sildesalaten · 6 years
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Sunor week day 4: seasons
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i-am-a--lionheart · 6 years
A bit late but this is for day 3 of this years SuNor week - Magic - PG 13+ with mentions of violence and abuse
He was not sure when the fire in the chimney had died down, leaving the room cold, dark and quiet. Lukas was sitting in one of the old armchairs, trying to get at least a bit comfortable. The world outside was grey, he guesses it was late in the afternoon, but he was not sure about this. This place was absolutely timeless anyways and he could not even remember when he had been allowed to leave his chambers, which obviously meant it had been a couple of years already. Those wooden doors were always locked, and he was not even sure if Berwald possessed any keys or if the lock was just always frozen. Of course, the Norwegian had tried to use his magical flames to escape a couple of times since he had been forced to stay here, but it was useless. After weeks of cursing and literally destroying half the interior decoration and burning his skin countless times, he had given up. He could have tried to escape through the windows but his chambers were placed in a tower and if he was ever brave enough to jump, the ground below would shatter at least half of his bones. Even though he would not die and possessed healing abilities, they would catch him before he was able to stand up. Not that he wasn’t used to be caged, but at least Matthias had never kept him in a rather small area in an abandoned wing of his castle. The Dane had always kept him extremely close by his side, which of course had left him with scars and nightmares too, but at least he had never felt abandoned. Not at all. Matthias’ fire had been either a lot weaker than Berwalds or Lukas had grown even more frail. He liked to believe the first option more if he had to be honest. The whole castle was filled by the cold, bluish-golden aura that suffocated his own with each passing day. He could never know if or when the Swede would come to this part of the castle until he was able to hear his steps on the floor outside.
Since he was shivering all over – nothing new at all – he stood up, his joints cracking in the silence of the room and put a few pieces of wood into the chimney, enlightening it with his own flames. With a small sigh of relief, he stayed put in front of the growing fire, it was a shame that he didn’t possess enough energy to heat himself up with his magic. But with the little amount of training – basically he had no space to train his abilities at all – combined with his extreme low nutrition income, he didn’t have the chance to get stronger at all. With an extra piece of wood, not much thicker than his thin wrist, he settled down again, his small knife in his other hand.
His rooms consisted of two chambers, both too large for their own good. The little furniture, a desk with a wooden chair, two armchairs on an old blanket in front of the grey chimney. His bedroom was even larger with just a canopy bed that was also too huge. All walls were grey, empty and lifeless. He had tried to decorate them and his desk with those carved pieces of wood. Well, he could have tried and ask for colours and canvas, just to keep himself busy. But Berwald would possibly not grand him any of these things. Sometimes Lukas thought that the older one wanted to drive him crazy in some way, perfectly knowing that Lukas could barely stand being bored. And still he, as well as his sanity, had survived god-knows how long.  
He had transformed the rough wood into a small bear as he finally heard something other than the crackling sound of the flames consuming the branches. Lukas couldn’t help but quiver a bit as the clacking noises came closer – it wasn’t necessary a bad thing when the Swede came over, once in a while. The Norwegian kept counting the times when the older was nice enough to visit, mostly just to bring him letters from either Matthias or Emil, sometimes little packages from Sanders or even Ivan as well. It had been snowing for at least five weeks by now and since then the older had been here three times. He wouldn’t count one of them as a meet though, he had just woken up the next day to find a couple of letters on his desk. Not that he was too keen on seeing him again, it was just relaxing for his mental health to know that he wasn’t completely alone in this world. Not even servants were allowed to actually interact with him, causing them to mostly refill his storage of bred in the night. The Swedes Aura was incredible strong as the steps stopped and with a long, hissing noise, the crystals on the locked door begun to melt. Lukas hated this sound more than the individual that caused it. Still, he wasn’t sure how to feel about the other, not at all. Surely, he could hate him for breaking every single promise they had, surely he could despise him for forcing him into this union and locking him away, as far from his lands as Matthias had done. Whenever he was sitting in front of his chimney, thinking about the older one, he could feel his heart getting cold and icy from all the pain that he had inflicted on him in the past ten, or fifteen (?) years. But in the evening when he was laying on this mattress – he had not been sleeping in an own bed for nearly four hundred years – he yearned for his attention. It was more than a bit maddening, he had the feeling he was turning crazy. The noise that turned louder and higher in its frequency did not really help him to clear his mind.
Finally the hissing died down and for a couple of seconds he tried to relax and put on his mask of indifference, but then the silence was broken by the crackling sound of the old door swinging open. Luksa didn’t turn around, why would he? He was never sure if he hoped for a conversation or if he just wished that he would be left alone, because seeing the older one made him feel a toxic cocktail of emotions. “Norge.” Well, he had forgotten that they were on such distant terms by now. Still, Lukas did not turn his head to look at him – the other did not deserve talking to him anyways. Either of them had always, always known that, to him, there was nothing as important as freedom. Either of them had known and still both had broken his wings and thrown him in a cage as if his free will meant nothing to them. And still, he had to control himself to silently stare at the fire in the chimney, watching the shadows the flames casted on the black of the chimney, he had to control himself although… “I know you hear me.”, another few steps, the clacking sound of his boots would turn him insane in no time, nearly as insane as the silence that kept him caged. With a sound too loud for his good, a couple of letters, no, a whole pack of letters, were slammed on the little, wooden table placed between the armchairs and then, the other one placed himself on the other armchair. The strong need to burn the chair including the Swede sitting on it, filled his mind and he balled his hands to fists. His deep eyes scanned the different letters. It were so many that he could not believe that they were just the once that had arrived during the last weeks. Additional to this, a few of the envelopes had been opened. Lukas’ gaze turned from forced indifference over nervousness to anger. “What have you done?”, he was always surprised how he sounded – his voice was dark for a person looking as androgynous and frail as he did, and it cracked a couple of times. He wasn’t used to talking at all, having no one around to talk to. He had not seen his magical friends in decades. They had disappeared as the abuse had turned too cruel for them to look at, as his soul had turned to sharp, shattered pieces of glass, cutting everyone that tried to come too close, human or not. Berwald’s gaze was not friendlier than the one of the Norwegian, not at all. The presence of the younger one in the heart of his country bordered him, the fire he could feel burning inside of his opponent threatened his ice, his aura did not surrender to his own. “Nothing.”, in contrast to Lukas’, the Swedes voice was clear and sharp as ice. The coldness in his tone was enough to make Lukas snap, finally, finally. His hand shot forward, got a hold of the letters and brought his gaze up to stare draggers into those ocean eyes. “You call this nothing?!”, he pulled out one of the opened envelopes, it was from Rosenholm, Emil’s residence in Denmark. “Why are you reading my letters?”, his voice grew louder and he slammed the letters down again. “Isn’t it enough you keep me here? Now you are spying on me as well?”, he could feel his face heat up in anger. Berwald just looked at him with disdain, neither saying a word nor moving in his armchair even as Lukas jumped out of his own. “I don’t trust you.”, he finally answered, his tone seeping with a mixture of scorn and dander. “Oh, you don’t trust me?”, the sarcasm in his voice was stinging, hiding a bitter laugh. “You don’t trust me? I am sorry, haven’t I been a good little dog, staying in this freaking rooms all the time so that you don’t have to deal with me? What bothers you so much that you read these petty letters that are all I have left from the world outside this disgusting castle?”, dangerous little sparks flew from his tightened fist and slowly but surely he didn’t care anymore that Berwald was probably a whole lot stronger than he was. “I never trusted you since then.”, he would not lower himself to answer his stupid questions or be provoked by his attempts to play a little game with him. He was old enough to not embark himself in the mind tricks of the younger, knowing how perfectly skilled he was in manipulating others. With or without his magic. Lukas rolled his eyes. “Since I chose to stay with him? But what does this count now, Sverige? You are just the same as him. You always think you are so much better, don’t you?”, he hadn’t even faked the grin that appeared on his pale lips as he stepped closer, the sparks in his palm multiplied. Berwald supressed a mixture of a sigh and a noise of anger as he rose from his seat. He should not have come here, not at all. He did not know why he could not send Lukas back to Christiania, because his presence made him sick, but his absence would probably kill him. He could not be with him, he could not be without him. If he let go of him, Matthias would most likely come and take him back, as always neither caring what either of them wanted. He had never cared. Maybe he was bad in showing it, but Berwald did indeed care. Lukas was just blind and ignorant, like he always was. He walked past him without a second gaze, reached the door and froze as he heard his partners voice again. “And you dare to treat me like that, all while claiming to have freed me and god-knows what else? Just because I am not your little beloved Finland, you think you can just lock me away and let me rot here?”, Lukas couldn’t even blink twice before a sharp pain on his cheek send him to the wall in his back. Of course, he had forgotten this unspoken rule that haunted this place as well as every single location in which the Swede socialised. No one, no one ever spoke about the Finn. It sparked a blinding anger in the Swedish Kingdom, but on the other hand, Lukas knew that it was hurting him and why shouldn’t he hurt him? He left him here, he abandoned him, he did not care at all about he felt, he wouldn’t let him see his lands, he kept him here, suffocating in his own loneliness, turning him crazy from the mixture of love and hate he felt for his keeper.   He had bit his tongue and with a toxic gaze he spit a bit of blood into the direction of the Swede. Berwald was closer now, too close, and the air around him seemed to cool down rapidly. Lukas did not regret provoking him – in a way he was attracted to the danger that radiated from his elder, plus he could see the pain reflecting in his seablue eyes. “Don’t you dare bring him into this.”, a hand grabbed the collar of his white shirt, pressing him closer to the stones in his back. Lukas raised a hand and clenched it around the taller one’s hand, activating his heat. Berwald hated it when someone talked about Tino, reminding him how much he had failed the Finn, failed to protect him, failed to grant him a decent life, failed to win his heart, failed to gain anything. He was cursed with Lukas, cursed with his love, cursed with his presence, cursed with the flames that slowly crept up his shirt. With frost spreading over Berwalds skin, the flames were put down again and he lift Lukas up, slamming him against the stones in the hope to whip the grin out of his face. Lukas felt like laughing but he didn’t. He felt like crying, but he didn’t do this either. Instead he continued to stare at him, ignoring his aching back. “You don’t deserve him. You don’t deserve anyone. And you know that, you know that perfectly. Remember Emil’s words? He said you would become a monster as well.”, his midnight eyes lightened up, bringing flames to Berwalds boots what caused the latter to let go of him. Still, Lukas wasn’t quick enough to escape from the wall that prevented him from eluding, and he knew the silence of the other wasn’t a good sign at all. While Lukas’ tongue turned sharp the angrier he got and Matthias turning all loud in his fury, the Swede got more and more quiet with his actions getting insanely brutal. The ice formed crystals on the ground, frost shed over the stones, climbed over the walls, the armchairs and finally formed small patches of ice on Lukas shoes and pinned him to the wall. He kept his distance to the Norwegian though, avoiding to gaze into his face, because Lukas could easily lit flames with his gaze. Despite being weaker than Berwald physically, his magical abilities were more complex and his control of them was more advanced. The anger that turned his blood to ice, tainted his vision red, and he was not able to restrain himself. How could the other compare him with this stupid, cruel Dane? He wasn’t like that, he wasn’t like that. Never. Whatever Emil had said, curse him and his fortune telling abilities, curse this little child, god damn. With his vision distorting more and more, the ice was growing and no matter how Lukas increased his heat, he couldn’t escape the crystals encaging him. The coldness was stinging, and he pressed his hands against the ice around his hips, melting it bit by bit with his flames. “Finally shut up, haven’t you?”, Berwald didn’t really care about the danger anymore that came with the shrinking distance between them. His greenish blue eyes had darkened, his vision consisted more and more of twisted shadows and with one hand he grasped the smaller one’s hand, freezing them above his head in an instant. The other clenched around his throat in a still rather light hold, forcing him to look upwards. Oh well, maybe he wasn’t that much better than the Dane but what did that matter right now? Lukas wanted to play this game and now he had to bare the consequences. The cold drained the Norwegian of his energy and although he tried to focus his energy to produce new flames preferably on the others hair, he wasn’t able to lit any. Instead, the hand around his neck choke him and he had to bit down harshly on his lips to prevent himself from producing any miserable sounds. With blood trickling down his chin and a stubborn, cold gaze, he eyed Berwald. If he thought this would scare him, he was oh so wrong. His darkened, dangerous eyes, provoked Lukas to mock him more, maybe because he couldn’t stand the indifference the other held for him. He wanted to be loved, he wanted to be hated, he wanted anything, anything. Not a little sound passed his lips though because from one second to another, sharp teeth made their way into the sensible flesh, the cold breath of the other mixing with his own heat. Lukas’ heart stumbled in horror, froze for a second and his eyes turned dull.
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sunor-hq · 6 years
Sunor Week 2018
Okey, so the time has come for another SuNor Week - a whole week dedicated to the Hetalia pairing Sweden/Norway. This year, it will be from the 29th of october - 4th of november (the anniversary of the Swedish-Norwegian union of 1814.)
How to participate: 
Make some kind of artwork relating to the topic of the day. It can be a drawing, fanfiction, edit, cosplay etc. 
Tag your work wih sunor week so that we can see and reblog it :) 
The Topics: 
Day 1 (29th) Nature  
Day 2 (30th) Food
Day 3 (31st) Magic Day 4 (1st) Seasons/Holidays
Day 5 (2nd) War
Day 6 (3rd) Folklore/Fairytales
Day 7 (4th) Nostalgia
Feel free to interpret the topics as you like!
Any questions? 
Send an ask to this blog, or ask @sildesalaten​ or @ryuokowolf​ 
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riicu1523 · 7 years
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SuNor Week Day 1 – First Love
I'm a day late, and the sketch is very, for lack of a better word, sketchy. But I have a soft spot for these two so I really wanted to do something. Maybe I'll clean this up one day, who knows, but for now it'll have to do (it was supposed to be longer but I don't have the time for that either XD).
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hanahaki-cure · 7 years
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SuNor Week - Day 02; daily life
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mage-bleu-mort · 7 years
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SUNOR WEEK Day 1 - First Love
@sunorweek The time has come to fall in love with this ship once again <3
I was gonna post this hours ago but I got caught up with fixing small mistakes,,,, I want to do better with the other prompts,,,,,,,,,,
Make what you want of it, I’m excited to see more Sunor stuff this week!
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ryuokowolf · 7 years
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Local medic in love with town's buff blacksmith Some Centaurtalia for Sunor week day 4, AU I love centaurs man
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caffinatedstory · 7 years
The Way Home
I missed out on @sunorweek because I never check the tags and work has been pretty hectic. but then @jefaisducso suggested some SuNor and ‘viking’ themed... Tried to combine it with day one, two and three >.> Next time I’ll try to follow the week/prompts more!!!   So here I am... Super late to the party but that’s nothing new! _______________________________ Sweden took a deep breath as he craned his neck upwards to the clear night sky; trying to make out what pattern the stars where showing him tonight. His breath came out in puffs of white fog as he glared upwards at the fuzzy lights; his breath dispersing into the cold night air. The snow had fallen heavily all day, and some places he really had to struggle to not get stuck. Sweden frowned as he trudged forward, a little uncertain how much longer he'd have to out up with these awful walking conditions – he longed for a warm fire and something to eat. A few steps later something cold hit him in the back of the head and he stumbled forward in the deep snow with a yelp. Shaking and brushing off the snow; Sweden stood up and looked around for the offender. “You're late,” Norway's voice sounded from somewhere above. Sweden lifted his gaze and finally located Norway in the dark.
“A simple 'hello' would have sufficed,” he said with gritted teeth as he glared at Norway, who only smirked in return from his perfect little perching spot in a tree. Or at least Sweden thought Norway was smirking. It sounded like he was at least.
“Well, maybe,” Norway laughed. “But then I'd have missed hearing your majestic war-cry as you feel,” “I'm gone for several moons, and this is how you welcome me back?” Sweden sighed. “Of course,” Norway smiled before jumping down from the tree – landing with a little too much grace in the seep snow to Sweden’s liking. No one should be that comfortable in such deep snow besides maybe Jötnar. “I will turn around here and now and walk back,” Sweden grumbled. “No you won't,” Norway said as he jumped through the deep snow to join his side. “I come bearing gifts,” he added as he undid a bundle from his back. “Snow-shoes?” Sweden regarded the pair of wide shoes. “They won't hold me, the snow is far too soft and deep.” “Try them you idiot,” Norway rolled his eyes. “There's a warm fire and food waiting for you, but if you continue at this pace it will all be cold by the time you arrive.” “I was making good progress,” Sweden argued. “Really?” Norway cast a glance to the direction Sweden had come from and Sweden could see Norway struggling not to laugh. “Just... let's just get going. Please...” Sweden sighed. “Fine,” Norway fastened his own snow-shoes on before walking off to the right. Sweden stood and stared in utter confusion before following after Norway as fast as he could. “Where are we going?” he asked once he caught up. “My village,” Norway replied flatly. “But I thought it was-” “You've been walking in the wrong direction for a good while,” Norway said and pointed up at the stars. “I'm not sure what you've been navigating by, but it's definitively not the right starts.” “Knowing you and your people, I'm more inclined to think you moved the whole village,” “Sure. Next time you come visit I'll let you wander into the mountains for a few years before I come help you back to a village,” Norway smirked. “I'd have found my way eventually...” Sweden grumbled. “When the sun came up or something,” “You'd freeze to death before that happened,” “As if that has ever stopped me,” Sweden huffed. “True,” Norway nodded. “But I distinctly remember it was me who Denmark said was a Jötunn, right?” “You're at least half,” Sweden smirked. “Yeah, and what's the other half?” “We're divided between Dökkálfar or Ljósálfar,” Sweden shrugged, remembering the heated discussion he’d had with Denmark the last time they had met up. “Ah, fair point,” Norway hummed. “I wouldn't mind either one,” “But do you want my honest opinion?” Sweden asked. “Always,” Norway grinned. “I think you're the son of Loke,” Norway stopped aprutpy and stared inensly at Sweden with an expression Sweden couldn't quite read. Was he mad? Was he going to laugh? Sweden had no idea, and the longer the silence lasted the more nervous he became. “You know what?” Norway began, and Sweden tried to read the tone of his voice to no avail. “You're right,” he said with a smirk. Sweden let out a small sigh of relief. “That there, is why I think so,” he added. “Had you looking for an escape route for a moment, didn't I?” Norway chuckled darkly. “It's really rather creepy when you stare like that,” Sweden gave him a playfull punch to his shoulder. “And people call me scary?!” “Your face is just permanently at 'angry',” Norway said and punched Sweden right back with a laugh. “Can't help it,” Sweden frowned. “I need to squint to see clearly,” “What?” Norway said and looked at him in disbelief. “You're joking, right?” “No,” Sweden scratched the back of his head and stared at the snow awkwardly. “So the stars...” “Are rather blurry,” Sweden replied softly. “Oh,” Norway's gaze trailed from Sweden to the night sky above them. “Guess that explains a lot, hu?” he finally said and Sweden sighed with relief. “Supose it does,” “I always wondered why you never got better at the bow and arrow,” Norway mused. “But you can't see the target clearly, can you?” “More than than twenty steps away and it's really hard to see any details,” Sweden admitted – there was no need to lie now. “And yet you insisnt on traveling alone?” Norway sighed and reached for Sweden's hand. “Honestly, you're as stubborn as Tor himself...” “Don't feel like being a burden,” Sweden mumbled as he let Norway guide him. “Humans think I know everything, but I'd only get them lost... They can't wake up from a cold sleep like I can...” “That's it!” Norway said and squeezed Sweden's hand tightly. “I know what your next tattoo will be.” “You do?” Sweded gave him a quizzical look. “Yeah. A Vegvisir,” Norway flashed him a smug smile. “So you'll not get lost in the haze,” “Oh,” Sweden mumbled and tried to hide his flustered face by looking down at the snow. “Makes sense...” “Of course it does. I'm only going to come looking for you so often before I get bored,” Norway laughed. “So sooner or later you'll have to find your own way when you want to visit me,” Sweden scoffed at Norway's words, but Norway's smile betrayed him. No matter how lost Sweden got – Norway would still come looking for him. Still.... “I suppose a Vegvisir would be a good idea...” “We can get matching ones,” Norway suggested. “That way we'll never be lost from one another.” “Yeah,” Sweden smiled and held Norway's hands tightly. “I like the sound of that.”
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sildesalaten · 6 years
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Sunor week day 7 - a painting that has seemingly nothing to do with todays prompt
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sildesalaten · 6 years
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Sunor week day 3: magic
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sildesalaten · 6 years
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Sunor week day 2: food
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sildesalaten · 6 years
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Sunor week day 5
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sildesalaten · 7 years
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Sunor week day 4 - AU. This sketch is supposed to be high school AU, but i’m not sure there’s anything in it that actually gets that point across. Oh well. 
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sildesalaten · 7 years
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Sunor week day 6: anniversary. Union-era Norway is not too fond of being reminded that he’s not an independent nation...
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sildesalaten · 7 years
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Inktober day 30/ Sunor Week day 1: first love
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sildesalaten · 7 years
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Sunor week day 7: Separation/The end. In a hilariously badly acted and overdramatized fashion.
“I can’t be with you anymore, Sweden! Not as long as you don’t respect my sovereignty as a nation, and treat me as an equal.” 
“Norway!!!! Don’t go!“
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