#superheroine peril
debooted · 1 year
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Robin Girl Wonder is in a diabolically designed trap. She finds her wrists strapped to a table with her ankles bound out in front of her to a bar that’s being winched in the direction away from her. This crude homemade rack torture device will soon have her pulled tightly. In a struggle to get free, she kicks violently, kicking her boots free. But she’s still trapped, and the winch continues to slowly pull at her!
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measrobin · 6 months
Another Robin Girl Wonder
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wonder-vixen · 10 months
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jlambosaurus · 5 months
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A little request by a friend.
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ryonaneer · 2 years
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Art by @sakura-rose12 Scenario by me
I commissioned a short comic from sakura-rose12 of her characters Charo/DameDaffodil and Alesea/LadyLily from her webcomic DameDaffodil who are transforming magical heroines and are also girlfriends! These colored pages are the final results!! Thanks to my friend for writing the monologue that goes over the montage. I wanted to see different poses like how you would imagine they would look in an RPG.
Sakura's Twitter: https://twitter.com/sakura_rose12 You can read the official webcomic on Tumblr, Webtoon
My idea is that Daffodil is an overeager heroine who is still new to being a magical hero, and her supportive girlfriend will follow her anywhere. What if they had a bad day trying to catch a very sneaky monster, or a few at once, and kept getting worn down by different monster gimmicks as they tried to chase them?? They get too exhausted in the end and are defeated, and need to be saved themselves..!! It's a lesson for new heroines: don't push yourself past your limits!! Remember to rely on others to help you when you get overwhelmed.
Hmmm..but who is the hero giving his monologue?? The one who rescues them at the last minute..they seem familiar..!!
All drawings from this commission including unused panels are in my gallery.
This commission is only my fanmade scenario. Please support the official webcomic, it is sooooo cute and these magical girlfriends are soooo adorable and pretty and the creator does such good expressions and poses!!
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wisdomfish · 9 months
Our Savior warns men of spiritual perils, directs their steps into spiritual safety, directs in circumstances of difficulty and perplexity, brings to eternal peace.
J.R. Thomson
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debooted · 1 year
Slow Roasted Heroine
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ultraheroix · 7 months
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“Anna Mae: Cheerleader Detective” at ultraheroix.com
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measrobin · 6 months
Robin The Girl Wonder
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wonder-vixen · 7 months
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heroine-fanfic · 2 months
Chapter 1: The Kidnapping in Sin City
The night draped over Sin City like a dark veil, the neon lights buzzing and flickering, casting long shadows across the damp streets. Crime was the city's pulse, never sleeping, always lurking. Power Girl hovered above, her keen eyes scanning the urban labyrinth below. The city's desperation called to her—a beacon of hope in the pervasive darkness.
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Suddenly, a crackle of static buzzed through her communicator—a police scanner frequency picked up a desperate call. "All units, we have a 10-79, possible kidnapping situation at the docks. Mayor Meyer is unaccounted for, suspected abduction by unknown forces." Power Girl tensed, her instincts on high alert. Despite the risks, the potential trap laid by her enemies, her resolve hardened. A life was at stake.
Guided by her unerring moral compass, Power Girl descended swiftly toward the docks. The air grew thick with the salty stench of the sea mixed with the acrid smell of industrial waste. As she approached, her senses tingled with anticipation and dread.
Landing softly, she surveyed the area. Warehouses loomed like silent sentinels, their windows dark, the vast spaces deserted—or so it seemed. She moved silently, her every sense alert for any sign of the mayor or his captors.
But as she rounded a corner, the trap was sprung. Figures emerged from the shadows, not just one or two, but a dozen, encircling her with malicious intent. "Welcome, Power Girl," a voice sneered from the darkness, dripping with venomous pleasure. "We've been expecting you."
"Just a few of you guys?" Power Girl taunted, confident that her night of crimefighting would be over in minutes. "You creeps are nothing to me. Where is Amos!"
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"He is not here, you bitch! And he won't be here until we beat you down dirty!" said one of the hencemen from the Hands of Man.
"You really think so?" Power Girl rolled her eyes, her confidence overcame her. "Men, your ego and your arrogance is brutish and stupid! Let's get this done and over with!"
As soon as the first henceman stormed toward Power Girl with a first punch, Power Girl launched into action, her fists a blur of motion. She knocked out the first attacker with a swift uppercut, then spun to land a powerful kick on another. For a moment, it seemed she might overcome the ambush through sheer strength and speed.
But as more assailants joined the fray, her situation grew increasingly dire. A strange sensation washed over her, a creeping doubt, as if her usual luck had suddenly deserted her. Her punches missed their marks, and her movements felt oddly sluggish. The realization hit her—something was amiss, more than just a physical trap.
As the chapter closes, Power Girl finds herself grappling not only with her physical foes but with an unnerving sense of her own powers faltering at critical moments. The shadows of the dockyard seem to close in around her, her breath visible in the cold night air, her confidence shaken as she faces the unknown threat.
What would Power Girl do next as fatigue was filling her up and her opponents were closing in on her on all sides?
The next chapter... coming soon!
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lamiacharmer · 8 months
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debooted · 1 year
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A debooted and unmasked sleeping Robin Girl will soon awaken to find herself wired into Gotham’s electrical plant.
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Smoking hot superheroine...
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