pacificwanderer · 6 years
Super Salacious B. Crumb Sunday Headcanons!
Hey all! So I often get headcanons from people, but I don’t always get the time to answer them all, but I’m going to try to do a weekly roundup of anon headcanons on Sundays for fun. I’ll tag it both as #EPIX Speculation and #Sundayheadcanons, so you can block/search as you’d like.
Try to keep them positive (please no death, I know it’s a possibility that people consider for some characters, but I’d rather keep things as upbeat as possible), and I’ll tag if there are any children/babies headcanons, or anything that I think could possibly trigger anyone. I’m going to assume these are mostly going to be Reylo related, but you’re welcome to send me your general SW headcanons for EPIX as well.
Anyways, onwards! Thanks for sending me your happy thoughts :) I love reading what you all are thinking, even if I don’t always get to reply as much as I’d like!
Headcanons under the cut!
Headcanon: Rey insist Ben to pilot the falcon and he refuses and says that he’ll be the gunner. Rey is not having it and straight up says “You won’t even fit inside the gunner so sit down and fly this thing!” We all know he can fit because chewie can fit but Rey was just frustrated him with and wanted him to fly.
I honestly had never imagined Ben having to squeeze himself down that shaft into the gunner position HAHA. Seeing him try would be lol. Seeing Ben fly the Falcon is 100% near the top of my list of things I want for EPIX. And to get some banter in there too with Rey? YES. PLEASE.
I mean can you imagine though, that outfit of Rey's (Jakku-ish) is her wedding dress which goes back to early TFA-after days when Reylo was just a theory and talked about how Rey and Kylo looked like a bride and groom + bridal carry. Omg. That would be so rad. Padme's dress was really pretty, and I am sure Leia was glamorous but as for Rey, it would be awesome to see her wear more of a jedi-like outfit for their wedding. If any dress Rey wears though, I hope it's Padme's sunset dress.
That’s a really sweet idea, Nonnie! Kind of reminds me of this fanart post! I honestly hope we get to see more PT type fashion because the clothing in those movies was SO MUCH FUN!
one of my strongest fic-to-canon wishes is that Rey and kylo are talking in one of the scenes in the movie and suddenly out of nowhere one of them casually brings up a memory they both experienced and shared but one that the audience wasn’t shown. just imagine sitting in the theater seeing these two idiots argue and then kylo or Rey brings up a fond moment like “remember when...” and it’d be so subtle but SO powerful, it’d take just those few words to show the audience how close they’ve become
Ooo! That’d especially be interesting given that it’s expected there will be some sort of time-skip. Some people think that they won’t have any moments of connection to build up the drama of that FIRST connection again (which is possible), but man does that make me sad. I’d rather think they were kind of pissed at each other, but the Force is all, “Nah, kids. Gonna have to work this shit out.” 
Thanks for the headcanons, Nonnies! Enjoy your week!
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pacificwanderer · 5 years
Super Salacious B. Crumb Sunday Headcanons!
Lots of thoughts and speculation about what’s to come/what people want with The Rise of Skywalker and some fun headcanons :)
lotus063 said:
Imagine before Rey, there was a Mandalorian named Rin aka daughter of Ezra Bridger who was a member of the Resistance but was like if Rey was more of a personal assassin for them resulting in her leaving because she was being used as a weapon. Cue Rey and Rin meeting with Rin being a jaded Mandalorian Jedi who thinks the light and dark should reconcile while Rey thinks the order should be pure light resulting in a lot of tension between them during training.
I’m a huge Mando fan, so I’d love to see more Mandalorian’s in the ST and I’m super excited for the series. This sounds like a great story, Nonnie. I’m always down for drama concerning dogma and interpretations of the Light and Dark. Cheers! Thanks for sharing!
I feel like the scar will stay just cause it's so different looking. If they wanted to give her a scar why not just give her a normal line, instead she's got the hand type things reaching. I'd hope so anyway cause everyone's analysis on that has been pretty cool.
Hey Nonnie, I agree. It’s pretty iconic and symbolic, I can’t imagine why you’d focus in on the moment of her receiving the scar, only to like ignore it later. Additionally, she’s got that strategically placed armband (that mirror’s Padme’s costume and oh, conveniently, her scarring as well). Most things in movies that are worthy of focus happen for a reason. She’s marked now, just as he is for her. I also enjoy the analysis, so here’s hoping it stays :)
I love that "Heirs to the Force" was the title that John thought of for this film. He said the plural form which means both Rey and Ben are the heirs rather than just her being the sole legacy bearer or whatever.
Hey Nonnie, I kind of liked how it could refer to anyone and everyone. One of the important aspects of the ST I enjoy is that it really makes sure to focus on the fact that the Force belongs to everyone and that anyone can be a hero. But it also definitely could be referring to multiple individuals who are going to carry that torch forward, instead of having to trudge through alone. Wonder if John has seen the actual end? Haha. Cheers!
Did you see the MSW leaks? “Rey and Kylo clash and as they battle the backgrounds change into places throughout Star Wars’ vast locations from the nine part Skywalker saga.” I’m so confused! How does this work for them? Do they themselves realize what is happening or are they so focused on each other that they don’t realize what is happening around them? It sounds really cool but I honestly cannot really imagine this. And it seems this will happen very early on in the film.
Another anon:
When MSW said Rey and Kylo fight through the force bond - the way it was worded on Reddit makes it sound like it may not be that they are fighting each other. I wonder if they fight as a team through the bond or train through it. But I didn’t listen to the podcast so idk if that’s more clear.
Another anon:
Apparently MSW said that the first scene in the teaser is NOT the first time Rey and Kylo meet. A poster from reddit said “I am listening to the podcast now, and he very clearly is just using that scene as a spring board to say that he has heard that they meet in Jordan early on (which honestly probably just means not at the end), and that later when they have a fight it's flashing/Force link related as they move between different locations.” I’m confused now with the fight/force bond scene.
Hey Nonnies, my policy for leaks is that they’re okay to have fun with, but it’s best not to take them too seriously lol. At this point, JJ hasn’t even finished editing the movie, so anyone who’s speculating on what happens is literally doing just that, speculating. 
I want the stuff in the "leaks" to happen but I also don't trust any of the leaks to be accurate and don't believe them. If that makes sense.
Hey Nonnie, makes perfect sense to me. It’s not so much fun if everything is spoiled before the story has a chance to take place and, given that JJ isn’t even finished editing the movie, I have a tendency to believe they’re more speculation than anything else.
Fanboys have such a massive disconnect between what the movies are about and what they want. They're not bringing old Palpy back just so Kylo and Rey can spend 90% of the movie trying to kill each other. That's not evolving a relationship, that's just boring repetition.
Some people bitched endlessly that TFA was “too like ANH” but now that RotS has the potential be just like other OT movies, they’re all for it? This is why it’s just a good idea to do what needs to be done for the story and fuck anything else. People are going to bitch regardless, so might as well give them a reason lol.
It’s GO HOME or GO BIG when it comes to Reylo in TROS. I am hoping that LF and JJ can fully deliver the dynamic in the last movie (preferably more scenes of them alone and working really well together and a kiss).
I’m sure they’ll go big with this :) It’s a space opera, after all, gotta have some drama and theatrics in there (and dramatic kissing is a must). Cheers!
My only "worry" about getting ambiguous or straight up romantic Reylo is how much weight these people place on the "it would be bad message for girls!!!" discourse going around. I don't think they care that much, they're trying to reach a global audience and kids, mostly?
I wouldn’t worry about that. They did a great job of showing Rey retaining her agency (aka the reason she didn’t join Kylo, but will help to save Ben). Their sexism is blatant because no one says the same about Luke (either with how he saves Vader or Ma//ra Jade). Those people are loud but ultimately have as much impact on the outcome of the story as I do lol (which is none). Cheers!
I decided to look up anagrams (i'm bored) for 'ben solo kylo ren' and one of the anagrams on the list was 'broke lonely son' and now I'm sad. :'(
BLOCKED lol jk. I’ve seen that before and it still makes me sad. Poor Ben :(
I'm laughing at the thought of Finn and Poe having some old couple bickering sesh over a chess game and Ben just skypes in like "psssst, Rey, you wanna do something cool with me?"
Haha. I’m really excited to see the whole dynamic here. I think Oscar and John have crazy rapport (though they’re all charming as fuck, so no surprise there). I’m also interested in seeing what the gang thinks about Rey’s connection with Kylo because DRAMA.
Do you think they're going to walk back on Finnrose? I know John Boyega likes to joke around when it comes to romance in the trilogy, but he's always been honest during press tours. The way he deflected the Finnrose question asked in the IX panel by saying everyone has good chemistry makes me think Disney is leaning into Stormpilot. They had the picture of Finn and Poe ready to go as John and Oscar made jokes. I don't think they'll make it canon but I could see them teasing it.
Not after John’s comments concerning his friendships with Chewie, P/e, and Rey, I don’t lol. But as far as I’m concerned Finnrose is canon (though I love storm//pilot). I think they’re just avoiding talking about plot points in this story. I think that they might go with P/e being in love with Fi/n, or at least leaving that open to interpretation., but we’ll have to see. 
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pacificwanderer · 6 years
Super Salacious B. Crumb Sunday Headcanons!
Here’s my weekly roundup of headcanons and other fun stuff. Send me your happy SW thoughts if you’re interested in having a little fun with me (either anon, or off, whatever you’d like). This week, we’ve got some music recs as well as some cute/funny headcanons and some speculation about who might have played the ST cast if this movie was made in the 90s and dreams about fig newtons! 
Gravity by EXO. This song is more about Ben’s perspective and feelings when Rey left him at end of TLJ. This song sounds very happy, funky and retro but the lyrics are very angsty. “You said I was your future, Am I now just your past?” “I gave you my everything And now are you leaving me?” “You left me behind you, falling apart And I'm scared I’ll be left to drift without you”
‘Serendipity’ by BTS Jimin and ‘For Life’ (Korean and English version) by EXO
Nonnie’s doing their best to get me into K-pop and I can’t do it, Nonnie! I already have one all encompassing obsession and I’ve seen how hard people fall for this! LOL. Great songs and thanks for the recommendations!
Pregnancy/baby mentions below!
I watched TLJ today with my best friend. She likes Star Wars but she never really talks about the characters. When it got to the end of TLJ and Kylo told Luke he will destroy Rey. My friend started cracking up. Curiously I asked what is she laughing about. She said " At Kylo. He's going to destroy Rey." She snorted some more. I'm sure my eyes was huge with worry. "Of course he's going to destroy her. Tall as he is, she's going to end up with a 11 pound baby." I brought her Starbucks after.
 LOL. With all the birth, rebirth, and yonic symbolism in TLJ, it doesn’t surprise me at all when people end up with thoughts like this haha. Sounds like a good friend, Nonnie!
I just remembered a weird dream I had some time ago: I was watching IX and Poe was on a mission on a FO ship when he saw Kylo about to cheat on Rey with another girl. Since Poe was one of Rey's best friends (don't ask me why or how did he know about Reylo lol) and he knew Kylo was doing this out of spite because Rey had "betrayed" him and not because he loved this girl, he was about to stop him (don't ask me how lol). He even said: "Rey's my friend, I need to stop this before it's too late." XD
Haha good times, Nonnie! I’m a fan of the idea that Ben Solo and Poe are at least aware of each other from their shared pasts (though there’s been no indication that this is true), but that’s a pretty funny dream. We’ll have to see how things really go when the Force bond, and everything that happened on the Supremacy, gets revealed DUN DUN DUN. I have a feeling it’s not going to go super well for our girl!
I feel like Rey is the type who will be showering kisses to Ben
Cuuute! I agree! I think, once they get used to showing affection with each other, they’re going to be one of those couples that’s just disgustingly in love with each other. Ben will look for excuses to hold her hand or touch her while they’re close and Rey will use those opportunities to just get close and places kisses anywhere she can reach (everywhere). Can’t wait for these two to have their happily ever after!
If the Sequel Trilogy was made in the 2000s, who do you think will play the main characters? I got the feeling that JJ would have casted Keri Russell as Rey. I honestly can’t think of anyone that will do Ben justice.
Hey Nonnie! That’s a fun question! I definitely agree about Keri, if JJ was directing (because he loves her lol). As far as Kylo, sheesh. Maybe JJ would have gone the George route and cast Leo DiCaprio in a role. I think he makes a great fucking villain and god, you couldn’t turn around without seeing him in the late 90s/early 2000s. Oo or maybe Joaquin Phoenix? Maybe Mekhi Phifer for Fi//nn?
I ate a bunch of fig newtons before I went to bed. I had a dream that Ben was obsessed with fig cookies and that is what Rey had to save him from. Not the dark side but fig newton cookies lol. Like wtf? Most random thing ever. She was saving him from cookies x'D But here's the plot twist. After she saves him. She took what was left of the fig cookies and ate them. I woke up laughing so hard that later in the day it felt like I did a million sit ups. 
Haha that’s pretty strange, Nonnie! I only remember my dreams if I go to sleep and wake up and go back to sleep, and then write down what happened immediately, otherwise I pretty much always forget. I do envy people who have vivid dreams that they remember, though my sister used to suffer from night terrors as a child, so not that vivid lol. This kind of makes me hungry for a fig newton, but I haven’t had one in years. If the only thing Ben had to worry about was the power of fig newtons, I think Rey’d have no problem helping eat through that particular problem. 
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pacificwanderer · 5 years
Super Salacious B. Crumb Sunday Headcanons!
Here’s my weekly roundup of headcanons and other fun stuff. Send me your happy SW thoughts if you’re interested in having a little fun with me (either anon, or off, whatever you’d like). This week, we’ve got some rumors and spoiler head canons, some speculation about Ben’s role if and when he leaves the FO, and more!
What amuses me the most about the supposed 0G scene is that everyone assumes it will be a Rey vs Kylo scene and no one ever thinks what if it is Kylo vs KoR for example? Or the supposed bounty hunter Keri is playing? ;) those two options would make that scene soo much more interesting than just another rematch between Rey and Kylo, they will have one of course, they need to 'talk' and clear a lot of things, but i see that happening on the ground ;)
I’m on the fence concerning a rematch between Kylo and Rey. On the one hand, lightsaber battles are cool af and I get why people would be down for a rematch, on the other, I have a really hard time seeing them fight each other. Like, you’re telling me Mr. Holding you on the edge of a cliff and imploring you to be his student is going to be hardcore into fighting the girl he cries a lot over? I just... Have a hard time with it. And similarly, you’re telling me Ms. Shipped myself into enemy territory after crying over you, prettying myself up, fighting for you, and then crying some more about you is going to be super into it too? ReallYYYY? Lol I mean, people can imagine/headcanon/want whatever, but this is what I struggle with. But I feel you, nonnie, lol I see most of their “discussions” being on the ground naked. I’d love to see Keri kick some ass in 0Gs, so I’m down for that too! OO kick some KoR ass! Lol.
What plot do you think can involve poe finishing at the same time than 3po? Friend told me that just that day Joonas was returning to work, and then the next week was it R2 or BB who finished? So the last ones standing to the last day were Ben, Rey, Finn, Rose, Chewie and maybe Naomi's character, double date and chaperones?
Depends, Nonnie. There wasn’t much seen of Oscar on set after Jordan, so if they were doing some sort of pick up, or out of sequence shooting, it could be from anywhere. According to Oscar, he and Anthony had a lot of scenes together, so it’s possible they were finishing up whatever work they needed to film for 3PO and Poe.
Hi! So it's pretty common to compare Rey and Kylo to Beauty and the Beast, but I just realized something -- in Disney Channel's "Descendents", the son of Belle and Beast is also named Ben so... coincidence??
Haha, probably? I mean, Harrison’s son is also named Ben and, iirc, there was a name switch at some point, possibly with his input. Though, it also does tie into “Ben Kenobi,” aka, the reason Ben’s parents got together in the first place. But that is a fun coincidence!
What do you think Ben will do after he leaves the FO? Because I doubt he’ll go to the Resistance even though Rey is there. Even if Rey leaves the Resistance, I’m not sure if he will go to her since maybe he’ll think she would not want anything to do with him. Also do you think Rey understands or realizes that maybe the one of the reasons why he would not go to the Resistance is because maybe he thinks they would not accept him or they will persecute him? (A lot of ‘maybes’, sorry)
I don’t see him joining the Resistance either, Nonnie. I don’t see him dumping one cause only to take up another (and one that he seems to have a problem with, if his opinion concerning senators and the New Republic is anything to go by). I think his journey, like Rey’s, is with the Force and not so much being a part of the Resistance. They will bring balance and peace in their own storyline, while characters like Finn, Rose, and Poe (among others) will work towards their goals. I don’t really think that Rey will be that present in the Resistance, either, but I think their Force connection will help fill in the gaps between where they were and where they currently are at. These two need time and to talk to resolve their issues, and to take steps towards claiming their own happy endings, whether that’s together or not (though I think it will be together).
I think that Ben also thinks that the reason Rey didn’t killed him when he was unconscious was because she is a good person so it’s natural for her to show mercy but he doesn’t give thought that she also ultimately wants to be with him as a partner and lover. And Rey will probably think that she isn’t a good person but a selfish one because she went to Ben wanting him to leave with her not solely because it’s for the Resistance but because she wants him.
I think you’re onto something, Nonnie. I agree that their issues right now come from the fact that, instead of talking to each other about what they saw and what they want, they jumped to conclusions and made assumptions (that they both saw and wanted the same things, when they clearly didn’t). I think that, once they sit down and talk through their issues, it’ll be gravy.
How long do you think Ben will last as the Supreme Leader in IX? Do you think it will last until the 2nd act? Or he will be out of the FO very early on? Because based from the leaks, it seems his reign will last longer...? I am not so sure
For a hot minute lol. Someone on twitter stated that Ben had to become the Supreme Leader in order to realize that was never what he really wanted. And even Leia, in the Bloodlines novel, says that she doesn’t think Ben would be interested in retaining a title (as prince), which I think is true. I don’t see that much of his story taking place outside of what’s going on with Rey, but that’s just my speculation. I think he’s been told for so long what his destiny is meant to be that he’s never actually had a moment to sit and consider what he wants. It’ll be interesting to see what happens concerning this and the conclusions he draws in EPIX.
I am pretty sure that if Rey and Ben do reconcile and she sees that he finally becoming more balance like letting the light in and being more Ben Solo, she’ll defend him even against the Resistance if they are hell bent on killing him. If they give her the choice to either kill him and stay with them or be kicked out and marked as a threat for fraternizing with the enemy, she’ll gladly leave them.
I agree, Nonnie. I think a great aspect of Rey’s character (and one that, incidentally, Padme also shares), is her willingness to believe the best about people, but also the fact that she’s not afraid to call them on their bullshit. I agree that, if she sees him taking real strides towards righting the wrongs that he’s committed/coming to the Light, etc, she’ll go to the ends of the galaxy and back again to keep him safe. I’m interested to see how their Force Bond plays out once people in the Resistance know about it and whether that causes any tensions within the organization (I HOPE IT DOES MWAHAHA).
I am not afraid of discourse after what we went through in pre-TLJ days. Of course they are going to try to continue to sale Rey Finn and Poe as the trio just as they did with both TFA and TLJ to try unsuccessfully hide what truly is going on. We do know at some point in the film Rey goes off on her own for some reason. Personally, I think it only PARTLY has something to do with trying to hide her bond to Ben. Imagine how awkward it must be for her? lol. Looks like she's talking to herself.
Haha man, do I ever want the fanon thing where Rey is talking to Kylo with their bond and then someone walks in and sees like her or him talking to thin air LOL. I wonder if anyone else can see it? Doesn’t seem to be the case, if Luke’s reaction on Ahch-To is any indication. I definitely think her bond/and the scar she got defending him, will be some source of drama in EPIX and I can’t wait!
Cheers all! Thanks for chatting about SW with me and for your input!
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