#its bananas and happens all the time to me LOL
queenpiranhadon · 3 months
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A/N: Bahaha guess what guys I lied, this is gonna be nine chapters total lollll- I promise last time 😭 BIGGEST SHOUT OUT EVER TO @cashmoneyyysstuff for beta reading and being a huge influence on the story - girl's literally my idol go follow her 🤍 Here's the masterlist!
Warning(s): Cursing, reader is the daughter of Aizawa, Shinso and Eri are biological siblings, reader is 20 years old, Reader uses "Cattus" as her alias, reader's nicknames are Cactus, Cattus and Cat, war, reader gets hurt and burned alive (a lot), reader almost dies again, gore and blood, bad war descriptions lol what do you expect from me, reader is AFAB and female, ANGST, someone breaks into reader's house, Eri sleeps with reader bc she's traumatized, PTSD,
Pairing(s): Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴ: Warrior
How did the enemy know you were planning to ambush them? 
Your entire life, you always believed Fate would either provide you answers, or spur on more questions. 
Right now, you thought, it seemed to give you both. 
It was late at night when you woke up, heart pounding from some nightmare of which the details of seemed fuzzy now. It was silent, but instead of ambience, the lack of sound seemed eerie to you.  
You weren’t a stranger to this happening, random panic attacks and nightmares caused by underlying trauma that you refused to come to terms with.  
You tighten your arms around your younger sister, asleep, the girl insisted she sleep with you from now on in fear that you would leave again (though she didn’t want to admit that she just heavily missed your presence). You didn’t mind, and to be honest, your usual nightmares had been decreasing after the comfort of another human being by your side.  
Laying back down slowly, you brush off your paranoia, heart pounding and you feel the hairs along your skin rise along with a multitude of gooseflesh.  
Something wasn’t right.  
Siting up slowly, you rouse your sister to consciousness, sleepy red eyes blinking back at you in confusion. 
“Y/N...” Eri mumbled, disoriented, but you silence her.  
“Banana, go get Toshi and stay in Dad’s room.” You say, your tone low and firm.  
Her eyes widen in fear, but she nods, scurrying out of the room as quickly as she can.  
You sigh, your family would be safe if you could get rid of the nagging thought in the back of your mind.  
Creeping towards the door, you stop. You rub your abdomen, where the scar from your last battle resided. Tonight, you knew someone was about to get hurt. 
Suddenly, a loud crash reverberates through your home and the wooden door splinters from impact. 
Your eyes widen as a figure clad in black smashes into your home, two daggers unsheathed as he creeps towards you slowly and menacingly.  
The Inimicus insignia flashes in the moonlight and your heart sinks.  
They found you.
You curse under your breath, months to years of training now springing into action purely based on instinct, rolling out of the assailant’s attempt at stabbing you and using the opportunity to grab your sword that was hidden under the sofa. 
Just in case. 
Your family worried about you- saying that you were being too paranoid, your father the most worried of them all considering he felt the same pain you did. But he understood you needed an outlet for your anxieties- just as he released his, you learned, through training you when you were younger. 
He figured that if hiding weapons around the house would ease you a little bit, then it would be beneficial to have your worries about being attacked put at ease. 
Before - prior to any of this - you would’ve relished being right, the satisfaction of an ‘i told you so’
But oh, but you wished you were wrong right now.
You feel your body relax in the slightest when you hear the soft click the the back door closing- your family was at least out of the house. If there were even more assailants outside, your father could handle them alongside Hitoshi. 
But you couldn’t let your guard down, unsheathing your sword from its scabbard and adjusting your footing to maintain a low crouch. During your time training and fighting, you learned to develop your fighting style - yours in particular was more unorthodox compared to the usual ones your peers took on. Most soldiers preferred attacking the higher points of the body, maybe attempting decapitation or a fatal respiratory injury as a way to take down an opponent. 
You on the other hand, stuck closer to the ground, as to you, when it came to combat, balance was the most important. If you maintain yours, while depriving your opponent of their own, you would have a tremendous advantage as you have a clear opening to immobilize instead of eradicate. 
However, this was a different circumstance. 
This man had not only broken into your home, but posed a threat to your family. And for that, you knew your tactics would have you change up a little bit. 
You had most definitely improved after your tualia with Bakugou, and even after your first and upsettingly last battle as well having decided to train yourself under your father’s supervision the months after you came home. 
Your crouch turns from defensive to offensive, adjusting your stance and pushing off of the ground hooking your arm to the leg opposite of it and swinging it out to bring your elbow straight into his legs, forcing him to fall down as you pin them down with just your arm. 
Working quickly, your leg swings out to step on his abdomen, drawing your sword and placing the tip right next to his artery, under his ear. 
“How many of you are there?” you ask coldly, rage flowing through your veins as you press your sword deeper into his neck when he refuses to respond. 
Small beads of blood gather on the tip of your sword and your opponent panics, slowing bringing his hands up to show he means no harm, and removes his mask to reveal a shock of blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes.
You deadpan. What was it with blonde boys in your life?
“P-Please don’t kill me..!” he whimpers, tears pouring down his face (a very punchable face, for the record).
Already? You barely scratched him, you think to yourself, slightly disappointed that it was this easy.
“How. many. of. you. are. there.” you say, lowly, enunciating your words as if it could hammer the meaning into this idiot’s brain. 
“F-Forty s-seven.” he sobs, and your eyes widen.
Your heart sinks. Forty seven men?! Your village didn’t even have the numbers for that many soldiers… how were you going to get everyone out of this alive. 
“Look…” you trail off, realizing you didn’t know the man’s name. 
Then again did you really want to? Knowing his name made him seem more humane, more…like you. Suddenly, the man underneath your feet turning into the man you killed in the Chiara Forest, your heart rate spiking and overwhelming guilt clawing at your brain. 
 Your opponent doesn’t know your panic though, and shudders underneath you, starting to mumble out his name. 
“I’m Aoy-” he starts, but you cut him off, something snapping inside of you. 
“Just stop. Here’s what’s going to happen. I am going to tie you up and leave you in the well. You are going to call for help. I need you to scream.” You growl, the look in your eyes deadly, hinting as to what would happen if he didn’t follow your directions. 
However, the man nods vigorously, and you do exactly what you told him, using some tough rope you found in the shed to bind his wrists and feet together once positioning his limbs in a way that would be painful if he tried to adjust or move them, using a cloth to gag him temporarily for the journey to the well outside of the Kirishima’s home. 
How ironic is it, that this all started from that same well, and now it could all end there too?
You heft the man into your back, the size difference unconcerning to you given that you were strong, and he weighed absolutely nothing. How did this shrimp even manage to be eligible for the military in the first place?
 You hear a crash outside, flinching and realizing that you probably weren’t the only one fighting these Inimican spies. And you most definitely were the only one with enough fighting experience in this village. 
You had to work fast.
Deciding to leave your home through the backdoor, you slip out quietly, breathing in relief when you don’t see any black clad assailants there waiting to ambush you. 
Making your way to the Kirishima’s along a secluded path you knew by heart, you make your way to the well, wrapping your fingers around the rope and tugging it experimentally to see if it would support the blonde man’s weight. It seemed sturdy enough and so you hefted his figure onto the side of the well, making sure he held onto the rope tightly enough, and you removed the cloth covering his mouth. 
You don’t give him a chance to say anything, holding the front of his shirt with a relentless grip as you stare at him in his eyes, wide with fear. 
“If you don’t do what you’re told, I’ll end you here and now.” you whisper, no malice in your tone, and yet that makes the words even more chilling. 
The man nods frantically, releasing him and watching him descend down the well at a rapid pace, hearing a thud and a crunch one he makes it to the bottom, making you wince a little bi.t At least he wasn’t dead, the echoing cry he let out when he reached the floor was a dead giveaway. 
You hear him start screaming, his voice strained and raspy from the amount of sobbing he’d done, and the echoes of the well amplify the pitiful sound, the desperation definitely evident.
Doing all of this felt wrong, but honestly, you didn’t really care at the moment. Your village was in danger. 
You heard some footsteps approaching in the distance, putting your plan in action and slipping into the shadows of the Kirishima home. 
“Aoyama!” a deep male voice calls out. “Is that you?” 
From where you were, you could see a shock of white hair and electric blue eyes. And his face… it was mottled almost, littered with so many scars the lower half of his face looked purple.
“L-Lieutenant Dabi! D-Down here!” the man who you realize is called Aoyama croaks out, ruining your wish for the blonde to remain anonymous, but that didn’t deter you.
You had a mission.
Hearing three more pairs of footsteps, you see three figures to match, including a man with skin so oily it looked like verdant scales, a blonde man with haunted blue eyes, and a wild haired brunette with amber eyes. 
“Wait-  is he in the well?” the blonde snickers, only for his amused expression to be taken over by a stricken expression of grief. “Oh shit, is he okay?!”
It was an odd display of events, but you chose not to comment on it as the one called Dabi commanded his men.
“Shuichi, use your sword to cut the rope- then if we dangle it low enough we can pull him out.” the white haired man says, the oily skinned man nodding in assent and drawing his sword out of its sheath. 
You remembered during your time in the military about the weapons the Inimicans preferred, the most common being that of a katana. You, on the other hand, used something else. The Belloran army had a tendency to use weapons with more power, valuing strength over speed, something you picked up on once seeing the heavier swords in their arsenal, and of course, your fight with Bakugou.
But when you trained, you trained for speed, choosing to fight with dual swords instead. Dual swords, you learned, paired with your fighting style, allowed you to become the best of both worlds, both refined and strategic which aligned with Inimican fight styles which still being able to channel heavy amounts of strength and power into every strike, making you a formidable opponent for both Inimcans and Bellorans alike. 
The one called Shuichi approached the well, cutting the rope and making sure Aoyama was securely holding on before he started hoisting it. 
Now was your chance. Over the past few months of training, your father recommended carrying metal stars with sharp serrated edges. He said it would help practice your aim as well as your concentration as to where you enforced your strength. Ever since then you started to train with them, and they were always on your person or in a place easily accessed no matter where you were.
Thank the gods for that, you think, taking one of the stars from the folds of your clothes, and holding it in between your index and middle finger. 
You take a deep breath, angling the star ever so slightly and positioning it. And then…
The star slices through the air like it’s nothing, pure strength over powering wind resistance as it slices through the rope of the well in twine. 
You hear Aoyama’s agonized screams as he falls again, shallow breaths echoing and reverberating through the well, hauntingly.
But you can’t let the horror overtake you, knowing that in the midst of battle, feelings are to be processed later. Even so, you can’t help but wonder if this is what Katsuki meant- true strength of a warrior meant coming to terms with the conflicts outside of you but inside as well. 
Stop it, you chide yourself, taking advantage of the group’s momentary distraction and running quickly, tackling the closest man next to you, the one with amber eyes. 
Your dual swords each target vital areas of the man’s body, your forearm tightening around his neck as one sword is grazing his artery on his neck and the over ever so slightly hovers over his abdomen, ready to plunge into his torso. 
It’s a threat. And one that they know you’re capable of, given by the steely glint in your eye.
Two of the men spring to action, forgetting about Aoyama, the one called Shuichi drawing his blade and the blond getting into a fighting stance, as the brunette lays deathly still in your arms, one wrong move and he’s dead. 
However, the first man, Dabi, seems unfazed. He gives you a lazy smirk, and waves his hand nonchalantly. 
“At ease, you two. I don’t feel like killing her just yet…” he drawls, brimming with overconfidence. “She reminds me of a little poppy, no? A pretty flower of death. And yet so easily crushed the moment a boot iss brought down upon it.”
You feel rage boil up inside you. How pompous is this asshole to think he could defeat you so easily?!
Then again, you thought about your fight with Bakugou. You were by no means weak, and you reassured yourself that. But even so, Bakugou managed to win. Would you lose against Dabi too?
And this time…you wouldn’t be spared as you would in a tualia. This is war. 
“Let me strike you a deal, poppy.” he says, stepping closer. “Let’s battle it out, me against you. My men won’t interfere. If you win, I will escort my troops out of your village.”
“If I win,” his grin turns deadly. “Well let’s hope that doesn’t happen, huh poppy?”
You narrow your eyes, tightening your grip on your swords. You could almost smell the power radiating off of this man, but you knew that if you didn’t take his offer, your village wouldn't stand a chance.
You exhale slowly, glaring at the cocky man in front of you. 
Maybe, you realized, his overconfidence was earned. 
You weren’t a stranger to fighting losing battles. From your tualia with Bakugou to dumb arguments with your siblings, you always kept going, even though the outcome was going to be the same. 
In front of you, stood Dabi, the man in question had waved his men away to scout the village for more rope to rescue Aoyama with. 
And in the Lieutenants hand, there was a sphere. 
Magic, in your world, was a rare commodity - and even rarer was one who could manage to wield it. Common forms of magic called yose were sold in the richer markets, and if you could find them, they were used more like a collectors item, a mark of status if you had one, which showed just how rare it was in the first place. Most, when attempting to use magic, had their physical forms decay from the inside because their mortal forms couldn’t handle power used by celestial beings.
However, there was a gene that resided in a total of nine families in the world, (one for each god) who was blessed to be able to wield said power.
And you had the misfortune to encounter one of them.
The sphere in Dabi’s hand was bright blue, and yet it didn’t resemble that of water or ice, instead the sphere consisted solely of cerulean flames - you could feel the temperature drop as soon as it materialized. 
When you were young, Chiyo told you stories about each of the families, each of high status and a standing in any family was extremely coveted globally. 
Fire… Dabi was a Todoroki. 
You were, inadvertently, fucked. 
“This is what it’s like to play with fire, poppy.” he grins, a manic look taking over his face. 
You grimace, lowering yourself into a fighting stance.
This was going to hurt. 
With a yell, you charge at Dabi’s unmoving form, your feet moving you, faster, quicker, allowing you to flow with the wind. 
Horror washes over you as flames engulf his hand, and then his arms, blue flames licking his skin but he doesn’t show any sign of being in pain.
You desperately slash at his neck and chest, bringing your arms to form an X before slashing outwards. But your blades do nothing, as Dabi mimics the same X and thrusts his arms forwards, shooting flames out in every direction. 
“Ah fuck!” you grit, tears pricking your eyes as flames burn through your flame, creating scalding burns in their wake.
Your swords clatter to the ground, your hands in so much pain you couldn’t feel them. Where the fuck did he find magic so powerful?! No market sold enough yose to generate enough power like that…
“Aw, down already?” Dabi pouts, “I thought you’d burn a little slower.”
You muster up the iciest glare you could. “F-Fuck you, you damn sadist.” You spit, venom dripping from your tone. 
Dabi only smiles. “C’mon poppy, that’s no way to talk. We’re having so much fun, afterall.”
You wanted to kill him. 
Your whole body protested, screaming in pain, bloodied fingers, grasping the hilt of your nearby sword.
You run at him again, flames again searing your skin, but you keep running, pain now shooting up your leg as you lunge at Dabi, an amused expression on his face as you keep running, plunging your sword into his shoulder.
This clearly takes him by surprise, wondering where your spontaneous bout of strength came from as blood drips down his torso, a bright red that was accentuated from the coming sunrise, rosy rays peaking out of the horizon. 
Dabi’s smirk goes away, replaced with an impassive expression as he wraps his hand around your neck, squeezing slightly as he pulls the sword out of his shoulder with his other hand.
Suddenly, the world spins, lack of blood, oxygen, mixed with overwhelming pain and fatigue made it hard to keep your eyes open. 
The panic sets it, fuck were you going to die, actually die?!
The last thing you smell is the scent of melting flesh waft into the air as everything goes black.
The last this you see are those sickening electric blue eyes, and wide bloodied grin.
The last thing you hear is Ejiro’s voice yelling “Y/N?!”
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Taglist: @andysdrafts @starieq @nemisimp @missa-archdevilme @coquettefoxxy
@032loe @icedemon1314 @fta1ask4 @iam-thevillain-of-thisstory @cuppalevi
@touyasprettydoll @slayfics @yeehawgiddyup13 @notjustanotherextra @frvv
@meliibby @tomiokasecretlover @isentsworld @bkgpackets @moonnm
@bkgrl @satoruyes @eyesforbkg @juicyfingers @aejabba
@noodleryworld @yui-aya @ashiblossom @rv19 @wheezdostuff
@yannvi @liluvtojineteyam @ah-mya @surprisemodafakas
@kksmush @sagejin @cax-per @kit-katsukii @l-bozo-l
@m-0ona @hyori2 @k0zume @scarlet-swan @chuugarettes
92 notes · View notes
bobohu4eva · 6 months
Part 5 - Psycho
Characters: Reader x Baekhyun Feat. Chanyeol
Genre: Soloist AU, smut, angst, fluff
WC: 5.4k
Tag List: @nana-banana @xzyxbbh @iluvybs @greasywall @endzii23 @scopoliax @silent-potato23-blog @baekyeonoreo
Warnings for this chapter: explicit smut, fuckin while on drugs (LSD), drug use and its consequences
A/N: In case everyone hasn't already forgotten about this series because I suck horrendously at updating! Sorry! This is also most definitely the most intense thing I have ever written! There's a reason it took me so goddamn long lol hopefully I can be a little more consistent from now on
Addiction (noun): Disorder characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli despite adverse consequences
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“When’s your next day off?” 
He sent her the text a few days after their last night together, a whole day already planned for them in his mind. He just had to figure out how he’d make it happen.
She eagerly let him know, and he told her he’d be picking her up that morning, surprisingly early, but she didn’t question it, she was getting to see him, after all. And from what it sounded like, she’d get him all to herself, all day, at his lavish penthouse. 
Baekhyun once again insisted on keeping his plans for them secret, so when that morning arrived and he picked her up, she had no idea what she was in store for. However the last time he’d refused to tell her his plans they ended up getting high, and she had a hunch that it might be something similar. 
“Are you finally gonna tell me what we’re doing today?” She asked him once he’d started driving, this time showing up in a different car, a silver convertible Porsche. 
‘Hmmm.. No, but I’ll show you once we get to my place. The last surprise was fun though, wasn't it?” 
He took his eyes off the road for a second to look over at her, his taunting smile daring her to disagree with him, but knowing she wouldn’t dare. 
“So more drugs?” 
He grimaced, “sounds bad when you say it like that.” 
“Am I wrong though?” 
“If I tell you that would ruin the surprise.” 
She just laughed and rolled her eyes, deciding to wait until she had more details to really judge. 
“You’ve been working all week right? Any more run-ins with Mr Kim?” 
As soon as he said it, her eyes went to his arm. Now that he was wearing a t-shirt, she could clearly make out the mark from the cigarette, the burn still not completely healed, and even then, it looked like it might scar. 
“I should be the one asking you that, you know.” 
She saw him glance down at his arm too. “You didn’t answer the question.” 
“No, I likely won’t see him again for a while, thank god.” She frowned, still disappointed that he was so reluctant to talk about it. “What about you though? Do you work with him a lot?” 
“Unfortunately, yeah.” He still looked uncomfortably serious, but he perked up in less than a second as he pulled into the garage of his building. “But that’s just showbiz baby.” 
He was so nonchalant about it, and left no room for her to protest, so she simply allowed him to lead her up to his beautiful apartment once again. 
She hadn’t given too much thought as to what drugs Baekhyun had planned for them to take that day, pretty much assuming that it would be mushrooms again, or maybe some weed or molly. But after digging around a bit in one of his kitchen drawers, he pulled out an envelope containing a small piece of colorful paper, with perforated lines criss-crossing it, dividing it into smaller pieces still. She’s never seen it in person before, but quickly recognized it as LSD. 
Just like the time before, he saw the hesitance on her face. 
“Hey, what’s wrong? Last time everything ended up fine, and we had a great time, didn’t we?” 
“I know we did, but this is different isn’t it? I really don’t want it to be too much or something and start freaking out.” 
He sighed, setting the envelope back down on the counter and coming to her, leaning in for a quick kiss. “It’s just the two of us here, no interruptions, no obligations, just you, and me. I won’t let anything bad happen. If you start to feel overwhelmed, just tell me and I’ll do whatever it is you need me to to help you calm back down. That day at Chanyeol's house was the most… at peace, I’ve felt in a long time. I’ve been thinking a lot about that day, and what we talked about, that’s why I want to try this with you.” 
“You haven’t done this before either?”
“No, I have, but it’s been a while, I don’t remember much of it.” 
“Why don’t you remember it?” 
“It's a long story, but I don’t remember much from that time of my life in general.” 
As soon as the words left his mouth, he knew he’d said the wrong thing, she looked uncomfortable again. 
“Y/n, sweetheart.” He cooed, and her eyes met his, feeling his warm hands intertwining with her own. “You don’t have to do anything, and I don’t want to pressure you, this is just something I’ve had on my mind lately. I still want to get to know you better.” 
“Is it not possible to do that without getting high?” 
“Of course it is, but you know what I mean.” 
She thought back to the day they'd had out at Chanyeol’s house, and she understood what he was saying. “Okay maybe.” 
“So what do you say, hm?” His hands ran down her shoulders, then her arms, eyes never leaving hers. The slight tilt of his head and the way he looked at her with his best puppy eyes ruined any ability she might’ve had to reason with herself.
“Alright, if you’re sure it’s a good idea.” 
He grinned, and finally he was kissing her, really kissing her, not like the little peck from earlier. His tongue slipped past her lips, and his hand held her face to his own. It didn’t take long for her to start feeling weak in the knees. 
As he pulled away he turned to the counter, grabbing the envelope again. He tore off two of the little squares of paper, placing one on his own tongue, and the other on hers. 
“What now?”
He shrugged, “It'll start to kick in in about an hour, have you eaten? I can order us something, or see what I have here.” 
They ended up making breakfast together, and she was surprised by how sweet he was being to her, even more so than usual. It didn't just feel like the usual flirtation that went on with him. Despite not being much of a cook himself, he did his best to help out, and the way he rested his chin on her shoulder, singing softly in her ear as she stood in front of the stove, made her heart flutter. When she was done he thanked her, and told her time and time again how great the meal was. 
By the time they were done eating, she realized she was starting to feel the effects of the drug. Colors were becoming more vibrant, and patterns would start to move if she looked at them for long enough. It wasn't entirely dissimilar from the mushrooms, but it was definitely still different, especially the way her body felt. 
Baekhyun must've noticed the way she was staring off at things, or just the unusually large size of her pupils, since he asked, “how are you feeling?” 
“I'm not sure.. kind of weird.” 
“Come here.” 
He led her to the big cozy looking couch in his living room, facing the windows overlooking the river. He sat down, and she followed suit, resting between his spread legs, leaning her head back on his chest. Some music began to play, and even though they were just sitting there, she felt like her mind was going into overdrive. 
If the mushrooms made her feel heavy, more in touch with nature, LSD was the opposite. She was buzzing, electric, almost. It wasn't unpleasant, but she didn't exactly enjoy it either. 
“Are you okay? Your heart is racing.” 
She wouldn't have even realized it if he hadn't brought it up, but he was right. 
“I.. don't know.” 
“Y/n, baby.” 
She turned around, until she was basically laying on top of him on the couch, facing him. 
His pupils somehow grew even larger when her eyes met his, and for a good minute, neither of them could look away. The rest of his face looked just as inviting. His skin smooth and sunkissed, pretty features in perfect harmony. And then there were his lips. Soft, pink, asking to be kissed. Eventually she gave into the temptation, and their lips collided. 
That was a feeling she had not been prepared for, even in the slightest. 
It was like the excitement of kissing him for the very first time, that night at the club, had come rushing back tenfold.
It was he who eventually pulled away, still looking at her with a bit of concern. “You're shaking.” 
He took one of her hands that had been resting on his chest into his own, further confirming his previous words. 
“Did that not feel crazy for you too?” 
The way she looked at him, eyes wide, panting and shaking at the intensity of it, made his chest swell with pride. Any concern he showed quickly melted away as he grinned back at her. “Kiss me again.”
He didn't have to ask twice. She pressed her lips to his without hesitation, moaning into the feeling as waves of euphoria washed over her. 
Baekhyun, too, could feel how much more intense it was, kissing her and touching her with the added excitement the drug offered. The MDMA as well as the mushrooms had given a similar effect, but not nearly to the same degree. 
While the mushrooms had made him sentimental, wanting to hold her, feel the way her chest rose and fell in sync with his own, the LSD made him ravenous. Sex, while high on mushrooms, didn't even seem possible. The overall heaviness of the body high simply didn't feel sexy, but now he could think of nothing else. 
But Baekhyun knew that they had all day, and was in no rush. For what could've been anything from several minutes to a few hours, the drug blurring time into irrelevance, they simply laid there, lips pressing together again and again, until he pushed his tongue past her lips, smiling into it when she once again moaned at the newfound depth of the kiss. With both hands on her waist he felt the way she continued to shake, overwhelmed by the new sensations. 
Not wanting to overwhelm her too much, and still enjoying the onset of the drug, Baekhyun eventually pulled away, standing up from the couch, with her following. 
He leaned in, forehead resting against hers with a wide grin on his pretty face. “Wanna dance?” 
She smiled back at him and nodded, and soon the room was full of music, something sexy that would make them want to move.
With one hand in his own he twirled her around, placing himself behind her, hands on her hips as they both swayed to the beat. The heat of his chest pressed to her back and his words in her ear as he sang along further heightened how intoxicated she already was. The room around her appeared to melt and shift in a colorful whirlwind, though she didn’t mind it, still more focused on the man behind her than anything else. With the music pulsating through her, his body pressed to hers, she gave into it, even tearing up a little as she kept moving her body. This was the definition of euphoria, she thought. It simply couldn’t get any better than this, the rush of it all so overwhelming that it moved her to tears.
When she spun around in his arms, attaching her lips to his own, she saw fireworks behind her  eyelids, colorful bursts filling her vision even as her eyes were closed. Every touch of his hands brought waves of delight that surged through her without even an ounce of reluctance. Baekhyun noticed her tears, but he could feel it too, not questioning even for a second if they came from anything but pure happiness. 
She let out a yelp when he momentarily broke away before scooping her up in his arms, and carrying her into the bedroom. 
Baekhyun, too, felt the burning need for more, seeming almost frantic in the way he laid her down, wasting not a single second before slotting himself between her legs. 
He was on fire, his tongue in her mouth, dancing with her own as he tugged on her clothes with a kind of impatience she’d never seen before. He thought he would be able to stay patient, savor the feeling and enjoy her with some restraint, but he now saw how wrong he’d been. With the high at it’s full intensity, he was insatiable, he wanted every piece of her, the craving for more so intense even he began to lose it, hands shaking as he got the clothes off her body. First her shirt, then her pants, and eventually her bra, all thrown haphazardly across the room, no care for anything but the need for more skin. 
She arched into him, pushing her hands past his shirt, her touch against his bare abdomen bringing a gasp from him. After one more heated kiss he sat up, pulling the fabric over his head and fussing with his belt, finally getting that off as well. When he leaned back in, he didn’t kiss her, instead, he found himself taking her face in his hand, staring. 
“So beautiful… You make me feel so fucking crazy, you have no idea.” 
His eyes kept scanning her face, taking her in all he could, the way his words made her lip quiver, the blush on her cheeks, it was all perfection, the high adding an aura of effervescence. To him, she was glimmering, sparkling. 
“You’ve been making me crazy ever since I met you.” She answered, knowing she was just as insane for him. 
His lips pressed themselves to hers, this time though, something felt different to him. He felt himself almost start to tear up, though he fought it off, not wanting her to see the way it all overwhelmed him, too. The emotions roared to a new peak, making him sentimental, kissing her deeper, in love with the way her hands on his back pressed him further into her, never wanting her warmth to leave him, not then, not ever, as far as he was concerned. 
“You’re mine, baby, mine.” 
The words were pressed into the side of her neck between kisses, and when her voice failed her, all she could do was nod. 
“I want to hear you say it.” 
She tried to get it out, she really did, but when his fingers briefly met the waistband of her underwear the words got caught somewhere between a gasp and a moan. 
He moved slowly, hungry lips making their way down her neck, spending some time nipping at the sensitive area near her collarbone, before finally giving attention to her bare chest. His hands too squeezed and pinched at the sensitive skin where his lips couldn’t reach, and the sounds she made were music to his ears, though he still wanted to hear those words more than anything else. 
“Fuck, say it, please.” 
“I’m yours.” 
By that point the onslaught of emotion had completely overpowered her, simply giving into the way he touched her, too far gone to even think, making it near impossible to form words. It was all like a dream, his touch combined with the high whisking her away to another plane of existence, one where she could do little more than lay back, shaking, gasping, taking in the waves of pleasure that came her way. The weight of him between her thighs and his mouth and fingers as they teased her nipples felt like heaven and hell all at once, both divine and almost frighteningly tempting. He could see it in the way she looked up at him, eyes glazed over, nothing behind them but desire, a deep yearning for more, even if she couldn’t express it, the intensity rendering her speechless. 
In the back of her mind she realized the staggering difference between how he acted then compared to every other time they'd been in bed together. She felt the urgency in the way he touched her, hands that were usually so steady, so confident, now shaking, along with his unsteady breaths. Never before had he voiced such possessiveness either, though it didn't feel out of place in the slightest. She knew she belonged to him, no other man would ever be able to compare. He was so exhilarating, she felt that the piece of paper she'd had was nothing, the real drug was him. 
She was already out of her mind, and his hand had yet to venture between her legs. With his mouth still on her chest, kissing and nibbling and sucking at the soft curves, he slowly began to venture south, each kiss on her stomach adding more fuel to the fire within her. When his fingers finally hooked themselves into the waistband, slowly pulling the last piece of clothing off her body, a loud moan fell from her lips. She lay there underneath him, panting, mind in a whirlwind, completely exposed, waiting for more. 
Baekhyun was eager to deliver. His mouth went straight in, licking up the wetness he’d coaxed from her thus far, the feeling of his tongue incessantly flicking her clit making her hips push against his face, pleading with him for more. The taste made him groan, vibrations coursing through her, his lips and tongue bringing her close to release quicker than she knew possible. From the very first touch she’s already lost control, twitching and nearly screaming at the strength of her own desire. It was all too much, the tension leaving her helpless to his touch, fingers in his hair as she came on his tongue in mere minutes. 
The orgasm washed over her like a rushing waterfall, knocking any rational thought from her mind as she shook and gasped. It was a new experience completely, the added rush of her high bending her mind into an unfamiliar torrent of pleasure. Finally prying her eyes open to look down at him between her legs, the smirk present on his wet lips was pure eroticism, his handsome face a work of art. The onslaught of her high had been so paralyzing she hadn’t even noticed the substantial volume of her moans, not until Baekhyun commented, 
“My baby can’t help being loud for me, hm?” 
A whine escaped her, anticipation building even further as Baekhyun stripped off the last of his clothes. He reclaimed his place between her thighs, looking down at her flushed face, basking in the warmth of the moment as they both stared, entranced. The beads of sweat on his face appeared more like precious pearls, lips a soft pink pillow, eyes of deep chocolate brown, baiting her to get lost. Even with the way the drug made everything shift and twist about, he stayed still, shining, glowing, illuminating her entire world. 
He leaned in, kissing her with an unexpected tenderness, soft lips moving with hers gently, almost carefully. When he pulled back his forehead rested against her own, eyes fixed on hers. 
“Do you want more?”
She nodded without any hesitation, and the smile on his handsome face was enough for more butterflies to erupt within her. By that point she was dripping, throbbing, wanting nothing more than to finally feel him inside. 
“Can you say it for me?” 
“Please, Baekhyun. I want - I need- more. Fuck, please.” 
Her eyes were filled with greed and impatience as she watched him grab the packet from the nightstand and roll a condom onto himself, wondering how he was still able to keep it together enough to even consider such a thing. The room continued to dance and shift about in a dream like kaleidoscope as he moved himself over her again, both an anchor and a source of even greater insanity to her. 
When she felt him finally push inside, it was like she was experiencing it for the very first time. Now chest to chest, fully flush, surrounded by him completely, she felt herself break. The tears were back, and with every push of his hips into her, sparks filled her distorted vision. She tried to look up at him, but her eyes felt heavy, unable to concentrate on anything but the feeling of him above her, and inside her. 
Baekhyun was no better off. The drug amplified everything to such a degree that he too found himself letting go of any restraint, letting the high take him wherever it so pleased. His moans, and the ever increasing cadence of his thrusts told her just how affected he was, too. She began to move with him, rolling her body into his more or less involuntarily, just wanting to feel more of him, and he did all he could to deliver. 
When his eyes finally met hers again, his thumb moved to wipe away the tears, though they only communicated to him her immense and paralyzing delight. The way she looked up at him encouraged him further, his hips hitting her more deeply, savoring the feeling every time he entered her, again and again. 
The drug had overpowered her senses so entirely, that the lines, the boundary between herself and him began to fade into obscurity, she was a part of him, and he, a part of her. She sensed his pleasure, and felt it in her own body, the same way she knew he felt her, too. They melted together, the high and the closeness of being so intimately connected merging them into one. 
Every time he filled her, she felt him brush against that delicious spot deep inside that made her tremble. He was perfection, beyond perfection, even. Having him there with her, enjoying her as she enjoyed him, whisked them away to a different form of reality. Their shared altered consciousness made it all so much heavier, more real than any sexual experience they could have while sober. This was how it was always supposed to be, they were both sure of it. 
His hand clutching her face brought her eyes back to his, whimpering at his intense gaze. 
“Who do you belong to, baby?” 
“You.” She replied weakly, barely able to get the word out. 
“Say it again.”
“You- Baekhyun, oh my god.” 
Her words stirred up a whirlwind inside him, his lips latching themselves onto the spot on her neck that made her weakest. The pace of his thrusts picked up even more, and she felt her whole body start to tingle, starting from the tips of her toes moving up her body in waves, until she was consumed by it, and again, she fell. 
This orgasm was somehow even better than the last, leaving her shaking, gasping, seemingly tearing apart every atom in her body, and then putting her back together again. Her vision went white, arching, twitching, moaning and completely out of her damn mind as he kept fucking her through it, until he too reached his peak. 
When it happened for him, he kissed her with such force, such passion, that she couldn’t breathe, though she didn’t feel she needed to anyway. His affection felt more crucial than oxygen, happily accepting his lips as she floated slowly back to her altered state of reality. 
They both lay in the aftermath of the near religious experience they just shared, sweating, panting, still pressed to each other as they recovered from the profoundly overpowering encounter that the drug turned their passion into.
Even after several minutes had passed, she was still dizzy, still unable to come to terms with how incredible Baekhyun had just made her feel. 
“I love you.” She whispered, thoughtless, the otherworldly memory of it all and his possessive words drifting through her mind. For a while, he didn’t respond, and she didn’t expect him to. It didn’t feel like some sort of big confession, just what the drug and the height of the moment naturally pulled from her lips. 
“I..” he paused, becoming tense, eyes digging into her own. “What?” 
The harsh change in his tone snapped her back to reality, and she realized her mistake. 
“No- shit, I didn’t mean that-”
“What the fuck did you just say?” He said, sitting up, eyes squeezed shut with a pained expression now on his face. 
“I’m sorry, it just slipped out in the moment.” She looked at him, worry turning to panic as the look on his face slowly turned into one of anger. 
“Get out.” 
“Get out.” He said again, this time raising his voice, eyes still shut, refusing to look at her. 
She started to sit up, tears welling in her eyes, though this time they didn’t come from a good place at all. 
“But, you said you wouldn’t let anything bad happen, I’m sorry, I just- I-” 
When he finally did meet her eyes, they were hard and mean, not softening at all even at the sight of her tears. 
“You can’t be here anymore. Get your shit and get the fuck out.” 
“Baekhyun, please, I can't just leave, I'm sorry, really. Please.” She begged, but he wasn't having any of it.
“I said get the fuck out of my apartment. Right fucking now.” 
She'd never seen that look on his face before, her shock and upset morphing into fear. 
With that she got up, stumbling as she gathered her clothes, leaving his room in a disoriented haze as she got herself dressed, crying harder and harder as the seconds ticked by. The bright colors had turned dark and dull and the patterns that before swirled around so beautifully turned sharp, frightening in their unpredictability. She was delirious as she passed the threshold to his apartment, the hallway seeming to close in on her as she struggled toward the elevator. Luckily nobody saw her as she left the building, eventually collapsing onto a nearby bench under the midday sun, surrounded by the bustling city. 
As her eyes squeezed shut she only saw his face, twisted in anger as he told her to leave. It haunted her, though she didn’t want to face the city either, the cacophony of cars and other people entirely too much to handle. She had to get home, and with no other real option, she pulled out her phone, struggling with it for a minute before finally managing to call her best friend. 
“Hi! I thought you were gonna be with Baekhyun all day, is everything all right?” 
“No…” she said, voice shaking, and even from over the phone Suhyun could tell that something was very wrong. 
“Are you okay? Where are you? What happened?” 
“I- I don't know, I need you to come get me.” 
“Where are you?” 
“I don't know, I'm sitting in front of his building, he kicked me out.” 
“He did what? You sound weird, what's going on?” 
“He gave me drugs, I don't know what to do, I can barely use my phone, I can't take the subway, you have to come get me.” 
Suhyun had known her friend long enough to know that something awful had happened, and needed to get there as soon as possible. 
“Okay, just stay where you are, I can check your location and come to you, I'll be there as soon as I can.” 
She nodded, and her friend on the phone grew even more worried. 
“Yes! I'm on a bench. I won't move. Please hurry.” Her voice unsteady with the onslaught of tears still pouring out of her. 
To make sure her friend was safe, Suhyun stayed on the phone with her until she pulled up, pulling her into the car before making her way towards her friend's apartment. 
She was crying quietly to herself in the passenger seat, trying to focus on what was going on outside the window, but still ending up squeezing her eyes shut again and again, seeing his face glaring back at her, making her heart sting every time. 
“Can you tell me what happened?” 
Finally she looked over at Suhyun, and she saw in her eyes that she wasn't in her normal state of mind, growing more and more worried by the minute. 
She just shook her head, too overwhelmed to get a word out as the sobs ran through her. 
The day had been so perfect, and because of a few little words he'd seemingly snapped, becoming a completely different person. The harshness with which he'd told her to get out kept replaying, she couldn't escape no matter how hard she tried. His face and his words had etched themselves into her mind, the drug making it all so much more horrible.  
They eventually reached her apartment, and Suhyun tucked her into bed, holding her, asking once again, “what happened?” 
“He wanted to do LSD together,” she eventually choked out “and we- we had sex, and I felt so insane after, I said I love you to him, just because of how crazy it all felt, and he lost it, and yelled at me that I had to get out.”
“He kicked you out of his apartment knowing you were on drugs?” 
She nodded. 
“Are you still really high? How bad is it? ”
“I could barely work my phone to call you. All I can see when I close my eyes is his face when he yelled at me to get out but when they're open everything is moving and looks like it's about to attack me. It's awful, I just want this to stop already.” 
Suhyun stroked her hair as she cried, comforting her, but was growing more and more angry as well. She decided it would be best to take her phone for a while, worried Baekhyun would try to contact her and make things even worse. She took it from where her friend had discarded it on the bed, sliding it into her pocket. 
She stayed like that for hours, just keeping her friend company, talking to her, doing her best to reassure her, seeing the way pain and fear consumed her. When she felt the phone start to vibrate she made an excuse to leave the room, and sure enough, it was him. 
“Y/n, I'm so-”
“This is her friend. She can't talk to you right now.” 
“I need to talk to her, give her her phone back.” She could hear the desperation in his voice, but she didn't care.
“No. She's fucking wrecked because of you. You threw her out onto the street while she was high out of her goddamn mind. She could've gotten arrested for Christ's sake, all because of your selfish bullshit. If you care about her even in the slightest, and genuinely want what's best for her, you're going to leave her alone. For good. She doesn't need you to fuck up her life even more.” 
Suhyun ended the call, cutting him off. When he called again and again, she put the phone on mute, deleting every trace of his trying to contact her. The last thing her friend needed was more of him. 
At home in his apartment, Baekhyun cursed himself, nearly throwing the phone into a wall. Unbeknownst to both of the girls, he wasn’t much better off. 
Those three words had set something off inside him. His high took an awful turn as he watched her leave the apartment, overcome with anger, but mostly, fear. When he called and couldn’t get through to her, it got even worse. Suhyun’s warning to stay away frustrated him beyond belief, but as much as he wanted to talk to her, he had no clue what he would even say, he couldn’t even understand his own feelings. 
The guilt and confusion turned the rest of his day into a living nightmare, hoping that he’d somehow still be able to win her back. However as the hours passed, he did come to a realization. 
It wasn’t her words that had caused him to suddenly become so agitated, it was the fact that he’d almost said it back.
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ghostiiess · 10 months
[NSB HEADCANONS] - them taking care of you when you’re pregnant!
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synopsis: title says it all!
warnings: mention of morning sickness, vomiting, pregnancy stuff… some mistakes here and there
type: fluff
members: everyone
wc: around 200 by members? i think? so around 1.4K
not feeling 100% great atm, so im sorry if theres mistakes :((
reblogs and likes are very appreciated!
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OLIVER MOY - the one who would support you by doing the tasks / giving you compliments during that period
The sweetest man
He would literally be the best dad, fr
LIKE HAVE YOU SEEN HIM WITH KIDS??? (Talking abt the members rn 🤣)
He would do all the tasks for you
And compliment you!
Oli would make sure that you eat food and drink your water
« And here’s for you, my love!!! Your favorite pasta! »
he would be soooo supportive 🥹
« Hey baby, I’ll take care of it! Go rest yourself, alright? »
« c’mon my love. Go take a break, I’ll do the chores! »
He’s literally the man we all wish we had in our life
« You look so beautiful with that baby dump »
« our baby will be so pretty »
« Do you think they will have my eyes or yours? Gosh, i hope they will have yours.. yours are so pretty »
He would literally be the cutest man alive during this time (as if he wasnt enough sweet like that)
like tell me if im wrong (im not)
(Others members under the cut!)
SEBASTIAN MOY - the one who would try to make you laugh / smile
This man would try to make the time less crampy
less painful too
Remember the video where he took the pregnancy test? He was screaming.
He knows you’re strong enough, and everything… but he hates seeing you in pain (even though its normal since ur literally pregnant lol)
So, obvs since he know it hurts, he would try to make the time less hard for you :( bc he know that the test and the pregnancy state is two completely different things
he took the pregnancy test and it hurted him so bad... he can't imagine it must be for you
But if he can make the time less painful by making you laugh / smile, he would do it
This man would buy flowers.
I just see him walking in ur house and being like « hey, here’s flowers for the future mommy »
Also, he would try to crack jokes here and there
Pregnancy jokes, even!
« Why did the pregnant woman go on a picnic? Because she was craving a little something extra! »
thank you seb for this joke 😐
He would also bring your favorite food / drinks 🥤
He would search them on google and he would be so proud
"im gonna be the funny one in this family"
He’s the energetic member of the group, but for you, he would try to rest and not move too much 🥲 like this man would, surprisingly, be calm (only for you, babe)
Seb would be such a good supporter too, although affirmations is not his first love language, he would be super cute. i promise you :)
RYAN NGUYEN - the one who would help you with ur cravings / the one who try to make you relax
He would judge you so bad for ur cravings
But he would buy them for you
Why? Bc even though he thinks its weird, he knows it could make u happy and make you smile
And him seeing your smile can easily make his day 😚
« babe, i love you with all my heart, i truly do, but… why are you putting bananas in apple sauce and yogourt…? »
But he loves you! (sometimes hes giving you a side eye)
Also… he would literally take care of everything
A bit like Oliver would do :)
« Babe, don’t worry abt it! I can take care of it »
« Need help? Alright, wait a sec »
He would quit his game for you in like 0.3844843 sec
« What the fuck just happened?!?!- baby? Need help? Yeah, one sec… alright boys, im heading out » (he would say smth like that)
« Go relax, my love. I can do it »
« Baby… stop overworking yourself! I know you can do it, but i want you to relax… you’ve been working all day »
Also, even thought it doesn’t look like it, he would be super supportive
He’s just more an ‘actions’ than a ‘word’ kind of person
JUSTIN PHAN - the one who would send you voices messages during your day to make sure ur taking care of urself and not overworking / help you with your morning sickness
Justin would be the type to grab his phone during a really important moment and just text you / give u voice messages
Although he know u love helping around in the house and doing ur tasks, he make sure that you don’t get overworked
« Hey baby, im with the boys at the store… do u need anything at the store? »
This man’s would also help you during the morning sickness
He just want the best for you 😁
Jp look like the person who knows when there’s a problem without you having to say it
« Hey baby, is everything okay? »
Like idk why but he look like the type that would read faces lol
he has this gut feeling, what can i say?
« Hold on, drink that glass of water, okay? Deep breath, baby… »
« Yeah, just like that »
If he see you vomiting, he would take ur hair up and pat ur back
« it’s okay baby, let it all out, everything's gonna be fine»
«  if anything happen, wake me up alright? I want to be there for you »
Like for sure, seeing vomit is not the most aesthetic thing he saw, but he knows that it’s normal
KANE RATAN - the one who would massage you and listen to you
this man would be so cute.
I literally said that to everyone 💀 but it’s true
We all know how kane give good massages
This man know what he’s doing!
He probably took massages classes when he was younger, bc this man would give u the best massage ever
« come here, i will give you a lil’ massage, baby… let me knock out the stress away! »
Also, during the massage…
He would literally let you talk about your pregnancy, how the cramps are, how is it… or just random stuff haha
In others words: let you vent abt what ur going through during that time, because he knows its not always easy
« Tell me if it hurt, okay? I don’t want to hurt you »
Also, i feel he would be the type to ask this question:
« Do you think we’ll have a girl or a boy? »
« if im being honest, i don’t really mind if its a girl or a boy… as long as they’re happy, im happy »
« Do you think we could play anime music? Do you think it would make them a fan of AOT? Or we could play one piece!! omg baby, do you think they would like aot or one piece more? »
Not Kane wanting to make ur future baby (not even borned yet lol) a fan of AOT… such a relaxing and childish anime, wow!!!
DARREN LIANG - the one who would cook for you and kiss ur cramps away
We all know how Darren is a great cook
So I’m sure he would love to cook for you :)
« hey babe, i just cooked ur favorite meal! »
Isn’t he so cute? 🥹
The con is that he would judge your cravings.. like Ryan.
BUTTTTT he know it can make you happy, so he would obviously make them for you if it can make you happy!
Also, he would kiss your cramps away
To me, he looks like such a sweetheart when it come to pain or smth like that
« Hey baby, are you okay? »
« Do you want me to help you? »
A bit like Kane, dar’ would give you a little massage
« You’re so cute baby »
And he would kiss you 🤭 bc it’s Darren we’re talking abt!
also, if ur in the mood... its ur lucky day!! bc this man's always in the mood!
« Are you feeling a bit better? »
« Come and rest next to me, alright? »
He’s such a sweetheart, woah
REGIE MACALINO - the one who would go shopping with you for baby clothes / decorations
He would be the best dad ever, no joke
He would buy soooo many decorations and clothes, like we all know how regie has style, like there’s absolutely no way his son / daughter won’t have style too
And even if regie says « i put whatever i want » like okay maybe he do, but like it is styled in a way that i can’t explain lmaooo
I’m sorry, he just seem to be the type to search a bit in store, then on pinterest to see what would look good lol 🫢
I’m sure regie would be the type to search on Pinterest some baby decorations
Btw, your baby's room would be sooo messy, im so sorry
Regie would only look for cool bedsheets and fun decorations, but not for organizer bc have you seen his room?? Guys, it’s a bit messy im sorry
So regie wouldn’t be the type to buy organizer, BUTTTTTT he would make sure to let (try) the piece clean with his kid if it can make you happy
Regie seems tough, but he’s indeed a big sweetheart
He has sm love for us the star (his fan) so imagine for his kid-
He would be the cutest dad ever, like I’m sure regie would be there for his kid in all the ways he can
He would take care of you so so much too
He would be like Oliver haha
Sing for you, make you food, do the tasks (look how gentleman he is)… also, he would def make the baby like him more.. im sorry
taglist! (open! send an ask if you’d like to be added) : @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0 @yawnzzznnn @ghostyycat7
Olegie has my heart 🤭
100% recommand this man!
Bold can’t be tagged.
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puffyducks · 4 months
DCRC Week #2
What if I started putting silly thumbnail images on these posts what if that was a thing that I started to do
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Anyways this week is PKNA #0.2 here we gooo- THIS POST IS REALLY LONG SO OPEN AT YOUR OWN RISK
OK so I'm running a bit of an experiment this week - which is to say that in between this week and last week's reading I bought all the English copies of PKNA that exist (there's only 6) and I know the official translations took more creative liberties than the fan translations (which from what I understand are more direct) SO I'll be reading both a physical official English copy of this chapter AND pulling up the fan translation at the same time to compare and contrast noticeable differences in dialogue. Also that's why some of the photos will be screenshots and some will just be me taking actual photos of a comic book lol.
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Right off the bat the official English has Scrooge calling Donald a muttonhead which I think is the superior insult here. Also he gets fancy red text in this panel
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All of Uno's text is green as well, which is a fun touch! (It's subtle on camera just trust me on this one)
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snoozer male confirmed 🛌
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DARN TOOTIN!!!!! See, they had to capture the American audiences by making Donald sound as much like a cowboy as possible (it's working on me so far yeehaw 🤠)
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First of all, rude. Second of all, is it his aunt or his mom you need to make up your mind buddy. THIRD of all, PK calling him "king ugly" is giving "Darkwing calls Taurus Bulba 'fatboy' in Darkly Dawns the Duck because he can't think of a better comeback." YEAH WELL YOUR MOM-
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Raider has this weird laugh going on that I think is supposed to make him sound like a rooster? Either way he needs to be stopped
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OK AND I GUESS ANGUS FANGUS ALSO GETS HIS OWN LAUGH ON ACCOUNT OF BEING A KIWI??? WHAT IS HAPPENING 😭THIS ISN'T FUCKING ONE PIECE (also sorry for there being a glare on like all my photos the lighting in my room is really strong ok)
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Dork Avenger.... he's never going to recover from this
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she knows
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NO FUCKIG WAY IS THAT A REFERENCE TO DARKWING DU- also that fuckass laugh again
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The fan translation references Mouseton so I guess buy the official English copy if you prefer references to Darkwing Duck over Mickey Mouse
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Ok so they're definitely NOT shooting him with tranquilizers but I appreciate the effort. Y'know despite the fact that the officer is still just holding a regular gun
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This is also the ONLY coloring difference I've noticed so far, which is that the bullets are now yellow instead of blue. Is that supposed to mean they're tranquilizer bullets??? Is it somehow less violent if the bullets are yellow now??? What are they, banana flavored??? Idk
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What?? Nooo... Lyla is a totally normal human woman. I mean duck.
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Who the fuck is Lyla Lee
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Ok I guess he's Red Raider now instead of just THE Raider
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I'm living for the more ~flowery~ dialogue in the official copy. HOLY HONK!
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The folds of spacetime say happy pride month 💖🏳️‍🌈
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oh my god what if the robots kissed
I don't know if I'm gonna do the comparison thing for the upcoming 4 issues cause this took me like 2 hours to make this post lol (also I hit the image limit and had to combine a bunch of them into one). The major difference between the dialogues I noticed is that the official dialogue is a lot more flamboyant with its language (and Donald says a lot more insults). They also snuck in a few more pop culture references.
This has been an epic Live Puffy Reaction hope you enjoyed. That's all I got.
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blingblong55 · 1 year
gaaahh I love your platonic TF141 x reader!! I was wonder if we could get some more, but for a Gn!Reader?
for context I find it hard to swap pronouns when reading, but if not that's fine lol!
and if you want, have some writing prompts!
-Southern!Reader gets drunk, acting like a fool, they're accent the strongest it's ever been, and TF141 is just "wtf are they even saying?"
-general shenanigans with Gaz and Reader, pranking ghost >:]
-SNOW DAY! the boys have the day off, and it ends up with a snowball fight, soap, ghost, and reader VS. gaz, price, and könig (yes I added him I am a simp for this man)
-Reader gets hit on in public, and 141 acts like big brothers + father and beat the crap outa whoever was unfortunate enough to pick on Reader
-DAD PRICE. just. him teaching Reader things, giving pointers, and being protective off-field
anyways sorry for the long ask! hope your doing well :]
Sweet Creature -141+König
ofc! I always try to make my readers comfortable when reading so never shy away for asking this!
This is a collection of moments your boys have been through with you...(there is mentions of an American reader, but if you please it can only apply to the first one.)
GN! Reader, Plantonic! Relationship
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
(I had to look up southern sayings so if this part doesn't make sense I apologize. (feeling too brit today..sorry))
After a much needed out in the town 141 had been deployed to, r/n decided it would be great to compete against Soap in a drinking game. Drink after drink, your once good basic American accent left your lips and was soon replaced with your souther accent. Price at first found it funny, until he couldn't tell exactly what you were trying to say.
Gaz: that was until I dropped it all
R/n to Ghost: That's 'bout as useful as tits on a bull, wouldn't ya'say?
Price: *chuckles* what does that even mean kid?
R/n: o' bless ya heart sir (apparently it means idiot,,,so don't come for me) y'dumber than a mule
*a woman passes by their table and Gaz starts checking her out*
R/n: look at him price, he's grinnin' like a possum eatin' a sweet tater
Price: seriously what does that mean?
Ghost: think they mean he looks like a dumb arse
Gaz stands up to try and talk to that woman
R/n: soap tell em somethin'
Soap: go get her tiger
R/n: No, no,,,you hold your horses now...she ain't even turn to ya and yo're hotter than hell al'ready?
Price: right...let's get you home r/n
R/n: I can take 'nother one....
Ghost: not today *he picks you up and off to base you go*
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
After an uneventful evening Gaz and r/n decided to annoy Ghost, a ritual Price had gotten used to, after Ghost came in to complain every week. Price would always discard them because he loved having his children smile and be young and happy.
There was one time where you placed syrup on his tea. Another time, you kept calling his phone, pretending to be some religious group, this went on for 3 months. One time you made him believe the whole base left him, you stole his phone and clothes, best believe you never saw the devil until that day.
2 weeks ago, Ghost was tricked into eating some expired MRE, that man got sick so easily, Gaz was tricked into taking the blame. Meanwhile you enjoyed some banana with soap as Ghost chased Gaz for 30 minutes, until you tripped Gaz and ran to price.
R/n: dumb bitch!*you ran so fast, soap swore it was you being chased*
This happened at 2 am, Ghost's room.
You and gaz know how much ghost hates dirty bed sheets. So you did this:
Gaz: r/n pass me the chocolate
R/n: why are we doing this again?
Gaz: its fun
R/n: how will this even work?
Gaz: it'll melt under his body and make it look like he shat himself
R/n: this is so cool
Gaz: shh
you two walked into Ghost's room, he was dead asleep, when he shifted to his left side, Gaz placed the chocolate near his bum, you two successfully ran out and waited outside all morning.
Ghost opens his door, anger flowing through him
Ghost: where are these little twats
That's when you and Gaz ran away to Price's office, he eventually caught up and complained to Price. (I'm picturing that office scene when Dwight and Jim are complaining to Micheal. Yes, the American one. )
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
This time the team was deployed to Switzerland, for everyone it all felt like home, spring and summer was quite lovely, that's until Price was told this deployment would be longer that expected. Winter rolled in, everyone was prepared for a harsh winter, except you, who had never experienced snow. You had told soap how every year when you're away from home, snow has hit hard, and that you had never seen snow in real life.
This had become a perfect opportunity for him to show you how much you meant for the team. So once he had told price about the sad story of yours, they planned an entire day out.
Soap: c'mon r/n its time for your surprise.
He bought you gloves and a scarf,( he knows how easily it is to get cold.) Once outside, you ran around screaming in delight. "This is awesome!" you said as you tackled soap onto the snow.
Gaz was the one who started the snowball fight. Price took his side. Ghost and soap took yours. Poor König was stuck in the middle, deciding who to join, until price dragged him to his side and that's when the fight seriously started.
(Picture that SpongeBob snowball fight)
Soap tripped multiple times, your face was covered in snow because you couldn't stop laughing at him. Ghost did most of the dirty work, he seriously took this serious.
He pulled you both down, "right, so while I get price, r/n you get König, he'll feel bad for throwing things at a midget and quit, gaz will soon give up, so soap he is all yours.
"That was mean man" you said but all he did was push you to the floor, where you got stuck for 2 minutes. He eventually helped you up and continued the fight.
Even though he was a trained soldier, König never threw anything at any of you, he was too afraid of getting anybody injured. Best believe this man walked out and waited until things became friendly. He eventually built a snowman. The same one soap ran through. "awh, my snow friend" he sadly spoke. (please imagine this with his cute little Austrian accent and his giant figure just looking down and picking up the sticks and hat from his snowman..)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
This time around you encouraged the team to go out once more. It was September in some other country. After years of working with your boys you never expected them to be your guard dogs. You went up to the bar to order your drinks, until two people walked up behind you and sat at the stools beside you. (I'll let ya decided on the gender ;) )
"What is a cute thing like you doing around this place" one spoke, while the other got too close for comfort.
" Look whatever it is..I'm not interested" you answered,
The guys know you're able to fend for yourself, after all they've seen you kill men with your bare hands, but you had become their little sibling. They all swore to protect you no matter how big or small your problems were.
"You're just here by yourself love?" the other said, while reaching for you.
Price tapped that persons shoulder, "leave them alone," as price spoke to them, soap took you and brought you to the other side. "You stay here, understood?" he cupped your face in his hand.
All you did was nod. "good" he walked away and the four men took them out the back. "you don't touch them ever, or else I swear you'll go back home in a bag" Ghost towered over them,
"this is nonsense, they aren't even good looking!" one said.
(this is very...manners maketh man...vibes )
Price swung and hit ones jaw, "you fuck!" they said holding onto their face. "run you pricks" gaz threatened. "Soap hand me your gun"Price never took his eyes off of them. Ghost took out on of his pocket knives, he caressed it and looked at them. Gaz did too, man would he defend you.
But before soap handed his gun to his captain they had ran out.
Once inside, you sat there. Starring at them with those kind eyes of yours. They immediately went soft. "Got your favorite drink, kid?"
"yes, can I asked what happened out there?"
"nope...after this we can get some McDonalds, that's if you never ask about this again" man was he good at deals you thought.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
(For this one I'll put you as a 23yr old, who specializes in hand to hand combat, and demolitions, as well as a training sniper, mainly bc i feel you need a little background.)
Price never understood how his colleagues could afford love for their kids. He didn't get how one little human would change their ways of being. That's until you arrived at base. Fresh off boot camp.
The day he met you, he understood why his friends back home retired after having kids. It went from him sparring with you, just to test your limits to making sure you were getting sleep, (this man for sure tucked you in)
"Sir, you're telling me that if I boil that liquid it will actually turn into a quality beverage?"
"How do I change my tire?"
"wait..how do I check for my oil?"
"price? are you sure I can go home? I don't want to be alone."
" can you please kill it? I'm scared man."
After teaching you from the most basic things in life a father should teach to what a military dad would teach, he grew fond of you.
Around December he found you roaming base, all alone. The rest of the team (except him ofc) was sent back home, to spend time with family and friends. Once you explain how you had no family to go back home to, he made you pack your bags and head to his. Funny enough, Ghost was already heading to his, it had become a thing between them.
He told you about his wife, how she wasn't able to conceive and how excited she was to met you. Later that week, she called you her child. You and Ghost had found a forever home with him. "These are my children." she proudly said to anyone who asked about the two socially awkward people standing next to her.
A week before Christmas, he took you and ghost hunting, that day he let you have a puff off of his cigar. "be careful now, don't inhale too much." he pointed at you, like he was talking to a child.
After the holiday, you were allowed to call him dad, pops when you were at his place.
Out at bars, he would keep you close. And when someone would clearly flirt with you, it was in him to remind you "no person will ever be good enough for you, understand kid?"
He even cracked dad jokes with Ghost and you. He made sure to update his family portrait from him and his wife to one of the four of you.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Tags: @thatonesimpyknow
a/n: I know It really long..but I hope you did enjoy it!
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vexomn · 6 months
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LOOK AT THIS FOOL TYING HIS SHOE BRO 😭 im incredibly in love with him
but he almost redeems himself with some SPEEDY MOVES.. WE’RE YET TO SEE HIM LAND A HIT THOUGH…ALL WE GET IS CRUMBS…SOB
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also. you guys think vin jin could’ve appeared more? Honestly I was expecting a full out backstory…which I guess we did get but at the same time not really? NOT HATING ON CHEONLIANG ARC…maybe im just too much of a vin jin fan lol
poor vin jin also.. i dont want to post…what happened smth tells me I shouldnt…i also dont need more reasons to cry myself to sleep but all ill say is DAMN 😞 LOWKEY A CRAZY WAY TO…UM KILL SOMEONE ACCIDENTLY. its like the shaman slipped on a banana peel
…like how did bro slip on vin jins ribbon like that?? i bet a cartoon sound played
Okay for real though, you’d think since the shaman was holding a fat ass rock he’d be weighed down or something cause..physics? But then bro fell anyway? IDK im happy he’s out but now vin is in some deep shit so 🤷🏻‍♀️
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sunnychuuya · 2 months
Time for my now nightly sally face vomit the one thing I dislike about this game so far is its lack of a save button
-6 minutes 34.94 seconds to get back to chapter five okay time to look up a tutorial..
-what the fuck. It was t h a t e a s y?? IT CAN BE COMPLETED IN LESS THAN 15 SECONDS?! IM ENDING IT ALL WTH
-didn't mention this before but I love the detail of the gear boy screen being scratched
-this is definitely foreshadowing
Hey guys look how much more coherent I am when I have the light off and am not on a fucking terrifying part
-well thats..creepy.
-Holt ahit the whole screen going black scared me so bad
-yea guys maybe yall should fucking move cuz that shit is terrifying leave before you all fucking die
-Ok I mean like it does sound like bullshit so u can't rlly blame him for not believing sal..
-fuck wait if the tree house has proof what traumatizing shit happens there later why can't a tree house ever just be silly
-the apartments were abandoned huh..
-why am I playing as m a n
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I mean I don't rlly know what sal did except kill someone but all the fanarts I see of him post killing someone say "I had no choice" in the background and he doesn't seem like the dude to just go and murder someone
Maybe I just rlly like sal lmao
-Why did Enon just die wth
-seeing a ghost take the form of Larry made me scream like not even joking I'm bawling my eyes out whay the fuck
-wait pookies this hopefully is not true and I don't see any reason in why it would be true of it is true I'm gonna find the nearest cliff but like sal murders someone and laryr is dead ...
No right that's not right it can't be they're bestie bros
Also it wouldn't make sense cuz Larry's tryna help sal
BUT HOW THE FUCK DID HE DIE THEN? one of my friends is being sus about it
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I know I haven't met Travis but I've developed an attachment to him bc of the fan content I've seen
Thats low-key sus
Thats really sus actuslly
Right as Enon is like finding out about smth he dies
-"white room eht ni em dnif. Ouy dlot I tahw tegrof t'nod" thanks I understand that
Dont forget what I told you. Find me in the white room.
HUH ??
GUYS am I forgetting smth or is this sposed to be mysterious
Omori ass shit
-oh it's the ghosty thing
-am I stupid I csnt even kinds decipher what should be in the blanks half the time
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Bad example. But sad!
Okay but run only has three letters what
Yes I'm smart
that scared me so fucking bad my vision low-key blacked out for a second I'm in the dark again lmao
-sal I love you but for the love of God (okay thst might not be a great thing to say from the foreshadowing we've been getting lol) fucking at least try to win the case
-oh someone told me j would be scared of bologna bc of this game
-"ugh" dude pls
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Yoo I'm finally gonna get rhe lore..
Im scared!
-Mr dood El is so real
-"Hello are you okay" *demonic garbling* fucking mood
-"now please leave us alone your head will frighten the children" LMAOKK
-okay so the truth stuff is sus obviously
-y aren't circle heads normal :(
-"Hello are yiu the great beast" "well, fuck you too friend." Teehee
-ik this is prolly gonna be some like deep foreshadowing but it's just this is so cool and funny?
-on the side of the fortune teller it looks like it says gae instead of green
-makes me kinda scared for late game tho!
-math class sleep >> all other sleep
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-"nobody likes a cliche bully traaavis" SAL ILY SM
-"yk if you took that stick out of ur ass you may actually enjoy yourself for once." DAMNNNN
-travis you hoe 😔
Bro ik this is like sposed to be serious but why was the panel kf travis punching sal so fucking funny to me
-but like sal ik you don't know but maybe don't talk about travis dad
Like j appreciate u trying to help but not the best move-
-larry.. how good.. to see you.. alive.. *sobbing*
-ash the ghosts are fucjing real stfu
-yea sal his dad is shit but like it doesn't rlly excuse it all idk
-mk yup there's smth up with the bologna
I hate that word it's not even close to how it's pronounced
-wtf is the hot dog incident???
Made with dog??
-"You're lucky it's bologna day" that is such a fucking sentence 💀
-"i don't know if this town has room for another conspiracy theory" there's prolly gonna be like 17 more this game
-I got a paperclip! And then I look at it and it says "I can use this paper clip to get into my friends lockers" lmal
-oh yea how old r they rn r they still freshman ? Assuming so
-sal is so short god
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-this is completely unrelated to sallt face but chat my leg is bleeding and it reallt burns uhh ow
It might be bc there's alcohol marjer in it but that's from a day ago so idk
i mean ik sla is canonically bi but when there's a gay relationship in canon it's so happy okay
wait through the past two years
What is their age in ep 3
Like someone pls answer this
Im trying to figure it out
They said if they killed Travis they'd have to deal with him for two years
Indicating two years of hs left
Ig thar makes sense
Im a liar I don't understand
-i wish u could runnnnnnn ahhhhhh
-"you butt nozzle" wtf does this mean
-actusllt maybe I shouldn't say I wish u could run bc the thing that happened earlier.. haha..
-yall that's sus why r there so many missing posters
-where am I sposed to be going ahh
-the textbook in Larry's locker is labeled "generic textbook" lmao
-mmm that's sus home made by a teacher.. nah..
-?? Travis is gone
-bruh gods whole thing is loving everyone stop being homophobuc
-"yk we aren't all actually gay, right? I mean besides forTodd. Todd is super gay." Good for Todd
-okay I have to go through all the dialog options
-"says the boy who hides behind a mask! Get lost, you mutant!" OUCHIE :<
-can I murder kenneth.. he shot sal and his mom.. and is la shitty dad to travis.. :/
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-empty envelope..
The note be from there
-i hate puzzles how am I sposed to know what the lock is
-sally has mental I'll
-me when uiuruy.rhoheitnruy.a,drwitoflsuynbusmo
-okay guys wrf was that cuz they're acting like it's a reoccurring thing
-ik is not that but dehydration rlly is a bitch
-im so on edge like it went into the bathroom and we saw gizmo qnd it had a record scratch sound and I jumped
-wow our dad actually says he'll do smrh with us soon.. shocker 😐
-oh ow that's sad but sals dad u bitch u fuckin got rid of photos of sals mom??? I like get ur also affected but be a better dad jeez
-welcom to windom guys
-time to try to geuss the password
-y r there empty letters randomly appearing eith my name that's sus!!
-Robert slays
-yo we can enter 403 now shouldn't they have fixed the doorframe by now tho lmao
-whyis she talking out her neck god I'm gonna vomit the sound effects are Not Neesxcaru
-I feel like that red eyed demon ain't really gone.
-it's 1:06 am have mercy on my orbs pls
-these letters r confusing
-samn what r Todd's parents on 💀
-did sal jusr say "good lord" beuh
-im scared.
-theres a lock on the freezer fuck fuck fuck
-okay. Ifs creepy, but at least it'd just a goat head. Could be worse. Could be human
Waych me end up regretting these words..
-she has a weird obsession with pi huh
-greem stuff in the tub
-whay am I sposed to do while waiting 4 Larry
I feel like there's a possibility the thing we found in her desk could be used to open the door but it'd not letting me
-clock puzzle..
-I did it
-yall I just killed a dude don't feel great about that haha...
-"if we don't make it out alive.. I.. I love you dude"
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-it's just ash fuckign great what the hell
-"damn." Valid reaction ngl like what r u sposed to say to thar
-this isn't very girlypop core
-ngl just googled the lock combo bc I'm uncomfy rn and don't feel like puzzles
-please don't go down the trash chute.
-welp she's dead okay Larry let's go!
-ripped carpet
-"whelp this looks bad" I love Larry
-"it's a good thing thr cult isn't around anymore.. the demon too" YA JUST FUCKIN JINXED IT THEYRE GONNA KILL YA SAL
-qere gonna die were gonna die were all gonna die oh god oh fuck
-why do these things always happen to me?" Idk why I thought if schooby doo
Wait he doesn't die here does he.
-great gonna be here for 7 hours
-no im not looking up a tutorial Ur looking up a tutorial
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Me when
I made itty
Qalk around in circles and you'll figure it out cool
-yipee I have to have a tutorial for sal too. End me.
-gwuss who's bleeding again! Different spot this time closer to my ankle
-following a tutorial
-does exactly what it says
-doesn't work
-runs around in rage and despair
-it fucking worked
Making a second part to this cuz my phones trying to die ill rb when thr other is finish
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>They are really following the “saving child shigaraki” path 💀
No? Well, yes, but Deku seeing what happened to Tenko and talking to Tenko was always going to happen, it doesn't mean that only child Tenko gets saved lol. Tenko is Shigaraki's origin, his core, his genuine ideas, his honne (true feelings and desires). Of course Deku has to understand and save Tenko to save adult!Tenko, lol. Nobody seemed to complain when child!Ochako was talking to child!Himiko and etc., so what's up with some people's attitude now? 😭
I think the fandom is a bit paranoid because they really fear some theories.
I sometimes entertain those theories just to fuck around and create what ifs. It's a mere childplay. "Oh what if the school burned today and we all graduated earlier" type of mindset. The odds of it happening are non-existent, but c'mon. Unless you plan to burn the school yourself or you know someone will try, the odds are almost zero.
"but somewhere in the world a school burned—"
Sure, some mangas decide to end things the worst way possible only to cause shock, to fuck with fans, for money, sometimes simply because they don't understand their own stories. Even the big mangas is subjected to that. The author can go bananas for whatever reason and give you a terrible ending.
From my perspective, Horikoshi has rarely lost sight of the story he wants to tell. If he opens a plotline, he takes care to close it later. We got our traitor, we got the resolution with the Todorokis, we got AFO, class 1B, the villain comebacks...
Even when there were moments I knew Horikoshi went a little on the tangent (like Stars and Stripes) he was quick to return to the main issue. In bnha, to get an answer for your question you only have to wait for the manga to explain it— or in some cases, check the spin-off. If the answer is not in bnha itself, it normally is in the Vigilantes manga.
When someone asks me "Hey Shan, do you think that is possible?" the correct answer is always yes, because as long as the story is not over anything can happen. Objectively speaking, yes, it is as possible as anything else. As long as you're alive a lightning strike can hit you. A shark can bite you. An alien can come for you. The odds are there.
Now, is it probable?
No, not much.
Turning Tomura into a child to erase his crimes and resolve Deku's role within the plot is not only the lazy route, but also a disservice to the story. People don't resurrect out of nowhere in bnha. Limbs don't grow again. This is a story where the consequences are permanent. Even saving Mirio had a cost. There are only a few characters that can magically heal and their participation is soo little, it's almost as if they weren't there.
Each story has rules. You don't care about the real life rules or your own law code or whatever; you care about the inner rules of that story.
So far, Horikoshi has taken care of not breaking the inner rules of bnha. Why would he do so now?
Another bnha trait is that it doesn't stay stagnant on a plotline that is interesting yet irrelevant to the main story. It also doesn't hurry the story if it needs to go down a certain path. It will happen on its own time, after the events that need to happen had happened too. Example: saving Tomura has been a whole process. If Horikoshi were to turn Tomura into a child, why would he show all that he has shown us?
That's 'cause Horikoshi is explaining Deku's choice of saving Tomura. I know the trend of separating Tomura from Tenko, but it's absurd. They are one and the same. The kid is the adult and vice versa. You save the kid version, you save the adult one too. In order to save the adult one, you need to save the kid first. And if you went all the way to save that person, why would you want to erase all of it and turn them into a child again?
Isn't the story about how Deku giving little Tenko a chance? Isn't the story about Deku telling others they can do the impossible? Didn't Nighteye say that Deku could change the future and now we see him also changing the past, if only to allow the present to be a little more bearable? Livable?
I'll say this here: the theory that dictates that the heroes will turn the villains into kids to save them and the villains will stay like that has absolutely no foundation within the story.
If it happens, it's bad writing.
Horikoshi uses the kid images as symbolism. It is meant to represent the core of a person. It's the part of them that would never change, the part of them that dictates their dreams and goals, what they hate and love, who they are. It's the most basic of their forms, their essence, their soul if you want to speak on those terms.
Heroes are meant to connect with those parts of a human in order to save them, because the job of a hero is not only saving the body, but the human as a whole. To preserve hope, to heal past wounds and give people a reason to smile. To help people laugh as a kid again, to bring back their wonder and their innocence, to fight the apathy and the cynical part of themselves.
Bnha is fantasy. People have powers. The dead can communicate with the living. Of course that the heroes can talk with the childhood versions of the people to heal their past traumas.
Easy as that.
I can't say for sure if the villains will live or die. I only have my opinion (they'll live), but I am not the author. Horikoshi can have an epiphany tomorrow and kill everyone in the story with a meteor. Idk.
I can only say that Horikoshi has presented a cohesive and coherent writing, one that follows the lines it dictates to their natural conclusion. If things stay like that, there's no need to fear none of the crazy theories circulating the fandom. At the end of the day that's all they are, theories.
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moonshynecybin · 7 months
top taylor swift songs that were actually written about rosquez?
they are many they are myriad they are legion.... no order and non exhaustive ofc
wouldve couldve shouldve. ouegh ough aough aoueg. ouregh. and i damn sure never would've danced with the devil. at nineteen. and the god's honest truth is that the pain was heaven. i mean JESUS CHRIST dude. songs that make me want 20 mins alone in a room with valentino rossi and a baseball bat.
all to well ten min. i think the longer version is inferior generally but adding the lens of a slightly fucked up age gap pushes this up the list. so many insane rosquez details in this one. i was thinkin on the drive down hes gonna say its love you never called it what it was. (hello.) the idea you had of me, who was she? a never-needy, ever-lovely jewel whose shine reflects on you. (HELLO?) charmed my dad with self effacing jokes like youre on a late night show. (HELLO!!!) my friend valentino did that to my buddy marc. i was there i SAW IT. my friend @repsol-ariel made gifs.
i bet you think about me. jussssst the right amount of insufferable for them in the bitter post divorce chaos of it all... truly like. vale you fucked UP dude. i think this plays in marc's head for every championship he wins 2016-2019. when you realized im harder to forget than i was to leave. crazy. bananas. fun to think about if youre nasty... i also love indulging the side of marc that is kind of fucking mad at vale lol. my cuntress... this is why we cant have nice things also fits in this category. its the fun parts of divorce: like spite!
forever and always. you ever think about 2015 and how crazy marc probably felt when he realized his whatsapp thread with valentino post ranch visit was all messages from HIM. like truly before that season he said vale is my friend all is good between us :) then in midseason he says its a different relationship not quite a friend one just absolutely white knuckling it. and all this happened with little public indication of off-track conflict. WHAT HAPPENED. anyways did i say something way too honest that made you run and hide? like a scared little boy??
story of us. a fixture of my imaginings. but you held your pride like you shouldve held me. how did tswift know. what did she see. was there a psychic on her staff. did she perhaps have a prophetic dream of some sort.
haunted. YOU AND EYE WALK A FRAGILE LINE I HAVE KNOWN IT ALL THIS TIME.... CMON CMON DONT LEAVE ME LIKE THISSSSSS i thought I had you figured out... something's gone terribly wrong.... you're all I wanted.... hello. is this thing on. like truly maybe the most rosquez of my rosquez songs. this one is THEMMMM to me. its dramatic its tense its yearning its a little PISSED OFF.
back to december. RECONCILIATION ANTHEM. your tanned skin your sweet smile so good to me so right.... GOD. truly like before they reconcile but after vale has turned the corner. wistful regretfulness!! pride swallowing by someone not used to it!!!
cowboy like me: twin flames!!!! FUKC!!!! IM NEVER GONNA LOVE AGAIN!
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kudouusagi · 8 months
THANK YOU! you seem to be the ONLY person i have seen so far actually see arajin as a genuine character. Like u guys, its only been 5 episodes!! Why are you expecting arajin to have gone through an ENTIRE character arc in only 5 freaking episodes?!! Also yeah, he isnt going to be buddy/buddy with matakara right off the bat. Though indirectly, matakara was the source of his trauma! He avoids him because matakara sees a him that he (ara) genuinely believes doesnt exist. Like??!!! Im so tired of people seeing flawed characters and criticizing them.
You're welcome!? 😳
There's a lot of anime that don't seem to be going anywhere in the first half of a 12 ep arc. Though the creators have been sprinkling things in so there's been some progress. It's obviously going somewhere.
I remember while the first half of the first season of Free was airing nobody knew what was happening either. So idk I'm just here to see where the ride takes me (And Marito.... I love that crazy man)
Matakara is the source of his trauma and he keeps having flashbacks and nightmares about Matakara getting beat up and himself running away. Every time Matakara has said he believes in him we've seen more of the flashback.
On top of that, Utsumi's specialty in every single one of her anime so far has been characters who hate themselves, which doesn't really make people like them.
Free: Haru hated himself for making Rin quit swimming so he quit and sat in his bathtub all day... For years. And Rin hated himself because he wasn't good enough. People didn't really hate on Haru much but omg Rin got so much hate.
Banana fish: I don't think I even need to explain why Ash hates himself... But that's also made people understand why he hates himself and so they don't blame him lol
Sk8: Reki started hating himself in the middle of sk8 and there were so many people who gave up on him during that arc too.
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venelona-turtle-den · 9 months
Now that we're entering into 2024, I'm asking some artists and writers that I follow:
1) What is the one piece you're most proud of from this past year?
2) What are some pieces that you would have liked more people to see? If you can include links, I'd love to go check them out!
3) What were your top three favorite pieces (art, comics, fics, etc) that someone else has made this past year?
(As always, no pressure to respond! Feel free to just ignore, or let me know if you'd rather I not send you these kinds of asks in the future.)
Hello! Thank you so much for asking me! ^^
I'm very proud of the mark swap comic. I love every joke I put in there. Especially eye bananas
I would be happy to see Mikey and Donnie comic getting some more love. It's the hc I like very much and finishing that comic took quite a bit of effort, but didn't result in a lot x) That happens, and it's totally fine, but if you haven't seen it please check it out 💖
3. Oh, it's time to share some LOVE
This piece by @phykoha! All of their desktop Leon art makes me SUPER happy, and was a huge boost for me back when I was still anxious whenever or not I've done good enough job on making Leo :') So I am forever grateful, haha. I picked this one because it makes me laugh the most LOL or should I say cackle evilly
This beautiful comic about Pcpaw and his lil' brothers by @fabsf2 My jaw dropped when I saw it, it's so good and so adorable!! Always happy to see desktop ol' man happy ✨
Cryptid Mikey! Cryptid Mikey! Cryptid Mikey by the beautiful @sheep-turtles-and-pizza 💖💖💖I love all of her art (its so so PRETTY and so so CUTE and so so FUNNY and so so STUNNING), but I am always super excited to see more cryptid Mikey ✨
Happy New Year 💖Let's fill 2024 with more turtles that are also teens and ninjas, or old men with existential crisis, shall we? 🙏✨
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the holidays are always really fucking weird, i dont like many of them but specifically December is just- ew
Anyway ill just thro my mini pitty party real quick:
These song explains how I feel about christmas time *perfectly*
Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas by mother mother (christmas playlist)
From heres basically a trauma dump about being in the hospital, but i typically talk about this in a tone more like "oh yea! i nearly died lmao"
When i was like, just turning 6 I had 💫pneumonia💫 & needed to go to the 💫hospital💫. So I spent like, 12/11-31/15 in the hospital. along the way i had these treats happen (not really in order, 💜=story from family member, ❤=i actually remember this)
💜being diagnosed by my sisters 16 yo boyfriend by looking at my gums, whereas medical staff took 4 days
❤Some mcdonalds, cool auntys banana bread, jello & making popin cookin sets w/ my older sister
💜a 5 day medically induced coma
lung surgery therefor cool fuckin scars on my back (WHICH I CANT FUCKING SHOW ANYONE CAUSE I WAS CURSED W/ TITS AND 2/3 ARE UNDER MY BRA)
💜waking up from said coma periodically only to say "im scared" w/ my mom trying to comfort me but i had ear shit going on
💜Finnaly actually woke up, yelled "IM DEAD", which is reportadly the scariest shit my dad has ever heard, my mom asks if i hurt, i say yes, she like "ur not dead honey" again i was 6 & in & out of a coma 😂 (idk why but I've always found that story funny)
💜my parents being thretened w/ truancy by my dumbass school
❤Christmas, I had *2* mini christmas trees in my hospital room 💅 1 was cool but my cool uncle & aunty got me a pink 1 which I still have to this day as a lamp
💜only trusting 1 of my doctors cause he looked like my grandfather who'd been deceased for 2years at that point
❤💜going on walks around the kids floor in a wheelchair & stealing a little gingerbread beanie baby ornament but they didnt care so they just let me keep it & i still have it somehwere.
💜my mom met a lady who had a son who was a few months old & they didnt expect to live past a couple weeks but he *did* (more on that later)
💜had food in the cafeteria and i proceeded to rub the pizza i got *into my hair*. My response? "Its just cheese" my family and I quote that to this day lmao.
💜being reverted to a toddler for a good minute (someone asked my age i said i was 3, i was not) & needing to relearn walking, talking, the little bit of reading i knew & getting into a shower w/out being scared of being pulled down the drain
❤said dude who asked my age worked at the hospital cafeteria & we visited him after most of my appointments. miss u uncle (that was what he went by), wish u well. Dont know where he since covid cause the part of the building cafeteria was in was torn down.
❤and after all that later and i got releaced on new years eve :>
From there forward i had a 20-30minute nebulizer to do every 4 hours (which my parents had to wake up at like 2am for a half hour for), 2 twice daily inhailers, 2 nasil sprays, "the tire" (tastes like shit and makes me feel anxious) (that isnt even all of it my mom counted 8 meds at one point) and i slowly dropped them year by year till they had me down to just rescue inhailer as needed & if my lungs r really shit for a min i go on the tire. (Tire=prednisolone but what 6 year old is remembering that name lol)
specialist appointments every week, then 2 weeks, then every month, 3 months, 6 months, now im at checkup every year and check in as needed
"Look whos inside again" by bo burnham is my life in a nutshell
To this day the smell of a consentrated area of hand sanatizer just has me stop in my tracks lol.
seeing a picture of tiny me on my parents facebook feed yearly of me unconscious in a hospital bed w/ tubes in mah face
couple of close friend i met post hospital (keep in mind i was like 7) didn't believe me so i ran around the playground cursing them the fuck out (never did get in trouble for that 😂) ((I still talk to 1 of them shes cool))
Idk where to put this but about that kid I was talking about before, I found out last year around this time he had just died- of 💫pneumonia💫. yea that fucked me up for a good minute, he was around 6 too which didn't help, I never even met the kid and I still had a weird form of survivors guilt.
Anyway have a merry fucking christmas i really dont get this holiday lol, treat yourself kindly, feel free to be the grinch you are and explain in detail why u hate the holidays u arent alone lol
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notcatherinemorland · 1 month
health! health! health! would love to have it one day
think i might have um. fucked the health up lol. gone from mild/moderate to moderate/severe. on the ME scale, gone from the 70-60% affected boundary to.. 40%. love this. having fun.
anyway. korma curry is currently too spicy for me. its all all my sensory input is inflamed. lights too loud. sound too sharp. fabric too close. taste too bright. im back on tea, toast & maybe peanut butter banana if im pushing the boat out.
went for a 30 min walk at midday to feel the breeze on my face. crawled up the stairs 10 mins ago. such is life. typing hurts. :(
i have started watching house m.d. though. the man is a bitch and i love him so! much! he's keeping me company :) i could have done without the me/cfs stereotype in the fucking pilot ep, but it was 2004. the NICE guidelines were fucking 2021 or something.
starting a rererereread of the disabled!ess/ek bdsm sgast fic, because i think about the line about staccato footsteps all the time of late.
2/4 essays in. the 2 missing are of the same module. we'll fuckin see what happens. im too tired to breathe at present lol.
goodnight!!!! i am going to read fic about purple elf bitch with crutches until i pass out. could always be worse lol
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trrickytickle · 2 years
Phineas and Ferb tickle headcanons
you guys are feverish, a flushed color from crying out your tickly desires to my askbox or messages and I never echo back like a ghost town tends to. but @tickleu233 says "how about some tickle headcanons from phineas and ferb?" and i come screaming, with the souls of 400 stray banshees. LIKE LMAO IF UVE NEVER SCEEN PHINEAS AND FERB UM
but to all my requesters, (iykiyk) gitchee gitchee goo. srsly. i need to answer all dat grout in my askbox and im procrastinating bc i laughed at some random poast on the tickle tag for a straight min. ok im gonna try my absolute bestest
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pictured, me when your mom
ALSO here's some research I compiled, study up
Phineas Flynn
okay what is the context for this
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ok i feel like he wouldn't have problems or be stubborn or any sort as a lee. he's the bluntest yet most oblivious triangle lmao.
most frequent lees are ferb and candace, AND perry- they're siblings (family) alright and they got tons of bonding moments in the show, lol. esp candace when she gets REALLY high-strung, the boys gang up on her. it makes her W H E E Z E
has no problems with tickling. he WILL go a little too far as a ler tho. he seems like the type of mf to just be oblivious to the plight, and accidentally tease a shit ton. always gets wrecked back for being a little shit
it definetely inspired some of his ideas w/ ferb. maybe they got like 1212903109 tickle machine blueprints. like i can see them both planning to build one to annoy tf out of candace or their lil backyard gang. probbaly with the cartoon hands or some rotary feather blades HAOUUUGH cartoon tickle machines... i LOVE cartoony tickle machines u cant BELIEVE
SEE VIDEO ABOVE- they studied the reflexology of the foot lmao--- maybe that one blip in a montage lasted long real time
gets tickled by candace and ferb as well. prob w/ ferb its more brothery stuff like- rough housing and punch to the head while with candace its like affectionate? iykyk
Ferb Fletcher
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BRI'ISH lmao
usually softspoken- laughs like thomas brodie sangster BC THATS HIS VOICE AND I LOVE TBS HES SO HES SO ok ill stfu
ler, his one line per episode can be reserved for a snarky teasing remark like "it's been one second." or something. definetly really blunt when it comes to tickling, keeps his same expression while his hands move dynamically, maybe.
embarrassed at being a lee specifically for vanessa. who wouldn't? goth gf omg
the most ler out of everyone here, he's literally so ler. Literally have not seen him laugh
buckles down laughing as a lee, usually wheezes a lot
Candace Flynn
me when I
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HAUUUOOUGH that is a LEE. just.
she panics whenever "tickle" is said- probably second-ticklish to Phineas, worst spots are basically everywhere.
such a teasy ler, says stuff like "ooooh, you are SOOO getting it!" or even just straight up says "busted!". FEARED ler in the flynn-fletcher household, even by Perry. the fucking platypus
however that makes people want to get revenge. and revenge they get. super panicky lee, flinchy, leg-kicky, her laugh says it ALL. just- she has canonically been tickled TWICE, will bargain like HELL.
tickles her bf and siblings, verbal teases a shit ton
likes it when jeremy tickles her bc obviously, so it happens often, they switch. OH bless her, shes genuinely the funniest i thought she was annoying
does her little "hehehehe" AAAH
with her unlucky streak always ends up unintentional guinea pig for tickle related inventions.
Agent P
Heinz Doofenshmirtz
he's a platypus, but still. ticklish tummy and sides and stuff bc those are his anthro parts, pretends not to react in his disguise- but his "krkrkrkr" noise gets more high pitched and squeaky.
doof had to restart his monologue about some sort of bacckstory on why he made some random like banana-inator or something while he was being tickled lol
also under his tail and back.
once a tickling trap has managed to subdue him, but managed to get out. he's BAD fucking ASS guys i used to be obsessed with perry bc just- yes
laughter just sounds like the little perry sound ITS A CUTE SOUND
is also a canon ler. LIKE his little fingers omg
maybe his evil clone from the movies used tickles :> LIKE the dystopia setting that was so funny i loved it, i remember the hologram of major monogram showering
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canon lee. take this knowledge as you will
either touch starved or absolutely tickle repulsed. perry canonically used it against him in combat
got tickled by norm before he programmed that out of him. some of the 'inators have turned on him. SPEAKING of that, great evil ler for sorta goofy hostage situations and interrogations. OWCA agent hostage situation, yk
invited perry over to work on his "evil laugh" or something would happen in the show and yk what else would happen.. maybe a tk fight
used to tickle vanessa a lot, she H A T E D it.
makes a bunch of stupid descisions that ends in him getting wrecked lol
Vanessa Doofenshmirtz
Reserved as fuck. refuses to crack, uses her stern voice through laughter, then breaks out into "KGH- HAHAHA-" sort of restrained laughter.
definetly had tickle-inators thrown at her as a halfhearted way to cheer this emo up by doofenshmirtz. i love doof hes funny lol
when she was friends w/ candace iirc, they probably had tk fights bc no matter how weirdly shaped they are, these are tickle headcanons, you can imagine them as regular human shaped lol
this is what procrastination does to a mf but it was fun so it's ok I got to listen to the SONGSSSS THEY SLAP
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beetlebumeffect · 3 months
hi everyone
i might be writing this for no one to read, and it’s for no one in particular, just gonna share some things
i’ve had this tumblr for at least 6 years and it’s been an on and off relationship, mainly cause I don’t use tumblr anymore, but also because i’ve been up and down in terms of my eating habits.
life has been better since my last food rant 3 years ago. i have gained more weight, 14 kg more from my last weight in here to be exact. i’ve also gained love, a job where im appreciated, some friends that support me and love me, my own independence (i live alone now!) and my own freedom. while all of this was happening I stopped worrying about what I looked like, I actually learned to find beauty in the way I looked. when you have people around you telling you you’re beautiful all the time you start to believe it.
recently I haven’t felt so beautiful tho. i’ve felt the weight (no pun intended) of all these years in the way I looked. i’ve had some instances where i was reminded how bigger i actually got and I won’t lie, I fell into bad habits of starving to maybe, somehow, fall back into the same pattern. this did not work. i’m not the same person I was when I was at my lowest weight, because I was at my lowest emotionally too. I was 16 and depressed. I always had problems with food, unrelated to weight, so that point was just what broke the camels back. i’m 24 years old now. i’m an adult. I have a job, a boyfriend, a friend group. I have an actual life. I don’t want to spend it starving anymore.
thats why I decided to do things the right way. I’ve been having two meals a day, eating below 1000 calories daily. I eat everything I like just in smaller quantities, or replace things i used to love for things that are healthier but give me the feeling of still enjoying what i like. i’ve also been more active. i work from home so big portion of the weight i gained was from eating poorly and not moving at all during the week. so i’ve bought a bike that i use everyday and i take walks every week, at least 2/3 times a week. i started about 3 weeks ago. so far I lost 2,5 kg. i’m working towards losing 28 by the end of the year but there’s no rush. i wanted to change my habits rather than just feel like im on a diet everyday. i’m trying to heal my concept of food, my relationship with it. it’s hard sometimes when i just want to have more or just want to eat something that i know is full of calories. but i work around it. learning to eat mindfully and not because i Want to eat is what’s been helping a lot. I’m also fasting for about 18 hours a day. I have an eating window of 6 hours but I don’t eat snacks or breakfast. it’s been working well so far, but if im hungry after a meal I’ll definitely have a banana or something lol, even if its considered a snack. i’m trying to not be too strict with myself, still making calorie efficient choices but not punishing myself if i have a bit of cake at a birthday party. its hard for me, but im getting there.
anyway this turned out to be a big ramble, i guess what i want to share in here and the reason why i wanted to post it is because sometimes all you need is one person to love you right, to love you the way you deserve. someone to change your perspective on you, to show you how great you are and that you’re more than what your head tells you. i wish and pray for everyone to find that person, whoever it is, a friend, a lover, a family member. we all deserve that love and connection, it is healing, freeing.
i will try i to come in here from time to time and update or try and keep this semi active. I like having a place where im no one and i can just share my thoughts freely.
if someone actually read all of this, thank you! i hope you wish me luck on my journey and I wish you all the best on yours, wherever you are in it.
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sumire-no-nikki · 1 year
September Finally
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August is over. What a relief. August is a restless month. The sunshine has lost its novelty, the weather is no longer appreciated and we’re all caught in the in between. The summer bounty has started to spoil. The desire for something new has become more urgent, and it’s all starting to feel like there’s nothing that can be done but let time pass. I think that might be the worst part of it—the passivity. August demands endurance. September provides release.
As I’m typing this, the sky murky, gray with rain filled clouds. A sign of a promising weekend and a refreshing month to come.
What have I been up to this month? I’m flipping through my planner and wow, I have been busy! Most notable thing accomplished is finalising my schedule for the rest of the year, which is very exciting, because now that everything is decided all that’s left to do is wait for them to happen. I can’t wait!!
I am also happy to announce I am out of my reading funk!! I read a couple of books this past month—all outside my comfort zone (plus points for that!) I tend to favor literary fiction, historical fiction and mystery novels, but this month I exclusively read YA fantasy. I have a handful of YA/fantasy books because once upon a time I thought I was falling in love with this girl who liked the genre. Pulling my signature “I-Will-Read-What-You-Like-To-Read-Because-I-Love-You” move™️ I bought these books, eager to get to know this girl’s world. But without going too deep into it for now, I very fortunately realized that relationship wasn’t going to work at all and all I have left of that time are these books that are totally outside of my usual taste. Ah, silly me.
Books read this month:
We Were Liars - E. Lockhart
The Impossible Girl - Lydia Kang (okay this is historical fantasy… so it’s only partially out of my comfort zone lol)
Sky in the Deep - Adrienne Young
Vicious - V.E. Schwab
All these reads got a 3+ out of 5 rating by the way. They’re all solid but I also don’t feel a sense of attachment to any of them so I ended up giving them away. I’m glad I read them but it is also a relief to have tidied up my collection a little bit.
Now, what shall I name my Snow Queen pothos babies? They were sitting in a propagation jar for ages and I finally potted them. The mama plant had some root rot issues so I had to save it by chopping it up. When it gets fuller, I’m going to chop it some more and maybe finally make my pothos medley dream come true. I have five different kinds of pothos in my plant family and I really want to experiment and combine them in one pot.
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Speaking of plants, I have to trim the dining room plants for the fourth time this year. They’re growing out of control. I’m going to do that later today while listening to some podcasts.
Oh! Yes, podcasts! I come to you with a recommendation. My usual podcasts are True Crime (yes, I am one of those people I’m afraid), scary stories, history and politics. This one is a Sci-Fi fiction podcast (so I’ve continued the theme of staying outside my comfort zone in August it seems). Anyway, I got an ad for a Spotify Podcast called Case 63 a couple of days ago while listening to Disappeances by Sarah Turney (another good podcast). The ad was compelling enough to get me to check it out and I’m so happy I did. It’s a really short 10-episode story about a time traveler trying to prevent the end of the world. How original! (I am being sarcastic lol). But seriously, it actually got me pacing my kitchen while nervously chewing on a banana. It’s pretty good. I’m not into Sci-Fi at all. I’ve probably interacted with like, four different Sci-Fi media in my entire life but this one was an excellent listen. I’m interested in listening to more similar podcasts. I’ll remember to find more this month.
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I also bought a new iPad Pro and the matching Magic Keyboard in August. I upgraded from an 11-inch to a 12.9-inch model and the difference is great, especially when I have the split screen setup going on. And the Magic Keyboard is definitely better than the Apple Keyboard Folio I had. It comes with a trackpad so it’s basically a MacBook with a touch screen. I was going to upgrade my MacBook too but they didn’t have the one I wanted and it isn’t urgent, so I just stuck with these two purchases. I’m very content. I put an autumn themed wallpaper on the new iPad (can you feel my intense yearning for autumn???) and I’ve just been setting it up little by little.
This entry’s music highlight is from a band called Half Moon Run from Canada (insert Louise Belcher “enough with Canada!!” GIF here lol) and I may or may not see them live soon. It depends on my schedule. This song is the first track from their newest album which is fucking incredible. Somehow when I listen to the album I feel like I’m back in 2013? Yet at the same time this album feels a lot more up to date than their older works. I don’t know how to explain it. I think it’s the vocalist’s voice. It’s very… 2010s emo/punk/indie sounding. When the chorus of this song rolls in I can’t help but bop my head and sing along especially when he goes “… that weight you carry with yaaaa!!” I love it.
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Alright. That’s it for now. I leave you with my orange boy tickling the ivories and knocking all my sheet music off the music rack because, you know, orange cat behaviour. And of course my eldest boy is being the mellow gentleman that he is, just lounging in his “penthouse apartment” (because it’s at the top of their cat tree lol).
Smell you later!
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