#sundrop tickle
gigglyjake · 3 months
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Okay looks like Moon decided to join in hehehe~!
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dasunmoon-beansz · 2 years
A fanfic of Lee!Sundrop and Ler!Moondrop bc it's impossible to resist.
Title: Another Mess To Clean
Late after closing hours, Moon was particularly busy on cleaning the ball pit. The children became fond of it that day and were in it for a long time. So many of the plastic, colorful balls were everywhere on the floor. Moon normally enjoyed cleaning on his own since he could accompany himself, whether it be a song, or just talking to himself. Something about cleanings like this was so peaceful to the night-themed daycare attendant. Meanwhile, Sun was crucially bored and had nothing to do. At. All. Moon wasn't a big help either since he was too busy in his own thoughts and peace. Sun thought about how to cure his boredom...Oh! He knew Moon well and knew that Moon got mad in a playful way when Sun made a mess right after he finished cleaning. Sun wanted to see how much he could get a rise out of Moon. He enjoyed getting Moon angry in his own playful way and thought of Moon's playful anger as a new game. An entertainment. A...toy. So, Sun jumped into the ball pit. Moon's head spun around to face the loud noise followed with multiple colorful, plastic balls thrown everywhere.
"What the- Sun?! Was that you?! Naughty...I just finished cleaning right there!" Moon yelled out, turning his entire body in Sun's direction. Sun giggled, knowing well that Moon was not happy with the mess he made.
"Hehehe! Pbbbbtt!! You'll have to catch me to stop me~!" Sun shouted, blowing a raspberry at Moon as a tease.
Sun was goading Moon on. He clearly wanted attention and Moon could see it.
"Now now, Sunny. I'm busy cleaning! I. Can't. Play." Moon reasoned with Sun and picked up the plastic balls and threw them back into the ball pit. Sun whined and pouted, walking out of the ball pit with crossed arms. He entirely forgot about his words earlier being 'You'll have to catch me to stop me~!' and that was a mistake. "No fair! You haven't played with me all day!" He whined, lightly stomping his feet, little jingles from his slippers echoing the vibrations of Sun's feet stomping on the soft floor.
"Oh, Sunny. I know I haven't but you're making more of a mess for me to clean up. Now, how about you go and play in the play structures or go paint a little picture? Moon tried being so nice and calm with his words. He didn't want to upset his Sunny. After all, he only wanted to play with his dearest friend. "But Moooonnyyyy!!! No one could paint with me or play with me except for you! Aaand if you refuse I'll-"
"Hmm~ Ok then. I refuse to play with you~" He cut Sun off short, knowing that his threats couldn't really do anything too big. His voice had a teasy edge to it. He knew that no matter what Sun did, he could always bounce it right back. Moon didn't expect Sun to actually do anything but- YOINK! Next thing Moon could understand was that Sun had his hat. He was waving it in front of his face, teasing Moon about it. "Eep! ...Ohohoho~ I see how it iiisss~" Moon quickly grabbed Sun's right wrist, snatching his hat back and putting it back in place. Sun almost immediately squeaked. His smile looked nervous and wobbly but truly, Sun was delighted to be teased and played with by his beloved, Moony.
"Now, Sunny~ You know how I've been cleaning all day~?"
"Y-Yes?" Sun stuttered.
"Well...it looks like I have only one mess left to clean~ Guess what it is." Moon teased.
"Th-The ball pit...?" Sun said, his smile still so wide and wobbly.
Sun squeaked, his tail thrashing side to side faster than he could think. His rays were spinning in such an adorable way which made Moon's cheeks lightly cover with a blue bush. On the other hand, Sun's face was covered with a strong orange blush. His eyes widened as Moon's tail wrapped around his abdomen, lightly squeezing his sides causing a small yelp that escaped Sun's voice box. Moon only grinned oh-so-mischievously.
"EEP! N-Now now, Moony! *hic* I-I'm too sensitihive!!" Sun squeaked out. He was trying anything to goad Moon on. Sun started quivering in his grasp, showing Moon that he wanted to sit down for his punishment.
"Oh~ You're too sensitive, my Sunshine~? Well, what a sensitive thing like you to do in such a fun punishmeeent~?" Moon dragged out, his voice drawling and being enough to get Sun trembling. Which of course, did happen. Sun was shaking with excitement and anticipation. "M-Moonyyy~! Please! Dohon't! Not like this!!" Sun squealed. Moon brought Sun and himself down to the floor, with Sun in his lap. He wiggled his fingers right below Sun's face. His neck. Moon quickly replied, "Aaaww~ I thought you wanted the tickly-tickly-tickleesss~ But if not, then I can just go back to cleaning and leave you begging to be tickleedd~"
Damn! Why was he so good at teasing Sun?! Wasn't he meant to put kids down for naps and not play?! Whatever it was, Sun loved it. He was lightly kicking his cute lil' legs, quickly grabbing Moon's sides and shoving his face into his chest. "Mmf! Don't go..." Sun mumbled but Moon was able to understand his words.
"Aahaaw~ I wouldn't leave you, Sun-Cookie~"
"Uh- What?! Did you just call me-"
Moon cut Sun off in a sing-song voice. "Shush if you want the ticklesss~"
Just like that, Sun shut his mouth while still staring at Moon from the pet-name. Moon chuckled at his glare. He knew he was pushing Sun to his limits and wanted to continue before starting his punishment. "Aaawww~! It looks like my Sunny really does want the tickle-tickle-tickless~! I wonder if you could possibly be BEGGING for me to start~" Moon was really pushing it for his poor Sunny and he knew it. He loved flustering Sun into submission and knew exactly what buttons to push. Of course, Moon knew that Sun was staring at him with puppy eyes because he wanted to be tickled. It was obvious to Moon. Maybe not others, but for Moon? Certainly.
"I'll tell you what~ If you admit you want to be tickled, then I'll tickle you all day and all night~!" Moon suggested. He knew that Sun couldn't resist and he would have to admit it if he truly wanted the tickles.
"I- um eheh- d-do I really h-have to?! I-I mean, n-no one's forcing you or a-anything!" Sun struggled to say it. He tried to avoid saying it, wanting Moon to just go ahead and start his attack. "Yes you do~ And if you don't...then you'll just have to stay bored~"
"Mmm!! Ok ok! I'll say it!! I-Iwanttobetickled..!!" Sun quickly covered his face. He wanted to say it so quickly that Moon would accept it and start his punishment right then and there.
"Oh~? What was that, Sunlight~? I'm afraid I couldn't quite understand what you said~ Would you mind repeating that for me?"
"Oh you little- FINE! I'll say it! I w-want you to..I want you to tickle me...!"
"Thank you Sunnyyy~ But since you were so so stubborn, then I'll have to punish you more~" Moon was pleased that Sun finally gave in. Buuut he couldn't leave him unpunished, now could he? He couldn't. Besides, Sun even gave the effort to actually say he wanted it. That was enough for Moon to start. So, there were those wiggling fingers again which were way too close to Sun's tummy for his disliking. He knew just how to get Sun to giggle up a storm before anything even started. "EEP! Ehehehe~! Moohohoonyyy! Nohoho!" He squealed. Even though his words were 'no', his mind said otherwise.
"Aaww~ Poor poor Sunmellooow~ If you didn't want me to, then why did you say you did~? Oh my, did you lie to me~?" He teased.
"N-Nohoho! I-I would nehever lihihihiieee!" Sun quickly responded. He didn't want Moon to think he didn't want the tickles, because he did! He absolutely loved being tickled! Especially by his Moon. When he was Moon's, and Moon was his.
"Well then~ What am I waiting for?! Tickle tickle tickle the ticklish little Sunnyyyy~!" Moon said his last sentence in a sing-song voice as his fingers finally reached that oh-so-sensitive tummy. Sun squealed and giggled and kicked his legs. It was adorable how he could be so sensitive and still adore the sensations. "EEHEHEHE~!! Moohohoonyyy! Nohoho not my tummyhyhyhy~! PleheHEHEASE!" His last plea was much more high. The culprit for his squeal was Moon's thumb accidently gliding over his tummy indent. It mocked a navel that would be on humans but instead was a dent on both Sun and Moon's tummy. Only noticed if looked around very well or a good touch around their tummy.
"Oops~! Sorry Sunny~ That spot wasn't supposed to be touched until later~ I'll wait for when that time has come~ For now, I need to focus on this cute tummy of yours!" Moon apologized. He didn't want to get to his most ticklish spots quite yet. His tummy indent being one of them.
Moon was having trouble keeping Sun from squirming so, positions are swapped now. Moon above Sun with his Sunny pinned underneath him.
"Oh, sorry again~ Since you can't stay still... I'll just have to get to these underarms and wires~ Sound good, Sunny~? Oh, I bet it does~ Coochie cooo~!" Moon was toying with a little orange wire that was exposed from Sun's underarm. Sun's eyes started to peak with little tears of laughter, his laughter rising now.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!! NOHOHO~!!! NOT THERE NOHOHOHOHOOT THEHEHEHEREEEE~!!! PLEASE I'M BEHEHEHEHEGGING YOU! IHIHIHIHIHI'M BEHEHEHEHEGGING NOOOOHOHOHO MOHOHOHOREEE~!!! EHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHA! ANYTHIHING BUHUHUHUHUT THE WIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIRESSS~!!! MOOHOHOHOHONYYY STAHAHAHAHAHAHAWP~!!!!! IHIHIHIHIHIT TIHIHIHCKLESS!!! AHAHAHAHAHA~~!!!!!" Sun lost it. Moon found his way into his underarm. He was twirling his fingers around two little wires. Poor Sun felt as though the tickles were hitting directly on his endo. It was killer. His tears rolled down his face as he laughed and laughed. Moon was reaching Sun's limits. It was clear Sun needed a break. Sun didn't want a break though. Although he at least wanted Moon to tickle somewhere else other than his oh-so-sensitive wires.
"MOOHOHOHOHONYYY PLEHEHEHEASE SOHOHOHOMWHERE EHEHELSE SOMEWHERE EHEHEHEHELSEEE!!!!!!!!! IHIHIHIHIHIT'S TOO MUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUCH!!!! MYHYHYHYHY WIHIHIHIRES ARE TOO SENSITIHIHIHIHIHIHIVEEE~!!! MEHEHEHEHEHERCY!!!!!" Sun was squealing and shrieking for mercy on his wires. He NEEDED Moon to tickle somewhere else. He may not have wanted to but he needed it nonetheless. So, Moon did as Sun asked and let go of his arms. He started crawling off Sun, then back on, sitting on ankles.
"Ehehehe~ M-Moony..? Wh- Oh no.. NONONONONO! NOHOHOT THERE PLEASE THAT'S SENSITIVE TOOHOHOHO!!" Sun finally realized where Moon was getting at as he slowly pulled his slippers off. "Oh but Sunny~ I thought you loved this spot~ Besides, these have been such an itchy spot on youuuuu~ I'll be gentle...I promise~" Moon teased.
"J-Just not m-myhy toes. P-Please..?"
"Oh, what's that~? No tickles for Sun at all? Well, then I guess I'll just go back to cleaning~!" Moon slowly started to get up off of Sun's ankles. He knew Sun wouldn't let Moon leave. Moon wanted him to admit he wanted to be tickled on his feet.
"NO! D-Dont leave! I-I want you t-to tickle me...!" Sun squeaked. His face covered entirely with an orange flush. He was so embarrassed to admit he wanted Moon to tickle him. "Oh, Sunny~ I'm so happy you finally admitted your true desire~!" Moon had a pleased edge to his voice. Sun would obviously hear it. Instead of a sinister and evil grin on Moon's face, it was a gentle, soft, and sweet smile. He seemed so happy that Sun admitted his wants on his own without Moon having to push him.
"Alright, Sunmellow~ I won't leave. But! You have to stay still for me, ok?"
"I-I promise...!" Sun promised. He knew he couldn't keep it because of his reflexes but he had to try for Moon. After all, he was going to go out of his peaceful cleaning time to have a fun tickle-session with his Sunny.
"Alriiight~ I promise I'll be gentle..." Moon rubbed his palms on Sun's feet. The feeling of those soft beans underneath his hands were so soft and squishy. Sun was already giggling. Moon was gently squishing his beans, causing adorable squeaky giggles to come out of his voice box. "Ehehehehehe~! HEEhehehehe! M-Mohohoony~ EheheHEHEHE~!!" Sun's laughter only rose in pitch when Moon squeezed his big toe.
"Oooh~ Your toes always get you squealing~" Moon now focused on Sun's big toes. This caused Sun's laughter to stay in that high pitch.
"EHEHEEHEHEHEHE~!! MOHOHOHOONY!! IhihihiIHIHIHIT TIhihihihihickles~! Ehehehehe~" Sun giggled and squeaked and laughed. He enjoyed his tickle treatment and never wanted it to end. So, Moon continued all day. The tickles went on and on with Sun so gleeful and Moon pleased and joyful.
The End! <3
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autemka · 6 months
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I love it. Really. Like. It’s ROUGH, but i still like it.
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homunculuslover · 3 months
I've been wanting to animate to this scene in Hamilton and now I finally have!! XD And of course, it had to be tickle related. XD
After a hard day's work, Sun, Moon and Eclipse eagerly await to torment and tickle.~
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coy-lee · 8 months
A fight for the ages on magma! (it'll be a stale mate. Both collapse at the exact same time XD)
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Ah yes, in the world where reaching out and painting sundrop was an option. Sun: PFft- HEE hee- you can stop throwing things now. -v-
Sun: T-the paint is supposed to stay ON the paper! Sun: HEY HAhaHAHA- No tickling the animatronics! Sun: HEAHAHAhaahaheeey! you're gonna gehet me all dirty!! Sun:OKAhahay! thats enough- ENOUGH!
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laughterfixs · 26 days
Oof, been working on this as animation practice on and off but I love how it came out! I'm learning more and more and I can't wait to strengthen my skills and animate more complex things >:3c
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 year
Question for the fairy bois
How does one play tickle tag? And who normally wins out of you two?
Also you two are so freakin cute! I just wanna give you both nuzzles!!
"The rules are quite simple, really-!
It's just like the tag you humans play, but when one of us is caught...
Moony wins a lot, but I get him sometimes!"
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danixthefenix · 29 days
sun and moon torturing astro with tickle love
So as not to leave you waiting with your orders, here I send you another minicomic of Astro with Moon but this time Sun is here to support his brother, saving Moon from Astro's revenge and now the two of them are torturing him but with love nwn, give him a lot love this minicomic
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P.D: Those of you who asked me for your drawings, don't worry, I have them on the list but I'm going to do them in order from first to last, besides that I would like to do more astro minicomics with Moon so be patient nwn
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lonelyjuly8 · 1 year
Could I request a Ler!Y/N with Lee!Moon and/or Lee!Sun? Maybe like a cleaning scenario? I can imagine that the daycare attendants have advanced sensors and they'd definitely get a little messy when taking care of the little ones!
Your art is amazing by the way! Keep making progress! I believe in you!
-Cloud Anon
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I decided to color it :3
Thank you for your request, I hope u like it <3
I wanted to draw Moon as well but I didn't have time, I'm sorry you had to wait a month or two, I've been really busy
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shyywriter · 11 months
Playdate Trouble
Fandom - Five Nights at Freddy's (Security Breach)
Summary: Moon notices that Sun isn't quite himself. So, he decides to take matters into his own hands and tries to cheer him up.
Note: This is my first ever tickle fic, (so forgive me if it's not that great), and I've decided to write it about two of my favorite characters, ever. Sundrop and Moondrop from Security Breach. I've read a bunch of fics, of these two, and they've all been adorable. So, here's my attempt at it.
It was after hours, in the Pizzaplex, which meant that all of the animatronics were off, doing their own thing. They were all pretty grateful for this allowed free time, especially the Glamrocks, since performing for their guests, all day, could be pretty tiring. The only one who really wished that the day could last forever was Sunnydrop. The Daytime Daycare Attendant is quite boisterous and full of energy, so it was always sad, for him, to see the children go, and the daycare close. After hours was, probably, Sun's least favorite time of day, especially when everyone else was busy, and he had no one to play with. Moon, usually, likes to wander off, on his own. And, Eclipse takes this time to tidy things up, in their secret little room, behind the castle balcony. Not to mention, the Glamrocks would also be busy with their own things.
Right now, Sun was simply sitting on a bean bag, with his head in his hands, and a grumpy expression, on his faceplate. He was bored, and couldn't think of anything fun to do. He could go for a dive in the ball pit, or make some new puppets in Arts and Crafts. But, Sun has already done these things, a zillion times, and he wasn't quite in the mood for any of them. Just when Sun was starting to consider just heading over to his charge station, to power down for the night, he heard a deep, raspy chuckle, echo through the daycare. He looked up to see his twin, Moondrop, swimming through the air, on his wire. Sun sighed, sadly, as he watched his brother fly around, high up in the air. It looked like a lot of fun, and he always wanted to try it. But, the staff would never allow it since Sun was clumsy, and could often get, a little, carried away. They didn't want to risk him falling off, and getting hurt or damaged, badly.
Meanwhile, Moon had noticed Sun, sitting there, and decided to go and greet him. He lowered down and, once Moon reached the ground, his wire disconnected from his back loop and retracted back into the ceiling, leaving Moondrop free to walk around, on his own. Moon tiptoes over to Sun, with his wide grin, as he waves to him. "Hello, Sunny. Oh. Why so blue?", he said as he took notice of the Sun's grumpy look. Sun continues to sit there, hunched over with his head in his hands, as he looked down at the floor. "Oh, it's nothing." Moondrop tilted his head as he stared at Sun, his grin never faltering. It was clear to him that Sun wasn't feeling like, usually, cheery self, right now. It was, actually, quite odd to see him acting like this. Moon then steps in front of Sun, crouching down to look him, face to face. "Are you upset with me?" Sun's eyes go wide at the question, and he sits up, shaking his head, while looking at Moon, now. "No, of course not! I'm not upset at anybody. I'm just so...bored!"
Moon blinked as he stared at Sun. "Bored?" Sun sighs as he leans back in the beanbag chair, resting his cheek on his fist, as he looked off to the side. "Yeah, bored. There's never anything to do, when all the little sunshines go home. No one to play with." Moondrop looked down, in thought. Does this happen, often? Does Sun always get this way, when the Pizzaplex closes. Now, Moon was starting to feel, a bit, guilty. He would always go off on his own, not actually spending that much time with his brother. He never knew that Sun was this lonely. Moon then sat down next to Sun, looking over at him, with a sad grin. "Well. I could play with you. If that's what you want." Sun turned to look at Moon, with a surprised expression. But then, he frowned before looking back away. "No, no. That's okay, Moony. I know that you'd rather do something else." Sun didn't want his brother to feel obligated to do this, if he really didn't want to. After all, Moon didn't always like doing the same things that Sun did. And, who was he to force his brother out of his comfort zone. Moondrop frowned, as well, as he put his hand on Sundrop's shoulder. "But, I DO want to play with you." Sun didn't even respond as he continued to sit there, looking down, sadly. Moon started to look worried as he stared at Sun. He didn't like seeing Sun, this way. He had to think of something to put a smile back on Sun's face.
Moon thought to himself, trying to come up with something fun that they could do, together. "We could play hide and seek", he said, turning to Sun with a hopeful look. Sun, however, didn't seem excited by that idea, at all. "I don't really feel like playing hide and seek, right now." Moon frowned, trying to think of something else. "We could...visit Gator Golf. Monty loves to teach golf." Sun still showed no signs of excitement. "I'm not in the mood for golf, either. Besides, Monty's busy polishing is golf clubs." Moon huffed to himself, determined to find something that would spark Sun's interest. He looked down, on the floor, when he suddenly spotted something, out of the corner of his eye. It was a pink, fluffy, feather, simply just sitting there on the floor. It must have come from Arts and Crafts. Moon picked up the feather, eyeing it, with a raised eyebrow. He looked, back and forth, between the Sun and the feather, before an idea pops into his head, causing him to perk up. Moon then smiled, deviously, as he glanced over at Sun, speaking in a sing-song voice. "Oh, Sunny~" Sun hadn't even noticed the feather that Moon was holding, yet, since he was still faced the other way. "Hm?" Moon took this to his advantage as he, sneakily, scooted closer to Sun, still grinning, mischievously. "I know something we can do. Something very fun~"
Sun, still not bothering to look over at Moon, continues to sit there, sadly, not sounding too enthusiastic. "Oh, yeah? What's that?" Moondrop's evil grin widens as he approaches Sun, getting closer. "It's called..." Then, once the opportunity was there, Moon grabbed Sun, causing him to let out a startled yelp, before he uses one hand to raise Sun's arms above his head. "The Tickle Sunny Game." Then, before Sun could process what was happening, he jumps and squeals, upon feeling Moon start to tickle under his arm, with the feather. Sun, immediately, bursts into laughter and giggles, as he kicks and squirms around, trying to free his arms. "AAH! AAHAHAHAHAHAHA! WAIT, WAHAHAHAIT! MOHOHOHOHOONY!" Moondrop chuckles, deviously, as he wiggles the feather around in Sun's underarm, making sure to get at all of those sensitive wires. "Oh, look at that. You're smiling, again." Sundrop continues to buck and writhe around, squealing and laughing from the feather's soft touch. "EEK! AAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHO, STOHOHOHOOP! THAT-THAHAHAT TIHICKEHEHEHEHELS!"
Moon smirks as he watches Sun wiggle and giggle underneath the feather. He feels a sense of pride wash over him, finally getting Sunny out of his funk of being bored and sad. "It does? Really?", Moon teases, as he trails the feather down to Sun's side. He then starts to wiggle the feather on that spot, hoping to get a similar reaction. "What about here? Does it tickle, here, too?" Sun lets out another squeal as his laughter goes up, a pitch. It tickled even worse, actually. But, there was nothing he could do about it, with his brother holding his arms up.
Sun, honestly, couldn't believe how ticklish he was. He knew that he was programed with advanced emotions and sensitivity, as a means of being able to connect with the children. But, he didn't know that meant he would also be unbearably ticklish. Moon giggles along with Sun, enjoying the sound of his laughter. He doesn't let up, one bit, and continues his ticklish onslaught, not stopping until he's gotten Sunnydrop back to his bright and happy self. "Hehehe! What's the matter, Sunny? Aren't you having fun, yet? Tickle, tickle, tickle~"
The teasing only makes Sun laugh harder, as he tries to squirm out of the feather's reach, while still tugging at his arms. However, it was no use, as Moon was constantly following Sun's movements, with the feather. "OHOHOHO! PLEHEHEHEHEASE, STOHOHOHOP! THIS ISN'T FUHUHUHUHUN! THIS IS TOHOHORTUHUHURE!" Moon lets out an amused chuckle. It was obvious that Sun was fibbing. It was clear, as day, that Sun was enjoying himself. "Torture? Don't be silly. You're loving this." Moon then decides to tease Sun, a bit, slowly dragging the feather towards his belly. Sunny let's out more, high-pitched, giggles, unable to help the giddiness welling up, inside him. He watches, with a nervous grin, as the feather travels, closer and closer, to his tummy. Moondrop grins, evilly, as he continues to drag the feather, at a, painfully, slow pace. He then pauses right at Sun's belly, building up the anticipation...before he, suddenly, drops the feather and instead uses his fingers to tickle Sun's belly, relentlessly. Sun, practically, shrieks before he bursts into a fit of uncontrollable cackles. He definitely wasn't expecting that, and was not, at all, prepared for it.
"AAAAHHAHAAAHAHAHAHAA! NOHOHOHOHO! YOHOU BIHIHIHIG BUHUHUHULLY!" Moondrop chuckles, mischievously, as he skitters his fingers all over Sundrop's tummy, making it twitch and squirm. "Oh, I'm a bully, am I? Well, maybe, I shouldn't stop, then. Kitchy, Kitchy, Koo~" Sun continues to squeal and cackle, his heart out, as Moondrop continues to torment his poor, ticklish, belly. Moon then pokes at Sun's tummy dent, trying to find out what spots will get the best reactions. Sun yelps, in response, as he let's out a roar of funny laughter.
Moon pauses at the noise he just heard. Did Sunny just? Moon smirks at Sun, with a raised eyebrow, before he pokes at his tummy dent, again. "What was that? Are you a piggy, now? Well, no wonder you like to squeal."
Sun continues to cackle and snort, absolutely hysterical. He can feel his systems heating up, as Moondrop continues to torment his tummy and dent. As much as he was having fun, he couldn't take much more. So, he decided to call it quits.
Moondrop grins, victoriously, as he giggles at Sun's attempt to surrender. "Hmmm. Oh, alright." After giving his belly one last tickle, for good measure, Moon, finally, lets Sun go. Sun slumps over, on the beanbag chair, going limp, as he let's out a sigh of relief. He pants and wheezes, trying to catch his breath, still giggling, a bit. Moondrop grins down at his exhausted brother, as he watches him catch his breath. Now, THIS was the Sunny he knew and loved. Smiling and giggling, without a care in the world. Moon smiles as he pats Sun, on the head. "There. Now, wasn't that fun?" Sun, barely, managed to sit back up, still trying to recover from that tickle attack. His smile never left, as he turned to look at Moon. He felt a lot better, now. In fact, he couldn't even remember what he was sad about. "Oho, my goodness. I think my systems are crashing." After he, finally, managed to recover, Sun smiles, warmly, at Moon. He seems grateful for that "bonding time" they had just gotten to spend, with each other. "Thanks, Moony. That really was a fun game!" Moondrop grins, softly, at his brother. He then, suddenly, yawns, feeling himself start to feel drowsy. "You're welcome." Sundrop yawns, as well, also feeling pretty drained. The two animatronics then lay down, with each other, on the beanbags. They smile as they let themselves relax, feeling peaceful. Though, before they let themselves rest, Sun looks over at Moon, with a sheepish grin on his face. "Hey, Moony?" Moon, who's starting to go into rest mode, shifts his head towards Sun's. "Yes, Sunny?" Sun smiles, shyly, as he continues to look over at Moon. "Do you think we could...play that game, more often?" Moondrop chuckles and smiles, sleepily, as he rests his head against Sundrop's. "We can play, whenever you want." Sundrop smiles as he rests his head, as well. The two of them, both, close their eyes, as they go into rest mode, feeling happy and contented. Long story short, after discovering his new, favorite game, after hours had, actually, became Sunnydrop's favorite time of day. And, Moondrop's, too.
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gigglyjake · 3 months
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Soooooo this is what I get for getting into Sundrop’s candy =u=.
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dasunmoon-beansz · 2 years
I made a tickle calendar!! Basically a specific topic for every day of the week!
CALENDAR OF FLUFF. (Includes description of the day and name):
Sunday: Sunny Sunday! Sunny Sunday is when I draw or write a story about Lee or Ler Sunnyyy~!
Monday: Moony Monday! Moony Monday is like Sunny Sunday but with Moon instead!
Tuesday: Tickle Tuesday! Tickle Tuesday is when the daycare bois will tickle one another but it depends on how I feel to chose either a drawing or fanfic!
Wednesday: Wonder Wednesday! Wonder Wednesday is when I'll choose any Lee! or Ler! and choose whatever will happen so it's a mystery to all of you!
Thursday: Threat Thursday! Threat Thursday is when one of the daycare bois will tease the hell out of the other until their inner Ler! releases and makes their tickle attack!
Friday: Feather Friday! Feather Friday is when one of the daycare bois will tickle one of them with FEATHERSSSSS!!!
Saturday: Sticker Saturday! Sticker Saturday will include children putting stickers on one of the daycare bois or both! Possibly it might be the aftermath of the stickers being put of them! Perhaps tickles while being cleaned and such!
This little week for me is already packed so I'll miss this week but start next week! But for now...I made some fluff for all of you in the meantime! And I might post some other drawings I have made in the past! Click for better quality!
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Hehe~ Looks like leaves are the ancestors of feathers!
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autemka · 20 days
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coy-lee · 11 months
Inspiration smacked me upside the head a awhile ago. As take the product of my random muse!
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Alrighty, let's get this started with the triplets. Sun and Moon arguing with Eclipse tryin to get them to behave themselves. This can go however you may see, dear~ ~LF
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