sbnkalny · 1 year
super-sexy-commando-kyouko: And they do draw porn (so be careful if u have battlenet then there's just, exactly one
super-sexy-commando-kyouko: then There's nooooo stopping me.
super-sexy-commando-kyouko: then there's nooooo stopping me.
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all women who wear glasses are gay. why are you wearing glasses, huh? to see other women?
Okay, I take it back, if you're going to say things like this, you need to do the math or something
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This is because, unless a certain condition holds (I'll come back to that later), you can't make a function that's O(n*k) for any k, but you can make one that is O(n**2)
(You also can't do it with a constant, which is O(n) – that is, if you can't bound a term as O(n) or something, it's called an "O(1)" term)
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Now, when I say "the function is O(n**2)", what I actually mean is "the series is O(n**2)" – or, the series is the asymptotic expansion around a point. It is not that the function is O(n**2); it's that the "O" notation is short for "O(n**2) plus some terms that are at most n**2 times n**2 smaller than n**2."
In other words,
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So, in terms of running time and memory usage, the difference between the square root and the logarithmic n-fold iterated version is really a difference of "O(n**2) vs. O(n*n) = O(n*log n)" (where the first term contains both a constant and an n*n term, but that n*n is "O(1)" and the constant term is O(1), while the other n*n term is O(log n) and the constant term is O(n**2) – which is n*n times n*n, which is O(n**2).
You can also say that we've made an improvement by making the second version logarithmic instead of linear, because, well, the terms in the n-fold iterated version were linear, so now we've made it logarithmic instead. But it would have been better to make the first version logarithmic instead of the second, because then n*log n terms would be in the second version, and so would O(n**2)
So it comes down to "O(1) vs. O(log n) = O(n * log n) vs. O(n**2) = O(n**2 * log n), and O(1) is always better because there are no constant terms"
(You can do constant time, in fact, by doing an O(1) version of the process I talked about in that other post)
In my opinion, "O(log n)" is the way "O(log n)" should be capitalized. You can think of it as "O(n*log n)", but it's really "O(n**2 * log n)", because those are the only places you get "O(n**2)" and "O(log n)" together. "O(1)", the O(1) version of my example, does not contain those terms.
I don't think it's true to say, as you do here, that "the O(n**2) term isn't the only bad one," or even that it "contains the only big one." It has two O(n**2) terms inside it. And that is all of what the O(n**2) term is.
The only thing that causes the difference between the O(1) version and the O(n**2) version of the function to change, is the fact that there is an "O(n**2) term there.
The O(n**2) term is what makes the difference.
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emmacanlearn · 3 years
my favorite pokemon is nyabby. nyabby is the official fire-type starter pokemon for alola. nyabby is red and black. nyabby is shaped like a cat and makes cute kittenish noises.
Hi there, super-sexy-commando-kyouko. A favorite love pokemon, and an official. What's the cute?
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amemenojaku · 5 years
koikoko, #4?
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... 2 months later, a koikoko kiss!
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wakasagayhime · 4 years
Sexuality Headcanon: lesbian, though she doesn’t really develop feelings easily!
Gender Headcanon: I don’t have any particular gender headcanons for her, I’ve always seen her as a cis woman but I’m open to the possibility of her being trans/nb!
A ship I have with said character: Hijimiko... I used to not ship them much but seeing their interactions in canon developing over time..... I can’t help but want to see them together!!
A BROTP I have with said character: Her with the entire Myourenji crew of course! I also admittedly like the dumb fandom meme of her sometimes hanging (reluctantly) with the more “mature” Touhou women like Yukari, Kanako, Yuyuko, Eirin, etc (disparaging memes about their age not included, I just like to think they’d be an interesting group when combined!)
A NOTP I have with said character: Hmm I can’t really say! I honestly don’t particularly ship Byakuren with anyone aside from Miko but I’m open to pretty much anything really
A random headcanon: She has a beautiful singing voice!!
General Opinion over said character: She is so regal and lovely and has such an interesting personality and attitude towards things, also I think she’s really hot lmao. Shes one of those characters where shes so beautiful and elegant I want to be like her but also I’m gay for her, life goals or wife goals as they say
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tothedarkdarkseas · 4 years
too ten weird things (sexual or otherwise) your boys may or may not have done in hotel rooms?
(It’s sad how much I struggled to get to ten that I actually believe they’d do. These are also of the American hotel/motel variety.)
I mean... the sex, yeah. Not necessarily that the sex itself is weird, but certainly the two of them are uniquely Weird about it. Murdoc wants to collect room service in an open robe with his neck wrung and spunk still dashed up his front, Stu thinks he should book a room in a completely different hotel and disguise the room number text in some daft, obvious way.
Lazy games of Whose Wool-Blend Women’s Pantsuit You’d Rather Spaff Under while watching deeply unsexy QVC programming.
Lewd: we know they’ve doubled up with girls in the same room, let’s admit it. Also both had a same-night romp with a minor celebrity from that city’s local news (She bargained on a turn with each, Stu bargained different holes. And he gets to go first. And Murdoc doesn’t even take his clothes off until Stu’s in the shower.)
If they brush their teeth (often not, clearly) they do the alternating toothbrush/cigarette technique in the Fucc the Devil music video. Actually they just are this video in hotels, spiritually.
Whenever he has to briefly go outside or downstairs, Murdoc sneaks on Stu’s shoes and just appreciates how stupidly big they are. (Then trips and eventually takes them off to carry.)
Whippits, but they’re on the other bed now.
Stimulating fantasy-drafting conversations that Stu tries to make about football but my god is that boring, so they eventually devolve into fantasy Shagging Squads, often separated by category. (Actors. Tour personnel. Girls who worked at their nearest Superdrug between 1995 and 1997.)
Jerking it to scrambled softcore channels, not so much out of titillation but nostalgia, mainly. Oh, the 90s.
Sharing mugs of Murdoc’s famous Touring Coffee Pot Hot Toddy, which is just whiskey and a Sprite from the vending machine run through the boiler and dripped onto the packet of syrup he kept from his Maccy D’s breakfast.
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bukbot · 4 years
big ol' tonhongerekoogers.
Did you preen your mother with that beak?
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tiii13 · 5 years
if you Iike, please draw carole and tuesday!
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jboh-art · 5 years
hey happy persimmon season! remember you once told me there were a couple different kinda of persimmons? can you please remind me which was the good one??
it’s almost over, but HAPPY PERSIMMON SEASON ! the type that i grow are fuyu (i prefer them when they’re very crunchy so look for ones that are still yellowy and aren’t as orangey-red). the softer and sweeter ones that look more oblong are the hachiya variety if that’s what you prefer in a fruit
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fukawa · 5 years
super-sexy-commando-kyouko replied to your post:if you like, please draw some cute... that’s so pretty!? thank you!!!!
Im happy you like!!<33
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profsycamore · 5 years
fire? or flying?
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sbnkalny · 2 years
starryfansquid: Fuckoffenter button
scrumpyfan43: but boy i guarantee, They're delivered fresh! so if I'm so happy! tank
super-sexy-commando-kyouko: but boy i guarantee, they're delivered FRESH! so if I'm so privileged, why am I
super-sexy-commando-kyouko: If I'm so privileged, why am i
super-sexy-commando-kyouko: AN👀D S👀WALLOWING so hard 🥐JUST thinking about if I'm so privileged, why am i
starryfansquid: If I'm so privileged, why am i STANDING in an open field west of a white scar forming a large yondo-worm on the back of his worm-like baldor, Hamah-hamah.
starryfansquid: Just to be tied to the back of his worm-like baldor, Hamah-hamah.
starryfansquid: We stalked the back of his worm-like baldor, Hamah-hamah.
scrumpyfan43: Now they're Watching the Cows Receding OVER the Horizon, from the back of his worm-like baldor, Hamah-hamah.
super-sexy-commando-kyouko: Join the ends of her three hundred HEADS, six eyes in each head, besides two LIVID and ghostly blue eyes at the back of his worm-like baldor, Hamah-hamah.
starryfansquid: We stalked the back of his worm-like baldor, Hamah-hamah.
starryfansquid: So you're eating a large yondo-worm on the back of his worm-like baldor, Hamah-hamah.
super-sexy-commando-kyouko: Dig through the ditches and burn through the witches i slam in the back of his worm-like baldor, Hamah-hamah.
starryfansquid: Buy the drugs, I light my torch and burn through the witches I Slam in the back of his worm-like baldor, Hamah-hamah.
super-sexy-commando-kyouko: Towards morning i break The back of his worm-like baldor, Hamah-hamah.
super-sexy-commando-kyouko: On the Back of his worm-like baldor, Hamah-hamah.
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@super-sexy-commando-kyouko replied to your post “@super-sexy-commando-kyouko replied to your post “will you draw Juri and Shiori for me, Frank?” wow, nice job! shiori's hair,...”
I love her because she is so brazenly self-doubting (except about stuff that she's actually convinced of)
I love that I kind of got a good idea of the person she was in that post
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emmacanlearn · 3 years
do you have a favorite pokemon?
Hi, super-sexy-commando-kyouko! A specific favorite, and specific favorite. Never mean the favorite. Describe a favorite. Favorite the specific favorite is a something.
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paraholix · 6 years
Kuwabara Shizuru, with 9e, in 7e?
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autumnal beating
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amemenojaku · 5 years
Chisato/Kaoru or Maribel/Renko if you like? 💚
rnmr time™
Howdifferently do they think of each other now compared to when they first met?
Essential?I like to think when they first met they didn’t take each other very seriously,thinking it was still worth a shot but that there’s no way they would understand eachother… Now they’ve been through so much and there’s absolutely no doubt they weremeant to be together…
What dotheir friends/family think of their relationship?
I’m surethey’d be supportive! I hc that Merry doesn’t really keep contact with herfamily much so it’s not that important, but I like to think Renko’s parents(and siblings if she has any) would be happy to meet Merry. If Sumireko is Renko’sgrandma or something similar and if she were around to meet Merry, hmm… I feellike she’d be torn between excitement to talk about Gensokyo w someone else,and a creepy feeling of déjà vu…
No one intheir respective friend circles/classes is surprised when they make theirrelationship official, if they ever do.
How dotheir personalities/skills complement or contrast with each other?
I’ll neversay it enough but imo they’re the pair that complements each other the best…Their differences are what brings light to questions they wouldn’t haveconsidered by themselves. It’s teamwork! They bounce thoughts and ideas offeach other, something I really appreciate in ship dynamics. Going past what makesthem opposites (their ways to see the world mostly), they’re kindred spirits…like ‘we’re both weirdos, but at least we’re weirdos together’
What istheir favorite aspect of each other?
This willbe contrary to what I also write for the next question, but: their eyes.Because I feel like their eyes are what embody them the best (their abilities,their views of the world and their personalities all at the same time). Plus itcan lead to a lot of super cheesy but really good things like how Renko’s eyesare a beautiful starry sky and Merry’s eyes show a wonderful world of fantasy…it begs to be used in a fluffy fic lol
Do eitherof them have pet peeves about each other?
Don’t theycall each other’s eyes “creepy” at some point in one of the albums? I thinkfanworks which explore some uglier feelings are interesting too. On one handthey share secrets that the whole world is unaware of, but at the same time Iget the feeling they wouldn’t be fully honest with each other? They are thebest person fit to understand the other, but there’s always a sort of gapbetween them and it becomes more and more difficult to cross as Merry’sabilities grow stronger. Their worlds drifting apart the closer they are totheir shared goal. That kind of image.
On alighter note Merry seems to get annoyed whenever Renko is late, even if it’sjust a few minutes…
How wouldeach reconcile with each other after a fight?
They bothhave a lot of pride so it’s probably not easy… But they know each other well,so they can talk it out in the end I feel.
Renkostrikes me as the kind of person who can’t stay mad for too long and wants toapologize, but has trouble finding the right words. She’d need some time byherself to think of how to convey her feelings. Maybe she goes on a quick walkto let steam down? When she’s back and ready she initiates the conversation.
Merry… mightbe the type who sulks and overthinks? Most of the time it’s Renko who talks itout first, but then Merry finds the right thing to say to apologize when she’sdone sulking. She’s a bit childish but sometimes she can be more truthful andsays very mature things when the situation calls for it.
Hmm. Ithink some people would say “actually, it’s the opposite!” but that’s how I seethem. ^^;
What wouldbe their ideal vacation getaway together?
Obviously,a long trip to cool occult places in different parts of the world… But if it’sactual vacation and club activities prohibited, then the seaside! The beachwhere the land, the sea and the sky all connect… Long evening walks on a quietpier… It needs to be somewhere without many tourists though, as they’re boththe loner-but-together type.
Think of anew way (AU, different situation, etc.) they could have met for the first time.
I love the thoughtof them meeting through dreams… Or any kind of meeting on the border of whatfeels real and what feels like a dream.
For AUs there’sa lot, but a while ago I drew a zine pic that had Merry in a nice Victorian-ishdress and Renko in a detective costume! Maybe they meet as Renko follows a leadfor some mysterious case she’s working on, and they team up…
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