lonely-bored-writer · 5 years
Casper High Ch. 10
Danny never realized that there was a place in Amity Park he had never really experienced, and this one was one he knew he was going to make sure he went to even after the Winchesters left town. It was different and it was something he never realized he missed. Amity Park wasn't known for many things now, and it wasn't the most attractive place. It had its perks, of course, and Amity park will always be Danny's home. No matter what memories it held, every place has it's good and bad. This however, this was something he didn't really realize about Amity so it was something else.
"Wow." Danny trailed off, staring in awe. In the corner of his eye he could see Sam watching him with a grin. The sky was a beautiful bluish-purple color with splashes of orange and red streaking the atmosphere. However, that wasn't what took his breath away; the night sky was clear, showing the hundreds of stars that splattered the sky like paint splatters.
Even as a small town, Amity never had many stars in the night- the light from the buildings and the street lights helped to lessen the brightness of those stars so that they were barely noticeable. When Sam started driving towards the woods, Danny had expected a picnic but he didn't expect it to be under such clear stars. This spot was just far enough that the light pollution didn't fog the view of the sky, but not too far from the town that it wasn't worth the drive (or the fly in Danny's case if he ever wanted to take a spin as a ghost).
"You like it?" Sam asked, looking slightly nervous as he glanced around the clearing. Sam had Danny wait with his eyes closed for a few minutes as he rustled around. Once given the go ahead, Danny opened his eyes to a picnic. The kicker was the fact that the spread was not on the ground as you would expect, but rather everything was settled on the hood of the Impala.
"I love it." Danny turned back, giving Sam a big grin. The smile the taller teen gave brought a flutter all through Danny's stomach and chest. It was all so beautiful, and wonderful. However Danny couldn't help the nagging feeling in the back of his head that there was more to this than he was being told. He trusted Sam, whatever it was he knew Sam would tell him, so he shouldn't be worried. Swallowing down the knot that formed, Danny spoke. "You actually surprised me, how'd you find out about this? Does Dean approve of us sitting on top of his car and possibly scuffing the paint?" He asked, looking up at the sky and glancing among the trees.
"Well, one of Dean's co-workers mentioned it." Sam blushed, running a hand through his hair. Danny couldn't help but find the flustered Sam a little cute- this has to be the most nervous Danny has seen Sam, which only really adds to his worry, regardless of how adorable the youngest Winchester can be. "He went camping here a few times. And yes, Dean suggested it. But he made me promise I lay out the blanket first just in case." Sam continued, reaching for one of the bags.
"Aw, you know me too well." Danny laughed as Sam brandished a red sugar-free monster. The teen could recount the amount of times Sam made a comment about the amount of energy drinks Danny has consumed around him. It wasn't always for the caffeine- sometimes the flavor was just craved.
"I might not approve of your caffeine addiction," Sam joked, handing Danny his drink. "But having it only sometimes isn't all that bad." Danny grinned, cracking the can open and taking a sip. Sam really did think of everything; just the realization that Sam's focused enough to remember his favorites made his heart flutter.
"You really thought of everything." Danny smiled fondly, looking among the array of food laying out on the blanket covered hood. Their favorite meals from the Nasty Burger along with the few dessert options they had.
The night flowed easily for the two of them, each moment filled with laughter and conversation. Sharing stories from their time before the two met, and even recalling events that happened during their time knowing each other. Danny hadn't laughed this much since his best friends left. Life seemed to fall darker the months that followed their absence, the Winchester brothers were a nice distraction from it all, even if it was only temporary.
However Danny wasn't completely oblivious, he knew this was out of the blue. Something had to be up, and he could feel it. Sam was a little distracted through their time under the stars, occasionally falling slightly too far into his thoughts. Tonight felt special, different in all the ways that mattered, and maybe tonight was the time to say something.
"Danny." The halfa chuckled as the other spoke at the same time.
"Uh- you go first." Sam laughed along, causing Danny to shake his head.
"You can go first, it's not that important." Danny brushed off, waving his hand around, feeling his nerves growing stronger with each passing second.
"Danny, you know I really enjoy being here. More than the other schools I've been to, but..." Sam paused, taking a breath and meeting Danny's gaze. "But in my family, and my dad's job, we always move." Danny noted the sad look that Sam tried to mask, offering him his own sad smile.
"I know your dad isn't a mechanic." Danny spoke, watch Sam tense before quickly continuing, not wanting to make Sam more anxious than he had to. "But I won't ask you what the real reason is, because I trust you. Everyone has their thing, and I know you know I do as well. You are doing so to protect your family and I understand and I don't blame you." Danny chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.
"I'm sorry, I don't want to lie nor leave but I can't stay." Sam spoke, the sadness growing heavy. Danny turned, grabbing one of Sam's hands.
"I don't want you to, this has been the best time I've had in a long time, but life happens." Danny paused, swallowing down his emotions. As much as he'd like to demand the truth, get confirmation, and tell Sam he doesn't have to follow his father's footsteps, he knows it's not his place. "When do you leave?"
"Tomorrow." Sam answered. Danny felt his heart clinch, that why Sam did this. Tonight was the last time they were going to hang out.
"Let's not spoil tonight then?" Danny asked, watching Sam chuckled softly with a nod.
Danny tugged Sam down to lay down next to him with the hand he had yet to release. The two teens laid side by side, laced hands resting between them on the blanket-covered hood of the car as they watched the stars above them.
Danny couldn't shake the heavy feeling that weighed on him when Sam drove him home late that night, and as he pulled the taller teen into a hug before he left. The feeling sunk heavier and heavier with every step towards his home. The sounds of his parents tinkering in the lab rang loudly in the air as he made his way to the kitchen.
Through habit he put together a meal for his parents, mostly leftovers from the night prior. Heating it before stumbling down the stairs, Danny placed it on a table, wanting to be as unnoticed as possible. His eyes landed on the current experiment, a small ghostly bug laid huddled in the corner of a clear case, wire traveling the various different parts of the unfortunate ghost. Danny swallowed, feeling bad for the little guy, but he also knew better than to try and release it with his parents still working on it.
He placed the plate in the same place as usual, gathering the small pile of plates placed nearby. Danny stepped softly towards the stairs- he had made it this far and he didn't want to be caught now. All he really wanted to do was get to bed and let the events of the day hit him. However, life, and death, liked to hit him with a train repeatedly.
"Danny boy!" The sudden shout caused the teen to jump, turning to be met with his parents looking at him. Danny swallowed, offering a smile to his parents, but it came out shaky and queasy, but it wasn't like his parents cared enough about him to notice.
"Did you just get in?" Maddie asked, wiping ectoplasm onto a stained towel. Danny swallowed again, trying to ignore the nausea that waved over him. That was blood. Blood that took up half the volume of his own veins.
"Uh yea, I was out with Sam." Danny answered, taking a small step towards the exit. "I was just going to-"
"Do you want to see what we're working on?!" Jack exclaimed, waving towards a set of wires not connected to anything. Danny tensed, smiling nervously, alarms blared in his head and he needed out, like right now.
"I was actually thinking I'll head to bed early and catch up on sleep before school." Danny answered, hoping it was going to save him this time around.
"Nonsense." Maddie smiled, reaching towards her son and dragging him closer. "It will only take a moment."
"Yea kiddo." Jack slapped his back, cause Danny to hold back a wince.
"Uhh, sure." Danny smiled nervously, there was no way out and Sam and Dean weren't gonna be there tomorrow to help him bandage whatever his parents were going to do to him. Danny wasn't enthused that he would have to get used to throwing together care for his wounds himself until he could finally leave his parents behind.
Danny groaned softly, falling back into his bed. Eyes stared into the ceiling as various parts of him felt on fire. The plus side was that no skin was broken, but the downside was that he could feel it deep in his muscles, the grasping fingers of pain trying their best to reach past the limits of his muscles to dig its claws deep into his bones. He knew he was going to be ridiculously sore in the morning, but it really could be worse.
That's when it hit him, the news that was dropped on him today. Sam was leaving, which means so was Dean. The two people who were there for him, who cared for him in such a short time. Who he cared for. They were the only people who gave Danny the time of day since his friends moved and Jazz moved out for college, when Danny fell back to being invisible except to bullies.
Danny sighed, curling onto his side. He didn't want life to fall back into the lonely routine he had before the Winchesters. It's true he still had his two best friends, but they were miles away. It's different to have someone here for you, only a few minutes away... Sam was different, someone Danny was pretty sure he couldn't forget easily even if he wanted to.
He understood, he knows that life can be different and people have things they have to do to protect not only themselves but other loved ones. Sam has to go, his family has some type of job they have to complete. Maybe Danny doesn't know the details, doesn't know why the Winchesters have to travel around and find trouble. All he knows is that's what they do, and even if he hoped they didn't, he won't try to talk them out of anything. He gets doing anything you can for family, he's not angry or upset about them leaving.
He's just... sad.
Tears finally welled in his eyes, no longer being able to hold them back. The warm tears slide across his cheeks and Danny curled in on himself tighter. He's been able to keep his feelings generally in check over all this time, even with everything that happened. But sometimes things just got too much, and he couldn't hold it in anymore.
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lonely-bored-writer · 5 years
Casper High Ch. 6
Danny was used to having problems appear back to back, one right after the other. Today didn't start off too bad however, and he was able to handle some budding issues before they got too far. It wasn't all that hard, starting with his parents possible breakthrough in ghost science. They had been off on some ghost related business for a bit, so all he had to do was go to the basement and turn off the power.
Danny was easily able to unlock all of the test cages- regardless of how smart his parents are, they made more than their share of mistakes (possibly more than they should if Danny was being fully truthful). When they go through long periods work binges, they do the one thing that always comes back to haunt them- they forget to save their progress. It might seem ridiculous to start seeing as saving your work is the most obvious and most known part of being able to protect your progress, but the Fentons are known to forget a great swath of things when they become too invested in work. The power kill was enough to erase a massive amount information.
Don't get him wrong, he hates messing with his parents like this. However, he knows that it wouldn't end well if the world found out too much about ghosts. Danny knew what fear could and would do and if the world at large knew about ghost's existence, it wouldn't be pretty in the least. And sadly his parents aren't ones to keep these things to themselves once discovered; he would know.
Aside from that one possible issue of his parents, Danny had little things he dealt with on a daily basis- chores, homework, little spats between ghosts, and possible ghost attacks. It finally settled for the day as it seemed, and the teen had two hours to kill before he is supposed to go to Sam's to work on the paper- which was unusual.
Danny wasn't used to having a lot of free time, if any, ever since the accident. He was even caught up on the work due the following day. He could use this time to catch up in his sleep- he can only go so long without enough sleep… even with being a half dead, his living half needed sleep to be able to function, which thus influenced his ghost half's performance. When the halfa tried to sleep, of course his mind didn't want to quiet down enough for him to be able to. It's not like the teen wasn't used to stressing when he should/would be able to sleep, but he wasn't used to stressing about the living outside of ghost attacks.
Sam Winchester was the one that his thoughts had zeroed in on. Danny didn't know the taller teen for too long, but he couldn't help the thoughts and feelings that swirled through him every time the younger Winchester was around or mentioned. It wasn't bad and he didn't hate having the other around. It was quite the opposite actually.
Danny found himself wishing they could spend time together more often, rather than in school or the few times he was able to find free time to meet up. However, he could feel a shift in the friendship. It had happened the night Sam showed up at his home unannounced, not that the raven hair teen had minded. It had happened not long before Dean showed up to collect his brother.
Danny could pinpoint it, it was a significant shift. The way Sam had paused, eyes burrowing into Danny before he dropped his gaze. The hangout went from relaxed to fidgety and awkward, not physically but in thought. Danny could tell the taller had been thinking hard about something, seemingly keen on keeping eye contact to a minimum as if he didn't want Danny to know what he was thinking.
With a groan, Danny flipped into his stomach and buried his head into his pillow. He shouldn't be wasting time thinking about this, but he couldn't help but feel like he messed up somewhere along the line. The thought alone was enough to bring the teen's spirit down. Regardless, he knew that Sam wasn't going to be around for long, but he felt terrible whenever he thought of the teen leaving his life.
Sam was the first friend he's had since the moves of his best friends, and the only person that really paid him any mind. It was going to be weird without the Winchester around, falling back into his lonely ways until he can finally leave Amity. Knowing his luck, he'd be alone even after then. Things never really looked up for Danny, usually ending with the rug being tugged out from under him. Which was possibly why he's taken to floating and hesitation when faced with something good- a fact pointed out by Tucker and his Sam.
Shaking himself, Danny didn't want to keep overthinking when he had some place to be in... forty minutes now. He'll head out soon, but for now he'll just lie down and rest for a moment. His eyelids slid closed, his lack of sleep finally catching up with him and making the teen so much more tired than he was a second ago. Sleep, that would be the best way to spend this time...
Danny groaned when the familiar shiver ran through him. He pulled himself into a sitting position, attempting to rub the sleep from his eyes and awaken enough to be able to handle whatever situation it was this time. Another shiver ran down his spine, and he finally was able to pull himself out of bed. Twenty-five minutes had passed, yet the moment of silence had felt much shorter. Regardless, he needed to end this so he can head to the motel.
Why did things like this have to happen to him, he was getting tired of lady luck deciding to turn her back on him. Especially the times when a little luck would be most appreciated. Of course with Danny, he doesn't get any. Yet another sigh had left the teen as he rested against the damp walls behind the hotel. His shirt and jacket resting in a pile on a crate as he clumsily wrapped gauze around his torso, trying hard to not make it too tight this time.
He would have happily take box ghost twenty times, over Skulker with upgrades. The hardest part was whenever any upgrade that the ghost gained actually slowed his healing. These wounds wouldn't have been a big deal, had his heal rate not been slashed in half. Nonetheless, Danny didn't have too much time to wallow or really focus on the wounds and pain. He was already seventeen minutes late and counting.
Pushing his pain aside and thanking his large pain tolerance, he shrugged on his shirt and jacket, doing a quick sweep of the area after he settled. All visible signs of the fight that had just taken place was hidden from view, as long as he kept his sleeves down and face empty of discomfort, he would be fine. His main worry was how the gauze seemed to sit just a bit to loose, he wasn't sure if that was better then tight but he didn't have time to figure it out.
With a soft wince, Danny shrugged his bag onto his bruised shoulder. Quickly making his way towards the motel room the brothers stayed in, he made sure to keep the pains that arose from every bump or strain on bruised and injured area out of his actions. Alone or not, he'd rather not reveal his injuries. All he needed was to be able to handle this until he could go to his parents basement and work up a serum to reverse the effects. He kept a relaxed smile on his lips once he knocked, greeting Sam when the door was finally opened.
"Hey, I'm sorry I'm late." Danny apologized, resisting the urge to do his nervous tick. The less pain, the easier to hide. "My parents wanted my help on a quick thing, which became longer, and I left later than I expected." Danny explained, entering the room and nodding to Dean.
"It's okay." Sam smiled, settling at the table where his stuff was already spread out. "You're not that late." Danny nodded, taking his seat across from Sam. Working to take out his own supplies, along with a book he found on wendigos. He didn't need Sam knowing he knew most of these facts off the top of his head. He kept his teeth pressing into the inside of his cheek when he wasn't talking. Movements only jerking the fresh injuries, if he had an hour to rest he'd have been able to handle this much better.
After about half an hour of working diligently with Sam, going over facts and figuring out the plot of the short story, Dean spoke up. "I'm going to go grab some food, don't work too hard while I'm gone." Dean smirked making his way out the door before pausing and turning to the duo. "Also, don't open the door for anyone." He warned before leaving and locking the door. Danny couldn't remember when it started, but the older Winchester always parted with the rule before he left them alone.
"How do you feel about the idea of a freshly turned Wendigo?" Sam asked, breaking the smaller teen from his thoughts. "We could do one where the Wendigo still has some humanity and maybe works to be better rather than solely eating to eat when he finds a person?"
"That'll actually be interesting." Danny nodded, looking down at the book opened in front of him. "We could make the person a female, most stories about wendigo focus on the male sides."
"Sounds good." Sam acknowledged, hands typing quickly on his laptop. Danny glanced up, feeling a bit bad that Sam was doing most of the typing but too sore to really want to move his arms all that much. "Can you read over this while I take a bathroom break?" Sam asked, sliding the laptop over to Danny. The teen nodded, getting to reading as Sam made his way to the bathroom.
As much as Danny really wanted to focus on the words in front of him, his mind wandering to the fact that the odd heaviness still hung over the two. When Dean was here, it was much less noticeable. When the eldest of the three left, the heaviness became much clearer. With a sigh, Danny refocused, eyes scanning the words on the page. He was pretty surprised by the detail in the writing, in gave him a feeling of real non-fiction rather than fiction.
"Danny." The shocked tone, cause the smaller teen to turn quickly. Confused eyes met shocked and concerned ones. Danny didn't even recall hearing Sam finish up in the bathroom, much less come out. "Are you okay?"
"Yea, why?" Danny asked, confused as to why Sam was suddenly so concerned.
"You're... You're bleeding." Sam answered, moving towards to teen. He lightly touched the back of Danny's jacket, pulling a wince from the other. With an apologetic look, his hand pulled back to reveal the light dusting of red coating the once clean fingertips. Danny felt his blood freeze over, fear filling him. He had been trying so hard to keep the brothers' from noticing anything, he forgot that he'd have to change the dressing as well.
"I-It's nothing." Danny quickly shook his head, tugging on the sleeves on his jacket. "I'm okay Sam, it's just... a flesh wound?" Danny knew those words not even close to being confident enough to convince the taller teen. Danny noticed the sudden shift in the other's demeanor. Going from concerned, confused, and somewhat angry, to understanding and sadness.
"I won't ask..." Sam trailed, glancing down at his hand before seeming to make up his mind. "Only if you let me properly take care of it." Sam concluded, his voice leaving no room for argument. Danny swallowed, before nodding.
"Yea, okay..." Danny agreed. "You don't have to, I'll be fine though."
"I want to." Sam admitted. "Besides, with the amount of mechanic accidents my dad and brother have, I know a few things about first aid." Danny winced at the mention of the older brother, he knew Dean probably wouldn't be as relaxed about the situation as Sam was being, of which he was thankful for.
"Can we please keep this from Dean?" Danny asked, tensing when he heard the lock click and door open.
"Keep what from me?" Dean's voice filtered through, confusion filling his face when he took in how close the two where before his eyes landed on Sam's hands. He dropped the bag of food onto the bed before his features hardened. His tone taking a more demanding bite. "Whose hurt, how bad, and why." The questions came out more like commands than questions.
"I-" Danny paused, glancing at Sam.
"Danny is." Sam answered, giving Danny yet another apologetic look, yet unwilling to lie to his brother. "I don't know how bad or why, but I just got him to let me help take care of it."
"Make that both of us." Dean grumbled before turning all of his attention on the smallest in the room. "Unlike Sammy over there, I'm gonna need an explanation but that can wait until after we clean you up."
Danny nodded, slowly working on taking off his jacket and shirt with Dean moved to grab a seemingly hefty first aid kit. He's mind working a mile a minute to try and come up with some kind of reasonable excuse to why he is bleeding, where the four large cuts across his back and wrapped to his torso came from, or even how to explain away to bruises.
The looks the Winchesters gave when he peeled away his shirt was enough to scare him, and he wasn't even the one who did this. He needed help taking off the bandages, his back hurting way too much. In the end, Dean had to cut the soaked-through bandages off the halfa's back. As his mottled, bloody skin was revealed, the brothers' face seem to melt at the same time, eyes hardening with anger as their eyes swept over the various bruises and slowly leaking cuts.
Impending doom was crashing around his ears and Danny really doesn't think he can lie his way out of this one.
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lonely-bored-writer · 5 years
Casper High Ch. 5
Sam Winchester was use to moving around, leaving behind every life he's made. It's a part of the package deal that is hunting. Normally he can do it, easy to become the "new kid" loner. He'd make one friend, maybe two who he could easily forget. He never gets close, that's the one rule he has made in his time. One rule he hasn't found the exception to... Until Danny Fenton joined the picture.
"Do you want to do Hansel and Gretel?" Danny cut through his thoughts, looking up to him from his own computer. Sam paused, eyes trained on the other teen. He had realized how extremely blue the other boy's eyes were.
"I was thinking something more odd." Sam shrugged, looking down at his opened tab. Wendigo. "Not many people know about wendigos, so I thought it would be a good idea." The shocked look that filtered through Danny's eyes drew Sam's attention more.
"I didn't think anyone else knew about them either." Danny breathed, a sheepish smile sliding on his face. "I'm pretty sure no one in Casper knows about them."
"So it's settled?" Sam asked, hiding his shocked. Maybe he shouldn't be so surprised considering Danny's parents. It was clearly going to be an interesting project but Sam didn't really mind. He was actually kind of looking forward to it if he was being honest.
"Hey Sammy." The serious look on his brother's face dulled the annoyance at the nickname. The younger teen turned his full attention to his brother, keeping his mind from jumping to the worse conclusions. "I got word from dad while you and Danny were working."
"Are we leaving?" Sam asked, his heart seeming to freeze. For the idea of leaving hit him harder then anytime before. The soft smirk that slide onto Dean's face, the expression only making Sam want to punch him.
"The ghost case is being a little more difficult then he expected." Dean explained. "We'll be here for maybe two more weeks."
"Jerk." Sam grounded, but he knew he's brother saw his relief.
"Bitch." Dean countered before grabbing his jacket. "How bout a movie?"
"Only if its not one of your stupid macho ones."
"I was thinking more along the lines of your nerdy superhero."
"What's the catch?" Sam's eyes narrowed, watching his brother as they made their way out of the motel.
"No catch." Dean responded nonchalantly. "Can't I do something nice for my baby bro?"
Sam kept a clean eye on Dean through out the movie and the drive back. There was always some kind of a catch with his brother.
The catch came sure enough, leaving Sam to wonder around amity, and leaving his brother the motel room for the night. Sam's parting warning was his part better stay people free. He didn't necessarily dislike the warning, it was better then hearing it until he decided to find his way somewhere else. Without realizing it, the teen found himself walking in the direction of Fenton Works.
At this hour the library was closed, and if Danny happened to be spending his night doing something better then being home, Sam could always make his way to the Nasty Burger. Nevertheless, Sam found himself doubting his choice as he knocked on the door. After a few beats, he thought maybe it was time to go...
"Sam?" The voice pulled the teen from his thoughts as he was met with a tired looking Danny. "What are you doing here? Actually sorry, come in."
"Hey Danny... I hope you don't mind I dropped by like this." Sam offered sheepishly, stepping into the chill home. "Dean has some companion over and I didn't quite want to stay there."
"Of course not, you're always welcomed." Danny smiled, but Sam could see the tiredness attempting to hide.
"Did I wake you?" Sam asked, feeling slightly bad for this choice. "I could-"
"No, no. It's okay." Danny shook his head, leading Sam towards the kitchen. "I was working on some assignments, would you like something to drink? eat?"
'Water thanks." Sam took in the dimly light room, and the layout before something popped into mind. "Would your parents mind me being here?"
"They wouldn't, they aren't here either." Danny seemed to catch Sam's underlining question. "They left on some job consultation a few hours over." Sam had a feeling he knew what the Fentons' were up too.
"Is it okay if I hang here until my brother gives me the okay to trek back?"
"Nonsense, like I said. You're always welcomed. We can hang in my room."
Maybe coming there hadn't been the best idea Sam has had. Granted he did have a fun time, he couldn't shake the feeling that moment before Dean showed.
"Everything good?" Dean asked once he's baby brother was situated in the car. Sam nodded, eyes glued to the window as they drove off to the motel room. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right Sammy?"
"Sam." Sam spoke for the first time since the pick up. "Yea I know, its just... I don't know."
"Did something happen with Danny?" Sam could feel the glances his brother was throwing him. "Did he do something?"
"No Dean, it's not like that." Sam sighed, turning to his older brother. He had enough on his mind and he didn't want his brother on him as one of them. "Can we drop this... for now... Please?" Sam turned to his brother, making eye contact before the elder sighed and turned his gaze back to the road.
"Okay, for now." Dean agreed, turning his attention to the road. Sam could basically hear the gears turning in his brother's head. Which only added to make his current thoughts worse... He really didn't know what he should do about all this.
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