
sam- god of control
boomer- demigod of swamp
scar- god of ambition (jellie is his familiar)
wilbur- demigod of destruction
ranboo- god of void, the end
niki- goddess of the hearth
puffy- goddess of home and family
ponk- deity of freedom
beautie- goddess of music
sneeg- god of joy????
tubbo- demigod of engineering
docm77- god of energy
jimmy- fish type god
lizzie- sea mammals goddess
sally- disgraced unspecified sea deity (specifically bc she fucked wilbur, bc they hate Wilbur for trashing their oceans (he littered once))
impulse- god of industry
mumbo- god of farming
gem- goddess of magic
pearl- goddess of summer
cleo- goddess of the undead
joehills- god of poetry
xisuma- god of change
stress- goddess of flowers and friendship
etho- god of secrets
false- goddess of combat
ren- god of winter, canine god
keralis- god of wealth
beef- butcher god
shubble- goddess of fungi
tango- god of creativity ? nether ?
martyn- god of spring
crumb- goddess of art
zedaph- god of science?
wels- god of loyalty, honor, chivalry
jack- god of ???? maybe nether??
in this thing, Tommy isn't a god he's just loud and no one bothers him bc the wrath of the blood god and angel of death isn't worth it
bad is a major demon, skeppy summoned him on a dare
joel smallishbeans- angel of survival, husband of an ocean deity, "lizzie's angel," "god of vanity"
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angstidote · 5 years
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Okay, so I'm thinking of getting a tattoo. I have been for a while, but I've finally kinda decided on what I want to get. I'm thinking I'll have it done on my upper back and oriented angel-side up. The images are attached and I'll kinda talk about what it means, then why:
The image itself is reversable as shown, and is comprised of an angelic figure and a demonic one which cannot be separated from one another.
The figure is holding the stylized zodiac symbols for Pluto and the asteroid Persephone, as Pluto is my astrological chart ruler and sole dispositor, while asteroid Persephone is conjunct my natal Sun. From the demon’s perspective, these are held aloft and wielded like weapons, but from the angel’s, they are offered out as gifts.
The zodiac symbol for the sun lies at the bottom of the image (yet over the demon’s head), as my natal Sun is conjunct my IC when the chart is cast in Whole Signs, representing the lifelong theme of illuminating the subconscious. Over the angel’s head is the symbol for the asteroid Vesta, which is conjunct my North Node, representing the lifelong imperative for understanding and serving God.
There are nine rays of light over the angel’s head, representing the nine enneagram types, and twelve flames, representing the twelve zodiac signs and houses. I chose these because these two systems have given me the most invaluable guidance over the years, and 9 x 12 = 108, which is a holy and important number to me. Lastly, the wings represent the balance of light and darkness and are a form of yin-yang.
The image itself is mostly derived from the mask of the character from Final Fantasy XXIV I've been enamored with, the Ascian named Hades (obv. named after Pluto/Hades) or Emet-Selch. “Emet-Selch” being his title of office, which translates to “the Architect,” which coincidentally/ironically is what the astrologer I see titled me after looking at my chart for the first time, saying that I was well suited to destroying old structures in order to rebuild them more soundly.
For the sake of having it written down, the reason I'm so fixated on the character is that Hades was an immortal, belonging to a race with the godly power to create anything from imagination. Unfortunately, their civilization fell when they lost control over their minds and therefore powers, and inadvertently brought all their worst nightmares to fruition. This metaphor is an appropriate reminder for how we create our own realities, however blessed or cursed, and symbolizes the vital importance of maintaining a clear, open mind and not letting fear run my life.
As one of only a handful of Ascians to survive, Hades dedicated his eternal life to trying to free his friends and family from the reincarnation cycle they were cast into upon death, in hopes that they would someday be able to reclaim their power and end their unnecessary suffering. 
Unfortunately for him, his friends did not wish to return to their godly positions (at least by his means) and ultimately killed him. This serves as a reminder to myself that I do not know what is best for others and it is not my place to decide such things. It is an apt reminder of the vital importance of humility...and, of course, the fact that just because I'm trying to help someone doesn't mean they'll appreciate it in any way (though, to be fair, I don’t plan on using genocide in my tactics).
On the whole, the tattoo will serve as a reminder to myself that pain and death are as necessary and sacred as peace and life, that all difficulties in life can be as much a blessing as a curse, and that self-awareness, the intention to grow, and the willingness to surrender to the higher power’s plans is how we best come to understand God and achieve freedom from suffering.
I feel like I really want to make a shift in my life, orienting me back toward my core goals and spirituality in general. I feel like aligning myself with Pluto (which, by the way, I realized is in aspect to every planet in my chart except the moon, which I'm currently experiencing anyway as a Pluto-trine-Moon transit) is something I was meant to do. Because Pluto is my chart ruler, sole dispositer, is conjunct Scorpio's traditional ruler (Mars), and is in aspect to everything else in my personality to boot, I should really have no problem with its energy. I MEAN. But (I guess?) because it's in my 12th house, it really is pretty repressed and awkward, and is thus probably one of the reasons I have always felt so out of touch with who I am and therefore the world around me. Then, to have Persephone of all the asteroids conjunct my Sun...doesn't that kinda suggest that I should be comfortable with being Pluto's wife?? Ultimately??
In any case, I feel like it's time to start moving in that direction because when Pluto conjuncts my Sun in 5 years from now, I'm gonna be REAL up close and personal with Pluto. He's gonna drag my ass into hell and rebuild me from the ground up or, at the very least feed me pomegranate seeds or whatever, and I'm gonna be married to that bastard for real. When it conjuncted my Mercury back in 2011 my mind was basically sent up in smoke then rebuilt, so I gotta assume it’s gonna do the same with everything I identify with as a person. In other words, my Persephone destiny is coming up for real, sooner or later, and the more comfortable I am with Plutonian energy the more the balance of that transit and the changes it enacts will shift from horrifying to empowering.
That's why I want to start returning to that kill-the-ego-dead headspace, since I have since drifted more into a peace and love mentality, and I feel like this is part of that. A rebranding of sorts to get my head back in the game...you know, through enduring a long and painful needling of my back.
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thesassybooskter · 7 years
DATING THE UNDEAD by Juliet Lyons: Excerpt & Giveaway
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Likes to keep things casual
Absolutely no poetry
Zero romance required.
 Silver Harris is over clingy men—maybe men altogether. But when she shares a toe-curling kiss with a sexy Irish vampire on New Year’s Eve, she wonders if maybe it’s human men she’s fed up with. Silver turns to the popular vampire dating site, V-Date, only to discover that vampire men are just as unimpressive as their mortal counterparts. And her mysterious hottie? He’s nowhere to be found.
 Can’t a girl catch a break?
Logan Byrne can’t get that sassy redhead—or that kiss!—out of his head. When his boss assigns him to spy on V-Date, he meets Silver again. Turns out, the police are recruiting humans to snitch on vampires through the dating site. As the snark and sparks fly, feelings between Silver and Logan deepen. But, when old demons resurface—literally—Logan isn’t sure he can shield either of them from the dangers that have been lying in wait for centuries.
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  30 Worst/funniest clichéd lines from dating profiles
To a vampire slayer: Is that a stake in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?
Human seeks vampire: Must have a sparkling personality.
Vampire, social drinker, seeks adventurous mortal with type O neg blood group.
You must be exhausted, because you’ve been running through my mind all day.
Want to grab a bite?
Are you a witch, because I’m pretty sure I’m under your spell.
Man, you’re so hot, I’m burning up faster than I would in a midday sun.
Your coffin or mine?
Get your cloak, Dracula, you’ve pulled.
I’d love to take you to dinner… If you’re okay with being the main course…
I have to say, you are looking fangtastic tonight.
You slay me in every possible sense.
I love your outfit. It would look even better on my bedroom floor.
If it wasn’t for the fangs, I’d think you were an angel sent from heaven.
If I said you had a gorgeous undead body, would you hold it against me?
Smoking hot male vampire seeks special someone—mere mortals need not apply.
Mortal woman seeks wealthy vampire man. Must live in a castle and travel by horseback.
I can’t offer you sunshine, but I can offer you eternity.
Vampire seeks female companion for moonlit strolls. Must like bats.
Seeking a partner in crime. Literally. Immortals only.
Male Vampire seeking a special someone to share his life—or death depending on how you look at it.
If anyone asks, we met in a bar.
She-vamp searching for her knight in shining armour… I turned this hot dude from the round table a few centuries back and I haven’t heard from him since.
No baggage here! My family died in the French Revolution so if you’re down on mother-in-law’s I’m your guy (vampire).
I enjoy hanging out with my friends, particularly in bat form.
I’m a travel junkie. (If I don’t move on every 10-15 years people start to notice I don’t age).
I’m an old-fashioned gent (156 years old) who knows how to treat a lady. Though not on a full moon… obvs.
I don’t bite, unless you ask me to.
Thank goodness I heal fast, because you are too hot to handle.
I’ve heard women like bad boys… With my murderous past I’m just about as bad as they come…
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I freeze in terror. What a waste of Dad’s money those self-defense classes turned out to be.
“Silver, it’s just me,” a lilting Irish voice says at my ear, the hand dropping from my shoulder.
I turn around to find myself nose to nose with my vampire from New Year’s Eve, his bright green eyes piercing mine.
I’m struck by several conflicting emotions all at once—anger, relief, and in a tiny measure—happiness. Anger wins out. On impulse, I slap him hard across the face, pointing with a white, clenched hand to the garden I’ve just sprinted across.
“I thought I was about to be murdered, asshole,” I hiss through my teeth. “I ripped my coat. My heels are ruined. All because you thought it might be fun to follow me home.”
He smirks, nonplussed, sliding his hands into the deep pockets of his navy pea coat. “I wasn’t following you,” he says, eyes twinkling.
“Oh, that’s right,” I say, voice dripping with sarcasm. “You were just walking me home again. Except this time from fifty yards behind and without me knowing.”
Before he has a chance to reply, the front door flies open and my landlady Vera emerges in a long, silky, oriental dressing gown. She is wigless for once, a Pucci scarf twisted into a makeshift turban covering her head. In her right hand, she holds a meat cleaver.
“Step away, you rapist bastard!” she yells, holding the large knife shakily aloft.
I glare at the vampire, expecting him to either throw his hands in the air or take a step backwards. Instead his brows knit together and his mouth drops open. “Etta Marlow?” he asks, staring at her as if she just walked on water.
The meat cleaver lowers a fraction. “What’s it to you?” Vera demands, her voice losing some of its previous menace.
I roll my eyes. Of course he remembers her. He’s probably seen all her films.
“It is you!” he erupts, wagging a finger in her direction. “You’re Etta Marlow! You played Susie De Sousa in Girl Uptown with Gregor Lane. I love that movie.”
The meat cleaver drops, forgotten, to her side as she pats her turban, eyelashes fluttering. “Fancy you recognizing me,” she mutters happily.
“Excuse me, Vera,” I interject, “but there’s still a potential rapist on your doorstep here.”
Vera looks back to the vampire, who shakes his head, smiling. “A misunderstanding, Etta. I was making sure Silver here made it home safely. She got the wrong end of the stick.”
Vera, or Etta as she was once known, glances over at me. “Do you know this charming fellow, dear?”
I scowl at them both. “Well, yes, but— “
“Well then, you must come in, dear boy. I could show you my Oscar, if you like?”
The Vampire looks as if he’s about to pee himself with excitement. “You mean the one you got for Days Like These with Vic Stevens?”
She holds out a thin hand towards him, gold bangles jangling on her wrist. “The very one, dear. Come, come in.”
I watch, stunned, as he takes her hand, green eyes lit up in excitement.
Before stepping through the door, he hangs back. “Ms. Marlow, I’m afraid it’s only courteous to let you know before I enter that I’m not human. I’m a vampire.”
Vera’s tinkly laugh echoes around the street like a bicycle bell. “Oh, you’re so sweet. Didn’t you know I’ve met dozens of vampires? They’re two a penny in Hollywood, darling.”
Following her across the threshold, he flashes the cockiest of grins. “Coming, Silver?”
My jaw drops in disgust. I’m tempted to sulk off to my basement flat, but instead, I trail after them and slam the door.
We follow Vera along an elegant gold and cream hallway into her immaculate, monochrome front room. Even though I’ve been here on numerous occasions, I’m always mesmerized by the sheer extravagance of the place—buttery white leather sofas, cream fur rugs, one wall is painted black and white to resemble piano keys. It should look tacky, but somehow, it works.
“You two make yourselves at home whilst I go and make myself presentable.” Vera says. “Then I’ll dig out that old Oscar of mine.”
I know, of course, the Oscar will not have to be ‘dug’ out of anywhere. It’s always on display in the den, alongside her film stills and other memorabilia.
“I didn’t catch your name,” she croons to the vampire before she leaves.
He puts a hand on his chest. “Forgive me, I should have introduced myself. Between the meat cleaver threat and getting slapped by Silver here, I seem to have forgotten my manners. I’m Logan. Logan Byrne.”
For strange and unfathomable reasons, my stomach flips. Logan. It suits him.
“Charming,” Vera says. “Don’t you go anywhere, Mr. Byrne.”
As soon as Vera disappears from the room, Logan collapses into one of the white leather arm chairs and puts his crossed feet onto the cut glass coffee table.
I’m still standing, one brow arched, arms folded across my chest. “So, Logan,” I hiss. “What the hell is this?”
He grins, dimples putting in their first appearance of the night as he gazes up at me. “Did anyone ever tell you, you’re particularly beautiful when you’re angry?”
“Oh, cut the crap,” I say,  ignoring the hot flush climbing my neck. “Why did you follow me?”
“Like I told Etta, I wanted to make sure you got home safely, that’s all. Though I’m a little confused as to why you have three houses.” He holds up fingers to count. “The one I left you at on New Year’s, the one Nathaniel dropped you at, and now this—cohabiting with an aged 1940’s screen siren.”
“It’s none of your business,” I say, chin in the air. “And anyway, how do you know Nathaniel?”
He shrugs. “I know most of the vampires in London.”
I humpth. “I bet you do.”
In the blink of an eye, he is towering over me, face inches from mine. I inhale his clean, masculine scent like a drowning person coming up for air, and as he leans closer, I find myself gravitating towards him—a flower reaching for sunlight.
He pulls the collar of my coat aside and peers into the gap. As his fingers brush my jaw, an uncontrollable shiver zings through me. I disguise it by stepping out of reach and batting his hand away.
“He did a messy job on your neck,” he says, in a low voice.
“What’s it to you?” I snap.
Before I realize what’s happening, he closes the gap between us. One hand cupping my cheek, he bends over, lips brushing the place Nathaniel bit me, tongue gently swiping the puncture holes.
“That should stop the bleeding,” he says, pulling away. “But you’ll still have a bruise in the morning.”
I rub my neck and look at my fingers. No blood. “So, you can heal wounds? Just another of your unique skills along with beating up drunk men and following young women home for kicks?”
He sinks back into the armchair. “You’re a sexy girl, Silver. I’m glad we’ve met again.”
I snort incredulously, trying, without success, to forget the warmth of his hand on my face. “Well, you certainly made sure we did.”
“And of course,” he continues, pretending to examine a photo on the coffee table. “I’m hugely flattered I’ve managed to turn your head towards my kind.”
“You didn’t turn anything,” I say tartly.
He cocks a brow, gaze burning through my clothes like a laser. I feel a sharp twitch between my legs, as though he’s controlling my private areas by some invisible string. “Are you sure about that?”
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About Juliet Lyons
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JULIET LYONS is a paranormal romance author from the UK. She holds a degree in Spanish and Latin American studies and works part-time in a local primary school where she spends far too much time discussing Harry Potter. Since joining global storytelling site Wattpad in 2014, her work has received millions of hits online and gained a legion of fans from all over the world. When she is not writing, Juliet enjoys reading and spending time with her family.
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DATING THE UNDEAD by Juliet Lyons: Excerpt & Giveaway was originally published on The Sassy Bookster
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