#sunday medidation
thekristen999 · 5 months
When you see the moon, 
you see the beauty of God.
If you see the sun 
you see the power of God.
If you look at yourself in the mirror, 
you see God’s best creation. - Charlie Chaplin
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April 8th, 2024. Buffalo.
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herdeardiaryy · 1 year
devotion 47
"By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain."
1 Corinthians 15:2
Thank You, Lord, for Your words.
Growing up in a Born Again Christian family is a great benefit for me. Not only because of the type of religion I have, but because of how my family and relatives assure us to live by faith in the presence of the Lord, not just something we can call a "religion"
When I was in my teenage era, I remember my mother said, "Religion don't save you, it is the word of God and His salvation," which I realized now that I'm trying my best to go deeper in my spiritual life. God is working 24hrs of our lives just to make us provided and safe, and sometimes, God let us to have challenges in life for us to get back to Him, to trust Him.
Listening to the preaching made me bored before, but now, I am craving it. I even signed up for Favor Church's connect group, the church that I'm currently attending online every sunday, because I wanted to learn more. I learned a lot of things in life experiences, and I think it's time for me to strengthen my spirit and soul to Him alone.
I remember what Pastor James Aiton preached last Sunday, about "God wants to heal," and with that I am emotional while watching because I am currently battling with myself emotionally, I learned from Ptr. James that sickness aren't from God, He let us to have it, to make us strong and get closer to Him, but it is the devil who made it for us. And I believe that when God give us challenges, even if it is not a sickness, He wants us to learn something and to tests us how strong we can be to face it, and in times of desperation, we will need Him. And God is true, sadly, we are become desperate when we are having a lot of problems, that should be not.
Listening or watching and medidating the Word of God has a two impact: (1) we live it, (2) and we ignore it. Some of the people living with the Word of God, depends on the situation. Some people ignoring it because they do not want the verse that they hear or they are shy for being God's child.
The word of God is life. We should embrace it because it is a free will, God never gave for us to buy, but instead, He is offering everything generously, and all we have to do is surrender everything to Him.
This is my prayer:
"Lord God, I would like to thank You for this day, for the protection, guidance, love, prosperity, peace of mind, and healing. Help us, Lord, to know You better and deeper, give us a spiritual maturity to understand enough Your Word. Thank You for teaching us to believe in Your word, You are indeed the Lord God who is amazing.
I am praying for the unity on the people I know, Lord. Keep us away from people who will supply our pressures, anxiety, and panic attacks, Lord. Give us people whom we can trust.
Thank you, Lord, so much
This I pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
230823 | 23:12
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persistentprobings · 1 year
words picked up: reflective. middle points. transitory. formative.
my pre-period days were pretty chill. i had been pretty chill for the last few days. thanks to a weekend with my cousins. thanks to the ocean water falling on a steep rocky edge of the beach we saw while on a banana boat, it was majestic. thanks to diarrhea which gave us the whole sunday morning and afternoon to lie in bed and talk and bask in each other’s presence, frequenting the comfort room in between. thanks to that long stretch of hours being near each other— by the beach, at the dining table, inside the car— i gained a lot of insights on how to be with other people, how to be a part of a group. thanks to my mom being in tarlac, it gave me an ample space to gather myself as i reflect on the past weekend. thanks to the gym for yanking me out of my comfort zone and firing up new neurons, motivations, emotions. thanks for the absence of despair which have been clutching my neck for the whole may and insisting that the answer/cure was inside a book or the way other people live. thanks for the yoga and meditation practice in the morning, though still inconsistent, i have been reaping its benefits. thanks to the combination and contrast of intense, jacked-up-music gym setting and the blank slate of morning medidation, the great teachers on shifting and adjusting in varying environments. thanks to lows and highs, i feel like i’m in my middle point now. thanks to the month of may for organizing the chaos at the beginning of the year, a promising ending that i hope would lead to a bunch of opportunities to harmonize my relationship with myself and other people. 
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imaginationsublime · 2 years
My best friend of 20 years is leaving... the country. He's an immigrant so I guess it matters to the rest of the world...I just selfishly care He's here. That's not to say he's leaving my life, per say. It just means idk if he will be ok in a foreign country. He's has a place to live. He says but how do I make sure.
Fact of the matter is that everything I knew or thought I would know, is not.
I also feel too much to be in this desynthesized world.
Of course, cause why not life... why would you not randomly play that whiteny Houston song "I have nothing".
My ex boss of 8 year just texted me too.
I got a panic attack at work just now. I was in the back room trying to calm down. Trying to convince myself that my already small circle wasn't dwindling down to the negative digits. Might as well befriend ghosts at this point... if only I could tho. I already asked for that ability and was not granted that gift.
For someone who says they don't miss ppl, I miss them the most. Both living or dead.
Hurts to live, hurts to die. I'm just so stuck in feelings of it all.
I have a few crushes but nothing seems to stick.
My head hurts and all I want to do is crawl into bed and sleep under a blanket of warm covers.
Tina and Robert send me hot girl videos to lift my spirit. Momentarily works.
It's a Keane music type of day.
My aunt texted me. She sent me some word of God pictures. I actually appreciated them.
(SUNDAY, may your strength be multiplied today. Your energy be renewed, may the doors of prosperity open to give and give. May the blessings of God descend upon your home and family. Happy Sunday"
Replied w a heart and told her thanks tia, really needed to hear that especially today.
She proceeded to remind me that strong people smile with a broken heart, cry with the doors closed and fight battles that no one is aware about.
I wrote back saying "te quiero mucho, thank you for always sending me lovely messages, reminding me to stay strong, for guilding me to a more wisdomful path, or for simply giving me affection and hope"
Which she replied "mi amor, yo tambien te quiero mucho, eres fuerte, cariñosa, hermosa, tienes muchas calidades. Eres unica. te amo"
I need to medidate into my world and re-center my soul and heart. Music from the secret garden 25th anniversary, helps. It calms and sooths, transporting me to past and future lives where Angels, magic being and probabilities exist. They play and sing reminding me of all I'm was, am and will be. To not forget I'm a traveler and they are there to heal and aid. To these worlds and dimensions I am grateful and sad that No one I know can come with me. A world of dreams I haven't shared with someone. It's so linear Here in what they call reality.
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viplala-things · 5 years
Ma häbenen neid kellega ma koos elan ja fear of rejection is probably my biggest fear. I don't like sharing stuff that are not totally cool. Anything in the side of geeky or wierd or (anything that's wort doing actually)... has this kind of no-share tag to it until I get enough feedback that others think it cool, then I can share it. Thinking folk music, going to sunday scool and oicumenic stuff, medidation, yoga, reading, tv series, playing instrument, teaching language. Fuch, everything. Is it being careful and understanding surroundings before showing myself because i might get attacked if i do? Do you really have that big of a experience with that? From early childhood so you don't even remember? What do to with that?
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