busymoneychasinn · 4 months
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resonette · 9 days
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" the weeds you dig up on your farm . . . can i have them ?  they'll make for good fertilizer. "
@sunsweets 🎔 ↻
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rotfallen · 5 months
@sunsweets / plotted starter.
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tabitha was not expecting aoife to be there when she got home from college that evening. when the fallen angel entered the mansion, dinner (a raw turkey leg) in hand, she realized that the farmer was already inside, sitting upon the sofa as annabel rambled to her. it was endearing, though, seeing the young apparition be at ease around someone new. it had almost broken the woman's heart when she had watched the girl flee when aoife had first wandered into the manor.
tabitha said nothing as she sat down beside her guest, casually taking another bite out of the poultry in her hand before looking over at aoife. for a moment, she kept staring, almost lost in thought as she took in every detail of the farmer's face.
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"if i'd known you'd be here when i got home, i would have gotten extra to share," tabitha remarked, a light flush dusting her cheeks. "how have things been on the farm and all?" she asked with a small smile. "it gets lonely without you here, yanno. i can tell that annabel here likes you, too."
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heartpicks · 4 months
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@sunsweets ━━ prompted.
❛ actually i'm a liar, i'd let a lot of men get it. ❜ / wait wait THIS for rei too LMAO.
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         the   musician   sat   at   the   bar   counter   of   the   saloon,   chatting   away   with   aoife.   the   bar   was   still   technically   closed   but   since   the   other   was   making   preparations   for   the   opening   hours,   rei   decided   to   hang   out   with   her.   gus   was   nowhere   to   be   seen,   so   he   was   probably   running   some   errands.   as   she   sat   there   on   her   stool,   swinging   her   feet   from   side   to   side,   rei   paid   attention   to   every   word   the   other   said.   with   a   hand   supporting   her   head   and   a   glass   of   juice   in   front   of   her,   she   almost   choked.   suddenly   the   weight   of   the   conversation   felt   oddly   serious.   a   liar?   let   a   lot   of   men   get   it?   what   did   aoife   mean   by   that?   "oh..."   then,   it   hit   her.   suddenly   her   cheeks   flushed   red   and   she   took   several   small   sips   from   her   drink.   she   was   not   prepared   for   this   type   of   topic.   she   never   even   dated   anyone   before   and   she   never...   did   that.   just   thinking   about   it   got   her   all   shy.   "i   see."   
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         rei   wasn't   sure   what   to   say   but   she   wanted   to   say   something   because   staying   silent   just   felt   awkward   and   she   didn't   want   aoife   to   feel   weird,   especially   not   after   she   opened   up   to   her.   no   one   was   around   to   judge   her.   right   now   was   the   perfect   time   to   just...   talk.   talk   about   what   lies   heavy   on   the   heart.   "i'm   sorry   i   don't   have...   any   real   experience.   however,   i...   i   don't   think   that   makes   you   a   liar!"   from   an   outside   perspective   this   all   sounded   like   cheating,   so   technically   it   would   make   her   a   liar,   no?   yet,   the   farmer   refused   to   judge   aoife's   actions   without   any   more   context   or   solid   proof.   "even   if   you   did   all   that,   it's   in   the   past,   right?   what   matters   is   who   you   are   now."   
         gazing   down   at   the   empty   glass   of   juice,   she   began   tapping   it   gently.   then   her   gaze   rose   up   again   to   meet   aoife's   eyes.   "no   matter   how   badly   you��  think   of   yourself   or   whatever   bad   things   your   mind   tries   to   tell   you,   remember   ━   it's   all   in   your   head.   it's   not   reality.   it's   not   how   people   view   you.   it's   not   how   i   view   you."   the   words   left   her   with   so   much   genuity   and   honesty.   she   meant   it   from   the   bottom   of   her   heart,   everything.   "you   are   not   your   past,   aoife."
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mythcaels-a · 6 months
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❝ I apologize for staring . . . ❞ Warmth blooms on the blonde's features as he ducks head in a rare display of bashfulness on his part. He was usually so in control of what emotions he let show on his face, usually more stoic of a person but embarrassment always plastered itself so easily on his expression. ❝ It's just that . . . You look so beautiful right now. ❞ He surprised himself by uttering it but felt she deserved to know his exact thought process in the moment.
@sunsweets gets a shippy starter.
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bitterseadrop-a · 1 year
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@sunsweets⠀ :: ⠀ ❛ i  can’t  get  any  signal  out  here . ❜
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⠀⠀by  the  amount  of  times  she  got  called  down  into  the  valley,  milou  slowly  but  surely  considered  stardew  valley  to  be  a  second  home.  though  she  didn't  socialize  much,  most  of  the  townsfolk  were  pleasant  enough  to  be  around  —  and  they  don't  force  a  conversation  with  her  at  the  saloon.  by  now  she  had  also  memorized  pretty  much  all  faces  and  their  corresponding  names,  which  is  why  she  figured  the  person  before  her  was  the  new  farmer  everyone  had  been  talking  about.
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"  it's  to  be  expected,  and  also  why  you  should  be  fully  prepared  if  you  want  to  venture  into  the  mines,  "  she  remarked  as  she  approached  the  guild.  though  it's  technically  her  job  to  keep  curious  eyes  from  the  mine's  depths,  she  thought  it  was  a  wasted  effort  to  try  and  persuade  them  to  not  go.  instead,  she  just  gave  them  a  word  of  advice.  "  marlon  and  the  guild  may  be  right  here,  but  they're  not  clairvoyant  and  can  sense  when  you  need  help.  "
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pastelgrove · 3 days
first impressions matter | accepting.
@sunsweets asked: oops, sender is carrying a bag full of groceries that ends up breaking. receiver helps them pick their groceries back up. / for celine !
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She   recognized   that   bag,   no   doubt   about   it...   it   was   from   her   family's   shop.   So   naturally,   Celine   felt   the   need   to   take   responsibility   for   this   unfortunate   accident.
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"Oh   no!   I've   never   seen   them   rip   like   that   before   ...   did   anything   break?"   she   exclaimed,   rushing   to   help   the   woman   with   her   dropped   items.
As   she   observed   the   groceries   she   noted   nothing   seemed   to   be   damaged.   Thank   goodness.
"Dad   buys   higher   quality   ones   so   that   this   exact   situation   doesn't   happen   ....   it   must   be   a   faulty   one   ....I'm   sorry!"
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siraenes · 6 days
aoife is .. 5'7" !
Send your character's height and I'll compare it to mine.
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she is a bit shorter than him, he is pleased to still be tall
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busymoneychasinn · 4 months
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serandipity · 10 days
@sunsweets liked for a starter from the Wizard!
"Hm...The reading you have today is.... bad," The Wizard stared into his crystal ball pensively, "You've upset someone. Have you had a fight with anyone recently?"
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gloryundimmed · 5 months
i like it better here. it's nice here. / For Luka ??
Daughter Who Is Boatman's???
"You really— You think so?" the hacker asked, his heart on his sleeve as he looked at the woman in front of him. It was only his room, one filled with computers and other technological items. He normally was fairly protective of his space, but something about her set him at ease. He felt like he could trust her.
"I'm happy you think it's nice here. I think so, too." he smiled at her, his smile more genuine than it had felt in a long time. Something inside him felt warm. "Most people don't think it's very nice. I'm sort of prone to shutting myself to— Well, with my Monster and my hacking...."
Whoever she was, he was glad to find someone who understood him, or at least thought in a way similar to him. Maybe she was a hacker, too? Did she know he was FLUK3, the internationally renowned man known for his hacking skills? Really, why did he feel so comfortable around her when he only just met her? He should be on guard, but he didn't feel any malicious energy from her.
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heartpicks · 5 months
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@sunsweets ━━     prompted.
❛ come on, it'll be fun. ❜
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         summer   was   drawing   closer   with   each   day.   it   was   the   perfect   season   to   visit   the   beach   and   swim   in   the   ocean   to   cool   down.   it   seemed   that   aoife   was   thinking   the   same,   why   else   would   she   invite   rei   to   hang   out?   the   musician   tried   to   hide   her   nervosity   with   a   smile   while   fidgeting   with   her   fingers.   "if   it's   just   a   visit   to   the   beach   ...   then   it   should   be   fine."   
         truth   be   told,   she   hated   the   ocean.   alright   maybe   she   didn't   hate-hate   it   but   she   was   definitely   scared   of   it.   for   one,   it   was   a   deep,   seemingly   endless   abyss,   and   secondly,   she   couldn't   swim.   rei   never   openly   shared   this   fact   with   anyone,   at   least   not   yet.   she   worried   that   if   she   did,   people   would   make   fun   of   her.   she   was   supposed   to   be   an   adult,   yet   she   couldn't   even   swim.   however,   she   didn't   want   to   reject   the   other   since   they   were   friends.   thus,   she   would   put   her   own   fears   aside   for   the   moment.   "alright.   i'll   go   with   you,   aoife."
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mythcaels-a · 5 months
🎰 / (:
Send 🎰 for me to put our muses into a random list generator then post the first five as potential ships!
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Aoife & Beth
Aoife & Valerian
Aoife & Asim
Aoife & Lainey
Aoife & Nicola
the muse list picker really chose some interesting muses of mine and like, if any of these pique your interest just let me know because listen I am down for any of these. they'd be pretty interesting!!!
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fighterbound · 5 months
( undress ) for the sender to undress something off of the receiver. + ( trail ) for the sender to leave a trail of kisses on the receiver. / for naruto !
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A lapful of Aoife is by far one of the best way to spend his nights. He wonders briefly what got her all riled up. Maybe at the Stardrop Saloon? He couldn't stop flirting with her all night. Unable to help his honeyed words as they danced a few songs together. Even after they were done, he kept one warm hand at her waist. Yes they were in public so he kept it appropriate, complimenting her in all the quirks and traits he's loved most about her.
As they walked home, he kept her close. Swinging their laced hands together. He smiled the entire way home, grinning and talking about everything and anything.
It wasn't until they got into the farmhouse that he finally noticed the shift in her. Before he could think next, sweet lips were over his. Pushed into one of the plush seating chairs, next second he had this beautiful woman in his space trailing kisses from his lips, down his jaw, and along his throat. Naruto instead of questioning it, closed his eyes and let her do what she wanted.
He'd do anything she asked with the way she had him at the moment. Whenever her mouth came close to his again, he dip his head to kiss her. Instead of keeping her pace, he'd slow it down. Moving with unhurried movements, savoring the taste of her before drawing back when they needed air. As the kisses continued, Naruto experimented to see where he could place his hands. Starting with her hips, then sliding up her back, until finally he cupping her cheeks. Thumbs running over the cute freckles on her cheeks.
"What are we doin' babe," he asks between one of their much needed air breaks. Despite being a panting mess, he gives her a roguish grin. Letting her know he's up for anything at this point. When hands being to push at his shirt, Naruto's blue eyes spark with excited eagerness and playfulness.
“SUNDAY” THEMED PROMPTS (+18/CW) / @sunsweets
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pastelgrove · 4 days
first impressions matter | accepting.
@sunsweets asked: rain, sender and receiver both get stuck under the same awning when seeking shelter from sudden rain. / for popuri !
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Popuri's   nose   crinkled   when   a   raindrop   hit   it.   Her   crimson   gaze   glanced   up   at   the   grey   skies   above,   worry   gracing   her   ivory   features.   That   definitely   looked   like   it   would   be   more   than   just   a   drizzle.   With   it   mind,   she   dashed   to   the   nearest   shelter   she   could   find,   in   mineral   town   once   a   storm   started   it   took   a   LONG   time   for   it   to   stop.   No   doubt   she'd   be   stuck   under   this   awning   for   awhile   but   luckily,   not   alone!
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"What   bad   luck   ...."   her   attention   then   turned   to   the   other   girl,   friendly   smile   curving   upon   her   glossy   lips.   "Didn't   bring   an   umbrella   either,   huh?   The   weather   man   said   it   was   supposed   to   be   super   sunny   today,   I   wonder   what   happened?"   and   now   she   was   worried   about   the   poor   chickens,   unless   Rick   had   gotten   home   before   her   --   ...they   were   trapped   outside   ...   they'd   be   very   displeased   to   be   soaked   ....   she'd   have   to   give   them   extra   treats   as   an   apology   ...
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rcdhotnight · 6 months
@sunsweets: Sub Story Unlocked: Cat Scratch Fever
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"Ah, I, uh, your guess as good as mine! I didn't think it would get this out of hand.." Ichiban was more perplexed than anything. He had called Aoife over just to see that he was making this shit up. Holding one cat in his hands gently to contrast to the group of other cats just moving around them near the bench they were sitting on. It was like watching a tidal wave of cats circling around them interested in what was going.
"It all started with one cat who looked like it needed something to eat. The poor guy looked scraggly as hell. Figure it couldn't hurt to offer something that could whet it's appetite. And then you know, things were alright. Kept coming back around here. Then he another cat came around. Nothing too crazy, Before I know, I got these army of cats coming at the bit for some food!" There was an anxious expression on his features with the meowing that seemed to start drowning over itself as he gently places the cat in his hands down on his lap. "So, I kinda need some help with these cats, Aoife! I know this is sudden but my wallet cant stretch for all these cats!" Maybe one or two but sure as hell not an army of them.
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