kailspider · 2 years
Who do you choose?
Sam Winchester x Fem Reader x Dean Winchester
Warnings; mention of sexual activity, fighting between the brothers
Summary; Not only were you best of friends with the winchesters, but they had a crush on you. They are willing to do anything to get your heart.
I wrote this to the song 'Ladies Night' by Kool and the Gang if you want to listen to it for the vibe.
AN; no there is not any sexual sibling tension THAT'S WEIRD OKAY.
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"Oh, yes, it's ladies night" I sang above the loud stereo blasting my favorite all time hits. Not only did we take a break from hunting but I felt like I could do anything I wanted. I was going out with some of my girl hunter friends, not only was I looking for drinks but the attention of one of the brothers.
I was freshly showered, makeup done, and hair did. If you walked into my room you would be under the influence I worked in a perfume shop, I had sprayed anything that even remotely smelled good.
I hadn't told dean or sam I was going out, they act like my dad or protective older sibling. I especially did not want them to see the outfit I had in mind. The other day when me and (y/f/n) were driving through a big city we stopped to shop. There it was, a sleek black dress with a red outline. It morphed my body into someone I couldn't stop thinking about.
A few minutes later my cell phone buzzed letting me know my ride was here. I quickly grabbed whatever was needed and slammed the door shut, I exited my room to be met with the brothers drinking around the television blasting some random football game. As I tried to make the great escape I dropped my keys, a loud jingling sound grabbed me the eyesight of them both. He stared at me and I mentally screamed.
Sam stood frozen like a deer in headlights as Dean just leaned back into the couch enjoying the view. It was almost a staring contest before I quickly said,
"Don't wait up for me boys, I'll be.. you know what, it doesn't matter. Have fun" I smiled and walked towards the door. I was out in moments when I heard shuffling behind me,
Sam and Dean were up at the door to watch me leave. Fighting over who could get more of their body in the doorway, dean yelled just before I closed the door,
"I hate to see you go, but I love watching you leave." He chuckled elbowing sam to agree with him, but he just shook his head in disbelief.
By the time they sat back down I was long gone, the realization of other men existing just happened to pop into their mind.
"Wait, what if someone gives her trouble? or what if someone wants to take her home?" Sam asked slightly concerned but more jealous. Dean scoffed and said,
"I heard her talking on the phone earlier, go get dressed. We leave in ten."
*Time skip*
The rumbling of the nightclub shook the pavement outside, the smell of different feel-good methods could be found everywhere. I was so excited to be finally in here, but my friends scattered as soon as they could. Some got drinks, more danced, and here I was at a booth watching their stuff.
As I shook what was left of my drinks ice, a random guy made his way to me. He asked if the seat next to me was occupied and went from there. He genuinely was sweet but I knew I was waiting for a particular someone , I was kind of relieved when good cop and bad cop showed up.
I was about to let myself be free and ask this guy to dance, but he got scared off when dean slammed his fist on the table with the sasquatch behind him. I stared in disbelief, they were both in nice outfits and smelled amazing. Maybe I was just drunk. They just ruined my time alone and ran off the nice guy I was with, but oh man was I glad to see him.
Sam left to the bar leaving me to be forced talking to dean. He looked different, almost a jealous energy surrounded his aura. His eyes were glued to me,
"Dean? is everything okay?" I said lifting my hand to feel his head for any abnormal temperatures. He caught me off guard by grabbing my wrist, and pulling me closer.
"You know what you did leaving the house like that, I don't like it when other people look at what's mine. If you wanted my attention you could've just said so" he whispered in my ear.
I coughed obviously flustered and pulled my hand back. Why was he talking like this? I mean I'm not complaining,
I wasn't going to crack that easy, "who said I dressed up for you? I did this for myself, plus what if sams my type and not you." I said to make him angry but noticed sam had just returned being paused in his action.
Sam grabbed my hand and pulled me away from Dean. We were headed full speed to the dance floor. I turned to see his face when I noticed his eye full of lust and possibly alcohol.
The songs faded in and out as we danced with each other, our bodies tightly pressed together. I could feel his nervous system against mine, He would stare at me the same way dean did but more involved.
When one of the songs was playing he grabbed the back of my hair slightly pulling my head towards the back, he bent and whispered,
"You look stunning, How do you do it?" He said almost too loud in my ear. I went crazy and laughed back, he smirked and told me, "Laughing at me huh? Let's fix that shall we?" before he could further his actions, We both got pulled off the dance floor by dean leading us outside. I had to wipe my face from the sweat but looked confused nonetheless. Out of nowhere the boys started going at it, arguing over who I liked or why one of them should leave.
I was in shock and tried to intervene. They simultaneously pushed me aside to leave me out of it. We've been best friends and a team for years but I had no clue one of them liked me back, yet alone both.
I finally had enough of the yelling and pretended to be hurt, I screamed and got the attention fully. I stood up perfectly fine seconds later and told them to shut up. They both gave off confusing looks I said, "I need to know what's going on now, one at a time."
Sam said, "We've liked you for some time now, and eventually figured out we both had mutual feelings. It's tearing us apart, and we got heated tonight. If you like someone, please let us know who it is so we can move on,"
Dean cut in saying, "Neither of us would be mad, we just know only one can have you fully. So please just choose."
So much pressure and questions went through my brain. I don't know if what I was doing was right, but as my love for them both grows more and more each day.. one person did come to mind.
I sighed and knew this was going to be someone's worst and someone's best day. I opened my mouth revealing, "The one I pick is.."
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kailspider · 2 years
Crowded Spaces
Dean Winchester x Reader X Sam Winchester
Warnings; Anxiety, Mentions of large crowds, Describing panic attacks.
Summary; There were so many people, it was getting to you until the Winchester brother remembered what to do
AU: Happy Fall everyone!
Dean sighed as he saw the enormous crowd engulfing the mall doors. Sam and I just stared at the back of his head. We knew it was going to be packed today, some big movie star from Sam’s favorite show was signing autographs.
“Did me and Sam seriously have to come along? We were perfectly happy doing research at home you know.” I looked towards Sam as he gave me a reassuring nod.
Dean turned around and gave both of us the stink face. We laughed but understood how important this was to him.
As we pushed our way through the crowd we found the actual end of it, about halfway down the entire thing inside. He happily wanted to wait his turn which seemed like an eternity. As the crowd wasn’t moving, Sam motioned to the food court that was only a bit away.
I could smell everything being cooked in there pretzels, popcorn, ice cream you name it. I poked dean’s side as I held both my hands out in a receiving plead. I gave him my puppy dog eyes and he caved. I was soon holding a credit card named after ‘Robert Plant’.
Me and Sam rushed towards the pretzel line, but when we got to the front I had completely forgot to ask dean if he wanted anything. I looked up to Sam and asked him to wait for me until I got back. He kindly stepped out the side to let the customers behind us order first.
I left in a hurry trying to find him in a full crowd of strangers. This line moved quickly which was strange, I couldn’t find him anywhere. I went up, down, and to the middle of the line over a hundred times.
My mind began racing, then followed my heart beat. What if something bad happened to him? Why couldn’t I find him? I felt the eyes of hundreds possibly thousands staring at me. My hands began to tremble and my chest tightened, it felt like someone knocked the wind out of me.
If dean was missing, what if someone could hurt me.. I began to see the room spin, I was having a panic attack. I dropped to the floor on one knee trying to balance myself. I heard someone call from the crowd that I needed help, but why were people enclosing me? I needed air not for people to surround me.
*Dean’s pov*
I was so excited to finally meet her, the star of my favorite show. I tapped my foot as I was getting anxious. I heard commotion behind me and turned around. People surrounded someone on the floor, the looks of concern surrounded almost everyone in line.
The couple behind me were talking about a person who seemed to be having a panic attack. When I heard that, I don’t know why I kept turning around, it felt like I needed to know what was going on.
I turned my attention back around as I was almost at the front of the line. That’s when I heard Sammy’s voice. It was calling out to me in a panic. I turned and instantly ran towards the panic in his voice, the person on the ground was y/n. I picked up speed and kneeled next to their body. They were laying on the ground barley conscious.
Damn a panic attack, I should’ve known with this crowd size. I was mentally slapping myself across the face. I lifted them up slowly holding the back of their head as Sammy held the lower back.
They told me something that always calmed the situation down, what was it? Damn it, think dean. Then, it hit me, thank you Jesus.
*Y/n pov*
I was barely coherent. I then heard soft singing, not good but soft. Was I hallucinating? It was distracting me, who was that?
I made eye contact with dean who was slowly raising me, singing the chorus to an Asia song. I laughed barely as I didn’t know what was going on, my head was pounding. I turned and saw Sam next to me making a confused face, but then he saw it was working.
So, like always, he followed his big brothers lead. He joined in singing the song he hated. I was too busy thinking about how stupid they looked singing in public. As I built up some strength we managed to head towards the exit with the strength I had left.
Soon we were out in the open, the cool breeze was hitting my sweaty state of a body. They both sat me down on a nearby bench as Sam gave me lemonade through a jumbo straw. I looked up in admiration at how well they reacted to the situation.
When I mustered up the strength, I pulled them both in for a hug with my arms around each of their shoulders. My heart was slowing, my lungs cleared up and I softly hummed the tune that saved me. I smiled at how they remembered what to do.
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kailspider · 2 years
Lil' Theif
(Sam Winchester x Reader)
Prompt: As the Winchester boys and (y/n) travel all over that sometimes leads them to share necessities.
Warnings: mentions of sexual tension/further sexual actions, mentions the smell of cigarretes, partial naked dean and sam?
AN: I think you guys will love this one, i dont know how i got this idea but i knew i had to write about it.
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(No one's POV)
Apart of the job is constantly trying to find new work wherever it may take us, this time it was Las Vegas. Sin city always has the whole load case when it comes to the supernatural. We checked into a small motel just across from a Denny's. By the time the hunt was completed we were covered in aches and bruises. Not to mention this demon left behind a horrible odor, worse than usual that soaked into our skin.
As Dean pulled the car around the back of the motel, Sam and (Y/N) waited in the front lobby for him. The smell of cigarettes and the sound of elvis could be heard above us in a tiny speaker attached to the ceiling. The front desk attendant probably assumed we were out of our minds seeing us in our "after- hunt state".
The bell that sat on the door made a jingle sound, signifying someone had walked in. Dean looked exhausted, Sam had offered to drive the remainder of the way but you know how he is with baby.
"Dean, what took you so long? i'm starving man"
I said obviously to mess with him. He looked up at me and shot me these daggers in his eyes, I laughed grabbing my backpack along with Sam's since I lost a rock-paper-scissor match in the car. As Sam grabbed the key to the room I started slugging along the heavy backpack, I love the man but damn what did he have in here.
Sam like a little kid ran past me in a gust of wind, then followed by dean who was trying to beat him to the door. Just our luck the motel only had one room left with two beds, so that means for however long we remain here I will be stuck in a room with these two knuckleheads.
I finally made it to the door a few minutes after them, the room was cold and smelled exactly like the lobby. I could hear the shower running already and made eye contact with Dean who was already spread out on the bed closest to the air conditioner. I sighed and dropped the bags on the other bed.
Dean looked up when he heard my loud indicator of exhaustion,
"Chop Chop kid, this is why I don't play that game with Sammy." he laughed and went back to laying down flat.
Now it was my time for staring, I plopped onto the wobbly bed trying to rest my eyes for a quick minute. The shower shut off and that was my cue to lay back against the headboard. I grabbed the tv remote quickly turning it on to find something for background noise.
The white bathroom door opened and the steam was so bad that I could feel the heat sticking to me. The scent of nature, almost pine and sandalwood filled my nostrils immediately. I turned my attention to the big figure standing in the hallway
Sam had walked out in nothing but jeans, no shirt, and a towel for his wet hair. He was moving his hands in a back and forward motion attempting to dry his hair, showing off the muscle definition of his arms and literally everywhere else.
I was trying not to imagine what would've happened if he had forgot his clothes accide- woah snap out of it. I am in love with him but he does not need to know this just yet. I didn't even realize I was staring for so long until i heard a devious laugh from the right side of me.
Of course, someone did take notice. This devil's name was dean. He had noticed almost immediately the trance I was in because of the sight before me. He shot up and quickly ran to the bathroom for his shower turn. Before I could object that I wanted to go first, he had locked the door. Now, it was just me and the half naked Sam.
I won't lie, I am sweating bullets. He not only walked over to my bed where I was spread out, but he also sat down throwing the towel he had to the side and watched whatever the remote landed on. His laughs filled the room at the rom-com on the television, my view was now the muscular and wide back of this man.
As a way to distract myself, I was getting up to gather my clothes from the bag on the floor. I noticed sam had laid back with both hands behind his head. His body was now closer to where I was, giving me a better view and a stronger smell of his wash. It was enchanting, I quickly finished grabbing my clothes and had a plan to bang on the door until dean got out. As I turned to head towards the door, I tripped on dean's bag dropping my graphic t-shirt and underwear onto sam who looked fast asleep.
I mentally wanted to scream and take off out of the room, but it's okay no one saw. I was slowly reaching for my stuff, not even realizing the shower had shut off. I managed to get the shirt but the underwear was on his jean area. I managed to push down my embarrassment and slowly reached for the-
*Bathroom door opens*
"Well, well, well kid. You just couldn't resist yourself while I was in the shower, I can't believe you had the balls to do it first considering sam here-" he was louder than usual and had awoken a napping Sam.
Sam opened his eyes to see his brother in only a towel around his v-line, and his other best friend stopped in motion above his jeans where your underwear had fell. He immediately saw the situation and blushed hurriedly getting up. Grabbing your underwear like it was cursed object and handing it to me.
The only thing that could be heard now was an annoying laughing dean. I immediately made my way to the shower with no words and tried to stay in there forever, but my skin was shriveling so I had to get out. I walked out in actual clothes unlike some of these people, and noticed the winchester boys whispering. I didn't like it, not one bit. The room fell silent and I just looked skeptical at them.
The silence was broken by dean coughing who was now fully dressed,
"this room is truly the life of the party, well I want food so I will go pick something up, you and sam wait here until I get back" he motioned grabbing his keys and sam's wallet. I turned around to watch dean already halfway out the door, he turned back, winked and left.
I HATE HIM. i cannot believe he would do this, I slowly turned back around to stare at the other brother whom was staring at me as well. I laughed awkwardly and made my way to the other bed. The tv was showing the flintstones and somehow I wish i was in tv land and not here.
Sam kept shifting in his seat across the room, then stood up and walked towards me. He stared at me until I had to acknowledge his presence. My eyes slowly moved up his abs and found myself avoiding his gaze.
He cleared his throat,
"(Y/N), when have you ever sat across the room for me. Come sit down with me i'm not going to bite. I mean unless you want me to" he sneered.
This was not my sam. What did dean do to him? Could he have told sam about my crush?
Sam was still staring at me waiting for an answer, I looked up and said,
"Well why don't you come lay over here? effort goes two ways you know"
Wrong choice of words. All of a sudden his big frame was crawling over me to get to the other side. The bed dipped causing me to roll more to the left than I'd like causing me to meet into his side. I moved quickly back to my resting state, with now sam at my side.
Awkward silence filled the space between us, it was never like this. He's my best friend and I couldn't believe how nervous I was. I placed my hands to the side of my body so I could relax a little but found my hand touching his at an angle I didn't dare to look at. I moved my hand away but all of a sudden felt him put it back down to where it was.
When I turned to say something, Sam had been staring at me for I don't know how long. As in an affection stare, but he couldn't right? until he confirmed it,
"how are you so beautiful, when you're so nervous princess" he said softly as if he only wanted my ears in the entire world to hear it.
My ears turned crimson red, along with my cheeks, not to mention my heart jumping to a sky high limit. I didn't believe a thing I just heard. I didn't want to face him so I looked away but was stopped by a large hand turning me back around to face him once again. He leaned in real close when it looked like he took a deep whiff of the air surrounding him.
He had searched for the smell, but couldn't place it. He picked up a strand of my hair and it was like a slot machine winning. He smirked slightly and motioned my head closer to him,
I bent down and heard him say,
"You're a lil thief you know that? using my favorite shampoo and conditioner. I never thought I would be so attracted to this scent on someone else." he said in a very husky voice.
I was in complete silence, so many things ran through my head at once. I decided to play along before I chickened out, I bent my head at a slight angle to stare him in the face. Sam had beat me to it once again,
"From now on, only you are allowed to use my bathroom essentials, and when you do so I want you to wear my clothes to bed only. Got it?" he said waiting for a response.
I nodded my head in a quick reassurance. We both were having fun with this new feeling we both discovered together. I spoke up finally,
"How much time do you think we have before dean gets back?"
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kailspider · 2 years
my artist- dean winchester x reader
Summary: It was early september, but this didn’t stop you from getting into the spooky mood early. What happens when you find out dean has never carved a pumpkin before?
Requested: no
Warnings: use of sharp items such as knives and other tools.
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“That’s it for today, you are all dismissed” your professor said with a wave of his hands. You immediately got a sudden burst of the energy and made your way towards the exit. Searching through the pockets of your jacket you finally found your phone. A picture of you and dean spread across your lock screen and it made you happy thinking about how lucky you were.
When you got into the parking lot by the entrance of the school you heard music being blasted from a car, not just any music, deans favorite music. It made you sad on how you haven't been able to see him in months due to hunting. Sometimes you wish that you could hear his voice, then the sound of your name could be heard slightly. 
you laughed to yourself slightly, I’m going crazy now.. great. Then again but slightly louder,
wait a minute, I wasn’t going crazy, it actually was dean. 
I turned to face where the noise was coming from and saw my two favorite people in front of one of my university buildings. I ran without even thinking first, my legs sort of did this for me. I was soon met by the arms of his leather jacket wrapped around me. The cold piece of his necklace resting on my forehead, and of course his cologne smell encircling me. 
After what felt like ages, I moved to get a squeeze of the other brother in.
Soon we traveled back home to have a “catching-up” movie night. I grabbed blanket’s, pillows, and changed into one of his t-shirts and some sweatpants. When I re-entered the living room the sound of a petty argument was heard clearly, oh man how I missed this.
The argument was solely based on what movie we were watching. Since none of us could choose like normal human beings we thought of the only way to decide. Rock, Paper, Scissors. Obviously dean lost first he always chooses scissors, then me and sam went on many rounds before I won. I chose Halloween, the original one of course.
About halfway through the movie, the popcorn bowl was fully gone and there were wrappers everywhere from our favorite snacks. As my head laid on dean's lap, he inched closer to the screen looking at a detail in the movie, he then  broke the silence,
“How come they always have a pumpkin in this movie? Do you make pie out of it?” he asked sarcastically.
I looked at sam then back at him, was he being serious right now? 
“Have you never carved a pumpkin before?” I said shockingly,
He of course had to have a sarcastic come back, “No I’ve never carved a pumpkin before” he said in a mocking tone. I pushed myself off the floor and stared at them both who were waiting for me to explain what it was.
 No wonder sam hated halloween for more than one major reason. These boys were deprived of any childhood traditions.
I paused the movie and ordered sam to run to the store to grab pumpkins, large preferably rounded ones. Of course, to his disbelief they sold actual pumpkins in stores. I ordered dean to pick out his favorite design on the internet to copy.
I prepared the kitchen with knives, carving tool sets, and napkins/trash bags. 
Soon enough everyone was settled with the pumpkins in front of them with aprons on to not stain their clothes. I went through step by step to show them how easy the process was.
First step was to cut the stem off the pumpkin and empty the seed and stems attached inside of it. The smell of pumpkin filled the entire kitchen, the fun part was telling them to stick their hands inside to clean it faster.
Their faces were priceless, the distorted disgusted expressions and the quick flicking of seeds was my favorite part.
A few moments of chasing each other around the island table with “pumpkin guts” on a spoon came up eventually. Laughter erupted as I wiped my slimy hand onto deans face then instantly regretting my choice when he hugged me from behind wiping the excess of it onto my regular clothes.
As silence fell over the table nothing but concentrated looks were found on both brothers faces. The high pitched sound of marker could be heard over and over again as they wanted the design to be perfect. I looked over to see the progress when I laughed unintentionally at deans pumpkin. The carving was unique in it’s own way. 
Dean looked at me and said, 
“You think this is funny? This is the best damn drawing of the impala i've ever done. I’d like to see you do better picasso” he said pouting.
Sam and I giggled. I leaned up on my toes to leave a small peck on the side of his temple just to show him he was appreciated.
Sam had turned his pumpkin to show a classic face cut out almost perfectly, which was not expected less of him. I nodded in approval as he stuck his tongue out in his brothers direction to let him know that somehow that meant I liked his more than my own boyfriends.
As we completed the last finishing details, I could tell they were both very proud of their creations. The camera sound on their phones could be heard multiple times, trying to find the right angle to best show off their new skills.
 As I dragged them both outside and pushed them back, I set the pumpkins down carefully on the porch. I grabbed three candles to illuminate our designs further in the night.
The lighter clicked once more as I moved away from the final flame. I stepped back and fit right in the middle of the both of them. We admired in silence. I smiled to myself as I viewed the artwork of my boys. Their faces couldn't have been more happier as we all were together, once again.
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kailspider · 2 years
Nightmare (Sam Winchester x Reader)
Summary: As the reader and the Winchester brothers continue their hunts, Sam constantly wakes up with nightmares and they try to put an end to it.
Warning: Scary imagery, Slight gore describing, mention of torture
AN: Thank you so much for all the likes on my last post, as a starter account that means the world. I hope you all enjoy, Im happy to take any requests!
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The rumble of the impala’s tires on the road was a constant noise in the back of my head. I sat with my computer in my lap simply researching the next  haunting we were headed to. I rose my head from the dimmed screen and found dean, he was fixated on the emptiness of the road in front of him. I shifted my eyes to the right and found sam fast asleep with his head pressed all the way back on the headrest. You could tell he was exhausted when his mouth was wide open.
“You know, I could switch with you so you can get some rest as well” I said almost in a hush not wanting to wake the other brother.
Dean pushed a deep breath out of his nose and simply nodded no. I can't blame him, this is how he relaxes when something seriously shakes him up. I turned my attention back to my laptop when I heard a struggling breath come out of Sams mouth.
I immediately shut my laptop and gave him my full attention. Dean just glanced as if this was a usual occurrence. The thought of waking him up was my first choice but I couldn’t help but wonder as to what he was dreaming of. The noise was heard again but louder. I slowly put my hand on his shoulder to let him know someone was there by his side, just in case he was having a bad dream;
I was tied to a chair, my shirt was covered in blood but I didn't know if it was mine or someone else's. I was in a dim room and completely alone.
The sound of steel doors opening filled the back of my head, I searched frantically for someone to help me but not a soul could be found. I attempted to scream for help but the cloth in my mouth made it a mumbled mess and sounded more like a grunt. I was kicking and yanking my hands and legs to break the rope that bound me.
As my exhaustion got the best of me, I saw a pair of glowing red eyes staring at me in the corner. The big figure walked towards me and I knew it was a demon immediately .The long nails the entity had found its way towards the nearest wall making a deafening scratching sound. 
The demon was so close in proximity that I could feel the freezing air pocket of energy it gave off. I heard someone begin to talk then right before my eyes the face of the demon morphed. Dad? no, this was more familiar. Dean. Why would he have red eyes? I wanted answers quickly.
Before I could question if this was real, Dean began saying things and hurting me physically. He wanted answers to questions I was clueless to and he tormented me when I didn't go far enough. After what seemed like years of this torture, the demon sighed and requested I give him what he wanted or he was going to go after something bigger, like (y/n). 
(y/n) appeared out of thin air bonded with tape and rope. It was so hard to see them get hurt like that. I wanted to do everything in my power to make it stop but I couldn't, I was helpless. Tears streamed down my face fighting for (y/n) to get up. There was so much gore and things I never wanted to see happen to them.
All of a sudden I felt like I was being pulled out of a pool, the pressure and sense of relief filled my body when I realized I was awake and dean was shaking me.
I had witnessed sam fighting for his life in his sleep, I was begging dean to wake him up before he hurt himself. The words that were leaving sams mouth sounded terrifying, What was dean doing to him? Why was I helpless? 
I snapped out of it when I heard dean, 
“Sammy! wake up kid, you're scaring the shit out of (y/n)” he said sounding worried.
I turned towards sam who had a look of relief that he was awake. He was sweaty and seemed to flinch away from deans touch, but I reached out to stop him. His teary eyes turned towards the backseat where I was, he put his head down where my hands rested and didn't say a word. 
I didn't hear the whole conversation because I was so worried but it sounded like dean was telling sam he had enough of these episodes, and he needed help from us. Sam kept his head down trying to regain his composure.
We soon arrived at the motel for the night. We all shuffled in quietly not wanting to push sam over the limit with our questions. I dropped my bag on the floor and prepared the couch for sleeping. As dean stepped outside to take a phone call from bobby, I stared at a quiet sam who sat on the corner of his bed.
I cleared my throat, “hey sam I know you don't want to tal-” 
but was cut off by him pushing off the bed and storming out of the room. I sighed but knew I should leave him be, I continued to get ready and even warmed up a blanket for sam in the steam of my hot shower.
After, I went to lay down when I noticed both brothers tucked away in their separate beds. I grabbed the warm blanket and softly draped it over his wide body. When I was walking away I heard sam's voice softly call out to me, 
I turned my head to see his red puffy eyes and swollen cheeks, he had definitely been crying again. I made my way towards him and sat down in the empty space waiting for him to speak. He turned towards me and wiped his hot tears away from his nose, simply saying,
“I don't want to have another nightmare, please sleep next to me. I need to know someone is here”
 I grabbed the covers and pulled them over both of us without any questions.  He simply pulled me towards his body and didn't let go the whole night. 
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