#supernatural hunteri heroici
shirtlesssammy · 2 months
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Dean and Cas every day not often enough -- 41/?
Supernatural 8x08//Hunteri Heroici
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jaredwalkersam · 7 months
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sam | 8.08
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jarpadandjensens · 3 months
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sam | hunteri heroici
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sixofcrowley · 4 months
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420technoblazeit · 5 months
yk for a little bit i thought that maybe i was misremembering the amelia subplot as being worse than it was but. no it's just as bad as everyone says. worse even bc the soap opera drama of her finding out her husband isnt actually dead while being months into a relationship with sam is so over the top
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thecascast · 5 months
This week we talked about 8x08 Hunteri Heroici! Many people may deserve to have an anvil dropped on them for how they treat Cas in this episode!!!! BUT we also kind of love it... Cas is going to become a hunter :) Surely everything will be fine forever and ever! Capeesh?
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sweetm0uringlamb · 6 months
i will never forgive the spn writers for making sam walk in after cas tells dean that he thinks he might kill himself during hunteri heroici. it was such a raw fucking moment that could’ve been discussed and explored more but that would require good writing. every time i see it im just screaming crying sobbing throwing up.
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thebeautyofspn · 10 months
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8x08 Hunteri Heroici
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winchestress · 1 year
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mmaeeve · 5 months
daily dean quote #105/366:
“oh, okay. yeah. we’ll have a slumber party, braid sam’s hair.”
- season 8, episode 8, hunteri heroici
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uh-ohspaghettio · 1 year
I’m thinking about cas lifting that anvil again
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shirtlesssammy · 2 months
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Dean Winchester every day -- 157/326
Supernatural 8x08//Hunteri Heroici
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jaredwalkersam · 1 year
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Sam || 8.08
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jarpadandjensens · 8 months
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8.08 | Dean | beer
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scripted-downfall · 2 years
(Okay, I apologize in advance, but it’s Destiel Day so there’s only so painless Tumblr can be right now anyway.  @typicalopposite, my queue seems to suggest that I’m living up to that title you’ve given me: Angst Queen is in the house)
Anyway, I was writing a post — available here — about the fight amongst Dean, Cas, and Alastair and, in the process, I thought of “On the Head of a Pin” (as you do).  In particular, I thought of the scene where Dean’s in the hospital bed and Cas is sitting behind him.  This one:
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And that was fine and normal and all until I thought about it a bit more because this is not a one time thing.  This is a very, very regular thing.
You’ve got s04e03 “In the Beginning” when Dean wakes up to find Cas sitting next to him.
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You’ve got s08e07 “Torn and Frayed”, where Cas is watching over Dean (and, judging by his “Damn it, Cas! How many times I got to tell you – it's just creepy!”, this is not a one-time thing):
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You’ve got s08e08 “Hunteri Heroici” with the famous:
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And, for some honorable mentions: Cas actually going into Dean’s dream in s04e20 “The Rapture”; Cas watching over Dean long-distance enough to pull him away from Zachariah in s05e04 “The End”; and Cas watching as Dean rakes leaves in s06e20 “The Man Who Would Be King”.
This would all be really sweet if it weren’t for the fact that my brain then reminded me of the episode s08e16 when Dean prays to Cas and very pointedly looks towards the chair by his bed to see if Cas showed up and is disappointed to see he hasn’t.
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Cas spends so much time there --- in that chair specifically --- that Dean expected him to be there. If Cas was going to be anywhere in that room, it was in that chair, and he wasn’t there.
Please help.
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Hunteri Heroici: Part One
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2k
Warnings: canon angst and violence
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated.
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With Sam and Dean waiting by the car, you need to be quick so that you can get on the road. Castiel has Joanna, so you're not worried about a two-year-old running through the store and touching whatever she can get her hands on. She is officially potty training! You have to get her a portable toilet so you can train her while on the road. You still don't have a home base, so this is going to have to do.
After picking out the one you wanted, you pass by some bottles and extra nipples that you need since yours seemed to disappear after Joanna stopped using bottles. You grab a few of those before heading over to the cashier. After paying for them, you carry everything out of the store in bags except for the portable toilet. That's too big to fit in a bag.
Sam and Dean are across the street at the gas station, but you don't mind the walk. You need the exercise, even if it's for a little bit. Sam is talking on the phone with Ms. Tran while Dean is filling up his car. Castiel is holding Joanna as she tells him a story, and he's listening to her every word.
"Why did he do that?" he asks her.
"I dunno," she shrugs and goes back to storytelling.
Dean finishes filling up when he notices you trudging over with the stuff in your hands. He rushes over to you and grabs everything you're holding so he can put them in the trunk.
"I don't know why you didn't let me do this," he grumbles.
"I'm pregnant, not disabled. I can handle it."
You walk over to Joanna and Castiel, and you hold your arms out to signal to the angel that you need to put her in her car seat. He whispers something to her that causes her to giggle, and he hands her over to you. You open the back door of the Impala and strap her into her car seat. You kiss her head and shut the door once she isn't going anywhere.
"Right, yeah. No, just call us whenever you find something," Sam says to Ms. Tran.
Before she can talk his ear off, Sam quickly hangs up on her, glad that he doesn't have to talk to her. Ms. Tran is amazing, but she can be a handful sometimes.
"What's going on in Tran-land?" Dean jokes.
"Garth finally got them to his houseboat, but Kevin's having a lot of trouble reading their half of the tablet. So far, it's bits and pieces. Nothing about boarding up Hell."
"Garth has a safe-houseboat?"
"Dude, I don't even ask questions anymore."
"What's the word, Cas?"
"It's a shortened version of my name."
"Yes, it is. I meant what's the word on the Word? Any tablet chatter on angel radio?" Dean sighs.
"Oh, I couldn't say. I turned that off."
"You can do that?" you ask and lean against the side of the car.
"Yeah, it's a simple matter of blocking out certain subsonic frequencies. I could draw you a diagram if you want."
"No, that's--we're good. Why'd you flip the switch?" Dean asks with a shake of his head.
"Because it's a direct link to Heaven, and I don't want anything to do with that place... not anymore."
"So, what now? Move to Vermont and open up a charming B&B?"
You and Sam smile at his joke, but Castiel isn't so amused.
"No. I still want--need--to help people. So... I'm gonna become a hunter," he smiles widely. "I could be your fourth wheel."
"You know that's not a good thing, right?" Dean says.
"Of course it is. A fourth wheel adds extra grip and greater stability. I even found a case in Oklahoma City. A man's heart jumped ten feet out of his chest. It sounds like our kind of thing, right?"
"He's got a point," Sam shrugs.
"Excellent. I'll see you there."
He turns to teleport there, but Dean quickly stops him before he can go.
"Wait, Cas! If you want to play cowboys and bloodsuckers, that's fine, but you're gonna stick with us, okay? None of this zapping around shit. Capiche?"
"Yeah, I capiche." Dean and Sam nod in agreement and move to the front of the car when Castiel tries to wiggle his way to the front seat. "Can I at least ride in the front seat?"
"No," both Sam and Dean say at the same time.
"Come on, Castiel. The back seat is way more fun," you wink at him and guide him to sit next to Joanna.
Once you're all inside, you think about how you're going to shuttle around three kids alongside three grown adults. You might have to think about getting a different car, and you know that's not going to go over well with Dean. The entire car ride is silent, which is what Joanna needs to take a nap all the way to the morgue to see a guy, Gary Freleng, whose heart leaped out of his chest.
Joanna isn't cranky, you're fed, and the entire team is ready to tackle this case for what it is. The detective on the case greets you with a smile and brings you to the back, not caring that there is a little girl attached to Dean's hip. She minds her own business as long as you figure out what is going on in her town.
"The coroner said his heart was ejected from his body. It got some air, too. We found it in a sandbox."
"Any idea what happened, Detective?" Sam asks.
"A lot of people are thinking drugs, Agent Nash, an assload of drugs."
"There are no narcotics in that man's system. His molecules are all wrong," Castiel mutters to you and Dean, speaking softly so the detective doesn't hear.
"But you don't think that?" Sam asks the detective.
"I've never seen something do this."
She pulls back the cloth to reveal a cookie-cutter heart-shaped hole in Gary's chest where his heart should have been.
"Who called this in?" you ask.
"A friend of his named Olivia Kopple. She saw the whole thing." Her phone rings, and she sighs when she sees whose it is. "Ah, crap. I have to take this. Here's everything we got." She hands over the file to Dean and begins to leave. "Knock yourself out."
"Listen, you see anything weird, anything out of the box, you give us a call," Dean hands over his card.
"Whatever you say, Scully," she chuckles. She answers her phone as she leaves the office. "Detective Glass. On my way."
Dean opens the file as Castiel stands closer to the body. He leans down and starts sniffing the dead guy.
"I can't sense any EMF or sulfur. Mr. Freleng's arterial health is excellent. He did recently suffer from a," he sniffs the body once more, more towards the lower region of the body, "mild bladder infection."
"Cas, stop smelling the dead guy," Dean says, already done with him.
"Why? Now I know everything about this man. So we can--"
"Did you know he was having an affair?" Sam says, holding Gary's file.
"According to Olivia, they would meet at the park every Thursday at 12:45 and walk to the Moonlight diner, where she always ordered a Caesar salad with dressing on the side. They would chat about everything, and she'd be back on the road by 1:30."
"You don't think she's telling the truth?"
"That's too much detail. It sounds rehearsed. Plus, we drove past the Moonlight diner on the way into town. It's attached to the Moonlight motel," you state.
"Okay, let's say that Gary is on the prowl but he's playing it safe because," Dean lifts his hand to reveal a wedding ring on Gary's left hand, "he's married. He doesn't want anyone to see his ride parked out in front of a motel. He stashes his car at the park across the street and meets Olivia there. His wife probably found out about it, and it broke her heart."
"So, she breaks his. It sounds witchy."
"Yes, it does. The guy was living a lie and it came back to bite him in the ticker. But nice job on the bladder infection," Dean pats Castiel on the shoulder and walks out of the medical examiner's office with his brother.
"Becoming a hunter isn't going to happen overnight, Castiel. You have to look at more than just physical evidence. It's all about body language and outside clues that will help paint a picture of what could be going on. Understand?"
You four head over to Gary's house to talk to his wife because Sam believes that she may be a witch trying to kill him. Upon first glance at her, you don't see anything more than a grieving widow. There are many ways you can go about this, but it seems like Castiel has enough training for an interrogation.
"I--I don't understand," she stutters with tears in her eyes, "Gary had a heart attack. Why would the FBI be investigating this?"
"The parks are government property. We just got a few questions for you," Dean says simply.
"I'll, uh... I'll handle this. I've done the research. I can crack her," Castiel mutters to you and the brothers. You raise your eyebrows but let him do his thing because you're kind of curious to see how this will play out. "Now, Ms. Freleng, I don't want to bother you. I--I really don't, but I--I do have just one question for you." He grows angry and slams his hand on the table, scaring her. "Why did you kill your husband?!"
"Agent Stills. A word, please," Dean sighs.
You want to laugh at this, but for the wife's sake, you don't. Dean takes Castiel off to the side, and you quickly take a seat across from her. You grab her hand as a sign of comfort, but really, you're using her magic to take away some of her pain. She sobs at the harshness of Castiel but calms down a bit at the softness of you.
"I can't imagine what you're going through, but just know that your husband loved you very much. I know this is a hard time."
"Yeah," she sniffles, pulling her hand away.
"I'm really sorry about my partner, but what he was trying to say is if Gary had any secrets? Maybe something he was hiding?"
"Like what?" she sniffles.
There is a knock at the front door, and Olivia, the mistress walks in with a casserole in her hand.
"Deb?" she asks with tears in her eyes.
Mrs. Freleng gets up and hugs the mistress. She must not know of her betrayal if she is welcoming her in like this.
"Are you okay?"
"As in mistress Olivia?" Dean whispers to you and Sam.
"This is awkward," Castiel nods.
"I'm sorry. What did you think Gary was hiding?" Deborah asks with her arm around Olivia.
"That he was sleeping with her," Castiel says before you and the brothers could say anything.
"I know," Deborah sighs.
"You know?"
"Gary and I... had an arrangement. He was seeing Olivia, and I was spending some time with our neighbor P.J."
"I'll put this in the kitchen," Olivia says, desperate to get away.
Deborah agrees and decides to help her to gain some distance from you and the brothers, and once they are out of sight, you turn to the brothers with a confused look.
"So, she's not a witch," Castiel deduced.
"Just the best wife ever," Dean chuckles.
"Oh really?" you ask and cross your arms defiantly. "If you feel that way, maybe you'd be okay if I slept with Sam again? Maybe Castiel and I can give it a go. How do you feel about that?" Dean immediately shuts up, and you nod knowingly. "That's what I thought."
You roll your eyes and motion for your daughter to come to you. Sam lets her down and she runs over to you, and you grab her hand.
"Come on, let's leave Daddy alone right now."
You look behind you and shake your head as you and Joanna walk to the car. Dean sighs and he turns to his friend and his brother, shrugging.
"If she didn't kill her husband, then who or what did?" No one has a chance to answer when Dean's phone rings. "Hello? ... Another one? ... We're on our way. Thanks." He hangs up with a sigh. "We got another one, boys."
You've finished strapping Joanna in when the men walk out of Gary's house. With one look to your husband's face, you know that there is another death. They know where they're going, so you're only in it for the ride. A man had jumped to his death off a really tall building, but there is a catch that the detective didn't want to tell Dean over the phone. Whatever it is, you're here to figure out what is going on.
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