riicu1523 · 6 years
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I normally keep my OC’s to myself but this one has a role to play in Mortality. For now I’ll just let you know that she’s a personification of a region in Sweden called Dalarna and used to cause a lot of uprisings in the past. If you wanted to take control over Sweden back in the day, you had better have her on your side. 
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riicu1523 · 7 years
Gosh, don't apologize, he's lovely (I mean just look at how adorable he is in your style!) Of course I understand, I've been there several times myself, and I really appreciate the effort you put into doing this; thank you so much!
(I'm afraid my part of the arttrade is going to take some more time, despite already being super late, I just got a new job and I need to focus on that for now ; w ; )
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(For an art trade with @riicu1523)
I am SO SORRY I couldn’t make it the same way like Le Petite Prince… I tried several times to find the original sketch, but it didn’t seem to be anywhere! I hope you can understand…
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riicu1523 · 7 years
Hear, hear
Nib sugar? Sure, but I’ve never quite liked the idea of having icing on my cinnamon buns.
Icing shouln't be on cinnamon buns in the first place
Damn true.You should have seen my face when I was travelling around and offered to share a cinnamon bun… that had icing on it.
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riicu1523 · 7 years
°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° *rises from inactivity and overusing the kaomojis I just found* Did someone say video games?  (╯✧▽✧)╯ No? Just me? 
Alright, enough of my silliness and to the topic at hand: I have a 3DS which I have used, and still use, a lot. It is a good console with a lot of good games that, if you look for them, should be able to carter to most tastes. Personally I have mostly used it to play various kinds of RPG, one of my all time favorite series is the strategy RPG Fire Emblem (which has, depending on how you count, 3-5 entries on the 3DS) but other much-played titles are both the Bravely Default games (RPG), Ace Attorney (Visual Novel adventure, puzzle ), and Professor Layton (charming puzzle). Never got around to trying the latest Pokémon games but those are of course also available.   
If you don't mind trying out games for older consoles like say, the Game Boy Advance or the DS I recommend trying an emulator if you can. Emulators for different consoles can be run both on your phone and your computer and most games are available somewhere on the internet. I haven't tried any on the phone but I used to play a lot of old GBA and DS games on my computer using different emulators and I have friends who've used them on their phones and it shouldn’t be too hard to figure out how it works (I’d be happy to help if you need it). There's also a fair amount of decent phone games but it usually takes some time to find the really good ones that won't drown you in ads…Also, I've only ever played the trumpet so I can't say much when it comes to learning instruments I'm afraid. ^^;     At any rate, I hope this was somewhat helpful! Now I shall return to inactivity, I have an interview this Thursday that I REALLY don't want to fail so I must try to distance myself from possible distractions.... 。・゚゚*(>д<)*゚゚・。 (I'm so sorry but I love these kaomojis!)
We got a storm, and they told people to stay indoors today, and there is only so much one can watch Netflix for one day (I started the another Fullmetal Alchemist version. Damn, Roy is an asshole in this one). So I am freaking bored, and reading my reference material for Thesis which means I am really bored if I am doing this on Sunday.
Which takes us to another topic. Anybody here has Nintendo DS (3DS… whatever is the most common nowadays)? I was thinking about getting one because A. playing is a great way to empty mind after studying, but I can’t really get my xbox over here B. I need new hobbies C. when I was a kid my mom refused to get me GameBoy, although my brother had one. Because “girls doesn’t play such things”. Sure she has changed her opinion now because she knows I do what damn I want, but I am still a bit pissed off about that. So I figured I should get one. Anybody knows if it is nice system to play with and which kind of games it got?
I also thought about trying to self-learn to play some instrument, but I haven’t yet decide which one. It should be something that can be move around and taken with easily. I thought kantele would be great, but I doubt I can find any in Sweden. 
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riicu1523 · 7 years
Happy New Year!
Yup, it is now 2018 even in Sweden. :3
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riicu1523 · 7 years
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So, round two of “trying to take a picture of my watercolor soapbubble Sealan”, this time with a better camera and much better light conditions (and an image manipulatin program). I also took the opportunity to try and take a better picture of my SuFin Christmas card as wel as my failed shaker Christmas card. I need to learn how to take (and make) proper pictures! XD  Despite it’s flaws, I’m still pretty happy with this one; maybe because I’m usually so terrible at using traditional mediums. Hoho, at this rate there’s going to be a lot more traditional art on this blog- Well, maybe. 
(Adding a little close up on Sealand because I’m more happy with him then I should be XD)
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riicu1523 · 7 years
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God jul och gott nytt år allesammans!! (Merry Christmas and happy new year everyone!) I'm sorry about the recent inactivity, November and forward have been a bit busy and I've spent most of my drawing time just trying to improve my drawing skills (mainly coloring with traditional mediums!). Plus, I've gotten into making cards and charms which I'm hoping will soon look good enough to show to you all! In the meantime, have this prptotype of a SuFin Christmas card! You can't see it but it's a shaker card so the sparkles behind the precious cinnamonrolls moves around! And the text is foiled so it's shiny! (In case you didn't know, I have a soft spot for shinies and sparkles) Swe and Fin (as well as the background) are watercolor + white calligraphy ink and some black marker. If you don't celebrate Christmas that's completely cool and I wish you the very best! May you have a great day and a wonderful year to come! And especially warm wishes to all of my wonderful and patient followers: you're the best! :D
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riicu1523 · 7 years
Happy 100 Finland!
I would do something more festive to celebrate this milestone but as I am sick and have an interview tomorrow I must postpone any such possible tribute. It will have to do to draw some attention to this amazing country celebrating 100 years of independance. I highly recommend learning a little about the actual country today as there’s a ton of interesting things to be learnt (both modern and historical). Two great blogs to give a look are @drev-the-ambassador for a lot of well written and educational information and @findiary for a hetalia-like version of Finlands history (but much more detailed and loyaly to actual history). I know I’m forgetting other great blogs and this all seems very messy which I apologize a thousand times for, it’s probably a consequence of the painkillers. All in all I want to wish Finland and all the Finns the very best and the warmest of congratulations on 100 years of independance. From Sweden with love, happy December 6th!
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riicu1523 · 7 years
Crazy? Whatever do you mean, there’s a very logic structure behind the Christmas chaos:
IKEA starts selling Christmas stuff right after Halloween – preferably also before that, possibly right after midsummer. Consider this your cue to start preparing if you haven't already.
Simple decorating, such as advent candle-bars, Christmas themed curtains, outdoor lights and various little angles and Santas must be placed out before the first of advent (which is the fourth Sunday before Christmas and happens between Nov 27th and Dec 3rd).
Also all public places must be decorated by the first of advent.
Christmas calendars must be prepared/purchased before Dec 1st. Be it just with pictures, chocolate or 24 separately purchased and wrapped little gifts.  
Right. Here we celebrate December 24th, Christmas eve. Back in the day they thought the next day started at 6 pm and considering how dark it is you can't blame them.
By the second advent (or third Sunday before Christmas) you should have gotten some more decorations out, like fancy Christmas lights, pictures and sparkles. Prepare for Saint Lucy's Day.
On Saint Lucy's day, Dec 13th, you force children to wear white robes and sing beautiful songs about an Italian saint who was brutally murdered and then got her named confused with the local child-kidnapping witch called Lussi. And there’s somehting about a guy named Staffan.
By the third advent you must have gotten your Christmas tree out, your living space is full on decorated and you've sent all the Christmas cards. Time to start making some Christmas candy and assemble your gingerbread house!
Advent fourth might occur between 18th-24th so you either celebrate what you've been stressing for since the end of summer or stress some more preparing the last of the food, cleaning, buying extra gifts and/or just agonize over that you couldn't get those Christmas cards away in time. More decorating is also encouraged.
I have no idea why any of this would be considered crazy, it is perfectly normal and if you will excuse me I must go prepare some more decorations.
(For those who don't get it, while I've included bits of facts, I'm joking - none of this is to be taken very seriously. There are certainly those who go all in as early as October/November but Christmas celebrating varies a lot depending on where you live and what you like to do. I know people who go full Hetalia Finland and I know people who don't care at all.)
But hey, maybe it’s really Sweden who’s crazy about Christmas? Who knows what goes on behind that professional poker-face.... 
And the mistle-toe is still something I have had the good luck to never encounter. That one I can do without. ^^;
Right now I am really amused about the fact that despite of all the Hetalians claiming that Finland is the one going crazy about Christmas, I have noticed something very interesting that might mean Fin is not the craziest one…
The thing is that my family has never decorated home for Christmas before 6th of December (usually we get things up around 10th or so). Sure we have lights outside before that, but come on, it is damn dark. The lights we put outside are often just for bringing some light to the darkness (also, when tactically placed, you can work outside without getting lost), and our outside lights are very rarely like those blinking, colourful stuff… Most of time they are just light / white led lights that doesn’t blink (or so it has been in the are where I live. Dunno what the other Finns have been up to).
But Sweden. It was 29.11. when they brought the Christmas decorations to my work place. We even have Christmas tree now and after each day I found out something new somebody had put up. Today I discovered about the mistletoe. Not sure what they are up to again, but there is now mistletoe here and I am a bit scared. 
So who is the crazy one?
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riicu1523 · 7 years
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Oh dear, I’m a little late with uploading this but lookit what I got in my mailbox a few days ago from @vyra-finn! :D To save you all from the possibly very poor quality of my phone camera, here´s the part of the story that I got (which is part 3 btw) in plain text:
“Sverige has fallen“ the Danish nation said with an excited voice, “the Swede is gone!“ He grinned and walked closer to the man on the snow, admiring the view. Sweden stared at him with a stern look, but that didn’t stop the Dane enjoying the moment. “I have been waiting for this so long“, he said happily, and Sweden grunted back something that they didn’t really catch, but was something rude for sure.
“He will get back up“, Finland noted, and gave the Swedish man a worried look. “You’re not hurt, right?“
“I am fine“, Sweden replied
“Oh, shut up!“ Denmark said, “I am trying to enjoy the moment and you’re spoling it“ Sweden gave him yet another bad look, and pushed himself up while Norway and Iceland followed the scene with neutral expressions on their faces.
Haha, I bet Denmark really has been waiting a long time to say all of that. I am so excited to read the rest of the story, thanks for letting me be part of this! :D
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riicu1523 · 7 years
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Whale bros riding on a whale through the ocean of stars~ At least that was my idea when I started drawing, haha. :’D I hope this sketch is alright @hibikivoid ^^
Hellooo ! I love your drawings so much
Hello! ^^ I’m so happy to hear that, thank you very much! :’D I don’t mind at all, so long as you don’t mind if it’s a sketch (I take forever cleaning my drawings I’m afraid)? It might take a little while but I’ll let you know when I am done with them. :D
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riicu1523 · 7 years
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riicu1523 · 7 years
I rarely reblog, but as a regular abuser of the internet (yes, I meant to say that: I use the internet every day both for entertainment and for work. All the time.) I can't just ignore this. I don't live in the US but as we all know whatever happens there will have some sort of consequences for the rest of the world. There's only so much I can do but at least I can spread this. I for one don't want to lose any of the freedom of the internet just so greedy rich people can get even richer.
The FCC sided with Comcast and decided to let ISPs censor the internet. The Internet needs to stop this from happening: http://cms.fightforthefuture.org/tellfcc/
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Last Wednesday, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler announced a proposal for new rules that would allow for a “ fast lane” of Internet traffic for content providers who are willing (and able) to pay a fee. [1] The proposal reverses the FCC’s previous commitment to net neutrality and open internet and allows ISP’s like Comcast or Verizon to slow down and censor services that don’t pay the toll.
We have to be totally honest, this situation is seriously grim. But there is still hope. The FCC already knows that the Internet community wants net neutrality, but they think they can put their spin on these new rules and sneak them through. If we can prove them wrong right now with a massive public outcry, we can literally save the Internet once again.
We need to stop the FCC now. Big business groups are already ramping up lobbying efforts with the FCC in swarms since Wednesday’s announcement in support of censoring the open Internet and to ensure this dangerous proposal moves forward. [2]
This is a critical moment. In the last few weeks more than 65,000 people have taken action with us. Can you help us get to 80,000 by the end of the day today?
[1] Gautham Nagesh. “FCC to Propose New ‘Net Neutrality’ Rules”. http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304518704579519963416350296
[2] Edward Wyatt. Edward Wyatt. “Lobbying Efforts Intensify After F.C.C. Tries 3rd Time on Net Neutrality” http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/25/business/lobbying-efforts-intensify-after-fcc-tries-3rd-time-on-net-neutrality.html?hpw&rref=politics
  - Fight For The Future
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riicu1523 · 7 years
First of all, thank you for all the asks! :D I still have a few left to answer but while I do that I wanted to ask a question of my own:
Should I start doing commissions, or is it a bad idea considering my skill level?
I am not asking if you would commission me, only curious to hear if anyone thinks it would be nice to see. :3 Thank you for reading, please let me know what you think (and have a sketch of a very square, tiny Sweden). :D
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riicu1523 · 7 years
Can I marry u?
Hm, how about we just have some fika instead? :D
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riicu1523 · 7 years
congrats on the followers!! you definitely deserve it,, your art is so amazing and super cute ^^ it literally brightens up my dashboard and i hope to see more of it in the future ((also you seem like such a nice person waaaahhh have a nice day)) --fellow shy person
Aww,thank you so much for all your kind words fellow shy person! ;A; I'mso glad to hear that you like my art so much, it's those kinds ofthings that makes me want to keep drawing. ; w ; And I'm very happy to hear that I seem like a nice person – you seem verynice too! I hope you have a nice day as well and please don'thesitate to talk more to me if you'd like. :D
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riicu1523 · 7 years
Your drawings are really pretty and I love your gifs of chibi characters.
Aww, thank you so very much, I’m so glad you like them! ;w; My chibi gifs are something I’m a little bit extra happy to hear you like because I really enjoy doing them. 
Speaking of, here’s one that I have yet to clean up and finish:
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Sweden and Finland in a boat! :D
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