#lots of folk songs
atlantic-riona · 2 years
actually I'm very curious to know what lines and/or live rent free in everybody else's head
#mine are the entirety of Puck's monologue from A Midsummer Night's Dream#''I rather think he knew anyway'' from Bartimaeus#the whole scene from Bartimaeus where Kitty has just asked him about Ptolemy#and it ends with him going ''What do you presume to know about me''#''hound I am fallen'' from the Tain#''the wine dark sea'' from the Odyssey#''timshel'' from east of eden#the ending scene of arcadia where they're dancing by candlelight and the audience knows that the girl will die in a housefire that night#the entirety of the fate/stay night ubw abridged series but in particular the first and second episodes#''bite me bite me''#''I'm just doing a bit I speak modern English just fine''#''you know what this is? we're sailing a friendship. the ss get-along''#also many lines from Peter Pan#''to die will be an awfully big adventure''#''but he was looking in through the window at the one joy which he could never share''#to name a few#superman's world of cardboard speech in jlu#the argument between batman and lord batman in jlu#''mom and dad. they'd be *so* proud''#lots of folk songs#''true love has no season no rhyme nor no reason/justice is cold as the granger county clay''#''how do you like his face he said how do you like his chin/how do you like that dead body now there's no life within#it's more I love his cheeks she said it's mor I like his chin/it's more I love that dead body than all of your kith and kin''#''they came in the night when the men were asleep/that band of Argyles through snow soft and deep/#like murdering foxes among helpless sheep/they slaughtered the house o' MacDonald''#more poetry#''she walks in beauty like the night/of cloudless climes and starry skies/#and all that’s best of dark and bright/meet in her aspect and her eyes''#and the first half of the lady of shalott poem#okay I'll stop now 😂😂😅
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sailoreuterpe · 1 year
Speaking of familial and platonic love, one of my favorite hobbies is rewriting romantic love songs to be as familial/platonic as possible without any creepy undertones.
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trungles · 1 year
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chiropteracupola · 5 months
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He’s red and he’s white and he’s green and he’s grey / My bonny young dragon, come hither away...
Keith Windham and Nuntius, out of Luzula's stunning Flight of the Heron/Temeraire crossover fic 'The Flight of Dragons.'
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k1teko · 17 days
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One Weird Tip
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alexanderpearce · 1 year
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blowing kisses at everyone complimenting the hgcz playlist btw i put that together and may have utilized a blood sacrifice to do so /j
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shalom-iamcominghome · 2 months
Jewish culture is finding literally the best music artist ever and finding out they only have a hundred listeners or less 😭
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spookberry · 1 year
Okay back in my ff.net days, I read a dp fic where Sam had a cousin named Damien and he was really only introduced as a plot device and the plot of the fic was Sam was convinced that Danny was gay (despite the fact that he was dating her) and decided to use her cousin to prove it. He only shows up in one scene and was generally like a snotty rich guy she didnt get along with much.
What haunts me about this is like, I'd just assumed that was an oc... but what if it was actually a crossover fic and I just didnt realize it at the time? Like dpxdc at that time was very Dick Greyson centered in terms of the dc, and like people barely acknowledged the other robins even existing cuz most people were basing their knowledge off of like Teen Titans.
It was probs just a coincidence. I don't think it was meant to reference Damien Wayne.....however,, because I refuse to go looking to confirm anything, I'll just never know
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trans-cuchulainn · 9 months
your posts about English folk culture being treated as esoteric within England reminded me of a conversation I had with my dad relatively recently. I was complaining about how much I hated doing scottish country dancing in P.E every year in school and he, having grown up in London, mentioned that he never did any kind of folk dancing in school and it really surprised me.
Having an Irish family and growing up in Scotland I just assumed that folk culture would be a big part of national identity in England because it def is in Ireland and scotland. I mean I grew up in the city and I went to a Catholic school where a lot of pupils didn't come from Scottish backgrounds so I'm sure my experience would be different from somebody who grew up in a smaller town or a rural area, but my school still dragged out the girls who could sword dance every year on burns day y'know
Also now I'm wracking my brain trying to remember all the English folk songs I know and realising that it's comparatively few next to the hoard of Scottish, Irish and American folk songs I've accrued over the past 2 decades. That's definitely partially just due to being connected to the cultures those songs come from and that American folk songs are generally quite a bit younger than the scottish & Irish ones, but it's still not something I've ever really thought about
yeah absolutely. it's something england -- and probably urban england and london especially -- has really lost touch with. a lot of my friends and colleagues are irish, and when the topic of things like irish dance comes up, it's always like "oh yeah i did a bit of that as a kid, everyone did" or "yeah i learned the whistle, obviously, but i stopped when i was eight" -- but there'd be no obviously about that here (even when people learn the recorder at school, it's not often trad tunes they're learning to play!)
i don't know if this is to do with the proportion of the population that's urban vs rural in england compared to ireland or scotland (not sure where wales is at with this, they have a strong song tradition but i don't know much about the welsh equiv of trad dance music nor tbh enough about the song tradition to say anything meaningful on the topic), or if it's a "survival of trad culture to spite oppressive dominant cultures" thing so england lost it due to lack of need to defend it, or if it's predominantly a class issue (but that wouldn't wholly explain schools/the national curriculum, particularly at primary level)... i think there's a lot of factors at work
but it's something i do notice because i spend time in those irish-dominated spaces where the attitude towards trad music and dance is so different. but then those are also often irish language communities, so they're specifically irish communities that are interested in their cultural heritage, and maybe that's not representative of the whole country. still, it feels like even people who aren't interested and haven't carried that interest through to adulthood were exposed to it in childhood in a way that many english people weren't because our equivalent traditions have been relegated to this very niche, marginalised (and potentially very rural) status
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partywithoutsmiling · 5 months
You are so good at making au's omg and for wander branch I feel like the seventh string should be folk because it has heavy nature vibes and I feel like branch would really like the calmness and wimzy of folk music. That or songs that are 2 or more song mashups that have a complete tempo shift like uncle albirt by Paul mccartney and things like that.
Glad you enjoy my endless brainstorming! There is just something entertaining about crafting headcanons and lore for characters where media gives you enough wiggle room to do so XD
I am also lucky that I am supported by my very BFF who tolerates my bouts of manic storytelling, so you can expect me expand on the current three AUs I have at some point (Hopefully with art accompanying it- however my work likes to keep me all exhausted and lacking for free time, so it might take a moment for that to happen XD;)
I do like the idea of the 7th String representing Indie Folk! (I assume that's what you meant, since folk music is a rather broad genre, and each culture is used to different tones- being central/eastern Europe myself, our folk music wildly differs from that of irish for example)
Most indie folk songs tends to incorporate lots bits and pieces from other genre- in context of the Trolls movies, it could fit for sure!
(As the songs doesnt necessarily need to have lyrics, they can be just fine being instrumental)
Unsure about the mashups, as that is a very hit or miss thing- but Folk seems to suit Wanderer!Branch rather well!
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soapcan18 · 1 year
Did you notice how when you first listened to Torches it sounded so fun? And then when you listened again and paid attention to the lyrics you realized it was about hate and using your beliefs to push hateful rhetoric? And you were surprised because “but this song is so upbeat and fun and the chanting and call-and-response only adds to that”? Surely with that big community of voices surrounding the narrator what they’re singing about isn’t that bad? Like how in real life being surrounded by others who share the same beliefs as you and glorify their actions makes it easier to go along with things and be brainwashed? In this essay I will—
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sebbyisland · 7 months
cw body horror, jumpscare
HGSN wip part 3! wow!
in case you missed it, here's parts 1&2 (compiled together)
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cerise-on-top · 7 months
Hiiiiiiiii how are you? Id like to request a farah with a extremely hyper energetic and bubbly reader🫶🏻🫶🏻
Hello! I'm doing fine! I went to my country house for the first time this year and grilled some sausages and meat with my parents, so I had a pretty good day today!
Farah with an Energetic and Bubbly Reader
It would most definitely be different from what she’s used to, being surrounded by serious, and mostly grumpy people at all times. But it’s not like you could blame them either, they’re at war and need to be alert, not having the time to be cheerful. SO having you along is definitely a breath of fresh air. Someone, who doesn’t think of all the bad things that could happen at any point in time. You’re always up for an adventure, even if Farah doesn’t always have the time for them. Don’t get me wrong, she’d love nothing more than to explore the world with you, go inside every forest and every cave just to see some cute animals and maybe pet them, but she can’t unfortunately. Even so, she can appreciate you being this bubbly, it’s nice. You may talk a lot, but that’s alright, sometimes she’s too tired to talk anyway and lets you take the lead. Not having to think about all the godawful things war brings with it for a few moments is nice, especially if it’s because of a loved one. Besides, you’re always in a good mood, and it rubs off on her as well, leaving her smiling and thinking about the time you pet a cat and ushered her to do the same as you held the mammal out towards her. You having a lot of energy can be a bit exhausting to her at times, though. Sometimes, when she’s tired, she just wants to rest a bit, but you always wanna do big things with her. She’d love to, again, but she can’t always. But once all of this is over, she’s gonna take you to an amusement park. Not because she’s never been to one, definitely not because of that, but because they seem like something you would enjoy. However, on those days where she has a bit more energy as well, you’re more than welcome to dance with her, or maybe even race each other to the top of one of the hills nearby. Farah wants nothing more than to share her country with you, especially the good things such as the culture and the landscape, so she would never say no to the both of you going outside when you can, provided the times are a bit more peaceful. If she’s feeling especially playful, or if you’re being too energetic, Farah will tire you out a bit by play fighting with you. Good luck trying to beat her. She may play fair with you, but that doesn’t mean she won’t go all out trying to get you to calm down a bit. However, she will apologize if she accidentally hurts you, such a thing was never her intention.
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fellow-nerd · 7 months
Thinking about how hozier is so Irish and Noah Kahan is so American ya know
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desertsportshipping · 14 days
Orre has a lot of stories. Some are tragedies. Some are love stories. Most, if not all of them, are ghost stories.
There aren't a lot of options for entertainment in Orre. It really doesn't matter whether you believe the story or not, it were entertaining to tell or listen to.
Most arise as an explanation. You have to tell your kid why they can't go into the desert at night, or why they can't go to the abandoned mines, or why they can't see their uncle anymore. Then it gets repeated, spread, and it doesn't matter why the story was originally spun in the first place: if it's a good story, it will be retold.
The people living in Phenac City often scoff at these stories and the superstitious among the rest of Orre, but in reality, they're not so different. After all, "Young Kymi ran away to hook up with a 'one true love' in Pyrite and she got killed" is essentially the same story as "Little Ryal saw a ghost mirage in the desert and chased it, eventually becoming a ghost himself." They both place the blame for a tragedy on something Other, something to be afraid of.
Of course, Agate Village has a ton of stories from before the Extinction Event: stories of a time when Pokemon ran wild, there were plants in the desert, and clean water was plentiful and available to all. But these stories don't gain much traction outside of Agate: it's a lot less painful to pretend that things were always this bad than to remember that a decade and a half ago, Orre lost everything.
These stories, this tradition, hold a special place in Wes’s heart. He was always delighted to share a story with someone who's never heard it. From scaring Rui with ghost stories in dirty hotel rooms, to telling the Kids Grid about some gang battle in the desert that turned them into vengeful sandstorms, to recounting tragedies around a campfire for Hop and Gloria: it didn’t matter to Wes whether he was making it up on the spot or recounting a story told to him, it held the same joy.
Every character dies at the end, either mysteriously or brutally. Every character ends up haunting the desert or the night somehow, out of anger or grief or loneliness. Even though every story is dark or depressing, they are also comforting, giving a tragedy a meaning, an immortality.
Leon once asked Wes, "Why do you love these sad ghost stories?"
"Because if the desert is full of ghosts, you aren't ever truly alone."
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