#supergirl season 3 liveblog
lycanhood · 6 years
Supergirl 3x17 “Trinity” Liveblog
I’m so ready for this teamwork!!!
This doesn’t feel like teamwork :(
Oh snap!
Not now Brainy!
Oh no, Lena, dammit! Not Kryptonite and distrust
I’m sorry are you too even actually in a relationship?
Kara doesn’t seem too terribly mad about this
What an inconvenient eclipse
You still said “magic” tho
YEAH! Fantasy vs. sci-fi! FUN
Yes, Briany, please do
Thanks, Brainy!
Yeah, how do you know Sam? Tell me more
High School Musical! El Mayriah!
No distrust :(
Damn right you are Julia
Oh great the one convo I really didn’t want
You lie to her every day, Kara
Alex & Lena talking finally!!
“Your biology is impressive.” -Brainy (& Lena too probably)
Like Lena knows Sam is Reign, she knows Alex is DEO, she knows Winn is DEO, and she knows James knows Supergirl too. I’m just unconvinced that she also doesn’t know about Kara. I refuse to accept that.
LEAVE!!! That’s what you should do
“Why would you ever exercise?”
Let’s not gang up on Lena, guys
Kara, stop talking to her like she’s a Luthor and nothing else.
It’s difficult for writers to deal with Kryptonian characters b/c they’re so fucking overpowered. So they just take every opportunity to depower them b/c that’s the only way to give them an actual challenge. I’m sure its even more frustrating to try to write as it is to watch sometimes
Yeah, I have a feeling Lena has backup cameras probably
Like I’m glad to see James finally supporting Lena, I just wish he could have supported & trusted her before they shoved them into a underdeveloped relationship. And they’ve barely even spent anytime together since they got together (which I’m glad for b/c they’re cringy) but now he suddenly trusts her completely and more than Kara. Even though Kara and Lena have known each other/been friends longer and spent more time together and had their friendship tested before. Sigh, doesn’t make sense, but okay SG writers, just do whatever you want for drama. Consistency be damned
Break the circle, Sam!!!
Reign is so hurtful
Whoa that hologram was pissed!
Is the eclipse still happening?
Winn is so sweet and also correct
HE DID! And then some
He’s such a a great lil brother
Oh great more screaming
The nerd squad
Haha I’m so dumb, for a second I was like “Whoa, Alex is a jedi!”
Literally killing your murderer by screaming defiantly in their face right before you die is a total mood
Oh shit, now Reign is extra super strong?
Okay, but um how did Kara fly out of there if the eclipse is still happening?
Yeah who would want to lose that nickname?
Where’s Lena?
So Lena and James grow closer and now there’s a rift between Supergirl & Lena, lovely :(
Good thing Ruby has two cool aunts and a slightly nerdier aunt to protect her
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This week on: Which Beloved Kara Fanfic Trope Will Be Validated?
Religious!Kara ft. “I remember all of [the people I save]”
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uselessgayshit · 7 years
Supergirl 3x09 Watch
-I’m prepping like an hour early for the emotional turmoil I feel like I’m about to go through. This is the first time I haven’t watched any of the sneak peaks so I am really going in blind. -I’m gonna have to deal with you know who, Lames, the gays all together at once without it being gay. -My theory is that Kara’s gonna die or come really close because of Reign. Maybe not this episode, but sometime in 3b.  -I am also watching this episode live with my parents which could be a real doozy.
-listen baby, you can destroy national city if that’s what it takes for you to get back to your self, i support you -why is he talking so much all ready?  -no one actually wanted the legion to be in this show but i guess they gave it to us anyway -Imra loves Kara, pass it on -I’ll fucking help you get home -”you might be here for awhile” NO,NO. come on -literally do not invite them wtf -Alex made it of course it is -this is aboslutely disgusting, i want to die. get away from me with this forced flirting. -everyone showed up to this in like christmas sweaters and pants and Lena fucking Luthor shows up in a probably few thousand dollar dress -this is the first time we’ve had a christmas episode on Supergirl and this is how they want to play it out. god i hate them -so now if a woman is not dating, she’s a crone????? check yourself -do you see that power lesbian -I am Ruby about Supergirl though tbh -bring up the best part of last season. Alex jumping off the balcony. ICONIC. -those two power lesbians talking about men make me want to die -”i am his boss” actually like good fucking point -”i can feel the chemistry” STOP GIVING YOUR CHARACTERS LINES TO TELL THE AUDIENCE WHAT THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FEELING/THINKING -do they think putting them together are going to make us like it any more than us just suspecting it was gonna happen. -stop putting your female characters with men that previously despised them -also every single character doesn’t need to be in a relationship for this show to work. s1 was great without that. -can’t believe Supercorp is officially announced as #1 and they throw this at us. rough timing, guys -they’re also trying to end supercorp and reigncorp at the same time. but they tried that with the whole sister thing all ready. they’re fighting a fruitless battle -Sam has literally only done one thing for Kara and it was mostly for Lena so what is she even talking about. Like they have not been developed as friends -VASQUEZ IS BACK -what is this outfit she has on though. HOT DAMN, Lena. -okay Lena doesn’t need James to come in and protect her like this. she’s confronted Edge alone multiple times without backup -he’s really eating ribs with Irma now. thought that was a thing he did with Kara. Guess someone’s moved on. -Just logically, I’m not sure how she hasn’t moved on yet. They were apart more than they were together. I just don’t understand this hangup. Obviously him returning is rough and going to bring stuff up but at this point, theyre just drawing it out -the bar scene wasn’t necessary for the story at all. -i really didn’t expect this guy to have another episode -this dude is a mary sue wow -this guy is just like reading off the Kryptonian version of the Book of Revelations -there are more christmas decorations in each of the locations than there ever have been in this show -she is too old to be sitting on her mom’s lap but okay -”how did you know?” Ruby you never shut up about Supergirl, eveeryone knows -Sam loves Ruby so much like she’s gonna survive Reign -i don’t have Imra -me as Kara in any awkward situation -why she have all these cool af jackets -nifty retractable shield you got there -”quarterly assasination attempt” SHE’S HAD TWO IN THE SPAN OF THREE EPISODES -believing in something is Kara’s whole message???? her entire stance???? what???? -Okay so let’s pit women against women know wtf cw like really? you’ve dropped to this level? I shouldn’t be surprised.  -YOU LOST YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY BUT MON-EL MOVING ON IS THE WORST THING THAT COULD EVER HAPPEN TO YOU OKAY I’M LITERALLY FUCKING DONE -I don’t think I can even watch this for Katie, Chyler or Odette anymore -that was unnecessary destruction of property -are they gonna kiss in the office because that’s unprofessional -since when have they ever showed interest in each other aside from this episode though -idk she could stop watching SaturnValor if it makes her so upset -Alex would never tell her to get rid of her humanity this is ooc as far as they could fucking push it -Alex telling Kara to be cold totally dismisses the thought that Kara could get through to Sam -even with a mask you can tell that’s Sam, the glasses really don’t work -Lena watching her girlfriend beat up like so struck wow -I don’t like seeing Kara beat up or hurt but I do like to see her face an opponent that is equal and actually who seems stronger -maybe that’s how she will learn her compassion and hope mean everything -this is a pretty damn good fight scene -”you are no god’  yeah pretty sure she said that same exact thing -how did the ‘s’ come off her suit -I get why they want “is Kara dead” (though she’s not and everyone knows it) to be the cliffhanger but they didn’t pace the past eight episodes enough to offer that and gain anything. it feels rushed because it was and it doesn’t worry me one bit. I also am not surprised.
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theatre-nerds-unite · 7 years
what the fuck was that episode?? i completely forgot how to breathe during the cute domestic Sanvers moments in the opening scene .... but they stupid arguing an the kids thing ... GAH. This is the beginning of the end and i am NOT prepared *cue the tears*
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mssirey · 3 years
With the new season started up, I just want to note that I do not liveblog, and typically don’t see the episode until the morning after it airs. I limit posting gifs and art based on the current episode for 2-3 days, and everything is tagged “supergirl spoilers” until the next episode airs. I would also ask that I don’t get asks with speculation or requests for writing based on the current episode the night it airs (the next afternoon is usually safe). Thank you!
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infartoomanyfandoms · 3 years
My Supergirl 6x09 liveblog
- um this looks like the creepy forest Sam went to in her head in S3 when Reign was out
- this is spooky but Nia looks very pretty
- CGI strikes again 🤦‍♀️
-oh this is kindaheartbreaking
- OOOH THERE SHE IS. Why is that lil smirk kinda attractive tho
- GAME NIGHT. God I've missed game night. This is so cute. Everyone looks so good too. I love thissss
- Who's flat is this??
- Aww Dansen hug 🥺
- Alex did you just quote Frozen you big nerd I love you so much 😭
- Nia bby u look so tired </3
-Aw space dad would team up with Lena if she was here. I love that.
- yeah that really is putting it mildly J'onn thank you for that lol. I like that we're acknowledging Brainy and Lena's existence though
-Someone pls hug Nia immediately
- Oh Kelly got a new job!! Good for her 😌
- Ugh god look at these mushballs. I need more Dansen in my life
- oh that was a very abrubt cut lol. But I love Andrea and her whiteboard so much 😂😭
- THE WAY ANDREA JUST TOLD WILLIAM TO JUMP OFF A BRIDGE AHAAADGJK Andrea, bby you can't just be saying that to people
- wait Catco is 3 now, I thought they were at 8? What did I miss, am I dumb? Lol
- okay but I'm legitimately impressed that she fell asleep standing up. How is Andrea just letting her get away with that though??
- Ohhh 🥺 That's actually really sweet. Andrea is a good boss.
- Andrea really said 'William jump off a bridge' and 'Nia take a mental health day' 😂
- I can't get over how proud she is of her whiteboard - Loo at her!! I love her
- Kara honey how have you ever managed to keep 1 single secret in your life. It made me laugh though
- this lady gives me bad vibes
- Oh 🥺 Is this foreshadowing that Kelly's gonna be a great mum? I sure hope so
- oh this place is not great
- YES look at Kelly go! I kind of want her to be my therapist lmao
- Joey's story is making me tear up big time
- Ugh yes!!!!! This is a team up that I want. Kelly & Kara!! They haven't had scenes alone, ever I think? I'm so excited for this
- wait why is nyxly being helpful? I have my eye on you ma'am. What are you up to? Uh oh this isn't gonna end well is it?
- that once over and sigh was a little 💅 Nyxly calm yourself!
- I'm sorry Nyxly can what!? Damn now the 6x10 promo makes sense
- Oh god this is so clearly manipulation and I wanna know what Nyxly's really up to
- o shit that made me jump
- it's nice to see Kara actually reporting.
-The receptionist is very cute. Miss Receptionist are you single.
- I miss casual use of superpowers so much 😂 They should let Kara do it more
- Melissa is so pretty and it's distracting me from whatever this Second Chances program really is
- J'onn?? Oh the plot thickens
- Hmm I think the Warden is behind it. He sounded like he was hiding something
- Kelly you haven't done anything wrong at all!
- This scene is making me emotional 😭 The tear wiping is so soft. I love them. Alex is such a good support person. More hugging yes!!
- (can someone please spare one for Nia tho 😭 girl is going through it)
- Oh Mr Warden dude you are so guilty
- Kara write the story /now/
- we stan the owl
- This episode feels really long is it just me?
- "Who cares about the ratings?" KARA!! You're right but you only just got your job back by the skin of your teeth, you're lucky Andrea is in a good mood today 😂
-Ew I knew this place was terrible
- I wonder what the significance of Esme is. What's she gonna do? I hope she helps get that awful place shut down
- "I was a fool for believing in him" okay Kara since when were you season 5 Lena 💀
- it's really really good to see Kara actually working again
- oh god this show keeps bringing up Cat Grant, I really want her to make an appearance just once before the show ends
- I knew hew was dirty!!
- YES KELLY!!!!!!
- oh yes, way to make an entrance
- hey you assholes she saved you (understandable to be cautious I guess but come /on/ guys)
- THIS!! This is the heart of this show!! This is what it's needed more of through the years
- Ah look at them actually working!! And I love a happy Andrea ahahaha
- He just smiled like he knew. Does William know?
- Yess for Kelly getting that nasty old woman out of there!
- Brothers reuniting 🤧🤧🤧
- I must say, I love how well all these plots were intertwined this episode
- Hehehe Esme is a smart kid.
- Wait wtf 😭😭 I've known Esme for 38 minutes but if anything happened to her I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.
- ALEX KNEW SHE WOULD I LOVE SUPPORTIVE GFS. Alex is so proud of her look 😭😭
- oh no this is bad news bears. I trusted the owl.
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mommabearclarke · 7 years
That’s because Lois is your true love and MonEl was a mistake by the writers.
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keyofjetwolf · 5 years
Today, friends, we celebrate the birth of one Dr. Jillian P. Bugg, chicken nugget-loving wife of the sinister @docholligay​, but generally decent sort otherwise. To commemorate, I am here to liveblog something JUST FOR HER, with all the shippy gay goggles it is possible for this painfully heterosexual Jet Wolf to bring.
And so, join me for today’s almost certainly mostly shitposty liveblog of the Season 3, Episode 5 lesbitastic SUPERGIRL *
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(*) I have never seen a single second of Supergirl. I have been assured this was an excellent decision on my part. Nevertheless, Dr. Jillian loves her some Supergirl and Lena Luthor, and today, SO DO WE ALL
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blakegallo · 5 years
3, 5, 7!
3. have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
i’m going to yes. i can’t think of a specific person, but i wouldn’t put it past me? i don’t do it regularly, and there are still people i follow in various fandoms that have obviously wrong opinions about things that i put up with because it’s not that deep and they don’t annoy me in a more serious way i guess? i dunno. i’m petty. i feel like people expected that.
5. has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
definitely. i feel like the big one was derek/stiles. i didn’t start watching teen wolf really until after season one had aired and we were kinda into season two i think? [ i know i started watching before colton officially left and before he was announced to be on arrow which i only started watching for him ] but everyone i followed was posting content making me think that they were a thing and then i watched the show and i never understood the appeal and like. it just really bothered me?
as for something i was shipping going into a fandom, not really? there are also very few ships i’m hardcore invested in? i mean ras ruined moose/kevin, but the fandom was never there for that? i guess i never got with the joaquin/kevin shippers either, but i don’t think shippers were the reason i didn’t fuck with it?
7. is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
copying things that have already been said. but i stanned jughead / him with betty in season one when i went back to read my original liveblogs. since s2 tho i haven’t fucked with either of them for an extended period of time, though it hink that both have had their moments. [ ngl, betty in the flashforward of the s3 finale owns my soul and i’m pretty sure she’s still stepping on my neck from how authoritative she was ]. part of it might be the fandom, so i guess that goes back to the previous question, but i also think that i just don’t like what the narrative has done with those two the most? 
outside of riverdale, maybe the arrowverse in general? i watched the first couple seasons of arrow proper and then when theyf ucked over laruel i was done. also really enjoyed supergirl season one and then promptly stopped watching when callista also left. sometimes grant/candice cuteness on the flash tempts me. even arrow going into the final season is tempting, but i just can’t stand felicity so i won’t do that to myself. 
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lesbianrabbithole · 7 years
Things to do
1. Watch and Liveblog The Bold Type
2. Rewatch Supergirl Season 2 now that it is finally on my country's Netflix
3. Watch the first 2 episodes of Star Trek: Discover
4. Plan a wedding
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lycanhood · 7 years
Supergirl 3x12 “For Good” Liveblog
Ha Winn creepin on Superman
“Oh good Mon-El is here.” said no one ever
“Mon-El’s right.” said J’onn just this once
Someone please mention Smallville, I need it
I see you Lexie Grey reference, you’re hurtful #stillnotoverit
Alex thinks she’s funny. When in fact she’s just adorable
Ugh Lames ick
Lena is the big boss
He’s a little bit right though, she belongs at L-Corp
Whoa I didn’t even think about climbing out the trunk! That’s a great idea! I would have just died
Kara had ZERO patience for Edge! Did yall see how she CAUGHT THOSE KEYS!?!
Idk, Edge, if I recall you’ve lost at least twice already, am I right?
Oh no Lena’s guilty face
I’m sure Supergirl would be happy to help right, Kara? *wink wink*
I wish we could all just fucking stop lying to Lena, damn. She really can’t trust anyone
“I’m afraid of needles” ironic
WHAT ??? Color me confused
Alex “Lena is your boss, but she’s also your friend, and maybe you should trust her with the truth” things she should say to Kara, please
Source at the NCPD? Maggie is that you?
Finally acknowledging season 1 happened, nice
Oh no they zooming in on this coffee cup, here we go
Eve doesn’t understand the urgency.
Nice roll, James, but I’m gonna need to see Kara fretting over Lena, please
SHE’S AT THE DEO!!!!!! This is not a drill!
Alex, being a doctor YAY!!! Give me more of this all the time
They saved her! Kara and Alex together!!!
I’d rather it be Supergirl interrogating Edge, but I’m not really picky about who beats him up
It would be so easy for Edge to guess that’s James, like come on
Kara looks so pretty right now.
Geez, that’s not comforting, J’onn
“I wish, I had been carrying you in my arms.” -Kara Danvers to Lena Luthor
“Well, I know you” oh what you guys kissed liked twice so now you know her better than Kara? Get outta here!
Narrator voice: she did not feel better
BRENDA!!! I’m actually super glad to see this witch.  Season 3 has really dropped the ball with Cadmus. It’s like they just forgot it and Lillian and Jeremiah even exist. We should have been talking about and looking for them for the last 11 episodes. It’s been a really annoying plothole for me. Just try and give me a little consistency, CW, come on, I believe in you
I guess we all know where Lena got her great taste in coats
Well...I think lots of mothers would probably kill for their children, but whatever she’s xenophobic
I don’t accept this Mean Girl!Lena canon bullshit, she’s always been an angel
“Why would you want to be Cat Grant when you could be Lena Luthor?” that’s some good shit
I hate that I find myself agreeing with so much of what Lillian is saying. Is this my villain origin story?
Sam looks great. What is this shirt even?
God, look at the way Alex is looking at Sam, damn
Nooooo! This better not be some foreshadowing bullshit for Alex adopting Ruby when this is over. I can’t handle it
Kara, honey, why are you standing like that? It’s SO gay tho
Lena is confessing all to Kara! I love it
You are awesome
2. You are SO SMART!
SHE HAS TROPHIES!?!?!!? *Jots that down for fanfic purposes*
*full on crying* I just love them
Lena, this dress? Because Kara missed out on it last time?
“Don’t grab women, Sweetheart.” That’s MY Supergirl
Lena’s like “So um I’m gonna save your life...but I’m definitely gonna brag about it first.”
That bodyguard didn’t have to die!!
KARA! Holy shit she’s adorable.
She’s being really reckless with her identity today. I like it
Drag her, Kara! DRAG HER!
Brenda is rocking this suit tho
Winn is so #relatable honestly
Haha Alex’s face
Mon-El, we don’t need you right now! Why are you bossing Alex and Winn around? GO AWAY! Pretty please?
Lena’s face when she’s sees Mon-El sums up exactly how I felt when he came back “The fuck? I thought we got rid of you!”
“You know where to find me. My name is on the building.” I love smug!Lena
Can we please see you tell her about it later? I want to see these best friend convos!
Oh no, I’m starting to like Lillian, dammit
Alex, this is a great sweater!
“You are as hot -uh I mean - healthy as an Olympic athlete.”
“I don’t know how I lived my life without you guys...a month ago?”
“You seem to be everywhere these days.” Yes, that’s one of the more annoying things about him
That’s actually sort of nice, Mon-El. Good job not being unbearable
FOUR!?! We are so screwed
Go get her? That poor girl hasn’t done anything wrong yet. She might not even know what’s happening. She’s probably just as confused and scared as Sam.
What’s with this sonic scream thing? Black Canary? Silver Banshee? Why would her powers be any different than Sam’s?
Not to sound totally bias (which I am) but all of the Lena-centric episodes are awesome. Yeah, I said it. I don’t even care if they are about her maybe being evil, as long as she doesn’t actually go evil. It seems like maybe she realized what I’ve been trying to say… GO BACK TO L-CORP! Be an amazing scientist and business woman, reclaim your desk and your Jess. Sam needs a mental health va-k anyway
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cyclone-rachel · 7 years
Supergirl season 2 rewatch liveblog, episodes 1 and 2
 (inspired by the CW’s re-airing of season 1 last year leading up to the season 2 premiere, we’re 11 weeks out from season 3 so I figured I’d do my own rewatch and give my thoughts in rough chronological order. these will probably be done + go up on Thursdays or early Fridays, sometimes Saturdays, because reasons.)
Episode 1
I like that Kara helped pick her replacement
Kara still awkward with James
Aww, Kara’s still into the space program
The new DEO is nice
“whiner”, gosh J’onn
The season 3 opening, I wonder what it’s gonna be like. Kara’s probably going to be so sad.
Winn at the DEO is great
CLARK, so precious
Love juxtaposition with Clark and Kara, how they’re introduced and then them meeting in costume, saving the plane
The “pod” sequence is definitely different from the S1 finale
And they’re immediately getting along.
Love these kids.
She did.
Gosh, those drums, very nice.
Winn, precious.
Aww, Clark and Alex hug
“Your father means a lot to me” haaa wait how
“smells terrific” gosh Alex
“cybernetic data core” why would he have that, Clark, and why is that a problem
Much slower, okay
“You look fantastic” you have a crush, Winn
Martian Manhunter v. Superman tension, ooh
What a dork!
Aww, James and Clark
Geez, Cat.
“that’s modern” geez
florid, gosh
Poor Kara
Aww. Still want Karolsen together
Luthor Corp, huh
Oh hey, Metallo.
So Lillian wanted to kill her daughter.
We’ve come so far, gosh
She has such a beautiful face
Does she know?
Bless you, Lena!
Kara certainly does
“hard experience” like what, Clark
Well, he does have more experience.
Aww, precious, again.
How interesting.
Love you, Lena, never change.
Kara saving her future girlfriend, love it
“we’re moving back to Gotham”
You can tell how much Cat cares about Kara, I love this
Kara being mentored by her is just so sweet
“more murdery moments”
Intergang is a thing, huh
“President herself”, nice
What did he do
Lena sure likes taking risks, doesn’t she
Oh noooo
“really bad traffic”, gosh, Clark, you can fly
Thank you, J’onn
Nice work, Kara
Lena almost killed a dude!
Thank her! She saved your life!
AWW, glad he admits it
Good girl, Kara.
Cat loves her so much
“See justice done”
Cat knows!
Kara, noooo
At least kiss, or hug, or something, come on
That is nice
The most precious super-cousins
Oh, hi, Lillian. You trick-ass bitch
How long did it take for her to come up with that
Episode 2
hashtags, geez
But I love them, these dorks.
Not gonna work.
How interesting.
Kara. It’s sister night.
Kara. Breathe.
Aww, she’s saying her name correctly
Must be the booty
Gosh, space-dad agreeing to get along with Clark because of Kara
Dammit, Snapper.
Like you’re much better, Kara.
Geez, Metallo.
My poor girl
Oh, thank goodness
well, both of y’all are fine
Non, Astra, and Indigo were behind Myriad
Gosh, Winn, you dweeb
Wow, Lillian
Hmm, I wonder.
Certainly pressure there.
Okay, Kara
Snapper, you dick
how rude
Still calling her by her name, aww
She has a point.
She loves you, Kara.
More like powers.
Same, Kara.
Literally, made of steel.
Lillian, no
Where’s the Legion ring
He has a point.
“I don’t hate you too”
Is that a real thing
Kara, no, you can’t
Oh, Alex...
Hug her, Kara
You’re already not alone
OH. So that’s why...
“Krypton Park”, nice
Winn and Alex bros, love ‘em
You’re gonna find a lovely girl, Alex.
Ooh, nice idea
Mmmff, that smirk
Dammit, Lillian
Poor Alex.
Not wrong.
Kick their asses, Alex!
Precious sisters.
That is nice
Gosh, Winn
Lillian, no
So, can they fly?
Ooh, they work!
Kick his ass, Kara!
Oh noooo
Such good juxtaposition, again
What a dork
Jeez, Kara
Yes, it does
So good, so pure.
Gosh, James.
Uh, why?
Bless you, Kara.
Glad to know he’s honest.
really hang out, gosh
Precious supercousins.
Love ‘em
Where did he take that?
How long?
What a dork
Eugh, Mon-El.
Already a bad sign
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So after the Supergirl Season 2 finale I am thinking of recording a video with all of my thoughts about the season and what I hope happens in season 3, I’ve never done one before but I have a sideblog being set up for when I watch things as a way to try and deal with my anxiety and try and do something creative with my time. Plus I already liveblog the episodes with all of my random thoughts and fanpersoning over what happened. It wouldn’t just be Supergirl, it would most likely be filled with: Wynonna Earp, Carmilla, Sense 8 (when I eventually get around to it), Orphan Black, The Flash and anything else I happen to watch. 
I’m kind of a shy muffin so if it would be something you might like to see then let me know :)
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uselessgayshit · 7 years
Supergirl 3x07 Liveblog
-i’m gonna either get angry or be filled with maniacal laughter, let’s see
-is there a faction of the DEO for underwater excursions cause keep me far from that please -Sam already, i am ready -do not stick your hand in the boiling water, sam arias, i don’t care if you think you might be invulnerable -oh okay lets keep it chill mom -is J’onn just keeping his dad locked up in the DEO like wtf -J’onn would know what “hot sec” is he as been on Earth enough and around Winn enough I’m losing my mind with the lack of continuity -THERE’S MY GIRL -okay so national city just has an underwater exploratory team okay sure that seems more plausible -not with the upkeep they have for their buildings being destroyed they don’t -that’s a really clear picture for a heat scan -WHY IS SUPERGIRL JUST WALKING CASUALLY THROUGH NATIONAL CITY SO MUCH WHAT IS HAPPENING -”man I wanted to see that” - I’m Winn -okay what powers does J’onn actually have because they seem to only come up during very convenient circumstances -I can’t believe Kara can’t recognize her boyfriends voice when he’s only standing in the shadows a few feet from her but can recognize Lena’s crackly voice over a bad comm line -gROSS -THERE’S MY OTHER GIRL -”There’s life on Saturn?” - I’m still Winn. I think this whole episode I’m going to be Winn -”Good to see you, buddy” - instantly no longer Winn -7 months???? i thought it was 3??? not to be rude but she should have extra moved on since they were only together for like 2 months. isn’t there like a rule about that???? -why is there so much parental drama this season. like who on the writing team needs to see a therapist instead of using this show to work our their mommy/daddy issues -wow, ROUGH -DON’T FORGET IT I WANT TO KNOW -start speakin’ old lady -why is this old lady so damn cryptic. -does she have a pod in her barn???? -OMG SHE HAS A POD IN HER BARN -so everyone just gets sent to Earth, lands on someone’s farm and they take them in with no questions asked. great. so glad there’s an original story here -and then there’s gonna be the same thing like Allura that’s gonna give her her entire history. please...i’m begging for something original -she was miserable half the time. he did hurt her many times. they were always fighting. i just don’t know why everyone missed that.  -cryptic shit runs in this family -some really rough family shit jeez -who grew the beard? Chris or Mon-El? did they tell him to or did he want to and they were like yeah sure that works? -i bet he just wants his wife -i’m really thrown off by her constant changing between supergirl and kara and where she’s wearing the suit and where she’s not and I’m really confused but I’m sure everyone on set is too cause it doesn’t make any sense anymore -thank god he’s different tbh -OH BUT SHE SAID SHE HAD A HUMAN HEART WHICH IS A BIG TURN AROUND FROM EP 1. PROGRESS. -where the fuck is Sam going -what if she goes to the DEO base in the desert and LUCY IS THERE. I know that’s not it but that would be my favorite plot twist -oooooh yes Winn siding with his best friend, Kara -okay but his change was just becoming broody tough guy which isn’t helpful -Kara is already hurt dude but ok -WHAT ARE THE RULES ON WEARING THE SUIT  -”which of you two is deciding what my best interests are” - yes get em, Kara, get em -tAKE IT BACK. TAKE THE NECKLACE BACK. oh my god he can’t just keep it wtf Mon-El, that doesn’t necessarily belong to you, what are you doing. you’re married. give. it. back. -OF COURSE L-CORP SAVES THE DAY EVENTUALLY -”why are you still wearing the necklace?” - yes I would like answers as well -okay but Saturngirl is cute -SAM WHAT ARE YOU DOING -oh its not a talky thingy, its a honing beacon -that fall was fake af  -thats not ominous or anything -what even is that. like a palace cause you couldn’t go inside, there isn’t room with all those spikes. what’s its purpose. -the talk is about to happen -okay but you can give the necklace back now thank you -I’M SO ANGRY ABOUT THE GODDAMN NECKLACE. IT’S HER MOTHER’S PLEASE JUST RETURN IT SAFELY TO HER CARE -”you’ve never needed my protection” - ...okay, well that’s some development -i’m not adverse to Saturnvalor (if that’s their name, I’m not sure he’s valor yet so idk). I’m sure they deserve each other and found love in the future and all that. -also like they really didn’t need to break her heart all over again, give her a break -are they really gonna end this on “my wife” -okay thank god cause that would’ve just been stupid -she has her own lair already, incredible -THAT WAS A TALKY THINGY I WAS RIGHT -But again, they can’t do anything original apparently -Fortress of Sanctuary - Fortress of Solitude wtf -okay but I’m sobbing because Kara and Kal are not the only Kryptonians left and now Sam’s gonna turn evil, kill me now -”I’m a hero” - oh god, Sam, you sweet innocent, i’m so sorry -Ruby was not an error bitch back tf up -oH NO ITS HAPPENING I DON’T LIKE IT -this is horrible. -i knew this was gonna happen. why did i let myself become so invested in her. please god i hate it -okay but that’s hot.
-so my prediction at the beginning was wrong. my overall feeling was just a shrug of eh because it was anticlimactic because we already knew what was going to happen and those sneak peeks didn’t help.
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jaxjeffersons · 7 years
How I liveblog
1. If you haven't already noticed I live blog for a few shows semi-regularly including but not really excluding Currently on-air - The Flash - Supergirl - * Jane the Virgin - Legends of Tomorrow - * Agents of SHIELD - Riverdale *I'm currently watching past seasons on Netflix so I can catch up in time for fall premieres. On Netflix/no longer airs/cancelled/on hiatus - Lab Rats (all iterations of it) - the L word - sense8 - Being Human (US and UK) - shameless -izombie 2. I usually tag things as "x show spoilers" (i.e. Riverdale spoilers) for up to 3 days AFTER it has aired if its currently airing. If it's on Netflix I will try to tag the episode and season (i.e. S1x1, 01x1) so you what episode it is. 3. FOR FOLKS WHO WANT TO BLACKLIST MY LIVEBLOGS it's basically "blessen watches [insert show here] and/or "blessen watches stuff" as a general tag. 4. Finally, if you have any questions about anything I watch or anything I tag in relation to this just send an ask. I'll answer it.
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theatre-nerds-unite · 7 years
Right y'all, time for me to go watch the new Supergirl episode. *cringes*
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