#superman's world of cardboard speech in jlu
atlantic-riona · 2 years
actually I'm very curious to know what lines and/or live rent free in everybody else's head
#mine are the entirety of Puck's monologue from A Midsummer Night's Dream#''I rather think he knew anyway'' from Bartimaeus#the whole scene from Bartimaeus where Kitty has just asked him about Ptolemy#and it ends with him going ''What do you presume to know about me''#''hound I am fallen'' from the Tain#''the wine dark sea'' from the Odyssey#''timshel'' from east of eden#the ending scene of arcadia where they're dancing by candlelight and the audience knows that the girl will die in a housefire that night#the entirety of the fate/stay night ubw abridged series but in particular the first and second episodes#''bite me bite me''#''I'm just doing a bit I speak modern English just fine''#''you know what this is? we're sailing a friendship. the ss get-along''#also many lines from Peter Pan#''to die will be an awfully big adventure''#''but he was looking in through the window at the one joy which he could never share''#to name a few#superman's world of cardboard speech in jlu#the argument between batman and lord batman in jlu#''mom and dad. they'd be *so* proud''#lots of folk songs#''true love has no season no rhyme nor no reason/justice is cold as the granger county clay''#''how do you like his face he said how do you like his chin/how do you like that dead body now there's no life within#it's more I love his cheeks she said it's mor I like his chin/it's more I love that dead body than all of your kith and kin''#''they came in the night when the men were asleep/that band of Argyles through snow soft and deep/#like murdering foxes among helpless sheep/they slaughtered the house o' MacDonald''#more poetry#''she walks in beauty like the night/of cloudless climes and starry skies/#and all that’s best of dark and bright/meet in her aspect and her eyes''#and the first half of the lady of shalott poem#okay I'll stop now 😂😂😅
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ballinandcantgetup452 · 2 months
Something that I love about the DCAU is just how flawed that version of Superman is.
I'm not saying DCAU Superman is evil. I'm just saying that he's not perfect. While Superman is my favorite superhero of all time, sometimes when he's not in a starring role he can be written as perfect. Which is fine if you do it right. Superman should always do the right thing. But JLU is one of the rare pieces of media that sees Clark struggle to do the right thing.
If I had to critique All Star Superman, it would be that Morrison's Superman comes first. In JLU, Superman is Clark Kent first and foremost. Clark Kent is a human being. JLU somehow finds the balance of the John Byrne "I'm a human" without going so far as to make it so that Clark is erasing his own heritage.
DCAU Superman has the deeply simple human trait of being happy to be here. He likes the people around him. He invites J'onn over for Christmas, it's implied that he, Bruce, and Diana go out to eat every once and a while. DCAU Superman loves humanity, and he loves being human.
On the other side of the coin, he also feels the deeply simple human trait of anger. When he finds out that he's an alien, he punches the barn and runs off, he chokes Professor Hamilton upon finding out what he did to Kara, Clark openly admits that he wants to storm Cadmus after what happens to The Question.
Honestly, there's a part of me that believes that his "world of cardboard" speech had a little bit of resentment to it. Almost like he wishes that he could go all out. That it would be easier. I'd argue that it's the antithesis to Superman Vs. The Elite's "dude just get creative" speech.
DCAU Clark Kent is a flawed human being. He still has the appropriate heart that you're supposed to give the character, but it's a human heart. I think it's why it's one of my favorite interpretations of the character
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anchanted-one · 8 days
Superman vs Darkseid
"I feel like I live in a world made of cardboard. Always taking constant care not to break something. Or someone. Never allowing myself to lose control, even for a moment, or someone. Could. Die. But you can take it, can't you, big man? What we have here is an opportunity for me to cut loose. Let me show you how powerful I really am."
This is a quote from the last episode of Justice League Unlimited, where Superman faces Darkseid for the last time. It's a powerful speech, with awesome uplifting music.
And throughout it all, Superman is wiping Darkeid's face through the mud.
But then it gets derailed by Darkseid getting his second wind and crushing Superman, all so Lex Luthor could swoop on to save the day.
Did this have to be the last episode of JLU?
Ever since I saw this cartoon, I've had the burning need to watch Superman really humiliate Darkseid. Perhaps on Apokolips itself, in front of his whole army. With everyone in the cosmos watching the fight, as DS arrogantly decided to broadcast his troumoh for all to see. Only, things don't go as planned. Superman proceeds to beat the Omegas out of Darkseid the way Peter Parker beats Kingpin in that one comic where Aunt May got shot. The great villain isn't just beaten, his throne and crown are both smashed for good. He crawls away, aura of invincibility destroyed for good. And he looks up at his own minions and coughs out, "What are you looking at?" as it's clear that his position is no longer secure.
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jademight · 2 years
honestly bruce is always so uncomfortable when he’s part of the avengers
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mourningmaybells · 2 years
if mainstream movie pop culture hadn't ruined superman no one would call him boring and unrelatable. i love that farmboy. he was so ready to kill sometimes and also scared of himself i love that "world made of cardboard speech" from jlu and he's such a smartass
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