blindrapture · 8 months
back when we first released our first album, back in 2016, we spontaneously (and immediately) followed it up with a 30-minute song. over the years we have refined and polished and rereleased that first album, but this beast was always left behind. because the thing is, in Sunsetters Canon, this "takes place" after their fourth album, No Entry. and we weren't there yet. well we are now!!! and you bet your bottom dollar we've been working on this thing!!!
I can also say "I." I have been working on this thing, as I am kinda the Editor and Producer of Sunsetters stuff. I am allowed to be proud. and I have been hard at work!!! this thing has absolutely been refined!!! listen to it, I beseech you!!! it is a slow buildup but it goes places, and it should keep your engagement all the way through!!!
"so then. is that it? is that the exciting Next Project after No Entry that you've been working on?" nope! this is a side thing, an EP. I just had to also get this done, and I ended up in love with it. there's still two more releases in the works. but they could easily be a ways away still, so seriously, don't wait up, check out this thing I just posted!!!
"but jordan." yes, lurker? "what if I don't feel like listening to a 30-minute thing right now? what if I want to skip to the good bits?" then I have a playlist for you! I have uploaded all five individual movements of this piece as separate videos! and let me break down the five parts for you so you can decide for yourself:
WARWIG. intro.
SOUTH OF THE FOG. slow smooth sassy doom rock.
THE WHITE DROUGHT. intimate grieving acoustic guitar piece.
DEEP CUTS. the big one. all chaos, all metal, my Editing Tour De Force!!!
SLEEP NOW. outro.
"but jordan." yes, lurker? "what if you don't have to even convince me, I want to drink up all your music right here, right now? what if I want to download all this?" then I have a Google Drive Folder for you! this contains six mp3s (each individual movement, and also the big full 30-minute thing) and two PDFs (a Fictional and a Non-Fictional one! read the Sunsetters's words about their work, and the lyrics! and then when you're done, read mine and Lindsay's words!!!).
"but jordan." yes, my lovely? "what if I want to see this on your Website, or on Bandcamp?" that'll come later! I worked a lot today! today is Release Stage 1, the Fuck-It Release! you get youtube and google drive today!! later will be Release Stage 2, with Website and Bandcamp and also a Paid Boosted Promoted Tumblr Post!!! later!! maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, when I get around to it!!
seriously, just!!! the music's there!! right now, it's there!!! we're really proud of it!! @rapturebones is proud of it!!! I am proud of it!!!! let it impress you!!! let it carry you along!!!
Sunsetters: Ancestor!!!!
thank you!!!! :D
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lifelovemusiq · 1 year
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maniaparty · 10 months
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opmultiverse · 9 months
Vercingetorix was the King of the Sunsetters who made their home in the Dawn Mountains, his throne appeared to be hewn out of stone, flanked by two large trees, and the King's court was enormous, it had no ceiling and the sun shone freely during the day, and the moon cast a silvery glow upon the throne at night. The floor was a smooth hardwood and the air smelled of woodsmoke, and there was a warmth to the Court even during the winter months.
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chibigaia-art · 5 months
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talking about the next show!
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Album: Homestuck Vol. 6: Heir Transparent Composer: Toby Fox Leitmotifs: Megalovania, BR8K Spider, Sunsetter, La2t Frontiier Characters: Derse, Bec Noir, Aradia Megido, Vriska Serket, Tavros Nitram
You may know this from:
[S] Past Karkat: Wake up. (Alterniabound) (Flash Broken)
[S] Wake.
[S] Kill (From MSPFA "Primary Colours") (Flash Broken, found here)
[S] WAKE - 3D REANIMATED (OLD) (Reanimation by Ichellor)
[S] Wake REANIMATED (Reanimation by Ichellor)
Undertale (but it's not the same track! It's different! And predates Undertale by years!)
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sbtorms · 9 months
SUNSETTER - An Undertale roleswap take
A couple months back I started making a concept for an Underswap take. I'm happy with what I've made thus far.
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Long ago, Monsterkind and Humanity lived together in harmony. But a war sparked, and the peace shattered. The monsters, overpowered, made a bunker, and hid underground. The humans, discovering this, created a machine to keep monsterkind from leaving it, hoping their opponents would eventually die out. And the war soon was long forgotten...
... Eventually, in the year of 202X, a story unfolds.
On the surface are the caverns of Night's Aura. Underneath the earth lies the refuge of Monsterkind...
A bit of information before we get onto characters...
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This is a human's SPIRIT, the very essence of one's being. A monster's spirit, containing seven human's spirits, would become godlike.
The first character swap on the AU is...
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A Flowey - Frisk swap!
Finley is a human kid, around 15 years old. They're a bit of a brat. After running away from home, they hide away in a cave. Picking up sticks to make a fire, they unfortunately discovered some loose ground, and fell into the SETTLEMENT.
The Human is... a human? Maybe. They seem a bit... undead, though. A silent type, seemingly not talking at all. Who knows if they can. They hide and watch from the shadows, acting on instinct alone. No one seems to know they exist. What even are they?
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Next is your average Asgore - Toriel swap!
Asgore is the guide to the OL' TOWN from the OUTSKIRTS, and one who used to be the king of Monsterkind. He's a big fuzzy pushover, just like in Undertale. He's beloved by all in the area. It's a wonder why he's so far from the captial... but he's there to give hope to all that lives in Town.
Toriel is the keeper of the BARRICADE, and the queen of Monsterkind. As of now, all know how she tires from the situation she's in. Many fear her wrath, but others know her warmth. With her mighty blade, Queen TORIEL will set all free.
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As with most Underswap takes, you can't have it without the usual Papyrus - Sans swap!
Papyrus is a skeleton who's lost his ambition. Due to certain circumstances, a goal he once had is completely out of reach. Due to this, he's become a bit more... distant. He's not lazy by any means, but he has a hard time getting up in the morning. Besides all of that, he still shares some visions and ideals as his original self. Though, perhaps someone can come by and help him...
Sans is also a skeleton. The Skeleton, even. He's mainly very similar to his original lazybones self. But he's gotten a little more upbeat and extroverted, in an attempt to help his brother get back to his former greatness. There isn't much else to add, actually. At the core, he really is still Sans, puns, pranks, and all. Though, he does have a few jobs, including working as an assistant for a magical girl vigilante. Though, it's mainly just taking phone calls. They'd be met through SNOHFAL CAVERNS and the CITY OF SNOHFALIN
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I decided to do something interesting for my Alphys - Undyne swap, but the usual thing is still like the average one.
Alphys is the aforementioned magical girl style vigilante in the WETLANDS, trying to make a name for herself. The matters of protection throughout the SETTLEMENT had lessened before she started, due to certain circumstances. She's gotten herself a few fans, stopped a few crimes, supported the local soup kitchen... But she still feels like there's more she can do. Toriel's stressed, and she knows this. So, maybe... she can try to get the next fallen human's SPIRIT on her own.
Undyne is the Queen's Royal Engineer, and a rather good one at that. She's made various ways of making the settlement, and the lives of those that reside in it, better. Though, there's nothing that outdoes the previous ones's greatest creation, MEGA, a generator that powers the entire Settlement. She resides in a laboratory in PYROCLAST Due to certain circumstances, she's much more determined to get the next fallen human's SPIRIT. She's enlisted the help of a ghostly friend of hers to help her do so.
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The Blook Cousins have a different swapping arrangement from normal Underswap Napstablook - Dummy Mettaton - Mad Dummy/Mew Mew
Scarecrow is, well... a scarecrow. A ghost monster possessing a scarecrow, actually. Despite their name, and weird face, they're actually rather shy. They probably just need a little cheering up once in a while. They also really like music.
Bittinaugh (pronounced: bitty-naff) is just your average ghost monster. They don't talk much, though. Who really knows what goes on in that little ghost's head. They're also a shy sort, and a bit sensitive, despite their monotonous expression.
Starcrow is also a ghost monster possessing a scarecrow. Though, they have VERY high aspirations for themself. They wish to be a celebrity, a star for the whole SETTLEMENT to enjoy. After learning about a human's fall through their cousin, they decided that a perfect start to showbiz would be to face one head on!
The "Mad Mew Mew" boss would have them possess a big gundam-like figure, with similarities to Mettaton EX.
Amornalek (pronounced: a-more-na-leck) seems to be your average robotic suit of armor, but she's actually a VENGEFUL SPIRIT!!! Or... just an angry ghost monster possessing the suit. She works with Undyne, and is her best friend... and training dummy for battle practice. They two spar a lot, and it's fun for the both of them. Undyne souped-up her with a TON of weapons. Magic, missiles, knives, a LOT of knives, those knives were kinda Amor's idea.
There's an "EX" form, but I haven't designed it. It would be similar to Mad Mew Mew, but not exactly. It'd also go for more of a mix of cute-yet-violent in design than just cute.
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And finally, Asriel - Chara
Both of them are... more or less the same as in canon. Their life and death are more or less the same. It's just that Undyne was allowed by Queen Toriel to use Chara's corpse for a... certain experiment. Being allowed to do so was due to desperation, and the idea of at least seeing one of her children alive again.
But that's another story. ... Which I'm gonna tell right now.
SOW-WOS - The "Willpower" Experiments
There was an attempt by Undyne to make stronger monsters/warriors, beings able to get past and destroy the barricade. All of the monsters that were experimented on were volunteers, rather than just being on death's door like in Undertale. Each and every volunteer was a member of that time's current Royal Guard.
Each volunteer was given a machine put inside their bodies that courses Willpower, a lifeblood extracted from the previously collected human SPIRITs, throughout their body.
Unfortunately, the volunteers start to become a metallic-like fluid, an immense pull making them come together. Their bones and joints reconfigured within the combined masses. The fluid hardens and loses polarity as they turn from magnetic fluid, to almost a hard metal, like titanium.
The amalgamates form, with a distinct taste in the air... similar to that of copper.
These experiments, Undyne couldn't reveal the full results of, so she locked the masses down below the main lab. She simply recorded that they perished in the experimentation. And what makes things worse, is that the body of the deceased human had disappeared. Learning this, Toriel completely disbanded the Royal Guard, not wanting something like this to happen again. She put Undyne on probation, yet did not completely fire her. The whole thing was an accident, completely unexpected, and the subjects were volunteers. It was not Undyne's fault. But to Undyne, it was. With that on her shoulders, she made it her new mission to get the next human's SPIRIT... By any means necessary.
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toofourlove · 23 days
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Evie Sunsett
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thesettingsun-utau · 8 months
Sans, how would you feel if you had to wear some silly battle armour and say “mweh hehe heh” all day?
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baronazazel · 1 year
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I finished all of them now. They are arrested together. I redrew the barbie meme and then added the supernatural ones haha
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blindrapture · 2 months
that thing above is a link to "Chaos and Tone," without the additional audio effects that are present in the version already posted. this version is instead the "pure" Sunsetters version. it is easier to observe the details of the composition here.
ideally I'd prefer to post it as a proper Music Player thing here, but it's just slightly too large to upload to tumblr, and bandcamp is out of the question until the whole album is complete.
we have a.. couple songs under works for Album 5, though trust me when I say that album is still a long ways out, as it's an ambitious fucker. the songs we have go harder on the progressive rock influences and the grandiose vibes, and the concepts go harder on the Sunsetters Fiction side.
(the album will be titled The Eight Colors Trilogy.)
"Chaos and Tone" is a song we're really happy with. the final version is likely to have the audio processing on it, but I'd predict it to be less intense than in the version I'd already posted a while ago, go instead for a subtler approach closer to this version I'm posting now.
Lindsay had composed a couple of riffs, mainly focused around the first minute, and then given it to me to do what I wanted with it. I added an additional ten minutes to it, working relentlessly for five days until we had this composition posted here. the vibes I see for it are like... if King Crimson tried to make a Dream Theater song. it's a song that's about shit, big concepts, such as chaos and tone. I do not have lyrics for it yet, but I see them having something about "we deal with the chaos, having faith that tone will come out the end (emerging from the chaos!)."
the middle section took me the most effort, being a prolonged groove developing motifs in a Weird time signature. I wanted it to be very complicated but sound like a slick groove. once I added the organ to it (and the mad saxophone mellotron), I knew what I wanted it from it then on, it was just a matter of execution. I do think I pulled it off. I think that middle section is goddamn divine. I think almost all of the song is divine, though the ending is still up for further editing.
"Chaos and Tone" is one of those songs that isn't directly relevant to Rapture, but its existence and the process of its creation are essential to Rapture being in the state it's in now. Rapture!Jordan is a fan of the Sunsetters, the Sunsetters exist as an actual rock band in that universe. I fully imagine this song exists as a finished song there, that Jordan has heard it, with the real rock instruments that we can only imagine here, and that Jordan's probably a big fan of it. but also, like. composing this song was a lot like writing a Rapture log. all my artistic processes lead into each other. if Rapture still kinda escapes you, if its intended rhythm isn't quite clicking, studying some Sunsetters may help.
but yeah. there's a song. please check it out. don't sleep on it, or whatever the kids are saying nowadays. I like to think it's a clear demonstration of just what, exactly, we can do with midi.
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If Flowey and Finley Sunsetter met.
Finley Sunsetter belongs to @thesettingsun-utau
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neutralminahotel · 8 months
underrated classic. whos supposed to be singing it? jade lol? anyways. total banger.
forget about your past, and forget about future, like trees blown by the wind these things have no sway on you.
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carli-meows · 5 months
Sunsette the Rodeo Clown and the CowFolk Posse with tracks such as
Officer Down, Hoedown
There's a Butch with my Boots
I Don't Smoke, but I Need A Fag
Whiskey Bar Blues at the Top Scar Saloon
I Go By Pard/Ner
Shehaw Hehaw
Injection Partner
Love Your Swine, Pop them Pigs
Transitioned to Outlaw
I Shot A Man in the Desert (And I Need to Vent About it, Because I'm VERY Sure He's A Daywalking Vampire Who Attacked My Buddy's Cattle that One Summer Night (Sorry Sallie Anne))
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Album: AlterniaBound Composer: David Ko and Toby Fox Leitmotifs: Showtime, Pumpkin Cravings, Harlequin, Sunsetter, Desperado, Megalovania, Vagabounce, Beatdown Characters: Tavros Nitram, Tinkerbull
You may know this from:
[S] Liz: STRIFE! (From MSPFA "Nightfall")
[S] Izzy: STRIFE! (From MSPFA "Scapecast")
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sbtorms · 6 months
i could post this on the actual AU blog but nah
I occasionally look back at my first doodle of Finley, the funny protagonist of my silly Undertale AU
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even back then with this silly doodle, they've always been a goober
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