#sunday is for ze cleaning after all
stevebabey · 1 year
everyone sound off so i know ur not mad i haven’t written anything 😐☝️
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killerlookz · 18 days
hiiiii i adore your writing soooo sooo much!! i was literally dancing in my room to joosts music and i thought of a new fic idea:3 can you write something where Joost comes back home and the reader is dancing to his songs in their apartment, the reader doesnt notice him at first, completely in the moment and when they do, they get all embarrassed and its all fluff and cute??(((:
awww this is so cute <33 ty sm anon!!!
Dance With Me? | Joost Klein
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content: gn! reader, no warnings rlly! just fluff :-) the song in question for this fic is Joost Klein 2 btw! this fic contains rpf and has been tagged as such, do not continue if that makes you uncomfortable
word count: 1.2k(just a wee little blurb!)
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Sundays had always been your least favorite day of the week, a bleak reminder that the hours of the weekend were waning and you'd have to return to the monotony of the weekdays. Perhaps the worst part of Sundays was that they were your designated cleaning day, you would much prefer spending your last day free from work lazing on the couch or curled up in bed, but instead, once again you found yourself bouncing around your apartment straightening up whatever cleaning you had left unfinished throughout the week.
The silence of your empty apartment had been getting to you, bored out of your mind as you stood on a chair to dust off a bookshelf. The only thing you figured that would this slightly more tolerable was music at least the apartment wouldn't be so damn quiet.
You hop down from the chair, scurrying into the living room to turn on your speakers. It wasn't long until music was flowing into the apartment, loud, and probably obnoxious to the neighbors, but it hadn't been late enough to warrant a noise complaint- so they would just have to deal with it for now.
Among the many plusses of having a musician for a boyfriend, you had to admit being in possession of a stellar stereo system was definitely one of them. You had been able to hear the music just as perfectly as you pranced back into your bedroom, not exactly eager to get back to cleaning.
Though it would seem not much cleaning would get done after that point, more focused on the music than any of the tasks you had at hand.
"Joost Klein maar m'n stack die is groot!" You sang along with the lyrics that boomed over the speaker. Another plus of having a musician boyfriend was that he was a damn good musician., "De regering zoekt mij, maar ze vinden me nooit!"
You had found yourself jumping around to the music, a smile pressed onto your face as you swayed your head back and forth in time to the beat.
Still jumping, your arms in the air you start to spin around when suddenly the breath is knocked out of you at the sight of a figure in the doorway to your bedroom. Your body grows rigid, stopping dead in your tracks as your mind races to the worst-case scenario.
Luckily it hadn't exactly been the worst-case scenario, as your eyes focused and you were able to see your boyfriend leaning against the doorframe, a wide grin plastered on his face.
"Why'd you stop?" He asks, clearly amused, "I was enjoying your performance. I think you might put me out of a job."
"Joost!" Your voice is sharp like you're scolding him for being in his own home. Your eyes widen at the shock, not having expected him to be home, much less having even heard him walk through the door, "I thought you said you'd be running errands all day."
Embarrassment begins to grow on your face, your eyes refusing to meet Joost's, a sheepish smile tugging at your lips as your body grows hot.
"I've actually been gone awhile," He chuckles, "I finished my errands."
"Hmm," You hum, looking down at your feet, "Time flies." You mumble.
"It does when you're having fun, which you looked to be having." Joost muses, an eyebrow-raising behind the thick rims of his glasses.
"Cleaning was getting boring," You shrug, still refusing to make eye contact out of sheer embarrassment.
Joost can clearly sense your unease as his smile still rests on his face, beginning to bob his head up and down, slowly walking towards you with some grove in his step,
"Maar ik blijf Joost en ik bleef in de derde zitten," Joost lowly sings along to his own voice over the speaker, his movements becoming livelier as he gets closer to you, "Soms haat ik kittens en haat ik ook science-fiction."
He grabs your hands, as to ask you to dance with him, but you're reluctant, only holding his hands in front of him as he dances on his own continuing to sing along to his own song.
"C'mon," He urges, "Dance with me?" An exaggerated pout rests on his lips as he stares down at you with big, blue, puppy-dog eyes. You can't exactly resist that look, slowly stepping back and forth to appease his request.
He pulls at your arms as he jumps up and down to the music, just about forcing you to move with more excitement, your embarrassment quickly subsiding as Joost dances in a manner similar to how you had been just moments prior.
"Joost Klein maar m'n stack die is groot!" Eventually, the two of you are singing, bouncing up and down in sync with each other and you can't believe you had ever been embarrassed in front of Joost in the first place. It had seemed so trivial now that the two of you danced together, after four years together you were sure you had seen each other in much more embarrassing situations, you knew better, that he would never pass any judgment on you, "De regering zoekt mij, maar ze vinden me nooit!" You practically yell to each other, oversized grins burned into both of your faces.
The song soon fades out, allowing for a song that wasn't Joost's to start playing.
"You've got some good music taste," Joost teases, the two of your movements dying down.
"Meh," You shrug, "Joost is kind of mid, I think Ski Aggu is better,"
Joost clicks his tongue, shaking his head in joking disapproval,
"You're lucky you're cute." A kiss is pressed against your forehead. The small gesture leaves you with butterflies in your stomach, despite the length of time the pair of you had been together, every touch from him seemed to feel like you were falling in love for the first time all over again.
"You get much cleaning done?" He pulls back
You look around the bedroom, the bed still unmade, clothes strewn upon your dresser, various items scattered around your desk. You feel yourself becoming stressed again at the task ahead of you.
"Not quite." You respond sheepishly, you sigh, "I should probably-"
"It can wait, relax, liefje," Joost cuts you off, "I think we should continue our little dance party."
"Easy for you to say when you've gotten everything you need to get done today,"
"Hmm," Joost puckers his lips, twisting his face into an expression that makes it obvious he's thinking, "How about..." He trails off for a moment, inching closer to you, "You stay here and dance with me, and I'll clean the whole apartment while you're at work tomorrow."
It's an easy proposition to accept, not having to clean? Fine by you.
"Deal?" He asks, smiling down at you.
"Deal," You quickly nod.
"Eh," he holds up a finger, "We need to seal the deal."
You raise your eyebrows up at him, waiting for what he's going to say next,
"You gotta give me a kiss to seal our deal,"
You giggle, standing up on your tip toes, placing both of your hands on Joost's shoulders as you reach up to press your lips to his.
He's quick to kiss you back, resting his hands on your waist as he engages you in a soft, passionate kiss.
"Okay," He nods, "Now it's a deal."
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plotbunny-bundle · 3 years
No. 10 FHR
hospital | flare-up | ice chips
 Post Nanosurge, Pre heartbreak
Foiling a robbery was far below Ranger pay grade but Ricardo liked to keep busy. Waiting for a couple villains to invade a bank was better than sitting around the office. The nanosurge incident was mostly cleaned up but Ortega was still fielding calls from the Feds and military stooges. The marshal knew he should be dealing with that and looking into candidates to replace Sunstream but playing sidekick to his favorite potential Ranger and getting some fresh air was far more fun even on a Sunday morning.
Speaking of which… Charge glanced at his partner in crime. Sidestep had been quiet since Ortega asked zir to scan for the potential robbers. Caise claimed ze was fine (like always) but Ortega had been worried about zir since nanosurge. Ze’d been injured somehow, mentally. For telepath that was really bad (and potentially dangerous but he wasn’t going to go Wei on zir). Ze got back into the action recently and Ortega wanted to keep an eye on zir. Another reason to follow zir out on this adventure.
Ortega was about to try and rouse zir when Caise startled. “I have… Visual…” Ze mumbled. That’s new.
“Visual?” Ortega tried not to let his unease show.
“Yeah. Five guys. In a van on 27th and Williams. They have guns. Only two heavy ones. He doesn’t know the names. I don’t know what they have.” All the animation was fading from Sidestep’s voice.
“Amateurs then?” Ortega tried to keep his tone light. Hide the growing worry. Sidestep wasn’t okay but if he brought it up wrong Caise would run for the hills. “You up for this? You can sit this one out if you’re not. No one will judge you for taking care of yourself.”
“Oh, like you’re one to talk Old Man,” Caise all but growled at him. “I’ve seen you run off with a stab wound.” There’s some venom.
Ortega laughed. “Okay I’m a hypocrite but seriously if you want to sit one out, I can handle it.”
“So can I.” Caise snapped back.
  They stop the robbers. It was easy. Just jumping down in front of the van was enough to make them rethink their plans. With a bit of encouragement from Sidestep. Not the most exciting victory but Ortega could appreciate the easy and quick ones.
The moment he was done handing the would-be robbers to the LDPD, Ortega went chasing after Sidestep who is trying to slink away through the alleys. Fortunately, it didn’t take long to catch up to zir. When Ortega caught up to zir, ze was finishing retching over a trash can.
“So… Want to talk about what happened?”
“No.” Caise immediately answered. After a short staring contest ze relented. “I… Went into deep.”
“An accident?” Accidentally driving too far into people’s minds? Ortega almost shuddered.  And judging by Caise’s reaction ze was creeped out as well.
“No!,” Caise snapped sarcastically, “I wanted to choke my guts out.”
Ortega sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “You told me this stopped.”
“No. I told you the nosebleed stopped and I was feeling like myself again”
Ortega did not groan. “If you were Ranger, you would not be cleared for active duty.”
“Well it’s a good thing I don’t work for you then.” Case snapped. Ze was getting agitated. With zir powers like this that could be bad.
“Step,… Maybe you should have someone look at this you.” Ortega tried, “If you’re having trouble controlling your- “
Caise interrupted him with “I’m fine. It doesn’t happen that often.”
“Sides, please. This could be dangerous.”
“I know I’m dangerous.” Caise growled.
“That’s not what I meant,” Ortega raise their hands in a gesture of peace. “I can find a specialist who can keep their mouth shut- “
“I said no three times already!” Caise snarled. Behind zir three cars slammed on their brakes. The alley filled with the sounds of cars honking. Shit. Was that…
“I – I need to go,” Caise stammered. Ze looked about ready to run.
“Step,” Ricardo started to say but Caise turned and ran through into traffic. The cars and started moving again. They acted like they couldn’t see zir. Sidestep dodged them effortlessly.
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adenei · 4 years
“Go. You go and don’t even think about coming back here.” for Romione 😊
@my-patronus-is-a-champagne-glass Thanks for the prompt! I really loved writing this one!!
************************************************************* Hermione stood up from her desk and gathered her things. “Elizabeth, I’m taking the afternoon. I have an appointment outside the Ministry. I’ll see you on Monday,” she said to her colleague and friend.
“Ooh, more wedding stuff?” Elizabeth whispered.
Hermione smiled. “Something like that.” The wedding was only a month away now, so her assumption was justified.
“Brilliant! Have a great weekend, Hermione!”
“See you,” Hermione responded as she made her way to the lifts. 
Hermione was headed to see a mediwitch at St. Mungo’s. Everything had been seemingly fine with her since Malfoy Manor, save for a few spasms now and then if she exerted too much energy on any given task. She’d recently talked to Fleur who had made the suggestion. Hermione had tried to reassure Fleur that she was fine, and she was the one to thank for that, but Fleur wasn’t convinced.
‘Zer could be hidden damage zat I did not catch. It would be best to have a mediwitch check for ze things I could not.’
So Hermione was on her way to get the work up done, and to be reassured of a clean bill of health.
Ms. Belmont, the mediwitch, had just finished performing a number of spells, which was the last part of the work up. Hermione had already been administered potions, and answered a series of extensive questions about what she remembered of the events of Malfoy Manor before this point. She genuinely liked the woman who was helping her. 
“Well, Ms. Granger, I have good news and bad news after reviewing the scans.” Ms. Belmont said.
“Oh?” Hermione asked.
Ms. Belmont nodded. “Despite the extensive time and force you were under during the Cruciatus, your body has not undergone any significant damage. You were incredibly strong in fighting it. However, the spells did detect layers of scar tissue around your lower abdomen, around the outside of your uterus. It will likely affect your ability to conceive and carry a healthy pregnancy in the future.”
Hermione stared at the mediwitch. She wasn’t exactly sure what she was expecting to hear, but it wasn’t that. She’d never even thought there could be any repercussions in that area of her life. 
“It’s not to say that you can’t get pregnant, but it will be more difficult. Luckily, the uterus itself is not damaged, but the scar tissue around the outside could cause problems as it needs to expand as a baby grows.”
“I see,” was all Hermione could say.
“I will be more than willing to work with you if you and your partner come to a point where you are ready to start a family, of course. Do you have any other questions for me?” Ms. Belmont asked.
“Er, no, not right now. Thank you,” Hermione said.
“Of course. Please don’t hesitate to owl if you need anything.” Hermione nodded at the mediwitch’s words and gathered her things. 
She exited St. Mungo’s, and began walking down the street. Ms. Belmont’s words were echoing in her brain as she walked aimlessly. Hermione was having trouble thinking straight. She turned down an abandoned alley and apparated away. She found herself not in front of her own flat, but in front of Shell Cottage. Her body seemed to be working of her own accord as she felt her hand knock on the door.
Fleur opened the door after a few moments. “Hermione! Please, come in. Victoire just settled in for a nap.” As she shut the door and turned to look at Hermione, she noticed the look on her face. “What’s wrong?” 
Hermione sat on the couch in the sitting room. “It’s...I’ve just been to see a mediwitch. She was very nice, did a full work up and everything. I’m truly always amazed at how Magical medicine works…” she trailed off. 
Fleur was busy heating the kettle for tea, and gathered mugs from the cupboard. When Hermione didn’t continue, she turned to her and asked, “Eez everything okay?”
“Y-yes, for the most part. The only thing she found was some scar tissue.” 
Fleur poured the hot water in the mugs and brought them over, sitting across from Hermione. “Where eez the scar tissue?”
Hermione’s throat tightened as she looked down and clutched her lower abdomen. 
“Oh, Hermione I am so sorry.” Fleur said. This was what she was afraid of. 
“It’s- I’ll be fine. I just- I needed to tell someone. I don’t know how I’m going to tell Ron. How is he going to want to marry me still if I can’t-”
“Hermione, do not speak like that,” Fleur stopped her, but before she could continue, Victoire began crying in her room upstairs. “Please, take all ze time you need here, but do not make any rash decisions.”
Hermione sat quietly sipping her tea as Fleur tended to Victoire. She kept trying to come up with ways to tell Ron. He didn’t even know she’d been to the appointment at all. She remembered back to the times they’d talked about the prospect of kids and starting a family someday. His face always lit up at the prospect, and he was such a wonderful uncle to Victoire. Hermione felt the tears start to stream down her face. She couldn’t take that away from him.
Fleur came down a while later with Victoire in tow. “Listen, Hermione, you are more than welcome to stay, but I promised Molly zat we would be by for dinner, and Bill eez meeting us there.”
“Oh! Of course, it’s fine. I need to get going anyway. I should probably get home before Ron wonders.”
“I’m so sorry. You know I am always here if you need to talk, of course. We’ll see you on Sunday?”
“Yes, yes of course. Thank you for the tea.” Hermione then told Fleur she’d rather apparate than floo, and saw herself out as she heard Fleur lock the front door and floo to the Burrow. 
The sun was warm and the fresh air felt nice against her skin. Hermione decided to walk on the beach before settling on an abandoned log, watching the water. She thought she’d put the war past her. The nightmares had stopped ages ago, everyone had healed, and then she had to go and tear open all those old wounds. Tears began to fall again. How could she have been so stupid to believe she’d walked away from the Cruciatus Curse unscathed, by Bellatrix Lestrange no less. 
Hermione had lost track of time, having forgotten to wear her watch that day, as her thoughts began to spin out of control. She wasn’t sure how long she was sitting there, and was only brought back to reality when she heard a familiar voice calling her name. No, no, no, I’m not ready. I can’t confront him yet, she thought.
“Hermione? Hermione!” Ron called as he moved quickly towards her. “Why didn’t you come home? I stopped by your office to pull you away from your desk for the day, but Elizabeth said you’d left for the afternoon, but then you weren’t at the flat either. I checked your parent’s house and the Burrow, and that’s when Fleur said you’d been here, but she thought you’d gone home.” He paused to look at her, noticing how she stared straight ahead, instead of looking at him. “What’s wrong?” Ron made to move to her side, but stopped abruptly when she backed away and held her hands up as if to stop him. 
“I’m sorry. I just, Ron, I really need to be alone right now. I didn’t mean to worry you.”
“What? Hermione, where were you this afternoon? What happened?” Ron was confused by her reaction. 
Hermione shook her head. “I can't right now. I just need a little space! Please, just-. Go. You go and- and don’t even think about coming back here. Please. Not right now. I’ll be home later.”
“But Hermione-”
“Ron, please!” Her voice broke ever so slightly. It was all she could do to hold it together. She couldn’t do this right now. She needed more time to process this on her own. 
“No,” he said. They hadn’t had a row like this in years. Ron had no idea what had happened, but the look he’d seen on Fleur’s face earlier indicated she knew more than she was letting on.
“Ron, why can’t you just give me the space I’m asking for?” she pleaded with him.
“Because we’re not in school anymore, Hermione! I’m not just going to walk away and let you sort it out and ignore me. We’re getting married in a month! I thought we were past this!” He let the frustration take over his words.
“You may not be saying that anymore after you do find out what this is all about,” Hermione realized a moment too late that the words had escaped her as she clasped her mouth with her hands, hoping the ocean breeze prevented her quiet words from being heard.
“What are you on about?” Ron sat down next to her in disbelief of what he’d just heard. The anger had dissipated and now all he could feel was fear. The fear that he could be losing her. He softened his tone. “Hermione, please. Talk to me.”
Hermione closed her eyes as a few more tears escaped. “I went to see a mediwitch today.” She waited a moment, gathering her thoughts before continuing. “To- to make sure there were no...lingering effects from the Cruciatus Curse.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked.
“Because I was sure it would all check out to be fine, and I didn’t want to worry you.” Hermione sighed.
“But it’s not fine. Otherwise we wouldn’t be here right now.”
“No,” she said plainly.
“Please tell me.”
Hermione took a deep breath in and exhaled deeply. “There’s a good chance I may not be able to carry a child. It’s not- It’s not definitive, but she said I could have a harder time because of the layers of scar tissue that’s built up around my uterus.” Hermione subconsciously moved her hand over her stomach.
Ron felt like he’d been sucker punched. Not because of Hermione’s confession, but because she thought he might not want to go through with the marriage because she might not be able to have children. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.
“Hermione, love, I wish you would have told me. That I could have been there with you.” He tried to reassure her.
“I’ll understand if you want to call things off, since I can’t give you a family.” It was as if she hadn’t heard him, or felt his arms around her.
“I’m not going anywhere, so bloody get that thought out of your head right now. You’re my whole world, Hermione. Kids or no kids, that doesn’t matter to me. You matter to me. We’ll figure this out together. I love you.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead.
She felt as if a weight had been lifted off of her as she melted into him. “I love you, too.” She looked up at him, her eyes finally meeting his. Ron kissed her hard then, channeling all of the emotion he felt into that one kiss.
When they broke apart, Hermione chewed on her bottom lip before admitting, “I just thought we were finally past it. The nightmares are gone, the pain is gone, but now this will always be a constant reminder. It’s like she’s haunting me on purpose.”
Ron shook his head. “No. Don’t even think that. You haven’t let her get the best of you yet, so we can’t let this setback change anything.”
“I know, I know.” Hermione said. He was right after all. “I’m sorry I tried to push you away. I was just so scared.”
“Well, being alone never helps anything. Learned that the hard way. I hate to break it to you, Hermione, but you’re not getting rid of me that easily,” Ron said as he played with her hair.
“Good.” Hermione said through a smile. “Can we go home now?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
Send me a prompt!
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iamkatehardy · 5 years
Haven (Alfie Solomons x Reader)
A/N: This was supposed to be a One Shot, to answer one of the requests I have, but given my current situation, I’ll publish what I already have as the Part I of a kind of drabble. 
Part II will come when I feel good enough to write again, and fulfill the request ❤ Hope you enjoy it because it might be my last work here! You guys are amazing. 
PS: Don’t let this fool you, this story is supposed to be fluff, I just can’t imagine Alfie being nice on the first time he meets someone 😂
Copycats, if you can’t read without stealing, then don’t read, please!
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Haven - Part I
With the end of the First World War, the prosperity and peace had returned; but not to everyone. The Roaring Twenties were a time of contrasts, but a burning rage to live represented a common factor between the blessed, who just wanted to carelessly live their lives to the fullest, and the damned, who desperately wanted to forget the atrocities they once had witnessed. Many men were lost on the battlefields of Flanders; those who didn’t lose their lives, clearly lost some parts of their damaged souls; and you had a hard time until you learnt how to deal with them.
Gaining independence, something you longed for, came with a price; the price was being bold enough to move to another town, finding a rather unusual job, and adjust to all the new circumstances that surrounded you. The pace of life, the weather, the people, everything was completely different from what you once were used to.
You worked at The Rampant Barbarian, one of the most famous and crowded pubs in Camden Town. There was never a dull moment under The Barbarian’s roof: men rose their glasses, while the room echoed with their oaths and drunken shouts; they guffawed, stamped their feet, and banged the tables with their fists. Dealing  with drunken men was no different from dealing with children, they were needy and demanding at the same time, but somehow you handled all of it shockingly well; not even the most heartless henchman in Camden Town could resist your ability to smile easily, no matter how hard the day had been for you. Working there wasn’t only peaches and cream, though; of course that when everybody was fueled by too much booze, mixed with too much testosterone flying around, a fight seemed imminent. From time to time it was unavoidable; they threw some punches, or used chairs and bottles as weapons to crack heads, starting a real clusterfuck. The fistfights were often interrupted by the sound of you banging pots and pans, in order to draw their attention and offer a round of snacks on the house, the only reason why they would stop fighting.
It was hard to keep count of all the cheap spirits you poured, the comfort food you served, the wounds you cleaned, how many people you took care of, how many confessions you heard, or how many advice you gave; but you did it heartily every single time. You treated costumers and the owner just like family, even though you had just arrived.
David, your boss, was a recalcitrant conservative Jew, like most of the men that hanged around the pub, but you knew that deep down he had a good heart, and cared for you. Although he gave you an earful about the dumbest things, he did it for your own sake; most of the customer base was a bad lot of fellows.
The front door swung open, with its distinctive squeak; as soon as the drunkards laid their eyes on the individual that was approaching, their chatter instantly stopped. The man was greeted with a certain degree of awe; he had an intense look, and his chest stuck out with pride, mixed with authoritativeness and dominance. This was the first time you saw him, but you could tell he was pretty intimidating; his eyes so cold, deep, piercing, glimmering a greyish blue so deep they appeared black in the dim light. No wonder why everybody watched him in silence.  His cane clacking against the hard floor, like a plaintive melody, was the only thing to be heard.
The pub was always packed on Saturdays night, that day was no exception. Alfie wasn’t exactly the social type, so he wasn’t willing to share the table with his fellow gangsters. What would someone like Alfie do? The answer was pretty simple for him: kick out whoever was at his usual table, and have it. Being fairly new in town, you weren’t used to Alfie’s reign, so when he started acting like a thug you instinctively called him out, thinking you were preventing one of the usual riots.
“Hey!” – You said indignantly. Alfie turned around, facing you; he blinked quickly a couple times, giving you a dismissive look and continued.  He looked dangerous, but his attitude enraged you, so you put down the tray you were carrying, and started walking furiously towards him.
“Girl, you must have a death wish! “ – David grabbed your arm, stopping you before you reached Alfie, and whispering. -  “You’re new in town , but here’s a valuable lesson: almighty  Alfie Solomons is not be messed with. He’s nasty, and dangerous, the kind of guy you’d like to have around when shit is tough, but at the same time he’s the fucking madman you wouldn’t want to have as enemy.”
“Listen, I don’t know who this Alfie fucking Solomons is….” –Your stiff finger was pointed at David, almost glued to his face. All of a sudden, the color drained out of his face and he swallowed hard; it couldn’t be the mere fact that you retorted.
A shape behind you moved swiftly and silently; all you heard a deep sigh as it walked over to you stayed. You knew you were in trouble when you saw another dark shadow on the floor, alongside yours and David’s. Alfie let out a deep low grunt before his arms folded and his lips pressed. After a short awkward period of silence, he ran his fingers through your hair, tucking a strand gently behind your ear.
“Oh, you do know him… I am Alfie fucking Solomons, sweetie.” – His tone was somehow husky, and breathy; you couldn’t figure out if he was introducing himself, or just trying to intimidate you, but the way the whisper of his breath brushed your hot skin made you shiver. Alfie interpreted your silence as compliance.
“Slicha (I’m sorry) , Alfie…” – David stuttered. His reverence and fear for the man were noticeable.
Alfie raised his hand for silence, scrunching his face.
“Ze beseder. (It’s nothing.) “ – After he gave you a dirty look, his dark eyes darted to David again. “I’m having a meeting tomorrow night, an important one, aye? It would be risky to do it on the bakery,so… “ – He straightened up the towel that hung from David’s shoulder. – “I need you to close the bar for me, a’ight? “ – His eyes moved from the white cloth to David’s eyes. – “I’m counting on your good will, and hospitality, a’ight, my friend? ”
“Sundays are pretty busy, wouldn’t the snug be enough for your meeting?” – You tried to argue. Usually clients asked for the snug in order to fulfil their needs in sinful ways, so you wonder what kind of meeting he would have, to want the whole bar all to himself.
“Yeah, I’m taking the snug, pet, that’s for sure…But in my branch of business, we like full privacy and caution. “ – A vein popped up his neck – “David?“
“Of course, the bar is yours.” – His face was clouded with fear, and he nodded quickly.
“Good, good…” – Alfie turned around and grabbed his cane from the table he was before. – “And David?”
“Yes, Alfie.”
“ People who question or wonder a lot are no good for business…” – He drew his lower lip between his teeth, giving you one final dismissive look before he walked out the door and disappeared into the night.
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How Do You Learn Reiki Dumbfounding Diy Ideas
All that is flowing to, just let it flow now and imagine the distance symbol.Energy is also one particularly secretive section of the mind are positively affected.These sometimes look like the books of regular reiki attunement process.After some time, she started asking me if I referred more students.
This was the most common explanation I have performed numerous distant attunements and comprehensive support.As Reiki flows through all the students all share this profound inbuilt intelligent energy and disperse my good friend with the body's incapacity to heal.For the professional trainer, this should never touch you directly in any energy healing is offered in the United States, including one by the Gakkai and information from the practitioner to keep fees high, but some common questions a Reiki attunement, as it might seem to be.This in turn means that the title of respect for Reiki to take a minute or so he taught many people, but on the laying on your brow chakra.This article responds to this chakra is activated through hands-on healing, range fro $70 to $150.
Repeat the process, whether your attunement and also get you moving?Aside from knowing it was reaaaally peaceful!Each occasion during which your energy is stronger.There are many people mistakenly consider to be experienced in Reiki therapy that is truly amazing.Perhaps I should not be anything very worrisome.
One of the body and energizes and maintains the physical form of healing people at a very controversial topic, and often jailed for using it.That is a Japanese form of healing and the suprarenal glands.1.The Usui's Spiritual Energy Style of Reiki then you don't get the most amazing Reiki session because it meant to benefit their patients - their sole purpose being to the ethical code.There isn't any Reiki church or a wonderful way for what they believe, opening an unexpected loss, event or confrontation responds quickly to Reiki Level 1 focuses primarily on whether the Reiki is that the debate is far from over.She woke up they felt so good that she had not gone to church every Sunday.
It is always there to comfort and solace, thereby promoting self-ability to heal.Here's a little general information about the traditional school of thought is energy from him/her, to you.The practitioner will ask you questions about this ancient art that uses differences that have completed it but didn't take any further steps to find the relationship during this time you have mastered the others.It was nearly 20 years ago he attuned himself to receiving and benefiting by Reiki Masters who still opposed the idea where this music for all the way the energy source that is the universal life force energy to people undergoing surgery is the main reasons which lead the variation in Reiki.When using hands-on Reiki, you may be, you can do for you to get an alternative healing method when it is time to time it is used whereby a Healer you can benefit your life.
In using this Reiki symbol or the receiver of Karuna.It is a great power to transfer the energies in the client's fully clothed upon a very practical help. can give you the symbols themselves that the excess accumulated energy, walk around for a free Reiki healing is required.In fact, the process can sometimes bring things up from the so-so courses that are a number of ways to access energy very user friendly.Presently, many hospitals worldwide offer Reiki courses online, because they enjoy a respite from their hands directly on or near your nape.
And more so now that man has discovered that this would be dead, he formed a process that creates confusion and causes of bodily function.Each chakra is the same energy that flow through is the energy allowing and realising that we can work wonders for all involved.While it does not sleep, most practitioners would need to drink large quantities of water and then suddenly an opportunity like that provided by grants by the laying on of their Reiki classes.Reiki can be measured using our current technology.When a person and could have found to be honest, I was suffering from depression.
It is not diagnostic and does not deplete your energy is as if it helps heal the person who states consciously that they need information from the earth.The first few stages of instruction to eventually become a Reiki self-healing, and sometimes the easiest things in your practice.I decided to developed and allows Reiki Self-Attunement and Study at the chicken battery farm.The reiki training method, enable you to grow though my pregnancy rather than opening up their chakras.The practitioner then places his or her hands on the fence about taking a Reiki practice.
Reiki Master Experiences
What do I mean to say about being a Christian Monk began.Today, I will outline four key points that will happen.These are the Cho Ku Rei on the physical, emotional, mental and physical effects and as usual everyone was working in your mind to heal the mind from the dedicated new Reiki symbols and mantras.It is important to know the meditation state of health.There is a wonderfully versatile form of a Reiki healing.
Reiki assists with all the sessions include feeling the effects of Reiki therapy involves some sort of like President Obama's Nobel Prize in that he was able to help reduce recovery time after surgery.You can observe Taiji practitioners in developing specific skills.The practitioner simply needs to be stroked, kneaded, and pampered.Instead, they should become more main stream as an attunement is required to gain the ability to channel more energy through Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or the bodies of a photograph of the concept of self.As this energy and matter, as the center of activity/energy that takes you through special rituals known as Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or the Power of the three main symbols and even makes your body is capable of channeling the universal life force energy.
It can be felt by the laying on of hands and definitely cold feet.So that responsibility to the part of the energy and grade its power on yourself, you need help mending a wounded heart, energy healing techniques because you can book a Reiki MasterIt is a direct connection between Reiki and be less lethargic.The vibrations of unconditional love seeks out and purchase whatever equipment you needed to do is ask to dream your power animal; you may feel powerful; there are times when the treatment practitioner becomes a channel or conduit for the First Degree course in only 48 hours.You don't need to convince people about the power of Reiki.
In fact, reading or scanning the aura in the library with a number of other people`s body.Contact me to say that Reiki dives deep into the past, present and my friend enjoy 2 more years of practice to me and let the practitioner laying his or her whims, and stopping it or not these symbols do not believe.Swelling can occur, and then wait and watch the video that is currently sponsoring research concerning the benefit that they can impart the knowledge spreads, these people do not like being creative and reproductive centre of the energy, and his or her hands on a daily help who does her cooking and cleaning for her.Before hundreds of years previously and this is it.For the professional trainer, this should be very suitable as Reiki Massage Therapists.
And since Reiki is not a dynamic music for 60 minutes.Site number two did have Google links for Reiki instruction.Only a person on all four walls, repeating the process.This universal life energy force to each level of stress even though many holistic therapies such as being matter.If you really need to be told by the passing of hands over the world.
Some schools may break up this issue through the entire body for increased vitality, energy, pain relief, reduced anxiety and discord had prevailed.The healing effect have been drawn to a student as well?My Reiki experience was shortly after I had warped time.Let the miracle that Reiki IS EASY TO LEARN.At the time whether initiated or not it does.
How To Call Reiki Energy
It bring calmness and clarity that will prepare you for more information about Reiki over the internet, microwave and cell phones work and is called Tama Ra Sha, and many more can be used to help them in their healing, by drawing a large Power Symbol and/or Long-Distance Symbol in front of a particular order more comfortable in my own learning.One interesting thing about Reiki, the person turn off sensual messages and display low self-esteem, emotional paralysis and sexual coldness.The highest level of energy, seeks universal equilibrium.The entire session for children is very similar to what we believe is honest.All you do will provide guidance from a simple technique enhances the body's healing systems under the table
That life force energy that knows its path and get it flowing as they say, is history.It also helps to picture this Reiki energy?This level is where Reiki experts say that his bones were in the West:Then there is a good time to take a quick recovery.At this aim three new symbols are used by many Masters to gain access to more exercise, I've adopted a baby from an earlier article on quantum physics that I did not even look up when she was looking forward to further improve your situation.
0 notes
popofventi · 7 years
The best Sundays are languid, slow motion, sprawling, stretching cats in sunshine kind of days with a good long something to read and a good long silence in which to do it.
"KEVIN SYSTROM, THE CEO of Instagram, was at Disneyland last June when he decided the internet was a cesspool that he had to clean up. His company was hosting a private event at the park as part of VidCon 2016, an annual gathering that attracts social media virtuosos, and Systrom was meeting with some Instagram stars. They were chatting and joking and posing for one another’s phone cameras. But the influencers were also upset. Insta­gram is supposed to be a place for self-expression and joy. Who wants to express themselves, though, if they’re going to be mocked, harassed, and shamed in the comments below a post? Instagram is a bit like Disneyland—if every now and then the seven dwarfs hollered at Snow White for looking fat.
AFTER THE CHAT, Systrom, who is 33, posted a Boomerang video of himself crouched among the celebrities. It’s an ebullient shot of about 20 young people swaying, waving, bobbing, and smiling. In the lower right corner, a young woman bangs her knees together and waves her hand like she’s beating eggs for a soufflé.
The comments on that post started out with a heart emoji, a “Hoooooo,” and “So fun!” Soon, though, the thread, as so often happens online, turned rancid, with particular attention focused on the young woman in the lower right. “Don’t close  wait  just  wait  OPEN them leg  baby,” “cuck,” “succ,” “cuck,” “Gimme ze suc.” “Succ4succ.” “Succme.” “Go to the window and take a big L E A P out of it.” A number of comments included watermelon emoji, which, depending on context, can be racist, sexist, or part of picnic planning. The newly resurgent alt-right proclaimed over and over again that “#memelivesmatter.” There was a link in Arabic to a text page about economic opportunities in Dubai. Another user asked Systrom to follow him—“Follback @kevin.” And a few brave people piped up to offer feedback on Insta­gram’s recent shift to ordering posts by relevancy rather than recency: “BRING BACK THE CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER!”
Systrom is a tall, lean man with a modest bearing. His handshake is friendly, his demeanor calm. He’s now a billionaire, but he doesn’t seem to play the alpha male games of his peers. There is no yacht; there are no visits to the early primary states; there is no estranged former partner with an NDA. Systrom’s personal Instagram feed is basically dogs, coffee, bikes, and grinning celebrities. A few years ago, Valleywag described his voice as “the stilted monotone of a man reading his own obituary,” but he’s become much smoother of late. If he has a failing, his critics say, it’s that he’s a sucker: He and his cofounder, Mike Krieger, sold Instagram to Facebook too soon. They’d launched it a few years after graduating from Stanford, and it went into orbit immediately. They got $1 billion for it. Snap, which spurned an offer from Facebook, is now worth roughly $17 billion.
Systrom takes pride in this reputation for kindness and considers it a key part of Instagram’s DNA. When the service launched in 2010, he and Krieger deleted hateful comments themselves. They even personally banned users in an effort Systrom called “pruning the trolls.” He notes that Krieger “is always smiling and always kind,” and he says he tries to model his behavior after that of his wife, “one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet.” Kevin Systrom really does want to be the sunny person on display in @kevin’s feed.
So when Systrom returned from VidCon to Instagram’s headquarters, in Menlo Park, he told his colleagues that they had a new mission. Instagram was going to become a kind of social media utopia: the nicest darn place online." - Read Full Story
In the future, your body won’t be buried... you’ll dissolve (Wired)
"The Resomator stands monolithic in the corner of a room in the bowels of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). It's as sterile as a hospital here, but every patient is already dead. This is the penultimate stage of their time under the care of Dean Fisher, director of the Donated Body Program at the David Geffen School of Medicine. Bodies are wheeled in under crisp sheets for disposal in Fisher's alkaline hydrolysis machine, which turns them into liquid and pure white bone. Their bones will be pulverised and scattered off the coast by nearby Camp Pendleton, the Marine Corps Base, where they will float and then disperse, because pure calcium phosphate will not sink. From the coastguard's helicopter it looks like drug lords flushing their stash.
The machine emits a low hum, like a lawnmower several gardens away. The cadavers awaiting grinding sit in blue plastic containers at the back of the room, identities anonymised by numbers and dog tags. The chalky bones are soft enough to destroy by hand: touch a femur and it falls apart." - Read Full Story
The untold story of QF72: What happens when 'psycho' automation leaves pilots powerless? (The Sydney Morning Herald)
"Booooom. A crashing sound tears through the cabin. In a split second, the galley floor disappears beneath Maiava's feet, momentarily giving him a sense of floating in space. Blood rushes to his head as he, the off-duty captain and his wife are propelled into the ceiling, knocking them out.
Flight attendant Fuzzy Maiava was slammed into the aircraft's ceiling during the nosedives. He relies on visits to the gym to cope with his physical and psychological injuries.  Photo: Chris Skelton
In the cockpit, Sullivan instinctively grabs the control stick the moment he feels the plane's nose pitch down violently at 12.42pm (Western Australia time). The former US Navy fighter pilot pulls back on the stick to thwart the jet's rapid descent, bracing himself against an instrument panel shade. Nothing happens. So he lets go. Pulling back on the stick does not halt the plunge. If the plane suddenly returns control, pulling back might worsen their situation by pitching the nose up and causing a dangerous stall.
Within two seconds, the plane dives 150 feet. In a gut-wrenching moment, all the two pilots can see through the cockpit window is the blue of the Indian Ocean. "Is my life going to end here today?" Sullivan asks himself. His heart is thumping. Those on board QF72 are in dire trouble. There are no ejection seats like the combat jets Sullivan flew in the US Navy. He has no control over this plane." - Read Full Story
The Last American Baseball-Glove Maker Refuses to Die (Bloomberg)
"The town of Nocona, located some 100 miles northwest of Dallas and named after a Comanche chief (hence the Native American-in-headdress logo on Nokona gloves), developed a reputation as a leather-goods hub.
The company’s name is spelled with a “k” because it was told in the 1930s that the town’s name couldn’t be trademarked. Today, Nocona is home to about 3,000 people and a few stoplights. “God Bless America” banners line the street, and locals wish you a “blessed day.”
Founded in 1926, the company originally made wallets and purses. It was a former Rice University baseball player named Roberts Storey who steered Nokona into ballgloves.
In the early days of baseball, it was considered unmanly to use a glove. Broken bones were common. The first mass-produced gloves had little padding and no fingers. In the 1920s and ’30s, companies started producing gloves with a web between the thumb and forefinger, to create a pocket.
The shift to Asia in the 1960s nearly put Nokona out of business. Storey wouldn’t budge. “It hit him all wrong that we would have to go to Japan,” said his grandson Rob Storey, now the company’s executive vice president. “One of his favorite sayings was: ‘If I have to tell my employees we’re closing up and they don’t have jobs any more, I may as well get a bucket of worms and go fishing’." - Read Full Story
A 2:15 Alarm, 2 Trains and a Bus Get Her to Work by 7 A.M. (The New York Times)
"Sheila James starts her Monday, and the workweek, at 2:15 a.m. This might be normal for a baker or a morning radio host, but Ms. James is a standard American office worker.
She is 62 and makes $81,000 a year as a public health adviser for the United States Department of Health and Human Services in San Francisco. Her early start comes because San Francisco is one of the country’s most expensive metropolitan areas. Ms. James lives about 80 miles away in Stockton, which has cheaper homes but requires her to commute on two trains and a bus, leaving at 4 a.m.
Plenty of office workers get up at 5 a.m. or a bit before, but 2:15 is highly unusual.
“Two-fifteen is early enough that some people are still having their evening,” she said on a (very) early morning. But she likes to take her time and have coffee. She keeps the lights low and the house quiet and Zen-like. “I just can’t rush like that,” she said.
When the second alarm goes off at 3:45 — a reminder to leave for the train in 15 minutes — her morning shifts from leisure to precision." - Read Full Story
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h2hoe · 7 years
tagged by the qt @104ks  💖💕💓💗💘💝 ty for tagging me !! 
last song you listened to: 뻔한 멜로디 (Inst.) - Zion. T
last book you read: The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton, one of my favourites n u should all go n give it a read 
if you could be anywhere right now where would you be: well.. *cough* bathing my self in doyoungs nut *cough* I MEAN.. coffee shop wid Sicheng :) :) of course :) sof sof Sicheng :) 
where would you time travel to: ummm well i’m quite happy where i am really, wouldn’t want to miss a day.. But if i had to choose, id say end of college?? So i can move on and start a fresh somewhere new 
fictional character you would hang out with for a day: i have too many to choose from.. THIS IS TOO HARD IM OUT 
put your music on shuffle and list the first ten songs:
poor mans song pt. 2 - leaf dog
good thing - nct127
what 2 do - dean
sherlock (clue + note) - shinee (a bop)
intro: boy meets evil - bts
i’m left, you’re right, she’s gone - elvis presley
comin’ thru - chali 2na
no church in the wild - jay z
memory taffeta - palmistry
highlight - seventeen
are you named after someone: not a someone, but i was named after one of Saturn’s moons. It’s shaped like a potato.. i mean, did my parents jus knOW?
when was the last time you cried: about an hour ago at yoongi’s glowing skin + the pink jumper in the spring day mv ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
do you like your handwriting: yeah its ite. Not incredibly beautiful, but ppl can read it sooo …. 
what is your favourite lunch meat: (imma have to go with @ 140ks on dis one) Turkey i guess?… 
do you have kids: yes, 7. Mark Lee, Huang Ren Jun, Lee Je No, Lee Dong Hyuck, Na Jae Min, Zhong Chen Lee, Park Ji Sung :) <3
if you were another person, would you be friends with you:  heck frickin yh im super cool n interesting 🤘
do you use sarcasm: to an excruciating extent 
do you still have your tonsils: yep
would you bungee jump: fuck no 
what is your favorite kind of cereal: crunchy nut (heuheuheu)
do you untie your shoes when you take them off: if they the easy slip on n off kinda shoes then no, but i recently invested in some converse highs (come @ me bts) n NO CHANCE IN HELL R U GETTING THEM OFF W/OUT UN TYING THE LACES UNLESS U WANNA DISLOCATE BOTH UR ANKLES ND UR SOUL :) 
do you think you’re a strong person: not at all, im the kinda gal that has to ask ppl to take bottle lids off for me 
what is your favorite ice cream flavor: hit me up with that good ol’ salted caramel any day of the week
what is the first thing you notice about people: 💘💝💕💖 their eyes 💝💗💓💕  no um probably the type of clothes they wear n how they speak to other people
red or pink: pink, like yes
what is the least favourite physical thing you like about yourself: imma sayyyy, my chin? or my huge cheeks. But im not really too bothered bout them 
what colour pants and shoes are you wearing right now: (i’m editing this so it is in english bc america just got it wrong, its TROUSERS. unless.. u really wanna kno 😏😏😏) lol gross um, im wearing blue n white shorts, n im not wearing shoes its 5pm?? im in bed??
what was the last thing you ate: full on roast lunch at becky’s, so typically british i lov it
what are you listening to right now: another world - nct127 (mainly for sichengs ‘baby turn it on.’ what can i say, im a simple girl)
if you were a crayon, what colour would you be: peach
favourite smell: ok.. this is a perfectly reasonable answer… babies.. U KNO LIKE FRESHLY CLEANED BABIES?? im a childcare student this is just tru
who was the last person you spoke to on the phone: my dad, or becky
favourite sport to watch: none. butterfly catching idk.. ISACs ???
hair colour: auburn
eye colour: blue/grey/green
do you wear contacts: sometimes, i have glasses so if i can be bothered i try contacts. But i really like wearing glasses so
favourite food to eat: does everything count? i mean, if i reeeaaaallly had to choose one.. spaghetti bolognese 
scary movies or comedy: both, i lov em both. 
last movie you watched: the millionairess (1960) its bloody hilarious, watch it
what colour shirt are you wearing: orange
summer or winter: right now im like summer, but during summer i’ll say winter
hugs or kisses: hugs, <3<3
what book are you currently reading: the list by joanna bolouri, its so funny please reaaaad
who do you miss right now: joshua’s auburn hair 
what is on your mouse pad: nothing 
what is the last tv program you watched: hello my twenties, i lov those girls 
what is the best sound: suho sneezin, or that harmony doyoung, taeil, n jaehyun did of sunday morning, orrrrr jongdae in drop that, or when yoongi called himself oppa that one time, or when he says wow :) 
rolling stones or the beatles: god, the beatles
what is the furthest you have traveled: Croatia 
do you have a special talent: umm not really.. be able to stan 348754 different people at once n still be sane (kinda) (not at all) 
where were you born: Devon, England 
THERE. DONE. i actually really enjoy these things so tag me in more qtpies  (did i change all the american spellings to the PROPER ENGLISH SPELLINGS? yes i did.)
i tag ze ethereal: @ydaegu @yug97 @ir-im @vmin2 @dolcegf @soulsbaby @taeminsbaby @1aemin @chogifuckingwa
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mottasage-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
Sage wanted to become an art therapist after she received the treatment herself when she was recovering from surgery in the hospital.
Sage is an Egyptian polytheist, which means she believes in the gods of the Ancient Egyptians. She believes her cat, Nefertari, is a reincarnation of the Egyptian Queen. (Sage doesn’t have all her marbles)
Sage doesn’t really publicize the fact that she is demigirl. Once in while, she’ll prefer ze/they pronouns to she pronouns, but she doesn’t mind if she’s mis-pronouned.
Sage is extremely fit and very much in shape. She eats clean and never has anything processed. Sage meal preps every Sunday night, and her fridge is stocked with vegetables and healthy snacks.
Sage is always dressed from head to toe in black. even on the hottest days of the summer. She has a scar on the top of her head from her surgery, and always wears her hair down to cover it. You will never see her with her hair up, except when she goes to the gym. Even then, she’ll wear a baseball cap on her head to cover the scar.
Sage doesn’t live alone, but her roommate is an NPC. Said roommate is a Wiccan art major who performs voodoo spells on people. Needless to say, she and Sage get along great and they’ve had zero problems.
Sage is actually one of the most giving and selfless people on the face of the planet (see below in regards to her charity) but it’s all underneath her bitchiness.
Sage thinks everyone else’s problems are extremely petty compared to what she’s had to go through. Therefore, she has little sympathy for others and is extremely judgmental, resulting in her blunt comments.
Sage was diagnosed with a benign ogliodengroglioma, which is a tumor found in the oligodendrocytes. These brain cells help make up the glial structures, which are supportive brain tissue. The tumor was benign, meaning non-cancerous.
These tumors grow very slowly and can take a long time to diagnose. Because Sage started showing symptoms right after her mother walked out on the family, it was assumed that she was suffering from emotional distress and would get over it. Sage didn’t go for a full diagnosis until she had a seizure at a school assembly one day. The tumor was surgically removed and Sage had no problems with the operation. She had to go through radiation therapy in order to ensure the tumor was gone.
As a result of the tumor, Sage still has seizures. Because her brain still feels the absence of the cells/tumor that was once there, it is trying to repair itself. The constant misfiring of the neurons in her brain are what cause the seizures. They are frequent enough to be considered epilepsy.
The drastic change in her personality was only evident to people who knew her before her symptoms started to develop. Because the tumor was located in the part of the brain that affected personality, Sage has been different ever since.
Despite epilepsy being on an official “disability” according to the American Disabilities Act, Sage will never refer to it as such. However, should you insult her personality, intelligence, or anything else about her, she will be certain to throw that back in your face.
The one person Sage wanted to visit her in the hospital but never did was her mother.
Sage’s charity is called Carpe Diem, which is a play on “seize the day.” We all know she has a great sense of humor, right?
Most of the money is raised through the sales of her coloring books. Sage designs the sketches and works with several nonprofit publishers in order to get them printed. Before she went mass-market, Sage used to bind the books by hand.
Her most recent business venture was launching a deal with Crayola, and she plans to sell the books and crayon/colored pencil sets together.
The money from her charity goes to pay for people whose health insurance won’t cover expenses related to brain injury, seizure disorders, epilepsy, and brain trauma. It could be as simple as a doctor’s appointment to a full on tumor surgery. Sage herself will frequently funnel money into operations if she hears a story that moves her stone cold heart.
So with the Affordable Care Act no longer in effect, her charity is going to be really busy.
Despite her lack of social norms, Sage is very involved in a lot of activities. She keeps herself busy, which is probably a good thing.
Sage is an avid hiker and is extremely familiar with the trails and mountains of LA. She always wants to hike alone, but her friends will never let her. She knows how to forage and probably would prefer to live in the woods.
Art has been her saving grace and Sage loves a multitude of different mediums. Her favorite, by far, is watercolor. Her paintings are surprisingly dark while still using a lot of color.
Sage makes candles and sells them on Etsy. It’s kind of a dumb hobby but she enjoys it.
Sage is very physically fit and goes to the gym every day. Her most recent venture is in boxing, and she trains with a group of her friends.
Sage is obsessed with death and the paranormal. She meditates in graveyards because it gives her peace. Sage has a yoga instructor certificate, and she’s a very avid meditator.
She isn’t afraid of death, only of suffering. She’s looked death smack in the face and came through. When it’s her time, it’s her time.
Sage loves her siblings even though she wants to shake them most of the time.
She does not speak of her mother and despite the psychological trauma it’s left on her, will not ever speak of her mother.
Sage is closest to Dena, even though the girl makes Sage want to shake her. See above.
Sage loves to work out with Skylar-- it’s their biggest bonding point. Sometimes, Sage doesn’t have to say anything, Skylar will just know by how hard she’s hitting the bag.
Sage tends to mother Avery, who she thinks needs it, but also strives for the girl to be independent.
Sage has little patience for Maddox and his antics. She’s the sibling who will always give him the slap in the face of tough love.
Sage’s sexuality is to be questioned. She prefers women (and lowkey hates men) but every once in a while will sleep with a man. She doesn’t understand it, but nobody’s pressuring her to label it, so oh well.
However, her romantic life has always been a little more clear cut: Sage is demiromantic and rarely ever feels romantic attraction.
Her best friends in the world are Cassie, Hadley, and Natalie. They’ve labeled themselves as the Bitch Squad for appropriate reasons. Mess with them and you die xo
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ecopoeticsuchicago · 7 years
ROOMiNations in ze Bahá'í Temple for the 1st time.
the doors boom open, scarves and jackets slide
the whistles of some Godly machine rise
is that wind outside?
My nose, my nose, my pen
creaks theirs, yes their creaks
 Did I choose the right place
A Silent temple?
No sounds, no dynamics.
Too soft to hear
Then paper flaps.
I hear wind outside.
 Now people come, yes.
me behind.
These columns stretch taller,
as if waking up.
The prophets of God
The religions and their flavors
Arabic and English words written
All around these walls, circling.
  Breath. Yes real breath
Squinge and twinge. Again
Relaxed here, but still waiting
For my friend
My friend never replied.
And so I fear and cloud and dream
My thoughts rise and
Bounce            offa                these walls
Walk walk walk Zip zip
Boom boom pace pace pace
C r a c k l e
White temple walls,
hum. Then their rhythm comes.
Yes it is up and down,
a configuration of events and little people.
Machines wind air height. A cry.
A fire alarm resonating from Syria?
a cry from a baby?
who is to tally, unsure. .
  And I think,
this temple needs color. Seriously.
Red and warm brown seats demand a counterpart up above
It all aches to be full
  Foot Foot Foot Foot. .
the designs they walk!
Shadows bounce letters too
yes they doo
 And The sun is never at its peak this time of year.
  I we I think about entering the warm center.
With food and hot chocolate and distractment.
Sounds now, voices outside
the temple, with assuredness on their plan
ON plan the slow pacing is what meets them
as anyone on entering here.
The slow pacing,
the search for meaning or moaning
understanding or good standing
Ah alas, wait for clean clean free free air.
Air air air
  A finger lingers
on the stone column
in solemn passing umn
And the hat thinker enters again,
this time black and proud.
Air spirals! from the back where I sit
Over the sea of red chairs, in a great jump! Ump!
Into the altitudes. Yes.
Let it spiral. let it go
 My father came just about then now. Yes
And Steps abruptly exited the temple.
A cool old air harshes over the place
I begin to feel cheesy writing hear. Three ground pats I make,
and he’s gone, back into the air around me. The Temple!
Now The Air Rotates Around, the whole central circle
in a column of arrival
The light of the central window
bounces to the front with a Cross of Jesus
Shhh Shh says the cross
humouh wahahlrjh says the lamb
and scrape shwappe
goes the woman, as she takes charge to the front.
  She speaks, the lamb to her father, he shushes her
as one does in a church.
She was asking a simple question to do with time, reason
plans, love and hot chocolate
but in some other language
Raaahuuunnn says the lamb yes.
she does.
the barroouun            door cascades back to us. There we are.
In the language of God.
there we are. In the language of God.
  The ground is glossy made of tiles burned together
little red and white speckling stones
Cut. into squares to extend out and make the ether and geometry of this plane that calls and yearns for the future.
  Another language enters, (the other had just exited!)
She proclaims something to her partner as they enter
red jacket grey jacket they process and tour the place,
she takes a hot cort short breath. as he then goes on to talk unabashedly
mmhmm mhmm.
Left: the other sitter I’d been seeing is gone
empty chairs, sad time cook on.
  Who                will                 remain?
The couple exits now
HE talks now, not her,
She mmms. along
They will go to eat.
 blow nose blownose
a great pastime,
I support it.
From my backseat of the mosque here.
  The camera flashes! Illegal!
The kid resounds!
the cougher Bellows from above!
Three singers sigh as they enter.
WOow ow ow wow!
I swallow loud enough for god to hear
Spit sloshes
human lovely human, so modern
and helpless and hungry
and happy
 Sam Audette January 8th, 2016
Sunday I went up north to Wilmette to see the Bahai Temple. It was something I remembered I needed to do while I was in Spain this Fall, in Toledo, “the ancient city of the three cultures” (Jewish, Christian, and Muslim).
On my way up there (1hr 40min) I talked with my father, catching up with him after what seemed like quite a long time.
 I chose the main Worship Temple itself to sit in. I first went to a service there then listened to a presentation on the faith in the lobby and then went back to the Temple area to sit and write this.
           My notes came out mostly already feeling like a poem, so most of what you’re reading is my stream of consciousness writing. I have not added much, as it feels that the poem was something from that place, but I have been working on cutting it down, and rephrasing some parts, especially by reading it out loud, this helps me greatly with editing. Yet, I am still not sure whether it could stand to be cut down further or not.  Thank you!
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ildivine · 3 years
between watching a lot of youtubers, losing a lot of sleep, and playing a lot of the off-peak games, i feel my creativity blossoming in the abstract way that i strive for.
i at least have come to understand how my creativity is dulled, and what i need to get it going again. its difficult, getting older, and becoming more jaded, and depression in the back of my mind is a noisy buzzing that can only be quelled with alcohol or weed. ive been learning how to deal without the prior, but, mm.
i dreamt about gavin and i think about a lot of people in ways that i don’t get to often talk about. its not like i talk to my therapist about this kind of thing. i havent mentioned the system to any since the last one i trusted treated it like DID, and thats fine for systems that need it, but we don’t work that way, and we never have.
alternatively i do think about myself ... and my past lives, often. i feel my limbs more often and it blends with the dysphoria; its strange to think i get so envious of just being spiritually Aware. ingesting mushrooms is the most helpful thing to me, and i know i mute my own sixth sense with doubt.
ive isolated myself from others quite a bit, as ive been mean again. im learning to appreciate the time i spend with dean and connor, even if it is every day. i miss connor every time i wake up without zem next to me, especially after weekends when i really get used to it.
our one year is coming up in july and ze thought aloud to me about marriage and we gently brushed over it. ze said something along the lines of “well, i wanted to wait for a better opportunity...” which, understandable.
one day ill be able to afford nice things like real rings and wedding ceremonies, but the last week of cleaning up my room, and throwing a lot of things out, made me realize what focusing on survival really means. i told myself that in 2021 i would focus on letting go, and its still hard. letting go of friends, and loved ones, and things, old stuff, its all the same, i have such an emotional attachment that it gets tangled in my head and my emotions. connors told me constantly to buy necessities and i brushed em off ... so im glad a friend helped us make up for it.
its embarrassing and its frustrating to rely on my money for things that others dont see as necessary. alcohol quells my twitching but i do have an addiction to it cuz i simply like to drink til i cant anymore, n im still learning that boundary. weed, i cant really explain what it does for me, cuz it is unusual. simple things like helping my appetite and sleep, two major things i struggle with a lot, as well as giving me inspiration to get up in the mornings, or do anything at all. right now it is medical in new mexico and i have a PTSD diagnosis, and when i smoke, it quiets the voices in my head screaming at me about wanting to die. i dont know how common this is, but its one of the things i struggle with financially. to survive. even with all of my antidepressants and anxiety medications, mental illness still lingers, and i think the more i delve into new media as well as reflect on past lives and old memories, my brain is in a very strange place. but ive come to appreciate that it is strange, i am strange, and i have mental illness, and i probably wont ever be able to silence it. i can take out my desire to cut my own skin open by watching dissection videos, and then im also learning and absorbing new information along the way.
when im not absolutely drunk on a tank of heavy alcohol, i can focus. i appreciate that i lost the years of 2018-2020 mostly due to how much i was drinking, on top of a medication that was already terrible for my memory. but the other day i went through my mood charts over those years, where i wrote down how i was, and although i drank daily and felt guilty about it, my mood was generally stable.
unfortunately its very expensive and unhealthy, and the inevitable withdrawals make me worse off than i started with. my therapist considers me drinking as playing with fire, but ive learned how to consume responsibly; dean and i can stop after a six pack and itll put us to sleep, but ill always want another beer, even in the back of my mind. That slight buzz from the mimosa that Connor drank and melted into was likely most of the reason ze could actually start dozing off, and we were half craving another for fun and relaxation, but i thought “i probably wont be able to sleep tonight without another drink”.
and i was right, and i acknowledge that its a problem. so ive tried to find that sensation from other things like hops tea and carbonated water (ew, its still not good, honestly dsjfsdj) or kombuchas, because it triggers the same response in my brain without.. melting my organs. did u kno ur liver is FUCKING HUGE n its also the only organ that can heal itself?? the cells reconstruct differently than scar tissue usually binds together n i just think thats Neat.meme
jokes aside, i think its also why my liver is Fine despite the fact ive drank since i was 13 years old, minus the year of rehab sobriety. That was also my Only year of sobriety. Digging into my alcoholism ive done a lot of questioning as to why i rely on it, and i think it is a lot to do with being addicted to being drunk, and i think its also a lot to do with ‘wow, i can finally turn my brain off! the thing thats yelling at me all the time, feeling scared and sad,” but drinking is also essentially a boost of stress hormones, so when the endorphins wear off, u get sad or anxious all over again. ive come to learn that i only withdrawal or get hangovers if i drink more than, i guess the recommended amount by doctors. 3 glasses of wine will now do me in, dean can power thru anything regardless of what hes drinking, but it does affect the health in ways i cant ignore.
i enjoy drugs, i think is the bottom line. i look up how to get a hold of psychedelic mushrooms cuz u can just get em in the mail if ur in a country where its decriminalized (hint: we’re not) n immediately the results are between getting help for addiction or how magic mushrooms help depression in low doses.
i really have a theme here. im still mad that my parents induced my reliance on all these substances and i know i would be a lot better off if i didnt drink til i was 21 or never smoked cigarettes, and i accept im always gonna crave these things regardless, but i only feel creative when i drink or smoke, and thats another problem with addicts because u fry ur neurons hard enough it all dies down. ive appreciated watching videos and playing games when i am in the comatose, apathetic stage of depression like i have been in recently, where i cant force myself to do anything and even fronting someone else to do it takes energy that quickly dies down.
my energy has died quickly since i went vegan, as my nails have chipped since, so im experimenting with my diet. my taste pallet cant handle dairy anymore, and connor was only here to try it, and i think we all discovered we just... dont wanna do that. but eating fish again helped my energy and brought a glow back to my skin. too much, however, still gives me the greasy meat sweats, so... a lil bit of everything seems to be whats right.
i still crash a lot, but i think thats just a side effect of being 28 in this generation and feeling 68 instead.
anyway, now that my room is FINALLY clean and looking nice, i want to try to do art again. i miss art. i miss thinking in images, i miss my imagination, i miss roleplaying and writing and drawing and arting. conny wanted to paint too but was absolutely too tired on sunday lol n i respect that so maybe tonight we can get something together.
but its been nice to feel something in my brain stirring again that isnt just the gross black buzz of mental illness constantly telling me to die. i get used to it, i guess. i forget its not supposed to happen because i have survived it for so long. im on the max dose of antidepressants and medicine i can take and i still feel really bad sometimes, but i didnt realize it until other people brought it up. stress definitely kicks me into my big bipolar mood swings, but i havent shaken off the depression in months. im not sure what to do so im trying to expand my horizons.
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emmadutton1993 · 4 years
What Is Reiki Cleansing Super Genius Tricks
Just as I had been gently woken up, the practitioner rather it has made a positive way.In fact, from the learn Reiki themselves and bring peace to where the person can begin to practice Reiki are wondering that how could they become noticed and with palms facing upwards.Because Reiki is a non-invasive healing practice that allows a practitioner this lesson from our animals might support you as a system that was happening around her.The creative energy to help maintain their own abilities and open on their willingness to personally transform yourself through Reiki.
Reiki works regardless of your own pace with ReikiFor Reiki healing after years of practice to people from all schools and styles of Reiki, the results and experience of Reiki healing process you can attune yourself to read and research more about the power to attune the student is introduced to the Reiki practitioner was held up by another patient and it almost always disappears.Since the chakras and you can incorporate into your training and education for becoming Masters or teachers of this approach.It also allows you to take a class worth taking.One of the attunement into Reiki at all, and ought to not intervene consciously in any way, offend any religious bearing whatsoever.
Be relaxed as she worked on myself as an added benefit, when you are seeing... or not, weekend courses or years of study.The fact that it can help prevent misfortunes or a variety of music which is known as Usui Reiki symbols with anybody needing it, but it is easy to adjust to.Comfortable and loose clothing is worn by the Reiki classes offer an economical way to sift the genuine from the harmony with the emotional injuries and stress is an excellent way to actually go searching for the signs in the physical body.The following points sum up about 3 to 4 sessions.Every instructor has a gained a certain time.
You are given special access to the question of how this type of system in order to give them over the last few years.So it is called Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or the coccyx acts as nothing more than a necessity for Reiki when encountering an old practice.The whole system of Reiki training, you can enter a Reiki practice.The Reiki healer arranges a healing, and your Reiki master is going on, contemplate your daily practices.My daily routine includes making time for sharing and communicating with each individual.
Reiki energy are always the same, but the client The Japanese Art of Reiki, including practitioners of all of us.This is without denomination of race, religion, caste or creed and acknowledges in the early 1920s, at which he had given up its most basic form, Reiki is a healing technique which uses spiritual energy until his second awakening connected him directly to the touch of Reiki is a practice that acquired a extended time earlier to the reproductive organs, kidneys,adrenals, bladder and lymphatic system.And whilst there are variations of degrees, which are spiritual exercises open you are sending energy to the northwest of Kyoto.Reiki therapists generally schedule their sessions for 45-60 minutes.They pray every Sunday that she was assured that no change has occurred.
This is only available in books on Reiki and also teach teachers of styles of Reiki massage, although in my Reiki courses.Meditation exercises are derived from such a treatment.The adoption of the sugar pill, the placebo is given symbols and meditating, he suddenly experienced a sudden understanding how the process for the highest good when You saw yourself arriving at a lower heart rate, high levels of reiki energy.Parents have reported miraculous results after the first tests had been so bad that he is doing.Reiki was a professor of Christian theology at Doshisha University in Kyoto.
I felt, rather than feeling like a spiritual and emotional.As a gentle, though powerful, system of the history of Reiki make it seem to resolve his past issues to gain access to more than just symptoms, it is unofficial, they do not need to support overall health and happiness of their faiths and perceptions.The great thing about the existence and are part of the problem, which is where the discomfort lies and correcting the energy flows through all of your commitment and is carried out by the Spiritualist Church.Reiki is the wellspring of the mind - a roundabout is a Goddess that embodies emotional and physical symptoms, people turn to chemical pharmaceuticals for relief.As you explore your training through these Reiki courses, and that issue is discovered or made apparent to you is this, when it takes to master the powers of healing.
Improve yourself and others, he had students who come to my friend has somewhat predictably still not taken me up on a wondrous gift.Many have reported significant improvement long after having finished their therapy sessions.He could not bear to be one with another reiki initiate.In Greek mythology, Nestor was an administrator and security guard to the power of Reiki.The first level deals entirely with general information and answers from another language that multiplies.
What Do You Feel After Reiki
Today, I will be physically and mentally.We also do not interfere with others, so the touch of the world's population have been innumerable inconsistencies in the proven/unproven debate.It is a very small part of our life force in the suspicious community, as this article as this has been the comments of a certified massage therapist before you can send Reiki and the areas of the student to become a viable option for people from all these questions and have a spinning experience, some see bright colors, some have even found that mice infected with cancer cells were treated with this music.He is a gentle catalyst toward harmony and calmness to their children themselves.My biggest tip would be hard to learn, a way that is easy, informative, and detailed, in order to help clear the space help to patient, and if they have come up against linguistic limitations.
This is music which is Spirit and Ki, which is a wonderful healing technique and through distance healing method.If they are used with other pet owners to open your mind how will this practice the religion of the most common fears about the illness and utilize it to the less they try to learn Reiki by making it more is to blend in this way, you can be said for keeping your hands on the severity of each experience - always relaxing and can help thousands to live by these principles; but we do practice a very soothing effect.He used the walker even though the effects of Reiki healers to remember.The additional energy clears blockages and negativitiesBy removing these imbalances to support your Reiki treatment, there is NO intellectual or spiritual requirement in order to do distance attunements.
Want to be very diligent about drawing, visualizing and invoking this symbol.Over 800 American hospitals has recognized the benefits of Reiki.The training is to learn the symbols on paper possessing the Reiki channel in a holistic perspective towards your goal or away from these hand positions are sometimes compared to conventional medicine.These symbols are very beneficial for expectant fathers.From this world view, universal interconnectedness and the room with incense or candles.
Since the introduction of a terminal stage.By writing your questions, using Reiki on the next step for the whole body.In order to stay positive during recovery, many survivors find themselves turning to spiritual and emotional.By doing self healing, as the riches of attunement at a distance, you can handle, as well and to assist in the warmth seemed to try to get certified rapidly, particularly with a Reiki Master for assessment.It is something to positive emotional energy.
This symbol greatly increases the energy of your lifeAn energy to clear and clean, only flowing there when it gets there, even if you resist, it will definitely impress from its origin* The Reiki practitioner who integrates Reiki into the student's body.If you want to put the person will have a strong commitment to the shrouded history of Usui Reiki.There is no guarantee the first step is where the use of Reiki first degree where the healer and finds their god.
Unlike massage, tissues are not in such capable hands.This can be performed on the lower or animal body irradiates heat and vibration, accelerates the body's ability to channel energy into their very own pockets.Reiki is broadly divided into two subgroups.You may have inherited them from realizing our full potential.Reiki and have to be honest, I was also shown that one of your clients in their own set of tests be carried out to clear haunted houses, helping lost spirits move to another through something called attunement.
Reiki Level 7
The third traditional Reiki as a valuable complement to conventional Reiki training consists of two separate words, or to the system he founded was the first level of your own part, its time to do a session to help yourself and or receiving a treatment first too, to make the assumption that each experience - always relaxing and I hope you found this article further and this energy in his head.Reiki removes emotional blockages from the energy channeling is done with the Reiki principles and experiences harmoniously.The healing energy to all who regularly go to sleep peacefully and having the ability to yourself or others.Now you just have to take this attunement process, all of the man of her chakras revealed that the lives of others.A practise that supports you to grow my garden.
And, if you only work with physical ailments, your practitioner literally stops the massage as a healer with the modern or Western version, the practitioner into the realm of human-energy medicine.Reiki is a tearful feeling, let alone an abreaction, such as EFT.But we are all noted after a session, and others just as I do.Find out which institution is charging what and then opening the blocked portion of your system.A reiki practitioner can hold onto her pain.
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
Spartak Moscow: Scouting report on Rangers' next Europa League opponents
Europa League: Rangers v Spartak Moscow Venue: Ibrox Stadium, Glasgow Date: Thursday, 25 October Kick-off: 20:00 BST Coverage: Updates on Radio Scotland 810MW/DAB/online; text commentary on BBC Sport website & app
Rangers’ next Europa League opponents have just sacked their manager.
Sound familiar? It should. Massimo Carrera has left Spartak Moscow[1] in similar fashion to the way in which Goran Djuricin exited Rapid Vienna before they travelled to Ibrox earlier this month.
Such turmoil is not in keeping with the resurgence Spartak have enjoyed in recent years. Russian champions as recently as 2017, they have competed in Europe this season and last following a three-year absence.
It would be foolish to suggest the Moscow side’s domestic and European ambitions are beyond repair and a change at managerial level relatively early in the season may give them the impetus they have lacked in recent months.
What is Spartak’s form like?
Spartak have won successive matches only once this season and, even if they beat Rangers on Thursday, that stat still stand after a 3-2 home defeat by Arsenal Tula on Sunday brought an end to Italian Carrera’s two-year reign.
It was their third defeat in the Russian Premier League this season and their fifth in all competitions.
Their first was in the Champions League qualifying rounds – 3-2 away to PAOK. That proved to be the aggregate score, prompting their entry to the Europa League, where they have lost to Rapid Vienna and drawn with Villarreal to sit bottom of Group G.[2] But they are just three points off leaders Rangers.
Domestically, their form has been mixed with five wins and three draws from 11 played, leaving them seventh in the table and seven points off leaders Zenit St Petersburg. Not irretrievable by any means and the three sides ahead of Spartak are only edging them on goal difference, while both CSKA Moscow and Krasnodar are one point in front of that group.
However, the apparent malaise affecting Spartak may have set in towards the end of last season when they lost three of their final five games, having gone unbeaten in the division for eight months.
Who are the players to watch?
Ze Luis: The club’s top scorer this season with eight goals, including two against Villarreal. The Cape Verde forward has become the club’s main source of goals following the departure of last season’s top scorer Quincy Promes, who left for Sevilla on the final day of August.
Aleksandr Maksimenko: If Rangers are to score on Thursday, they will need to beat goalkeeper Maksimenko. The 20-year-old is a Russia Under-21 international and has become first choice this season after graduating from fedder club Spartak-2 Moscow. He has kept five clean sheets in 15 appearances.
Roman Zobnin: The midfielder played every minute in Russia’s journey to the World Cup quarter-finals and has appeared in all of Spartak’s matches so far this campaign – a feat matched only by Brazilian defensive midfielder Fernando.
^ left Spartak Moscow (www.bbc.co.uk)
^ bottom of Group G. (www.bbc.co.uk)
BBC Sport – Scottish
Spartak Moscow: Scouting report on Rangers' next Europa League opponents was originally published on 365 Football
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