#supergirl liveblog
the-golden-dragoness · 3 months
MAWS only has one character type and it’s cinnamon roll, too good for this world too pure
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sisaloofafump · 5 months
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The cast of Action Comics #700
… and Bibbo
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liam-zor-el · 1 year
it's so funny to me how kara is only ever on teams if she's just kinda passing through then leaves. like the legion of super-heroes? she was there for 12 issues then got sent home. teen titans? there for a minute then dipped cuz she had a messy breakup with her girlfriend. red lanterns? also got sent home after a few issues. justice league united? had to leave halfway through the run to go off and do her own stuff. so real of her actually
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forcebookish · 1 year
cisco showed up in arrow and it weakened me into considering actually restarting the flash (by design) but it also reminded me how much i don't like caitlin every time i remember how badly barry fucked up the timeline for EVERY SHOW it makes me too upset
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There's something really badass about responding to "you always hope! (derogatory)" with "That's my job."
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autcnomy · 1 year
LOL. Lex is already back on Supergirl. he only died a few episodes ago. He's not nearly as likable or tragic as Rosenbaum!Lex , but I'm still cheering him on like, "YES, you go, you rancid little cockroach man!"
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mbat · 2 years
dude alexs hair and headpiece in the wedding. that is just THE vibe. like thats perfect and awesome
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livvyofthelake · 2 months
nope not doing it i’m going home doing my gardening shit showering and hitting that pillow and blanket i don’t need anythinggggg hashtag monastic life. movie please be on streaming soon. or dvd i would literally buy a dvd for you and that’s a high honor i only buy dvds of movies i know i’ll like and watch fifteen times i’m not just a collector i’m a curator i take my dvd library very seriously. unlike some people (my dad who bought lord of the rings on dvd in like 2006 and a couple weeks ago got upset because it doesn’t work anymore and he never even watched it more than once. like ok you didn’t appreciate what you had when you had it. skill issue!) i do however draw the line at 20 dollar dvds for movies that are on a streaming service i have access to. talk to me in four years when it’s down to 5 dollars in the huge walmart dvd bin. anyway. does anyone wanna watch supergirl or descendants 4 today and liveblog that shit… if not fine whatever 🙄 everybody wants to have a tv show to blog about with all their mutuals and harmonize the dashboard until i come in and try to curate a joint supergirl experience and then suddenly nobody watches tv anymore… tee you’re exempt from this judgement because i asked you to watch xena with me and you did and I’M the one slacking and that’s on me and i will remedy this issue as soon as i can <3
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youareinlove · 10 months
going to take a page out of @eyesopentv's book and liveblog supergirl
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ntshastark · 3 months
MAWS s2 liveblog: 2x05
turns out i'm not getting any notifications from serializd, which kinda defeats the purpose of having the app at all (i used to use tv time but then they completely ruined their desktop ui), so i'm apparently 3 eps behind and had no idea
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ever since the dcu superman film set photos came out i've been on an early!clois fic-reading binge (mostly rereads, it's the first time i do this) and it highlights so much everything this adaptation missed out on having........ the rivalry, the identity porn, the banter........ i know i talk about this every time i watch this series, but they've literally taken out every shingle one of my favourite things about early!clois (which is my fav clois era!!), and i just can't understand why someone would do this on purpose!!! i mean, we could be having this
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"oh but it's a kids cartoon" you say. well, then we could be having this
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and i have my complaints about clark, especially how they handle his secret identity and make him look stupid, but i'm overall much more flexible about his characterisation (in that i have my personal preference but am ok with a bigger range of the 'is he truly clark or superman' spectrum) than i am about lois' (in that she is My Girl, and she needs to be mean, tired of everyone's shit, and at least a little bit scary, otherwise that's not the woman me and clark fell in love with!!)
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(and she's just? walking around town?? in earth clothings???)
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AND SHE'S MEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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idk how i feel about this
i mean, i was a sucker for karolsen in cw supergirl, but that was a very different jimmy (and, i'd wager - and hope - a very different kara)
(also i 100% thought maws!jimmy was gonna be gay tbh)
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i genuinely hate how this series treats his secret identity (which, again, is one of my favourite parts of superman lore. so. targeted attack, i tell ya)
(and you know what else gave me a watered-down lois and a clark with a crap secret identity??? man of steel. how is this series so completely opposite in tone and yet still keeps so many of the same sins??)
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she did say her name is kara, but i remember fake-out supergirl in smallville, so i'm not holding my breath
my mind cannot comprehend giving someone mint chocolate chip as their first ice cream, the first time i ever actually saw mint chocolate chip ice cream for sale i was a full grown adult
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^ exact opposite reaction i had two days ago when i started mulheres apaixonadas only to find out the pairing i'd been looking forward to the most are first-degree cousins
(yes, they end up together. and yes, i dropped the novela. can't stomach incest ships, it's why i never started house of the dragon despite loving royal intrigue stuff)
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wait, wasn't he married??
oh god... did they mention his full name the other times he showed up?? bc i thought it sounded familiar so i googled it and it's fucking cyborg superman, i'm so fucking stupid
omg silver st cloud!!
was i supposed to recognise the other two as well? bc i'm really bad with names (as i've just demonstrated) and also not all that knowledgable about minor dc characters
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oh i was wondering about that
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[banging head against the wall] WHY DO THEY HAVE TO MAKE HIM SEEM SO STUPID
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so pretty tho......
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why is everything so bright.....
also that hot dog looks dry af
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see, this is what you get when you skip all the fun identity porn phase. the masses don't even think lois and superman are fucking.
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and she's also stupid!
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genuinely, can you imagine any other lois lane getting told this???? i get they want to make their female lead relatable in her struggles or whatever, but ughhhh
like, where's this energy
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and i get wanting to have a younger lois who's not so established in her career in order to give her conflict and opportunity to grow stuff, but the attitude!! smallville!lois didn't even want to be a journalist (which is a creative decision i'm also not a fan of), but she was so absolutely lois in the way she acted, y'know? not a single person who knew that girl would be surprised to find out she'd bagged a semi-god! meanwhile this lois has just. such loser aura.
and i know they're aware of this because that one episode with the multiversal lois league or whatever was basically all "yeah, this lois is kind of a loser when compared to the other ones, but this clark loves her anyway!!"
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oh she's so angry!! i love her!!
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ok great scene
hard to connect emotionally with this scene when i basically agree with everything she's saying
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why is she speaking english instead of kryptonese tho
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oh she looks cool
well. it's definitely not what i was expecting. but i guess it fits with how they were developing krypton, and it's definitely interesting! i was worried about kara having been shown as a baby while leaving krypton, that maybe they would've made her grow up in the ship with only false memories, but she's... immersed in the culture, i guess... somehow... it's definitely not what i would've guessed, and whether i like it or not is gonna depend on how they deal with it (if this was mainverse kara i definitely would've hated it, but an au is au, so let's wait and see)
tbh i was worried she'd get the the cartoon!starfire* treatment and be depicted in an overtly childish manner (which is. not exactly unheard of in this series), so her instead being an imperialistic war criminal is better than what i was expecting lmao
(*= whom i love! but whom i met 1. before knowing anything about the original kory, and 2. as a child. and who's also done irreparable damage to mainverse kory, so can't blame a girl for being afraid)
now i'm curious about her "father"... she said her and clark are the only kryptonians left, but it could be something similar to the jor-el hologram thing, i guess. i know zor-el has been depicted in a more villainous light at some points so who knows, might even be his consciousness inside a robot or whatever
anyway, it's an interesting change. has potential. at this point i don't really trust this series to explore it as deeply and seriously as i would like, or to not fall back into the tropes i was afraid of as soon as her redemption arc is over and she becomes jimmy's born child-friendly yesterday girlfriend, so i'll not keep my hopes too high, but this could be fun!
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paleode-ology · 5 months
update on clearing out my liked posts: what was 2021 me DOING. there were approx 1200+ liked posts and the VAST majority of them were me liking people's liveblogging posts from watching supergirl and the nevers as they were airing... that was absolute hell
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utterimmolation · 3 years
"Ever since I got back from the Phantom Zone it feels like I've been one step behind." Kara that's called unresolved trauma.
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how many people did that shield just fuckin bisect
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liam-zor-el · 1 year
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throwing this at anyone who says supergirl was superman's sidekick. she neverrrr was!!!
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mrs-bartowski · 3 years
So in other words you should have just...listened to Lena?? Who...ya know...has been the only one keeping your humanity in check the past season?
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Me, 7 minutes into Supergirl 3x13: Man, Alex is an asshole in this episode! *looking up the crew* Who wrote Alex as such an- oh.
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